Classic carrot cake (recipe with photo). Carrot cake: recipes with photos

The famous TV presenter and culinary specialist, the wife of director Andrei Konchalovsky, the beautiful Yulia Vysotskaya, in the author's television programs Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya and Eat at Home! She told me many times that she cooks homemade carrot pies.

Accordingly, she has a “two or three” recipes for this cake in her arsenal. About making a pie carrot filling from Yulia Vysotskaya we will talk further. For your convenience, we present 4 good recipes this healthy and delicious dessert.

Carrot pie recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya (“We eat at home!”)


* orange - 1 piece;
* carrots - 1 kg;
* oil - 70 g;
* flour - 150 g;
* eggs - 4 pcs;
* sugar - 100 g;
* cream - 350 ml;

Steam carrots for 30 minutes, cool and beat in puree with orange zest and juice. The dough is kneaded from flour and butter.

If necessary, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour. We distribute the dough along the walls of the form and the bottom and pierce with a fork in several places. Eggs are fluffed with cream and granulated sugar.

Creamy-egg mass is combined with carrot puree and put into the form with the dough.

Spread small pieces evenly on top butter.
Put the pie in the oven and cook for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

Simple sour cream carrot cake

Do you love wet food? Then this cake is for you. It's like a pudding in texture.


* baking powder - 10 g;
* orange - 1 piece;
* carrots - 300 g;
* flour - 310 g;
* salt - 1/2 tsp;
* eggs - 4 pcs;
* sugar - 140 g;
* fatty sour cream - 250 g;
* olive oil -- 200 ml;

We heat the oven to 200 degrees.

On a grater with a large cell, grind the carrots and mix with freshly squeezed juice (2 tablespoons) and orange zest.

Sift flour and combine with salt and baking powder.

Sugar is beaten with olive oil with a mixer. Then the eggs are introduced gradually into the sugar mass, literally one at a time.

Grind the carrots and combine with flour. Then mix well. Add fat sour cream and sugar mass to the dough.

Laid out in bulk ready dough. The cake is baked for 60 minutes. Before serving, the cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Making Carrot, Hazelnut and Lemon Pie

For the first time, this recipe from Vysotskaya was prepared by her in the morning TV show. It contains a lot of hazelnuts, carrots, almonds and walnuts. These are very useful ingredients.


* hazelnut flour - 250 g;
* baking powder - 1 tsp;
* rice flour-- 50 g;
* egg whites - 5 pcs;
* carrots - 4 pcs;
* sugar - 75 g;
* rice starch - 50 g;
* coconut flakes- 1 glass;
* alcoholic drink grappa - 25 ml;

Let's start again with the oven and heat it up to 195 degrees.
Grind carrots on a grater with a large cell, grind hazelnuts into flour.

Introduce the baking powder into the carrot-nut mixture, mix, and then flour, rice starch and coconut flakes.

Add the zest and juice from one lemon.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

The yolks are fluffed with sugar into a fluffy mass and added to the dough.

Grappa is added to them.

Whisk the whites until fluffy and introduce into the dough in several steps. It is necessary to mix the mass very carefully with a spatula.

The cake is laid out in a mold, pre-oiled, and sent for 45 minutes to the oven.

How to make Carrot Cake with Ginger and Cinnamon?

Delicious carrot cake with ginger and cinnamon from Yulia Vysotskaya is prepared as follows:


* brown sugar - 120 g;
* cinnamon - 1 tsp;
* ginger - 1 tsp;
* eggs - 3 pcs.;
* flour - 240 g;
* nuts - 150 g;
* salt - 1 tsp;
* carrots - 450 g;
* lemon juice - 1 tsp;
* cream cheese - 200 g;
* baking powder - 1/2 tsp;
* olive oil -- 240 ml;

The oven inside is heated to a temperature of 195 degrees.

Whisk eggs and sugar.

Pour in the olive oil slowly.

Sift flour and combine with baking powder, ginger, cinnamon and salt. Then add to the sugar-egg mass.

Grind the carrots on a grater with large holes and add to the dough.
Crumble with a blender and add to the dough.

Put the dough into a rounded shape and insert into the oven for 45-50 minutes. Brush the cooled pie with buttercream cream cheese. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to it and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Carrot cake with nuts is a favorite recipe of a famous actress and TV presenter. The most delicate carrot cake from Yulia Vysotskaya is prepared with nuts and sour cream. The dessert turns out to be very tasty, and at the same time useful. Products for cooking:

    1-2 medium carrots, Sour cream with a fat content of 15% - 1 cup, Nuts (hazelnuts or walnuts go well with carrots), Art. a spoonful of sugar, Eggs 3 pcs, Flour, 1 cup, A bag of vanillin, Milk or white chocolate, a small bar - for sprinkling, Soda, half a teaspoon, Cream thickener, or lemon and powdered sugar.

Wash and clean the carrots, grind in a blender or on a fine grater. Nuts should be crushed in a mortar. Then grind the eggs and sugar until homogeneous mass in a deep bowl. Add soda, flour, nuts, mix. We make sure that no lumps form. Now you can add carrots: we mix it into the dough in small portions, gradually. Our dough is ready. We turn on the oven and set the temperature to 200 degrees. While it is warming up, the form should be greased with butter, lightly sprinkled with flour on top. Carefully pour the dough into the mold and bake for 20 minutes. Then we change the temperature of the oven - set it to 150 degrees: at this temperature, our dessert will “reach” until cooked for about 15 minutes. During the time the cake is baking, we will have time to make a cream. Beat sour cream with vanilla and granulated sugar. To make the cream thick, you can use a special thickener: it is easy to find in stores. If you prefer complete natural products, then you can use the secret of our mothers and grandmothers: instead of sugar, we mix powdered sugar into sour cream, and pour in quite a bit of lemon juice (less than half a teaspoon). The cream turns out thick and fragrant. Rub the chocolate for sprinkling on a fine grater: White chocolate will give the dessert a more delicate aftertaste, milky - bright chocolate notes. The finished cake needs to be cooled. Place the mold on a stand and cover with a thin linen cloth. After the cake has cooled, it is cut lengthwise into two equal cakes. They are smeared with cream, sprinkled with grated chocolate, combined. If desired, the top of the cake can also be smeared with cream and decorated with chocolate and whole nuts.

How to cook a carrot cake as quickly as possible, but at the same time it is also low in calories? This will help us special recipe carrot cake in a slow cooker. Carrot cake without eggs can also be cooked in it. This pie is prepared without sour cream and eggs, due to which its calorie content is reduced. The dough is kneaded on kefir. You can use fat free. Carrot cake on kefir turns out to be very tender and light. Ingredients:

    Carrots, Kefir, 1 tbsp, Olive / sunflower oil, 100 ml, Sugar 1 tbsp, Soda, half a teaspoon, Salt (at the tip of a teaspoon), Raisins (a small handful), 1 sachet of vanilla, Butter, a small slice.
We rub the carrots, slightly squeeze out the excess juice. Mix flour, salt, sugar. We put tea soda in a glass with kefir - there it is “extinguished” for half a minute. Slaked soda will make the cake fluffy. Pour kefir into a mixture of flour and other ingredients, add oil. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Then we stir in the carrots and raisins, evenly distributing them in the dough. It is important to ensure that there are no lumps. Lubricate the multicooker boiler with butter, sprinkle with flour, heat it in the multicooker for 5-7 minutes. Pour the dough into the hot mold and set the baking mode. Depending on the type of your appliance, a healthy carrot cake in a slow cooker will be ready within 30-45 minutes. This pie is delicious hot.

Surely, many have heard that a cake can be prepared using carrots as one of the components: the carrot cake recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya has found its recognition among many housewives.

The phrase " carrot cake' sounds rather paradoxical. After all, it seems that sweet pastries and vegetables are completely incompatible with each other. However, it is not. Take a chance and try this a delicious cake to resolve the contradiction experimentally and you won't be disappointed.


We have already told you how to cook a Napoleon cake - the classic recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya is available at the link. It's time to take on a more unusual recipe and get into carrot cake. To prepare it, you will need one and a half glasses of flour, granulated sugar and grated carrots, nuts, three eggs and one and a half teaspoons of soda. The last ingredient may well be replaced with a regular baking powder.

For carrot cake, it is best to prepare traditional sour cream. The cream will require 600 grams of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar and one packet of vanilla sugar.

Cooking cakes

Cakes for the cake are prepared as follows. Eggs must be beaten with sugar in a strong foam. By the way, in order for the process to go faster, the eggs must be cold: before cooking the cake, you should put them in the refrigerator for a while.

The bowl in which you will mix the eggs and sugar must be completely dry: just one drop of water can delay the process. There is one more secret: if you add a pinch of salt to the mixture of eggs and sugar, the foam will turn out to be more magnificent, which means that the cake will literally melt in your mouth.
Flour, soda or baking powder are added to beaten eggs, as well as raw carrot, which must first be grated on a fine grater or chopped in a blender.

The mixture is stirred and poured onto a deep baking sheet, previously covered with parchment oiled paper. By the way, when preparing a cake, one cake is necessarily baked, which is then cut into three parts. If you bake three cakes in turn, this will affect palatability cake, and not for the better.
The cake is baked for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Preparation of cream for carrot cake

To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla sugar or vanilla. If sour cream is whipped badly, you need to add a special cream fixer to it: this will significantly speed up the process.
You need to spread the cakes with the finished cream and leave the cake overnight in the refrigerator so that it is well soaked. Well, in the morning you can treat yourself to a delicious delicacy that will literally melt in your mouth!

We bake a cake

We have already mentioned about Gingerbread Cookie(recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya). Carrot cake from Yulia Vysotskaya is no less tasty and easy to prepare. Nuts, which are perfectly combined with carrots, add a special piquancy to it.
The cake is prepared as follows. Carrots are chopped on a fine grater. Eggs and sugar are beaten in the same way as in the previous recipe. Only this time, nuts are also added to the mixture, which must first be thoroughly crushed in a mortar. By the way, you can take salted nuts: this will give the carrot pie a special piquancy.

The cake is baked for 20 minutes in an oven heated to 200 degrees. Cream for carrot-nut cake is done in the same way as in the previous recipe. If you want the dessert to be truly unforgettable, add half a teaspoon to the cream. lemon juice. Such a pie turns out not only tasty, but also very beautiful: even a photo of this culinary masterpiece whets the appetite!

How to cook carrot cake in a slow cooker

If you prefer to cook in a slow cooker, then this recipe is for you. It is also worth noting that in a slow cooker you can cook a carrot cake without eggs and sour cream, due to which the dessert will turn out to be quite light: the calorie content of this cake is so low that even those who are on a diet can eat it.

In order to cook a carrot cake in a slow cooker, you will need carrots, a glass of kefir, about 100 milliliters olive oil, sugar (one glass) and baking powder. If desired, you can add vanilla and a little raisins or nuts to the dough.
Carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, flour is mixed with salt and sugar. Kefir is poured into the flour, baking powder and all other ingredients are added.

The resulting dough is poured into the bowl of the multicooker, previously lubricated with oil. We set the “Baking” mode (in some models of multicookers it is worth cooking in the “Cupcake” mode) and wait about 45 minutes. Hot carrot cake from a multicooker is especially tasty.

carrot cake- an integral companion of Christmas, Easter holidays in many families. Its aroma fills the room, creates a festive mood. The taste comes from childhood, reminiscent of the days when the whole family gathered together to eat grandmother's carrot masterpiece. Cooking a cake of their carrots is worth at least once. A very simple step by step recipe gives excellent results. For me, the "magic pendel" was a visit to Starbucks, followed by the consumption of two huge slices of excellent carrot-based cake. As a true scout, I got the recipe, but more on that later.

Using carrots for cooking dessert dishes came into vogue in the Middle Ages. Then sugar, various sweeteners were expensive, ordinary peasants could not afford such a luxury. carrot cake- the food is delicious, very healthy. All thanks to the main ingredients.

Carrots contain substances responsible for increasing calcium in the body. They also help lower cholesterol.
Frequent use carrots can change the color of human skin. It turns yellow-orange.
The previous property of the root crop is actively used in zoos. In order for flamingos not to lose their original color, they are fed with carrots. In the wild, birds, of course, do not hang around in vegetable gardens. They maintain their color by eating crustaceans.
The root crop has its own capital - the town of Hotville (USA). Every year there is a carrot festival. It elects a "carrot queen".
The root crop is useful in any form. Steamed, boiled, rubbed - it does not lose substances important for the body.

The benefits of carrots

You can talk about the benefits of carrots for a long time, but it’s better not to waste time, start cooking carrot cake.

You can start your acquaintance with a new dish using a classic recipe with a photo. This decision will save you from many mistakes. Visual material helps to understand the proportions, textures of carrot cake.

Carrot Cake: A Classic Recipe


simple, there are no problems with it. The dessert is very tender. Before kneading the dough, it is worth preparing a baking dish by lubricating it with oil. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. To prepare the dough you will need:
200 g finely grated carrots;
Sifted flour 250 g;
Sugar 190 g. You can use brown, the cakes will learn a more saturated shade;
3 chicken eggs;
150 ml of vegetable oil;
Spices: salt, ground cinnamon;
Baking powder.

For mixing stuffing

meals you will need:
Mascarpone cheese 250 g;
Condensed milk.

Let's start cooking

. Mix flour, a pinch of salt, soda, one teaspoon of cinnamon, baking powder. Whisk the eggs into the dry mixture. Add oil, vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly. Grated carrots are mixed with chopped walnuts, the mixture is added to the dough. We send the mixture into the mold, into the oven for 25 minutes. Let the crust cool down after baking.

Cream preparation is simple.

You just need to mix mascarpone cheese and condensed milk. The cooled cake is carefully cut into 2 parts, smeared with cream. For decoration, you can use grated chocolate, cocoa, marzipan carrots.

All together, all in place

Each ingredient in this dish is in its place. Carrots make the cake layers of a pleasant rich shade, give a special sweetness and aroma. The dough is dense yet light. This dish delights children. There is no harm in such sweetness.

Spices are another highlight.

. This dish allows experiments with cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla. Nuts, dried apricots, raisins successfully emphasize the taste. Suitable candied fruits, zest.

The main differences between the recipes relate to the ingredients added to the dough and fillers. There are options for creamy, oil filler. Some recipes for the dish involve smearing the cakes with jams.

carrot cake- a dish with a recipe that you can and should experiment with. It is difficult to spoil, easy to improve. Of course, modifying a recipe is easier with a few ideas in your arsenal. We continue to get acquainted with proven recipes.

Carrot cake with sour cream

This combination looks very impressive: bright biscuit cakes+ white gentle cream. This cake recipe is more budgetary. It does not need mascarpone cheese, the price of which bites. To prepare a dish, you need a standard set of ingredients that can be found in many kitchens:
Sugar (200 g);
Wheat flour(320 g);
Baking powder;
Vegetable oil;
3 eggs;
Carrots (500 g);
Small orange;
ground cinnamon;
vanilla essence;

Start creating delicious dish Worth reading the step by step recipe. It is better to prepare the necessary equipment in advance, this increases the level of cooking comfort. To make the process easier, it is better to use a recipe with a photo.

The first stage of creating a test

- preparation of carrots. Thoroughly wash, dry the root crop. We clean from the peel. You can use a special knife for peeling vegetables. We rub the peeled root crop on a fine grater.

Thoroughly wash the orange. Three zest, squeeze out the juice of the fruit, avoiding the seeds.

Let's start kneading the dough

. Combine flour, baking powder, soda, cinnamon. Separately, beat eggs, vanilla essence, oil, Orange juice. Add a mixture of dry ingredients, grated root crop. Knead until the lumps disappear. We get a liquid biscuit mixture.

The next step in cooking

- baking cakes. Covering the baking dish parchment paper, pour in the dough. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for 40 minutes.

Let's start preparing the filling.

sour cream includes:
Sour cream (600 g);
Cream thickener;
Powdered sugar (100 g).

Mix all ingredients with a mixer until smooth. All powdered sugar should be completely dissolved.

We take out the finished cakes from the mold, cut it, smear it with cream. Decorate ready meal can be orange slices, serve chilled.

Carrot cake from Yulia Vysotskaya

The recipe is not very different from the classics, however

has its own characteristics

. There is no oil at all here. The dough includes a lot of nuts, and the cream is kneaded on the basis of cream cheeses. The result is a fragrant, tasty, beautiful dish.

Separate the yolks from the whites. We combine the first with sugar, beat until a fluffy foam forms. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
Wash carrots thoroughly, dry, peel. Grind on a fine grater.
Grind nuts in a blender: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts.
Add the root crop, nuts, flour, baking powder, lemon zest to the egg mixture.
Separately, beat the whites until a stable foam forms. Carefully add them to the mixture.
We put the test in the form. We heat the oven to 170 degrees.
Bake the cake for an hour, then cool. Cut into two lengthwise.
To create a cream, mix cheeses: mascarpone, creamy, after bringing them to room temperature.
Lubricate the cakes with cream inside, outside. We decorate the dish walnuts.

Here, a well-known dessert is considered from the point of view of search. perfect combinations. This dish is suitable for serving in an elite restaurant, for family gatherings with tea in the kitchen. For cooking, we need ingredients already familiar to us. Step by step recipe simple:

Mix vegetable oil and sugar well.
Adding unsweetened yogurt, stir again.
The next step is the introduction of eggs. They should be added one at a time, each time carefully stirring the mixture until a homogeneous mass.
In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, salt.
Grind carrots in a blender. You can use a grater.
Finely chop the nuts. It is better to take pecans, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts will do.
Gradually add the dry ingredients to the liquid mixture, mixing thoroughly.
We introduce carrots, nuts. We mix everything, send the mixture into the form.
Bake at 170 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
For smearing, a standard sour cream is suitable.
You can serve the cake by decorating it with triangles cut from persimmons, supplemented with mint leaves. A typical stylish carrot is obtained.

Carrot Cake: The Best Recipe

So, it's time for my favorite. Mined signature Starbucks recipe. For me it was a real discovery. From classic recipe deviations are insignificant, but the result is exceptionally tasty. In my personal list of carrot cake recipes, this one is at the top. You will need:
180 g flour;
2 eggs;
200 g of white granulated sugar;
200 ml vegetable oil;
1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
Ground ginger (1/3 tsp);
ground nutmeg (a pinch);
ground cinnamon(1 tsp);
Grated carrots (170 g);
Chopped walnut;
light raisins;
Philadelphia cheese;
Mascarpone cheese;
Powdered sugar;
Vanilla extract (1 tsp);
Lemon juice.

First, mix the sugar with vegetable oil. Add one egg at a time. Add flour, baking powder, mix thoroughly. We introduce cinnamon, nutmeg, ground ginger, vanilla extract, a pinch of salt. Add carrots, walnuts, raisins, mix the whole mass. The dough is very tender, watery, fragrant.

We prepare the form. We send ½ of the test there. If two molds of the same diameter are available, you can bake the cakes at the same time. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the dough for 40-45 minutes.

While the cakes are baking, we begin to prepare the cream. Mix room temperature butter with a mixer with powdered sugar. Add cheeses, bring to a homogeneous mass. Pour in a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a few drops of lemon juice, mix. We put the cream in the refrigerator.

We return to the cakes. We separate the upper swelling from them with a knife and fishing line. We get two equal biscuits. We take out the frozen cream from the refrigerator, proceed to the assembly of the cake.

We smear the cakes with cream. We decorate the cake with walnuts on top, send it to the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Carrot cake: recipe in a slow cooker

This recipe is convenient, here you do not have to monitor the degree of baking. It is enough to prepare the ingredients, leave the case to the slow cooker.
Beat eggs with sugar until a thick, fluffy foam forms.
Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add to the egg mixture. Mix gently with a spoon.
Mix flour, baking powder, portionwise introduce into the liquid. Add vanilla, melted butter, chopped walnuts.
Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, send the dough into it. Set the baking mode, 65 minutes.
For the cream, mix cottage cheese with condensed milk, powdered sugar in a blender.
Allow the finished cake to cool, cut into two parts. We smear the biscuit with cream.

Carrot hacks

To make the preparation of carrot treats simple, you should use the recipe with a photo. Little tricks from noble housewives will help. With their help, the dough will turn out more magnificent, and the dish is as tasty as possible.

To make the sponge cake fluffy, airy, sift the flour through a fine sieve before preparing the dough.
To finished cake not broken, it is worth leaving it in shape for 15 minutes. Then it will be easy to release the dough from the mold.
In the recipe for carrot cake, it is better not to use olive oil. It can add bitterness to the dough.
In order for the finished cake to deviate well from the shape, let's get acquainted with the "French shirt" technique. Lubricate the walls and bottom of the dish well with butter, pour flour. Then shake the mold well, pour out the excess flour. On the walls, the necessary layer is formed to protect against burning.

In the subcategory you will find many more interesting variations of the recipe. The posts have step by step instructions And step by step photos. Do not be afraid to experiment, then your dishes will be truly original.

In the section on the question I want to try to make a carrot cake now - or a cake? , wrote down after Yulia Vysotskaya ... Nobody did it? given by the author Microscope the best answer is I make carrot cake (morcupiragas) according to the recipe from Pokhlebkin's book " National cuisines our peoples"
I bake two cakes and layer with sour cream and sugar
And instead of spices (anise, zest, crust, cloves) I put vanillin
400 g carrots, 400 g sugar, 2 yolks, 1 protein, 75 g butter, 2 tbsp. spoons - 0.5
a glass of flour (depending on the juiciness of the carrots), 1.5 tsp baking powder, 1 hour
anise spoon, 1 teaspoon lemon peel, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, 3 cloves.
1. Grate carrots on a fine grater, put in porcelain or glassware and
cover with sugar or powdered sugar, leaving until the sugar is completely absorbed
into carrots and a homogeneous mass is formed.
2. Grind the yolks with butter and ground spices until white, combine with carrot
mass and, adding flour and whipped proteins, knead the dough, as for pancakes, and then enter
baking powder.
3. Put the dough on a baking sheet with a layer 1.5-2 cm thick and bake in the oven on a low
fire 40 min.
4. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with whipped cream.
Maya Kosenkova
All thanks to William Vasilievich

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: I want to try to make a carrot cake now - or a cake? , wrote down after Yulia Vysotskaya ... Nobody did it?

Answer from Miss Paris_[guru]
I cooked - they painted it just fantastic, but I didn’t really ... cupcake and that’s all ... but you can cook, although I don’t know what recipe you have

Answer from Pontelemon Bovin[guru]
3 carrots
240 g flour
200 g cream cheese
3 eggs
150 g walnuts
120 g brown sugar
240 ml olive oil
3 art. spoons powdered sugar
1 teaspoon with a slide of baking powder
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon sea ​​salt

if this is - then this is a gingerbread, not very ...

just a cupcake
Carrots (medium) - 2 pcs. (grate on a medium! grater)
Butter (soft) - 100 gr.
Honey - 4 tbsp. l. (with top) I have a "hard"
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Flour - 1.5 tbsp. (sift)
Baking powder - 2 tsp
Chopped nuts - 1/2 tbsp. (you can without it!) Beat butter with honey, eggs.
Add carrots, flour with baking powder. Nuts optional!
Put in a greased form-10 * 20 * 6.
Make a groove in the top of the dough to evenly rise the cake.
Oven at 180 deg. - 40 minutes (until "dry" match)