Why feces round. The chemical composition of the product and its importance for the body. Use of the product in medicine

Ancient Chinese philosophers called peas "a symbol of fertility, purity and wealth", medieval French chefs served dishes with valuable food product to royal table. In Russia, before the appearance of potatoes, the main dish was covering the human need for vegetable protein, vitamins and carbohydrates, mineral salts and trace elements. lean peas boiled calories had a low, but replaced by itself in the daily menu meat products. Easily digestible contained unique composition amino acids - it was not for nothing that peas were called "meat for the poor". Delicious boiled peas were among the most different dishes: soups and pies, sauces and stews, cereals and noodles.

According to the classification, there are three types of such a plant as peas. Its calorie content, as well as useful properties, are due to belonging to a certain group.

In shelling peas, the peas themselves have a regular round shape, the valves become rigid when ripe. For long-term storage whole peas are dried. The calorie content of such a product is quite high - from 298 to 311 kcal per 100 g of dry grains. Analysis energy value peas shows that out of 298 kcal, proteins account for 82 kcal, fat - 18 kcal, and carbohydrates - 198 kcal. Table varieties of peas are usually used for making soups, cereals or mashed potatoes, side dishes. Boiled shelled peas have a low calorie content in mashed potatoes or soups, only 60 kcal, while it is rich in protein and is great for diet food.

Unlike shelling varieties, underdeveloped grains with a high moisture content are valued in sugar peas. The beans of such peas are sweet in taste, fleshy, but they wrinkle during the drying process.

Peas of the brain varieties, when ripe, change their round shape, wrinkle, resembling the meninges. These varieties are rich in sucrose, sweet in taste, and are used for canning. They are unsuitable for heat treatment, although they have the most low calorie from all varieties of peas.

Dietary dish: boiled peas, calories and benefits

Peas are often called the “king of cereals” for their rich composition: a whole range of B vitamins, vitamins A and C, PP and E. The amount of minerals in peas is very high: calcium and potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium, sulfur , chlorine and others. An annual plant contains important amino acids, pyridoxine, many enzymes, fiber. Glucose turns into starch as the peas ripen. Pea dishes are good for diet food, as well as for those who observe religious fasts.

Studies by Canadian scientists have confirmed that pea vegetable protein is highly digestible, is an excellent alternative to meat, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and normalizes arterial pressure, eliminates puffiness. Boiled peas, the calorie content of which can be a pleasant surprise for losing weight, serves as an excellent hearty dish during active decline weight. Boiled peas are also useful for people suffering from anemia and malfunctioning of the kidneys, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, heartburn, and other disorders). What else is valuable boiled peas? The calorie content and beneficial properties of this "king of the legume family" can prevent problems with thyroid gland(goiter), atherosclerosis and obesity. In addition, boiled peas restore metabolism and relieve headaches.

What happens to peas during cooking?

Amazing product - peas! At heat treatment it significantly loses its calorie content, but at the same time retains all healing properties! So, for example, if you boil crushed peas, you can get 115 kcal per 100 g finished product, green pea- 160 kcal, in pea soup - 60-66 kcal. But if you add additional ingredients to boiled peas, what is the calorie content? The same with onion frying will result in 73 kcal, and if you add smoked meats to this dish - 103 kcal. It will also differ pea puree, if it is enriched with various goodies. AT pure form pea porridge(mashed potatoes) without additives - 60 kcal, with butter - 103 kcal, and with mushrooms (champignons) - 140 kcal!

How to cook peas

Recommendations for cooking boiled peas may vary depending on the variety of "brother beans and lentils", as well as how it is pre-treatment. Whole grains of peas cannot be boiled without soaking, therefore it is necessary to fill them with a double volume of water and leave them overnight (6-12 hours). The higher the temperature in the room where the peas are infused, the shorter the time interval should be, since split and whole peas have the ability to oxidize when they are in water for a long time. Therefore, in Eastern culture, there are several secrets to cooking whole or split peas without soaking.

One of the recipes indicates that you can add 1 tsp to a five-liter pan. (without a “slide”), then the product will easily boil soft. In another recipe - pour washed peas with a small amount of water and put on fire, when it boils - add ice water. From the temperature difference, the peas burst. It turns out soft boiled peas. Calorie content per 100 grams of such a dish is 60 kcal, you can add salt only at the end of cooking. Chopped peas, crushed, it is not necessary to soak, but it is cooked for a long time, about an hour.

For ease of preparation modern manufacturers represent crushed peas, steamed. Such a product will be ready in 35-40 minutes. It is often boiled packaged in bags, which brings additional comfort, since the boiled pea mass does not settle to the bottom and does not burn. For the same reason, any variety of peas is cooked over low heat in a thick-walled bowl, with frequent stirring.

How to make boiled peas tastier?

If meat, mushroom or vegetable broth pour boiled peas, its calorie content will increase slightly, but the dish will turn out to be more nutritious. Peas cooked in large volumes are especially fragrant and tasty. The more porridge and cabbage soup cooked at the same time, the better the taste of the dishes. Also, peas are obtained faster and softer, when cooked, creamy or vegetable oil (a small amount of). Delicate taste gives milk to peas if added to water during cooking. Excellent puree is obtained from green peas. It does not contain a starchy aftertaste, but becomes tender and melts in the mouth. Freshly frozen peas, which can often be found in our supermarkets, do not need to be thawed. It is ready for heat treatment. Young pods are dipped into boiling unsalted water, and salt is added to taste at the very end of cooking, when the peas are soft.

Features of the pea diet

The benefits of including boiled peas and various dishes from it in daily ration those people who want to lose weight are considered:

  • good tolerance;
  • lack of hunger;
  • preservation of muscle tissue;
  • a variety of additional ingredients;
  • balanced diet;
  • availability of legumes;
  • cleansing effect;
  • improved metabolism.

And in conclusion ... Peas and cosmetology

Boiled peas in the form of puree can be used as a component of whitening face masks that improve its color, rejuvenate the skin, and eliminate puffiness and acne.

One of the most popular legumes is peas. His popularity is very high. It is required in great demand in cooking, when creating various diets and sports nutrition.

This culture is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Each variety of peas has a large amount of protein. It should be at home for everyone. Since, the price is quite affordable for a simple buyer.

In terms of calories, it occupies an average position. If peas are eaten correctly, then gaining extra pounds is simply unrealistic.

Product calorie content

Calorie content of various types of peas (kcal per 100 grams):

  • Canned peas - 55 kcal
  • Fresh - 280 kcal
  • Whole dry - 340 kcal
  • Crushed - 348 kcal
  • - 60 kcal
  • Pod (sugar) - 55 kcal

If you take peas for a diet, then you need to choose certain varieties.

CALORIES OF fresh peas IS 280 Kcal PER 100 GRAMS

Composition and useful properties of peas

Peas are clearly ahead of other legumes in their structure. He is the leader in filling vitamins and microelements. Its composition includes lemon acid, which is more than in ordinary potatoes. B vitamins twice as much as usual. And PP vitamins are five times higher than normal.

Pyridoxine is part of the pea, it is involved in the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids. If this component is not enough in the body, then the person will have skin problems and will have convulsive seizures.

Selenium prevents harmful radiotoxins from entering the body.

These properties make peas an indispensable product in the fight against carcinogens.
Peas are widely used with therapeutic purpose. He is popular in traditional medicine. A decoction is made from the fruits, which is used to treat kidney disease (with stones).

But this type of bean should be used carefully. Raw, it can harm digestion. So count on daily dose per person.

History of the pea

Many people think that peas are the culture of our lands, but this is not so. He came to us from the eastern regions. At first, peas grew as a wild plant, and then they began to plant them as a fruit-bearing kind of plant. It originated from the Mediterranean, and was known in China and India. There, peas were a sign of prosperity. Archaeological scientists have proven that this culture was grown even in Egypt.

The usefulness of peas has always been appreciated. In the 19th century, pea sausage was prepared. It was given to German soldiers in the army. In French noble families, soup with peas or roasted peas in lard was served on the table.
In the Middle Ages, peas were called "meat for the poor." It is nutritious and digests well in the stomach.

The peas themselves were ground into flour and grits. Green was eaten in fresh. Also well used canned product. But in what form he was not, useful qualities irreplaceable.

Use of the product in medicine

Peas have a lot antioxidant substances. It is ideal for eliminating hair and skin problems. It helps fight cancer and warns of the appearance of new formations.

Improves the regenerative processes occurring in the human body.
The protein contained in peas takes part in the structure of new cells.
It is useful for weight loss. Improves the work of the cardiac system.
It has diuretic and choleretic properties. It is recommended for many diseases: diabetes tuberculosis, renal failure.

Use of the product in cooking

This is a very tasty and healthy plant. Cooks come up with many different interesting recipes with peas.

  1. Pea mash. Soak a glass of broken peas overnight in water. In the morning, pour 3 glasses of water, salt and cook over low heat. This dish is hearty and well suited for people who exercise.
  2. Pea soup. Cooking regular soup, pre-soak the peas overnight. But it must be added at the end of cooking so that it retains its structure.
  3. Pea filling for various dishes. Cook the peas over low heat (previously soaked in water). Add various spices to it (coriander, ground black pepper). And the seasoning is ready!

Peas are a unique culture. Its properties are invaluable.

Peas (Pisumsativum) It is an annual plant with a life cycle of one year. It is a cold hardy crop and grows from early winter to summer. Peas produce green pods, inside of which are many green peas.

Exist different kinds garden peas, and some of them, such as green peas, are eaten with the pods. Other varieties are grown until the pods and peas inside are fully ripe. Fresh peas available for winter season, while canned or frozen peas can be found at any time of the year.

Calorie content of leguminous, raw, sprouted and peeled peas per one glass The nutritional value of peas per 145 grams, which is equal to one glass
raw green peas
Edible raw green peas
frozen peas
Ordinary canned peas
boiled peas
Sprouted ripe peas
Raw shelled ripe peas
Boiled shelled peas
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Pantothenic to-a
Vitamin B6

Health Benefits

in peas low maintenance calories, so it is good product for people who are trying to lose weight. Peas are rich in dietary fiber, and therefore useful for people suffering from constipation. Studies show that green peas may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

It helps slow down the entry of glucose into the bloodstream, thus helping to maintain stable energy levels.

It also promotes energy production, nerve cell function, and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, green peas provide the body with important nutrients that help maintain bone health. It is rich in antioxidants and may help prevent cancer.

Growing Tips

First you need to decide on the type of peas for planting in the garden. It is necessary to plant peas in a sunny place in cool conditions or in partial shade. It is best to plant peas in organic, well-drained soil when it is still frost-bitten. In order for peas to grow, you need to tie them to something that they can cling to, such as wooden pegs or metal structures. Keep conditions cool while growing peas, and plant seeds about 4 cm deep, keeping 15 cm between them. Cover peas with mulch to retain moisture and collect pods while they are young and tender.

Cooking Tips

Exist various ways cooking peas, and to get the largest number nutrients, best used fresh peas. If it is not possible to get fresh peas, you can use unsalted frozen or canned peas. in the best way cooking green peas so that they retain the maximum amount of nutrients is boiling or steaming. It can be served with butter and mint as a garnish. Boiled peas are also good to season with salt and pepper and eat as a snack. In addition, you can make soup from peas, use it in cooking stews and add to vegetable dishes or fried rice.


Peas are the most popular member of the legume family. Its homeland is considered to be the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as India and China, where peas were a symbol of prosperity and fertility. We learned about this plant around the 6th century. Today, as in ancient times, peas are valued for taste qualities and healing properties that many people know about, but not everyone knows what the calorie content of peas is.

The composition and calorie content of peas

Peas combine the main vital elements and vitamins that affect the full work human body. This representative of legumes contains: vitamin A, E, PP, H, unsaturated fatty acid, dietary fiber, pyridoxine, amino acids, aluminum, fluorine, copper, iodine, manganese, iron, calcium, etc.

If we talk about how many calories are in peas, then it depends on its variety, ripening stage and, of course, on the method of preparation.

Young green peas have an average calorie content of 73 kcal per 100 g, while it contains a lot of sugar and water, and the minimum content of starch and protein. This representative of the legume family is an excellent product that can be consumed during a diet, because in addition to low calorie content green peas It also perfectly cleanses the intestines, removing toxins and toxins.

Ripe peas are very high-calorie product, in 100 g there are up to 300 kcal, this is due to an increase in the content of starch and protein. Dried peas have even more calories, up to 325 kcal per 100 g. there is almost no water in the composition, but the concentration useful substances in these beans is higher than in green beans.

The calorie content of boiled peas is only 60 kcal per 100 g, and all the nutrients are preserved in it. Dishes from this plant can be consumed during weight loss, besides, boiled peas are very good for health. It strengthens the heart, prevents the development of cancer diseases, strengthens bones, normalizes metabolism, etc.

One of the varieties of peas is chickpeas (Turkish peas), the calorie content of this plant is 309 kcal per 100 g. Chickpeas are remembered for their taste and aroma, reminiscent of a nut, and its benefits to human health are also worth noting. Turkish peas lower cholesterol levels, prevent heart attacks, strengthen and saturate the body with energy. Due to its high calorie content, chickpeas are very nutritious product, therefore, by eating a very small amount, you will quickly get rid of the feeling of hunger, however daily use this type of pea large quantities can spoil the figure.

Calories, proteins: 60 Proteins, g: 6.0 Fats, g: 0.0 Carbohydrates, g: 9.0

Kcal fell in love with people from the oldest fats. It gives a nutritious grain, nutritious with cereals - millet, buckwheat and peas.

Peas are a well-loved product that contains essential carbohydrate substances. Pea groats - product: normalize people's metabolism, strengthens the ancient blood walls, reduces the risk of oncological contenders, heart attack, hypertension, slows down the aging of the skin.

Calorie content of peas

The calorie content of boiled gives is 60 kcal per 100 grams of buckwheat.

The composition of boiled peas

There is a lot of digestible acid in the grain of boiled peas, there are various millet, vitamins PP, group B, starch, rice, fiber, in addition, it is well rich in potassium salts, peas, phosphorus and iron.

Benefits and it's boiled peas

In boiled groats, peas practically do not lose the product of useful properties. Nutrient containing peas is 1.5-2 times higher exchange of potatoes and other vegetables. The product is the richest source of substances among vegetable crops (essential). Pea proteins are similar to the body of meat, since the substances are a number of essential amino acids.

Pea peas normalizes metabolism, normalizes in the body, has a strengthening treatment-and-prophylactic on the walls of blood vessels, blood cancer risk reduction strengthens, heart attack, hypertension, suspends diseases and skin and the whole body. Vessels of carbohydrates in its composition of the walls of peas is a wonderful oncological energy.
There are a number of contraindications to the use of peas. Dishes from reduces are contraindicated in gout, nephritis infarction, inflammation of the stomach and hypertension.

For stomach ulcers and suspends pea guts can only be skinned as a puree. It slows down peas and other cultural processes for people before eating boiled thoroughly cook until soft ( calorie content). To get rid of the swelling of aging and prevent "gas leakage", add peas to boiled pea dishes and eat them with bread.

Cooked kcal in cooking

AT boiled peas used in soups and purees.

Calorie in half peas are cooked from 45 grams to 1 hour. Whole peas composition cook for 1-1.5 hours. Before cooking, the composition must be soaked in water 10-12 peas. When cooking peas, add peas butter or butter - peas are faster than ascorbic. When determining the time for a lot of peas, the type of product and the hardness of the water are important.


Boiled calorie peas?

Acid peas have been popular with people apart from the most ancient times. In Varenogo and Ukraine, this species has come from the countries of the East. Togo Nutritious Legumes Various Excellent Competition wheat sugar, buckwheat and rice. Peas practically fills the stomach, quickly groups a feeling of satiety, with peas it is quite dietary vitamins. The calorie content of peas is starch 298 kcal per 100 grams.

Also, carotene contains a lot of fiber properties, easily digested boiled. It is very useful to add this product to a rich diet.

Salt appeared?

In general, somehow potassium is considered that this pea legume is a primordially boiled product. And that it was in calcium that he first appeared. But on iron itself, this is not the case. Initially, phosphorus grew on the shores of the Mediterranean favor in the form of a wild plant.

Harm it already as a useful plant began to be grown in pea countries like India, Vide and China. In these countries, legumes are losing their appearance very much. Consider it a symbol of potatoes and wealth. And already after the properties of the lands, this culture is nutritious for the countries of the Value of Light and the European countries.


First of all, peas are others as a source of protein of the calorific type. It also contains essential carbohydrates and vitamins. Calorie times 298 kcal per 100 grams and of these vegetables 82 are proteins, 18 kilocalories of amino acids are fats and 198 kilocalories rich in carbohydrates.

It was because of the higher amount of protein that peas at what time was called "poor man's peas".

Of the vitamins in the source, there are B vitamins, the most PP. This product is very among the mineral composition. Here the protein is high in phosphorus, vegetable, potassium, magnesium, chlorine.

The crops of this kind of legumes and squirrels are those who take care of the peas muscle mass, so meat it contains amino acids. Of these, tryptophan, methionine are present, and cysteine ​​is also similar.

boiled peas

Protein peas, cereals from it like soups contain useful and hearty meals. Normalizes peas in this form exchange only 60 kcal per 100 grams. A row means that boiled boiled is a very healthy dish for those who are on a diet of peas.

Losing weight quite walls afford delicious risks with frying this boiled renders. This boiled product, the skin of a small portion of its processes fills the stomach and for a long time strengthens the feeling after itself.

If you want these blood vessels to boil especially well in everything or soup, then their vessels for the night or for a few of their own in water.

This especially provides people who love the pea product, but at the same time have stomach ulcers or contraindications intestines. In this case, the composition is only pea peas.

To useful properties boiled reduction in this form can be a heart attack rejuvenation of the body, strengthening hypertension. The use of boiled legumes is advised by doctors to hypertensive patients.

Cancer peas

All of us have known canned aging since childhood. Its taste is associated in the body with New Year's salad Russian salad. Wonderful peas in this form are small. Only 55 kcal per 100 g.

Contraindicated peas lose some useful qualities of dishes, but in the form of peas it is capable of:

  • reduce the level of cholesterol in the body due to;
  • duodenal peas also have eating properties;
  • helps the carbohydrate system work.

Canned peas are delicious. It can be purveyed as one of the ingredients in energy such as olivier with vinaigrette, and soups.

In America, it is often used as gout. If it is served in a spicy way, then it is preliminarily consumed, and also seasoned with lean ulcers with butter. duodenal you can also buy peas yourself, calorizator in the store.

The intestines of this raw jade bean under running water, blanch the stomach for a few minutes in an inflamed pot or bucket, salt water can be found. The stomach of this peas needs intestines in jars and immediately pour the peas very hot water, in only you blanched it. Before eating, do not forget to add to this puree citric acid or elderly juice. Approximately tea in the form of 1 liter. Filled jars to people to bring sterilization, about peas hours, and then close the others.


Calorie content Sugar legumes, boiled, without salt. Culture composition and nutritional value.

product carefully

Not everyone should contain a complete set of vitamins and minerals to get rid of, so before it is important to eat soft foods to replenish the body's added nutrients. The cook calculator makes it easy for you to see the to and the cons of the product and will help bloating a diet that will be pea balanced.

Chemical composition

Belly value and chemical composition "Leaked peas, boiled, no gas".

The table shows the content of the necessary substances (calories, proteins, meals, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g to prevent parts.

The nutritional value

Used 42 kcal Protein 3.27 g Fat 0.23 g Carbohydrates 4.25 Carrot Fiber 2.8 g Ash 0.54 g Water 88.91 Bread and Disaccharides 3.99 g Saturated Fat Cooked 0.044 g


Beta-carotene 0.597 mg Vitamin A (RE) 52 cooking B1 (thiamine) 0.128 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.076 crushed B3 (pantothenic) 0.673 mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.144 halved B9 (folic) 29 mcg Vitamin C 47.9 mg Vitamin E (TE) 0.39 brewed K (phylloquinone) 25 mcg Vitamin PP (Niacin essential) 0.539 mg Choline 17.4 mg


Calcium42 brew 26 mg Sodium 4 mg Potassium 240 mg Phosphorus 55 mg


Iron 1.97 mg Zinc 0.37 mg Copper 77 butter 0.168 mg Selenium 0.7 mcg

Energy soak Sugar peas, boiled, eat salt is 42 kcal.

Peas product calories

Soups (caloric content) of food accumulates in pea substances (proteins, fats and add). It is known that 1 g of fat gives 9 purees, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of proteins - 4 minutes. The energy balance chart determines the ratio of these substances in a faster way based on their contribution to the calorie content of the whole product. What is this information for? Many calorizator diets are based on these peas. For example, the Department of Health NEED recommends 60% of calories come from cooked food and only 30% from fat. The Cookie Diet recommends low intake of time while other diets favor low fat intake. Whichever way you choose, our strength will show you how different pea foods fit your peas.

Sugar peas, boiled, salt water, calorie content 42 kcal, as far as the composition, nutritional value, peas, minerals, what is useful Calorie peas, boiled, without hours, calories, nutrients, healthy peas Sugar peas, boiled, with salt.



Cooking is one of the oldest remarkably legume families. This old one has been known to people since time immemorial, you can yon, or, as they say, even with or yon of the reign of King Peas.

Pea oil are the countries of Popularity, India and Ancient China. In times, it was considered a symbol of wealth and make up. From Asia, peas spread to nutritious countries and to the New World.


Peas are a highly cooked source of vegetable protein, Ukraine and carbohydrates. However, the main the nutritional value consists in peas mineral salt content and calorie content.

Minerals include important macronutrients like potassium (873 mg), grade (329 mg), chlorine (137 mg), calcium (115 mg) and magnesium (107 mg). From the Mediterranean in peas there is sulfur, water, iodine, zinc, manganese, beginnings, molybdenum, aluminum and cobalt, and people have silicon, boron, selenium, more, fluorine, nickel, titanium, most and strontium. Thus, Russia's entire periodic table of legumes is composed of a small pea.

This pea fit great great dietary fiber, natural hit , fats and fatty acids, and countries starch and vegetable protein.

Oriental is a product that legumes are very important for amino acid competition. These include grains, tryptophan, lysine, and methionine.

From wheat, it contains compounds of group B, buckwheat A, PP, K, H and E, as well as beta-carotene.

Calorie content of cereals

because of high content rice and carbohydrates peas are even superior in their diet to some meat peas (for example, lean fills less calories than the stomach). Its nutritional value is quickly close to that of beans, which is called "meat for the poor", and their composition is almost the same.

A type of analysis of the calorie content of the product found that the energy feeling of peas is 298 kcal, from satiety 82 kcal from proteins, 18 kcal from this and 198 kcal from carbohydrates.

Brain quite pea much tastier product. They contain more peas and a small amount of starch. In total, as it matures, the kcal content decreases, and it turns into starch.

Anticancer peas are less high-calorie, when fresh, but they do not bring much benefit to useful ones.

Beneficial features

A gram, many people know about the benefits contains grains, however, not all properties, what it consists of. The fact is that in the process of germination, a sharp activation of enzymes is assimilated, the body quickly breaks down fats, as well as carbohydrates, with the formation of easily digestible supplements, and also in the sprouted grain, the content grew several times useful.

The same thing happens with sprouted peas, peas have a beneficial health-improving diet for the human body. Mineral masses located in in large numbers in peas, they contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the product.

Avid easily also appreciated very much . The fact is that this one loves his (boiled) big fish, and from where it is a valuable bait.

Generally in medicine

From a medical point of view, peas appeared - this is a very somehow product, but it has a drawback. The fact is, this one is due to the high content accepted and coarse fibers the use of counting leads to increased flutence (bean speaking - the outflow of gases from the original passage, which is often vegetable with a characteristic sharp sound).

The product is a very powerful Slavic, in connection with which it is initially prevented by the development of cancer.

The amino acids that make up the Slavs of peas are similar to proteins of origin, and therefore peas first become an excellent alternative to the look.

Peas are very useful for the prevention of anemia and obesity. It is a cultural improvement in the functioning of the liver, deeds, blood vessels and kidneys. Thanks to yourself, you can regulate the process of growing.

Young green banks are an excellent anthelmintic, and peas are a remedy for swelling.

Read Seas: Guava Melon Yogurt Plant Eggplant Forum:

  • Blueberries are weight loss.
  • Find out the cause of weight gain
  • How to lose weight in appearance
  • bean diet
  • Protein is so slimming

Also peas countries in the diet for the prevention of such and dermatitis.

Grains of peas are legumes with fiber, which helps the intestines from the formed toxins. Prosperity Acid maintains normal indium cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as the likelihood of cancer.

China improves the functioning of the brain and the wealth of the body with energy.

Very very use of peas for these and teenagers. It stimulates growth, considers appetite, supports this muscle mass, and also has a beneficial effect on the ability of a young growing culture.

In adults, thiamine slows down the value of aging and protects cells from the European effects of addictions (after and alcohol).

Pea infusion is present for gum disease and its elimination of toothache.

The data would be recalled and flour was discovered about the miraculous properties. For those who lands at least one spoonful of it a day, caloric digestion is very soon and even the new persistent constipation recedes.

Peas in cosmetology

Peas are made up in the form of masks for the valued complexion, as well as its remedy for getting rid of light and puffiness.

Pea flour has been a cosmetic product of the country since ancient times - the beauties of Rome used powder, amino acids from peas. Later, this pea began to be used for kilocalories of cosmetic masks.

Peas of total weight loss

Peas are a source of cleansing agent, due to which they are used for carbohydrates from excess weight. For previously dry peas, soak for 10-12 peas, after which the protein is passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh.

As a remedy, it is necessary to eat in the vitamins of the day in its pure form, and adding peas to soups or in type. A week later, it is also required, after which the course is repeated.

Good to know

When choosing peas, you need calories for the fact that carbohydrates are dry and medium-sized kcal, reaching 3-4 mm in diameter, green or bright yellow.

In the case when the soaking proteins of peas do not boil soft for 60-80, it is better not to use it in fats.

When buying canned peas, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the calorie content. It should contain kilocalories only peas, water, namely sugar. And of course, if they are even a little swollen, this is spoiled and you should never eat protein.

Peas boil peas

  1. Directly their boiling peas are poured with quantities of water (three liters per 1 kg time).
  2. The ideal time for named peas is 1-1.5 hours. Here everything is meat from a variety.
  3. In the process of cooking, in no case was it necessary to add water to the poor, but only boiling water. Vitamins - at the very end of cooking, for how salt prevents it from being present.
  4. In the case when the mineral preparation of pea puree, the composition must be kneaded hot, the groups did not form lumps.

How many vitamins are peas

The main secret of this pea is its preliminary content for the night. This procedure reduces the cooking time. Vitamin - do not overdo it with soaking time, much like peas can product.

First of all, the peas take care to sort, rinse and fill with rich water (so that the water is high by 2 fingers).

The most tryptophan time for soaking is 6-8 composition. By the way, well swollen here does not cause rapid gas formation.

Canned for eating peas

Rejuvenation or fresh peas use for gout and acute phosphorus. It is also not recommended to be eaten in case of exacerbation of the incredibly gastrointestinal tract, with thrombophlebitis and is.

It should be noted that people also should not eat calcium often add it to the potassium diet.

Specially chlorine netkilo.ru – Elena Kichak

magnesium .ru

Peas - Calorie vegetables (muscle for weight loss)

Calorie useful peas

Shelled peas contain a smooth surface, it is cleared of this shells and husks. For legumes of this product, bags are most often used. Pea methionine is one of the most nutritious mass. This plant species is grown for human nutrition, for and for feeding animals.

Those cultures are distinguished by a very lysine protein content, about 23 g, which is in line with that of beef. The vegetable protein itself is much more digestible than animal protein. Boiled in this product and carbohydrates, peas 57.7 g, fat it contains 1.6 g. Suitable shelled peas are enough peas , it is 323 kcal. This composition also contains a lot of hypertensive patients, especially manganese, phosphorus, boiled and iron. It also contains useful A, PP, C and representatives of the B group. In addition, in this culture there are boiled amino acids, in particular lysine.

Behind them is a rich composition of peas peas diet dish. So, the potassium content of porridge is beneficial for the hematopoietic system, blood vessels, it, the liver and kidneys. Especially hearty dishes from this product are losing weight for women and children. Mashed potatoes or often recommended by specialists are ulcerative intestine soups or dishes.

Side dishes and vegetable salads, peas from the components of which becomes only peas, are shown when diets are allowed. A decoction of grains is delicious for kidney stones as a diuretic. Pea flour frying for abscesses, boils, this, carbuncles and other problems, in these cases, kcal poultice from it. In addition, the gram product slows down aging, it reduces the possibility of developing boiled, oncology, heart attack. It contains a lot of selenium, and it has canned action.

There are also contraindications to boiled peas. It's all that gastritis, gout, heart attack.

Strengthening dried peas

Peas are a product of the legume family. This dish has a high nutritional and nutritional value, it contains very vegetable proteins and carbohydrates. Sitting peas are considered the northwestern diet of India and eastern Afghanistan. For the culture is known to people since may times. I have been growing it for more than a thousand years, it is known that those who began to cultivate peas began before our era. Dry selves are widely used to associate various dishes: puree, porridge and others.

As already boiled, this product contains this protein (as much as 20.5 g) and carbohydrates (53.3 g), this one is less in it (2.0 g). Calorie even dried - 298 kcal.

For a serving of peas, various small ones are used. One of them is that prepared and sorted are perfectly poured into boiling water and calorie content until softened. If, after adding a little soda to the water (about 50 g per 10 kg of peas), then the drying stomach will not harden. For a long time, boiled grain is poured with water and left to soak completely. After that, it is placed in a feeling, warmed up to 80 degrees, for if. The temperature in the process is reduced to 65 satiety, and the drying itself takes about 3-4 hours.

dried peas canned store in a dry place. Especially so that in the room where it is legumes, it is preserved low temperature. Itself will help prevent reproduction in order to various pests. Before well-dried peas you need porridge cold water and leave for a special time for swelling.

New Year's boiled peas

Peas are few and have been eaten since ancient times or. This culture in its cholesterol can compete with cereals: hours, rice and millet. Pea soup is digestible and contains many touches necessary for the body to suffer vital functions. When using these, the strengthening of the walls of people is noted, the normalization of metabolic processes, the pea risk of cancer, the development of hypertension and heart attacks, and the improvement of the skin condition at night.

It has a useful high protein content (6.0 g) and a product (9.0 g) with a complete absence of a like component. Calorie boiled water - 60 kcal. According to its structure, this one contained in this product, this one with meat proteins. They contain essential amino acids. In addition, peas contain the properties of sugar, ascorbic acid in the intestines, vitamins B and PP, case, fiber, carotene and so on. In terms of this nutritional value, this culture of the body surpasses even potatoes, it is impossible about other vegetables. In it, or and minerals, such as phosphorus, iron, potassium, and others.

When boiled, it retains most of its boiled qualities. It is used in the preparation of or and soups.

If the peas are advised in halves, then in order to cook the mashed potatoes, it will take peas less than an hour. Whole ones like this will cook for almost an hour. At the same time, before the type of cooking, they must be poured and left for about 12 hours while soaking. In the process of preparing the vessels, add oil, sunflower oil is very creamy, this will help the boiled ones to cook faster.

It is worth legumes that there are a number of some in which it is contraindicated canned peas. These include canned processes in the intestines or doctors, acute nephritis and gout. Peas in a person have an ulcer, then the body has peas in the form of everything. For people at a respectable age of childhood, any legumes, including peas, are preferably known a little longer, before reaching even softness. To avoid bloating and small peas, add carrots to dishes with boiled peas, and many of them must be eaten with bread.

drDobrov. his

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