Vegetarian pate made from pea flour. Pea flour

older than many myths and legends about him. The ancient Greeks knew the taste of peas as early as the 4th century BC. e. The Chinese, Indians and Africans tasted peas 1500 years ago. To green peas in raw form ( delicious, in my opinion) Europeans became addicted in the 17th century. Moreover, the British got into the taste so much that they began to breed new sweet varieties of peas. And the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, grew more than thirty varieties of peas in his garden!

Today, when the primordial and traditional comes into fashion in our country, peas have every chance to restore their former glory. And since about green pea in the country and about canned in a gastronomic pair with boiled sausages, you have probably heard a lot, then, anticipating the trend, I will tell you about pea flour.

Gorokhovaya flour ground from dried pea grains. Like all beans, peas cannot boast of a wide range of vitamins, but those that are are very necessary for the body: C, Pp, group B. Pea flour- it's the same useful material crushed, which means it is easily digestible. ethnoscience recommends taking pea flour 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to improve skin quality and normalize metabolism. However, with some diseases of the stomach and intestines, pea dishes are contraindicated, so self-medication is not the best option here.

From pea flour soup-puree is cooked, cakes and bread are baked. Tatar chumar and salma, Arabic falafel, Russian pea porridge, English mashy peas, Indian pea paste with curry - you can cook dishes from all over the world with pea flour.

And the most extravagant thing you can do with pea flour is to take it on a fishing trip. Experienced fishermen claim that in combination with hemp oil, this the best bait for white freshwater fish.

My first experience with pea flour - regular pancakes to which I added half wheat flour and half a pea. It turned out tender and, I want to believe, healthy dish. Next in line is falafel. And I wish you interesting culinary experiments with pea flour.

Pea flour, 500 g, 49 rubles

“I was born on June 21, the longest day of the year, the same day as Prince William. I have two red diplomas. I speak five languages ​​- Russian, English, Italian, French and Ukrainian, just like my grandmother. I managed to work in various companies, and as a result I chose what I get great pleasure from: tossing words, catching them and putting them into sentences. I'm lucky and I have great intuition. I can cook, sew, drive a car. More than anything in the world I love Chekhov's stories, being lazy and eating delicious food. I almost always manage to combine these three pleasures.

First try:

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Seven year old rice

In search of rice for the right risotto, Yulia Andreyanova traveled all over Moscow. Did not find. Friends helped out: they gave Yulia the rice of her dreams!

Peas are one of the well-known and beloved cereals by housewives. Soups, cereals and even flour are prepared from it. Yes, the most common flour, from which you can bake pancakes and pancakes. However, pea flour can be used not only in cooking. Its composition, rich in nutrients, allows the use of pea flour for cosmetic and health purposes.

So it contains selenium, phosphorus, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B and C and carotene. But that's not all - pea flour contains antioxidants and can block the flow of a number of radioactive metals. Pea flour offers recipes for people suffering from diabetes - it contains glutamic acid.

In general, if you are a supporter healthy eating, save money, then pea flour should be your choice. By the way, for people striving for an ideal figure - this flour does not contain cholesterol and allows you to lose weight. excess weight. And all this without sacrificing health. For people who fast pea flour recipes provides a completely different delicious and hearty meals that can be consumed during this period.

With pea flour, making soup becomes a matter of one minute. Don't believe? Here is the prescription:

For one and a half liters of water, take one carrot and one onion, fried in two tablespoons of vegetable oil, add them to the already boiling water. Add 200 grams of ham or other meat product here. While the food is cooking, take 2 tablespoons of pea flour and dilute them with half a glass of boiled cool water until the lumps disappear completely. Pour the mixture gently into the soup, stir, reduce the heat and leave for another twenty minutes. Ready!

Here are such simple and tasty recipes that provide us with pea flour. As for the preparation of pancakes and fritters, everything is simple - a few tablespoons of pea are added to the wheat flour. The same applies to the preparation of bread from pea flour.

As mentioned at the beginning, pea flour can even be treated. For example, for several centuries it has been used by women as an excellent remedy for wrinkles. In general, in about one month, you can get rid of fine and medium wrinkles if you do a special mask daily. So, pea flour facial recipes:

It is necessary to take pea flour and sour cream (medium fat) in a ratio of 1: 1. Pour the flour with sour cream so that it swells, and then mix well. Apply for twenty minutes, then rinse. Wrinkles will definitely disappear.

You can also treat hair with pea flour. You must have wondered at least once why Chinese women have such healthy, long and beautiful hair. One of the methods that is very popular with them.

Pea flour recipes for hair:

Pouring pea flour warm water and leave overnight. In the morning, the resulting porridge is applied to the hair for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. Note that the peas have already removed the dirt and grease, so no shampoo is needed.

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the recipe - by cleaning the hair with a natural remedy, we saved its surface. And the peas loaded them with all the nutrients.

Search, experiment and be healthy.

New high-quality alternatives to wheat flour have long settled on the shelves of huge chain stores and small stalls in residential areas. Humanity is increasingly worried about its own health, monitors physical activity, is afraid of obesity, early aging and chronic diseases. In pursuit of eternal youth, we have long since replaced sunflower oil coconut, and milk chocolate dates, next in line is pea flour instead of wheat.

What is pea flour really like and does it make sense to replace it with a classic and already beloved product?

general characteristics

Peas - genus herbaceous plants(bean family). It is one of the most widely grown beans in the world, and the crop is produced in the thousands of tons every year.

They learned how to grow peas even under weightless conditions (as part of an experiment by the Institute of Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005-2006).

Peas are present in almost all culinary cultures of our planet. It is crushed, rubbed, consumed raw, unripe or heat-treated.

How did pea flour come about?

The use of legumes for culinary practices began as early as the ancient Greeks in the 6th century BC. Later, the Chinese, Indians, Africans, and in the 17th century Europeans joined the plant. Until now, the people of Great Britain have a special passion for peas and its derivatives. It was there that the selection of sweet pea varieties was first started, and the product itself became the main highlight national cuisine. Americans show no less love for culture. The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, grew more than 30 varieties of peas in the garden of his own estate. Of course, a whole armada of gardeners helped a high-ranking politician, but the fact remains that peas are held in high esteem by citizens of developed countries.

Pea flour came into use at the same time as the legume itself. The peas were thoroughly washed, dried, then ground into small crumbs. This crumb was used not only in cooking, but in medicine and then cosmetology. Some ate whole spoons of pea flour on an empty stomach to improve metabolism, others diluted the mixture in water / milk / vegetable juice and applied to the face as a mask. Another extravagant way to use ground peas is fishing. Seasoned fishermen claim that balls of hemp oil and pea flour are the best bait for freshwater fish.

Modern use of the ingredient

Bean flour is used by adherents of a healthy diet, patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and losing weight. The component quickly fills the lack of vitamins / nutrients, promotes long-term saturation of the body, helps to bring weight to the desired indicator and improves overall health. An additional advantage of the product is the price - pea flour is no more expensive than high-quality wheat flour.

You can make your own flour at home. You need to have on hand about a kilogram of fresh / frozen peas, a quality grinder (even a coffee grinder will do) and 10 minutes of time.

Prepared from pea flour:

  • paste;
  • sweet confectionery;
  • bread;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • breading;
  • falafel (balls based on bean flour, deep-fried with the addition of spices and herbs).

Culinary Tip: To seamlessly introduce a new food into your diet, use an incremental introduction tactic. At the first stage, replace 10-20% of wheat flour with peas, taste the taste, decide on the consistency and related ingredients. Gradually increase the dosage until you can replace the unhealthy white flour with a healthy alternative. taste buds they will easily perceive a change in food priorities, and the body will increase productivity at times.

The unique taste of pea flour blends harmoniously with both salty and sweet dishes. The peas enhance the spice/sweetener flavor and create a whole new flavor combination that could well claim the level restaurant dish. Another important product characteristic is the structure. Flour absolutely does not absorb vegetable / animal fat during frying, which has a positive effect on the calorie content and quality of the dish.

The chemical composition of the raw bean

After processing chemical composition And energy value the finished product is subject to some changes.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of vegetable protein in flour. Nutritionists compare its nutritional value and digestibility with low-fat varieties meat. The concentration of vitamins and minerals in bean flour often exceeds meat products. Moreover, vegetable protein is absorbed much faster, easier and more efficiently. human body, compared with the component of animal origin.

Useful properties of the product


Lysine (C6H14N2O2) is an essential acid found in most proteins.

In the absence of lysine, tissue growth and regeneration, sufficient production of antibodies / hormones / vital enzymes becomes impossible. The amino acid provides protection against viruses, including the human papillomavirus.

According to the results of the 2003 study "The effect of dietary lysine deficiency on the immune response to Newcastle disease vaccination in chickens", the lack of lysine becomes the cause of immunodeficiency states.

What is the useful component:

  • harmonizes the composition of blood serum;
  • prevents blockage of arteries, pathological conditions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • replenishes the balance of energy and increases efficiency;
  • improves appetite;
  • accelerates the growth process and a set of high-quality muscle mass.

Lack of lysine is characterized by irritability, hemorrhages in the eyeball, diseases of the reproductive system, weakness, loss of hair / nails, anemia and poor health.

The required daily dosage of lysine for an adult is about 2-3 grams.


Fiber is the coarse part of plants that is not digested and absorbed by the body. The component is found exclusively in herbal products and is essential for maintaining human health.

Peas contain 2 types of fiber at once: soluble and insoluble. The first variety is responsible for preventing pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Soluble fiber creates favorable conditions for the development and nutrition of the so-called "good" microbiome. As soon as fiber enters the body (along with pea flour), it immediately takes on the consistency of a liquid gel and literally spreads through the gastrointestinal tract.

100 grams of peas can contain from 8.8 to 14 grams of fiber (depending on the type and degree of processing).

The insoluble fiber speaks for itself. It is involved in the movement of food through the esophagus, regular work digestive system, releases harmful heavy elements and toxins. Also, the component is responsible for the normalization of the stool and a feeling of lightness in the abdominal cavity.

What else is useful component:

  • normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • lowering the concentration of cholesterol;
  • decrease in absorption rate food products, which prolongs saturation;
  • protection against pathologies of cardio-vascular system, bowel/breast cancer;
  • struggle with irregular stools;
  • reduction of body fat (occurs naturally, without harm to the body);
  • cleansing the skin and minimizing breakouts;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

pH value

The acid-base balance directly affects human health. Doctors say that all diseases originate only in an acidic organism, but in an alkaline one, the risk of developing pathogenic bacteria is practically excluded. An indicator of acid-base balance is the pH level - a hydrogen indicator. If the pH level is 7, then the body is in a neutral environment, if from 0 to 6.9 - in an acidic environment, if from 7.1 to 14.0 - in an alkaline environment.

In the majority of the modern population, this balance is shifted to an acidic environment - hence the illness and constant malaise. The pH level is affected by stress, ecology, dietary habits and poor quality water. To block excess acid, you need to consult a doctor and introduce into your diet a large number of alkalizing products. These include peas and its derivatives.

The diet of a healthy adult should consist of 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods. Before changing your own menu, consult a doctor. Take saliva for analysis to determine the acid-base balance, wait for the results and follow the individual recommendations of the doctor.

Using the component in cooking

Protein flour is rarely used in mass production. It can only be found in local organic establishments or on the menu of expensive restaurants. The component itself is as accessible as possible both on the Internet and on the shelves of the nearest supermarket, so it is most rational to use flour in home cooking. Mix the component with other types of flour (wheat, buckwheat, corn), create new unique flavor combinations and don't forget to experiment for the benefit of the family.

Quick Recipe for Indian Pea Pancakes with Tomatoes

We will need:

  • pea flour - 10 tablespoons;
  • whole grain wheat / corn / oatmeal / buckwheat flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • chopped ginger - 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • greens to taste.


In a deep bowl, mix flour and dry spices. Stir thoroughly, then gradually pour cold water into the container in a thin stream. Pour in water until you can knead a thick dough for making pancakes.

Smash the tomato in a blender into tomato paste and, together with chopped herbs, add to the container for the dough. The mixture of pea flour and optional flour should swell and become soft. The dough should not be light. Achieve the most elastic and pliable consistency by adding liquid and dry ingredients ( tomato paste, cold water, flour).

Form into pancakes and fry on both sides in a non-stick pan or with a drop of vegetable oil for frying. Ready meal can be great option healthy breakfast or snack.

The use of the component in cosmetology

Pea flour is used to prepare various cosmetical tools for face, body and hair. Traditional medicine assures that a monthly course of poultices and masks made from pea flour can smooth out wrinkles, regulate sebum fat content and nourish the skin. The effect for hair and body is identical - moisturizing, nourishing, UV protection and stunning smoothness.

Flour is diluted in essential and base oils, milk, honey or plain water, then applied to the face / body / hair and wait for the winning result. Dermatologists assure that the modern cosmetology industry excludes any home manipulations and provides a comprehensive care effect without additional procedures. With the wrong ratio of components, you can cause the exact opposite effect: provoke a rash, redness, itching, exacerbation of acne or the formation of scar tissue.

For any skin problems, you should contact a specialist. If the skin does not bother, then there is no need to conduct experiments on yourself. Use quality care, which is selected for individual characteristics your skin and make pea poultices a thing of the past.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Among the contraindications to the use of pea flour are individual intolerance and diseases of some body systems. Peas and its derivatives should be limited in case of gout, acute stage of nephritis and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. Also, the diet must be cleared of legumes in case of circulatory disorders and flatulence. With such pathologies, the patient should be examined by the attending doctor. The doctor, based on the patient's condition, periodically adjusts the diet, introduces / excludes new food components. Ask your doctor about the allowable amount of pea flour and periodically delight yourself with your favorite dishes.

It would seem that there could be questions with this dish. Cold, malt, excuse me, a saucepan, cereals, water ... But then it burns, then it does not want to boil. That is why we are interested in: “How to cook pea porridge? Ask your mom and you'll get an unequivocal answer with the words "soak" and "patience". Fortunately, today you can shorten the path to victory over the stubborn peas. After all, there are double boilers, multicookers, cereals in bags, and, finally, pea flour. Well, some spices help this dish become more easily digestible for the digestive tract.

The content of the article:

The classic version of "fast" does not imply. you will have to soak for 12 hours, and then cook for about 1.5 hours in a saucepan, watching and stirring. In fairy tales, and in cast-iron pots, which are not found in a modern city apartment, peas are boiled in an hour. Moreover, it will be necessary to guess so that the water boils away and the cereal boils to the end. That is, leaving the pan completely and doing your own thing will not work. Maximum, peel carrots somewhere nearby. In general, long and tedious. "Results" will also have to be rubbed through a sieve to peel off the pea husks. After all, not all of it leaves during soaking. But you can do it "shorter".

Option one - take crushed peas. This is the same cereal, but the peas are, as it were, cut into halves. It cooks, on average, 40 minutes faster, and it turns out the same porridge-mashed potatoes that we usually want to see when preparing this dish.

Option two - buy peas in bags for cooking. Cook according to the instructions, and then just grind with a blender. Pea shells may be encountered, but this is usually not critical.

Option three is to place the peas in a rice steamer bowl. Set in the middle compartment and steam for 20-35 minutes so that the peas are slightly damp. Then cook according to one of the recipes.

Before cooking, the peas are washed under cold running water and sorted out. The latter means throwing out black peas and various cereal debris that may be found there. Peas in bags for cooking and packaged, as a rule, such does not contain things.

An old recipe for how to cook pea porridge

For this recipe, you will need a cast iron. Don't know what it is? So, look in a regular store for a thick-walled cauldron for. Sometimes this item is called "duckling" or "goose". You can cook on a normal gas stove, but it won’t work anymore - on an electric stove or any other “accelerator” of the cooking process.

First, the peas are washed in a sieve, then placed in a bowl and poured cold water, leaving overnight or for 5-7 hours if time is short. The porridge is boiled in the same water. They put it on the fire, wait for the water to boil, and reduce the fire. The dishes are covered with a lid so that steam can escape from the side, and the porridge is cooked for 60 minutes, watching and stirring. Periodically, you can add warm water if it boils away too quickly. But the "authentic" recipe does not involve topping up. Initially, 6 measures of water are taken for 1 measure of peas, and until it boils away, if you please, do not leave. Speeding up the process by increasing the fire will also fail. In general, this cooking is long, meditative, as they say, for lovers of traditions.

Ready porridge seasoned with oil, herbs, and do not forget to salt. To facilitate the process of digestion, you can throw a little spice asafoetida, it eliminates increased gas formation. Makes gastrointestinal service and simple green dill, But only fresh.

Pea porridge made from pea flour

This is the most quick recipe cooking porridge. A glass of flour is taken, for 2 glasses of water, stirred to a suspension, put on medium heat and boiled down until it acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes. You can also cook in a slow cooker, choosing a stew or porridge cooking mode, it takes, on average, about 50 minutes with a miracle stove, and about 40 with flour. You don't need to soak the flour.

How to cook pea porridge if there is no time to soak

There is one recipe, it suggests quick boil. It is necessary to take crushed peas, 1 glass. Rinse, pour cold water at the rate of 2.5 cups of water per 1 cup of cereal. Then put on high heat, bring to a boil, and reduce heat to medium. Cook for about 40-60 minutes, stirring and removing the foam. The peas will not have time to boil, but by the end of the hour it will be possible to turn off the fire and crush the pea porridge in mashed potatoes with a “tool” for potatoes or chop with a blender. The porridge prepared in this way can simply be left under the lid to brew so that the water is absorbed, and you get the usual mashed pea porridge.

You can also do the following - grind the halves of peas in a powerful coffee grinder and cook according to the recipe above. It will turn out mashed potatoes, but it will need to be additionally rubbed with a wooden potato masher.

How to cook pea porridge with additives

Pea porridge with onions and carrots

About 50 g is added to the water along with soaked peas. Cook over low heat as usual. While the porridge is cooking, we clean the onion and (1 medium onion and carrot are enough), lay parchment on a baking sheet, pour vegetables, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, sprinkle with oil from the spray, and “bake” for half an hour until the onions are soft and light brown. Ready porridge can be mashed and add onions and carrots.

Pea porridge with mushrooms

With dried mushrooms: 50 g dried porcini mushrooms or, and 1 cup black peas ground pepper, 1 white onion, asafoetida, salt. dried mushrooms soak with peas. Chop the onion very finely. Boil water with peas and mushrooms, then add onions and spices, and cook as usual. stirring constantly. Mushrooms expand greatly in volume, so it may be necessary to add water several times.

C: porridge is cooked separately as usual. Put the champignons together with the onions in a baking dish, you can also use spray oil, then cover the form with foil with a fork, and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. finished products just mix.

Cutlets from pea porridge

Boil 1 cup of peas to a state of mashed potatoes in any way. On a fine grater, grate 1 carrot, 1 white onion, 100 g of celery. Separately soak 1 tablespoon in water cornstarch. Mix vegetables, starch, cooled pea mash. Form cutlets with wet hands. Place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about half an hour. Sometimes this dish is made by mixing peas and buckwheat 1 to 1.

"Sausages" from pea puree

1 m sausage casings (available online), juice of 1 beetroot, 1 cup boiled and mashed peas, nutmeg, agar, ground black pepper, basil, salt.

Grind the peas with spices, soak the agar according to the instructions, taking 1 sachet or 1 serving. Add agar to the pea mixture, pour in the same beetroot juice, stir until a homogeneous color. Place in a sausage casing, bandage, simply twisting the “package”, onto portioned sausages, and leave in the refrigerator for 4 hours to solidify. If there are no shells, you can use a baking sleeve. The mixture is placed to the edge, and the package itself is folded around the pea sausages several times.

Video recipes for making pea porridge

Several times the question arose of how to cook a similar sausage from pea flour. I immediately wanted to try this option and tell you, but as always, I harnessed it for a long, long time. I put it off, found some urgent business, preferred new recipes. And bags of pea flour languished in the kitchen cupboard, showing me their green side with mute reproach at every opportunity.

Finally, I gave up, took the time and made a pea flour pate with sweet pepper based on the old recipe, but with a couple of brand new “special effects”. In general, I made a remake, as they say here in Hollywood ...

For the pea flour pate, we need:

  • 1 liter of soy or regular milk;
  • 1.5-2 cups of pea flour;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 4 tbsp olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp beetroot juice;
  • 1 tsp ground coriander;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp nutmeg;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp dry marjoram.

Let's start with the necessary preparatory procedures. First, cut the pepper into small pieces. The smaller the better. You can even turn it into dust in a combine.

We rub a small piece of beetroot on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the beetroot with the help of gauze. If it turned out a little more than a tablespoon - it's not scary.

Pour the flour into big dish. We take its quantity depending on the desired result: we want a dense pate or sausage, we measure out two glasses; we want a more delicate texture - one and a half. I made two.

Now bring the milk to a boil, pour it into the flour and immediately mix with a blender, thus brewing the pea flour. The result is a homogeneous yellow thick mass.

Nothing, we will now add colors. We send all other components to the pea mass, with the exception of pepper. Such is the "primary broth".

Again we take a blender as an assistant and mix the pea mass again. It will acquire the usual pink hue, well, almost like a “real” pate.

It remains only to send pieces of sweet pepper to our pate, mix everything again and try - is there enough spices and salt.

The color acquires a reddish tint - this pepper added its five cents.

If you want beautiful shape, then we recall the sausage recipe, cut off the top of plastic bottle and tightly stuff the pea mass into it. I didn't care about the shape this time, so I stupidly put the product into sour cream jars. It turned out incomplete three pieces.

We put the finished pate in the refrigerator for several hours. The cooking process can be considered complete, cheers.

Just in case, I remind you that both sausage and pea pate are not stored for a long time even in the refrigerator. Therefore, calculate the number of products, taking into account the number of eaters. My three jars are for a large family. Bon appetit!