How to cook sorrel borscht with an egg. Green borsch with sorrel and egg: recipes with photos step by step. Soup with sorrel and beet tops.

With the advent of spring, it becomes possible to diversify your diet, make changes to it. Various greens are on the way, fresh vegetables, it's time to cook green borsch with sorrel and egg, recipes make it possible to make the menu more healthy, tasty and light.

Green borscht with sorrel and egg: recipes

Green borscht with sorrel - a traditional dish Slavic cuisine, the usefulness of which is hard not to appreciate, read about it. Sorrel is rich in vitamin B1, carotene, rutin, ascorbic acid. For the prevention of beriberi, it is recommended to take oxalic leaves in the spring, when other fresh vegetables have long been absent and will not appear soon. This borsch can be cooked in any season, because sorrel can be canned or frozen, or you can buy it in a store. There are even more recipes with it than with parsley or dill!

Meanwhile, black pepper contains a substance called piperine, which not only gives it spicy taste but also blocks the formation of new fat cells. Ginger is another a good choice, as it has thermogenic properties that help boost your metabolism as well as suppress your appetite - when consumed - which suggests "ginger may play a role in weight management."

Antioxidants: Necessary Agents for Health

So, there are good reasons to add a lot of spices to cold soups. Use your imagination and let your taste buds will help you. raw foods plant-derived foods are rich, but although it may seem surprising, after a certain point, getting a "higher" amount of antioxidants is really not beneficial.

This one has many options on how to cook it. From additional ingredients should be singled out separately chicken eggs- in boiled form, they very often become one of the main ingredients.

The recipes described below will present cooking options for borscht with nettles, with tomatoes, various types meat and so on. You can choose a recipe based on the products available, or just as you wish.

It is even possible to get excessive amount antioxidants, says Reinagel, although she believes this usually comes with supplements rather than spices. The root word for "antioxidants" is oxygen, but we also have an "anti" part; He couldn't survive without oxygen, but it damages his cells too much and causes premature aging throughout his system, much like how a piece of apple turns brown when exposed to air.

Exposure to environmental toxins such as household cleaners, cigarette smoke, and radiation causes the formation of oxidative molecules that are harmful to your body, called free radicals. Free radicals are also formed with the production of energy caused by exercise, metabolism, and even inflammation.

Green borscht with nettle and sorrel

Many have heard about the usefulness of such borscht, but some are stopped by the fear of using nettle, as it “bites”. The presented recipe will tell you what to do with the nettle so that it can be easily processed.

List of products (calculated for 4 liters):

  • pork ribs - 500 g,
  • beets and carrots - 1 pc.,
  • sorrel, nettle - 1 bunch each,
  • water - 3.5 l,
  • puree from fresh tomatoes- 300 g,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • eggs - 5 pieces,
  • butter,
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.,
  • spices or salt.
  1. Boil the broth on the ribs with the addition of chopped onions, fry the beets and add to the pan.
  2. Wash all vegetables. Saute the carrots, then stew with the tomato. Cut the potatoes and add to the pan, then put the roast.
  3. Pour boiling water over the nettle, after which it is no longer dangerous, cut. Cut the washed and dried sorrel.
  4. As soon as the potatoes are almost ready, add prepared nettle and sorrel leaves, let it boil over low heat for a couple of minutes, you can move the saucepan from the stove, let it brew. By the way, do not be alarmed, nettle gives a strong smell when put in a pan, but it will disappear as soon as the borscht is infused.
  5. Boil eggs for 10 minutes, chop, they are added at the end of cooking.

Green borscht with sorrel, egg and tomato

This recipe is similar to the previous one, although it has its own differences. How to cook green borscht with sorrel is described below.

A free radical is a highly reactive metabolite produced during metabolism, but without one or more electrons. This missing electron is what initiates biological oxidation, which can attack other molecules to look for the lost electrons.

Once abducted, this electron becomes a new free radical that continues to attack other molecules. Rusty cell membranes are punctured, broken, and rendered useless. Antioxidants are molecules that can prevent the oxidation of another molecule by giving up their own electrons to feed on free radicals without becoming free radicals.


  • sorrel leaves and parsley - 1 bunch each,
  • spices,
  • carrot,
  • bell pepper and onion - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - optional
  • tomato puree (concentrate) - 60 g,
  • fresh eggs - 4 pcs.,
  • 2 l broth,
  • butter,
  • potatoes - 3 tubers.

All vegetables must be peeled and cut into the desired shape. Boil 3 eggs, and lightly beat one with a fork in a bowl.

In addition, the antioxidant nutrients present in your body produce enzymes that additionally protect against free radicals, but this ability decreases as you get older. Having daily exposure to harmful substances that are present in the air we breathe and the food we consume contributes to what happens when free radicals outnumber natural antioxidants.

Whether you like smooth, smooth, or thick dry soups, you'll be inspired by the following five fresh recipes featuring sensational and delicious combinations of ingredients, plus a hearty dose of antioxidants in every refreshing bowl. Choose organic ingredients whenever possible.

  1. From onions, carrots and butter, you need to passivate in hot oil.
  2. Clean all the greens from the remnants of the earth, thoroughly rinsing with water, and then chop.
  3. Potatoes are placed in boiling water, they cook themselves until cooked. Then you need to add passivation, pepper, finely chopped boiled eggs.
  4. Next, a beaten egg is added (stirring), greens, tomato, if desired, garlic and spices. After laying these products, you need to wait for the boil.
  5. Next, you should immediately remove the heat and leave the soup for tincture for 20 minutes.

Green tomato Gazpacho Sour zebra. This soup features a unique variety of tomatoes for a sour taste. It can be made ahead of time and stored in an airtight container to refrigerate overnight. In a blender, combine half of the chopped green, cucumber, and tomato onion with all of the avocado, jalapeno, garlic, and lemon juice, along with 1 cup of cold water. Add the rest of the chopped vegetables to the blender with the mint, cilantro and olive oil and blend until thick. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Season before serving, serve with a ladle into bowls, garnish with vegetables and herbs and sprinkle with olive oil.

  • Blend the mixture until homogeneous mass.
  • Pour into a large bowl.
  • Add the mixture to the bowl and mix well.
Cold cucumber, apple and mint soup.

How to cook green borscht with sorrel, egg and meat

For those who, due to the use of greens in the first courses, are not going to give up the usual meat, there are a lot of recipes. Green soup with sorrel, a recipe with a photo is easy to prepare.


  • meat of your choice - 0.5 kg,
  • greens, including sorrel - 150 g,
  • eggs - 4 pcs.,
  • bulb - 1 pc.,
  • potato tubers - up to 5 pcs.,
  • spices to taste
  • 2 liters of water and sour cream.

How to cook:

This delicious soup- which is also delicious when served hot - amazingly complex, gets its creamy texture by adding some cream and yogurt. Add yogurt, cream, lime juice and salt, and continue stirring until fully combined. Pour the mixture into a bowl, cover and refrigerate for at least two hours before serving. After serving soup with ladle into bowls, garnish green onion.

  • In a blender, combine cucumber, apple, ginger, mint leaves and mixture.
  • If necessary, turn off the blender and clean the sides of the blender.
  • To get super cold soup, also chill the bowls before filling them.
Soup with fresh and creamy borscht from Betabel.

  1. Boil the broth on meat with spices, strain it.
  2. Boil and chop the eggs.
  3. Peel all vegetables, cut potatoes in the usual way.
  4. Put a whole onion and potatoes in a pot with boiling broth, cook for 15 minutes, and then remove the onion.
  5. Grind sorrel leaves, add to the pan, cook for several minutes, add spices and sour cream, let it brew.

The name of this soup is not so relevant, so if you prefer, you can call it cold soup "dessert". In any case, it is appetizing, tasty and plentiful. Never bake any ingredient in this soup that adds a fresh sensation when you taste the first delicious scoop. It's even more appetizing the second day.

You may not consider this soup, which contains more lycopene than raw tomatoes like food or stuffing, but it really is! Also, this is an example of a soup that can be blended effectively using a handheld immersion blender. Remember, watermelon should also be consumed in moderation due to its fructose content. One sixteenth of a medium watermelon contains 3 grams of fructose.

Lenten borscht with sorrel: recipe

Not everyone likes first courses with meat, for such people I will tell you how to cook a lean version.


  • 2 pcs. potato,
  • a piece of butter
  • a spoonful of sour cream
  • spices,
  • one fresh chicken egg
  • bulb,
  • 2 carrots
  • many sorrel leaves.

Grocery set:

Tips, tricks and other cold soup recipes

Another thing that is also amazing about preparing summer soups is that you can easily find a recipe that includes copious amounts of crops, from peaches to squash to sweet potatoes. In addition, you can put the ingredients - you want to use them - in the freezer or cupboard, such as sour cream, yogurt and almonds or coconut milk. Cover with large quantity sprouts as an attractive and nutritious side dish. Want to get healthier, more delicious recipe cold soup?

  1. Cut all vegetables into cubes.
  2. Boil the potatoes in water, fry the carrots and onions and add when the potatoes are almost cooked.
  3. Boil eggs, finely chop, add after 5 minutes of cooking with frying.
  4. Sorrel stems and leaves cut, put in a saucepan, cook for 2 minutes, at the end put a piece of oil and spices.
  5. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.

Try this trick during a day at the beach: When your mixed soup pot is very cold, fill a few small ones. glass jars to hand out individual portions when it's time for dinner. Alternatively, pour the soup into trays of ice cubes, freeze them and carry. When someone orders a second serving or one scoop, put the cubes in the jar. This will be a great idea!

Azedinha is an extremely versatile and delicate herb that, although time-consuming, is truly worth the preparation. This sour soup traditional throughout Eastern Europe and the perfect dish for Easter, even more with the advent of autumn. In Russia, however, even in the depths of winter, just take a quick stroll through the local market to buy sourdough and make a fantastic sauce for meat or fish, or the classic green borscht - Shavel Soup.

Ukrainian green borscht

Borsch is Ukrainian a national dish, it is also prepared in green version. How to cook green borsch with sorrel - a detailed description.


  • 6 large potatoes,
  • one carrot,
  • 2 bulbs
  • 45 g tomato paste
  • sorrel,
  • 3 large eggs
  • 3 liters of broth, preferably thick beef,
  • spices,
  • butter.
  1. Rinse sorrel leaves, soak for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork.
  3. Chop the onion and fry in hot oil.
  4. Boil the broth, put the potatoes, cook until fully cooked.
  5. Add tomato paste, onion and sorrel leaves. Chop the carrot and put it in a bowl.
  6. When all the products are ready, pour in the eggs with constant stirring, bring to a boil and the dish is ready to be served!

You will be interested

Sour Soup is a pale green dish that cuts through Eastern European cuisine. The Polish people usually serve it cold, garnished with boiled eggs and sour cream. Ukrainian green borscht combines sourdough with potatoes, carrots and other roots, getting light soup which is usually served hot. The Czech version features apples and sours, giving a very distinctive flavor and at the same time sweet and spicy. The French version of sour soup takes the dish to a whole new level: a velvety puree thickened with eggs and cream, and finishing with the slightly spicy flavor that sour leaves take on when cooked.

Grandma's green borscht

As you know, our grandmothers cooked more complex dishes, tried to include in the recipe as much as possible natural products, because the soups were tasty and rich.

List of required:

  • sorrel (preferably a lot),
  • one beet,
  • any greens - a lot of different ( green onion, nettle, parsley, fresh dill stalks),
  • 2 onions and the same number of carrots,
  • 1-2 chicken fillets(or breast)
  • 2 eggs,
  • spices,
  • about 1 kg of potatoes,
  • butter.

Step by step preparation:

Ukrainian green borscht with sorrel

There are only two drawbacks to working with this herb. Once harvested, the opportunity to use it before it wilts is short. Then there is the issue of removing the stem from each leaf, which can be time consuming but essential - small stems are extremely bitter and will ruin the flavor of your soup or sauce.

Since Russian Orthodox Christians often go through a period Lenten fast, here comes another culinary challenge: avoid dairy, eggs, meat, fish, alcohol and sugar: how to make a delicious sour soup that stands out among classic recipes without relying on basic ingredients like butter, eggs and sour cream.

  1. Boil the broth with the addition of a whole onion and various spices (which one depends on personal preference).
  2. Wash and chop all greens, including sorrel leaves.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes, finely chop the remaining onion, grate the carrots and beets on a grater (large or medium, you can chop very thinly).
  4. Remove the onion from the prepared broth, discard it. Remove the chicken, cool, chop - with a knife. On the hot pan leave the oil to heat up, fry the onions and carrots on it, add the beets to them, fry together. You can add some of your favorite spices or at least salt. The beets should become soft.
  5. Add fillet to vegetables, fry together for 5 minutes.
  6. When the potatoes become soft, put vegetables in the pan, after boiling all kinds of greens.
  7. Break the egg into a deep bowl, beat lightly, add immediately to the soup.
  8. After boiling, immediately remove the heat, insist. Serve with sour cream (optional).

Finally, the longtime ally of sour spinach has greatly improved the color, texture and flavor of the soup. While nothing can replace the alchemy that occurs when the leaves are slowly soaked in oil, cooking it with a few tablespoons of water has brought out this important flavor of the herb. little salt, lemon juice and a pinch of golden key cayenne pepper!

Place the entire mixture in a blender or food processor and then slowly pour the cup of hot soup over 2 egg yolks, whisking everything until creamy. Add a good dose of sour cream or sour cream as final touch! ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper. Cook the leeks in water until tender, adding a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of nutmeg over them as they start to dry out.

Green borscht with chicken

Soup on chicken broth- this is a kind of Ukrainian first course with the same name, they call it Poltava, it is difficult to cook it - now many have simplified the exact recipe.


  • 3 chicken eggs,
  • whole gutted chicken carcass,
  • bulb,
  • butter,
  • one carrot,
  • up to 1 kg of potatoes (less possible),
  • spices,
  • greens, any available, necessarily sorrel stems,
  • You can use sour cream to serve.
  1. Boil thick chicken broth. Remove the carcass, separate the meat, leaving it in the form of large pieces.
  2. Wash the vegetables, peel - grate the carrots, chop the rest.
  3. Fry the onion, boil the eggs. Chop the vegetables with a knife, like boiled eggs. Chop greens.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, add the carrots, cook for 4-7 minutes, then put all the other ingredients (you can immediately), including the greens, wait for the boil, cook for 3 minutes.
  5. After removing from heat, let the dish brew and serve with a spoonful of sour cream.

Add celery, zucchini and vegetable broth, bring to a boil, and then cover the pot. Let it simmer until the vegetables are soft and come out of the fork. Place a large skillet over medium heat, add 4 tablespoons of water and slowly bring to a boil. Add sourdough leaves, cooking until bitter leaves wilt and release all water.

Add the baked sourdough to the saucepan, mix well and cook for 3 more minutes. Then place raw spinach and parsley, the remaining salt, nutmeg and cayenne pepper to taste. Blend the sherbet soup in a blender or processor in batches until you reach the desired consistency.

Green borscht with egg mash

This soup tastes better if you add spinach.


  • 100 ml milk
  • 30 g sifted flour
  • spices,
  • broth up to 3 l,
  • 3 domestic eggs
  • 4 potato tubers,
  • greens: spinach, onion and sorrel,
  • butter,
  • sour cream for serving.
  1. Chop all greens into small pieces.
  2. Potatoes and chopped onion greens are laid in the broth, cook until tender. Meanwhile, beat eggs with milk and flour.
  3. Pour the mixture into the saucepan, stirring constantly. After boiling, put the rest of the greens, reduce the heat. Sour cream is added when serving.

Green borscht with herbs

Polish cuisine - a mixture of Slavic and foreign culinary traditions. Coming from a combination of different culinary customs of different regions of Poland and surrounding cultures, it uses a wide range of ingredients. It is rich in meat of all kinds and spices, as well as various kinds of pasta and dumplings, the most popular of which are pies.

It is similar to other Slavic cuisines in its use of porridge and other cereals, but it also rendered big influence into Turkish, German, Hungarian, Jewish, French and culinary cuisine of the past. In general, Polish cuisine is rich, substantial and relatively high in fats. Polyus devotes most of his time to enjoying food.

Green borscht with sorrel and rice

The first dish with rice will be more satisfying, and the dish is also suitable for adherents of a healthy diet.


  • 3 potatoes
  • rice - 120 g,
  • parsley,
  • one egg,
  • vegetable oil,
  • bulb,
  • sorrel,
  • carrot,
  • salt.
  1. Boil the pork broth, wash the vegetables, chop the sorrel leaves.
  2. Cut the onion, fry with grated carrots.
  3. Cut the potatoes, boil with washed rice, while putting them in a boiling broth. When they are ready, put the roast, crushed sorrel leaves.
  4. Break the egg, beat it, put it in a saucepan, add salt, boil, serve with a sprig of parsley.

Shchi with sorrel and spinach: recipe

Spinach is also useful, like other greens, and how to cook green borscht with sorrel and spinach, I describe the preparation in detail.


  • 3 tubers of potatoes,
  • 30 g flour
  • 30 ml oil
  • 2 liters of broth, 2 chicken eggs,
  • 1 pc. onions and carrots,
  • sour cream,
  • 20 g sorrel
  • spices,
  • parsley,
  • 400 g spinach.
  1. Rinse the greens, boil the spinach, grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Combine spinach and chopped sorrel stalks, add flour, half the norm of sour cream, warm the mixture.
  3. Put potatoes in cabbage soup, cook until softened. Fry the onion along with the carrots.
  4. Add browning, spinach mass, spices, cook for 20 minutes, insist.
  5. Boil eggs, cut into slices. Serve with eggs and sour cream.

Green borscht with beef ribs and quail eggs

Many housewives prepare first courses on the ribs, the recipe also includes quail eggs.


  • 1 clove of garlic
  • greens - a lot and different, including sorrel,
  • spices,
  • up to 1 kg of ribs,
  • 0.4 kg potatoes,
  • 1 carrot
  • 100 g of rice
  • 20 quail eggs,
  • 3 liters of water.

How to cook green borscht with sorrel:

Borsch in a slow cooker with sorrel and young cabbage

Those who have such a technique as a slow cooker are interested in how to cook first courses in it. Introducing the recipe in the slow cooker.


  • 1 kg of chicken
  • 300 g young cabbage,
  • as much sorrel
  • a bunch of dill and parsley,
  • salt,
  • butter,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 PC. Luke,
  • 4 potatoes.

How to cook green borsch with sorrel egg, recipes for multicooker:

  1. Boil the broth from the chicken - in the "Soup" mode with spices for 90 minutes.
  2. Boil eggs, chop them, cabbage, greens. Chop the onion, cut the potatoes partially, grate some.
  3. Pour the liquid from the multicooker into another container, put oil and onion into the bowl, turn on the “Frying” program.
  4. Grind the meat, return the broth to the bowl to the "Soup" mode. Add all the potatoes, cook for 20 minutes, then - cabbage, greens, cook for another 10 minutes. A total of 0.5 hours.
  5. 5. Let the dish brew after cooking.

Cooking first courses with sorrel.

Spring is a great time to update nature, wardrobe, mood and menu. You can diversify it, first of all, with dishes with the first spring vegetables - a variety of salads, snacks and hot meals. One of traditional first dishes of this time - sorrel soup or green borscht.

How long does sorrel boil in soup?

In soup, sorrel should take no more than 5 minutes to cook. So it will retain its taste as much as possible and at the same time, saturate the potatoes and broth. At the same time, the intensity of cooking, and especially boiling, should be moderate.

It should be noted that for the preparation of dishes using wonderful vitamin sour leaves, it is necessary to select young pagons from the bushes that have not yet thrown out the peduncle. After such a stage of ripening, all the strength of the plant goes into this particular stem and the leaves lose their previous characteristics of juiciness and vitamin content.

Pre-green leaves are soaked in cold water to effectively remove earth and dirt. It is this method that is recommended for washing, and not intensive rinsing under running water - after all, in this way there is a very high probability that the delicate leaves will tear.

Summer sorrel soup with egg: recipe in a slow cooker

The slow cooker has become so closely integrated into the life of many modern housewives that many traditional ways the preparation of dishes known to us was transformed into a format with its use. Not spared the same fate and summer sorrel soup with an egg. To prepare it, we need to take:

  • half a kilo of any meat
  • one bunch of sorrel and green onions
  • one onion and one carrot
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 3 eggs

Given the preparation of soup in broth, the process can be divided into two parts. First, in the evening, for example, prepare the base itself, and then cook it yourself summer soup. So, for cooking:

  • Put the washed meat into the multicooker bowl, add cold water and salt.
  • Set the "stew" mode and cook for about 2 hours.
  • After, if necessary, strain the resulting broth, and cut the meat into pieces. The broth is ready.
  • Now let's start cooking, in fact, the soup itself. We cut carrots, potatoes, onions, put everything in a bowl and set the “stew” mode for, literally, 30 minutes.
  • After some cooking time - when the potatoes are almost ready, add sorrel, onion, if desired - dill, parsley and spices.
  • With the addition of eggs, there are two cooking options. According to the first recipe, gently beat the eggs separately in a bowl and pour raw in a thin stream into the broth after adding the sorrel.
  • According to the second recipe, the eggs must first be boiled and, after being finely chopped, add to the soup almost at the final chords of cooking.
  • In the first case, the taste of the egg will be less pronounced, but will bring a special piquancy and originality of taste to the soup, and will also make it more homogenized - thicker; with the second method, the taste of a boiled egg will be clearly visible, and the soup will be traditional in composition.

Green borscht with sorrel and egg: recipe

The very first thing that is very remarkable about this dish is that it has practically nothing to do with traditional borscht. Is that the basis of cooking on the broth. Nevertheless, this dish is firmly rooted in our traditions in this version of the name, primarily because of the bright green color due to the content of spring greens in it: sorrel, parsley, nettle, green onions, etc.

For green borscht you will need:

  • 0.5 kg pork ribs and potatoes
  • 1 piece of onion, carrot, parsnip root and parsley
  • 1-2 bunches (depending on size) of sorrel, green onion, parsley, dill and other herbs
  • 4 eggs
  • to taste we will add sour cream, salt, spices

First, let's prepare the broth. For this:

  • Cooked ribs with water and cook for about 30 minutes, removing the foam.
  • Next, add the roots and coarsely chopped onions and carrots. Cook another 20 minutes.
  • We take out the rhizomes of parsnips and parsley, filter the broth if necessary, disassemble the meat.
  • At the same time, hard-boiled eggs should be boiled in parallel. The process of their preparation should last 10-11 minutes, and we also pour sorrel and herbs with water to clean them of dirt.
  • Add pre-cut potatoes to the broth, you need to salt and pepper.
  • When the potatoes are almost ready, we introduce finely chopped leaves of sorrel, parsley and dill.
  • Some hostesses at this stage add several boiled eggs to the almost finished dish.
  • But it is worth knowing and remembering that with this format of adding this ingredient, green borscht is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one day.
  • More practical advice would be to add a boiled egg directly to the plate at the time of serving a serving of green borscht. Season the served preparation with sour cream to your taste.

Sorrel and Nettle Soup: Recipe

Unique interesting option soup made from green pagons of the first spring blades of grass is sometimes also called Moldavian borscht. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it contains rice and tomatoes. So, let's prepare:

  • bunch of young leaves of sorrel and nettle
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • one tomato and one carrot
  • 50 g rice

In the process of cooking, first of all, prepare the nettle dressing. For this:

  • We scald it with boiling water to reduce its stinging properties, and then separate the leaves from the stems and grind them thoroughly in a blender. To make the result better, you can add a little water during grinding.
  • We crush the potatoes into cubes, and the carrots finely.
  • For a more pronounced taste and aroma, carrots and onions can be fried in vegetable oil.
  • We cut the tomatoes finely enough, from which you can, at your discretion, first remove the peel. To do this, lower them for a few minutes in hot water and then, prying with a knife, remove the skin.
  • Grind sorrel leaves. The preparatory work has been completed.
  • Now bring the water poured into the pan to a boil and add potatoes and carrots, then rice, then tomatoes, salt a little.
  • After a few minutes, add the nettle gruel to our soup and cook almost until the potatoes are ready.
  • A few minutes before the end of cooking, put the chopped sorrel in the pan. Serve ready soup maybe with sour cream.

Shchi green sorrel with meat

There is an opinion that the difference between borscht and cabbage soup is very arbitrary. As a rule, borscht is necessarily cooked in broth and using sautéed vegetables in the recipe.

Shchi can be without meat, as a rule, with an obligatory component - cabbage. But at the same time, variations are possible in recipe recommendations for cooking cabbage soup with meat and without cabbage.

The traditional name has been preserved, but the prescription components have changed. For this we need to prepare:

  • 500 g of any kind of meat
  • carrot
  • bunches of sorrel, green onions, parsley, dill
  • a little flour, sugar, butter and sour cream
  • hard-boiled eggs
  • do not forget about seasonings and spices

To prepare the base of cabbage soup - broth, we take any type of meat except lamb. Pork, chicken, beef will give the traditional color and taste of the finished dish, but lamb, due to the special specific flavor, will bring not quite ordinary, but atypical flavoring.

  • To prepare the dressing, we need the fat that surfaced during the preparation of the broth. Therefore, it is best if we boil the meat in advance and let this upper fat accumulate on the surface of the broth and cool.
  • We collect this top in a saucepan and sauté the finely chopped carrots and the lower part of the green onion stalks on it - where the white tips are.
  • As it cooks, add literally a tablespoon of flour and continue heat treatment. After we add the broth to our vegetables.
  • In another saucepan butter lightly stew the sorrel pagons. The resulting stewed mass from sorrel must be rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender.
  • A little trick is to add literally a teaspoon of sugar, which will help open palatability our spring sour greenfinch.
  • In the pan, where our vegetable set is cooked in broth, add the cooked puree.
  • In the meantime, chop the remaining pagons of green onions, parsley and dill, cut pieces of cooked meat across the fibers, cut hard-boiled eggs into two parts.
  • Cooked cabbage soup is advised to be poured into a ceramic tureen, since oxalic acid, with prolonged contact with iron surfaces, can provoke undesirable reactions.
  • Pour cooked cabbage soup into a plate, put pieces of meat, half an egg, sprinkle with herbs and season with sour cream.
  • It is easy to note that the recipe does not foresee potatoes, but who does not imagine the first dish without this traditional component at all - you can, of course, add it.

Another variation on the theme of preparing a traditional spring first course. To prepare it, we need to prepare, in fact, judging by the very name of the dish, the following components:

  • whole chicken
  • onion bulb
  • a couple of bunches of fresh sorrel and dill
  • some sour cream
  • 5 boiled eggs

  • Boil the chicken, after cutting it.
  • We leave the fillet - we will add it to the almost boiled broth.
  • Having prepared the broth, filter it, add the chopped chicken breasts, and later - finely chopped onion.
  • We will pay special attention to the preparation of sorrel. In order for it not to be brown, but to please the eye with bright green notes in ready dish, we need to resort to some tricks. Carefully separating the leaves from the stems, cut them and blanch them - that is, pour boiling water over them.
  • After, throwing it in a colander, immerse it in a container with cold water where you can throw even a few ice cubes.
  • Getting ready to serve - lay out the prepared sorrel, which has preserved a lot of vitamins and useful substances, as well as richness of taste. We spread ½ eggs, a little sour cream and pour everything with our chicken broth with pieces of meat.

Lean sorrel soup

The time when the first greens appear on sale sometimes occurs during the fasting period. Or the desire to treat yourself to such a dish arises in people who, for medical or personal reasons, do not eat meat. A solution to this situation is lean soup. To prepare it, we will prepare:

  • about 5 potatoes (depending on size)
  • one onion and one carrot
  • 3-4 raw eggs
  • sorrel, dill, wild cherry, rhubarb, parsley, garlic
  • hot pepper - optional
  • bouillon cube
  • We cut our vegetables quite finely.
  • We crush a cube of dry broth into boiling water, throw a bay leaf, peppercorns, salt.
  • We fall asleep all the vegetables and boil until the potatoes are ready.
  • Almost 5 min. until cooked, add chopped sorrel, rhubarb pagons, crushed garlic and crushed dill.
  • Separately, beat a few eggs in a bowl and introduce them in a thin stream into our soup.

To many, this combination of components may seem very strange. But the combination tender meat with a slight sourness of sorrel will give you an unforgettable taste. The amazing aroma of the dish will remind you of the best moments of summer.

Separately, we prepare the ingredients for meatballs and soup. For meatballs you need:

  • 300 g fresh minced meat
  • 1 chicken egg

For the actual soup you need:

  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 fresh onion
  • 1-2 medium carrots
  • 1-2 eggs (pre-boil hard)
  • 200 g sorrel

To cook meatballs:

  • Mix the minced meat with the egg, season with salt, pepper and mix well until smooth and set aside for 20 minutes in a cold place.
  • In parallel, boil water, where add potato slices and cook for 8 minutes.
  • With minced meat and form balls, throw them into the soup with salt and pepper.
  • On heated vegetable oil sauté the onion, add grated carrots, garlic.
  • When the potatoes and meatballs are cooked, add the roast, salt and boil.
  • Then sprinkle with chopped sorrel and crushed eggs.
  • Leave for 10 minutes for our dish to infuse.

Cooking this easy and sure delicious dish low cost, because you need very little time. Every housewife can find all the constituent components in her refrigerator.


  • jar of stew of your choice
  • 1 bunch of sorrel
  • 1 pc onion, and the same amount of carrots
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs

Remember the important salt, pepper, bay leaf and vegetable oil.

  • First, fry the chopped onion over low heat, add chopped carrots, a little salt and pepper.
  • Simmer covered for 5 minutes.
  • Next, put the roast in a saucepan, add chopped potatoes and pour completely with water (1.5-2 l.).
  • Cook over low heat until the potatoes are ready.
  • We mix the stew, chopped sorrel.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • We cook for another 10 min. Let's stand.
  • When the dish is ready to be served, put half of the boiled egg in a bowl.

Soup with sorrel and cabbage

Contrary to the traditional interpretation that the first dish with the presence of cabbage in the ingredients is called cabbage soup. But, at the same time, in the modification of green first courses, there is also a recipe for soup with cabbage and young green sour sorrel leaves. To prepare it, take:

  • 500 g chicken
  • 300 g fresh cabbage and sorrel
  • 3-4 pcs. potatoes
  • 1 each onion and carrot
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • fresh herbs

Soup will be cooked in chicken broth. So to start:

  • Boil the broth, strain it and bring to a boil.
  • We clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes and send them to the pan.
  • When the potatoes are half cooked, add chopped cabbage to the container.
  • We clean the onions and carrots, finely chop them.
  • In a frying pan, lightly sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil.
  • We wash the sorrel and greens and finely chop.
  • We send carrots and onions to the broth.
  • 5 minutes before removing from heat, add sorrel and herbs.
  • Let's brew for 10 minutes.

As you know, beets are characterized by a large amount of vitamin P. With its help, the vessels become more elastic. That is why this soup is very nutritious and very tasty! To prepare for 2-2.5 liters of water, take:

  • 1 beetroot
  • Beet tops from 2 root crops
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 100 g sorrel
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs

  • Pour water into a saucepan, add potatoes cut into small pieces and cook until tender.
  • Fry chopped onion in vegetable oil over low heat until golden brown, add chopped carrots. Roast together.
  • Rub on coarse grater beets and add to the pan.
  • Simmer all this until ready.
  • Add all the cooked vegetables to the saucepan to the finished potatoes, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Then chop the washed sorrel and beet tops and add to our soup, do not forget to salt and pepper, add a bay leaf. Cook for 5 more minutes.
  • Let stand a little. When serving, add half a boiled egg to the bowl, this will make it more appetizing.

Suggested meal - great option when you want to pamper yourself spring dish in off season. To prepare it, take:

  • a jar of 0.5 liters of canned sorrel
  • meat on the bone
  • 5-6 potatoes
  • onion
  • 1-2 eggs

  • We cook the broth, clean the vegetables.
  • Saute the onion in butter until it turns yellowish brown.
  • We cut the potatoes into strips.
  • Cut the meat into small pieces.
  • We return the meat to the broth and there, after a little salt, we send the onion.
  • Whisk the egg in a separate bowl.
  • Almost at the stage of full readiness of potatoes, we throw canned sorrel into the pan.
  • And when our cooking boils, we introduce, while diligently stirring our soup, beaten eggs.
  • Add spices and get ready to savor the cooked dish.

Soup with sorrel and rice

To prepare soup with sorrel and rice, you will need:

  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 1/3 cup rice
  • 1-2 pcs. onions and carrots
  • 2 pcs. boiled eggs
  • bouquet of oxal leaves
  • It is necessary to boil the rice in salted water.
  • We get a broth, to which we add diced potatoes and small slices of carrots.
  • While this is cooking, chop the onion and sorrel into small pieces.
  • Pour the whole mixture of greens into a pan with rice and potatoes.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Boil in liquid for another 5 minutes.
  • You can put half an egg in each serving.

For the preparation of this delicious soup, you will need very little time and your efforts. And already through a small amount of time you will enjoy the delicate taste of delicate mushrooms and the sourness of sorrel. To do this, take:

  • Approximately 150 g sorrel
  • 2-3 medium potatoes
  • 300-400 g fresh mushrooms (champignons)
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 fresh carrot
  • 2 boiled eggs (optional)
  • Salt, pepper, vegetable oil/other spices.

  • Boil the mushrooms for about 30 minutes, after chopping them into small slices. Don't forget to salt the water.
  • As soon as the broth is ready, mix the potato cubes into the pan.
  • Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan, then add the carrots cut into strips.
  • Season this mixture with a little salt and pepper.
  • When the potatoes are soft, pour in the fried mixture, mix everything.
  • Add finely chopped sorrel for 5 minutes.
  • Sprinkle to taste with salt, pepper, dill (optional).
  • When serving, you can embellish with a piece of boiled egg.

The proposed dish is very refreshing in summer time. A decoction for him can be either beetroot or sorrel. For oxal you will need:

  • 300-400 g fresh sorrel
  • a bunch of green onions and dill
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • 1 pc onion
  • 2 pcs hard boiled eggs
  • 3-4 potatoes, pre-boiled
  • salt, pepper to your taste.

First, prepare the sorrel broth itself. For this:

  • Chop the sorrel into small pieces and place in boiling salted water. Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  • While our broth is cooling, we chop the green onion and dill into small slices.
  • Separately, we cut cucumbers, onions with boiled eggs and boiled potatoes.
  • We introduce all these prepared vegetables into a chilled sorrel broth, rub one egg yolk over the pan.
  • It remains only to pepper and salt to your liking and mix very thoroughly.
  • Also, to give softness and subtlety, you can add a small amount of fresh sour cream.