Dishes in the summer heat recipes. What to cook on a hot day? Seven new dishes with a taste of freshness

Sat, 06/06/2015 - 11:25

With the onset of heat, most of us lose our appetite and want to eat only what will cool us, or at least will not heat us up. We prefer okroshka and beetroot, and instead of hot tea we drink refreshing kvass and cold juices. But these few dishes do not limit the huge variety of what you can cook in the hot summer and we offer you 10 dishes that are worth cooking in June.

Classic gazpacho

Gazpacho confidently enters the top three among cold soups. This is one of the most useful fast food which is not heat treated. If you haven't tried this cold dish yet, now is the time.


    Tomato 4 pcs;

    Cucumber 3 pcs;

    Red bell pepper 1 pc;

    Onion 1/4 pcs;

    Garlic 2 cloves;

    Olive oil 100 g;

    Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

    We wash and cut vegetables so that it is more convenient to beat them;

    Pour the oil into the blender, immediately adding salt, onion, garlic to it, and beat;

    Gradually add cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes to the resulting mass. It is important to follow just such a sequence: from harder products to soft ones;

    Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan or bowl, mix well and put in the refrigerator;

    The final touch - before serving, decorate the gazpacho with finely chopped vegetables, laid out on top of a neat slide.

Salad with shrimp

This salad is good because you can add any additional ingredients depending on taste.


    Shrimps 12 pcs;

    Romano salad and arugula bunch;

    Cherry tomatoes 15 pcs;

    Garlic 2 cloves;

    Parmesan to taste;

    Salt, pepper to taste;

    Pine nuts for decoration;

    Vegetable oil for frying;

How to cook delicious salad with shrimps:

    Put the shrimp in boiling water for literally one minute. Drain them in a colander and let the water drain. Clean up when cool;

    Warm up olive oil. Add finely chopped garlic, fry until golden brown;

    Add the shrimp to the oil and fry for about 2 minutes. Pepper and salt to taste;

    Arrange lettuce and arugula leaves and halved tomatoes on a plate. Put shrimp on top;

    sprinkle balsamic vinegar. Add cheese as desired. Garnish with pine nuts.

Avocado salad

This avocado salad recipe is simply brilliant. The dish is prepared in just 10 minutes, but contains so many vitamins that it is hard to imagine. Great option for those who came late from work.


    Ripe avocado 1 pc;

    Tomato 1 pc;

    A handful of romaine lettuce;

    Parsley 2-3 sprigs;

    Hard cheese (optional) 30 g;

    Salt, pepper to taste;

    Balsamic vinegar to taste

    Lemon juice - a couple of drops.

Cooking method:

    Mix salad with balsamic vinegar and lemon juice. Salt and pepper. Arrange the salad on a plate;

    Cut the avocado into thin strips and arrange on top of the salad;

    Cut the tomato into 4-6 pieces and also put on the salad;

    Grate cheese on top, garnish with parsley and serve.

American pancakes with berries

Favorite Russian pancakes are prepared not only in Russia. IN different countries exists great amount recipes. And pancakes are given a variety of names. For example, in America, pancakes are much smaller than ours, but much thicker.


    Flour 150 g;

    Milk 240 ml;

    Egg 1 pc.;

    Baking powder 1.5 tsp;

    Butter 40 g;

    Salt a pinch;

    Sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

To begin, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Next, beat the egg for 3 minutes until foamy. Add milk and stir. Then add the egg-milk mixture to the dry ingredients and mix gently again. Melt butter and add to batter. Again, gently mix everything until smooth. Pour small portions of dough into a heated pan. If the pancakes stick to the pan, brush it lightly with oil. Bake the pancakes for about 2-3 minutes on each side. Turn carefully with a spatula.

Salad with turkey and yogurt

We suggest preparing a salad with smoked turkey and yogurt. This diet dish will give you a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness, and the amazing aroma of greenery will awaken a great desire to cook it again.


    Celery stalk 30 g;

    Dill 2 g;

    Carrot 30 g;

    Romano salad 50 g;

    Red radish 30 g;

    Cucumber 60 g;

    Smoked turkey 80 g;

    Fat-free yogurt 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Cut the cucumber into half rings 1 cm thick, celery into thin strips. Tear the romaine lettuce leaves with your hands. Peel the carrots and grate on coarse grater, separate the dill leaves from the branches. Cut the radish into thin slices. Cut the turkey into 0.5x0.5 cm cubes. Mix all the ingredients (set aside a few slices of radish and dill sprigs for decoration), add yogurt, a pinch of salt, mix.

Okroshka on kefir

The idea of ​​this soup is very simple - finely chop fresh vegetables and pour over cold liquid. It doesn't need to be cooked. That's why they called the dish "okroshka" - from the verb "crush".


    Egg 5 pcs;

    Kefir 1.5 l;

    Greens (green onions and dill) 1 bunch;

    Cucumber (fresh small) 2 pcs;

    Radish 100 g;

    Potatoes 3-4 pcs;

    Sausage (boiled) 300 g;

    Salt to taste.

How to quickly and tasty cook okroshka on kefir:

    While the potatoes and eggs are cooking, you can do other ingredients: cut into small cubes boiled sausage, cucumbers and radishes. We rub eggs on a coarse grater;

    Thoroughly washing the dill, finely chop it;

    Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and mix;

    Pour the resulting mixture with kvass or kefir, sprinkle with finely chopped green onion, add sour cream to taste.


Beetroot is often confused with cold borscht, but this is not at all the case.


    Beets 1-2 pcs;

    Cucumber 2 pcs;

    Greens (any, chopped) 1 bunch;

    Green onion 1 bunch;

    Egg 2 pcs;

    Sour cream to taste;

    Vinegar to taste;

    Salt to taste;

    Sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

    We rub the beets on a coarse grater. Fill with water, to which sugar, vinegar and salt have already been added;

    Separately, cut green onions, three fresh cucumbers on a coarse grater .;

    You also need to boil the eggs separately;

    Then, when the beets are cooked and cooled, we put the greens in the plates, pour the beets with the broth and add half the eggs;

    We put sour cream and enjoy.

Roasted pepper rolls with cheese and oregano

Extraordinarily delicious combination sweet roasted peppers, pleasant cream cheese with sourness and spicy, aromatic oregano - this appetizing snack, which will surprise all guests and certainly will not leave them indifferent.


    Red Bulgarian pepper 3 pcs;

    Cream cheese 200 g;

    Oregano 1 pinch;

    Olive oil 30 ml;

    Salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the peppers into two parts, remove the core and veins. Brush with oil and bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees under the grill for 10-15 minutes. The skins of the peppers should be well baked. mix cream cheese, oregano, olive oil, salt and pepper. fold roasted pepper into one deep bowl and cover, let rest for 10 minutes, and then remove the baked skin. Cut the peppers into small strips, put ½ teaspoon of the mixture on each. Roll up and secure with a toothpick.

Warm salad with egg and bacon

If you are tired of the usual scrambled eggs for breakfast, then we suggest trying to cook a warm salad.


    White bread 150 g;

    Romano salad 300 g;

    Chicken egg 4 pcs;

    Garlic 8 g;

    Bacon 70 g;

    Lemon 60 g;

    Parmesan 25 g;

    Ground black pepper to taste;

    Sea salt to taste;

    Olive oil 25 ml.

Cooking method:

Crush, peel and finely chop half the garlic. Cut off the crust from the bread, tear into pieces. Grate the Parmesan into flakes, finely chop the bacon, squeeze out the lemon juice. Live bread on a baking sheet, lightly sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with garlic, salt, pepper and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7 minutes. Boil the eggs in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. Grate Parmesan flakes, chop the bacon finely, squeeze the lemon juice. Crush, peel and mash the remaining garlic into a paste, mix with olive oil and lemon juice, pepper. Peel the boiled eggs, cut into 4 parts. Coarsely tear Romano and put in a salad bowl, pour dressing, mix. On lettuce leaves top with bread, bacon, parmesan, garnish with eggs and serve.

Classic cottage cheese casserole

Casserole - a dish from childhood. Remember the taste, which is probably already forgotten.


    Cottage cheese 500 g;

    Semolina 100 g;

    Milk 1/3 cup;

    Sugar 150 g;

    Butter 50 g;

    Eggs 2 pcs;

    Vanilla sugar 1 sachet;

    Raisins 1/2 cup;

Delicious casserole recipe:

    First of all, soak the raisins in boiling water. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Beat some eggs and add them, soft butter, milk, sugar and vanilla sugar to curd. Stir the resulting mass (you can use a mixer);

    Rinse the raisins cold water and add to the mass. Add semolina and mix everything again. Let the mass brew for 30 minutes. During this time semolina absorb liquid and increase in volume;

    Grease a baking dish with butter. When the dough is infused, pour it into the mold and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes;

    Once the casserole is ready, take it out of the oven and let it cool. The casserole is ready! You can serve the casserole to the table by pouring it with sour cream or jam, and drink it with warm milk.

When the asphalt melts from the heat, commercials involuntarily come to mind, where cold drink sweetly foaming in a misted glass with ice. However, it is precisely soda with ice in the heat that you should not drink. And not only because you can catch a sore throat. Sugary drinks do not quench thirst well and also make blood sugar levels rise and fall rapidly. So before you have time to drink a glass or two, the body will again require soda. And also - add buns, barbecue and popcorn to the summer menu.

Therefore, it is better to drink clean water, better - mineral water, because together with sweat we lose not only moisture, but also sodium, potassium, chlorine and other minerals. IN plain water you can throw a pinch of salt: it helps to retain fluid in the body. And it is no coincidence that it is with this “solution” that workers in hot steel shops quench their thirst.

In addition to mineral water, it is good to drink green tea without sugar in the heat. It is good to enter into the summer menu and.

Summer menu: what to eat in the heat?

“In the heat, many lose weight both from the loss of water, and because of the lack of appetite,” says Ekaterina Belova, dietitian, chief physician of the center for personal nutrition "Palitra Nutrition". - But this is by no means The best way lose extra pounds. The body must receive food regularly so that the stomach systematically produces juice, so that the intestines function without interruption, and blood sugar levels remain stable. So you need to eat even in extreme heat. Just make your summer menu so that you eat a little every 3-5 hours.

Don't force yourself to force food. Do not want heavy and fatty foods? And it is not necessary! Let your diet be less meat and more seasonal fruits and vegetables for now. They will add vitamins to us (when should we take them, if not in the summer?), And again liquids. Thinking over the summer menu, keep in mind that the body will draw water from cucumbers, celery stalks, lettuce, tomatoes ... Eat them just like that, with just a little salt, or crumble them into salads.

“Juicy fruits and greens are a kind of “reservoir,” says Marina Studenikina, dietitian, deputy chief physician of the clinic "Weight Factor". “The moisture in them is surrounded by fiber, so it nourishes the body for a long time, being released as food is digested.”

For the same reason (an additional source of fluid) in summer menu Soups would be nice too. Of course, not fat, rich, but

In hot summer weather, when you want to drink than to eat, we often wonder what cook for lunch? It is unlikely that anyone would want to eat heavy fatty, fried or spicy dishes, but for the normal functioning of the body, an adult, like a child, requires a complete set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. That is why it is necessary to eat at this time, but you need to do it right.

At this time, there should be as much as possible on the table. light meals from fresh vegetables , fruits And greenery. Good also eat more liquid but not hot food. Have lunch salads, cold soups And stewed or baked vegetables.

If you can't imagine lunch without meat, just replace fatty varieties meat and fish for lean. TO low-fat varieties fish include - pollock, cod, haddock, saffron cod, flounder, etc., and meat - chicken breast, turkey breast, beef tenderloin.

In this article, we have prepared five easy ideas light lunch in hot weather.

1. Pasta Salad with Tomatoes and Tuna

You will need 200g pasta, 1 can canned tuna, 100g tomato, 6-8pcs olives, herbs (basil is best), olive (or sunflower) oil, salt and pepper.

First, boil the pasta in salted water and drain it in a colander. Chop the olives, tomatoes and greens, and remove the tuna from the jar, drain the excess liquid and chop with a fork. Now just mix all the ingredients - pasta, tomatoes, tuna, olives, herbs, dress the salad with olive oil, salt and pepper.

2. Spanish "Gazpacho"

To prepare this delicious cold soup, you will need 4 tomatoes, 3 medium-sized cucumbers, bell pepper, ¼ onion, 2 garlic cloves, salt and 100g. olive oil and, importantly, a blender.

Wash and clean the vegetables, cut them into pieces. Pour oil into a blender, and then add salt, onion, garlic and beat. Then add cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes and beat until smooth. Now put it in the fridge for a while, and later pour the soup into bowls. If desired, finely chopped greens can be added to the soup.

3. Bulgarian soup "Tarator"

Tarator soup, popular in Bulgaria, is very easy to prepare. Grate 2-3 cucumbers on a coarse grater, finely chop 1 bunch of dill and put it all in a saucepan. Now fill with natural unsweetened yogurt or 2.5% kefir. Add 5-7 chopped garlic cloves to the prepared mass, dilute with water (boiled or mineral, non-carbonated) and salt. After that, refrigerate for at least 3 hours, and then pour into plates. Optionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of walnut to each serving and a little olive or vegetable oil.

4. New potatoes baked in the oven

It is very simple and tasty dish. You will need 9 small potatoes, 100g butter, 100g cheese, herbs and potato seasoning.

To begin, wash the new potatoes thoroughly and make transverse cuts on each potato. Then insert a little butter into each cut and wrap each potato in foil. Then put the potatoes on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake until tender, then open the foil and sprinkle with cheese. Now put it back in the oven and bake until the cheese is melted. Finally, sprinkle with herbs and eat with pleasure!

We have selected the following recipe specifically for those who find it difficult not to eat meat products in the heat.

5. Summer vegetable stew with chicken breast.

For cooking vegetable stew you will need any vegetables that you find in the refrigerator - new potatoes (5-6 pieces), beets (hereinafter 1 piece), celery root, carrots, peppers, onions, cauliflower, young zucchini, champignons, garlic (a few cloves), greens (parsley). You will also need 1 liter chicken broth, some chicken breast and olive oil.

Cut up the vegetables and start putting them in the pot. Hard vegetables come first, because they cook a little longer, then those that are softer. Add spices (coriander or special mix for vegetables or chicken) and Bay leaf(a couple of leaves) and leave for another 15 minutes.

Then salt the vegetables and add a liter of chicken broth, then add pre-cut into pieces chicken breast. Check for readiness after 10 minutes.

We hope that these simple recipes lunches will not only add variety to your everyday summer table, but also improve your well-being, as well as give a lot of grateful smiles to your household! Bon appetit!

There are products that can remove excess heat from the body. There is food tonic and refreshing, refreshing and invigorating. It is these miraculous dishes that you need to eat when it’s hot outside, advises pastry chef Vera Sokolova. - For example, in the summer it is better to forget about fat high-calorie food- rich broths, pork, rich muffins, as well as dishes that cause thirst - spicy, smoked and salty. On a hot day, focus on water-rich foods. These are juicy fresh vegetables (primarily cucumbers and zucchini), light salads and snacks, cool summer soups, various berry desserts and, of course, invigorating drinks - natural fruit drinks, tea, soft drinks, cocktails.

How to replace okroshka?

Almost all summer soups are made sour - okroshka on kvass or kefir, cabbage soup from sorrel or spinach, gazpacho from tomatoes. Proven for centuries cooking recipes invented for a reason - the fact is that it is the acid that irritates taste buds in the mouth and causes increased salivation, as a result of which the thirst disappears and the heat does not seem so debilitating.

In Russia, okroshka, beetroot, holodniki, botvinya, summer cabbage soup and borscht have long been prepared in the summer. In Europe, the role of the chief summer soup performs gazpacho, born in Spain and loved in all other countries. At first, the soup resembled an old Russian prison - bread was soaked in water, olive oil, garlic, onion and vinegar. By the way, this classic combination is still the basis of gazpacho. In the 16th century, Europeans brought tomatoes from America and began to add them to variety of dishes. This is how tomatoes entered the gazpacho recipe and eventually became its main component. In addition to tomatoes, other fresh vegetables began to be used for soup - Bell pepper, celery, cucumbers. Today, they are ground to a puree state with a blender, and in ancient times, housewives pounded them for a long time and thoroughly in a mortar. A lot of work was put in, but the result was amazing - a cold gazpacho really refreshes and invigorates in the heat. By the way, this one light soup is included in the popular "Mediterranean diet", only those who are losing weight should not put bread in it. Just mix any fresh vegetables in a blender, add tomato juice, olive oil and do not be afraid to deviate from a clear recipe. Chefs even call gazpacho " runny salad and boldly give his name to all fresh cold soups-puree.

How does kefir tonic?

In the Balkans, the most popular cold soup is tarator - a mixture of kefir, cucumbers and herbs. This perfect option a refreshing dish, as it contains protein and the most important summer substance, calcium. The fact is that Ca in our body is absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D, which is perfectly formed by itself after sunbathing in the sun. If you actively eat milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir in hot weather, you can noticeably strengthen bones, hair and nails. By the way, okroshka is also better to fill not traditional kvass(especially since you can find natural bread kvass very difficult), but kefir or other fermented milk products- ayran, tan, etc.



  • Kefir - 300 ml
  • Smoked chicken breast - 90 g
  • Carbonated water - 250 ml
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 20 g
  • Radishes - 60 g
  • Dill, green onion, parsley, cilantro - 10 g each
  • rice vinegar- 20 ml
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Hard boil eggs, cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Cut the smoked chicken breast into cubes. Radish and cucumber - also a cube.
  3. Finely chop the onion, cilantro, parsley and dill.
  4. Mix kefir, sparkling water and vinegar.
  5. Mix the chopped ingredients, arrange on plates, pour kefir with soda.
  6. Salt, pepper, mix. Decorate the okroshka with herbs and serve chilled.

What is the best refresher?

Salads from fresh vegetables - that's what you should definitely have on summer table! Like no other food, they are rich in water, vitamins and minerals - in general, those substances that our body in large numbers loses in hot weather. The fiber contained in vegetables stimulates the intestines and actively removes toxins, so after eating them you feel light and free. Particularly good in this regard are cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, tomatoes and eggplants, which are almost 90% water. Getting into our body, they not only supply it with liquid, but also take away excess heat, working inside the cells, like an air conditioner in an office room. When stocking up on vegetables at the market, do not forget about carrots, because it is this yellow-orange fruit that promotes the production of melanin and helps to get a beautiful, even tan.

What berry to eat?

Strawberries, raspberries, currants, peaches, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries... These seasonal berries and fruits will cool you down, give you vitamins, please you with fiber, and provide you with antioxidants. Eat them fresh, serve them with pancakes, prepare desserts and don't be afraid of bold culinary experiments. For example, any fresh fruit can be crushed by cutting small cube, add a little sugar for sweetness and pour ... with pesto sauce. Only not traditional salty, but sweet. For him, you need to take green basil, green apple, pine nuts and olive oil and beat everything in a blender. The combination of juicy berries or fruits with basil sauce is something amazing, it's not for nothing that hot Italians love it so much.

And here is the Russian version berry dessert. Take a pancake, grease it with cream (beat 300 g of fat sour cream with 200 g heavy cream and a glass of sugar), sprinkle with any berries and make several layers. So fast and delicious pancake cake not ashamed to serve at any summer party.

What to drink in the heat?

Drinks in summer are better to choose a little sour. Perfect fit berry juice, tomato or Orange juice. It is advisable to drink plain water or with a slice of lemon - in the second case, the thirst will pass faster. Mineral water should not be abused, however, in small quantities it is simply necessary, because it helps to replenish the substances lost with sweat (by the way, salted ones “work” the same way - do not confuse with salted and pickled! - cucumbers). Tea with lemon also perfectly copes with thirst and perfectly tones. In Asian countries they prefer to drink very hot. green tea. It causes profuse sweating, moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin and thereby slightly lowers body temperature. If you do not want to follow the experience of the southerners, arranging a kind of “shower” for yourself, drink tea warm or cool. And prepare a variety of refreshing cocktails - from traditional mint mojito to homemade berry lemonades with ice.

What to eat cocktails?

The bartenders think better cocktail to drink, not to have a cocktail. If you drink a sweet drink, it calls for dessert or fruit. But milkshakes are self-sufficient. Alcoholic also do not recommend snacking. You need to drink them in small sips and in good company!
And remember - not all cocktails can be drunk on an empty stomach. Best time for them - between lunch and dinner, and alcoholic - after dinner.



  • Fresh tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • Tomato juice- 0.5 ml
  • Tomato paste - 35 g
  • Fresh cucumbers - 100 g
  • Carrot - 100 g
  • bell pepper- 75 g
  • Onion - 65 g
  • Garlic - 15 g
  • Celery - 50 g
  • Wine vinegar - 35 ml
  • Salt - 15
  • Ice - 6-7 cubes

For "garnish":

  • Tomato, cucumber, celery - 50 g each
  • Olive oil - 50 g
  • Basil - for decoration

How to cook:

  1. Wash all vegetables and cut them into random pieces. It is not necessary to remove the peel from tomatoes, but it is better to peel cucumbers.
  2. Pour all the vegetables into a blender, put it there tomato paste, pour in the juice and wine vinegar.
  3. Add salt and pepper and whisk everything together. homogeneous mass. If all the ingredients do not fit in the jug of the technique, it is better to beat in two stages.
  4. While blending vegetables in a blender, it is good to add a few pieces of ice. It is necessary not to cool the dish, but to preserve the bright color of fresh vegetables, because the operating equipment heats up and reduces the brightness of the tomatoes.
  5. Strain the puree through a sieve and, if necessary, pass through a blender again until smooth.
  6. Cut the celery, cucumber and tomato into small cubes for the "garnish".
  7. Pour the finished gazpacho into a serving dish, sprinkle the chopped vegetables on top, garnish the soup with a sprig of basil and drizzle with olive oil.



  • Eggplant - 5 pcs.
  • Cheese - 250 g
  • Curd - 250 g
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Olive oil - to taste

How to cook:

  1. Wash the eggplant, cut lengthwise into plates about 5 mm thick.
  2. Put on a baking sheet greased with olive oil, salt and send to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15 minutes.
  3. Make stuffing for rolls. To do this, grate the cheese, mix it with cottage cheese and finely chopped herbs, add crushed garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Wrap the filling in eggplant slices.



  • Celery - 200 g
  • Apple - 200 g
  • Radishes - 150 g
  • Cream - 30 ml
  • Salt - to taste
  • Yogurt - 30 g
  • Ground white pepper - to taste
  • black sesame seeds- taste

How to cook:

  1. Cut the celery roots into thin strips and blanch for 5 minutes. Cut celery stalks into thin rings.
  2. Peel apples and cut into thin strips.
  3. Radish cut into strips.
  4. Combine all ingredients and dress salad cream sauce. To prepare the sauce, mix cream with yogurt in a 1:1 ratio. Salt, pepper.
  5. Ready salad sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Salad with orange and tomatoes



  • Cherry tomatoes - 500 g
  • Red onion - 1 pc.
  • Oranges - 1 pc.
  • lettuce leaves - bunch
  • Arugula - bunch
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - to taste
  • green apples- 1 PC.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse cherry tomatoes.
  2. Grate the apple on a coarse grater. Cut red onion into strips.
  3. Peel the orange, divide into slices and peel them.
  4. Wash lettuce and arugula and chop coarsely.
  5. For dressing, mix olive oil with honey, you can add a little lemon juice.
  6. Mix everything, season the salad and salt.



  • Milk - 160 ml
  • Cream 33% - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 110 g
  • Vanilla - 1 pod
  • Sheet gelatin - 15 g
  • Raspberries (fresh or frozen) - 300 g
  • Powdered sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. In a small saucepan, mix milk with cream and sugar. Using the tip of a knife, remove the seeds from the vanilla pod and, together with the pod itself, send them to the pan. Vanilla extract (1 tsp) can be used instead of vanilla pod.
  2. Over low heat, bring the cream mixture almost to a boil (90 ° C). Remove saucepan from heat and leave for 20 minutes. When the cream has cooled slightly, remove the vanilla pod and strain the mixture.
  3. Pour gelatin for 5-10 minutes with cold water. When it swells, squeeze it out and add to the vanilla cream.
  4. Pour vanilla cream into molds and send them to the refrigerator for about 6 hours.
  5. cook raspberry sauce- Rub the raspberries through a sieve and mix with powdered sugar. You can also use raspberry jam.
  6. Unmold the panna cotta and pour over the raspberry sauce.



  • Pasteurized milk - 100 ml
  • Ice cream ice cream - 25 g
  • Syrup (orange, cranberry, pear or other fruit and berry) - 25 ml

How to cook:

  1. Pour very cold milk into a blender glass. Then pour in the syrup and lastly add the ice cream.
  2. Blend the drink with a blender for a minute at maximum speed. Drink immediately before the foam subsides.



  • Sugar - 3/4 cup
  • Lemon juice - 1 cup
  • Water - 4 glasses
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ice - to taste

How to cook:

  1. In a decanter, mix lemon juice and chilled boiled water.
  2. Add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved (can be diluted in boiling water).
  3. Add thinly sliced ​​lemon and ice. Mix well and serve.

Cranberry cocktail with rosemary



  • Gin - 40 ml
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cranberry juice - 40 ml
  • Soda - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Rosemary - 1 sprig
  • Cranberries - a handful

For syrup:

  • Water - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Rosemary - 1 sprig

How to cook:

  1. In a saucepan, combine water and sugar for syrup, bring to a boil over medium heat, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved, add a sprig of rosemary and remove from heat. Let it brew for 2 hours. Strain and chill.
  2. Mix all cocktail ingredients, add ice and soda, garnish with rosemary and cranberries.



  • Lemon - 1/2 pc.
  • Lime - 1/2 pc.
  • Orange - 1/2 pc.
  • Cherry - a handful
  • Soda water - 500 ml
  • Cherry syrup - 100 ml
  • fresh mint- 1 PC.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the lemon, lime and orange into slices, put in a jug, after squeezing their juice there.
  2. Pour in cherry syrup and soda. Mix well and add ice cubes. Garnish your lemonade with fresh cherries on ice.



  • Fresh mint - 10 g
  • Lime - 0.5 pcs.
  • Sprite - 150 g
  • Ice - to taste
  • Cane sugar- 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Slice a lime and put in a glass.
  2. Add mint, sugar and mash with a pestle or spoon.
  3. Add crushed ice, transfer to a shaker and shake.
  4. Pour the cocktail into a glass and fill with sprite. Garnish with mint and lime.



  • Water - 1.2 l
  • Fresh strawberries - 300 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Fresh mint - 50 g
  • Sugar - 80 g

How to cook:

  1. Wash strawberries, peel. Place half in a food processor and chop.
  2. Put chopped and whole strawberries in a saucepan. Add half a thinly sliced ​​lemon and a bundle of mint.
  3. Pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and leave for 20 minutes. Pull out the mint.
  4. Add sugar, juice of half a lemon. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  5. Add the rest of the cold water. Put the lemonade in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Serve with ice.

On a hot day, even the soup wants to be eaten cold. We bring to your attention a menu of 15 cold dishes - from soups to desserts, which are ideal for a meal on a summer afternoon.



Perhaps this is the second most popular after borscht. beet soup cuisines of the Slavic peoples. However, the broth in it is not meaty at all. They serve beetroot broth, beet kvass and even mineral water. This is a cold summer soup made from boiled red beetroot with fresh seasonal vegetables, herbs, sour cream and ice, which is good to throw directly on the plate.

What you need: 1 liter of kefir and water, 4 beets, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped dill, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, salt.

How to cook: Peel the beets, cut into strips, pour hot water, add lemon juice, bring to a boil and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then cool. Add chopped greens, cucumbers, kefir and salt to the chilled beets.

This classic recipe, but the housewives have long been accustomed to making dishes to their liking. Therefore, you can add potatoes, eggs, meat or salmon to beetroot. The main thing is to chop all the ingredients finely, but not too much. And there is also beetroot with milk. Add the onion to the decoction of potatoes and beets, bring to a boil and pour boiled milk. Then the soup needs to be cooled.

Cold borscht

Such borscht will not only fill you up, charge you with strength and good mood, but will also perfectly refresh you in the heat. This dish has been prepared since ancient times. Moreover, not only with vegetables, but also with fish.

What you need: 500 g beets, 300 g sea ​​fish, 250 g cucumbers, a bunch of green onions and dill, 2 eggs, salt, sugar, vinegar or lemon acid to taste, sour cream.

How to cook: Boil the beets, peel and cut into small strips. Boil with vinegar, cool. Then you need to cut the cucumbers, chop the green onions, grind with salt, put in borscht. Season with salt and sugar to taste. When serving, season with sour cream, dill. Then put hot smoked or fried fish and half an egg on the plates.

By the way, you can cold borscht you can add boiled potatoes and fresh cucumbers. And the soup is also prepared on water, in which dry apples were soaked beforehand.


This old dish, which was once popular not only in Rus', but also in Belarusian, Latvian, Polish cuisines. Unlike okroshka, it does not contain meat at all. We will tell you what is a classic refrigerator recipe and its variations.

What you need: 1 liter of milk, 1 liter of water, 5 root vegetables, 200 g of cottage cheese, 0.5 cups of sour cream, salt.

How to cook: first you need to grate the so-called starlinger - a mixture of parsnips, oat root, carrots, parsley root and celery. Pour the root crops with milk, simmer until softened and cool. Add cottage cheese and sour cream to the resulting broth, pour diluted cold milk, salt.

Kholodnik is also often called cold borscht if you add boiled beets, potatoes and fresh cucumber, as well as greens and eggs. Belarusians make sorrel broth, to which other ingredients are added and then cooled.

cold ear

Another a traditional dish which can be eaten chilled.

What you need: 300 g fish or fish products for broth, parsley root, 0.3 l of water, lemon, herbs, green onions.

How to cook: prepare a clear fish broth, add vegetables and spices, cool. The ear should have a jelly-like consistency. It is served with croutons, on which a piece of salted fish is placed.


This is an old dish that is actually just a type of fish soup.

What you need: 100 g fish, a bunch of green onions, parsley root, 300 g pike fillet, 100 g fresh cucumbers, grated horseradish, sour cream, 0.5 l of kvass.

How to cook: make a concentrated fish soup from the bones and heads of fresh fish, stew the fillet in this broth, cool, chop cucumbers, onions and herbs. Mix everything and pour over the fish soup, adding kvass to taste. Add horseradish for spiciness and sour cream, and put pieces of boiled fish in your ear.


A dish of Russian cuisine. Soup is boiled on boiled and grated sorrel, beet tops, spinach, green onions, nettles and other edible grass, that is, tops.

What you need: 600 g fish, 400 g vegetable leaves, 4 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 head onion, 150 g of tomato sauce, a bunch of parsley, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, sour cream, mayonnaise.

How to cook: Rinse the leaves of beets, cabbage, quinoa, spinach or sorrel, finely chop and boil in salted water along with onions and grated carrots. At the end of cooking, add potatoes, fish and tomato sauce, parsley and butter. Cool down. In bowls, season the botvinia with sour cream or mayonnaise.



Satsivi is legendary Georgian sauce. But the poultry dish cooked with this gravy is also called. The main thing in satsivi is walnuts and fragrant spices - cinnamon, saffron, pepper and cilantro. And in the summer heat, it is important that satsivi is usually eaten cold.

What you need: 1 kg chicken legs, 4 onions, 5-6 garlic cloves, 1 cup walnuts, 500 g of sour cream, vegetable oil, 3-4 bay leaves, a little cinnamon, saffron and cilantro, allspice, ground pepper, 1 bunch of dill, 1 teaspoon of flour, salt.

How to cook: cut chicken legs on portioned pieces, grate with salt and fry in a heated frying pan on both sides. Then put in a saucepan, add hot water so that the chicken was only covered with it, and simmer over low heat until half cooked. In the meantime, chop and fry the onion, put in a pan with the chicken, add chopped garlic, spices, finely chopped dill, bay leaf and salt. Then put chopped walnuts into the pan. When the chicken and spice mixture boil again, add sour cream and simmer until tender, stirring occasionally. At the very end, add diluted in a glass cold water a teaspoon of flour, bring satsivi back to a boil and remove from heat. Cool and serve in salad bowls. You can decorate satsivi with pomegranate seeds.

Bulgarian tarator

This national dairy stew is so popular in Bulgaria that it is even sold ready-made, bottled, in stores. And we offer to make the tarator at home by ourselves - the dish is simple and pleasantly refreshing in the summer heat.

What you need: 4 cups of kefir, 1 fresh cucumber, 100 g of radish, 100 g of peeled walnuts, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped dill, half a glass of sour cream (125 g), salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook: grate fresh cucumber and radish on a coarse grater and refrigerate. Mix kefir and sour cream, vegetable oil, chopped nuts and garlic well, add cucumber, salt, pepper, dill and a few coarsely chopped nuts to the mixture.

Romanian Plakie

This dish of Romanian cuisine is prepared from both poultry and fish. The main thing that unites all its options is tomato puree, in which meat is stewed. We suggest trying hearty chicken plakie. This Romanian dish is eaten cold.

What you need: 1 kg chicken meat, 4 onions, 300 g of tomatoes, a glass of vegetable oil, 5-6 cloves of garlic, pepper and salt to taste, parsley and celery.

How to cook: cut the meat into portions, salt and fry on both sides in vegetable oil. Pour vegetable oil and water equally into a saucepan, put coarsely chopped onion, tomato puree, finely chopped celery, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil, add chicken to the sauce and cook until tender. Plakiye is served cold, with chopped parsley.


Strawberries in Romanov style

Rumor has it that the French chef Marie-Antoine Karem "composed" this dessert for the Russian Emperor Alexander I. The dish is delicious and easy to prepare. Therefore, it easily migrated from the royal table to the menu of ordinary citizens. Fragrant strawberries and lemon juice make this dish refreshing.

What you need: half a kilo of ripe strawberries, half a glass of sugar, juice of 1 lemon, 100 g of milk ice cream, 100 g of sour cream.

How to cook: peel the strawberries from the stalks, wash, let the water drain. Then gently mix with sugar, arrange in vases, sprinkle with lemon juice and refrigerate to cool. Before serving, mix the ice cream with sour cream equally with a mixer and put on the berries.

Homemade lemon ice cream

We are used to buying this cold delicacy, or you can try to cook it at home. The recipe has only three ingredients. We advise you to start preparing ice cream in the evening (sweetness is frozen for 6-8 hours) in order to get it ready from the freezer in the morning.

What you need: 300 g 30% cream, 1 can of condensed milk, 1 lemon.

How to cook: Whip cream until thick, add condensed milk and mix. Then squeeze the juice from the lemon and also add to the cream and mix again. Pour the resulting mass into a mold and put in the freezer. After two hours, stir with a fork and finally put to freeze.


The birthplace of sambuca is sultry Italy, where cold desserts are appreciated. It was from there that this fragrant fruit or berry mousse began its triumphal march around the world. The most delicious sambuco comes from fresh berries or fruits, although it can also be prepared from dried fruits by boiling them. Whipped egg whites.

What you need: 1 kg strawberries, 150 g sugar, 4 egg whites, a bag of gelatin.

How to cook: Soak gelatin in water until it swells. Then heat to a boil, but do not boil and leave to cool. At this time, beat strawberries with sugar with a mixer or blender for 2-3 minutes, add egg whites and continue beating until the puree doubles in size. Put gelatin into the mass and beat for another 5 minutes. Divide the finished mass into molds and refrigerate.

Strawberry sambuc is just the epitome of "dolce vita"


In fact, this dessert came to us from hot Arab countries. The word "sharbat" means "drink". Sorbet "migrated" to Europe from Turkey in the 16th century. Then it was served only on holidays, while in the east this drink is based on fruit juice was the most popular, as it refreshed well in the heat. Only in the 19th century, under the name sorbet, they began to serve a semi-frozen dessert, to which alcohol was often added. But they still drank it, much later they began to eat sorbet with spoons.



Perhaps the most common soft drink since ancient times. Morse of cranberries is good to quench your thirst on a hot day.

What you need: 1 cup cranberries, ½ cup sugar, 1 liter water, lemon slices.

How to cook: cranberry juice squeeze or mash the berries, add a little boiled water, strain through cheesecloth. Pour pomace from berries with water, boil and strain. Add sugar to the broth, pour in raw juice. Put lemon slices in a pitcher before serving.

This drink is drunk both cold and hot. So that it is suitable at any time of the year, not only to quench your thirst. It also soothes well due to the content of honey.

What you need: 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 cups of water, ½ teaspoon of dry mint, ½ teaspoon of dried raspberry or currant leaves.

How to cook: pour dry castings of mint, raspberries or currants with boiling water, leave for 25-30 minutes. Strain the broth, add honey to it. In the hot season, cool the drink and add lemon. You can use any aromatic herbs depending on the season.