Carrot casserole is an orange dessert for children and adults. Carrot casserole recipe like in kindergarten

Carrots are a very popular root vegetable in our country. It is unpretentious, well adapted to the local climate, and therefore is often used in cooking. Its juicy, pleasant and not too pronounced taste can “adapt” to any dish. Salads, soups, stews, meatballs, pies - there are so many dishes using carrots. And, of course, carrot casseroles turn out to be very tasty.

Carrot casserole - general principles and cooking methods

If you have never made carrot casserole, then it’s time to fill this gap. The good thing about this dish is that it cooks quickly enough and can help out in any situation. Another undeniable advantage of carrot casserole is its versatility. Do you want to bake light dessert for tea or prepare a full hearty lunch- please, carrots will always come to the rescue. Its pleasant, slightly sweetish tint is suitable for both sweet and savory casseroles.

Carrot casserole - food preparation

Carrots do not require special preparation. If the root crop is “young”, literally from the garden, it is enough to rinse it thoroughly in running water and grate it on a coarse grater. In some cases, they are used for casseroles carrot puree. In such a situation, a meat grinder or blender comes to the rescue. If the carrots are covered with rough skin, they must be cut with a knife or vegetable peeler and followed according to the recipe. However, less words, more action. Let's move on to the fun part - the recipes.

Carrot casserole - best recipes

Recipe 1: Carrot casserole with vegetables and cheese

Carrot casserole sounds unusual, but tastes simply excellent. Try cooking carrot casserole with vegetables, watered sour cream sauce and sprinkled with aromatic cheese on top. Fast, tasty and very healthy!


- 300 gr. cauliflower florets
- one onion
- two carrots
- two bell peppers
- one egg
- half a glass of milk
- a glass of sour cream
- one large tomato
- herbs and spices to taste
- two cheeses (200 gr.)
- butter for greasing

Cooking method:

1. Gut the cabbage into inflorescences. Peel the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into strips. Chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Fry the onion in oil, lower the carrots, peppers and cabbage. Add spices and simmer for about ten, fifteen minutes (no longer, otherwise the inflorescences will begin to disintegrate).

3. Grease the pan with butter and spread the sautéed vegetables in an even layer. Beat the egg, add sour cream and milk. Beat a little again. Mix the sauce with chopped herbs and spices for the casserole.

4. Pour in the vegetables, and put the tomatoes cut into slices and shredded cheese on top. We ship to hot oven for fifteen minutes. We take it out and eat it.

Recipe 2: Carrot casserole with cottage cheese

Dessert carrot and cottage cheese casserole with raisins and poppy seeds will appeal to both small children and adults. So tender and tasty - it is very reminiscent of a biscuit. It can be served both warm and hot. Great option for a quick and satisfying lunch!


- 400 gr. cottage cheese
- three eggs
- 100 gr. Sahara
- four tablespoons of sour cream
- soda on the tip of a spoon
- one carrot
- five table. spoons of semolina
- a teaspoon of poppy seeds
- a handful of raisins
- vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix it with fine sugar, vanilla and eggs. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass.

2. In a container, mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream with soda, add this mixture to curd mass. Beat the base with a mixer and leave it to “rest” for five minutes.

3. Three carrots on a fine grater, add them to the dough. We also add semolina, raisins, poppy seeds and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Grease the mold with oil, sprinkle the bottom with semolina and lay out the curd and carrot base. Spread the remaining sour cream on top and place the casserole in the oven. Bake for half an hour at 200 C. Serve hot with sour cream.

Recipe 3: Carrot casserole with apples

Another version of dessert casserole with carrots and apples. It takes a minimum of time to prepare, and the dish turns out delicious.


- 300 gr. carrots
- 200 gr. apples (peeled)
- two eggs
- three tablespoons of flour
- five table. lie Sahara
- half a teaspoon baking powder
- half a teaspoon Cinnamon
- a handful of raisins

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar in a separate container until foamy. Grind carrots and apples in a meat grinder and squeeze out excess juice. Mix the puree with the egg mixture, raisins, cinnamon and flour. Mix carefully, trying not to damage the airy structure of the beaten eggs. Grease the mold with any oil and spread the resulting mass. Heat the oven to 180-200 C, place the casserole in it and bake for about 35 minutes.

Recipe 4: Carrot casserole with minced meat and cheese

In this dish we will use carrots as a filling along with cheese. The result is a very bright, appetizing casserole. The ideal solution for a hearty dinner.


- 300 gr. minced pork and beef
- two onions
- piece white loaf
- one egg
- half a glass of milk
- two carrots
— 150 gr. cheese
- spices for meat to taste
- greenery for decoration

Cooking method:

1. Soak a piece of loaf in milk for 15 minutes, squeeze it out, and put it in a bowl. Add finely chopped onion, raw eggs and beat everything in a blender. Mix the resulting mixture with minced meat, add spices, seasonings, salt and pepper to taste.

2. Peel the carrots. Three and fry with the addition small quantity oils Grate the cheese and mix it with carrots.

3. Grease the mold with oil. Place the first half of the minced meat as the bottom layer. Next, distribute the carrot and cheese filling in an even layer. Cover the casserole with the remaining half of the minced meat.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Grease the top of the casserole with egg and bake it for 40 minutes. Then cut and serve. Original and tasty! Bon appetit everyone!

Carrot casserole - useful tips experienced chefs

— To make carrot casserole as juicy, tasty, healthy and rich as possible, use raw root vegetables to prepare it. Such carrots, unlike boiled ones, will “convey” maximum flavor to the dish;

— When making carrot casserole, don’t be afraid to experiment with ingredients, because carrots are universal and can be combined with almost all existing products.

Other casserole recipes

  • Carrot casserole
  • Rice casserole
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • Fish casserole
  • Potato casserole
  • Casserole with meat
  • Pasta casserole
  • Casserole in a slow cooker
  • Chicken casserole
  • Eggplant casserole
  • Pumpkin casserole
  • Casserole with mushrooms
  • Zucchini casserole
  • Cauliflower Casserole
  • Baby casseroles
  • Cottage cheese casserole as in kindergarten

Even more interesting recipes you can find it on the main page of the Cooking section

The benefits of carrots are enormous. Not only is it rich in components that are beneficial to the body, but it is also budget-friendly. A lot of delicious dishes are prepared from it. The carrot casserole deserved special recognition. We offer several delicious recipes for the whole family.

Carrot casserole for children

Let's start the selection with children's version. Children are very picky: it’s not tasty, it’s not suitable. Mothers are especially upset when their beloved child enthusiastically eats kindergarten food. Now you don’t have to study children’s books in search of a healthy and at the same time tasty dish. Note the recipe for carrot casserole like in kindergarten.

To prepare this miracle dish you will need: 3 tbsp. l. semolina, half a kilo of carrots, one egg, 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar, favorite spices (for example, cinnamon, vanillin), a piece butter.

Don’t forget, you are preparing the dish for children, so be sure to follow all the recommendations.

Cooking steps:

Remove the finished casserole from the pan and serve. The dish goes well with cocoa and milk.

Tandem cottage cheese with carrots

Curd and carrot casserole is an incredibly healthy, tasty and very beautiful variation of the dish. Both children and adults will appreciate it.

To prepare, take: 2-4 tbsp. l. semolina, egg, 0.2 kg, half a kilo of cottage cheese, a pinch of vanillin (can be replaced vanilla sugar). Additionally you will need: 0.1 kg of raisins, 5 tbsp. l. regular sugar, butter (approximately 1 tbsp), 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Cooking steps:

When the time is up, remove the casserole and cool. After this, it can be transferred to a plate, cut into pieces and served.

Carrot casserole with milk and cottage cheese

And here's another one unusual recipe carrot casserole. His secret is in cooking the carrots themselves - they are stewed in milk. Juicy and very tasty.

For cooking you will need: 4 tbsp. l. sugar, half a glass cow's milk, 250 g of cottage cheese, the same amount of carrots, two eggs. Additionally, you should take a pinch of salt, a piece of butter, semolina (3 tablespoons).

Cooking steps:

Cool the finished casserole slightly, place on a plate, cut in portioned pieces, decorate powdered sugar and you can have a meal.

You can add a little creativity: lay out part of the carrot “dough”, then put clean cottage cheese in the middle and fill everything with the remaining carrots.

Casserole in a slow cooker

For those who love automated cooking, we have a carrot casserole in a multicooker in our arsenal. True, you still have to prepare the ingredients. But the machine itself will take care of the baking.

You need to have on hand: half a kilo of cottage cheese, 2 medium carrots, sour cream, semolina and sugar (4 tablespoons of each ingredient), two, a piece of butter.

To prepare the casserole, you can use cottage cheese of any fat content. If the cottage cheese is too liquid, it is better to squeeze it out on gauze before using it.

After the time has passed, the carrot casserole with semolina must be left inside for another 10 minutes so that it “reaches”. Afterwards you can take it out, put it on a plate and serve with sour cream.

While cooking the casserole, you can add various candied fruits, previously steamed in hot water dried fruits. Semolina can be replaced with flour. In this case, the consistency will be somewhat denser.

Carrots with apples

Carrot-apple casserole is a dish that can be prepared at any time of the year. What makes you happy about winter time when with fresh vegetables and fruits are tense.

You will need: semolina (glass), two apple fruits, three eggs, 2-3 carrots, 0.18 kg of sugar. Additionally you will need 1 tsp. soda, a pinch of cinnamon, vegetable oil (2-3 tbsp). For decoration, you can use powdered sugar.

Let's get started:

  1. Wash the root vegetables, peel and finely grate. Place the carrots in a deep bowl, add sugar, stir and leave in this form for a few minutes until the sugar melts.
  2. Meanwhile, wash the apples, remove peels and seeds and cut into small cubes.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate container and beat. Pour the egg mixture into the carrots. Send it there sliced ​​apples, vegetable oil, soda, spices and semolina. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Place the carrot mixture in a baking dish coated with butter and smooth the surface with a spoon or spatula.
  5. Leave the pan aside for 10 minutes so that the semolina swells.
  6. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 40 minutes at 180ºC.

Ready dish should be left in the oven for a short time, then taken out, cooled slightly, transferred to a plate and decorated with powdered sugar.

As you can see, preparing carrot casserole is very quick and easy. It can be served for breakfast or used as a snack. Another plus is that it will appeal to both children and adults.

To prepare carrot casserole, use grated carrots. Moreover, different variants This casserole involves using carrots both raw and boiled or stewed in milk. You can add the casserole preparation to the food mass semolina, sugar, salt, soda and eggs. You should not use flour. Typically made from carrots sweet casserole. This - cottage cheese and carrot casserole in the oven, carrot-pumpkin casserole in the oven, etc. Raisins, nuts, and apples will add additional flavor to carrot casserole. More often, this casserole is used as a dessert, but it can also be prepared with savory ingredients. For example, potato and carrot casserole in the oven is very popular in our kitchen.

And yet, the most common are carrot casserole with semolina in the oven and carrot casserole in the oven with cottage cheese. They are prepared for both adults and children's food.

How to cook carrot casserole in the oven? The recipe you will find on the website can be enhanced to suit your taste. For example, to make the dish more aromatic, you can season it with some spices, in particular, you can use lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, vanilla, and cardamom. Carrot casserole takes a little time to prepare. And, in addition, all products for it are available, so it can easily show off on your table any day. delicious casserole carrot. Try to master the recipe in the oven and don’t forget it. Also check out the cottage cheese and carrot casserole. The oven recipe for this dish is quite simple.

To better understand the process, you should use illustrations of the dish and the stages of its preparation. Carrot casserole in the oven, the recipe with a photo of which you found, will be prepared by you with less loss in time and in raw materials. Good also step by step instructions, which are often used by recipe authors for greater clarity. The curd and carrot casserole in the oven that you have chosen for study, step by step recipe for which the site has been prepared, it will turn out flawless for you. It is this approach to studying dishes that will allow you to clearly understand how to make carrot casserole in the oven correctly, quickly, and without unnecessary hassle.

Here are some tips for you on how to cook carrot casserole in the oven:

Semolina for carrot casserole should be allowed to swell for 15 minutes. This process is best done in a baking dish;

To bake in the oven, use silicone molds;

If the recipe calls for boiled carrots, boil them with their skins on. In the vegetable you will preserve its natural juice and taste;

Cook the casserole in the oven for about 30 minutes;

Add a little sugar to the carrots after chopping them, after a few minutes the juice will appear in them;

Carrots are a fairly sweet vegetable, so it’s not always worth adding sugar to the casserole. However, rely on your taste and take into account the variety of carrots; I

Carrot casserole can be served slightly warm or cooled. Place sour cream or whipped cream on a plate. The finished dish can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Tasty and healthy carrot casserole should be in the diet of everyone who wants to eat right and have excellent health. In addition to the main component of the dish - carrots, it may include other vegetables, spices, and cereals that will make the dish even more satisfying and healthier. Getting ready carrot cake quickly, with simple ingredients, suitable for feeding children and adults.

Classic carrot casserole in the oven

Casserole in the oven is classic version cooking. It is baked for 30 minutes from budget products, and it turns out light, rich in vitamins and other useful substances. Everyone can eat it, including people who are watching their weight or want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

The dish is prepared from:

  • carrots – 4 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • slaked soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. without slide;
  • vegetable fat (for greasing the mold).

Boiled carrots are grated coarse grater. Separately, yolks with whites, granulated sugar and semolina are mixed in a container. Afterwards, the carrots and the mixture of other products are combined, kneaded and laid out in a mold previously greased. The food should be baked in the oven at 200 degrees for about half an hour.

Recipe like in kindergarten

Carrot casserole like in kindergarten is easy to prepare at home. This dish is low-calorie, healthy and dietary. The finished dish is served warm or frozen, along with various sauces, berries and dried fruits.

To prepare the dish you should stock up on:

  • carrots – 600 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • flour – 1.5 tbsp;
  • baking powder - a pinch;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • eggs - a couple of pieces;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

The carrots are peeled, boiled until tender and chopped using an immersion blender. The output should be about 400 ml of puree.

Next, the carrot mixture is placed in a deep container, mixed with sugar, flour, baking powder, butter, cinnamon and beaten eggs. After kneading, the workpiece is moved into a baking dish and sent to the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. The readiness of the product is checked using a toothpick - if it comes out dry, then the cake is ready.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of carrots for a child who is 1 year old. However, children are not always happy to eat this root vegetable raw or boiled. The peculiar taste can repel a picky baby. That's why we have to cook different dishes so that the child can appreciate the sweet and fragrant root vegetable. For example, carrot casserole for children can be baked very quickly. Just choose suitable recipe. And there are many of them: cottage cheese-carrot, carrot-apple, options with pumpkin, potatoes, rice.

Casserole with carrots allows you to save the maximum amount useful substances, which are included in the main products of the recipe. When cooked in an oven, slow cooker or steamer, the structure of the dish becomes softer. Such food is easier to digest and, as a rule, is dietary.

Properties of carrots

  • First of all, carrots are so rich in keratin that no other plant can compare with it in terms of its content except sea buckthorn. All other fruits and fruits are inferior to this root vegetable.
  • B vitamins are presented in full. It is very useful for a child to sometimes chew carrots, since this way he receives the maximum amount of necessary microelements. There are much fewer of them in grated vegetables.
  • Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant; it protects against the negative effects of the environment. Carrots are rich in this microelement.
  • Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, the lack of which is constantly felt, even in the summer.
  • Calcium, iron, magnesium are those minerals that contribute to the normal growth and development of the child’s body.
  • Fiber or alimentary fiber normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The protein contained in carrots is a building material for body cells.

What determines the quality of a dish?

  • From the dishes in which it is prepared.
  • From the products chosen for cooking, from their quality, freshness, combination.
  • From the method chosen for preparation.
  • From the literacy and accuracy of the recipe.
  • From the talent of the cook.

Carrot casserole recipes

For babies

You can prepare carrot casserole for a child aged 1 year and older using the following recipe.


  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 ml. milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Fry carrots, grated on a fine grater, in vegetable oil.
  2. Add sugar, milk and butter and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Reduce heat, add semolina to the resulting mass and bring until thickened.
  4. Transfer the resulting mixture to another bowl and cool.
  5. While the carrots are cooling, divide egg whites and yolks.
  6. Beat the whites, mix the yolks with the cooled mixture and add the whipped whites. Mix everything.
  7. Place the resulting mixture in a greased pan and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Carrot casserole, the recipe for which, like in kindergarten, will allow you to feed your baby a new tasty dish and thus diversify daily ration child nutrition.

Sunny dessert: video

Option with semolina

There are recipes for such a dish a large number of. Here is another version of this casserole.


  • 4 eggs;
  • ½ kg. carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Simmer the grated carrots until soft.
  2. Remove from heat, mash into a single mass until pureed, cool.
  3. Add semolina, let stand, then add butter, sugar and salt, mix everything.
  4. Beat the yolks separated from the whites and pour into the resulting mass.
  5. Beat the whites separately to a strong foam and mix everything together again.
  6. Place the entire mixture in a greased pan, apply a layer of sour cream on top and bake in the oven until golden brown.

This healthy and tasty casserole will appeal to both children and adults.

Semolina and carrot pie: video

With cottage cheese and carrots

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole is made according to a recipe using a certain technology to create a fluffy and airy dish.


  • ½ kg. carrots;
  • a pack of cottage cheese;
  • 3 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • salt.


  1. Place grated carrots in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil and simmer, adding a little water in the process.
  2. Bring the mixture until half cooked and add hot milk, as well as add semolina, salt and sugar.
  3. Bring everything to a boil while stirring and turn off.
  4. Make a puree by adding butter.
  5. While the finished mixture is cooling, mash the cottage cheese with sour cream and add the yolks.
  6. Beat the egg whites and pour into the carrots. Combine everything and mix well.
  7. Bake at 200 degrees.

Curd and carrot casserole turns out very tender and is perfect for baby food.

Video recipe with cottage cheese

From apples and carrots

In the summer, you can diversify the menu for your child with various vegetable and fruit casseroles. It’s good to add apple, pumpkin, and potatoes to carrots. Children especially like carrot-apple casserole.


  • 350 g apples;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 g semolina;
  • 250 g carrots;
  • 60 g sunflower oil;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 100 ml. water.


  1. Wash, peel and boil the carrots. When it cools down, grate it.
  2. Grate the apples too, mix everything and add sunflower oil and semolina.
  3. Let it sit for about half an hour.
  4. Mix eggs, beaten with sugar, into the carrot-apple mixture.
  5. A slow cooker is ideal for baking this dish. Place the resulting dough in a multicooker mold and cook on the setting for 1 hour.

The casserole prepared according to this recipe in a slow cooker turns out to be very tender and is suitable for the diet of a child aged 1 year and older.

Recipe with apple: video

Carrot and potato

A child aged 1 year is reluctant to eat vegetable dishes. They should be cooked in such a way that it is tasty. Carrot and potato casserole is one such healthy and tasty dish.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tsp. salt.


  1. Boil carrots and potatoes in salted water.
  2. After adding butter, mash with a masher or grind in a blender.
  3. Place the entire mixture in a baking dish, having previously greased it.
  4. Apply a layer of sour cream on top. Bake for 30 minutes.

Tasty and satisfying - this is how this dish can be described.

Carrot with pumpkin

Pumpkin and carrots go well together because they are both rich in beta-carotene, which is essential for a growing body. This casserole is very useful for a baby in the first year of life.


  • 100 ml. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • salt.


  1. Peel the pumpkin and carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil and place the mixture into it.
  3. Cook until everything turns into a single mass.
  4. Cool the mixture and add salt and semolina.
  5. Leave for half an hour to swell.
  6. Add eggs beaten with sugar to the resulting mass.
  7. Transfer to a slow cooker pan and bake for 45 minutes.

Doubly healthy casserole will decorate your table and fill your baby’s body with a charge of vitamins.

Pumpkin pudding: video


This casserole is often prepared in kindergarten. Her recipe is simple and the result is quite tasty. However, due to the viscosity of rice, this dish is best suited for children over 1.5 years old.


  • 3 small carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. rice;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Boil rice in water until it becomes porridge.
  2. Stew the grated carrots in milk and make a puree.
  3. Mix boiled rice and carrot mass.
  4. Add butter, egg, sugar and salt.
  5. Bring to a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Place in pan and bake.

The recipe for carrot casserole is simple, the ingredients are always available.

Such casseroles will appeal not only to one-year-old children. Schoolchildren and adults will be happy to join and taste delicious dishes based on carrots.