Georgian satsivi sauce recipe. Georgian chicken satsivi with pomegranate

Georgian cuisine is famous for its delicious and hearty meals. But it is not the dishes themselves that make it so attractive, but the original savory sauces, various spicy additives, herbs and herbs. Thanks to them, meat and vegetables acquire a very special taste. Satsivi is a dish prepared in this way. On the one hand, it is a sauce that can be served with meat and fish dishes, on the other hand, real National dish, which is called “satsivi”. It is eaten cold, this is a dish from poultry- chicken or turkey. In rare cases, it is prepared from other meat or even fish.

Satsivi - food preparation

A dish is being prepared based on popular in Georgia walnuts, they are well ground and rubbed through a metal sieve. It would be easy without the nuts delicious chicken but not Satsivi. Georgian cuisine is different in that the same dishes are cooked differently in different parts of the country. The debate about what is better to choose for satsivi - chicken or turkey - does not subside to this day. They will probably last forever, so each housewife chooses the main product on her own.

Of the herbs, the main component is saffron, which has a neutral taste and yellowish color, as well as pepper, garlic, and cinnamon. From green to without fail there is cilantro and others spices. natural fruit juices give sourness, it can be pomegranate. Pieces of poultry are laid out in a layer, poured with sauce and left to infuse and harden. The sauce soaks the meat for several hours. Satsivi is always cooked in Georgia on holidays, juicy fragrant dish requires respect primarily because it takes so long to prepare.

Satsivi - best recipes

Recipe 1: Traditional Chicken Satsivi

Let's try to become magicians for a while and get a fragrant walnut from ordinary walnuts. spicy sauce, similar in texture to sour cream. The color will depend on the amount of greenery. The softest chicken is easily broken across even with a simple spoon.

Ingredients: chicken (1 kg), peeled walnut kernels (400 grams), onion (1 large), garlic (2 cloves), cilantro or parsley, egg, suneli hops (1 spoon), Imeretian saffron (1 teaspoon), black pepper, ground coriander, vinegar (1 tablespoon), chicken broth (400-600 ml.).

Cooking method

It is very difficult to make nut sauce with a meat grinder - if you crank the nuts several times, a thick nutty sticky mass clogs the inside. Grind nuts in a mortar - this will require even more effort. The easiest way to whip the sauce is with a blender. While the chicken is cooking in salted water (cut it into pieces), prepare the sauce. Grind the nuts in any way. Fry the onion over low heat, cool until room temperature. Breaking down a raw egg, add parsley, garlic, fried onions and mix with nuts passed several times through a meat grinder. Add chicken broth and beat. Add salt, seasonings, vinegar (you can limit or not put at all). The sauce turns whitish in color, similar to liquid sour cream. If a blender is used to prepare the sauce, then the broth should be poured in parts. Place the chicken in a bowl and pour over the sauce. Bring to a boil over medium heat and remove. We insist at least 3 hours. Serve without reheating.

Recipe 2: Satsivi from chicken in bage (with adjika)

Bazhe is a kind of Satsivi. Nuts are not brewed here. Usually in Georgian restaurants outside of Georgia, this particular dish is prepared. The main thing is to choose the right nuts. They should be lighter, filled with juice. You can take not a whole chicken, but for example, wings - they are beautiful and the same in size.

Ingredients: turkey or chicken (2 kg), peeled walnuts (0.5 kg), garlic (half head), spicy adjika(without tomatoes) (3 heaping teaspoons), satsivi seasoning (2 teaspoons), saffron (powder, 1 teaspoon), salt.

Cooking method

Place the wings in a saucepan and cover with water to just cover them. Cook for a short time - 15 minutes after boiling. Pour the broth into a separate bowl, strain. In a frying pan, fry finely chopped onions in butter, then put the wings there and fry for another 15 minutes, constantly turning over and stirring. Cooking the sauce bage with adjika. Carefully inspect the shelled nuts so as not to leave parts of the shell and partitions. My cilantro, clean the garlic. Put everything in a blender and grind. Add salt, suneli hops, adjika, cinnamon, pomegranate juice and spices (saffron, coriander, black and red pepper). Ideally, the nuts should be ground separately in a mortar and then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The sauce is already ready - it does not need to be boiled or stewed. Fill them with wings and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. Satsivi is served with hot lavash. Cold satsivi is a hot side dish. If you really want a side dish - you can serve rice without salt, it perfectly sets off the whole range of flavors of spices.

Recipe 3: Eggplant Satsivi

Another option for preparing satsivi is eggplant in walnut sauce.

Ingredients: eggplant (5 pieces), pomegranate juice (0.5 cups), vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), onion (3 pieces), garlic (4 cloves), peeled nuts (200 grams), hot pepper without seeds (1 small), cilantro, salt, basil.

Cooking method

Grind the nuts, crush in a mortar and mix with saffron, garlic, hot pepper, 2 tsp. salt. Pour in 2 cups of water and pomegranate juice. Peel and chop the onion, fry in a saucepan, in oil, about 4-5 minutes. Adding peanut sauce bring to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Cut the eggplant into circles, salt and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse, wring out lightly and fry in oil, about 3 minutes on each side. Grind greens and pour boiling sauce. Let's cool down. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds before serving - very beautiful and appetizing.

- Properly cooked Satsivi should be white in color. Great attention should be paid to nuts - if you pour nuts exclusively with boiling water, then the sauce will come out much lighter.

- The onion is stewed on the smallest fire until it dissolves, becomes jelly-like. In no case should it burn, otherwise the dish may be spoiled.

- The broth is added to the nut mass, and not vice versa. Thus, the desired density is achieved.

- To make the dish as light as possible without losing the taste, we take chicken breast and remove the skin from it, simmer in a closed pan. We prepare the sauce on water, put half the nuts, and make up for their deficiency with greens.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Satsivi is a sauce based on walnuts and a large number spices. A dish prepared on the basis of this sauce and domestic chicken, also called Satsivi. This dish is very simple to prepare, but the result is amazing. I remember how I first got acquainted with the history and the very recipe of this dish - I was not impressed, I could not imagine this taste and left it for a long time. But she came back, and for good reason. The food is amazing, the taste is amazing. She treated satsivi to relatives - everyone liked it without exception. Therefore, I want to say to those who want and are afraid - do it! Risk is a noble cause!

Prepare necessary ingredients for a classic Georgian chicken satsivi.

Thoroughly wash the chicken inside and out.

Put it whole in a deep saucepan and cover with water. Add peeled onions, garlic cloves and cilantro sprigs.

Put the pot on fire. At the moment of boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and remove the resulting noise. Continue cooking chicken until done. The older the chicken, the longer it will take to cook.

At the end of cooking, the chicken must be removed, and the broth must be filtered.

Peeled walnuts grind twice with a meat grinder with a fine strainer.

Finely chop the onion and sauté it in a well-heated frying pan with oil.

Then grind the onion with a meat grinder. Add to nuts and stir.

Put this mass in a cauldron or thick-walled pan. Pour in chicken broth. It must be added in small portions, constantly stirring. Satsivi with walnuts should be slightly thinner than sour cream.

Boil the sauce for 10 minutes at a low boil. When the sauce reaches the desired consistency, add salt and spices. Mix until smooth and pour vinegar.

Remove the chicken meat from the bones and arrange on plates.

Pour the satsivi sauce, and on top, if desired, pour walnut oil, put cilantro sprigs.

Delicious classic Georgian chicken satsivi can be served on the table. Bon appetit. Cook with love!

Satsivi can be prepared from almost any meat or even fish, but the classic version of the dish should be considered the one based on a bird - turkey or chicken. True satsivi is a rich combination of spice flavors with a creamy walnut-based sauce. About classic and modern simple recipes chicken satsivi we will talk in this material.

Satsivi recipe with Georgian chicken


  • chicken carcass - 1.3 kg;
  • walnuts - 320 g;
  • garlic cloves - 8-10 pieces;
  • hot pepper - to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • paprika - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a pinch of saffron;
  • onion - 620 g.


Before you cook Georgian chicken satsivi, you need to immerse the bird in a pot of water. The liquid should cover the chicken. Leave the chicken to boil for half an hour, and then remove it, dry the skin and put it in the oven to bake until golden brown. While the bird is browning, prepare a fragrant nut and spice paste by passing them through a meat grinder. Ready pasta combine with browned onions and add to the broth. Place the baked chicken pieces on top and let the satsivi simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.

Connoisseurs say that ideally it is better to let satsivi brew overnight, but we believe that no one has such endurance and therefore a plate hot chicken with walnut sauce should be served immediately, with a generous portion of cilantro and a piece of pita bread.

Georgian chicken satsivi - a simple recipe


  • chicken carcass - 1.2 kg;
  • (peeled) - 3 handfuls;
  • onions - 7 cloves;
  • laurel leaf - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 115 g;
  • hops-suneli - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Boil first chicken carcass with laurel until ready. Remove the meat from the bones and set the broth aside. Turn the walnut kernels into a paste along with the onions. Fans of garlic can add a clove or two of their favorite ingredient to the pasta, in Georgian cuisine there is a place for it everywhere. Next, add the hop-suneli paste and salt, and then dilute it with broth, adding it in portions, until the paste turns into a medium-thick sauce. Put the pieces of boiled poultry in the sauce and serve the chicken satsivi with walnuts warm.


  • chicken - 1.7 kg;
  • butter- 35 g;
  • onions - 165 g;
  • garlic cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • walnuts - 3 1/2 tbsp.;
  • a handful of green cilantro;
  • ground cinnamon, coriander - 1 1/2 teaspoons;
  • ground paprika, hot pepper - 1 teaspoon each;
  • pinch hot pepper, ground cloves;
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 35 ml.


Boil the chicken until fully cooked and separate the cooked meat from the bones. Set aside the hot broth for a while, we will need it soon to prepare the sauce.

For nut paste, pass the walnut kernels through a meat grinder, add the sautéed onion and mashed garlic cloves to them. We supplement the finished fragrant paste with spices and vinegar, the latter will help reveal the taste of the added ingredients. Dilute the resulting paste with chicken broth to the consistency of fatty yogurt. Put the mixture on fire and wait until it starts to boil. Take a ladleful of hot sauce and whisk it with the egg yolks, which will help thicken the satsivi. Put the pieces of poultry in the resulting sauce and remove the dish from the stove. Serve warm.

If desired, chicken satsivi can be made in a slow cooker: after boiling the bird, leave the broth in the bowl and dilute in it nut butter. Turn on the "Extinguishing" and wait until it boils, add the yolks and the bird.

Satsivi recipes from poultry, fish and eggplant. step by step photos in the middle of the article and a few secrets of cooking satsivi.

Satsivi is one of the showcase dishes Georgian cuisine. Who knows, he smiled and nodded his head, and who does not know, I tell him. This is an appetizer, cold tender boiled turkey or chicken meat in a spicy and fresh, but very tender sauce with walnuts. Although it's me - it's the same cold soup- nut cream soup with pieces of poultry. Or not? Is that fish in a delicate peanut sauce? What? Not a fish at all, but an eggplant? Well, you have completely confused me!

In fact, despite the fact that the very word "satsivi" in Georgian means "cold dish", it will be the way you want it to be. Want to - cold appetizer. Want to - hot soup, if you want - sauce to corn porridge Or even pasta. Eat as you like, no matter what the Georgians do with it. They gave birth to it, polished it, brought it up, brought it to perfection and released it into the world with God. And now Satsivi is building his own relationships with his new friends.

Two sauces with Georgian walnuts, dressy or casual?

Let's take a look at this confusing issue. Satsivi is a sauce, and what you put in this sauce, poultry, fish, veal or eggplant is your interpretation. But the sauce itself can be made in different ways.

It is necessary to prepare this divine dish according to the rules reverently, quietly singing hymns in an undertone. The classic elegant version was certainly prepared from a turkey, because a turkey is such a capricious bird in care, which is difficult to grow, and if you decide to eat it, then you need to pick up a worthy festive frame.

But I cheated, at the prompt of Nino, I filled the chicken with bags and pretended that it was satsivi. “The city version will do,” Maya Rezoevna said, shaking her head not very approvingly. In brackets, I note that it is this lightweight version that is served in the vast majority of Georgian restaurants under the guise of satsivi.

Unlike the canonical version, there are no caramelized onions and cloves in the lightened dish, I did not warm it up, so the taste is simpler and unpretentious than it should be. But he's still beautiful.

So, I will share with you both versions, both the correct classic and the accelerated lite. What is their difference?

But, to be honest, all the same, even if the texture is not so thin and the taste is a little simpler, these small drawbacks are more than offset by the opportunity to enjoy satsivi more often. I accept payment.

How to choose products for any satsivi

This perfect sauce, by right, the pearl of Georgian cuisine, is so perfectly balanced, so harmonious that it would be a pity to spoil it with low-quality ingredients.

Nuts - the main trump card

Nuts are exactly what this dish does. Bad nuts will inevitably lead to a complete fiasco. Nuts should be fresh, juicy and white. They should not be bitter - try them in a store or market. The nuts must be washed, dried with a towel and carefully sorted out so that there are no hard membranes left in them.

Spices in Georgian

Another important point is spices. Without a certain set of spices, satsivi will not look like itself. It will be tasty bird with walnut sauce, but not satsivi. The set and balance of spices has been refined for centuries, so you shouldn't improve it the first time. It's better to try first original version and then improve to your liking. Garlic, utskho-suneli (aka fenugreek), Georgian saffron and dry cilantro are always put in satsivi.

Chicken or turkey?

Classic satsivi, as I wrote, is made from turkey. But this is not the ultimate truth. The chicken behaves in satsivi no worse, and sometimes better. It is very important to be aware that the legs are always more tender and softer than the breasts, and the chicken is always more tender and softer than the turkey. This must be remembered when choosing what to cook satsivi from and how much to cook our bird. And yes, of course, such a tough choice can be avoided and satsivi made with eggplant or fish.

How to cook elegant classic satsivi

Elegant classical satsivi is a real mystery. This is the spirit of the holiday that comes to your house long before the holiday itself.


    Georgian saffron (marigold) - 1 tsp;

    white vinegar - 2 tsp;

    dry cilantro - 1 tsp;

    cloves - 1 bud;

    salt - to taste;


    Boil the turkey with roots - we make broth from the turkey according to all the rules of the broth. Boil the meat with roots and your favorite spices until fully cooked for about 1 hour.

    Remove the fat from the broth and caramelize the onion in it. Caramelize the onion over low (medium) heat for about 20 minutes. It should not burn and blush. It should become golden and transparent. As needed, add water.

    Strain the broth through a sieve. Leave the turkey, leave the broth, discard everything that is left in the sieve.

    Fry the boiled turkey in a pan or in the oven. Roasting is needed not so much for a golden crust, but for taste. fried meat. You can put the turkey on a baking sheet under the grill for 10 minutes, for example.

    Grind nuts in a meat grinder or in a blender. Nuts do not grind well and stick, so you can add a little (little!) broth to them to make grinding easier. It's easier to grind with a blender. If in a meat grinder, then two or three times.

    Soak the ground nuts in 1/3 of the broth so that they swell (about 1 hour).

    When the nuts swell, pour the broth into them until the sauce has a consistency like liquid semolina. Add all spices. Now the sauce should be boiled over low heat for about 2 hours, stirring constantly and diluting with broth, if necessary. If the sauce is not stirred, or if the heat is turned on too high, it will burn and burn and will have to be discarded.

    Chop the onion with a blender, add to the sauce.

    Cut the turkey into pieces about 2 cm and add to the sauce.

    Add vinegar, bring to taste, boil - and remove from heat. Cool down.

    Keep overnight in the refrigerator. Eat cold.

Fast Light Satsivi

Brief preparation:

    Boil the chicken.

    Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a blender.

    Pour sauce over chicken and leave for 24 hours.

Cooking time: 15 minutes (if there is boiled chicken)

Complexity: very simple


For sauce:

- walnuts - 1 cup
- water - 2 cups (or broth, or three cups)
- garlic - 2 cloves
- ucho-suneli - 1 pinch
- Georgian saffron - 1 pinch
- fresh cilantro - 3 bushes
- ground chili - 1 pinch
- salt - to taste

Exit– 3 servings

From the chicken I cooked a marvelous chicken soup. Cooked broth from 1 chicken plus 1 breast. I put both breasts on satsivi, the rest of the meat was returned to the soup.

Here, look, cilantro. I made a double batch.

Here, look, nuts. Nuts from the market, so I washed them properly.

Here is a double set of ingredients, ready.

I put everything in the blender bowl (I cleaned the garlic, of course).

Filled with water.

And turned into a homogeneous mass. Hello sauce.

From fish

For fish satsivi, the recipe for the sauce is kept, of course. You can take any of the options, more complex or lightweight, described above. The most important thing is to properly process the fish, the nature of which, you see, is different from both chicken and turkey.

You can take any fish: salmon, trout, pike perch and even pollock. The fish cooks quickly, so it must be fried in a frying pan in hot oil for about two minutes, cut into pieces - and you can pour the sauce. Chicken bouillon in the sauce can be replaced with fish.

from eggplant

Eggplant is such a vegetarian meat. But, to be honest, meat-eaters will be very pleased with this snack too. I tell you, satsivi is some kind of magic sauce. Eggplant behaves roughly like fish in terms of cooking: they cook very quickly.

They must be cut into plump rings and fried in oil in a pan for 3 minutes on each side. Cut into 4 pieces and pour over the sauce. Let it brew for a day, serve with pomegranate seeds.

Interesting satsivi recipes in English:

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Georgian dish Satsivi has long won popular love: it has become a hit, a symbol, a feature, it is prepared not only in the best restaurants world, but many housewives also consider it a matter of honor to cook real chicken satsivi for the holiday. For those who have not yet mastered this dish, but want to learn how to cook satsivi, I wrote step by step photo recipe. So let's go to the kitchen, let's cook a delicious treat!


(8 servings)

  • 1 chicken or turkey (2-2.5 kg.)
  • 2 pcs. onion
  • 2-2.5 st. walnuts
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1.5 tsp ucho-suneli
  • 1.5 tsp coriander
  • 2.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp red hot pepper
  • saffron
  • 0.5 tsp nutmeg
  • 3 tbsp wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  1. So, for a festive satsivi, we take a chicken or turkey weighing about two kilograms. Rinse cold water, remove the pen, if left somewhere, cut out the tail.
  2. I put the chicken in the pot. I use a small saucepan to make the broth richer. Pour boiling water over the chicken or carefully put it in boiling water, which is the same thing.
  3. This is an important point, because we are primarily interested in tasty meat. And so that the meat is less boiled, it is placed in boiling water. By the way, if you want to get delicious broth then the meat is poured with cold water.
  4. I put a small onion. Cook the chicken over low heat to make a clear broth. We remove the foam. Cooking time depends on the size and youth of the bird, approximately 40-50 minutes. Shortly before the end, you can throw a couple of leaves of parsley.
  5. We take out the finished chicken, we must filter the broth itself.
  6. It is desirable to remove at least part of the fat from the broth. This will significantly reduce the amount of saturated fat and make the meal healthier. Moreover, satsivi is a cold dish served chilled. And somehow not very good when you feel the frozen fat in the sauce.
  7. Now let's split boiled chicken. You can just chop it into pieces, but I would advise you to first remove the entire skin and discard without regret, and then remove the meat from the bones.
  8. Of course, when the chicken is “on the bones”, then there seems to be more food, but it’s much more convenient to eat satsivi when delicious sauce filled with pure meat. Think for yourself: you don’t need to be distracted by the search for bones, veins, joints, you don’t need to smear yourself in the sauce, and then wonder if it’s worth it to lick your fingers or not. And so you can just savor and enjoy the refined taste of satsivi. Convinced?
  9. Large pieces are cut or disassembled by hand into smaller ones, laid out in a bowl. It can be small portioned clay bowls or a deep dish. From a 2-kilogram chicken, two such rather large dishes are obtained.
  10. Well, now the most interesting thing is to prepare a nut sauce for satsivi, it is also called bage sauce. First of all, we clean a large onion, cut it finely, stew in a small amount vegetable oil to a beautiful golden color. The onion should remain juicy and not dry, so simmer the onion over low heat. When cooked, remove from heat.
  11. Next, take 300 gr. nuclei walnut, this is about 2-2.5 cups. Nuts should be light, juicy, not dried.
  12. We pass walnuts and peeled garlic cloves through a meat grinder twice, put a fine mesh. You can also grind nuts with a blender (we use a special mill). If necessary, grind twice.
  13. Add spices to chopped nuts. Be sure to put ucho-suneli (fenugreek) - this is the main seasoning, satsivi is not satsivi without it. We put coriander, salt, a little nutmeg, saffron and hot pepper. The dish turns out to be spicy, so I recommend reducing the amount of red pepper for lovers of non-spicy food.
  14. I want to pay special attention to saffron, or rather to its quantity. Saffron is a very strong spice. If you have chopped saffron stigmas (100% saffron), then put just a little, literally on the tip of a knife. For 8 servings of chicken satsivi is 0.2g. saffron. I have a bag with crushed stigmas of saffron in the photo.
  15. If you have a mixture of spices called "Saffron", which contains less than a percent of pure saffron (read the package), then in this case we put 1 tsp. saffron type.
  16. You can’t do without this spice, because saffron goes well with nuts, gives the sauce a special taste and a beautiful golden color.
  17. In addition to the listed spices, you can add 1 tbsp. flour. Thanks to the flour, the liquid part of the sauce will better connect with the solid part, and the sauce will not delaminate. But this is optional. If the nuts are ground into very fine crumbs, then flour is not needed.
  18. Mix everything and pour 2 cups of warm chicken broth.
  19. Stir, pour the resulting porridge into the pan, where the fried onions are located.
  20. Add another glass of broth, we get a rather thin mixture.
  21. While stirring, bring the nut mixture to a boil. The sauce becomes thicker and resembles thick sour cream in consistency. If the sauce is too thick, add some broth. Usually 300 gr. nuts goes about 800 ml. broth.
  22. We try the sauce for salt and spices, adjust to your liking. Remember that our chicken meat is fresh, so the nut sauce should be quite spicy and salty. Add wine vinegar to taste.
  23. And the last step - delicious and fragrant sauce pour chicken meat. When the dish has cooled, we hide satsivi in ​​the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. The sauce should not only thicken, but also properly soak, marinate the meat.
  24. Before serving, chicken satsivi is decorated with greens and drizzled with nut butter (if any). That's it, festive