Without synthetics and chemicals. What mayonnaise is the most natural

Which New Year's table without Olivier and herring under a fur coat? And for the preparation of these dishes, you will definitely need mayonnaise. On the site www.aif.ru, our readers voted for the most delicious and natural sauce, which will emphasize the taste of dishes familiar from childhood.

Taste and composition

“What is the most important thing for you in mayonnaise?” we asked. Most readers agreed that the most important thing is taste (in the first place for 40% of respondents) and good composition(important for 41% of respondents). As a rule, these two concepts are closely related: if the composition of the product is simple and natural, without "synthetics" and "chemistry", then the taste of the sauce is balanced and rich. The presence of flavors, dyes, stabilizers and thickeners in the composition may indicate that the manufacturer took not the highest quality vegetable oil or modified the classical production technology.

The survey showed that the cost of choosing your favorite sauce fades into the background. Only every tenth responded that the priority when buying is the ratio of price and quality. Respondents also pay little attention to the calorie content of the product - only 7% named “lightness” as an important criterion.

It turned out to be interesting that, having made the choice of a brand of mayonnaise, people rarely change their habits. On the eve of New Year's feasts, readers confidently say that they will not give up their favorite sauce in favor of more affordable offers. 85% of respondents are going to buy the same mayonnaise as always.

Who has won? Name, trademark The opinion of visitors to the site "Provencal with lemon juice”, Maheev 28% Provencal, Sloboda 27% Provencal, Ryaba 14% Provencal, Calve 10% Classic, Moscow Provencal 10% Provencal, Mr . Ricco 4% Provensal, Heinz 3% Provensal, Skit 3% Provensal, Vkusnoteka 1%

We also asked readers to name their favorite type of mayonnaise. The traditional Provencal took the first place. It is he who, according to almost half of the respondents, has a balanced taste and is perfect for festive table. The classic recipe for this sauce has been known since Soviet times: vegetable oil, egg yolk, mustard, salt, sugar and lemon juice.

One of the main competitors of the classic "Provencal" - olive mayonnaise, in which the manufacturer, in addition to sunflower, added olive oil. But light, low-calorie mayonnaise sauces and mayonnaises on quail eggs are significantly inferior in popularity.

The most interesting was the last, fourth question. We asked readers to answer which mayonnaise they consider the best. The top three were Maheev, Ryaba and Sloboda. The first place, according to the readers of the site, deserves "Maheev", made according to classical technology"Provencal" with the addition of lemon juice.

In total, 950 people took part in the survey on the site - you can trust such a number of experienced mayonnaise lovers.

Hello dear readers! left behind new year holidays with many salads and other snacks that could not do without mayonnaise. Life goes on and we will use many, many times in our culinary dishes this amazing sauce is mayonnaise.

But sometimes it happens that we make a salad, but there is nothing to season it with: there was no mayonnaise at home and we have no time to cook it ourselves or just laziness and then we go to the nearest store to buy it. But how to choose the right mayonnaise so that there is no harm to our health?

Mayonnaise is a rather tasty and nutritious sauce that is used in the preparation of many dishes. There are also special lovers of mayonnaise who simply spread it on bread and add it to almost all dishes to improve its taste. I already wrote about mayonnaise in the article "" and today we will continue this topic.

Mayonnaise is considered high-calorie product, but this is not its main disadvantage. Unscrupulous mayonnaise producers various preservatives, flavors, stabilizers are added to it, which improves not only the appearance of the product, but also increases its shelf life. I wrote about this in an article. And such mayonnaise can hardly be attributed to useful products, which cannot be said about home-made mayonnaise.

So what should be included in the "correct" and healthy mayonnaise? Vegetable oil: sunflower, olive.

  • Eggs, but egg yolks are better.
  • Mustard
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Other flavorings are possible (to taste)

What should not be in mayonnaise:

  1. Corn oil and especially trans-vegetable fats, which have nothing to do with natural oils.
  2. Emulsifiers give uniformity to mayonnaise, often genetically modified soybeans are used in this capacity.
  3. Preservatives help prolong the shelf life of the product.
  4. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer that promotes addiction to the product.
  5. Real and high-quality mayonnaise should not contain starch, which is used to thicken.

Mayonnaise sauce - how to choose

To choose a good healthy mayonnaise When you go to the store, read the label carefully. First of all, what should you pay attention to?


If you want to buy natural mayonnaise without a large number supplements, choose high-calorie. Calorie content depends on fat content. If mayonnaise is high-calorie, its fat content is more than 55%, in medium-calorie mayonnaise, the mass fraction of fat is 40-55%, in low-calorie - 30-40%.

And if you are even worried about your figure, then you should not buy low-calorie mayonnaise. Why? Because in low-calorie mayonnaise, part of the fat is replaced by water, and stabilizers and thickeners are added to bring the appearance closer to the natural consistency. It turns out that on the one hand you save (such mayonnaise is cheaper), but at the same time you are harming your health. This category also includes lean mayonnaise.

The right oil

For good mayonnaise olive oil is always added. But often, in order to save money, it is added sunflower oil along with olive oil. According to GOST, all ingredients are always recorded in descending order of the amount of the product. And if olive oil comes after sunflower oil, then there is very little of it in mayonnaise. Even if the mayonnaise is made only from the highest quality sunflower oil, this will not affect the quality of the product.

But if oil is not indicated at all in the composition of the product, then it is worth considering that inexpensive soy, cottonseed, peanut or rapeseed oil is present in the composition. And if the word “hydrogenated” is also in front of the name of the oil, then this means that trans fats are present in mayonnaise - modified fat products. Essentially this conventional oils, but in which a hydrogen molecule has been added and such fats help to lengthen the life of mayonnaise.

or egg powder

When preparing mayonnaise at home, always add fresh eggs or yolks. But again, manufacturers, in order to save money, are not very eager to add natural eggs, more often use egg powder. Why? Because eggs are a perishable product, besides, salmonella, the causative agent of acute intestinal infection or food poisoning, can be added to mayonnaise with eggs.

On the other hand, egg powder has advantages. It forms a thicker consistency, due to which fewer thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilizers have to be added to the product.


Make sure that the mustard included in the composition is natural. Some manufacturers may replace the mustard with synthetic flavors.

How to check the quality of mayonnaise

It is best to buy mayonnaise in glass container. So you can immediately see the quality of the product. Plastic packaging is not always useful, they can release harmful substances.

High-quality mayonnaise should be homogeneous, creamy and thick, single air bubbles are allowed. Spices or flavoring additives are allowed. Color the right sauce should be white to creamy yellow.

Try testing your mayonnaise. Squeeze a drop of mayonnaise the size of Walnut and wait 5 minutes. If during this time a drop of mayonnaise has spread, then there is a lot of water in the mayonnaise. If it remains thick, then there is probably a lot of starch. And the presence of starch can be determined by dropping a drop of iodine on it: if the mayonnaise turns blue, then it contains starch.

The presence of lumps or stratification of the sauce indicates a violation of the mayonnaise preparation technology, or the expired period of its implementation. Usually, the shelf life of mayonnaise in a closed package should not exceed 2-3 months, which should be written on the package. Stratification of the mass indicates a violation of storage conditions or cooking technology.

If you doubt the quality of mayonnaise, you can always replace it. Salads can be dressed with sour cream, butter, lemon juice or mustard. Better yet, make your own mayonnaise. classic recipe like in this video.

Dear my readers! If this article was useful to you, then share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks. It is also important for me to know your opinion about what you read, write about it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you. And subscribe to blog updates!

With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

Mayonnaise segment today:

· Russia is the second largest mayonnaise market after the US, accounting for 14% of the world market.

· The Russian mayonnaise market is close to saturation. Consumer demand for mayonnaise in Russia is almost completely satisfied.

· The mayonnaise market is fairly well represented by both domestic and foreign producers, especially in Moscow. However, consumers prefer to buy Russian-made products. The preference for domestic products is associated with the perceived naturalness and lower cost of goods.

· AT last years there is a decrease in the consumption of imported mayonnaise. According to experts, imported products occupied 25-28% of the market in 1998, 3-4% in 2003. Today, Heinz and Hellmann’s are the main import brands in our market.

Mayonnaise consumer: how does he choose?

Mayonnaise is the most widely used ready-made sauce. Currently, the mayonnaise market is very diverse, especially in Moscow. New brands of mayonnaise constantly appear on the ready-made sauces market, and the range of existing brands is expanding.

frequency of consumption. Mayonnaise is perceived by consumers as an everyday family product. About 60% of study participants include mayonnaise in their diet daily or almost daily. 36% of respondents eat mayonnaise at least 2-3 times a week. And only 4% once a week.

Purchase frequency. Most respondents buy mayonnaise once a week or more.

o Two-thirds of respondents buy 1 pack of mayonnaise for one purchase, 30% - 2 packs, 10% - 3 or more.

o In the regions, one package of mayonnaise is usually purchased for one purchase, in Moscow - two.

· The most popular brands are Calve (Unilever CIS), Sloboda (Efko, Moscow). In Moscow, the top three in terms of consumption also includes the brand "SKIT" ("SKIT", Moscow), in Rostov - "Rostovsky" ("LBK"). In Samara, local brands Provansal (Samara MZhK, Samara) and Orix (Edelweiss, Samara) are in great demand.

Attitude towards variety. In the structure of the market among the varieties, "olive" mayonnaise is the leader in all regions of the study. But its share accounts for 85% of consumers. The second place in popularity is occupied by Provence mayonnaise, it is used by 60% of respondents. Less than 20% falls on "light" mayonnaise and "salad".

· Preferred additives. Among mayonnaises with additives, mayonnaise with herbs, paprika, cheese and garlic is the most polar.

The fat content of mayonnaise. Residents of Moscow and Rostov-on-Don prefer to use medium-fat mayonnaise. In Samara, they often buy high-calorie mayonnaise.

o Despite the active campaign healthy eating(With low content fat), "light" mayonnaise ranks third in all regions of the study.

o Fat content is not a key factor when choosing mayonnaise, some respondents do not pay attention to fat content at all when buying.

o The leader in the use of “light” mayonnaise is Rostov-on-Don. In this region, in addition to national brands that have “light” mayonnaise in their assortment, there is a large representation of low-calorie mayonnaises from local producers (“LBK”, Krasnodar MZhK).

· Factors of choice when buying. When buying mayonnaise, respondents pay attention to (in descending order):

1. product quality,

2. cost,

3. taste (tasty, tasteless),

4. brand name,

5. manufacturer.

· Package. Doy-pack packaging occupies a leading position in the mayonnaise market. This position of the doypack is explained by the fact that almost all mayonnaises of the leading brands are sold in such packaging.

o The most frequently purchased package volume is 250 g. About 80% of respondents buy mayonnaise in a package of this volume.

o The second polarity volume is 500 g, this volume is half of the respondents in the regions, however, in Moscow, mayonnaise of this volume is purchased by no more than 1% of the respondents.

Table number 1. Popularity of brands

Trade marks



"My family"

Provencal, Samara MZhK

"Rostovsky", LBK

"House's Dream"


"Golden Seed"


Other brand

Table number 2. The use of mayonnaise

Usage situations


For salads

For second courses

For sandwiches

For first courses

For making pizza

For baking

For making sauces

For baking

For use in pure form

Svetlana Maksimova,

The material was prepared on the basis of our own research conducted in the fall of 2004.

There is no sauce more versatile than mayonnaise. Fill a salad, make a sandwich or decorate main courses. Yes, what is there to say delicious mayonnaise is able to "save" and make tasty even unsuccessfully cooked food. Surprisingly, it was invented, as they say, in a hurry, and from the most affordable products. True, high quality and fresh.

Can modern mayonnaise boast such naturalness and taste, the Internet resource Kachestvo.ru decided to find out in a laboratory way. To do this, five samples of popular brands of mayonnaise were purchased from the distribution network and sent to the testing center for research.

What are mayonnaises made from?

There is not a single superfluous component in the composition of mayonnaise, each performs a specific role. The fat base is sunflower, olive, soybean, corn, peanut and other vegetable oils. The choice of oil - at the request of the manufacturer, with one condition - it must be refined and deodorized. The high content of vegetable oil in the company of egg whites defines nutritional value mayonnaise. Thanks to oils, mayonnaise is a product that is easily absorbed by the body.

The second obligatory component of mayonnaise are egg products- yolk, often accompanied by milk powder, which act as an emulsion stabilizer. Food acids acetic and citric are both flavor additives and prevent the development of microorganisms by lowering the pH. Soda contributes to the swelling of the proteins of dry egg and dairy products during the production process, softens the taste of mayonnaise. Salt, sugar and mustard powder act as food additives.

Mayonnaises are high-calorie (mass fraction of fat from 55%), medium-calorie (40-55%) and low-calorie (up to 40%). Everyone is free to choose according to taste, but high-calorie mayonnaise is considered a classic. It is more expensive than its low-fat counterparts, since it must be used in its production natural ingredients. This is what we chose for the study (the study was conducted on December 20, 2010).


There is only one remark about the design of the label - some manufacturers are silent about which yolk was used in the preparation of mayonnaise: dry or fresh. And this is important information, because the powder mixture, akin to powdered milk, is not as nutritious and healthy as a fresh product.

Some manufacturers use flavors identical to natural ones. True, they honestly admit this on the label. What it is? Unfortunately, this is 100% chemistry. In my own way chemical composition they really correspond to natural ones, but they are “extracted” by organic synthesis, which means they are cheap and economical. For example, vanillin, identical to natural, requires 40 times less aromatization of the product than natural, obtained from the vanilla pod. like anyone chemical product, such flavors may contain toxic impurities that impair liver and kidney function, inhibit cardiac and respiratory activity, and adversely affect metabolic processes.

Laboratory research

One of the indicators of the freshness of mayonnaise is acidity. It reflects the suitability of mayonnaise for food purposes and reflects the content of acids, the accumulation of which indicates the beginning of spoilage of the product (souring). Peroxide number reflects the content of peroxides - oxidation products fatty acids oils that make up mayonnaise. This is a kind of indicator of the resistance of the oil to oxidation. Crude oil and oil at the end of its shelf life (stale) has a higher peroxide value. The stability of the emulsion is an indicator of the quality of mayonnaise. The emulsion should not disintegrate (break down) very quickly.

Unexpectedly disappointed experts promoted by advertising mayonnaise "Moskovsky" (Moscow MZhK). The sample surprised me with a high peroxide value, at the limit of tolerance, and then, during tasting, with a sour taste and smell. We did not expect this, because the sample came to the laboratory exceptionally fresh and simply could not turn sour. In addition, the composition contains preservatives that protect the product from spoilage.

There is only one conclusion - the manufacturer decided to save on raw materials and used low-quality vegetable oil in the preparation of this mayonnaise. A reasonable question arises: what about the warranty period? It turns out that if this mayonnaise is stored for at least a couple more weeks out of the promised 6 months, and even not at the right temperature, we will get a completely spoiled product. And maybe a dish, if we don’t notice in time, we won’t try mayonnaise before dressing the salad. The peroxide value was also high for the Skeet sample.

Preservatives and microbiological testing

One of the permitted components of mayonnaise are preservatives. Their task is to slow down the development of microorganisms in the product during the implementation period. Most often, manufacturers use sorbic and benzoic acids. However, in recent years, given the growing demand for natural products, there is a tendency to abandon the use of preservatives. The task is not easy, but still doable. For this you need quality ingredients and hygienically clean production conditions.

Among the tested samples, there were only two that could boast of a clean, preservative-free recipe: Sloboda and Skit. The remaining samples contain sorbic acid, the content of which in mayonnaise should not exceed 500 mg/kg. Most high content of this preservative, but within the normal range was found in mayonnaise “Mr. Ricco" and "Moscow" - 500 mg / kg. The same samples contain another preservative - benzoic acid.

Of the microbiological indicators in mayonnaise, they looked for E. coli, pathogenic microorganisms (including salmonella), mold fungi and yeast. In all mayonnaises, the content of microorganisms did not exceed the prescribed norms.

Organoleptic evaluation

Mayonnaise is a creamy emulsion, thick, with lone air bubbles. The taste and smell of the product should be delicate, slightly spicy, sour, without traces of bitterness. The color of mayonnaise can be white or cream, uniform throughout the mass, without oil separation.

During the tasting, the experts immediately identified the “bad guys”: samples of “Mr. Ricco" and "Moskovsky". Both products were found to be inconsistent with the GOST according to which they were manufactured. "Mr. Ricco "has an atypical, dense and oily structure, which is why it is distributed over the surface with difficulty. Mayonnaise "Moskovsky", on the contrary, can boast of its wonderful texture: for example, in a salad it will evenly envelop each ingredient. However, the sample struck the probants with an unpleasant oxidized taste and smell. Apparently, insufficiently fresh and refined oil was used in the production of this sauce. However, this was most likely the case, according to the results of physicochemical studies of our samples.

Talk less, work more

Summing up, it remains to add that real natural mayonnaise is not a common product today. Mayonnaise "Sloboda" turned out to be the best in our test - with a composition as close as possible to natural, with a minimum of food additives and without preservatives, without starch and other thickeners, it showed itself as an "excellent student" from all sides.

Most additives: antioxidants and preservatives were found in the Calve sample, respectively, and the shelf life of this mayonnaise turned out to be much higher than that of other counterparts.

Our advice to consumers: carefully study the composition and expiration date of the product. The more words in the composition, and the longer the shelf life - the less natural mayonnaise.


Producer: OJSC "Efko" (Russia, Belgorod region, Alekseevka)
GOST 30004.1-93
Ingredients: sunflower oil, water, egg yolk, powdered milk, sugar, table salt, acetic acid, mustard oil.
Net weight: 234 g.
Price: 22, 90 rubles.

Expertise results

Mass fraction fat, %: 67.1
Mass fraction of moisture, %: 28, 2
Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen / kg of fat isolated from the product: 3, 3 (norm - no more than 10, 0)
Emulsion stability, % of unbroken emulsion: 99.5 (norm - not less than 98%)
Benzapyrene*, mg/kg: not detected (less than 0.0005); in the Russian Federation, the indicator is not standardized



Conclusion: Marking is complete.


Mayonnaise classic medium-calorie, fat content 55%
Producer: Unilever Rus LLC (Russia, Moscow, Balakirevskiy lane, 1)
GOST 30004.1-93 Ingredients: refined deodorized vegetable oil, water, egg yolk, sugar, modified starch thickener, salt, acetic acid, whey protein concentrate, lactic acid acidity regulator, flavors: natural pepper, mustard identical to natural; preservative sorbic acid, antioxidant EDTA calcium-sodium, dye beta-carotene
Net weight: 230 g.
Price: 13, 90 rubles.

Expertise results

Appearance and consistency: an emulsion product of a viscous, slightly spreading consistency, without delamination. Odor and taste: the taste is slightly acidic, moderately salty. The smell is characteristic of the ingredient composition of the product. Colour: light cream.

Physical and chemical indicators:
Mass fraction of fat, %: 55, 1
Mass fraction of moisture, %: 38, 4
Acidity in terms of acetic acid, %: 0.32 (norm - no more than 0.85%)
Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen / kg of fat isolated from the product: 2, 4 (norm - no more than 10, 0)

Sorbic acid, g / kg: 0.96 (norm - no more than 1 g / kg)
Benzoic acid, mg/kg: not detected (norm - no more than 500 mg/kg)

Microbiological: BGKP (Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliforms): not detected (normal - not allowed in 0.1 g of the product) Pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella: not detected (normal - not allowed in 25 g of the product)
Yeast, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 500)
Molds, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 50)

Marking: complies with the requirements of article 7 of the Federal Law No. 90-FZ, as well as clause 3 of GOST R 51074-2003 "Information for the consumer"

Conclusion: The sample fully complies with the requirements of Federal Law No. 90-FZ “Technical Regulations for Oil and Fat Products”, as well as the requirements of GOST 30004.1-93 “Mayonnaises. General technical conditions".


High-calorie mayonnaise "Provencal", fat content 67%
Manufacturer: Skit Company LLC (Russia, Moscow, Caucasian b-r, d.59, p.2)
GOST 30004.1-93
Compound: sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, drinking water, egg powder, dry yolk, granulated sugar, table salt, mustard powder, whey protein concentrate, acidity regulator: acetic acid, baking soda.
Net weight: 215 g.
Price: 27, 60 rubles.

Expertise results

Organoleptic characteristics: Appearance and consistency: an emulsion product of a homogeneous creamy-smearing consistency, without delamination. Smell and taste: sour-sharp, without extraneous tones. Colour: light cream.

Physical and chemical indicators:
Mass fraction of fat, %: 67.5
Mass fraction of moisture, %: 27.5
Acidity in terms of acetic acid,%: 0.24 (norm - no more than 0.85%)
Peroxide value, mmol of active oxygen / kg of fat isolated from the product: 6, 6 (norm - no more than 10, 0)
Emulsion stability, % of unbroken emulsion: 99.3 (norm - not less than 98%)
Benzopyrene, mg/kg: not detected (in the Russian Federation, the indicator is not standardized)
Sorbic acid, mg/kg: not detected (norm - no more than 500 mg/kg)
Benzoic acid, mg/kg: not detected (norm - no more than 500 mg/kg)

BGKP (Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliforms): not detected (normal - not allowed in 0.1 g of the product) Pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella: not detected (normal - not allowed in 25 g of the product)
Yeast, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 500)
Molds, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 50)

Marking: complies with the requirements of article 7 of the Federal Law No. 90-FZ, as well as clause 3 of GOST R 51074-2003 "Information for the consumer"

Conclusion: The sample fully complies with the requirements of Federal Law No. 90-FZ “Technical Regulations for Oil and Fat Products”, as well as the requirements of GOST 30004.1-93 “Mayonnaises. General technical conditions".


mayonnaise on quail egg high-calorie, fat content 67%
Producer: OJSC "Kazan Fat Plant" (Republic of Tatarstan, Laishevsky district, Usady village)
GOST 30004.1-93
Compound: refined deodorized sunflower oil, water, granulated sugar, Stabimuls stabilizer, salt, acetic acid, quail eggs, refined olive oil, skimmed milk powder, preservatives: potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, mustard flavor similar to natural, antioxidant Dissolvin ”, natural dye “Michrome yellow”
Net weight: 210 g.
Price: 29, 60 rubles.

Expertise results

Organoleptic indicators:
Appearance and consistency: emulsion product of jelly-like-smearing consistency. The consistency is heavy, excessively viscous, with insufficiently good spreading properties. Smell and taste: sour-sharp, with a taste of added flavoring ingredients.
Color: creamy yellow.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of fat, %: 67, 7
Mass fraction of moisture, %: 29.0

Emulsion stability, % of unbroken emulsion: 99.6 (norm - not less than 97%)
Benzopyrene, mg/kg: not detected (in the Russian Federation, the indicator is not standardized)
Benzoic acid, mg / kg: 280 (norm - no more than 500 mg / kg)

BGKP (Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliforms): not detected (normal - not allowed in 0.1 g of the product) Pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella: not detected (normal - not allowed in 25 g of the product)
Yeast, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 500)
Molds, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 50)

Marking: complies with the requirements of article 7 of the Federal Law No. 90-FZ, as well as clause 3 of GOST R 51074-2003 "Information for the consumer"

Conclusion: The sample does not meet the requirements of GOST 30004.1-93 “Mayonnaise. General technical conditions" according to organoleptic indicators (product consistency)


Classic high-calorie mayonnaise, fat content 67%
Manufacturer: Moscow Fat Plant (Russia, Moscow)
GOST 30004.1-93; TO 9143-446-00334534-2006
Ingredients: refined deodorized sunflower oil, water, sugar, complex food additive (dry egg yolk, modified starch, guar and xanthan gums), salt, acetic and lactic acids, preservatives: potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, mustard flavor identical to natural, beta dye -carotene
Net weight: 211 g.
Price: 26, 70 rubles.

Expertise results

Organoleptic indicators:
Appearance and consistency: an emulsion product of a homogeneous creamy-smearing delicate consistency, with sufficiently high spreading properties, without delamination. Smell and taste: there is a taste and smell of insufficiently refined oil, oxidized tones. Color: light cream

Physical and chemical indicators:
Mass fraction of fat, %: 67.3
Mass fraction of moisture, %: 27, 3
Acidity in terms of acetic acid,%: 0.4 (norm - no more than 0.85%)
Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen / kg of fat isolated from the product: 3, 6 (norm - no more than 10, 0)
Emulsion stability, % of unbroken emulsion: 99.8 (norm - not less than 98%)
Benzopyrene, mg/kg: not detected (in the Russian Federation, the indicator is not standardized)
Sorbic acid, mg / kg: 500 (norm - no more than 500 mg / kg)
Benzoic acid, mg / kg: 250 (norm - no more than 500 mg / kg)

BGKP (Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group (coliforms): not detected (normal - not allowed in 0.1 g of the product) Pathogenic microorganisms, including Salmonella: not detected (normal - not allowed in 25 g of the product)
Yeast, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 500)
Molds, CFU / g: less than 1 * 10 (norm - no more than 50)

complies with the requirements of article 7 of the Federal Law No. 90-FZ, as well as clause 3 of GOST R 51074-2003 "Information for the consumer"

Conclusion: The sample does not meet the requirements of GOST 30004.1-93 “Mayonnaise. General technical conditions” according to organoleptic indicators (taste and smell). Article added
17.02.2011 05:40

Mayonnaise is an amazing sauce. Having it on hand, you can not be afraid of guests who suddenly appear, something, and mayonnaise will turn appetizers or simple salads into a truly festive meal. Why is there food, today even therapeutic hair masks are made from mayonnaise. All in all, an essential product. Especially if you come across a high-quality and natural copy.

The magazine QUALITY.RU had already published popular brands of mayonnaise, and then out of five, only two samples turned out to be without preservatives. Now we have decided to check ten samples and sent them for examination to the Sergiev Posad branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution "CSM of the Moscow Region".

When I was Soviet Union the production of mayonnaise was approached very seriously, there was even a special industry production standard (OST), which not only gave a clear classification of mayonnaise and listed the range of items, but also gave recipes. Adopted in 1992, GOST divided mayonnaise into high-calorie (more than 55% fat), medium-calorie (40-55%) and low-calorie (below 40%). Only there were no recipes in the document. Perhaps this untied the hands of mayonnaise craftsmen, who began to give out sauces according to their proprietary recipes. Then all sorts of “lean” versions appeared, “with lemon”, “without animal fats”, etc.

But still, what is the right mayonnaise made of? First and main ingredient- vegetable oil, no matter what it will be: sunflower, corn, olive, rapeseed ... here, as they say, the taste and color. Important condition- any oil for mayonnaise must be refined and deodorized.

In order for the mayonnaise to eventually turn into a thick, homogeneous, creamy emulsion, emulsifiers are added to the composition. Ideally, the manufacturer uses the lecithin contained in the egg yolk. But it is also allowed to use dry milk derivatives, such as whey or soy lecithin. Mustard powder can also act as an emulsifier, which additionally gives mayonnaise a unique piquancy.

So that mayonnaise does not delaminate during transportation or temperature changes (especially for medium-calorie and low-calorie mayonnaise), stabilizers and thickeners are added to it. It is good if these are plant products - guar and xanthan gums, carob bean gums, starches. Fatty mayonnaises do not need these additives.

Acid is used as a preservative in mayonnaise. Most manufacturers use regular vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice. Until recently, their content was regulated by GOST, but now everything is left to the discretion of the manufacturers. Therefore, some mayonnaises are famous for being more sour and vinegary in flavor than others, which have a more neutral taste.

It is worse if benzoic or sorbic acid was used in the composition - these are already preservatives in their pure form and their content is normalized depending on the fat content of the sauce: the lower it is, the more preserving substances can be.

But back to our probants. The results of the examination confirmed their safety in terms of microbiological indicators and the content of preservatives. With freshness, which can be judged by the peroxide number, everything turned out to be in order too. The emulsion stability indicator did not cause any complaints from experts either, for all mayonnaises it turned out to be almost perfect - 99-100%. Corresponds to the declared and the mass fraction of fat samples.

After analyzing the labeling of mayonnaise, the experts came to the conclusion that indeed natural mayonnaise samples can be counted "Sloboda" and "Ryaby". By the way, last time Sloboda mayonnaise also turned out to be the best according to the results of the examination.

And here is another excellent student of the last study - mayonnaise "SKIT", which then pleased with a clean, preservative-free recipe, this time unpleasantly surprised. Modified starch, whey protein concentrate, guar and xanthan gum provided the proper consistency and stability of the emulsion in a fresh sample of "SKITA".

However, mayonnaises of other brands also contained preservatives, stabilizers, and flavors. AT "Classic" by Calve the composition does not indicate what kind of oil the mayonnaise was made from, although the manufacturer is obliged to do so.

But the overseas guest was especially surprised by the experts - "Golden Mayonnaise" stamps "Ottogi". The label of mayonnaise from South Korea indicates the antioxidant E1102 - glucose oxidase. Not only that, in our country, this additive was excluded from the list of food additives allowed for production. food products, it has never been used in Russia for the production of mayonnaise.

By the way

On July 1, 2012, a new GOST (in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 90-FZ "Technical Regulations for Oil and Fat Products") comes into force, which will separate real mayonnaises from mayonnaise sauces. According to the new document, mayonnaise may contain milk products, nutritional supplements and other ingredients at the discretion of the manufacturer, but at the same time, unlike mayonnaise sauce, it must contain yolks or whole eggs.

The fat content of real mayonnaise cannot be lower than 50%, and mayonnaise sauces it is enough to gain 35% fat to be called such.

All other low-fat sauces will have to be renamed under the circumstances.

Also in development is a special GOST for Provencal mayonnaise. He will have fat, as in Soviet times, high - 67%, but the composition is short: oil, yolk, salt, sugar and vinegar. And no additives.

"Olive Provencal" / "Sloboda"(JSC "EFKO", Belgorod region)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.2

Flavors - not declared

Thickeners - not declared

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - not declared

"Provencal" RYABA(JSC Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 4.8

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - not declared

Thickeners - not declared

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Olive" / Hainz(LLC "Petroprodukt - Otradnoe", Leningrad region)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.9

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.7

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Thickeners - pectin

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Classic" CALVE(OOO Unilever Rus, Moscow)

Mass fraction of fat% - 41.6

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.4

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg / kg - 848.9

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - natural, identical to natural

Thickeners - modified starch

Antioxidants - sorbic acid, EDTA calcium-sodium

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Classic" RICCO(JSC "Kazan Fat Plant", Republic of Tatarstan)

Mass fraction of fat% - 55.5

Peroxide value, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.8

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg / kg - 491.3

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - black pepper extract

Thickeners - guar, xanthan gum, starch

Antioxidants - sorbic acid

Dyes - not declared

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Classic" Moscow Provencal("Moscow Fat Plant")

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.4

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.1

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - sorbic acid - 287.9; benzoic acid - 455.0 Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not detected

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - mustard flavor identical to natural

Thickeners - guar and xanthan gum, modified starch

Antioxidants - potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Olive" SKIT(LLC "Company SKIT", Moscow)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.0

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - flavors of mustard and olives, identical to natural

Thickeners - E1414

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - not declared

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Provencal with lemon juice" MAHEEV(CJSC Essen Production AG, Tatarstan)

Mass fraction of fat% - 55.8

Peroxide value, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.2

Mass concentration of sorbic acid mg/kg - 472.6

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - natural flavor "Mustard"

Thickeners - starch

Antioxidants - potassium sorbate

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweetener - "Saccharin"

"Provencal" NASTYA(LLC "Clever-P", Moscow region)

Mass fraction of fat% - 55.4

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.0

Mass concentration of sorbic acid mg/kg - 521.9

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - flavor identical to natural "Mustard"

Stabilizers - E412, E415

Preservative - potassium sorbate

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweetener - "Sladin 200 K"

"Golden" OTTOGI (Republic of Korea)

Mass fraction of fat% - 79.4

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.6

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Thickeners - E 415

Antioxidant - E 1102