Chicken borscht with fresh cabbage step by step. Chicken borscht - step by step recipes for a traditional first course

Such a dish as borscht is not only in Russia, but also among Poles, Lithuanians, Moldavians and Romanians, and in Ukraine in general borscht is the main first course! Of course, there are a lot of recipes. Usually borscht is cooked on beef, pork or pork ribs. But today, in my refrigerator of meat was only chicken. Well, no big deal! Now I will share with you a very simple recipe on how to cook chicken borscht.


  • Saucepan - capacity 3 liters;
  • Chicken drumstick - 3-4 pieces (optional);
  • Fresh cabbage - the smallest head of cabbage (by eye);
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Beets (large) - 1 pc;
  • Large fresh tomato - 1-1.5 pcs;
  • Potatoes (medium size) - 2-3 pcs;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Greens - optional;
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Peppercorns - 3 pcs;
  • Rolton - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin with, we will prepare all the necessary ingredients, wash the vegetables and herbs, and defrost the chicken.

  2. Now we take a pan, throw chicken, bay leaf, seasoning, salt and peppercorns into it.

  3. Then, while the chicken is cooking, prepare the potatoes and cabbage. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and then finely chop it.

  4. Now let's do the basics! - dressing for borscht. A lot depends on how it's prepared. For our dressing, we will not use onions. If you love onions, then start with it., finely chop it and fry in a pan in sunflower oil. Next, grate on a fine grater, pre-peeled beets and carrots and add it to the onion in the pan. Take 2 tablespoons of tomato paste or tomato ketchup and add to the pan. We do not remove the grater far, we rub the tomatoes on a coarse grater and also into the pan, on a small fire. And we pass for 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir!

  5. During this time, our chicken should be cooked, we check it. If the chicken is cooked, take it out on a plate. If the broth boils away during the cooking of the chicken, add a little water, but not to the brim, leave about 4-5 centimeters.

  6. It's time for potatoes and cabbage. Pour the chopped potatoes with cabbage into the broth and cook until the potatoes become soft.
  7. While the chicken is cooling, take the garlic, peel it from the husk, grate it on a fine grater (if there is no garlic crusher), then take the greens (I used dill) and chop it. This will be required at the very end.
  8. Now our chicken has cooled down, you can pick the meat from the bones and chop it. Then, throw the chopped meat in a saucepan with potatoes and cabbage. I chopped without the skin, as my family does not like it. This is for an amateur!
  9. Here we come to the final stage! After the potatoes have become soft, add the contents of the pan there, mix, sprinkle with dill and garlic, turn off the stove and cover with a lid. After 20 minutes, borscht is ready! As you can see, chicken borsch, the recipe is not complicated and is cooked at home quickly, which makes me very happy not only for me, but also for my large family.

A couple of photos turned out dark. In fact, the borscht turned out to be very bright and rich.

Traditional borscht is perhaps the best thing to offer for lunch. An excellent first course with a standard set of products never gets bored, quickly saturates, warms and is suitable even for a festive dinner. The density of the broth, as well as a set of spices, can easily be adjusted independently, and the standard recipe can be adjusted to your preferences.

Today we will analyze in detail how to cook borscht with chicken. The main advantage of the recipe lies in the speed of preparation compared to the analogue in meat broth. As a result, we get a rich, appetizing and untroubled first course. So, we are preparing a wonderful borscht with chicken according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Ingredients per 3 liter saucepan:

  • chicken (soup set) - 300-400 g;
  • beets - 1 medium-sized;
  • carrots - ½ pcs.;
  • onion - 1 small head;
  • cabbage - 100-150 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth (more possible);
  • potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar (optional) - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar 9% (optional) - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • fresh dill - 4-5 branches;
  • vegetable oil (for frying vegetables) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Chicken borscht recipe step by step with photo step by step

  1. For cooking borscht, you can use chicken legs, wings, breast, or take a simple soup set (as in our example). Rinse and cut into small pieces, fill the bird with water. We wait for it to boil, cook for about half an hour, and in the meantime we will prepare everything you need: three peeled carrots on a coarse grater, chop the cabbage.
  2. We remove the husk and carefully chop a small onion with a knife. Potatoes, washed and peeled, cut into cubes. Cut off a layer of peel, three raw beets coarsely.
  3. First of all, we load the potatoes into the boiling chicken broth.
  4. Next, we lower the chopped cabbage into the pan (if you prefer borscht with crispy cabbage, put it in the broth towards the end of cooking). Bring the liquid to a boil again and cook without salt until the vegetables soften (about 15-20 minutes).
  5. In parallel, we are engaged in beetroot dressing. We heat the pan with oil, sauté the onion for a couple of minutes, do not forget to stir. Next, we introduce grated carrots, continue to fry the contents of the pan for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Next, add beets, season with tomato paste. To enhance the taste, if desired, you can add a teaspoon of sugar to the vegetable frying and pour in the vinegar. Stir the vegetable "mix", add 1-2 ladles of chicken broth from the pan. We cover the pan with a lid and steam the frying over low heat for about 15-20 minutes (until the beets are ready).
  7. We shift the thick beet dressing into the broth with already soft potato cubes and cabbage. We simmer borscht over low heat for about 10 minutes, do not allow rapid boiling! At the end, salt, pepper, throw a generous portion of finely chopped or squeezed garlic through a press, load the greens.
  8. Fragrant borsch with chicken, removed from heat, insist under the lid for at least 15 minutes.

Serve with sour cream and fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!

For cooking, we need vegetables and some chicken. You can take any chicken part, even fillet. I prefer hip and wing. This is my standard set for the first course in the amount of 2-3 liters. First of all, I boil the chicken. For first courses, I prefer to use the second broth. Even from the courses for expectant mothers, I remember the information that all the harmful things are boiled into the water from the chicken. And, despite the fact that I try to buy homemade chicken, I still prefer to play it safe. Therefore, first I boil the chicken for 7 minutes in the first water, then drain it and re-fill the chicken with clean water, adding salt and bay leaf. This is how I get my second broth.

I cool the boiled chicken a little and separate the meat from the bone. I also throw away the skin. A lot of fat accumulates under it, and beautiful young ladies do not need it. But I really love chicken bones, so this whole procedure is my favorite in cooking borscht. Sometimes my daughter joins me and then there is very little meat left. But, as they say, good luck!

In the windows between cooking the chicken and cutting it, I prepare all the necessary vegetables. I wash, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes about 1x1 cm.

I rub carrots on a large grater.

And in the same way I rub the beets. You can, of course, cut it into thin strips, but I prefer not to bother.

I chop the onion as finely as possible.

Cabbage shredded into thin strips. I have a special steel knife with two blades for this. But this is not a prerequisite.

I dip the potatoes into the boiling chicken broth. After 5 minutes I send beets with carrots there. And after 7 minutes of boiling vegetables over low heat, cabbage and onions go into the pan. After another 5-7 minutes, I add tomato juice or tomato paste to the pan, stir and check the future borscht for salt for a control time. After another 5-7 minutes, I turn off the gas. That's all! Light, tasty and fragrant borscht is ready!

It’s hard to refuse a spoonful of delicious borscht with sour cream and garlic donuts. As a rule, such a soup is boiled in meat broth, but if you deviate from tradition and cook borscht with chicken, you get a light, but very tasty and satisfying dish.

Classic borscht with chicken and fresh cabbage

Traditionally, borscht is cooked in meat broth, but there are other ways to cook it. There are many recipes and many people prefer to cook such soup with chicken, since poultry borscht turns out to be fragrant and satisfying. You can also cook it in meat broth, only in this case you need to boil the chicken separately so that the flavors do not mix.

Different parts of chicken are used to make borscht, but the most delicious broth is made from meat on the bone.


  • ½ kg of chicken;
  • ½ kg of cabbage;
  • two beets;
  • two carrots;
  • 3 - 4 potatoes;
  • tomato;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • bulb;
  • a spoonful of table vinegar;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • herbs, spices, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We spread the chicken in a saucepan, fill it with water (3 l), put it on the stove and bring to a boil. We remove the foam, cover with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the broth for an hour and a half.
  2. Remove the cooked chicken and cut into pieces. We filter the broth, add water and put the meat back.
  3. Cut potatoes into cubes and place in a bowl. As soon as the broth with potatoes boils, add the chopped cabbage.
  4. In a pan with vegetable oil, sauté the chopped onion, then add the carrots and tomato paste. Fry everything together for 5 minutes.
  5. We peel the tomato and grind it in a blender, adding a little vinegar and sugar.
  6. Separately, fry the beets in a pan, and after 5 minutes add tomato puree to it.
  7. Then we combine the beets with carrots and onions, add chopped garlic and simmer everything together for 5 minutes.
  8. Add vegetable dressing, spices to the broth and cook for 10 minutes. 2 minutes before readiness, we fall asleep chopped fresh herbs. We cover the finished borscht with a lid and give it time to brew.

Cooking in a multicooker

The classic recipe for the dish allows you to cook it not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. Such a kitchen appliance will allow you to quickly make the first course, although it’s still impossible to cook borscht in one step. You will have to do some preparatory work.


  • 350 g chicken (fillet);
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • onion;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • greens, oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and set the “Frying” mode for 30 minutes.
  2. First, lay the chopped onion and after 15 minutes add carrots, chopped beets and peppers, chopped greens to it. Add tomato paste and saute vegetables.
  3. After the beep, put the chicken pieces to the vegetables. We start the "Soup" mode for 2 hours.
  4. In the process of cooking, add chopped cabbage and potato cubes. A few minutes before cooking, add salt.


Borscht is an ancient first course of presumably Slavic origin. There are many recipes for this soup. So, the chicken borscht recipe, which is proposed in this article, enjoys a certain popularity. We will also tell you in detail about how this dish appeared and how most chefs and culinary specialists prepare it.

What is borscht and how did it appear?

So, how did such a dish as borscht come about? About his homeland, disputes are ongoing to this day. Ukrainians believe that it was they who invented the classic red soup, but Romanians, Poles and many other Slavic peoples think the same way. It is interesting that each nationality has its own special recipe: some prepare borscht with beets, cabbage, tomatoes and chicken, while others use completely different ingredients, such as beans, turnips and even apples. And each recipe has the right to exist and is popular in a particular area.

I would like to delve a little into the history and origin of this soup. In Poland, they first heard about it in the 18th century, and this dish was then called borschak. But in Ukraine, borsch was known earlier, in the 14th-15th centuries. Everyone liked this dish, regardless of status in society and class. So, Empress Catherine II loved red soup, Gogol often ate it, and Alexander II also respected such a dish.

Now a little about the origin of the word. Philologists believe that it can be divided into two parts: "boron" and "u". The first part is one of the word forms of the Old Slavonic "red", "brown". Because of this, one of its names was given to beets. At one time it was called "buryak". This gave the first part of the name of borscht. The second part is "u". This is cabbage soup. This is what they used to call (and to this day too) cabbage soup in meat broth.

Borscht cooking technology

Each dish has its own special cooking technology, a classic and basic recipe. Yes, there are many options: borscht with lamb, chicken, bacon and so on. But there is some foundation. We list the basic principles on which almost all recipes are based.

Any borscht is prepared on the basis of rich broth. Almost any meat can be used as its basis: lamb, beef, pork. You can cook borscht from brisket or bacon, or you can make such a soup from chicken, goose or duck. When the broth is ready, you can move on. In this case, the meat can be removed, then cut and then returned to the soup. And sometimes, not ordinary water, but kvass-sirovets is used to cook the broth.

To prepare borscht, you must first prepare vegetables, namely beets. The fact is that if you do not thermally process it in advance, then it will not weld, but will remain rigid.

As a processing method, you can choose stewing, frying, baking in the oven and even steaming. And in order for the beets to retain their rich color, especially cunning and smart cooks use some kind of acid (vinegar or lemon juice). This vegetable is always prepared separately from others. Cabbage does not need to be processed, it just needs to be chopped. But onions with carrots, it is advisable to sauté a little in vegetable oil, then they will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

After the broth is cooked, you can run vegetables into it. Usually, potatoes are started first, they are cooked a little longer than other vegetables, like beans. Then you can add chopped cabbage and everything else (beets and onions with carrots).

When the vegetables are almost ready, you can add chopped meat, on the basis of which the broth was cooked. And then you can run greens with seasonings. Almost at the very end, the soup needs to be salted.

Chicken borsch: how to cook it?

So, how to cook delicious, rich and fragrant borscht with chicken? To do this, you need some ingredients and a proven recipe. List of required:

  • 400 grams of chicken fillet,
  • 1 beet
  • 2 carrots
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 70 ml vegetable oil,
  • ½ head of cabbage
  • 50 grams of tomato paste,
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste
  • dill and parsley,
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

Now you can start the cooking process. First of all, you need to cut the chicken fillet into cubes and run it into a pot of water (it can already be on fire). In the meantime, prepare your vegetables. Potatoes need to be peeled and cut into cubes or straws. Grate carrots and beets on a coarse grater. Finely chop the cabbage, as well as the onion (do not forget to peel it).

After 10 minutes from the moment the broth boils, you can start the potatoes. While everything is cooking in a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil in a pan, and then spread the carrots and beets there. When vegetables become softer, add onions. Dilute the tomato paste with boiling water (add it quite a bit). The onion should turn golden. At this point, add the tomato paste and fry for 3-5 minutes, still. The roast is ready. From the moment the potatoes were added to the broth, about 10 minutes should have passed. It's time to add cabbage. And after 5 minutes, you can add frying. While the borscht is cooking, peel and chop the garlic (in a blender or garlic crusher), add it to the pan with the rest of the ingredients.

When the borsch is almost ready, you need to add finely chopped greens, then pepper. At the very end, salt everything, mix, wait another minute and turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the soup in this state for an hour so that the borscht with chicken is infused. Ready!

Secrets of cooking delicious borscht

How to cook the perfect borscht? You can weld one only if you follow certain rules.

  1. It will be easier to cook rich borscht with chicken on a fatter broth, so it’s better to use not the breast, but the other part, for example, wings or hams, they will give a stronger and fatter broth.
  2. To keep the color of the beets, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice before cooking. And you can add a little vinegar during the frying process (1 teaspoon will be enough).
  3. Before adding to the pan, potatoes can be lightly fried or baked in the oven, then it will not boil and crumble during the cooking process, and the borscht will be more rich and tasty.
  4. Classic borscht has a specific golden hue, which is achieved by sautéing vegetables in vegetable oil, which results in the so-called frying. Many do without it, but it gives a special taste, color and aroma to the dish.
  5. If desired, you can add your favorite seasonings or spices to the borscht. They will add piquancy to the finished borscht. It is not necessary to be limited only to pepper and herbs. Basil, oregano and other herbs will fit into any recipe.
  6. If in the end the borscht turned out not as bright as we would like, then you can add beetroot infusion to it. To prepare it, grate the beets, pour boiling water (or hot broth from a saucepan with borscht), add a little vinegar, then bring to a boil, leave for half an hour, strain and pour this composition into the soup.
  7. Even if the recipe does not contain such information, it is still worth adding all the ingredients only to boiling water (or broth), otherwise the taste will suffer, and some of the nutrients will evaporate.
  8. From the moment cabbage was added to the borsch, you should not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the finished dish will smell unpleasant.
  9. To make the taste and color of borscht more saturated, it is better to fry vegetables longer and add them at the very end of the cooking process.

It remains only to add that the preparation of borscht is an art, but it can be accessible to every self-respecting hostess. You just need to know the recipe of this dish and the tricks of its preparation.