Amazing apricot jam: an old Hungarian recipe and modern cooking methods. Apricot jam

Publication date: 07/07/2017

One of the activities in the summer is harvesting berries and vegetables for the winter. There is nothing better than when you open your jam or pickle in the cold season. Let's talk about apricots today. We will prepare apricot jam for the winter. We will learn how to cook without stones, and with them, and slices. Let's take a look at the royal recipe. Our jam will be thick and tasty. And to create such a masterpiece is very simple and easy.

The article describes the following recipes:

  1. Classic: pitted
  2. Quick Recipe Five Minute
  3. Cooking slices: simple and tasty
  4. royal recipe
  5. Cooking in a slow cooker: video

You can see how to weld Strawberry jam for the winter. It turns out thick, tasty and fragrant.

Seedless apricot jam recipe: preparing for the winter

The first to your attention is the classic way of cooking. We will cook apricots in 3 stages. This will allow us to keep the maximum useful substances while maintaining a fresh taste and summer fragrance berries. The jam will turn out to be a bright natural color.

For cooking we need:

  • Apricots - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
As you can see from the composition, the ratio is 1 to 1!


1. Prepare the berries. Apricots should be washed and dried. We separate from the bones.

2. Shift to large saucepan. We fall asleep with sugar. And we leave from evening until tomorrow morning in our case. Let's see how much juice it gives. And then we'll start cooking.

3. In the morning, apricots gave juice. The sugar has almost dissolved. We put on fire. We are waiting for it to boil. Turn down the heat and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes. We set aside the next day.

4. Second day. As you can see in the picture, they are all soaked with us. We bet on slow fire and wait for it to boil. Remove from heat and leave the next day.

5. Third day. The jam is transparent. The berries are soaked. There are whole ones. We put on a small fire. When it boils, cook for five minutes. Then we lay out in sterilized jars.

When boiling, foam is formed. We collect it from the surface.

6. As the banks are closed, they need to be turned upside down. So they will stand until completely cooled.

The jam is ready!

Pitted apricot jam "Pyatiminutka": prepared quickly and tasty

The recipe has been tested over the years. Only we will significantly reduce the rate of sugar. By classical way we take 1 to 1. This jam was well kept even when room temperature. Theoretically, this is correct. But it turned out very sweet. Therefore, we will take 400-500 grams of sugar per 1 kilogram of apricots.

Cooking jam:

1. First of all, wash and dry the berries. Then cut in half lengthwise. We take out the bone. We have large apricots, so we additionally cut them in half.

Weigh already without stones!

We fall asleep apricot with sugar. Let's level it up a bit. Cover with a lid and leave for 3-4 hours. Apricots should give juice.

2. In the meantime, prepare the jars. You can sterilize them in the oven. We wash the jars and put them in a cold oven. We set the temperature to 120-130 degrees. After it warms up, stand for 5-7 minutes. The jars need to be completely dry. Then let them cool down.

Lids can simply be filled with boiling water. We put them in a separate container and leave for 7-10 minutes.

3. 4 hours have passed. We put on a slow fire and slowly warm up. You don't need to mix. As the apricots warm up, they can be slowly mixed from the bottom up.

4. We warm up further. We need the sugar to dissolve completely. Do not forget to stir, but not often as needed. The jam is almost boiled. This can be seen from the first bubbles. After it boils, cook for 5-7 minutes. And we can pour it into banks.

5. Pour hot jam into jars. We fill them to the very brim. Close and flip immediately. Wrap and leave to cool.

6. The jam is ready. Since it has little sugar, it is better to store it in a cool place.

Recipe for delicious apricot jam: cook in slices

The second recipe is slightly different from the first. Jam is practically not boiled, but only poured with syrup. This is done within three days.

The composition is the same:

  • 1 kilo of apricots
  • 1 kilogram of sugar

Cooking process:

1. My berries. We dry them. We separate from the bones.

You can take a little green berries, not quite ripe. They are even easier to clean.

2. Pour sugar into a saucepan. Pour in water about 15 milliliters per 1 kilogram. And we put it on fire. We stir. Sugar should dissolve and boil. Once it boils, boil for about 5 minutes.

Don't forget to stir so it doesn't stick to the bottom.

3. How to cook syrup, immediately fill it with apricots. Gently distribute the berries throughout the volume.

4. Cover with a lid or cling film. And leave it like this for a day.

5. Jam started juice. It must be carefully poured into a saucepan. Set the apricots aside. And put the pot on the fire. Stir the syrup and wait until it boils. It takes 2-3 minutes for it to boil well.

6. Remove from heat and immediately pour our apricots. Cover with a lid and cling film. and leave for the next day.

7. On the third day, repeat the procedure. Drain the syrup, boil and pour over the apricots. We leave for a day.

On the fourth day, put the jam on the fire. When it boils and cook for 5 minutes. Add a pinch of citric acid or squeeze a little lemon juice.

Then turn on the gas and immediately pour into sterilized jars.

8. It turned out delicious sweet apricot jam for the winter.

Royal recipe for apricot jam with nuts

We will cook jam in a royal way. The method is unusual. Its essence is that the bones are removed and instead of them some kind of nut. In our case, walnut. In this case, the berries remain intact. And if there is no nut, then you can cook with bones.


  • Apricot - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms
  • Water - 500-600 milliliters
  • Walnut kernels - 100 - 150 grams

Let's start cooking:

1. Berries must be washed and dried. For this jam, apricots should not be overripe, but of medium ripeness. In other words, tight. Now we need to remove the bones. We make an incision along the berry and carefully remove the bone. And immediately put instead of it Walnut. And so with each berry.

You can use the bones as a filling. But for that, you need to take out the nucleoli and add it to the apricot instead of the nut. But remember that the nucleoli can be bitter. Better add walnut!
And instead of walnut, you can use any other.

2. Cooking syrup. Pour water into a saucepan. Bring to a boil and add sugar. stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

You can add blackcurrant or cherry leaves for taste and aroma.

Cook for literally 5 minutes. Turn off the fire and cover with a lid. Let it stand for 5-6 hours. During this time, the berries are saturated with syrup.

3. Then again put on fire, bring to a boil. When it boils, turn off the fire. Then carefully remove the foam. And leave for 5-6 hours.

3. For the third time, after boiling, we simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. We remove the leaves of currant or cherry, if you added them. Then we put it in jars.

4. Apricot jam royal prescription ready. From two kilograms of apricots, 4 half-liter jars and one half-liter with syrup were obtained. Now the jars need to be turned over and covered until completely cooled. I wish you success in your preparation!

How to cook pitted apricot jam in a slow cooker?

We will help in cooking with a multicooker. I bring to your attention detailed video recipe.

Grocery list:

  • Apricot pitted - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Juice of half 1 lemon
  • Agar - 2 tablespoons

2 kg pitted apricots + 1 kg sugar + juice of half 1 lemon. cook in jam mode for 2 hours. at the end add agar 2 tbsp

Brief description of the video

Wash and dry apricots. Naturally, the bones are removed. We put apricot, sugar and lemon in the multicooker bowl. We put the mode "Jam" and cook for 2 hours. At the end, add agar.

Apricot is one of the wonderful creations of nature. Not only is it delicious, but it's also healthy. And what a pleasure to eat apricot jam in winter. When a piece of summer is on the table. Today we have sorted out several recipes for apricot jam for the winter. Several options: with bones, without stones and slices. Learned how to cook royal jam. dismantled quick recipe 5 Five minutes. It turned out thick, fragrant, sweet and very tasty!

Apricot confiture, the recipe of which will be discussed later, is a delicate and very tasty dessert. You can cook it different ways. It should also be said that it is permissible to use this delicacy not only for the purpose of ordinary consumption with tea, but also for a layer of cakes, as a filling for buns, cakes, for making sweet sandwiches, etc.

general information

What is apricot confiture? All housewives should know the recipes for such a delicacy. But before presenting them to your attention, you should tell what it is in general.

Confiture is called jelly-like food product, in which whole or crushed berries or any other fruits boiled together with sugar are evenly distributed. It should also be noted that such a dessert is often added in the form of pectin or agar-agar.

Unlike jam, which has a spreadable consistency, confiture is a jelly mass. Usually it keeps its shape well and does not drip off the spoon even when turned upside down.

History of occurrence

Now you know what apricot confiture is. The recipe for such a dessert should be used if you want to preserve berries or fruits for a long time, as well as eat solid foods (for example, quince) or with a sharp aroma and taste (for example, lemons).

How long ago did they start making apricot confiture? The recipe for such a delicacy has been known to people since ancient times. Very often in the annals, fruits are mentioned that were boiled in honey or in evaporated grape juice. However, for quite a long time, such products were a luxury and a rarity. But at the beginning of the 19th century everything changed. It was at this time that it began to actively spread

Apricot confiture: cooking recipes

There are many ways to prepare such a delicacy. However, they are all similar to each other and require the use of a standard set of products (there may be different proportions).

What ingredients do we need to make apricot jam? The recipe for such a dessert involves the use of:

  • pectin - 20 g.

Fruit preparation

How should apricot confiture be prepared? The recipe with the photo requires you to first wash all the fruits, and then divide them in half and remove the seeds. Then they are laid out in a large basin and covered with sugar. In this form, apricots are left for 4 or more hours. This is necessary so that the fruits give their juice and, combined with sugar, form a thick syrup.

Heat treatment

How to cook apricot confiture? A simple recipe for this dessert involves cooking it over low heat. A basin is placed on the stove with sugar syrup and slowly bring to a boil. At the same time, be sure to ensure that the apricots do not burn. To do this, they are constantly stirred with a large spoon.

Bringing the confiture to a boil, it is boiled over low heat for exactly 5 minutes. Next, the dessert is removed from the stove and left to cool for 4 hours. Over time, pectin is added to the apricots and put back on the stove. In this form, the confiture is boiled for another 10 minutes, stirring regularly.

Final stage

After all the described actions, the boiled fruits are removed from the fire and partially cooled. Then they are whipped with a blender, getting confiture uniform consistency. After that, it is laid out in jars, closed and sent to the refrigerator. In this form, confiture is kept for about 4-5 hours. As soon as it cools, the product can be eaten.

Apricot confiture: a recipe for the winter

Properly prepared confiture has a jelly structure. If you failed to achieve such a result, then we recommend using more gelling agents. They will help to get thick and delicious dessert, which can be consumed just like that, along with tea, and also used for baking and other delicacies.

What ingredients do we need to make delicious apricot jam? The recipe, implemented in a slow cooker, requires the use of:

  • soft ripe apricots - 1 kg;
  • small beet sugar - 800 g;
  • drinking water - ½ cup;
  • agar-agar - 20 g.

We prepare products

For cooking apricot jam it is necessary to purchase only ripe and soft fruits. They are washed well hot water, and then dried, divided in half and removed the bones.

As soon as the apricots are processed, they are laid out in a multicooker bowl and 300 g of granulated sugar are poured. After mixing the components with a spoon, they are immediately subjected to heat treatment.

Cooking confiture in a slow cooker

Due to the fact that apricots with sugar were not kept warm for several hours, a little drinking water should be added to them. This will prevent the fruit from burning, and will also contribute to the rapid formation of syrup.

Cook apricot confiture in a slow cooker, preferably in stewing mode. Such a program will allow the dessert to be prepared slowly and carefully.

Stirring sweet fruits regularly with a large spoon, they are gradually brought to a boil. After that, time is recorded and confiture is cooked for exactly 10 minutes. As time passes, the apricots are partially cooled and they are processed mechanically.

Grind fruit through a sieve

Above, we told you about how to prepare apricot jam using a kitchen device such as a blender. If you do not have such a device available, then we recommend using a conventional sieve. A small part of the thermally processed apricot mass is laid out in it, and then it is intensively crushed with a pusher. In this case, the skin and hard fibers should remain at the top, and all the most delicate pulp should be at the bottom.

Re-heat treatment

As soon as the pulp from the apricots is separated from the skin and coarse fibers, proceed to its repeated heat treatment. To do this, a homogeneous fruit mass is laid out in a multicooker bowl, where all the sugar residues are subsequently poured, and a gelling agent such as agar-agar is also added.

After mixing all the ingredients with a large spoon, they are slowly brought to a boil in the mode of cooking or stewing. After the apricot mass begins to foam, the time is immediately noted. This time, the confiture is cooked a little longer (about ¼ hour).

Proper winter dressing

In order for apricot confiture to keep well all its taste qualities, and it could be consumed throughout the long winter, the finished fruit mass must be laid out only in sterilized jars.

There are many ways to sterilize such containers. Someone uses a microwave oven, someone uses a slow cooker, and someone carries out such a procedure on a conventional stove.

So, after the jars are prepared, they are filled with hot confiture and immediately rolled up with boiled tin lids. In this form, the containers are covered with a thick blanket and left at room temperature for 2-3 days.

Over time, apricot confiture is removed to the pantry, cellar or cellar. If you do not have such places, then the dessert can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature. It is allowed to eat it after a few days.

Today we will offer you simple recipes which even a young or inexperienced hostess can easily cope with. As a result, you can prepare fragrant apricot jam with different tastes. This treat will delight your family and guests all winter, until the new season.

Classic apricot jam recipe

If you are lucky enough to collect a rich harvest of fruits in your garden, then be sure to use this recipe. sweet dessert you can always serve it with crispy toast for breakfast or make light cakes from it.


  • apricots - two kilograms;
  • lemon juice - a quarter cup;
  • water - half a glass;
  • sugar - four glasses;
  • gelatin or pectin - one sachet.

First you need to process the fruit. Wash, remove the seeds, and cut the flesh into small pieces. Wash and sterilize the jars in any convenient way. Tin lids boil on the stove for a few minutes.

Combine water, lemon juice, half the sugar and gelatin in a large saucepan. Mix the products, transfer the fruits to them. Boil the mixture over a fire and then add the remaining sugar. After that, increase the heat and bring the jam to a boil again.

Checking the consistency of the future dessert is very simple. To do this, cool the spoon in ice water and scoop up jam with it. If the result does not suit you, then add a little more gelatin to the pan and boil the food for some more time.

After a minute, remove the pan from the stove and pour hot dessert to banks.
Roll up the lids with a key and turn the dishes upside down. When the jam has cooled, it can be served immediately with hot tea or stored until winter.

Jam with apricots and rosemary

Using a slow cooker will simplify the process of cooking dessert and make it even more enjoyable. Apricot jams for the winter can be prepared with aromatic herbs and spices. This time we suggest using rosemary, and in the future you can experiment with other additives.


  • two kilograms of apricots;
  • one and a half kilograms of sugar;
  • two sprigs of rosemary.

So, we are preparing apricot jam. In a slow cooker, you need to put peeled and finely chopped fruits, and then pour them with water (it will take about half a glass). Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the fruit for half an hour.

Put rosemary in a saucepan and pour 100 ml of water into it. After the broth boils, boil the herbs for another five minutes. Remove the sprigs from the pot and set them aside.

When the apricots become soft, remove them from the bowl and beat with a blender. Then return the puree back and fill with fragrant broth. Add sugar and set the cooking mode to 40 minutes. Do not forget to periodically remove the foam and mix the sweet mass.

If desired, you can cook jam on the stove in regular saucepan. In this case, the cooking time will increase to one and a half hours.

When the jam is ready, put it in jars and roll it up. As usual, it is better to cover the dishes with a woolen blanket or a warm blanket. The next day, the treat can be sent to the pantry or any dark and cool place. And, of course, you can open one jar right away to enjoy your favorite dessert to the fullest.

Apricot jam with almonds

The original taste of this sweet homemade allows you to expand the scope of its application. For example, you can use apricot jams with nuts as a filling for fluffy puffs or buns.


  • apricots - 30 grams;
  • almonds - 30 pieces;
  • cane sugar - 200 grams.

The recipe for apricot jam is very simple. You will be convinced of this when you read it to the end.

Pour over the almonds hot water, and after a couple of minutes, drain the liquid and peel the nuts from the skin. Immediately after this, you need to dry the kernels in a dry frying pan.

achieve original taste You can do it without the help of almonds. To do this, you only need a few nucleoli extracted from apricot pits. Add them to the jam a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

Wash the fruits, peel and remove the seeds. After that, cut them into slices and grind with a blender. Pour sugar into the resulting puree and beat the products again. Send the fruit mass to the fire and bring it to a boil.

After five minutes, remove the film from the surface of the jam and add the prepared nuts to it. Simmer the treat for another two or three minutes, and then transfer it to glass jars. Roll up blanks in the usual way, cool them and take them to the pantry

Apricot jams, the recipes of which we have described on this page, are very tasty and beautiful. Having a jar of sweet treats in stock, you can always please your guests fragrant dessert or prepare a fruit pie for their arrival.

Video recipe for apricot jam with orange slices

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Every summer, as soon as the apricot season comes, I make jam from these fragrant and sweet orange balls. Firstly, I really like this word - confiture. It sounds so promising and enticing that it is simply impossible to resist and not try!

Apricot confiture is very similar to, only it is cooked a little less, respectively, its color is brighter, closer to the color fresh fruit. And secondly, it is very tasty, which everyone loves to feast on (especially children) in winter time when you can only dream of fresh apricots. Apricot confiture according to this recipe is good on its own, and as an addition to toast, and as a filling for pies. Imagine how wonderful it will be to gather the whole family on a cold January evening for a tea party, to which you will serve hand-made, incredibly tasty and beautiful apricot confiture!

- 1.6 kg of peeled apricots;
- 600 g of sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For apricot jam or it is best to use unripe fruits so that they keep their shape better. But ripe apricots and even slightly overripe ones are suitable for confiture. Even if the fruits have wrinkled sides, pressure, scuffs, do not pay attention - the main thing is that the apricots are fresh, fragrant and sweet.

My apricots and sort. We remove the rotten ones (after all, rotten fruits are not crushed at all, we don’t need them at all, they will still spoil the taste of confiture for us!). We cut off all bruises, pressure, suspicious dark spots on the skin with a knife. The bones are also thrown away without regret. It is also advisable to cut the pulp into 3-4 parts - this way the juice will stand out from the fruit faster, the cooking time will decrease, and, therefore, the color will change less.

We put the sorted and pitted apricots into a metal (enamelled or stainless steel) container - a bowl or pan. We fall asleep with sugar, distributing it more or less evenly over the surface of the fruit. It's great if your container is wide enough so that the apricots are not too thick in it. Otherwise, it is better to lay out fruits and sugar alternately: apricot layer - sugar layer, apricot layer - sugar layer. Before you peel the fruits, you can’t say exactly how much sugar you will need - because you don’t know how much the trimmed pulp and seeds will turn out. Therefore, do not forget to weigh the prepared apricots to calculate the amount of sugar.

So, the apricots were covered with sugar, covered with a clean towel and left for 3-4 hours. You do not need to put apricots with sugar in the refrigerator, but do not expose them to the sun either. During this time, apricots will release a lot of juice. You keep an eye on them - if the kitchen is warm, and the fruits are ripe and finely chopped enough, after a couple of hours you may have enough juice. Apricots should not be set aside for a longer time - there may be too much juice, and to obtain the desired consistency of confiture, it will take longer to cook. And because of this, the color of apricot confiture will darken greatly, and final result will not please you with its golden-red hue (it will be rather brownish, as, for example, in apricot jam). It will be tasty, of course, but not so beautiful.

And then everything is quite simple. If you covered fruit with sugar in a container not suitable for cooking, pour the resulting mass into a suitable wide saucepan with a thick bottom (or a special bowl for cooking jam). We put the pan or basin on low heat, bring to a boil and cook over low heat. Do not cook too many apricots at a time - the layer of fruits in the pan should not be large so that the future confiture is heated evenly. Immediately after boiling, a "foam" will appear - favorite treat toddlers (and most adults). We carefully remove it with a clean spoon and put it separately - for sure, those who want to try it will immediately catch up! We cook apricot confiture for a short time: we make sure that it does not change color. You just need to boil off the excess liquid. In terms of density, the finished confiture in the hot state is close to thick sour cream (when it has cooled down, it is much less liquid and not so plastic), pieces of apricots in it are evenly distributed throughout the volume. On average, it is enough to keep the pan on fire for 30-40 minutes.

It should be noted that, since there is not too much sugar and the cooking time is not long, the closure of the confiture must be airtight. You can either close the jars with a seamer or use screw caps. And, of course, jars and lids must be sterilized. Personally, I like to pack confiture in small jars, 200-300 ml, with a screw cap. But it is possible in bigger jars, but not in three-liter ones - that's for sure!

Jars are filled with confiture. After cooling, the apricot confiture will decrease slightly in volume, so if you don’t want to see an empty neck at the jar, fill the jar to the very top.

We screw the dry lid (or roll it up with a typewriter) and turn the jar upside down. Leave it like this until it cools down completely. Some people cover the preservation with a thick towel or blanket so that it cools more slowly. To be honest, I don’t know why this is necessary in principle: I tried both covering and not covering - my manipulations did not affect the taste of apricot confiture in any way.

That's all, now you have a wonderful preparation for the winter - apricot confiture. By the way, such a jar orange dessert will be a wonderful gift for your loved ones - relatives or friends, for example, for the New Year.

Good afternoon friends!

There are a lot of cooking recipes, and conditionally they can be divided into several types: whole, pitted; whole, pitted, with nucleoli; cut into slices, pitted; whole, pitted, stuffed inside with nucleoli.

Apricot, with these words, childhood memories come up. Pioneer camp in Central Asia, times Soviet Union. I rested every year for three shifts - all summer. The camp was located on several hectares of land. A lot of fruit trees grew on its territory. And also - huge flower beds of tea roses, their aroma in the windless evening hung over the entire camp. He really wants to write a breathtaking recipe for tea rose jam, but that will be next time.

So, all children were allowed to pick fruit without breaking tree branches. Of all the fruits, preference was given to apricots, peaches, cherries and mulberries. They climbed trees and stuffed large ones in their bosoms, with egg, apricots. They broke them in half and enjoyed the fragrant and tender pulp. It seemed that there is nothing tastier in the world. All the bones were collected, then split with pebbles. The nucleoli were strung on a string and chic delicious beads were obtained, which were subsequently somehow not noticeably eaten. I still love apricots in any form: fresh, dried, boiled.

Amber jam from halves of apricots for the winter


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 grams
  • water - 1 glass
  • citric acid - 1/2 tsp


In order to brew real amber thick jam from apricots, stock up on patience and time. Since we are going to cook without stones, we need to take such apricots, in which the stone is easily separated.

We select dense, ripe and strong fruits. Wash thoroughly and carefully, put them on a towel and let them dry.

You can cook with whole fruits or cut them into slices, depending on the recipe. Today we will cook in halves, so we cut the fruit in half, remove the stone. We put the prepared slices in a basin.

In another container, boil the syrup. Pour a glass of water into a bowl, pour out the sugar and dissolve, stirring constantly. When the sugar dissolves, add fire and bring the syrup to a boil, then pour it over the apricots. Let it soak for 12 hours.

Once the apricots and syrup have cooled, pour the syrup back into the bowl. Bring it to a boil again, pour the fruits and leave for 12 hours.

Thus, we poured syrup three times, it was time to boil it completely. We put the cooled apricots on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. During the boil, stir, with extreme caution, so as not to crush the fruit. You can “drown” the fruits a little in the syrup with a spoon or shake the basin.

After the jam is boiled, set the basin aside until it cools completely, after which we bring it to a boil again. We perform this procedure 2-3 times until the syrup thickens to the desired density. And the fruits in the finished syrup are distributed evenly and become transparent. In the last brew, do not forget to add a little citric acid or lemon juice, this will save you from sugaring.

What a beauty! Each slice, like a piece of amber, pleases with a beautiful view and breathtaking taste.

Pour the finished jam into prepared sterilized jars and roll up with boiled screw caps. We turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely. Store in a dark cool place.

If you do not have so much time for cooking, then it can be reduced. After three fillings with boiling syrup, put them on a small fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30-40 minutes, then pour into jars.

How to cook apricot jam in a slow cooker

This recipe is for those housewives who like to cook quickly, easily and simply. A sweet delicacy turns out to be a pleasant yellow color, thick and very, very tasty. Cooking time 30 minutes.

We will need:

  • apricot -1 kg
  • sugar - 500 gr.
  • water - 1/2 tbsp.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Pitted Apricot Jam with Kernels - Royal Recipe

Cooking a recipe with whole fruits stuffed inside with kernels or nuts is considered the height of the mastery and virtuosity of the hostess. Astringent taste, pleasant aroma and kernels, which, no matter how much you put, always seem to be few, and which are always eaten first.


  • apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • kernels or nuts - 300 gr.
  • water - 2 - 3 tbsp.
  • citric acid - 1 tsp


Select fruits that are ripe but firm. Rinse well, dry.

Next, remove the bone with wooden skewer. We put the skewer to the place where the stalk is attached, press the bone and push it out from the other side, we try to injure the integrity and pulp of the fetus less.

To clean the nucleoli from the brown film, pour boiling water over them for 2-3 minutes, the films can be easily removed.

When I get few nucleoli or if they are bitter, I replace with almonds.

As a "filling" you can use any nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews.

In another container, boil the syrup. Pour water, pour sugar and citric acid, dissolve, stirring continuously. When the sugar dissolves, add fire and bring the syrup to a boil, then pour it over the apricots so that all the fruits are covered with syrup.

Let it soak for 12 hours. During this time, they will soften and soak in syrup, and the bones will give their taste and aroma.

The preservation of the shape of the fruit depends on the method of cooking. It must be carried out in stages so that sugar penetrates into the fruit gradually.

Then we repeat the process twice. During the preparation of jam, do not interfere with it, as the fruits may be damaged. You can “drown” the fruits a little in the syrup with a spoon or shake the basin.

Foam that will appear on the surface in in large numbers must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon.

When the syrup becomes thick and viscous enough, and the fruits are translucent, we can assume that the jam is ready.

Pour boiling into sterilized jars, roll up. Wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store in a dark cool place.

You can store such jam for no more than a year, because the bones begin to produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poisoning

We have such an apricot dessert that only lasts until the New Year.

Apricot jam "5 minutes"

Despite the simple cooking recipe, it turns out very tasty and healthy, because thanks to minimal heat treatment, apricots retain a maximum of vitamins.


  • apricots - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg


Wash and dry fruits. Cut along the groove into two halves and remove the stones.

In the bowl in which we will cook the jam, fold the halves of the fruit, cover with sugar.

Leave overnight. Apricots gave the juice in which they will cook.

We put the dishes on a small fire, gently stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Pour boiling water into prepared sterilized jars, under the very neck and roll up the lids.

Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely. Store in a dark and cool cellar, no more than 1 year.

Delicious apricot jam with orange, coffee and walnut flavor

We will need:

with orange flavor:

  • apricot 1 kg
  • orange 2 pcs.
  • sugar 1 kg

with coffee flavor:

  • apricot - 1 kg
  • sugar - 500g
  • ground coffee beans - 5 tbsp. l.
  • instant coffee - 2 tsp.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • lemon - 1 pc.

walnut flavour:

  • apricot - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 gr.
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • nutmeg - 1/3 tsp
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • walnut - 200 gr.

Three new recipes for cooking apricots with different flavors. I assure you, the main experts - children, will be satisfied.

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