Raspberry sauce: recipe, cooking features, ingredients, photo. How to make raspberry sauce

The classic of the genre is simple raspberry jam, well, or raspberries with whipped cream. But there is no limit to the ingenuity of culinary specialists, and every time new dishes amaze us with their sophistication, a combination of tastes. For example, you can prepare a universal raspberry sauce for the winter. It can be served with pancakes, cheesecakes, dressing fruit salads etc.

Raspberries are one of the most popular berries in cooking and are not inferior in use to strawberries or the same sweet cherry. So if your freezer is already full sweet berry, and neat jars of raspberry jam flaunt on the shelves in the cellars, then be sure to prepare raspberry sauce for the winter, be sure that in the cold period it will help you out more than once.

What you need to make the sauce:

  • glass of sugar
  • Glass of water
  • 6 glasses raspberry berries. Please note that to prepare the sauce, the berries must be absolutely fresh, and the berries need to be washed just before cooking, for 1-2 minutes.

How to make raspberry sauce for the winter:

In an enameled saucepan, mix sugar with water and bring to a boil on the stove. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat of the stove and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Rinse raspberries a little under running water, pour on a paper towel or towel to dry. Pour the prepared berry immediately sugar syrup and leave for 15-18 minutes.

After that, transfer the raspberry mass to the blender container and grind until smooth.

Strained mass without berries and seeds will be raspberry sauce.

You can add a drop of lemon juice if you like. Divide into small jars and store in the refrigerator.

You can use raspberry sauce for meat, this is unusual combination worthy of gourmet admiration.

Preparation of raspberry sauce for meat:

You need to grind 3 cups of berries with a wooden mortar and strain the juice through a napkin. Then add half a glass of Madeira to the juice ( table wine), half a glass of sugar and stirring, put on fire.

While the raspberry syrup is boiling, you need to dilute 2 teaspoons of potato flour in a small amount water. Pour into the syrup immediately after boiling and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil again. Raspberry sauce for meat is served only chilled!

With the help of sauce in the kitchen, you can create real miracles. After all, even the most regular dish with such an additive, it will sparkle with new colors and acquire a unique taste. So, it will turn out to endlessly discover all new gastronomic delights. Berry sauces deserve special attention. With their help, it is easy to improve not only desserts and pastries, but even dishes from rabbit, salmon, fish and meat. We offer several recipes for delicious raspberry sauce and various options for its use.

Spicy raspberry meat sauce

You need:

  • 200 g fresh raspberries;
  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp zest;
  • 50 g butter;
  • half st. l. Sahara;
  • half tsp chili pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry white wine;
  • a pinch of cinnamon, crushed ginger and cloves.

Puree raspberries with a blender or mash the berries with a spoon. Then pass the resulting mass through a sieve to remove the bones. Pour the raspberry puree into a thick-walled saucepan, pre-greased with butter, put the container on low heat. Bring the contents to a boil, then add to the pan lemon juice and zest, spices, chopped hot peppers. Thoroughly mix the sauce until a homogeneous mass is formed, then add sugar and white wine to it.

On the same low heat, cook the sauce for about 5 more minutes, while constantly stirring it. Remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the contents into suitable dishes. Everything is ready, you can serve the sauce to the table!

Such unusual sauce goes well with chicken or duck (especially duck breast), it makes the meat of this bird much juicier and incredibly fragrant.

Do not keep the sauce on fire for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the berries will be overcooked, and this will badly affect the taste and color. ready meal. If you lack salt or any other seasonings, add them to your taste. And one more thing: when you are going to cook such a sauce for fatty meat (for example, pork), it is better to exclude butter from the recipe.

Raspberry Sauce for Desserts

Ripe berry sauce can make better than any dessert! It goes great with pancakes. semolina pudding, cheesecakes, buns, cakes, ice cream, etc. Delicate shukets, panna cotta and cheesecakes are ideally combined with it. It will be an excellent alternative to traditional high-calorie jam. We offer you a universal and simple recipe for which you will need:

  • 250 g fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 3 art. l. lime juice;
  • 3 art. l. water.

Mix all the ingredients in a metal container and put it on the fire and cook a little. It is not necessary to achieve complete evaporation of the liquid, it is important to preserve the taste and usefulness fresh berries. When the puree begins to boil, remove it from the heat, cool slightly and rub through a metal sieve. Stir the resulting slurry until smooth and pour into a gravy boat. That's it, the sauce is ready. Cover it with paper if you plan to store it longer.

If desired, the sauce can be strawberry or blackberry. The recipe is the same, but the taste will be completely different.

You will learn more about how to make raspberry sauce in the following video.

In this article, we will tell you how to make a delicious raspberry sauce for pancakes, pancakes, ice cream. Suitable for both fresh and frozen raspberries.

When I fry pancakes, I always serve them with raspberry sauce.

I always cook it right away, and sometimes I already have it ready in the refrigerator.

You know, not only with pancakes you can serve raspberry sauce.

For example, pancakes, brushwood, muffins and even cookies can be safely dipped in this sauce.

Any pastry will become even tastier, and at times healthier.

If you don’t like or just try to eat less pastries, then I recommend serving this sauce with ice cream.

You can’t even imagine what an appetite you will have just at the sight of such a yummy - cold ice cream and a bright, summer raspberry sauce that will run over this very ice cream.

Well, what an appetite?

Then I immediately want to advise you to buy as many raspberries as possible and freeze most of it in freezer so that the raspberry sauce can be safely cooked in winter time of the year.

Well, now I’m in a hurry to completely “open the curtain” and tell you in detail about how to cook this sweet sauce from raspberries.

Raspberry sauce without cooking - recipe with photo

Main Ingredients

  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • pinch rock salt(don’t overdo it with it, otherwise the taste of the finished sauce will be spoiled for sure),
  • 1-2 drops of lemon juice

Cooking sequence

If you are using fresh raspberries, wash them well. If the raspberries are frozen, then you need to defrost them first and drain the juice that has stood out.

Place the raspberries in a deep bowl.

Add salt and lemon juice to it.

Then add sugar.

Connect the immersion blender to the power, and then puree the berries well with it.

This is my raspberry sauce.

Everything about raspberry sauce is great. Incredibly gentle combination of ripe raspberry flavor with light lime sourness, amazing appearance- the color is bright red and transparent at the same time. And how the kitchen is filled with a delicate aroma of fresh berries is difficult to convey in words. And that's not all, because each of the listed "ingredients" of raspberry sauce, penetrating into each other, accumulates and, as if exponentially, gives you even more pleasure from the cooking process, appearance and, of course, eating raspberry sauce.

Have you tried raspberry sauce yet? Eating raspberries in pure form, grabbing red berries from a basket? Or make jam? I do not argue, raspberry jam is one of the most common and logical uses of this summer berry. Of course, if you do not take into account the small raspberry pits, shamelessly stuck sometimes in the most inappropriate places. But both options are familiar to everyone since childhood, and therefore they have become obscenely banal and boring. And in order to somehow rectify the situation, I propose, perhaps, the most best use raspberries. In the hypostasis of an incredibly fragrant and bright raspberry sauce.

Having fresh raspberries is only half the battle, because the key to a recipe's success lies in resisting the urge to boil the raspberry sauce. We don't cook heavy and thick syrup brown color, and we are preparing a light, fresh, bright bowl of raspberry delight. So don't over-boil the raspberry sauce!

Raspberry sauce goes perfectly with almost any home-made sauce. And even if you buy ice cream in the store, or a cake, and pour raspberry sauce on top of it, you still have every right to call the resulting dessert “homemade”. I clarified this issue with lawyers. Everything is just like that!

Well, if it so happened that in your refrigerator there was nothing suitable from what you can pour over with raspberry sauce, take a tablespoon or simply take a sip from a jar. And you will get the greatest portion of pleasure. From the perfect combination of raspberry flavor with ripe lime juice!

I will dwell a little more on expenses and income. The ingredients given in the recipe in the amount of 300 grams of raspberries with the juice of one lime, plus three tablespoons of white sugar and two of pure water, result in 270-300 grams of raspberry sauce. If there are children nearby or, which is very bad, a wife, and these people have an amazing ability to quickly materialize on a raspberry flavor - feel free to multiply the number of ingredients by two or even three times.

And, of course, you should not be upset if the magnificent raspberry sauce does not help you seduce the object of your desire. And although I wish you good luck in this difficult matter, it is quite possible that it should have been so. Everything has its time! 😉

Berry sauces are gaining more and more popularity among our compatriots.

By varying the amount of sugar, spices and other ingredients, sauces can be made from berries that are suitable not only for desserts, but also for meat dishes. Raspberry sauce for meat is prepared quite simply.

Some efforts will have to be made, but nevertheless, the preparation of this fragrant and bright seasoning does not require high culinary skills.

Cooking features

When preparing raspberry sauce for meat, several points should be taken into account, then it will be pleasant both in taste and appearance, and will perfectly emphasize the taste of meat and poultry.

  • Choose ripe and juicy berries for the sauce. After all, the basis of the sauce, in fact, will be raspberry juice.
  • Raspberries contain a lot of small seeds, which you should try to avoid getting into the sauce. For this reason, going the easy way and chopping raspberries with a blender or meat grinder will not work. It will have to be rubbed through a sieve at one of the stages of preparing the sauce, at which one it depends on the chosen recipe.
  • The raspberry sauce can be made spicy, but it's important that the spices don't overpower the raspberries.
  • If you are preparing raspberry sauce for meat, do not add too much sugar to it, even if you want to cook it sweet and sour sauce. Enough of the amount indicated in the recipe.
  • If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, the sugar in the raspberry sauce can be replaced with an adequate amount of sweetener.
  • Raspberry sauce will be even tastier if you add a little fresh mint to it.
  • Do not use for cooking berry sauce aluminum utensils. Under the influence of acids contained in berries, aluminum is oxidized, as a result, harmful substances are formed and enter the food. Experienced housewives prefer to cook raspberry sauce in enamelware.

Raspberry sauce can be served cold or hot with meat. To keep it from skinning as it cools, brush the surface with butter while the sauce is still hot.

Classic raspberry sauce recipe for meat

  • raspberries - 0.25 kg;
  • red dry wine- 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the raspberries, remove the stalks from the berries. To remove possible insects, fill the berry with cool water and wait a bit. Remove floating bugs from the surface. Rinse the berry by placing it in a colander and dipping several times in clean water. Let the water drain.
  • Chop the pepper. Need freshly ground, preferably coarse grinding.
  • Pour the berry into a small saucepan, add sugar and pour over the wine.
  • Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring the contents of the pan. All the sugar needs to be dissolved.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat, cool its contents. Rub the raspberries through a sieve.
  • Add pepper to sauce and stir.

If desired, the sauce can be heated before serving. Classic recipe raspberry sauce for meat is also the simplest.

Spicy raspberry sauce for meat

  • raspberries - 0.2 kg;
  • lemon zest - 5 g;
  • sugar - 10–20 g;
  • dry white wine - 40 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • hot red pepper (ground) - a pinch;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • ground dried ginger - a pinch;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the sorted and washed raspberries with a blender, then rub through a sieve twice.
  • If you use instead of prepared lemon juice and dried peel lemon, grate the zest and squeeze the juice, measure right amount these ingredients.
  • Melt the butter in a saucepan, throw in all the spices provided for in the recipe, after a couple of minutes add raspberry juice. Cook over low heat for a couple of minutes.
  • Add sugar, lemon juice and wine. Continue cooking until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The sauce has a spicy sweet and sour taste. Is an good addition to meat, even better - to poultry.

Spicy raspberry meat sauce

  • raspberries (fresh or frozen) - 0.25 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onions - 45 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • burning capsicum- 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pepper. Cut it in half lengthwise, remove the seeds. Finely chop one half.
  • Finely chop the garlic cloves with a knife.
  • Remove the husk from a small onion. Cut it into small cubes.
  • If you are using frozen berries, thaw them and drain off any excess liquid. If you have a fresh marin, it needs to be sorted out and washed.
  • Grind the berry with a blender and wipe through a sieve.
  • Mix raspberry juice with sugar and salt.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the pieces of pepper, onion and garlic in it. Fry, stirring, for 5 minutes.
  • Add raspberry juice, cook until sugar dissolves.
  • Pour in the vinegar, stir, and continue to simmer until the sauce reaches the desired consistency.

Raspberry sauce, prepared according to this recipe, goes well with lamb and pork. It would be a good idea to serve it with a barbecue.

Raspberry liqueur sauce

  • fresh raspberries - 0.25 kg;
  • cherry liqueur or liquor - 30 ml;
  • red dry wine - 30 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • black ground pepper- 5 g;
  • starch - 5 g;
  • water - 20 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the raspberries by sorting them well and washing them thoroughly.
  • Mix cherry liqueur or liqueur with dry wine. Both wine and liquor can be used home cooking. cherry liqueur if desired, you can replace it with another, but made from sour berries.
  • Add sugar, salt, spices to the alcohol mixture. Put on slow fire and bring to a boil.
  • Add raspberries and boil them in wine and liqueur for 10 minutes. During this time, the sugar should have time to dissolve.
  • After cooling the sauce, wipe it through a sieve. Return to fire.
  • Dissolve starch in a small amount of cool water, pour into the sauce, stirring it vigorously. When the sauce is thick enough, remove it from the heat.

This recipe makes the raspberry sauce thicker than previous recipes. At the same time, it will take quite a bit of time.

Raspberry sauce goes well with any kind of meat. Spicy sauce more often served with its fatty varieties, ginger - with a bird. If you wish, you can vary the taste of the sauce yourself by adding certain spices and spices.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/malinovyy-sous-k-myasu.html

raspberry sauce

Everything about raspberry sauce is great. Incredibly gentle combination of ripe raspberry flavor with a slight sourness of lime, amazing appearance - the color is bright red and transparent at the same time. And how the kitchen is filled with a delicate aroma of fresh berries is difficult to convey in words.

And that's not all, because each of the listed "ingredients" of raspberry sauce, penetrating into each other, accumulates and, as if exponentially, gives you even more pleasure from the cooking process, appearance and, of course, eating raspberry sauce.

Have you tried raspberry sauce yet? Do you eat raspberries in their pure form, grabbing red berries from a basket? Or make jam? I do not argue, raspberry jam is one of the most common and logical uses of this summer berry.

Of course, if you do not take into account the small raspberry seeds, shamelessly stuck sometimes in the most inappropriate places. But both options are familiar to everyone since childhood, and therefore they have become obscenely banal and boring.

And in order to somehow correct the situation, I propose, perhaps, the best use of raspberries. In the hypostasis of an incredibly fragrant and bright raspberry sauce.

Having fresh raspberries is only half the battle, because the key to a recipe's success lies in resisting the urge to boil the raspberry sauce. We do not brew heavy and thick brown syrup, but prepare a light, fresh, bright bowl of raspberry delight. So don't over-boil the raspberry sauce!

Raspberry sauce pairs perfectly with almost any homemade dessert. And even if you buy ice cream in the store, or a cake, and pour raspberry sauce on top of it, you still have every right to call the resulting dessert “homemade”. I clarified this issue with lawyers. Everything is just like that!

Well, if it so happened that in your refrigerator there was nothing suitable from what you can pour over with raspberry sauce, take a tablespoon or simply take a sip from a jar. And you will get the greatest portion of pleasure. From the perfect combination of raspberry flavor with ripe lime juice!

I will dwell a little more on expenses and income.

The ingredients given in the recipe in the amount of 300 grams of raspberries with the juice of one lime, plus three tablespoons of white sugar and two of pure water, result in 270-300 grams of raspberry sauce.

If there are children nearby or, which is very bad, a wife, and these people have an amazing ability to quickly materialize on a raspberry flavor - feel free to multiply the number of ingredients by two or even three times.

And, of course, you should not be upset if the magnificent raspberry sauce does not help you seduce the object of your desire. And although I wish you good luck in this difficult matter, it is quite possible that it should have been so. Everything has its time!

Source: http://recept.photo/recipe/malinovyj-sous/

Raspberry meat sauce

Sauces are such a wonderful thing that allows you to turn ordinary fried meat into cooking masterpiece and the dessert is a real miracle. Moreover, by changing the sauce, you can actually create a new dish every day.

Today we invite you to try to cook the legendary raspberry sauce, which is so good that it can be used as a universal filler for pancakes, meat, salads, and desserts.

The beauty of this sauce is in a very strong fruity aroma, which only intensifies during heat treatment.

And the recipe also allows you to change the sauce in terms of the ratio of sourness and sweetness, making it an ideal tool for preparing meat and dessert dishes.

There are about a dozen various options making raspberry sauce. We offer you the most popular recipes, depending on what exactly you will water with this sauce.

Raspberry sauce pairs perfectly with freshly fried pork or veal steak.

Take a piece of meat with a thickness of 2.5 to 5 cm, which has lain for some time in your freezer. Rub it with salt and spices on both sides and leave to lie unfrozen for 2-3 hours (the meat must be completely thawed the day before marinating).

Heat up a heavy grill pan. Without adding any oil, add the steak and cook until the meat easily pulls away from the pan (less than 2 minutes per side). As a matter of fact, the steak is ready (if you like a strong roasting of the steak, after the grill pan, you can hold it in the oven for 10-15 minutes).

Now you need to pour juicy meat with raspberry sauce and enjoy the taste.

Therefore, hurry up to prepare raspberry sauce for meat while your steak has left the pan - on a plate to rest.
Sauce Ingredients:

  • Meat broth - half a cup
  • Dry red table wine - half a glass
  • Raspberries - 300 g (both fresh and frozen berries can be used)
  • Orange juice of one large orange
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Mint - a few leaves
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste

Wine, broth and freshly squeezed Orange juice mix. Grind the raspberries in a blender to get rid of the seeds (if you are calm about small raspberry seeds, you can not grind). Mix with broth and wine, add Bay leaf and sugar (salt - according to your taste, in principle, you can not add at all) and start slowly evaporating the sauce.

Once it starts to thicken, take out the bay leaf and discard it, and put mint leaves in the sauce instead.

After boiling for a total of 15-20 minutes (wait for the consistency you need), remove from heat. The sauce is ready.
Raspberry sauce is great not only for meat, but also for duck. But for poultry it is better to cook a slightly different version of the sauce.

Composition of products

  • Raspberry jam - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste - 1 dessert spoon
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 1 medium sized clove
  • Red table wine - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Raspberries - 200 g (you can take both fresh and frozen berries)
  • Butter - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Finely chop the garlic and dip into the greased vegetable oil frying pan.

As soon as the garlic gives off its smell, discard it and put it in the pan tomato paste. Quickly, just a few seconds, warm it up and pour in the wine. Add to it raspberry jam and evaporate for 15 minutes. As soon as the mass takes on the consistency thick sauce, salt and pepper to your taste and remove from heat.

The final touch is to add a little butter to the sauce that has not yet cooled down. It will make the sauce more tender.

And while the sauce is cooling, you can cook the duck breasts. It's very simple. Cut the fat skin of the breast, salt and pepper and place in a hot pan.

While the breast is frying, drain the fat so that the frying process does not turn into a stew.

As soon as the breast is fried on both sides until golden brown, remove from the stove and let her catch her breath.

After that, water duck breast raspberry sauce and enjoy.

Raspberry sauce - for desserts

Raspberry-based sauce can decorate any dessert. It goes well with pancakes, cheesecakes, ice cream, pies and cakes. Cheesecake and raspberry sauce is the perfect romantic story. This couple is literally made for each other.

We offer you universal recipe raspberry sauce for cheesecake, and for any other dessert, which, moreover, is also very easy to prepare.

Composition of products

  • Fresh raspberries - 250 g (you can use frozen)
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. (the amount of sugar can be changed depending on your taste)
  • Lime juice (freshly squeezed) - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l. (you can increase the amount of water if the sauce is too thick).

Mix raspberries with sugar and lime juice, add water and put on fire. For this recipe, you do not need to evaporate the liquid and reduce the sauce, as it was in the recipe for meat. Our goal is to lightly boil and preserve original taste berries.

As soon as the mass has boiled, remove it from the heat and pass through a metal strainer. Rub the remaining thick mass through the same strainer with a spoon and mix a homogeneous, pitted gruel with the first part.

Actually, the sauce is ready. But I would like to give some general recommendations.

  • If you are making this recipe for cheesecake sauce, boil it thicker, for which you do not need to add water at all. Based on raspberry sauce, you can make jelly. To do this, dissolve dessert spoon gelatin and add it to the sauce. Place the raspberries on the curd shortbread cake and top them with raspberry jelly sauce.
  • If you need to add sauce to meat, make it sweeter, but if you are preparing berries for desserts, on the contrary, reduce the amount of sugar, giving preference to sourness.
  • To prepare the sauce, it is better to use dishes with a thick bottom. Then it is guaranteed not to burn.
  • Don't forget to stir while boiling.
  • The recipe for raspberry sauce for meat can also be used to make salads. As part of the salad, it acts as a dressing. For example, the classic of the genre is a salad of fried liver, arugula and raspberry sauce.