Jasmine tea. How to Harvest and Dry Jasmine for Tea

Jasmine tea is a delicious tonic drink that gives strength and strengthens the body. Since ancient times, it has been drunk not only to enjoy the taste and aroma, but also to improve the body. First beneficial features jasmine tea was celebrated in ancient China. In those days, it was believed that this drink gives men strength, and women who drink it become more sensual. What are the benefits and harms of jasmine tea, who should not drink green tea with jasmine and how to brew it correctly?

What are the benefits of green tea with jasmine for the body

The health benefits of jasmine green tea are vast. Its use provides a number of therapeutic effects. He:

  • lowers pressure;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • promotes the removal of allergens, toxins and toxins from the body;
  • has a tonic effect, has a beneficial effect on activity nervous system;
  • improves mood;
  • eliminates thirst;
  • contributes to the normalization of the work of the digestive tract;
  • improves brain function, eliminates headache;
  • reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • is the prevention of oncology;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • beneficial effect on vision;
  • normalizes the production of insulin.

Also, a drink of jasmine flowers and tea helps to cope with hangover syndrome and is effective means when rocking. With regular use, it normalizes sleep and restores activity during the day - thanks to theine included in the composition, a milder analogue of caffeine.

Green tea with jasmine is drunk to restore the balance of vitamins in the body, cleanse accumulated impurities and prolong youth. Therefore, this drink is so loved by women. Black tea with jasmine is most often drunk with a cold - it helps to get back on your feet faster and relieves the symptoms of the disease.

Green tea with jasmine for women and men

Jasmine scented tea is beneficial for men and women's health. Essential oils, vitamins and minerals, as well as organic acids help to normalize blood circulation and improve mood, which means that men improve potency and increase sexual desire.

Women who regularly drink jasmine green tea become more sensual and feminine. All this has a beneficial effect on relationships within the couple. At the same time, moderate use of the composition is sufficient - it is not necessary to drink a lot of tea.

Jasmine tea during pregnancy

To the question, is it possible for pregnant women to have tea with jasmine, there is no definite answer. On the one hand, it does not contain substances that can harm expectant mother and her baby. On the other hand, the abuse of tonic drinks during this period can cause heart rhythm disturbances and poor health. Usually, it is not required to completely abandon green tea - it is enough to reduce the amount of drink consumed. But it is best to consult a doctor first.

During lactation, you can drink tea, but also in small quantities. If you notice that you have shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating, and other symptoms, eliminate the drink from your diet and consult a doctor.

Harm of green tea with jasmine

Can't drink too strong Jasmine tea, also avoid drinking this drink on an empty stomach or at bedtime. Green tea with jasmine is not combined with alcohol - their joint use contributes to the formation of toxic substances that have a devastating effect on the kidneys and other organs. It is extremely harmful to brew jasmine in pure form- in many cases it ends with allergic reactions.

Women on a diet often drink jasmine tea to suppress hunger. However, if there is no food in the stomach, this drink will only increase the production of gastric juice. You will want to eat more, and the increased acidity of the stomach leads to heartburn. If you want to use jasmine green tea to get rid of accumulated waste and toxins and cleanse the body, drink it on a full stomach and with milk. In this case, the ratio of tea and milk should be 1 to 1.

Cause harm can green jasmine tea in in large numbers. Doctors do not recommend drinking more than 3-4 cups a day.


In some cases, the use of jasmine green tea is contraindicated. It should not be drunk when:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • horse racing blood pressure and high blood pressure;
  • hyperacidity stomach;
  • gastritis and ulcer;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • kidney disease;
  • joint pathologies.

With caution, the use of jasmine tea should be taken during pregnancy and lactation. It is best to consult with your doctor beforehand.

How to brew jasmine tea

The best jasmine tea is obtained if the following rules are followed:

  1. Use filtered or bottled water.
  2. Jasmine green tea should not be brewed in a metal teapot. It is better to do this with a gaiwan, a special porcelain cup with a lid, a traditional vessel for green tea. A glass glass is also suitable.
  3. Follow the recommended norms: for 150 ml of drink, you need to take 3 tsp. blends of tea and jasmine.
  4. It is better to buy raw materials in specialized tea shops. The quality of tea bags is lower, and the taste is worse. Jasmine petals can be purchased separately and mixed with tea plant leaves on their own.
  1. Rinse the brewing vessel with boiled water to create the right conditions for brewing.
  2. Let the water cool slightly - the temperature should not be higher than 80-85 o. Higher temperatures will spoil the taste of the tea.
  3. Put tea leaves in a gaiwan or glass, pour hot water, cover with a lid and infuse for a minute. After that, the water is poured out - this allows you to eliminate the dust accumulated on the surface of the tea leaves.
  4. Re-fill the tea leaves and insist under the lid for a couple of minutes.

It is permissible to brew tea no more than 4 times. Subsequent brews require longer brewing times. So, the second brew lasts three and a half minutes, the second - four, and so on.

In addition to green, it is delicious to consume and White tea with jasmine. This drink is prepared in the same way.

Jasmine tea - This is a tea leaves for a drink made from a mixture of dried tea leaves and flowers of a shrub from the Olive family with the botanical name Jasminum (from the Persian "yasmin"). The shrub can be found only in areas with a tropical and subtropical climate. Flowers white or yellow, solitary or umbellate, located at the ends of twigs or apical shoots. They have a pronounced delicate sweet aroma, which persists even after drying. Varieties with large inflorescences were bred artificially in China, even before our era.

How is jasmine tea made?

The shrub blooms at night, so you have to collect inflorescences at this time of day. Already at dawn, the amount of essential oils in the buds is significantly reduced. The petals are plucked without sepals. To be preserved in jasmine tea properties medicinal plant, in China, each variety is harvested at a specific time of the year:

  • Chun-hua Xun - in late spring, in the last days of May and June;
  • Xia-hua Xun - in July;
  • Fu-hua Xun - at the very end of summer, the last days of August;
  • Qiu-hua Xun - after the drop in temperature, in October.

Despite the fact that the plant blooms in the tropics all year round, at other times the collection is not carried out. Petals are folded into a basket without crushing - they must "breathe" and retain moisture.

There are 2 ways, how to make jasmine tea:

  1. The petals are mixed with freshly plucked tea leaves, linen bags are filled with raw materials, compacted, laid out in the sun to dry, and put into a room with a high temperature at night. Cooling is unacceptable - rotting will occur. Packing is carried out after the raw material has dried. It is possible to pre-grind the collection. The price of such welding is low.
  2. Freshly picked petals are spread in a thin layer mixed with tea leaves, both fermented and unfermented. Leave for 3-5 months in a dry, cool room. Airing is not carried out so as not to lose the precious aroma. Leaves impregnated with a valuable smell can be separated from flowers or packed together. What is jasmine tea made from? elite varieties - leaves, petals or mixtures, indicated on the package. Such products cannot be cheap - all operations are carried out manually.

When self-collecting flower heads, the petals are laid out in one layer on food parchment, dried in the sun or in warmth. Stored in glass jar under a tight lid for 1 year.

Note! Flowers should not be collected from bushes found in continental climates. This is not jasmine, but mock orange. The aroma and shape of the inflorescences are similar to the original tropical shrub, but its properties are different, and the petals are not suitable for brewing tea.

The composition and calorie content of jasmine tea

When included in the diet of the drink nutritional value may not be taken into account.

In elite and cheap varieties jasmine tea calories the same - 1.1 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.2 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.3 g;
  • Water - 99

An example is given chemical composition green tea with flower petals.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.001 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.008 mg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.0864 mg.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium, K - 18.93 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 8.24 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 4.35 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 1.52 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 0.99 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 6.3 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 1.39 mg.

Trace elements per 100 g:

  • Iron, Fe - 0.627 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.0016 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.6 μg;
  • Fluorine, F - 175.57 mcg.

The benefits and harms of jasmine tea determined by the impact on human body. It should be borne in mind that it contains not only delicate petals, but also tea leaves, which contain:

  • Tannins- gallodubic acid from the group of phenolic compounds, which increases blood clotting;
  • Caffeine- a purine alkaloid, which is a strong irritant for the nervous system;
  • Polyphenols- have an antioxidant effect.

In green varieties, these substances are less, in black more. It should be borne in mind that in elite tea leaves all the useful properties of the original raw materials are preserved due to the special processing of tea leaves.

Useful properties of jasmine tea

Medicinal properties tea leaves are caused by a combination of properties of plants that were used to prepare the final product.

Benefits of jasmine tea:

  • Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol and increases the density of lipoprotein.
  • It has an antioxidant effect, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Improves the condition of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up digestion, stops the accumulation of toxins in the large intestine. Reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases of the digestive organs.
  • Stimulates the production of enzymes and bile.
  • Increases local immunity at the cellular level.
  • Reduces the possibility of a heart attack, stroke, the formation of neoplasms in the reproductive organs and urinary system.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and teeth, stops age-related changes.
  • Prolongs the life cycle of liver cells, hepatocytes, prevents liver diseases.
  • Increases immunity, helps to cope with the first symptoms of SARS in the season of epidemics, stops the active life of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  • Inhibits the development of salmonella.
  • Increases libido, stimulates sperm production in men, and in women reduces the manifestation of PMS and unpleasant signs of menopause - hot flashes and pressure drops.
  • Eliminates bad breath.
  • Relaxes, accelerates falling asleep, helps to recover from stress and withstand emotional pressure.
  • Renders beneficial effect on the body of a woman after childbirth, helps to avoid depression.

Black jasmine tea tones up, helps to improve the condition of dysentery and intestinal colic, warm up quickly and avoid colds after hypothermia. Chinese healers used it to treat syphilis. Green - relaxes.

Benefits of jasmine tea for those who control their own weight: accelerates metabolism, stimulates the transformation of the fat layer and fat burning. But in order to activate the "weight loss" properties, regular physical activity is necessary.

Chinese sages are sure: 3 cups of the drink, which they drink in small sips during the day, completely relaxed in thoughts of the eternal, prolong existence.

Contraindications and harm of jasmine tea

After getting acquainted with a new taste, allergic reactions may occur. Manifestations are both mild - redness of the skin, itching and rash, and severe - angioedema, bronchospasm. If there is a tendency to allergic reactions and bronchial asthma, it should be introduced into the diet very carefully.

Harm jasmine tea can bring:

  1. Pregnant. Abuse can provoke smooth muscle tone and lead to interruption. In addition, a rich aroma often causes toxicosis.
  2. With an exacerbation chronic diseases digestive organs- peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, chronic pancreatitis and enterocolitis, tendency to diarrhea.
  3. Suffering from cardiovascular diseases to avoid fluctuations in blood pressure.
  4. With neuropsychiatric pathologies, including epilepsy, if convulsions are a symptom of diseases.

Should not be brewed green jasmine tea small children. It is not known what effect the drink will have on the underdeveloped intestinal flora.

One of the properties of jasmine is the acceleration of the processing and absorption of glucose, the production of insulin. Therefore, when diabetes the possibility of using the drink should be clarified with the attending physician. Abuse can significantly increase blood sugar levels.

If you want to enjoy a real original taste, you should not save and buy cardboard packaging. This brew is a grated or granulated mixture of tea leaves and petals. Need to purchase loose leaf tea, no artificial flavors. This product is sold by weight. It should not only be seen, but also smelled.

How to brew jasmine tea:

  • Water is pre-filtered or purchased special drinking, purified. In China, preference is given to spring.
  • Instead of a teapot, they use a porcelain cup with a lid, which is called a gaiwan. AT last resort prepare transparent dishes - a glass cup or a jar. Ceramics or food-grade plastics are unable to retain original taste. Before starting the process, the dishes are scalded with boiling water.
  • Water is boiled, and then cooled to 80-85 ° C.
  • First, tea leaves are poured into the container, only then water is poured. The optimal proportions are considered - 1 g of tea mixture per 50 ml of liquid. Close the lid. In the case of a glass or jar, cover with a clean porcelain saucer.
  • Drain the liquid, repeat the brewing process, insist 2-3 minutes.
  • Strain the drink before serving.

Despite the assurances of tea lovers that “the second infusion is already slop”, tea leaves can be used up to 4 times, increasing the shutter speed in each case by 30 seconds. The first tea is rich, fragrant and pungent, the last one is much softer, with a delicate smell.

If you purchased jasmine petals separately, you can experiment with tea leaves:

  1. Green tea is brewed according to the following recipe. 0.5 l of water is heated and allowed to cool to the desired temperature. Rinse the glass with boiling water, pour 1 tsp. dried flowers, on them - 3 tsp. green tea of ​​your favorite variety, cover with a lid and let stand for a while. Only then is it filled with liquid. They are waiting for the necessary fortress.
  2. Recommendations for brewing with black long leaf tea . First, the ingredients are mixed in the already indicated proportions, the container is closed with a lid and left for 14-24 hours to obtain a rich aroma. Then it is brewed according to the already described technology. You can add a sprig of mint or lemon juice to the drink.

Whatever method and type of brewing is used, it should not be sweetened. Fans of drinking tea with jam should choose a different type of raw material, cheaper. Jasmine tea is not a drink that is washed down with sandwiches or sweets - it is a delight for the soul.

There are many legends about the origin of the plant. The Italians and Spaniards believed that the souls of Guardian Angels are born in flowers, the ancient Greeks - that this is a gift from Aphrodite, the goddess of wisdom, the Indians - as soon as jasmine opens, somewhere new family. And according to the beliefs of the Tatars, it is impossible to get into paradise without growing a fragrant bush.

The translation of the name from Persian means "fragrant", it symbolizes romantic relationships, beauty, secret love. Healers used all parts of the plant for cooking medicines, and culinary specialists were limited to flowers.

The most popular varieties of green tea:

  1. Jasmine Jade Butterfly. Popular among LPG consumers due to transformation after immersion in liquid. When swollen in boiling water, the petal unfolds into a moth wing. The effect is achieved by a special way of twisting the leaves during pre-sale preparation. One of the most expensive varieties with a soft and delicate aroma.
  2. Fen Yang. Medicinal properties - rejuvenation, increased immunity and body tone. The difference from other varieties is the same type of round tea leaves. Elite varietal welding.
  3. Moli Hua Long Zhu, Jasmine Dragon Pearl. Visually similar to granulated tea, but far from it. Simply, each leaf and petal is folded into a ball, reminiscent of the shape and color of a pearl. All processes are manual. When the tea leaves are filled with water, the granules open. It has a pronounced tonic effect, if abused, it can provoke insomnia.
  4. Moli Zhen Wang, Lord of the Jasmine Needles. Petals for him are harvested for 2 weeks in the summer, at the hottest time. The aroma and taste are decent, the price is budget. One of the most popular varieties, often packaged in cartons.
  5. Moli Cha Wan, Lord of Jasmine. For raw materials, white-haired tea buds, tender leaves are used. In the manufacture, they are flavored with flower petals, which are then removed. It is recommended for cleansing the liver, has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function of the body, helps to get rid of old toxins in the intestines and recover from stress. This is high quality expensive tea.
  6. "Jasmine White Monkey". This animal is depicted on the packaging. The action is immunomodulatory and warming. It has a tart taste with a slight hint of grapes. This jasmine tea is very popular in winter time because it has a warming effect.
  7. Moli Jin Shan Tian Hua. The recipe for the drink and the method of twisting the leaves are the development of tea growers at the end of the 20th century. Jasmine bushes and flowers are harvested only in Yunnan province. Only raw materials of the same size are used, which have not been exposed to rain during the growth period. When the leaves are poured with water, they not only unfold, but also form a trefoil shape.
- look at the video:

It is customary to drink a fragrant drink from heated cups, enjoying a leisurely conversation for long winter evenings. Jasmine tea will brighten up married couples' leisure time and help enhance sexual desire.

He immediately liked many for his unusual aroma and pleasant taste. Jasmine collection time in the East is from late spring to mid-autumn.

Jasmine green tea is very popular, especially in Eastern countries, since both components have a lot of useful properties.

Cooking process

It is prepared in two ways. In the first case, jasmine inflorescences and tea leaves are dried for a day, and then mixed, in the other, they are put together in bags and stored for a long time. The second method helps to preserve the beneficial properties to a greater extent, but the price of such tea is much more expensive.

How to choose?

You need to purchase only elite ones. You should not buy jasmine tea in bags. When choosing, you should pay attention that there are fragments in the tea leaves, this is proof that you really have high quality product. Most healthy tea- made from young leaves and buds of jasmine. The aroma should be pleasant, full and soft.

You can make your own jasmine tea. To do this, mix 5 tablespoons of quality green tea with 1 spoon of dried jasmine flowers. So you can protect yourself from fakes.

Brewing process

Brew green tea with jasmine should be hot water heated to a temperature of about 80 degrees and leave for 3-5 minutes. You should not put sugar, and also eat some sweets or other products, as you will not be able to enjoy the aroma and taste to the fullest.

Green tea with jasmine: benefits

It warms in the cold season, and quenches thirst in the heat. With regular use, the immune, nervous and endocrine systems of a person are strengthened. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks is a natural antidepressant. In addition, it contains tannin and caffeine, which have a tonic effect.

Green tea with jasmine contains antioxidants that promote the breakdown of fats in tissues, the removal of toxins and toxins, so it is useful for those who want to lose weight. Studies have found that jasmine phytoncides prevent the development of cancer. It is a prophylactic against heart diseases.

Jasmine is a natural aphrodisiac and has long been used to treat female frigidity. It is also an analgesic and antipyretic agent. Regular use Jasmine tea promotes concentration, improves memory, and also helps maintain vision.

A person who regularly drinks green tea with jasmine feels more acutely. In addition, the skin returns smoothness and elasticity, it rejuvenates.

They have a mild sedative effect and help to relax and calm down after a busy day. Green tea with jasmine has antibacterial properties. You can not only drink it, but also gargle with it to prevent viral infections. It is necessary for the treatment of diseases such as stomach ulcers, dysentery, cholera, etc.

In connection with high content caffeine pregnant women are advised to drink it in limited quantities, after consulting with a doctor.


From this article you will learn:

Modern historians have documented that jasmine green tea was popular in China during the Song Emperor's reign. We are talking about the XIII century. However, many researchers of the past agree that tea became widespread in the culture of the ancient Persians, thanks to whom this drink appeared in China. It happened in the era from the II to V centuries.

To date, production green tea with jasmine has been established in several Chinese provinces - Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangsu. Admirers fragrant drink agree that best product is a tea grown and processed in Fujian Province.

Where and how is jasmine harvested?

In China, jasmine grows for several months, from late spring to late autumn. Connoisseurs of tea art prefer the summer collection. This is due to the fact that it is the summer flowers of the plant that can boast a pronounced aroma. The collected flowers are pre-dried, spreading evenly on the prepared surface.

Taste features

After the jasmine flowers are completely dry, they are added to green tea leaves. There are 2 ways to flavor tea: tea leaves and jasmine flowers are thermally treated for 1 day. This method has one significant drawback - the leaves of tea bushes practically lose their taste characteristics.

As for the second method, its essence is to shift the tea leaves with jasmine flowers, and then leave it for up to 4 months. Then the jasmine is removed. In this case, tea does not lose its positive properties and saturated with the fragrance of the flower.

Second way more expensive in terms of labor and time, and therefore the cost of such tea is often somewhat higher in comparison with tea obtained by the usual method. The tea itself boasts a sweet and very subtle aroma.

What's the use?

Jasmine tea has been used for centuries as a medicinal product in China. There is nothing surprising in this, even a superficial study of the components of this drink is enough and its beneficial properties become more than obvious:

  1. jasmine tea contains a huge mineral and complex;
  2. helps to strengthen the human nervous system;
  3. normalizes sleep and effectively relieves nervous tension;
  4. reduces the manifestations of hypertension;
  5. lowers the level of glucose in the human body;
  6. helps to increase vitality.


If you are harvesting and collecting components yourself, pay attention to the fact that the flower buds are not sluggish, since such plants are not suitable for brewing tea. Flower petals should be dried in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight.
Homemade tea is brewed by first mixing 4 parts of green tea or with 1 part of petals, in a cup the volume of which does not exceed 250 ml.

Chinese recipe (with a certain temporary supply):

  • Mix tea leaves with jasmine flowers and let them mature for 3 months (the process must take place in a dry room).
  • During the specified period, tea is sufficiently saturated with jasmine aroma.
  • The petals are separated from the tea by hand.
  • They are filled with water (the temperature should not exceed 85 ° C).
  • Thus they make expensive varieties jasmine tea.

Whichever recipe you choose, remember that tea should only be prepared in porcelain or glassware. It must be in advance.


The main contraindications to drinking jasmine green tea:

  1. individual intolerance to jasmine;
  2. in the presence of gastritis (especially when it comes to high acidity);
  3. ulcers;
  4. hypertension.

These contraindications should be considered in without fail. Strong green tea is not recommended for pregnant women. In large quantities, it can cause headaches or even severe dizziness.

What can you drink jasmine tea with?

Professionals do not recommend drinking jasmine tea with other ingredients such as lemon, or sugar. Jasmine has its own and unique taste, which should not be diluted with other ingredients. Only in this case you will be able to feel all the richness of natural green tea with jasmine. It should be remembered that tea ingredients should be stored in a separate tank, since the plant perfectly absorbs odors from the surrounding space.

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A mug of jasmine tea will warm and soothe, bring peace. Which of the jasmine teas is healthier and does not contain artificial flavors?

Intoxicating jasmine tea scent

Is it possible to give ordinary tea a pleasant aroma and sweet taste without the use of artificial flavors and sweeteners? Of course, add jasmine petals to the usual tea leaves! Jasmine tea is created on the basis of black or green, adding flower petals to it.

Jasmine is an evergreen shrub with yellowish-white or red flowers. When flowering, it spreads around itself a strong, but delicate smell. In China, jasmine bushes bloom from May to November, the best for tea are flowers collected in summer - they are more fragrant and rich. After harvesting, the petals are laid out to dry.

Dried jasmine is mixed with primary processed tea leaves in the right proportion. The resulting mixture is then processed in one of two ways:

  • heat up - heat up heat treatment at high temperature (in the oven or in the sun);
  • cooled - placed in a cold place with a certain level of humidity for a period of several days to 3-4 months.

The first method is quick and cheap, but the resulting tea has only a slight aroma. The second method is long and labor-intensive, but retains more useful properties in tea leaves, which absorb the maximum amount of jasmine smell. After processing, jasmine petals are harvested by machine sorting or manually, manual labor improves the quality and cost of the drink. Some varieties of jasmine tea are packaged with petals - this drink is beautiful when brewed in a transparent container, where you can watch the unfolding of flowers in the water.

Beneficial features

High-quality green and black tea in itself is very useful for the body, and its combination with other plants can enhance one or another of its characteristics. Jasmine was no exception - the beneficial properties of this shrub have long been used in herbal medicine. Thanks to the addition of fragrant petals, jasmine tea acquires invigorating and toning properties. It will help you wake up and give you a long boost of energy in the morning, but it will not increase the load on your body. cardiovascular system. The drink improves mood, because in Chinese medicine, jasmine is a powerful regulator of energy metabolism, which helps to find a state of happiness.

  • A pleasant property of jasmine tea is the ability to pacify with its smell. It acts on the thalamus of the brain, helping to relieve emotional overstrain, stress. natural essential oils relax, but do not lull. Tea also reduces high blood pressure - for this they drink it without sugar.
  • Natural sweet taste determines another popular property of jasmine tea - weight loss aid. The drink reduces the feeling of hunger and the number of calories consumed, because it does not need sweeteners. Tea accelerates fat burning, removes toxins and slags, improves appearance skin.
  • Has jasmine tea properties and reduce the risk of developing cancer. Chinese scientists have found that the phytoncides of the drink do not allow cancer cells to form. It also reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels.
  • An increase in body temperature is a property of jasmine tea that is especially useful in cold weather. A mug of the drink will warm you after freezing and help you cope with a cold, but only at normal body temperature - at elevated temperatures, it is worth limiting the use of jasmine.
  • Also, jasmine infusions have a beneficial effect on the intestines - they normalize its work: in case of constipation, they will establish regular stools, and in case of disorder, on the contrary, they will fix it. Despite obvious benefit jasmine tea, do not forget that it also has contraindications.


  • Like any herbal remedy, jasmine can cause an allergic reaction. Allergy sufferers should be wary of flavored drinks. However, flower petals are added to black or green tea in a comparatively a small amount, so the likelihood of intolerance is low.
  • The composition of the drink contains an analog of caffeine, which can, under certain conditions, increase pressure - despite the general property of jasmine to reduce it. In large volumes, tea provokes an increase in nervous excitability.

Use during pregnancy

A normal pregnancy is not a reason to severely limit your diet, but you should pay closer attention to it. Drinking jasmine tea during pregnancy will help you calm down and immerse yourself in a peaceful state, support blood vessels and the heart during this not always easy period.

But with a tendency to increase pressure, in the presence of uterine tone, drinking tea with jasmine during pregnancy should be done with caution, carefully listening to the reaction of the body.

How to brew

  • Green jasmine tea is brewed with hot water, but not boiling water - the temperature should not exceed 80-85 degrees. Such water will preserve and reveal the aroma of flowers in all its glory. For a mug of 200 ml, take 5-7 gr. tea leaves, leave for 2-3 minutes.

Now you know the benefits and harms of jasmine tea - prepare a mug of this fragrant drink and slowly enjoy it!