Christmas goose recipe: useful culinary tips and tips for choosing a bird. Christmas Goose: A Step-by-Step Recipe

Every Christmas, the hostess seeks to serve the most delicious dishes to the festive table. A traditional dinner is not complete without a Christmas goose. Cooking this dish is not that difficult, but it takes a long time. But what a reward your Christmas goose will be - juicy, fragrant, appetizing!

There are many recipes for preparing the dish; a different combination of spices and a variety of fillings are used. Last year's holiday, my Christmas goose was cooked to a very affordable (basic) recipe.

Christmas goose - decoration holiday table!

As a rule, a goose baked with apples is prepared for Christmas, fruit fillings, rice, prunes, but very tasty dish obtained with buckwheat, mushrooms, sauerkraut. Yes, and among themselves these fillings are mixed - cabbage-mushrooms, rice-mushrooms, etc.

How many calories in this dish I try not to even count or even think about, other festive dishes are also high in calories. One hope for fasting days after the holidays (required!) and harmony will be preserved!

Christmas goose recipe with apples

How to cook, products: (to get 8 servings, you need a bird of about 4 kg):

  • ground black pepper (or a mixture of peppers if you want the Christmas goose to be spicy) - to taste;
  • salt - to your taste;

Vegetables and spices that are needed to prepare the sauce on the broth:

How to cook Christmas goose

The following actions save the fat from burning: under a baking sheet with a goose on a wire rack (or directly on the bottom of the oven), put half a liter of water (control its evaporation, check and add from time to time).

How to make Christmas Goose Sauce

You can prepare the sauce while the goose is in the oven, just in time to cook the broth for the sauce.

  • In a saucepan we put the phalanxes of the wings (those that we ourselves cut off first from the carcass), spices, heart, liver (it is possible without offal). Fry the carrots and onions quickly without fat in a dry frying pan (so that a little tan appears on the vegetables), put them in a common pan, boil for 10 minutes.
  • We take a few tablespoons of fat from the pan where the goose was fried, mix with flour, put on slow fire, pour a glass of alcohol. Here we also add salt, goose broth (one or two ladles, depending on how thick you want to get the sauce for the Christmas goose). Salt the sauce, stir, wait until it thickens (after boiling for 2-3 minutes), add spices.

Served on the table Christmas goose cut into portioned pieces with sauce, and the filling serves as a garnish.

Another variant of the filling for the Christmas goose

For goose carcass 3-4 kg:

For marinade:

  • soy sauce- 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • marjoram, ground black pepper - to taste.

For filling:

  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 200 g;
  • chicken offal (liver, hearts, stomachs) - 300 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sauerkraut - 200-300 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying vegetables - 1 tablespoon (or trimmed goose fat).

We prepare the marinade - we combine all the products for it, we rub the prepared goose carcass.

Preparation of the stuffing for the Christmas goose:

Christmas goose stuffed with buckwheat and mushrooms won't be as tasty without a fragrant, unusual sweet and sour sauce.

  • 100 g red wine mixed with orange juice and zest, two tablespoons of olive oil. We put on fire, as soon as the mixture boils, add 3 tablespoons of cranberries.
  • After 5 minutes, the berries are completely boiled, then we grind it on a fine sieve. Add a spoonful of honey, crushed cloves (you can use other spices to taste), put on a quiet fire, boil until thick.

Delicious treats and Merry Christmas!

As you know, on the Christmas table there must be one central dish made from a whole animal. It can be:, or, and of course, the Christmas goose is one of the most popular dishes worldwide.

Baked goose is such a delicious dish that it is often prepared not only for, but also for other holidays. There are a lot of Christmas goose recipes, among them the most popular are: goose with apples, goose with prunes, goose with potatoes, and goose with buckwheat.

However, not in vain, a deliciously cooked Christmas goose is considered the highest culinary skill: this bird is capricious, difficult to cook, so not everyone can bake a goose well the first time. We often hear complaints from housewives that the baked goose came out too fat or too dry, and that the cat cried in the meat goose.

But, maybe still try to cook this famous christmas dish again? After all, there are many ways to bake a goose so that there is a crispy crust on top, and tender, tasty meat underneath.

Let's take a look at the main...

How to deliciously bake a goose:

1. You can marinate the goose before baking - then the meat will be tender and juicy.

2. So that the baked goose does not turn out to be too greasy, you need to cut off the entire excess fat, which can later be used to fry something.

3. Before baking, it is worth making punctures of the breast and legs at the junction with the body - this will help the excess fat to melt and flow out during cooking.

4. Before cooking, you can buy a goose in boiling water, and then, after drying, rub it inside and out with salt, based on 1 kg of weight - 1 tsp. coarse non-iodized table salt + ground black pepper + fragrant herbs. We put (or better, hang) the prepared goose in a cool place for two or three days, then bake. As a result of these manipulations, we get a Christmas goose with a crispy, golden crust.

5. Another way to get a crisp and juicy meat in baked goose:

  • We heat a pot of salted water (1 g of salt per 1 liter of water) in such an amount that it can completely cover the goose.
  • We add spices and herbs to the pan: thyme, mint, star anise, pepper, etc., boil and throw into it, previously washed and well plucked, goose.
  • Leave the fire on for another 15 minutes. , then turn off, close the lid and let the goose cool down for 10-11 hours.
  • During this time, he will be able to boil properly, saturate the aroma of herbs, and take all the salt he needs.
  • Next, we take the goose out of the water, dry it with a paper towel, and finally dry it in a heated oven - min. 5.
  • To get a beautiful, crispy crust, and preserve the taste of meat, goose, when baking, grease every ten minutes with glaze prepared according to the following recipe: 1 glass of white wine (dry) + 2 tablespoons of honey + Provence mustard. Bake the goose for about an hour.

6. Before baking the bird, it is necessary to cut off the thin parts of the wings, as they will still burn during cooking. We also remove the neck and take out the offal. If, while cooking the Christmas goose, you notice that some part of it burns, cover it with a piece of foil.

7. In order for the baked goose to be soft, you can cook it in a sleeve or in foil, and at the very end, hold it open for a while to form a crust.

8. Also, the Christmas goose can be cooked in the oven, in a pan or on a baking sheet, with a small amount hot water:

  • The oven must be set to 220°C.
  • We calculate the frying time as follows: for each kg of weight - 45 minutes.
  • During the first 40-45 minutes. keep the temperature at 220 ° C, then reduce it to 180-170 ° C, and fry the goose from 1.5 to 2.5 hours, depending on its weight.
  • During baking, the goose carcass must be turned over: first on one side, then on the second, then on the back.

9. And the last, one of the most simple options which I use:

  • We put the goose in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake until tender.
  • During cooking, it is necessary to water the goose, every 15 minutes, with the resulting juice.
  • Also, I pre-spread the goose with glaze. Christmas goose cooked this way is always juicy and tender.

Today I will tell you one of the recipes for cooking a Christmas goose.

Christmas goose with buckwheat


  • goose - carcass, weighing 4 kg
  • buckwheat - 1 cup
  • butter - 150 g
  • eggs - 3-4 pcs
  • mustard
  • ground black pepper

Recipe for Christmas goose with buckwheat:

Prepared, cleanly washed goose, carefully rub the inside with a mixture of pepper and salt, and leave to infuse, meanwhile we prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Rinse well and cook until cooked, do not forget to lightly salt. Boil eggs hard boiled.

We clean the finished eggs from the shell and finely cut them, then mix them with buckwheat porridge. Butter cut into small pieces and also add to the filling.

Mix everything well and fill the Christmas goose. When the goose is stuffed, we take a large needle and a strong thread and sew up our goose. It is not necessary to pay too close attention to the beauty of sewing - when the goose is ready, the seams will still not be visible.

Now we prepare the glaze for the Christmas goose: for this we mix equal parts of honey and mustard. We coat the bird with glaze on all sides.

We put the goose on a baking sheet with small sides and put in the oven. We bake at a temperature of 200 degrees.

A goose of this size will be ready in about 3 hours. Don't forget, every 15 minutes. water the bird with the resulting fat and juice.

We check the readiness of the goose with a knife: we pierce the skin and meat on the leg of the goose, and see what color the juice stands out, if it is transparent, the Christmas goose is ready.

We put the goose on a plate and remove the threads, and lay out the buckwheat on the guests' plates.

Bon appetit and Merry Christmas!

Roast goose is amazingly delicious. And the goose stuffed with apples, pears, tangerines and prunes - it's doubly tastier. The sweetness and juiciness of apples and pears, as well as the sour note of tangerines, the piquancy of prunes will make the meat incredibly tender, juicy and fragrant.

Preparing a Christmas goose is not difficult, I would even say exciting. With a beautiful carcass on the table, with different devices in your hands, you can feel like a real chef. And when you take a needle and thread in your hands, a childhood dream comes true - to become a famous surgeon. And when the final part comes and you stand with a spacing, on which lies a beautiful Christmas goose, and from the spreading aroma everyone is already standing near the kitchen - you feel like a magician who, with the help of all of the above, gathered all the relatives at the same table in a matter of minutes, without saying and words.

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Rub the goose thoroughly inside and out with salt and spices (I use a mixture of paprika, curry, basil, garlic, ginger, nutmeg and ground black pepper).

Prepare the filling: wash the apples and pears well and cut into medium-sized cubes together with the skin. Peel the tangerines and divide into slices. Rinse prunes with hot water.

Tightly stuff the belly of the goose with the prepared stuffing.

Sew up the belly with a thin thread.

Put the bird in a baking sleeve and send it to the oven.

Bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 200 C. Enough fat will be rendered from the goose, and the fruit will release a lot of juice. During this time, the bird will steam well, feed on all delicious flavors and stay very juicy. Then carefully cut the sleeve and continue to bake for another 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Combine soy sauce, honey and juice of half a lemon. Lubricate the surface of the goose 5 minutes before readiness.

Incredibly aromatic, the most tender meat and crispy Christmas goose is ready to serve. It remains only to get the thread.

Cook with love.

Merry and delicious holidays!!!

How to cook goose so that he made a real sensation among the guests? It is enough to use our culinary selection, in which you will find not only interesting recipes, but also helpful tips for cooking.

How to cook goose in the oven


Plucked and gutted poultry - 2.5-3 kg
- salt, marjoram, pepper
- olive oil for lubrication
- either drive chicken bouillon– 0.3 liters

For filling:

Prunes - 0.15 kg
- apple - 3 pieces

Cooking features:

Wash the bird, dry thoroughly, cut off excess fat. Cut off the tips of the wings. Tuck the skin in the neck area, fix with toothpicks. Rub the spices inside and outside the carcass. Cover with cling film, leave overnight in the refrigerator. Prepare the filling: rinse the apples, cut out the middle with the seeds, chop large slices. Wash prunes, dry. Cut the berries in half, but you can leave them whole. Connect fruits. Fill the belly with apples. Cut off the abdomen with toothpicks or sew. Brush the bird with olive oil, tie the wings and legs tightly together, and place in a deep baking sheet. Pour water or broth into a baking sheet, cover with foil, leave for half an hour at a set temperature of 200 degrees. Rearrange the temperature by 180 degrees and bake for another 2.5 hours.

Consider and.

How to cook soft goose in the oven


- poultry - 3 kg
- potatoes - 1 kg
- ground black pepper
- sour, hard apple - 5 pcs.
- onion
- lemon
- a teaspoon of thyme and marjoram
- acetic acid
- cumin - 0.5 tsp.
- rosemary - half a teaspoon

How to cook:

Gut the bird, singe with a gas burner, wash, dry with a paper towel, trim off excess fat. Rub the meat on each side acetic acid and salt. Combine rosemary, cumin, thyme and marjoram. Rub the dry spice mixture over the bird, wrap it in a plastic bag and move to a cool place to marinate. This will take all night.

Chop quince and lemon into slices. Peel the onions and potatoes, chop them in half, season. Wash the apples. Stuff the marinated bird with whole apples, lemon and quince. Don't forget to stuff the neck of the goose as well. Fasten the neck with toothpicks or sew with threads. Tie the wings and legs with thread.

Prepare and.

Fold the bird with potatoes in the "sleeve", bake. The dish should be prepared at 150 degrees for 2.5 hours. After 15 minutes remain until the end of readiness, cut the sleeve and bake the meat until a beautiful crust. Remove threads and toothpicks from the finished goose, serve with baked apples and potatoes.

How to cook juicy goose

You will need:

Green hard apple - 3 pieces
- potatoes - 1 kg
- onion - a couple of pieces
- butter - 2 small spoons
- lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
- giblets
- black pepper
- poultry carcass - 3 kg
- liquid honey - about 2 tbsp. spoons
- kitchen salt
- cumin

How to cook:

Wash the carcass thoroughly, dry, cut off excess fat. Rub the inside and outside of the meat with salt and cumin. Cut the apples into 8 slices, remove the seeds. Wash the giblets, fry, combine with apples. Chop the peeled onion into half rings, fry on butter. Combine with the rest of the filling. Start the carcass 2/3, tamp tightly, sew up the abdomen.

Transfer the bird to the mold, tighten with foil. During baking, brush the skin with the fat that will form. For lubrication, you also need to use lemon and honey. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Put the form in the calcined oven. Bake the meat for two hours, basting it with honey-lemon sauce and fat from time to time.

After 2 hours have passed, drain about 100 ml of fat into a separate container. In the remaining form, put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200band washed lemon, quartered potatoes. Bake the bird for another hour. Half an hour before the end, remove the foil so that the skin is browned.

How to cook goose meat

Hard cheese - 0.3 kg
- zucchini
- tomatoes - 4 pcs.
- cream - 75 ml
- young bird - 2 kg
- bulb bulb - 3 pcs.
- salt
- four cloves of garlic
- vegetable oil - 30 ml
- sweet pepper - 4 pieces

How to cook:

Rinse the carcass, after removing the remnants of feathers. Trim off excess fat. Cut the meat into portions. Rub each slice with spices, salt and crushed garlic. Wash vegetables under running water. Peel the onions and chop into thin slices. Chop the zucchini into rings. Remove the seeds from the fruits of pepper, cut off the stem, crumble into medium cubes. Chop the tomatoes into large chunks.

Spread the form or a deep baking sheet with oil or fat, fold the meat slices. Lay all vegetables on top except tomatoes. Cover with foil, put in the oven for an hour and a half (pre-set the temperature - an hour and a half). On coarse grater grate the cheese, combine it with cream. Cover the vegetables with the mixture, spread the tomato slices on top. Return the mold to the oven, bake for 30 minutes, uncovered with foil.

Centuries and centuries succeed each other, and Christmas remains one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays in the whole world, and the Christmas goose with apples is considered the main dish of the festive table. Have you ever wondered - why, for example, not a pig or a lamb, but a goose and certainly with apples?

There is a legend how a goose with apples became the main dish of the Christmas meal. A long time ago, in 1588, Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled England at the time, was served a goose for dinner. This dish often appeared on the queen’s table, it was nothing unusual, but the news that sounded exactly at the moment the queen was eating the goose (she was informed of the complete defeat of the ships of the king of Spain) made this dish special: to celebrate, the queen considered it a kind of omen and announced Christmas.

As you know, everything good is adopted very quickly, and soon the tradition of cooking a goose in apples for Christmas quickly spread to other European countries. We do not change this glorious tradition, and today the Christmas goose with apples still decorates the tables of Russians, creating a feeling of holiday and home comfort.

Goose with apples is easy to prepare, and even novice housewives cannot spoil this dish. And in the oven, and in the slow cooker, and in the sleeve for baking, the meat turns out to be equally tasty and soft. So you really shouldn’t worry about this, the main thing in this matter is to get a suitable goose. It is better if the bird is homemade, bought from a good housewife in the market; if not, then you can buy a fresh goose carcass in the store. Carefully inspect the carcass. If, when pressed, the meat returns to its previous shape, then it has not been frozen. When choosing a bird, pay attention to the paws: in a young goose they are yellow, with down, in an old goose they are red and without down. Perfect option- a goose not older than 7 months, weighing 3-4 kg, well-fed, with a fleshy breast, with dense dry pinkish skin. Take it, do not hesitate, this is what you need.

It is better to buy a frozen goose in advance, two or three days before the celebration. First you need to wash the purchased goose thoroughly, pull out or singe the remaining feathers in some places, cut off the wings with kitchen scissors (they will still burn when baked in the oven) and fat, which usually concentrates on the abdomen and neck, be sure to remove the tail with odorous glands and get the offal , If there are any. Then rinse the goose again thoroughly inside and out and dry the bird with paper kitchen towels.

If you want the meat to be especially soft, keep the goose in the refrigerator for 1-2 days (if two days is too much for you, let it lie in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours) or marinate. Before this procedure, prick the skin of the goose with a fork or skewer over the entire area. Do not marinate the goose in vinegar; this makes the meat tough. Use better other marinade recipes. For example, coat a goose carcass with adjika, mayonnaise, garlic passed through a press, and rub with salt and pepper. Or how do you like, for example, marinades: mayonnaise, mustard, honey, salt, pepper, seasonings to taste; tomato paste, sour cream, olive oil, minced garlic, turmeric, paprika, lemon. Marinate the goose for 2-3 hours, no less. Even better - coat it with the prepared marinade, wrap it tightly with cling film and leave it overnight in the refrigerator.

Each experienced hostess have their own secrets of cooking Christmas goose with apples. For example, apples of the Antonovka variety are best suited for cooking: they are green, hard, tolerate high temperatures well and do not lose their appearance. They have the very sourness that will make your dish extraordinary. If you use a different variety, then lay the apples to decorate the dish not immediately, but 10-15 minutes before the goose is fully cooked. To stuff a goose weighing 3-4 kg, you will need approximately 1-1.5 kg of apples. If the apples are small, lay them inside whole. During the hours spent in the oven, the fruit will turn into an airy, very tender, slightly sour puree.

So we come to the recipes, read, choose, take out your paw on the eve of the bright holiday and start the magical sacrament of cooking the Christmas goose with apples.

Christmas goose "Grandmother"

1 goose
1.5 kg Antonov apples,
2 tbsp vegetable or butter,
sour cream,
cilantro seeds, powdered
salt, pepper - to taste.

Rub the bird inside and out with salt, pepper and cilantro seeds. Spread evenly on top with sour cream, put peeled and sliced ​​apples inside, sew with threads and bake in the oven at 180ºС until fully cooked, pouring a little water into a baking sheet. Remove the finished goose from the oven, remove the threads and, laying on a dish, serve to the table.

Christmas goose with apples and raisins

goose 3.5-4 kg,
15 apples
4 tbsp raisins,
1 tbsp Sahara,

Rub the prepared goose inside and out with salt. Peel 7 apples, cut into quarters, remove the cores. Wash the raisins and soak them in hot water to make it swell. Then dry it and mix with apples and sugar. Stuff the goose with the resulting mass and sew with threads. Lay the carcass on a baking sheet with the back down, add a little water (½ cup) and send it to a very hot oven. When the goose is browned, turn it upside down and, after browning it on the other side, reduce the heat. Baste the bird with the fat from the pan every 10 minutes. The goose will be ready in about 3 hours. You can check this with a toothpick. If she effortlessly pierces the meat, then the goose is ready. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, cover the goose with the remaining apples, pour over them with fat and bake until they are soft. Remove the threads from the finished goose, lay it on big dish, lay around with apples and decorate with herbs.

Goose with apples, onions and almonds "Winter Fun"

1 goose
2 apples
5 bulbs
2 carrots
2 tbsp raisins,
3 tbsp peeled almonds,
1 tbsp marjoram,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Separate the neck and wing tips from the goose, rub it with pepper and salt inside and out. Cut the apples into 4 pieces, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Cut two onions into small cubes, mix with apples, raisins, almonds, marjoram, salt and pepper, carefully place the filling inside the carcass and sew with threads. Place the goose breast-side down on a high-rimmed baking sheet and roast in the oven at 250°C for 30 minutes, then turn over and lower the temperature to 190°C. Add the remaining onion slices, sliced ​​carrots to the goose, pour in 250 ml of water and fry for another 2 hours, pouring over the juice that stands out. Remove the finished goose from the oven, cover it with onions and carrots and serve with the juice from the roast, filtered through a sieve, slightly boiled and seasoned with spices.

Goose with apples, olives and cumin "Merry Christmas!"

1 medium goose
11-12 large antonos apples,
8-10 olives,
1 tbsp flour,
1 tsp crushed cumin,
1 bunch of parsley
sour cream,
salt pepper.
For sauce:
1 tbsp flour,
½ stack meat broth.

Grate the prepared goose inside and out with cumin and salt, stuff with 4-5 chopped apples without seeds and sew the hole with threads. Coat the carcass with sour cream, place it back down on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200ºС until golden brown. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and bake until tender, pouring over the juices that stand out. If there is not enough juice, pour 3-5 tablespoons into a baking sheet. meat broth. When the goose is almost ready, put the rest of the apples without seeds on a baking sheet and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Remove the finished goose from the oven, free it from threads and apples, place it on a dish with its belly down and pour over the sauce prepared as follows: pour the juice released from the goose into the flour, add ½ stack. broth, bring to a boil and strain. Around the finished goose laid out on holiday dish, lay the apples with which the goose was stuffed, lightly crush them with a spoon and arrange large baked apples beautifully on them. Insert olives into their cutouts and decorate with herbs.

Goose with apples baked in the sleeve

goose weighing 2.5-3 kg,
4 apples
100 g prunes,
½ stack ground walnuts,
1 lemon
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper, spices - to taste.

Rinse the goose thoroughly, pat dry and rub inside and out with a mixture of salt, pepper and other spices. Cut the lemon into slices and put inside the goose. Wrap the bird in cling film and refrigerate overnight. Peel the apples from the core and seeds and cut into quarters. Add to them prunes cut in halves and ground walnuts. Stuff the goose with this mixture, brush with vegetable oil on top, place in a roasting sleeve and place back down on a baking sheet. Bake the Christmas goose with apples in an oven preheated to 180ºС for 2-2.5 hours.

Goose with apples in a basket of dough "Gift for Christmas"

apples, dried apricots,
salt, pepper, spices for poultry.
For a basket:
2 stack flour,
2 eggs,
2 stack milk,
1 sachet instant yeast
salt, sugar.

Rub the goose with salt, garlic, poultry seasoning, stuff with peeled apple slices, dried apricots and bake in the oven until half cooked, pouring over the juice that stands out. For the dough, mix 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, salt, sugar to taste, add yeast diluted in ½ cup of warm milk and knead the dough, adding the rest of the milk if necessary. Divide ready dough on the bundles and lay out the base of the basket. Carefully place the goose on it. Insert the wire from the champagne lid in the form of a basket handle into the base and braid it with a bundle of dough. Bring the dish in the oven until the dough is ready.

Goose with apples and sauerkraut

goose weighing 4 kg,
6 apples,
6 pears,
2 stack sauerkraut,
1 tbsp dried cranberries,
1 stack dried apricots or other dried fruits,
1 stack white wine,
3 tbsp spices (pepper, cumin, rosemary),

Rub the prepared winged goose with the spice mixture. If possible, take out the fat and put it on the bottom of the goose. To avoid burning, lay a cabbage leaf on the bottom of the goose, put the bird on it and start preparing the filling. For this dried cranberries, half of apples and pears, cut dried apricots into pieces. Stuff the goose with the fruit mixture and sew with thread. Put in the oven, preheated to 200ºС and cover with a lid. Roast the goose for 3 hours, basting occasionally with the juices. Add after 2 hours sauerkraut, and after another 30 minutes - whole pears and apples. Drizzle the goose lightly with white wine and let it rest in the oven for a little longer. Put the finished goose on a large dish, decorate with fruits and herbs.

Christmas goose with apples, oranges and garlic

goose (4 kg),
1 kg of apples
1 kg of oranges
2 heads of garlic
150 g honey
1 sprig thyme

Mix salt and pepper and rub the prepared goose carcass inside and out with this mixture. Cut oranges and apples into slices, remove the core from apples. Chop greens. Stuff the goose with fruits and herbs. Add the garlic passed through the press to the honey, coat the goose with this mass and sew it with thread, fasten the bird's legs with a thread, pierce the carcass with a fork in several places, put in a baking dish, cover loosely with foil and cook in a well-heated oven for 1 hour. Then remove the foil, pour the juice over the goose and continue, pouring the juice that comes out from time to time, bake until tender.

Goose with apples in the Moskovsky slow cooker

1 goose carcass according to the size of the bowl,
4 small apples
1 orange
2 carrots
3 garlic cloves,
400 g champignons,
200 g pitted prunes,
100 g liquid honey
100 g sour cream
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
juice of 2 lemons,
1 pinch of sugar
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Pour the prepared carcass with the mixture lemon juice with vinegar and place it in the cold for 4 hours. Grated carrots, chopped champignons and pre-soaked and chopped prunes, season with salt and sugar and cook in half the vegetable oil in the “Frying” mode for 10 minutes. Stuff the goose with this filling and sew with threads. Salt and pepper the carcass, rub with garlic, grease with a mixture of honey and sour cream, place in a bowl greased with the remaining oil along with apples, pour in 150 ml of water and set the “Frying” mode for 40 minutes. In the middle of the process, turn the bird over and cook in the “Extinguishing” mode for 2 hours, adding water. When the goose is done, remove the strings and serve with apples and orange slices.

Let the Christmas goose with apples cooked by you according to our recipes become your traditional family dish and give your home the magical spirit of Christmas! And Christmas recipes will help you create a holiday atmosphere at the table.

Larisa Shuftaykina