Strawberry jam without cooking - that's where the summer flavor is! Recipes for different strawberry jam without cooking for the sweet life. Cooking strawberry jam for the winter - the best step-by-step strawberry jam recipes

Jam without cooking is often called "raw". Main characteristic raw jam is that it does not need to be cooked. Long term storage berries without heat treatment is provided by the content in them a large number organic acids. Such jam will not only bring a delicious variety to your table, but also provide your body with vitamins, which is especially important in winter period time.

What are the best berries to choose?

For "raw" jams are most suitable following berries:
- Strawberry
- raspberry;
- strawberry;
- sea ​​buckthorn;
- Red Ribes;
- gooseberry;
- black currant;
- blueberry;
- honeysuckle;
- blueberry.

How to calculate the amount of sugar?
As a rule, there is a single and well-known rule: one to one and a half parts of sugar is taken for one part of the berries. However, it is always necessary to take into account several more characteristics of berries: variety, ripeness, sweetness, natural properties. Also of no small importance is the sweetness and quality of the sugar itself.
The most sugar-intensive berries for "raw" jam are strawberries and raspberries. These berries have a lot of water, but little sugar, and they also have weak gelling properties. Therefore, it is recommended to take sugar for strawberries and raspberries in the ratio of one part of berries to two parts of sugar.

How to make sure that the jam does not ferment?

In order to raw jam still not fermented (as often happens) it is necessary to adhere to only three rules.
Rule 1. For jam, you need to take washed, dried, fresh and ripe berries.
Rule 2. Banks, which will subsequently be used for "raw" jam, must be sterile. Covers, by the way, too.
Rule 3. "Raw" jam must be kept cold. An ideal place for such purposes is a refrigerator or a cool cellar.

How to chop berries correctly?
If you are using a soft fruit (such as strawberries or raspberries), it is best to use a pestle or mash it with a masher.
If the berry is dense (for example, black currant, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, red currant), then it is better to take a blender. Also without kitchen appliances not to do if there are a lot of berries. By the way, the blender can be replaced by a meat grinder or a powerful mixer.

Where to store ready jam?
must be kept refrigerated. In warm weather, it is best to choose a refrigerator for these purposes, if it is cold in the cellar, then jam can be placed there as well. AT winter time jam without cooking can be taken out to the balcony / loggia. You should not be afraid of frost in winter, because. sugar will keep the jam from freezing.

Which recipe to choose?
Recipe for raw gooseberry jam.
For gooseberry jam without cooking, it is best to take slightly unripe berries (but the bones in them should already be soft), which must be washed, dried and chopped with a meat grinder / blender / mixer. For 1 kg of gooseberries, you need to take 1.5 kg of ordinary granulated sugar. These two ingredients are mixed, then the "raw" jam is laid out in sterile jars, closed with a lid and placed in.

Recipe for raw blackcurrant/redcurrant jam.
Currant berries are freed from twigs, and just like any berries for jam without cooking, they are well washed and dried. Only then can the currants be crushed. The proportion of sugar to berries is one to one and a half to two, respectively.

Recipe raw jam from raspberries/blackberries.
The peculiarity of blackberry or raspberry jam without cooking is that these berries do not need to be washed. Before chopping, raspberries / blackberries should only be freed from the stalks. Mix berry puree with sugar in the proportion of one and a half to two parts to one, respectively.

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For every housewife, the word "jam" is associated with a long and tedious process. After all, some recipes involve up to twelve hours of cooking. And multiple, in several stages. After this long process, the product needs to be rolled up, which will also take a certain amount of time. How about making no-boil raspberry jam? Yes, it's real and incredibly delicious. In our article today, we will analyze in detail the process of its preparation, as well as talk about the beneficial properties of a wonderful berry.

Raspberries - sweet medicine

This wonderful berry contains a large set of useful trace elements and vitamins that help keep our body in good shape. Raspberries are one of the leading berries in terms of vitamin C content. Despite the fact that it is a quarter of water, its beneficial properties are amazing. Salicylic acid, which is found in raspberries, helps the body fight colds by acting as an antipyretic agent with an antibacterial effect.

Raspberries also have the ability to remove toxins from the body, preventing dehydration. But what if you want to stock up on this miracle berry for the winter, and even so that it does not lose its beneficial properties? This is easy to do. It is necessary to prepare raspberry jam without cooking. Minimum cost - maximum benefit. Why not just boil raspberries in the usual way and roll them into jars? As you know, during heat treatment, the valuable properties of berries disappear, and thanks to this recipe, you get healthy raspberry jam for the winter.


Like most berries, raspberries contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction. It is also worth monitoring the amount of berries eaten by people with diabetes, stomach ulcers and those suffering from kidney failure. Pregnant women should not lean on it, as it can provoke a food allergy in an unborn child. And of course, it is worth remembering: if the raspberries you have harvested for the winter will be used as a preventive medicine for respiratory infections, then do not forget to control the amount of jam consumed. Someone likes to eat it with spoons from a jar, others prefer to spread it on sandwiches, and some simply dilute it with water. Everyone will get the right portion of vitamins and nutrients. But if you like to dilute raspberry jam with water, then you should remember that it should not be boiling water, otherwise all the beneficial properties will be lost.

Choosing berries for jam

A lot depends on the choice of berries for jam, so you should approach this issue responsibly. Raspberries are very tender and do not tolerate washing. It is ideal to use a berry from your own garden, which does not need to be washed. But unfortunately, not everyone can boast of their own garden, so you have to buy berries in the market or in the supermarket. So, back to the question of how to choose the right berries in order to make raspberry jam without cooking.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the berries - heavily wrinkled and crushed will not work. Also, they should not be overripe, as they can deteriorate during the cooking process. But slightly greenish will be just the way. Be sure to try the raspberries before buying, because the unfavorable growing conditions of the berry can affect its taste. You don’t want raspberry jam for the winter to be tasteless, do you? Raspberries, of course, are the main ingredient in jam, so it should not be allowed to be sour or, conversely, tasteless. Now you know how to choose the right berry, so you can move on to the recipe itself, from which you will learn how to make raspberry jam without cooking.


According to the classic recipe, sugar and raspberries are needed. But modern chefs love to experiment by adding completely unexpected products. The proportions of raspberry jam without cooking may vary. It all depends on how long you are going to keep it. If the jam is not prepared for the future, then it is necessary to take raspberries and sugar in equal amounts. It will be stored for no more than two months. And if you want the harvested raspberries to be stored for the winter longer, then you need to take one part of raspberries and two parts of sugar. Such jam will easily stand until winter and until the next season.


Raspberries must be sorted out, separated from green branches, if any. After that, rinse under low pressure of water so as not to damage the berry. If the berry is from the garden, collected by you personally, then you can not wash it. Next, you need to dry it by spreading it on a table or board.

In order for fresh raspberry jam without cooking to get the right consistency, you need to use the right dishes. Enameled bowls and pans are not suitable for this, as there is a risk of oxidation. Stainless steel pans are great for this job, but plastic and silicone are not the best option. Finally, we come to the answer to the intriguing question: "How to make raspberry jam without boiling?"

We combine the ingredients

Raspberries need to be crushed. This can be done in two ways: grind the berries in a meat grinder or manually ceiling. Many at this stage may wonder: "Why not use a blender?" It will turn the berries into a homogeneous porridge, and this is not at all according to the recipe. The resulting mass is placed in a prepared pan, covered with sugar on top. Next, mix thoroughly until smooth. It is better to use a wooden or silicone spoon for this, this will reduce the risk of oxidation, which was written about above.

We leave for a while

We cover the resulting mass with a lid and leave it in a dark place for three to four days. In order for raspberry jam without cooking not to be candied, it must be stirred regularly. You need to do this three times a day, always with a clean spoon. This procedure is done so that the sugar is completely dissolved and does not squeak on the teeth. The proposed option will take a lot of time, but the result will be perfect jam.

If you do not have time to wait so long, do not worry, there is another option. Place the pot with jam in a warm place for six hours, after this time, stir and taste. Sugar should be completely dissolved. But in the latter version, you should carefully consider the temperature, because the raspberry mass can ferment. Each of the proposed options is aimed at dissolving sugar in raspberries. If you know other ways, feel free to experiment.

Where to store jam?

Well, it seems that the most difficult thing is over, when the question arises: "What to do next with jam?" There is only one correct answer to this question: "Store in glass jars." The modern world provides a wide choice of these containers: from miniature 100-gram jars to ten-liter bottles. What to choose, it's up to you, based on your needs. If you have a large family, then rolling jam into 0.25 ml jars will not be very advisable. But a liter or half-liter container will be just right. Metal cans and plastic bowls are not suitable for storage, they can ruin the taste of our treats.

We have chosen the necessary banks, but how will we close them? Ordinary seaming lids are not suitable for us, because we did not boil our jam. We need screw caps. Nylon are unsuitable, as the tightness will be broken. If these are vacuum vented lids, then they are suitable. This is a relatively new invention. But still it is better to use proven lids on twists.

Jars preparation

After the banks have been selected, we proceed to their sterilization. This is a necessary process for the destruction of microbes on the walls of the jar, which can later multiply in the jam. In addition to jars, lids must also be sterilized. How to do this, we will now consider. The easiest way is to pour boiling water over jars and lids, after which you can start rolling up. You can steam them. For this procedure, even special sterilizers with a hole for cans are sold. We collect water in a saucepan, put it on fire, bring it to a boil, then put the lids in boiling water, install the sterilizer and put the jar on it. Leave in this position for a few minutes, then carefully remove and begin to roll up. Multicooker owners can sterilize jars and lids in their wonder contraption. By the way, some models have a special mode for this.

Seaming process

Sterilization of the jar and lid must be done before direct seaming, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. It is necessary to put our jam in the processed jar and tighten it with a sterile lid. It is worth remembering safety measures, because jars and lids are hot after processing.

After twisting, the jam is ready. Of course, you can roll up the banks in the usual way, using a special key. But this method is quite long and problematic, the covers often explode or come across defective ones. And besides, these are disposable lids, but twisting ones can be used repeatedly. Well, our raspberry jam without cooking is ready, the reviews of which from those who have tried it are extremely positive.

The shelf life of this jam

Jars with cooked jam should be stored in the refrigerator. This is what distinguishes boiled jam from what we prepared. It can be stored for about six months, subject to all the above conditions. Remember, at the beginning we talked about the proportions of sugar and berries? So, if you used a one-to-one ratio, then the jam will be stored for no more than three months, even if these conditions are met.

You can stick a sticker on jars of jam with the date of seaming and the name of the contents. The lid of the jar can be decorated with twine and a colored piece of fabric. Jam decorated in this way will please the eye and will be an excellent gift for loved ones.

A few secrets

And now we will reveal some secrets. The first is a cooked raspberry jam without boiling with vodka. After the sugar is completely dissolved, you need to add vodka at the rate of three tablespoons per kilogram of berries. Alcohol will act as a preservative and extend the shelf life of our jam for a couple of months, and even change the taste a little more. Do not be afraid, no one will get drunk from such jam. Another secret is to sprinkle the jam with sugar before screwing on the lid. The sugar will gradually dissolve, creating a sweet film that will keep out bacteria and microorganisms.

Now you know how to make delicious raspberry jam in a completely new way that preserves all the beneficial properties of this berry. You can eat it with spoons with a fresh bun, you can pour it with water and get a raspberry drink, or you can add it to pastries. Fresh raspberry jam without cooking is a unique delicacy that will protect you from diseases and give you a lot of pleasure.

Strawberry jam is the dream of any sweet tooth!

The delicacy has an amazing taste of berries, if cooked correctly.

The maximum aroma of summer is stored in jam that is not subjected to heat treatment.

But how to do it right?

Strawberry Jam without Boiling - General Cooking Principles

Usually, different berries are used for jam: beaten, crushed, overripe. But this move doesn't work here. The workpiece is not subjected to heat treatment, so the strawberries must be clean, without signs of spoilage and rot. Otherwise, souring cannot be avoided.

General cooking technology:

1. Tails are removed from strawberries, spoiled specimens are sorted and thrown away.

2. Berries are washed from dirt and dust.

3. Strawberries are laid out in a large sieve or on a spread diaper and allowed to dry.

4. Combine the main ingredient with sugar.

Berries can be harvested whole, cut into pieces or mashed from them. The exact processing method depends on the recipe used.

Any jam is desirable to lay in sterile jars. This will prevent it from souring and premature molding. All utensils (spoons, bowls, pots) should also be clean and dry. Drinking water should be used for washing berries.

Recipe 1: Strawberry Jam without cooking "Quick"

The recipe for the simplest strawberry jam without cooking, which requires storage in the refrigerator. To prepare it, you need a blender.


0.5 kg of strawberries;

0.8 kg of sugar.


1. We wash the berries, remove the tails and put them on a clean towel. Let's dry.

2. Put the strawberries in a bowl, add half of the prescription sugar and beat with a blender.

3. As soon as all the grains are dissolved, add the rest of the sugar and beat again. Now it will be more difficult for him to dissolve and some of the grains may remain. Over time, they will melt.

4. We lay out the prepared jam in pre-sterilized jars, close tightly with lids and send to the refrigerator.

5. The workpiece will stand perfectly for 3 months if rubbish, water or other impurities do not get inside.

Recipe 2: No Boil Strawberry Jam with Chunks

The recipe for strawberry jam, which is also stored in the refrigerator, but does not need to be mashed from it.


1 kg of berries;

1 kg of sugar.


1. Cut the washed and dried strawberries into small pieces.

2. We put the berries in layers in an enameled or glass dish, sprinkle each row with prescription sugar. The rest of the sand is simply poured on top.

3. Cover the bowl and leave overnight or all day to extract juice.

4. Take a large spoon and mix. We leave for another hour.

5. Banks are processed over steam, dried.

6. Pour the jam and seal with sterile lids.

7. Send to the refrigerator for storage.

Recipe 3: Strawberry jam without boiling berries

The recipe for a very interesting jam, in which only syrup is boiled. This technique allows you to keep the fresh taste and aroma of berries. But in order for everything to work out, and the workpiece to be preserved, you need to follow the technology exactly.


2 kg of berries;

1 kg of sugar;

100 ml of water.


1. We wash the berries. It is advisable to use small strawberries. Large specimens can be cut into several parts. For now, we leave it aside.

2. Cook syrup with sugar from prescription water, it will turn out to be very saturated, we start to cook over low heat so that the sugar does not burn. Boil for three minutes.

3. Pour strawberries with boiling syrup, cover and leave for an hour. The berries will release juice, the syrup will become thinner.

4. We throw the berries into a colander, let the new syrup drain and put it on the fire again. We boil for a couple of minutes.

5. Pour the boiling syrup into the berries, leave again for an hour.

6. Drain the syrup, boil it for the last time for five minutes. At this time, we lay out the berries in sterile jars.

7. Pour strawberries with syrup, close with lids, you can roll up, it will be more reliable. Cool under a blanket and put in a cool basement for storage. Can be left in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Reheated Strawberry Jam

A no-boil strawberry jam option for those who don't like the crunch of sugar. The mass does not boil, but is heated on the stove until the grains are completely dissolved.


1 kg of strawberries;

1.5 kg of sugar.


1. Pour the berries washed and freed from the tails into a saucepan or into a basin.

2. Add all the sugar at once, mix, leave for 3 hours to extract the juice. You can do it the day before. It is better to cover the vessel so that nothing gets into it.

3. As soon as the strawberries give juice, stir and put the jam on the stove. We heat up to 80 degrees and turn off. We stir.

4. After an hour, turn on the stove again and heat it up again.

5. Repeat the procedure four times, and more.

6. For the last time, we heat the jam and, while it is hot, pour it into a sterile container. We cool and send for storage.

Recipe 5: No Boil Strawberry Jam with Lemon

A wonderful variant of raw strawberry jam with lemon. Aromatic citrus not only gives its taste, but also helps to preserve the workpiece and prevents it from quickly disappearing.


1 kg of strawberries;

1 large lemon;

1.2 kg of sugar.


1. Cut the washed berries in half and cover with sugar. We stand for 10 hours, it is advisable to stir occasionally so that the grains dissolve.

2. Wash the lemon and cut it into several pieces to remove the seeds. If you leave them, then the jam will be bitter.

3. We twist the citrus through a meat grinder or grind it in a combine.

4. We shift the lemon into strawberry jam and stir again. If the grains of sugar have not dissolved, you can slightly warm the mass on the stove, but do not boil.

5. We lay out the fragrant blank in sterile jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6: No Boil Strawberry Jam with Ginger and White Chocolate

A recipe for an amazing no-boil strawberry jam that doesn't take long and should be consumed within a week. But this is not a minus of the recipe. The blank can be a great addition to desserts, ice cream, pastries.


1 kg of strawberries;

40 grams of ginger;

0.05 kg of white chocolate;

1 kg of sugar.


1. If the berries are large, then you can cut into pieces.

2. We fall asleep with sugar and leave for 10 hours to extract the juice, it is advisable to stir.

3. We put the jam on the stove, heat it up a little until the juice dissolves and drain the berries into a colander.

4. Rub the ginger with small chips or use a blender to make a puree.

5. Add ginger to the juice and heat to 80 degrees.

6. Break the chocolate into small pieces and add to the syrup, stir. You can not dissolve the tile completely, let the pieces remain.

7. We mix the fragrant syrup with berries and you can lay out the workpiece in jars.

8. Store ginger jam for up to 10 days in the refrigerator.

Recipe 7: Strawberry Jam with Raspberries without Boiling

A jam recipe that combines the summer flavor and retains all the benefits of berries. Preparation for those who have them sing at the same time.


0.5 kg of strawberries;

0.5 kg of raspberries;

1.6 kg of sugar.


1. We wash the strawberries and cut the berries into several pieces so that the pieces are small.

2. Add washed raspberries to strawberries. It does not need to be crushed, it will soak well with syrup.

3. Add granulated sugar and stir. We leave for five hours.

4. Put on the stove and heat over low heat to dissolve the remaining sugar.

5. We lay out the mass in sterile containers, cork. Store in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 8 °C.

Souring is a common problem with sweet blanks without cooking. Everyone knows about sterility, but few people pay attention to sugar. But it is in it that rubbish, crumbs, and various impurities often come across. For jam, use only fresh sand from the package and in no case from the sugar bowl.

To prevent jam from the appearance of mold on the surface or a candied crust, you can simply sprinkle the workpiece on top with powder. And it is very important to pack the product hermetically.

To prevent the workpiece from being candied, you can add a little citric acid or fresh citrus juice to the jam and stir.

Many people store jam in plastic bottles, and they fit perfectly in the refrigerator door. But few people know that plastic releases the harmful substance bisphenol-A, which turns into jam and pollutes the human body.

Strawberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. Jam and compotes are made from it, some are frozen in the freezer, you can find it on our website.

In order not to subject the berries to unnecessary heat treatment and to preserve all the useful substances, ways have been devised to preserve them for the winter without boiling. This "jam" is also very fragrant, very similar to fresh strawberries.

Raw Strawberry Jam Recipe

This recipe for making strawberry jam without cooking is suitable for those housewives who do not have a large freezer and nowhere to freeze strawberries. The recipe is delicious and very simple.

“Raw” jam is covered with a layer of sugar (1-1.5 cm) to form a “cork”, which will protect home preservation from spoilage and mold.

You need to take sugar and strawberries in the same proportions. These ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and laid out in sterilized jars.

When the jars are filled with strawberries, a layer of sugar “for conservation” is laid on top. Our no-boil strawberry jam is ready.

In order for jam to remain jam, and not turn into homemade liqueur, you need to follow only 3 rules:

  1. Berries should be clean, fresh and ripe.
  2. Jars for storing jam - sterile.
  3. Store raw jam in the refrigerator or cellar.

Strawberry jam without cooking

For 1 kg of strawberries you need to take 800 g of sugar.

1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stalks or dry them. Cut each berry into 4-6 pieces.

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2. Place the berries in layers in a bowl, alternating with sugar. leave at room temperature overnight. During this time, strawberries will give juice, in which the sugar should completely dissolve. If necessary, gently stir the jam several times with a spoon.

3. Sterilize the jars over the steam of a boiling kettle for 10 minutes. Arrange the jam in hot jars, close the lids. Keep refrigerated.

Strawberry jam without boiling berries

Strawberry jam prepared in this way has a beautiful rich color and aroma, which is very well felt in winter.


  • 2 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.5 cups of water

Recipe for jam in syrup:

1. For strawberry jam, we take a small but ripe strawberry. We remove the stalks, wash the berries under running water and strain on a sieve. Then put the strawberries in a bowl.

2. In another bowl, cook the syrup: add 0.5 cups of water to 1 kg of sugar and set to boil over medium heat. Cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes until it becomes thick but not white. Checking it is quite simple, take a little syrup with a spoon and blow it lightly, if the syrup has become viscous and almost frozen, then it is ready.

3. Now pour strawberries with hot syrup, cover it with a lid and let it cool. Strawberries at this time give their juice and the syrup becomes liquid.

4. Then we filter the cooled strawberries on a sieve, and set the strained juice to boil for 5-7 minutes.

5. Put the strawberries back in a bowl and pour boiled hot syrup over. Let the strawberries cool completely again.

6. And once again we repeat this procedure.

If you want the syrup to be thick, then add more sugar and boil well.

7. After the third such procedure, we put the strawberries in sterile jars and pour boiling syrup, roll up the lids and put them in a blanket.

The point is that we do not boil the berries at all, only the syrup is boiled 3 times, maybe 4.

How to cook strawberry jam so that the berries remain whole, many hostesses know, right? But how to make strawberry jam without boiling berries, I will tell and show you today. This easy recipe produces fragrant, whole berries in a sweet and thick syrup - a fabulous treat for the whole family!

A prerequisite for any delicious strawberry jam can be safely called high-quality raw materials, that is, berries. In this case, try to choose fragrant strawberries of a small size (closer to small), whole, dense and elastic. Crumpled or very large berries will not work - they will not keep their shape and even fall apart in mashed potatoes. Spoiled ones will completely cause fermentation in the jar - the sweet billet will have to be thrown away.

I would not recommend reducing the amount of granulated sugar for strawberry jam without cooking, since this is a preservative. In addition, various spices (cinnamon, cardamom and others) personally for our family do not go well with this dessert: my family loves, so to speak, the pure taste and aroma of this fragrant berry.

In total, from the indicated amount of necessary ingredients, about 1 liter of strawberry jam is obtained without cooking. You can pick up jars of the volume that suits you best. I used 3 jars with a capacity of 200 milliliters each and 1 half-liter jar, in which I separately closed the thick strawberry syrup.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The berries for this recipe are suitable for medium-sized, elastic and excellent quality. We sort out the strawberries (substandard, that is, wrinkled, can be used to make strawberry jam or marshmallow, and safely throw away the spoiled ones) and mine. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, strawberries will absorb a large amount of water and become sour.

We remove the stalks and put the clean berries in a suitable container. The weight of strawberries (1 kilogram) is indicated in the already prepared form.

Now let's start preparing sugar syrup, which we will subsequently pour strawberries into. To do this, pour 800 grams of sugar into a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a saucepan and pour 150 milliliters of water there (you can cold, you can hot - as you like).

We put the dishes on a strong fire and, stirring, bring the contents to a boil. When all the sugar has dissolved and the syrup boils, make medium heat and cook for about 5-6 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam!

Pour the strawberries with boiling syrup, slightly melting the berries with a spoon or spatula. No need to stir strawberries!

In this position, leave the strawberries in syrup at room temperature until completely cooled - this may take a couple of hours. In the process of cooling, strawberries will give the syrup their juice, color and aroma. The berries themselves will become a little lighter and compacted.

Carefully pour the syrup back into the saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes (remove the foam). During this time, the sugar syrup will thicken slightly due to the evaporation of moisture.

A similar procedure should be carried out 1-2 more times (a total of 3-4 fillings are obtained). The photo shows already cooled strawberries in syrup after 3 fillings with syrup.

Now it remains to close the strawberry jam without cooking for the winter. To do this, you need to carefully prepare the jar and lids in advance in any way convenient for you. I like to do it in the microwave the best - for this preparation I use 3 jars, each with a capacity of 200 milliliters, and 1 jar, with a capacity of 500 milliliters. Thoroughly wash the jars with soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour 2 fingers of water into the bottom of each. We put it in the microwave and steam everything together at the highest power for about 6-7 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. We put the berries in three prepared 200-ml jars. A half-liter jar will be needed a little later.