Dried cranberries calories per 100. Calories in cranberries

A berry such as cranberries grows mainly in swampy areas. Distributed in many countries. There are a huge number of varieties of berries: there are only 22 of them in Karelia. Cranberries are also universal. It is used to prepare:

  • salads - goes well with fresh crispy vegetables;
  • drinks (juice, fruit drink, jelly) - has a pronounced taste;
  • desserts (jelly, pies, jams) - gives the dish a sour note.

The composition and calorie content of cranberries

Cranberry is a low-calorie product - 46 kcal. There are practically no proteins and fats: 0.39 g, 0.13 g. Carbohydrates are also presented in a small amount - 7.6 g. Cranberries are eaten fresh, frozen for the winter and even dried. In dried form, the calorie content of the berry reaches 308 kcal - there is practically no water in such a product.

Cranberries contain a wide variety of vitamins: C, representatives of group B, PP, K1. There is a lot of potassium in the berry. There is phosphorus, and calcium, and 20 more micro and macro elements. Together, they improve digestion. And cranberry juice can be used as an antipyretic.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Cranberry is a berry, the fruit of an evergreen creeping shrub, common on moist, often swampy soils of the Northern Hemisphere. Your English name "Cranberry" cranberries received thanks to their flowers, which resemble the neck and head of a crane. Red berries can be spherical, ellipsoid or ovoid, with a pronounced sour taste and fresh smell.

The most extensive plantations for growing cranberries are in the USA and Canada, cranberries are cultivated in the Scandinavian countries, Belarus, and Karelia. Some types of cranberries have an air chamber inside the berries, so they do not sink in water, which makes harvesting much easier. The area of ​​the plantation is flooded with water, the water is foamed by special harvesters, while ripe berries come off and they can be collected from the surface of the water.

Cranberry calories

The calorie content of cranberries is 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of cranberries extend literally to the entire body. Cranberry reduces the development of carious processes, the berry has long been used as a natural remedy against scurvy. Cranberries contain indigestible dietary fiber, which gently cleanse the intestines and help eliminate toxins and waste. Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants, ursolic acid, which is responsible for the stable growth of muscle tissue (calorizator). Cranberry has the ability to slow down the development of atherosclerosis and is a uroseptic, the only berry indicated for cystitis. Cranberries contain substances that prevent the attachment of E. coli to the walls of the bladder (which is the cause of the development of cystitis). The use of cranberries is recommended for any infectious diseases of the urinary system. Cranberry is rich, contains vitamins, lowers blood sugar, promotes comfortable weight loss.

Harm cranberries

Excessive consumption of fresh cranberries can adversely affect the condition of tooth enamel, and is not recommended for those who are diagnosed with stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. The red color of the berries makes cranberries a product that can cause allergic reactions. Cranberries have antiseptic and antiviral effects, berries are used for colds and as a prophylactic during seasonal colds.

Selection and storage of cranberries

When buying cranberries, you should pay attention to the dryness and intactness of the berries, the absence of signs of decay and the presence of mold, fresh cranberries should not be caked. Frozen berries should be poured without forming one or more lumps. Fresh cranberries can be poured with clean cold water and kept in this state for a month at room temperature and up to six months in a cool place (cellar). Ripe fresh cranberries are frozen by laying them out in a single layer on a flat surface, then pouring them into bags or plastic containers. Frozen berries retain their taste and beneficial properties for 12-20 months.

Cranberries are a valuable medicinal and food product. For the people of America, cranberries are a festive berry; not a single Thanksgiving Day celebration can do without it. In addition to its sour taste and bright color, cranberries are unlike other berries due to their particularly high content of vitamins, which are considered the strongest antioxidants.

Cranberries have four to five percent sugars (mostly fructose and glucose). As for organic acids, among them are benzoic, citric and malic. Just the same, benzoic acid is characterized as a natural preservative and an assistant in terms of preserving cranberries in their original form, for this you just need to pour them with boiled water. The berries contain tannins and pectin substances, a lot of micro and macro elements.

Like other acidic nature's gifts, cranberries are more effective than vitamin supplements in tablets, as they contain a huge variety of phytonutrients, vitamins and other nutrients that disappear after processing. What's more, nature ensures the perfect balance of nutrients and their optimal absorption.

Cranberry extract and berries are used as an antiscorbutic, cooling and antipyretic agent, as well as to increase the effectiveness of sulfonamides and antibiotics.

Calorie content of cranberries - 26 kcal. The composition also contains carbohydrates - 6.8 g and proteins - 0.5 g.

After eating cranberries, digestion and appetite improve. Better production of gastric juice and pancreatic juice. Thanks to this, it is possible to treat gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice, just like inflammation of the pancreas. Cranberry has a bactericidal and diuretic effect, and is also useful for pyelonephritis.

Cranberry syrup and juice is used as an anti-fever agent, for inflammatory diseases, beriberi, to quench thirst and lower the temperature. She is treated for rheumatism, respiratory diseases, eaten with honey for sore throats.

Cranberry juice and jam from these berries are great for the winter-spring period. Cranberry is considered a wonderful remedy for preventing beriberi and boosting immunity.

Cranberries boast the ability to fight inflammation and infectious diseases. They effectively resist urinary tract infections, gum and stomach diseases. Proanthocyanidin, contained in berries, does not allow pathogenic bacteria to remain in the body for a long time. Fresh cranberry juice is used to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as cancer.

In certain places, fresh cranberries are available for purchase almost throughout the year. Organically grown cranberries are the healthiest. Cranberry desserts and sauces contain practically no useful properties of fresh berries.

Among the products there are real champions in therapeutic and dietary abilities. One of them is cranberry. No one needs to prove how useful this berry is. It perfectly quenches thirst and cures colds, but for those who are struggling with excess weight, it is much more important to know how many calories are in cranberries. The answer will definitely not disappoint you!

Dr. Cranberry: a berry that will protect against ailments

For Russians, cranberries are their original product. It is often called "marsh grapes", although it is far ahead of this berry in its beneficial properties. The taste of raw cranberries is not too high. It has a sour taste with bitter taste, for which she was given another name - "northern lemon". But in dishes (pies, mousses, jelly) it is simply magnificent.

It should be noted another unique property that cranberries have: its calorie content is so scanty that it is suitable for most diets, and even helps to lose weight.

What is the calorie contentfresh, dried and frozen cranberries?

In addition to its bright scarlet color and sour taste, fresh cranberries differ from many other berries in their high vitamin content and low calorie content. How many cranberries will reward depends on the way it is processed. The energy value of these berries (per 100 g) is as follows:

  • fresh berries - 26-28 kcal;
  • dried (dried) - 308 kcal;
  • frozen - 17 kcal.

Thus, for those who decide to lose weight, a natural and frozen product is more suitable, but dried cranberries are not suitable at all, the calorie content of which is 11 times higher than that of fresh berries! Drying robs the gift of swamps and orchards of their dietary abilities and transforms them from low-calorie to super-nutritious food.

Is it possible to spoil the figure with cranberry dishes?

If you look at how many calories are in dried cranberries, beloved by many, then natural suspicions will arise: are dishes made from these berries not the same high-calorie ones? When they cease to be an independent dish, but turn into an ingredient, then their calorie content becomes as follows:

  • cranberry juice - 46 kcal;
  • fruit drink - 41.08 kcal;
  • jelly - 53 kcal;
  • mousse - 140 kcal;
  • sauce - 101 kcal;
  • smoothies from cranberries - 21 kcal;
  • cranberries in sugar - 187 kcal;
  • cranberry pie - 390 kcal.

Gourmet diet: how to lose weight on cranberries?

The calorie content of cranberries (if we are talking about fresh berries) is only 26 kcal or 1% of the daily allowance, so it is used in dietetics. There is a special cranberry diet. It is very simple: in the morning (before meals) drink a glass of cranberry juice, and before each meal, also eat a handful of berries or drink juice. In order for such a nutrition system to give results, you should adjust your diet: exclude fatty and fried foods from it and eat a portion of sauerkraut at lunch.

A little about the benefits

It is wrong to consider cranberries solely from the standpoint of low calorie content. After all, this is a very healthy berry, a recognized healer. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiscorbutic effects. Helps with sore throat, pharyngitis. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, prevents the formation of stones. It "works" as an antipyretic and enhances the effect of antibiotics. Being a real storehouse of vitamins, cranberries become a natural prophylactic against colds.

It is useful to eat a berry for those who suffer from high blood pressure, who have a predisposition to glaucoma. "Swamp grapes" found a place in dermatology. It is recommended to take it for psoriasis, allergic rashes and baldness.

To whom is cranberry not a friend?

Not for everyone, a berry can become an assistant in acquiring a “aspen” waist. The cranberry menu is not suitable for those over 60. The berry is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity. If strong teeth are as important to you as a model figure, then it is better not to get carried away with cranberries. The acids it contains can destroy tooth enamel. The berry can also provoke the appearance of heartburn.

Cranberries are a very useful berry, and due to their low calorie content, they are also a good helper in losing weight. Find out how many calories are in fresh, dried and dried cranberries, get 7 recipes and lose weight with benefit!

Cranberry is a red berry with a pronounced sour taste, fresh aroma and a lot of useful properties that have a beneficial effect on almost the entire human body. Along with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, the calorie content of cranberries is only 28 kcal per 100 grams, due to which it is widely used not only for health purposes, but also in dietary nutrition. The use of these berries during weight loss can significantly enrich the diet and make the process of weight loss less stressful. At the same time, it should be read that the indicated calorie content refers only to freshly harvested products, and processed products have a different energy value, the increase or decrease of which depends on the method of processing.


Cranberries are best consumed fresh. As mentioned above, the calorie content in this case is 28 kcal / 100 g. Only frozen has a lower energy value - 17 kcal / 100 g, however, along with a decrease in the number of calories, the vitamin and mineral composition of the berries also becomes poorer.

Important! When frozen, the calorie content of cranberries decreases, which makes it a more sought-after component of any weight loss diets. But it should be borne in mind that after any freezing, a significant part of the vitamins and minerals are destroyed, so the product becomes less beneficial to health and the body as a whole.

Freezing cranberries does not make sense for another reason. "Northern lemon", as this plant is often called for its characteristic pronounced sourness, has unique bactericidal properties due to the presence of a natural preservative - benzoic acid. Thanks to this substance, the berries do not deteriorate for a long time and do not lose their original taste.

To preserve freshness for a long time and at the same time even slightly reduce the calorie content of cranberries, you just need to pour cold boiled water over it. If there is a lot of raw materials, enamel pots are used, which are installed in the basement or in another cool place. With a small amount, cranberries are packed in a similar way in jars and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such products is several months. And even with longer storage, the berries will not deteriorate, but simply absorb the liquid in which they are located. This will not affect the beneficial properties in any way, only the taste will become less saturated.

Fresh cranberry fruits have antiseptic and antiviral properties, they are recommended to be used for the treatment of colds and for prevention during seasonal colds. Due to their low calorie content, cranberries can be a great addition to any diet. But it should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of fresh berries can adversely affect the condition of tooth enamel and the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the presence of ulcers or gastritis with high acidity.

When buying fresh berries, you should choose dry, intact, without signs of decay and mold. Frozen products should consist of individual fruits that have not frozen into lumps.


There is a misconception that dried cranberries, whose calorie content is 308 kcal / 100 g, are not suitable for those who are on a diet. But you need to understand that during the drying process, liquid evaporates from it, it decreases in volume and weight, and the composition becomes more concentrated. Accordingly, the calorie content per gram also increases. If we measure this indicator by the number of berries, then it remains unchanged.

For the same reason, dried fruits have a richer taste and aroma. They are perfectly stored due to their own natural preservative, so their production technology does not provide for the use of any additives traditionally used to increase the shelf life of other dried fruits and preserve their external attractiveness.

In addition, due to the higher content of valuable substances, regular consumption of dried cranberries has a beneficial effect on health, providing the following results:

  • normalizes cholesterol metabolism;
  • free radicals are removed;
  • inflammation and infections in the oral cavity are eliminated;
  • the severity of carious processes decreases;
  • the intestines are gently cleansed;
  • slags and toxins are removed from cells;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • the development of atherosclerosis slows down;
  • accelerates the treatment of cystitis, other infections of the urinary system and gynecological diseases;
  • avitaminosis is eliminated, immune defense is strengthened.

For medicinal and recreational purposes, decoctions, compotes, and infusions are prepared from dried cranberries. It is also widely used in the usual daily diet when preparing sauces, desserts, pastries, etc. The beneficial properties of the “northern lemon” are so versatile that doctors and nutritionists recommend that residents of large cities regularly include it in their diet throughout the year, as well as those people who often go on diets.


Dried berries are produced using a special drying method, which results in fruits that are not too dry, but no longer as firm and fleshy as fresh ones. They are often used to decorate various dishes, instead of raisins or candied fruit in baked goods, as well as a dessert on their own or as a vitamin supplement to tea. In addition, they make very tasty, saturated with natural vitamins drinks - compotes, kissels, fruit drinks, kvass.

During the processing process, the calorie content of cranberries rises to 280 calories per 100 grams. This is due not only to the evaporation of the liquid, as in conventional drying, but also to the use of sugar syrup in the production. Therefore, such a product is saturated with both useful complex and harmful simple carbohydrates. This makes it an undesirable component of the diet for weight loss or the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas.

In addition, due to the peculiarities of the technology, which involves pre-boiling and subsequent drying at elevated temperatures, some important vitamins and minerals are destroyed in cranberries. For this reason, it is great for eating as a healthy dessert, but is not recommended for treatment or recovery.


Cranberry fruits are widely used in cooking in all the forms described above. A variety of dishes and drinks are prepared on their basis, and they are also added to vegetable and fruit salads, cold appetizers, pastries and desserts. Due to the low calorie content of cranberries, including it in a particular recipe can reduce the overall energy value of the finished product. But in some cases, due to the combination with too nutritious components, for example, with sugar or powdered sugar, the calorie content of cranberries, on the contrary, increases. Therefore, if this factor matters, it is necessary to choose dishes that are more useful for the figure. Also, in some recipes, fresh cranberries can be replaced with frozen ones, since the quality of the dishes and their taste characteristics will not be affected. However, it should be borne in mind that as a result of freezing, a certain part of the valuable substances is lost and the product becomes less healthy, especially after further heat treatment.

In powdered sugar

Washed and well-dried fresh cranberries are mixed with pre-whipped egg whites. Spread on a sieve or sieve to drain excess protein foam. Take in portions and roll in powdered sugar, then dry on parchment for 2-3 hours. Stored in cardboard boxes. For 1 kg of berries, you need 1 kg of powdered sugar and 2 proteins. With this set of components, the calorie content of cranberries will increase to 185 kcal / 100 g.

in sugar

First, a syrup is prepared, for which 100 g of sugar and 4 tbsp are mixed. l. water, then the mixture is heated over low heat until completely dissolved. Leave to cool until warm. 200 g of fresh berries are sorted and washed, poured into warm syrup and gently mixed so that their surface is covered with liquid on all sides. They are quickly taken out and rolled in granulated sugar, then laid out on parchment paper and allowed to dry. The calorie content of cranberries in sugar prepared according to this recipe will be even higher and will be about 200 kcal / 100 g.


Dried berries can also be prepared at home. To do this, they are poured with syrup (the ratio of water and sugar is 1: 1) and boiled until they begin to burst. Remove from heat, let cool and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in an oven preheated to 60ºС and incubated for 3 hours. After that, they take it out of the oven, change the parchment and dry it for another 4–6 hours at the same temperature. After cooking, the calorie content of cranberries rises to 280 kcal / 100 g.


Grind through a sieve 500 g of fruit. The resulting juice is left, and the squeezed pulp is mixed with 160 g of granulated sugar, 1.5 liters of water are added, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and brew, then filter, pour juice into it and stir well. When using this recipe for making cranberry juice, the calorie content of the finished drink will be 39–40 kcal / 100 ml. If sugar is replaced with honey in the ratio of 40 g per 1 liter of water and 200 g of berries, then the energy value of the product will decrease to 16.5 calories per 100 ml.


Bring 1.4 liters of water to a boil, add 3 cups of cranberries and 1 cup of sugar. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes. Let it brew, filter and again put the resulting compote on the fire. Separately bred 5 tbsp. l. starch in a small amount of cold water, stir well until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. When the compote boils, pour the starch mixture into it in a thin stream with constant stirring to prevent the formation of clots. Allow the jelly to boil, stirring constantly. Consume cold.

When preparing jelly from cranberries, the calorie content of ordinary compote, which forms the basis of this drink, increases significantly - up to 58 kcal per 100 ml. This is due to the addition of starch, which gives it a jelly-like form, but at the same time it is almost a pure carbohydrate, and, therefore, a supplier of an increased amount of extra "empty" calories.


Bred 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 200 ml of boiled water (or according to the instructions on the package) and leave to swell. Separately, pour 1 cup of berries and ½ cup of granulated sugar into 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. Allow to cool slightly and filter through a sieve, rubbing together with the pulp. Bring to a boil again, remove from heat. Pour in the swollen gelatin, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Pour into moulds, chill in the refrigerator until set.

When preparing cranberry jelly, the calorie content of the finished dish, which also has a jelly-like form, like jelly, will be somewhat lower - only 49.6 kcal / 100 ml. Moreover, gelatin is a protein product. Despite the relatively high calorie content, it is more beneficial in dietary terms than starch, since its calories are not "empty".


Beat 3 eggs and 100 g of sugar, add 250 ml of milk and 100 g of pre-melted butter, mix thoroughly. Separately, 250 g of flour and 1 tsp are mixed. baking powder, pour in the egg-milk mixture and mix again, whisking until smooth. Pour 100 g of fresh or frozen (without defrosting) cranberry fruits with starch (1 tbsp is enough), and then add them to the dough and mix gently again. The mass is laid out in a greased and floured form, set in an oven preheated to 180ºС. Bake for 1 hour, checking the readiness of the dough with a toothpick (it should be dry). The finished pie with cranberry filling has a delicate texture and original sour taste. Its energy value is 286.9 kcal / 100 g.

The nutritional value

Cranberries are a valuable source of a large number of nutrients, which, along with low calorie content, makes them a highly sought-after food product. The composition of the berries includes pectin, various organic acids, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, ash, many vitamins, minerals and other macro- and microelements. Their presence testifies to the obvious benefits of the "northern lemon" for human health.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Cranberry fruits are used not only fresh, but also processed. Since the calorie content of the berries changes as a result of any processing, the content of the main macronutrients in them also varies. Thus, the amount of BJU in 100 g, depending on the condition of the berries, will be as follows:

In fresh:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.7 g.

In frozen:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fat - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.9 g.

In dried:

  • proteins - 0.1 g;
  • fat - 1.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 76.5 g.

In dried:

  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fat - 0.55 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57 g.

Important! It should not be forgotten that the content of BJU, as well as the calorie content of cranberries in their natural form, that is, fresh or processed without the addition of sugar and other components, remains unchanged in terms of net weight. Shrinkage (evaporation of moisture) or absorption of pure water only changes the concentration of the main macronutrients, but does not affect their ratio in any way.

Macro- and microelements

The richness of macro- and microelements puts the "northern lemon" on a par with natural medicines. These berries are especially rich in such important elements as:

  • potassium - improves the work of the cardiac and skeletal muscles, is functionally associated with sodium, when interacting with which it contributes to the development of membrane potential, the occurrence of muscle contractions, maintaining acid-base balance and normalizing water balance;
  • sodium - functionally related to potassium and performs the above actions;
  • magnesium - is a cofactor of a significant part of enzymatic reactions, maintains the normal state of the nervous system and heart muscle, has a vasodilating effect, increases intestinal motility, stimulates bile secretion;
  • calcium - regulates blood clotting and various intracellular processes, including hormone secretion, muscle contraction, and others;
  • phosphorus - strengthens bone and dental tissue;
  • iron - improves the blood formula, increases the supply of oxygen to the cells.

The unique properties of cranberry fruits are determined by the content of not only minerals, but also some specific substances. Thus, the benzoic acid contained in cranberries is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also very successfully fights the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the presence of which in the stomach causes the development and exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. But this berry can only be used for prevention, since in the presence of such diseases it is contraindicated.

In addition, benzoic acid can enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics and is recommended in complex treatment to speed up the result. Additional antimicrobial protection is provided by the tannins and phenol contained in cranberry fruits, which are more in this plant than in any other berries. Phenol also has pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties that help treat various infectious diseases.

Another valuable component of the product is ursolic acid. Its beneficial actions are to normalize metabolism by stimulating the production of insulin. For this reason, cranberry juices and fruit drinks are recommended for people with diabetes. In addition, such drinks are also recommended for healthy people, as they energize them no worse than energy drinks, but at the same time they do not give any side effects characteristic of caffeinated products.


Cranberries are included by American doctors in the list of the most useful products for humans. This is due to the fact that its fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • C - contributes to the strengthening of capillaries, is one of the main participants in the process of formation of nonspecific immunity;
  • K - a group of vitamins that provide protein synthesis, without which it is impossible to maintain a sufficient level of coagulation (blood clotting);
  • A and β-carotene are the strongest antioxidant, especially useful for people in a state of peroxide stress, which can be caused by chronic diseases, improper diet, old age, etc.;
  • E is an important antioxidant and antihypoxant, which is able not only to protect cell membranes from oxidative damage, but also to stabilize the mitochondrial membrane, ensuring economical oxygen consumption by cells;
  • B1 - accelerates metabolic processes, supports the normal functioning of the heart, nervous, digestive and hormonal systems;
  • B2 - participates in the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, regulates growth, human reproductive functions and the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • B6 - stimulates metabolism, regulates protein absorption, accelerates the production of blood cells and hemoglobin, ensures a uniform supply of cells with glucose;
  • B9 - a participant in various metabolic processes, stimulates the synthesis of amino acids;
  • PP - participates in redox reactions, promotes the formation of enzymes, accelerates the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in cells.

The indicated healing properties and low calorie content of cranberries contribute to health promotion, preservation of youth and harmony of the body. It is recommended to include in the diet of all people, regardless of age and health status. A contraindication to the use of the "northern lemon" can only be individual intolerance or acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, if there is any doubt, it is necessary to consult a doctor or nutritionist, and also carefully monitor the body's reaction after eating berries.