Is it possible to cook compote from chokeberry. The benefits of blackberry compote

Fragrant chokeberry is perfect ingredients for the preparation of useful compotes. It gives the drink an unusual dark purple color, goes well with apples and cherry leaves. In addition, the preparation of compotes from chokeberry for the winter can be carried out both without sterilization and with it. This allows modern hostesses to choose the most simple options preparations of vitamin drinks for children and adults. Among the video and photo recipes offered below, you can find different instructions telling about how to make black chokeberry compote for the winter. They will help you easily replenish stocks in the pantry and carry out the seaming of drinks quickly and easily.

Delicious chokeberry compote for the winter - a simple recipe with step by step photos

An amazing and fragrant blackberry compote is obtained using non-standard additives. For example, not sugar, but honey can be used to emphasize the sweet taste. It is recommended to choose unusual types of honey: buckwheat or linden. They will help to easily create a useful and delicious preparation for children and adults. The following photo recipe will help you prepare such an unusual rowan compote.

Ingredients for preparing a delicious compote for the winter from chokeberry

  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • chokeberry -0.5 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • water -1.5 l;
  • lemon - to taste.

A simple photo-recipe for making black chokeberry compote for winter

How to cook compote from chokeberry and fresh apples for the winter - a step by step video recipe

The combination of apples and chokeberries allows you to make winter drink for children not only useful, but also the most delicious. It will have a lighter shade than when cooking compote exclusively from chokeberry. But at the same time, the taste of the workpiece will be as rich and fresh as possible. In the following recipe, you can learn how to cook blackberry compote with apples without any problems.

Video recipe for winter harvesting apple and chokeberry compote

The following video recipe describes step by step the features of the preparation of compote from chokeberry. Such useful hint will help you roll up a delicious drink with apples for your family and friends without any problems.

Aromatic black chokeberry compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar - step by step photo recipe

It is not difficult to make a large amount of mountain ash compote for the winter and keep it until spring. For this, the chokeberry just needs to be boiled together with citric acid. As additional ingredient salicylic acid (aspirin) can also be used. Then the made drink will be well stored both in the basement and on the balcony.

List of ingredients for preparing a fragrant compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar of chokeberry

  • sugar -1.5 kg;
  • black chokeberry berries -1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 850 ml;
  • salicylic acid - 0.5 tsp (may not be used)

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of winter preparation of compote for a 3-liter jar of chokeberry berries

How to cook blackberry compote with apples for the winter without sterilization - a simple recipe with photo instructions

Many housewives are looking for a convenient way to cook compotes without sterilization. So, they can prepare delicious drinks for their loved ones quickly and easily. The following recipe is great for such a blackberry roll. He will tell you how to cook chokeberry compote with apples both easily and correctly.

Ingredients according to the recipe for cooking apple-rowan compote for winter without sterilization

  • chokeberry -0.5 kg;
  • apples -0.5 kg;
  • water -1 l;
  • citric acid - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar -800 g.

Photo-instruction for the recipe for making apple and chokeberry compote for winter without sterilization

How to make blackberry compote with cherry leaf - a simple video recipe

Chokeberry goes well not only with apples, but with cherry leaves. An unusual ingredient, usually used when seaming cucumbers and tomatoes, will help give a special flavor to the sweet drink. This preparation for the winter is great for maintaining immunity in children and adults.

A simple recipe with a video of harvesting compote from fresh chokeberry berries with cherry leaves

You can learn about the rules for rolling rowan compote along with a cherry leaf in the following video recipe. He describes step by step the conditions for the preparation and mixing of ingredients, storage of the finished drink.

With the help of the above recipes with photos and videos, you can easily prepare any compote from chokeberry for the winter. It can be a drink that includes a maximum of vitamins from apples and chokeberries. And you can use simple instructions make a fragrant compote with cherry leaves. Exact Recipes will be helpful in preparing for winter cold and help prepare the most amazing drinks from chokeberry for children and adults.

Chokeberry or chokeberry is one of the most useful fruit-bearing plants. The berries of this shrub in the maximum concentration contain the most necessary vitamins and minerals for the body. For example, there is more vitamin C in chokeberry than in citrus fruits, and iodine is contained several times more than in garden berries.

Blackberry can be used in different types: you can eat it in fresh, cook fruit drinks, jams, compotes from the fruits of this unusual mountain ash.

In the ripening season, berries are best cooked fresh compote from chokeberry. To keep all the valuable elements in the berries intact, it is best to prepare a drink according to the following recipe:

  • Pour a liter of clean cold water into the pan;
  • Let the water boil;
  • Pour a glass of washed chokeberry berries into the water;
  • The drink should be allowed to boil for about thirty seconds and then removed from the heat.

If the compote seems sour to you, you can add sugar to it to taste. The drink should be allowed to cool and infuse, and then you can use it to remove thirst and for enhanced nutrition of the body with vitamins.

Prepare delicious and useful compote from chokeberry for the winter is not difficult at all: you just need to stock up on berries, sugar and prepare jars in advance. Chokeberry berries should be cleaned of twigs and debris and thoroughly rinsed under water. Spread the washed mountain ash on a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Also prepare the jars in advance - they need to be washed and sterilized. Put berries in prepared jars. It is necessary to fill each jar by about one third. After that, you can start cooking syrup from water and sugar. Sugar for syrup is taken in the following proportion - five hundred grams per liter of liquid. Having calculated right amount ingredients, pour water into a large container, bring to a boil and add sugar there. Stir and let the syrup simmer for about 10-12 minutes. Pour the syrup into jars and roll up the jars. Rolled up jars should be allowed to cool under a blanket or blanket and then put the finished compote in a cool place for long-term storage.

If you freeze chokeberry berries for the winter, it will be easy to cook fresh and delicious compote. The drink is brewed like a regular compote from fresh berries. If desired, other frozen berries can be added to rowan berries: raspberries, strawberries, cherries.

Experienced housewives are also popular with a recipe for blackberry and apple compote. We will learn how to cook it correctly in the next section of the article.

Blackberry and apple compote for the winter

As a basis, you can take the compote recipe that we gave above, but only one more ingredient will be added to it - apples. You can simply wash small apples and remove the petioles from them, but it is better to cut large apples into several pieces. Prepared fruits and berries are laid out in jars and poured with boiling syrup, which is prepared in the same proportion, that is, half a kilogram of sweet sand is taken per liter of liquid.

Blackberry compote: benefits and harms

Regular use of blackberry compote will help to significantly strengthen the immune system and increase the energy resource of the body, replenish the supply of valuable vitamins and minerals.

A drink is shown for some pathologies of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. Blackberry compote will remove the unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, awaken a healthy appetite, and improve the process of digestion.

Aronia berries are rich in pectin and therefore perfectly cleanse the body of toxic and toxic substances. Compote is also useful for beauty: chokeberry berries are a storehouse of antioxidants that preserve youth and strength.

A drink from chokeberry cannot bring harm to health, however, you should refrain from using it if you have problems with normal blood clotting, the presence of peptic ulcer, and hypotension.

Of the bright autumn berries experienced housewives brew unusual drinks with a tart taste. Today we will tell you how to make compote for the winter and of course from red mountain ash. Such blanks are easily stored at home, without requiring special care or attitude.

Compote from chokeberry

Fresh chokeberry berries (chokeberries) have a mass useful qualities. They contain many vitamins, pectin, tannins, glucose and fructose. Be sure to use them fresh, dry and freeze for future use. Most of the useful elements during cooking, unfortunately, are destroyed. But on the other hand, microelements are preserved, which are so necessary for us in the winter.


  • fresh chokeberry berries - one kilogram;
  • water - two liters;
  • sugar - one kilogram.

How to cook delicious compote with chokeberry without sterilization? The drink recipe is extremely simple.

First you need to process the berries, remove all twigs and leaves, throw away spoiled or broken fruits. Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar and cook the syrup for ten minutes over medium heat.

Use for preservation three liter jars or one three-liter.

Arrange the mountain ash in a clean bowl and pour in the boiling syrup. After that, the banks can be rolled up and turned upside down. Do not forget to cover the compote with a warm blanket or thick towels. The next day, when the compote with chokeberry has completely cooled down for the winter, send it to the pantry.

Compote of apples and red rowan

You can not only admire bright juicy bunches on a warm autumn day, but also use them for homemade preparations. Rowan has a peculiar taste, but it has many useful properties. Glucose and sucrose contained in the berries give the drink a natural sweetness.

Required products:

  • three apples;
  • two sprigs of mountain ash (about 200 grams);
  • 200 grams of sugar.

We offer you a simple recipe for compote with mountain ash for the winter.

So, take large ripe berries, wash them and cut off branches with scissors. Apples also need to be processed before cooking. Cut the fruit into thin slices and remove the core.

You will also need two 500 ml jars. The dishes must first be washed with any detergent and then brush them with soda. Remember to heat the jars in the oven for 10 minutes.

Arrange the prepared foods in jars, cover them with sugar, pour in water and cover the dishes with lids. After that, place the dishes in a well-heated oven for half an hour. Roll up the compote and cool it under a woolen blanket. Such a drink is perfectly stored in the pantry all winter and spring. Before serving, be sure to dilute it with boiled water.

Plum and rowan compote

If you like to experiment with unusual flavors then take note of this recipe. Thanks to him, you can always surprise your guests by offering them an original refreshing drink.


  • chokeberry berries - 300 grams;
  • apples - 450 grams;
  • filtered or spring water - two and a half liters;
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams.

It is necessary to collect berries from the end of September until the first frosts.

You can cook compote from plums with chokeberry in a short time, without putting much effort into it. Read the recipe carefully, and then repeat all the steps in the correct sequence.

Separate the berries from the twigs, wash and immediately pour into three liter jar. Process the plums and free from stones. After that, they need to be sent to the mountain ash and pour freshly boiled water. Let the fruit stand for ten minutes.

When the specified time expires, pour out the liquid and pour a new portion of boiling water into the dishes. After another quarter of an hour, the resulting infusion should be mixed with sugar and put on fire. Return the resulting syrup to the jar and immediately close the compote with a tin lid.

Blackberry and lemon compote

A simple recipe without sterilization can be repeated by anyone.

Ingredients of the drink:

  • 400 grams of chokeberry;
  • one and a half glasses of sugar;
  • half;
  • three liters of pure unboiled water.

Before you start preparing compote with black rowan for the winter, prepare the dishes. A three-liter jar must be thoroughly washed and the lid boiled. Pour clean berries into it without twigs and leaves, filling about a quarter of the total volume. Cut the lemon and just put one half to the berries.

Pour water into the pan (it is better to take with a margin) and put it on fire. When the liquid boils, pour it into the jar to the very edge. Cover the drink with a lid and leave it alone for a while.

After 10-15 minutes, drain the infusion back into the pan.

You will greatly facilitate your task if you use a polyethylene lid with holes for this purpose. A convenient device can be purchased at a hardware store or you can make it yourself from improvised materials.

Pour sugar into a jar, and bring the infusion to a boil again. Pour hot water berries so that it overflows. Immediately roll up the compote and turn it upside down.

Blackberry and orange drink for the winter

We invite you to try another drink with original taste. For it you will need:

  • rowan berries - 500 grams;
  • - one piece;
  • citric acid - one teaspoon;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • water - as needed.

We begin to prepare compote with chokeberry for the winter. Sort the berries, put them in a colander and rinse under running water. Cut the orange into thick rings along with the peel.

Transfer the prepared ingredients to a jar, pour boiling water over them and cover with a saucer. After 20 minutes, combine the resulting infusion with citric acid and sugar. Put the liquid on the fire, bring it to a boil and cook for three minutes. Pour the syrup over the berries and orange and roll up the compote.

Recipes for compote with chokeberry for the winter are easy to prepare. Choose any of them and treat yourself to delicious drinks before the next summer season!

Fruits and berries


Compote from chokeberry for the winter- simple vitamin drink, which absolutely any housewife, even completely inexperienced in the art of cooking and preparing for the winter, can easily and very quickly cook at home with her own hands.

Very simple and understandable step by step recipe with pictures will help you see the whole cooking process with your own eyes, and help you establish yourself in your own eyes, because skills come with experience, and experience is gained in the process of preparing the workpiece. The photographs show the entire cooking process - you see how chokeberry compote should look like for the winter and how quickly and simply it is prepared.

It will take you about half an hour to prepare a portion of compote, including pre-sterilization of dishes and canning lids. Such a drink is prepared without subsequent sterilization. You can roll up the compote both in liter jars and in a 3 liter jar, observing the proportions of the bookmark.

After preparation, the compote must be infused in a cool room without access to bright light for one month - during this time it will gain color, and the rowan berries will completely give up their useful material decoction.

Preparation of compotes from natural fruits and berries is good because the drinks are completely ready to drink, retain the maximum amount of vitamins and fully convey the taste of freshly brewed compote. Compote, cooked according to the proposed recipe, will be enjoyed by both adults and children. Some housewives cook such a compote with the addition of apples, but in this case you will have to sacrifice the amount of rowan berries, and the color and taste of the compote will not be saturated.

Prepare with us a delicious vitamin drink for the winter and get a charge of vivacity and good mood in winter, drinking it instead of tea. With it, you will help your body cope with the hardships of winter mood swings and replenish vital substances that strengthen the immune system, strengthen blood vessels and be able to normalize activity. thyroid gland. The absence of preservatives in the recipe allows you to make the compote completely natural and will make it possible for even children to use such a drink, because the berry does not cause allergic reactions.. Let's start preparing!

Aronia or chokeberry often grows in summer cottages as an ornamental plant. It tends to bear heavily with black, astringent but sweet fruits that are rarely eaten or harvested. Although the fruits of this shrub are very healthy and quite tasty. Today we will talk about how to cookblack chokeberry compoteLet's take a look at some great recipes.

What berries are suitable for compote

A very useful berry. It contains a considerable amount of various vitamins and minerals that the body needs for full-fledged work, so do not ignore chokeberry. If you do not want to eat it fresh, making compote is an excellent solution. Depending on the recipe, the drink will turn out to be slightly tart, moderately sweet and reminiscent of Coca-Cola. Children will appreciate.

The peculiarity of the chokeberry is that its berries can be harvested until late autumn, right up to the first frost and snow. It is worth noting that they ripen quite late. Before the end of September, you should not even try to harvest.

In connection with this feature, chokeberry berries are perfectly preserved when long-term storage or freezing. For compote, you should choose well-ripened and not spoiled berries. Although the latter are rare. Berries need to be sorted out from twigs, leaves and other debris, washed thoroughly and dried on a towel.

You should prepare jars for compote in advance. They must be thoroughly washed with soda in hot water, and then doused with hot steam or sterilized in a special device. Covers should also be processed. Also prepare a saucer or plate on which the jar will wash off freely. Why you need to understand later.

Chokeberry compote: cooking algorithm

Aronia compote can have a different composition and as a result will receive a variety of flavors. But the principle of compote preparation remains identical. Therefore, we will first analyze the cooking algorithm delicious drink, and only then we will see which ingredients can be combined with each other. It is worth noting that two of them will be permanent: sugar and chokeberry berries.

  1. We take berries and other ingredients selected in accordance with the recipe, except for sugar, and place in a jar prepared in advance for about a quarter of the total volume.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan at the rate of 3 liters of liquid per three-liter jar. All the water will not fit, since we already have berries in the jar. But we need to keep a small margin.
  3. We put the jar on the prepared plate and pour boiling water into it to the brim so that it overflows a little. The plate will collect the water and prevent it from spreading. To avoid unpleasant situations, hot water pour not on the glass, but on the berries. Otherwise, the bank may burst.
  4. Cover the jar with a lid and leave the workpiece for 15 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, pour the water back into the pan and bring to a boil again. The easiest way to drain the liquid is through nylon cover with holes.
  6. While the water is boiling, pour the sugar into the jar. Fill with boiling water, to the very edge, so that it overflows a little and immediately twist or roll up with an iron lid.

Then the jar of compote must be turned upside down and wrapped until it cools completely. Then you can send ready drink for storage in a cellar or mezzanine. ready.

The best compote recipes

Above, we examined the principle of making compote from chokeberry. It should be noted that the method is universal and suitable for any compote of berries and fruits. Now it's time to consider directly the recipes according to which the drink turns out to be especially tasty, aromatic and healthy. All recipes by composition are indicated based on a three-liter jar of compote.

Chokeberry with lemon

This recipe stands out from the rest. It is extremely simple, requires a minimum of components and perfectly reveals the taste of chokeberry, while lemon softens the astringent effect of the berry.

  • Aronia - 400 gr.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups.
  • Half a medium sized lemon.
  • Water - 3 liters.

The lemon can be cut in half and put in the first bookmark with all the ingredients, or squeeze the juice out of it and add it in the second part, before twisting.

Compote with apples

Another variety of this
blanks. At the same time, experienced housewives advise taking sour varieties of apples, they, in combination with the sweetness of chokeberry, give an amazing effect.

  • Chokeberry - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.
  • Sour apples - 300 gr.
  • Lemon, small - 1 pc.
  • Water - 3 liters.

Before putting in a jar, apples should be cut, core removed and watered. lemon juice not to darken. The lemon in the recipe is needed specifically for squeezing the juice that apples need.

This is one of best recipes, which is used by resourceful housewives.It turns out incredibly tasty and with a unique cherry flavor. By the way, many uninitiated will not understand that the main component of the drink is still chokeberry.

  • Chernoplodka - 600 gr.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Cherry juice - 1 glass.
  • Cherry leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Water.

It is best if the leaves were harvested in the spring, while the cherry tree is in bloom. Then they are the most juicy and fragrant. But if there are none, then freshly picked ones are quite suitable. Before cooking, half the leaves must be poured with water (2 cups is enough) and boiled for 5 minutes. Then pour into a jar of berries and insist for 8 hours. It is best to do this the night before the day of preparation. Then drain the liquid into a saucepan, put the rest of the leaves and pour in the cherry juice, boil for about 5 minutes. Pour sugar into a jar with berries and pour boiling solution. Roll up and turn over, wrapping until cool.

There are many more recipesblack chokeberry compote, we have given examples of the most delicious, in our opinion, combinations. In addition, no one forbids the hostess to experiment with tastes and invent an author's recipe for a unique drink.