Pea porridge in a vitesse multicooker. Delicious pea porridge: recipe in a slow cooker

Cooking peas is not complex process, but requires compliance with some recommendations. You should first soak it in water overnight. This will help make the porridge soft and reduce the actual cooking time.


  • Peas - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.


Second course
Servings - 3
Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes

Pea porridge in a slow cooker: how to cook

Pour over the peas cold water. If it is not possible to do this in the evening, then you should leave it to brew for just a couple of hours. This step can be skipped, but the amount of liquid during cooking must be doubled.

Drain the water. Rinse the peas thoroughly. Pour it into the multicooker bowl.

Fill the contents of the bowl with water. Add a little salt (you can add it at the end of cooking).

Cut the butter into small pieces. Place the slices in a multi-cooker bowl.

Activate the “quenching” mode. Cook the porridge for 1.5 hours. The dish must be stirred periodically during cooking. After the timer signal, leave the porridge to brew for another 15 minutes.

If the peas are cooked enough, they can be served immediately. But it is advisable to grind the porridge with a blender so that the dish acquires the necessary consistency. Decorate it butter and greens. Bon appetit!

Peas contain vegetable protein, making them extremely filling. Cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker does not take much time - the dish turns out very tasty.

Pea porridge with bacon

Pea porridge in a pressure cooker can easily be prepared with the addition of bacon. Thanks to this ingredient, the taste of the dish is very rich. Measure out 300 g of peas, 600 ml of broth. You will also need spices, a piece of bacon (200 g), and a large onion. To fry the ingredients, take vegetable oil, and to season the porridge, use cream with a fat content of 25% - 60 ml.

Since we will be using a multicooker-pressure cooker to prepare the dish, there is no need to soak the peas - just rinse them and put them in a bowl. Fill it with broth, turn on the stew for 1 hour. Meanwhile, fry the bacon pieces in a frying pan along with the onion. After the sound signal, open the valve on the lid. After the steam comes out, season the porridge with cream, stir, add bacon. Let the porridge brew.

Pea porridge with stewed meat

This recipe for pea porridge in a slow cooker is extremely simple - even the most inexperienced housewife can use it. Rinse 1.5 tbsp. peas, place in a bowl, cover with unsalted water (2-2.5 tbsp.). Cook for 2 hours (Stew). 1.5 hours after the start of the process, open the lid, salt the porridge, add a can of stew, pepper, and stir. Continue cooking.

Porridge with peas and minced meat

Cut a large onion. Heat vegetable oil (2 tbsp) in a bowl and fry the onion (Frying, Baking). Add 300 g minced pork and beef, continue cooking, stirring. Don't forget to season and salt the food. Then add the washed peas to the mixture, stir, add water (2 tablespoons of liquid are consumed for 1 cup of peas). Turn on the Simmer for 2 hours. About an hour after you start cooking, add salt and season the dish.

Pea porridge on water

Soak split peas overnight in cold water. Place it in a bowl, fill with water (1:1). If you didn’t have time to soak the peas, then increase the amount of liquid by 2 times. Season, add salt. Cook for 2 hours (Stew). Fill with oil.

Pea porridge with sausage

Peel the onions and carrots, chop, fry in oil (Baking, Frying). After 5 minutes add chopped smoked sausages, fry until golden brown. Place washed peas (2 tbsp) into the total mass, pour in 3 tbsp. water, cook for 40 minutes (Rice mode). Pour 100 ml of cream into the porridge, stir, add salt, cook for another 15 minutes.

Pea porridge with chicken

400 g chicken fillet wash, cut, fry in vegetable oil (Frying) for 15 minutes, then add the diced onion and grated carrots. Cook for another 10 minutes. Add washed peas (1 tbsp.) to the meat, pour in water (1.5-2 tbsp.). Season the porridge, turn on Simmer, cook for 2 hours.

Pea porridge with mushrooms

Cut the onion, fry in vegetable oil (Baking), then add mushroom slices (400 g) and simmer for 10 minutes. Add washed peas (2 tbsp) to the mushrooms, add water (4 tbsp). Cook for 2 hours (Stew).

Pea porridge with vegetables

Wash the peas. If you choose whole peas, then soak them overnight; if you prefer a crushed product, you can skip this step. Peel and chop 2 onions. Peel 2 carrots and grate them. Remove the sweet pepper from the seed box and cut it. Fry the vegetables one by one - first the onions, then the carrots. After this, add pepper and cook for another minute. Add peas (1 tbsp), pour in 2 tbsp. water. Cook for 2 hours on the Sauté setting (add salt and season 30 minutes before the end of the cycle).

Pea porridge with boiled meat

Boil 400 g of meat (any option can be used), adding roots. Remove it from the broth and cool. 1 tbsp. Fill a bowl with water (2 tbsp.), Turn on the Stew mode for 2 hours. Peel the onion, chop, fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Add the diced boiled meat, season and heat in a frying pan. 30 minutes before the end of cooking the porridge, salt it. After the end of the cycle, add meat and onions, stir. Leave on heat for 20 minutes.

Sweet pea porridge

Cook the porridge in the Stew mode for 2 hours. Proportions: 1 tbsp. crushed peas, 2 tbsp. water and 1/4 tsp. salt. Ready porridge sweeten with honey, add butter, stir. Serve the dish with jam and steamed dried fruits.

Pea porridge with spices

To prepare this porridge you will need spices - 2 cm of fresh ginger root, 0.5 tsp. turmeric and cumin, a pinch of ground red pepper. Also use lemon juice and chopped parsley. You will prepare porridge from 1 tbsp. peas and 2 tbsp. water.

Peel and chop the ginger root and onion. In a bowl, heat 2 tbsp. vegetable oil (Frying or Baking), fry the ginger root (2 minutes). Add washed peas, season with turmeric, stir. Cover the peas with water. Cook for 2 hours (Stew). Stew the peeled tomato in vegetable oil, season it with cumin and red pepper. Add the tomato mass to the porridge, salt the dish to taste, pour in a large number of lemon juice, add a little sugar for flavor balance. Stir the dish. Keep warm for 20 minutes. If you wish, you can separately fry the onion, cut into half rings, and season the finished porridge with it.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker turns out very tasty and tender in consistency. This cooking method eliminates the possibility of burning.

Pea porridge is a dish made from boiled peas with the addition of water, salt and spices. Often, to improve taste, pea porridge add ham or bacon.

Cooking pea porridge can be very simple. The main condition for a successful porridge is that the peas are well cooked.

There are many recipes for making pea porridge. You can make it on the stove or cook pea porridge in a slow cooker.

Usually, traditional recipe one pea porridge in a slow cooker. However, pea porridge should be cooked in a multicooker (in different models) in different ways. Let's look at cooking pea porridge in a multicooker of different models.

How to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker?

First, let's look at how to cook pea porridge in a Redmond multicooker. In order to cook pea porridge in a Redmond slow cooker, peas should not be pre-soaked. Pea porridge in the Redmond multicooker will have a delicate consistency without pre-soaking.

The recipe for pea porridge in the Redmond slow cooker looks like this:

In order to make pea porridge in the Redmond multicooker, we will need:

  • 800 grams of dry peas
  • 4 glasses of water
  • A little butter

Salt to taste.

Recipe for pea porridge in a Redmond slow cooker:

We pre-rinse the peas with running water several times (until the water becomes clear). Pour the washed peas into the multicooker bowl. Fill in hot water. Salt to taste. Close the lid of the multicooker and set the “Stew” mode. Pea porridge is cooked in a Redmond multicooker for approximately 2 hours. After this, open the lid of the multicooker and try the porridge. If the peas are not cooked enough, you should increase the cooking time.

After our pea porridge in the Redmond multicooker is ready, put it on a plate and add a piece of butter.

Now let's look at the recipe for pea porridge in the Polaris multicooker. In order to make pea porridge in the Polaris multicooker, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups dry peas
  • 4 glasses of water
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices to taste.

The recipe for pea porridge in the Polaris multicooker is also simple. Before cooking, rinse the peas thoroughly with running water.

Place the washed peas in the multicooker bowl and fill with water (preferably hot). Salt to taste and add spices. Close the lid of the multicooker. Set the “Quenching” mode. Pea porridge is cooked in a Polaris multicooker for 2 hours.

Pea porridge is prepared in a similar way in a pressure cooker. We wash the peas. Place it in the multicooker bowl. Fill with water and salt. Close the lid. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour.

How do we cook pea porridge in a Panasonic multicooker? We wash the peas, pour them into the multicooker bowl, fill them with water, salt them, add spices. Close the lid. Set the “Quenching” mode. Pea porridge is cooked in a Panasonic multicooker for 2 hours. After this, remove the pea porridge from the multicooker and place it on plates. Delicious pea porridge in a slow cooker can be supplemented with butter and decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs.

If you own a Philips multicooker, how should you prepare pea porridge?

If you are using whole peas, you should first soak them in water for a few hours. If you are using split peas, no pre-soaking is required.

We wash dry peas with running water. Place in the multicooker bowl and add enough water. The water should cover all the peas (including the top). Add salt. Close the lid. Pea porridge in a Philips multicooker is cooked in the “Rice/buckwheat” mode for 40 – 50 minutes.

How to prepare pea porridge in a Moulinex multicooker? We wash the peas with water, put them in a multicooker bowl, fill them with water, and add salt to taste. Close the lid and set the “High Pressure” mode for 15 minutes. We are waiting for the preparation to finish. Our pea porridge in the slow cooker is ready.

Pea porridge - ancient dish, which was present on the table of the rich, Russian heroes, and was used to satisfy the hunger of the poor and serfs. It all depended on the additive that was added to the peas. The porridge could be simple; it was cooked on ordinary water with salt, added vegetables. Noble dishes were prepared with meat, smoked meats, and various delicacies. Which one should we cook in a slow cooker?

Pea porridge in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

For porridge, it is better to use shelled peas, or crushed peas. This form of the product reduces cooking time. Pre-soaking also greatly speeds up the process. The peas are poured only with cold water, kept until swollen and soft, then the liquid is removed, the peas are transferred to a slow cooker and filled with clean water. For a glass of dry peas, use 4 glasses of water. If the beans are swollen, then 2-2.5 glasses are enough.

In a multicooker, porridge can be cooked using different programs, but the “Stew” mode is ideal. The pea dish cooks slowly and turns out tasty and rich. Cooking time is from one to two hours. But the time largely depends on the peas themselves. There are varieties that boil very quickly. But there are peas that remain glassy even after two hours of cooking.

Simple pea porridge in a slow cooker

Recipe for regular pea porridge in a slow cooker with butter. During fasting, you can use vegetable oil or not add fat at all.


A glass of peas;

2.5 glasses of water;

40 grams of butter.


1. Wash the peas and place them in a multicooker saucepan.

2. Add water and close.

3. Turn on the “Stew” program and cook the porridge for two hours.

4. 15 minutes before the end of the mode, you need to open the multicooker, add salt, oil and stir. If desired, pepper the porridge, season it with paprika, garlic, etc. Seasonings for rice and potatoes go well with peas.

5. Close and wait for the end of the program. At the end, you need to stir the porridge again.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with onions and carrots

A variant of very tasty and aromatic pea porridge, which can be used as a side dish. It goes great with meat, fish or any poultry.


200 grams of peas;

400 ml water;

40 grams of butter (can be melted);

2 carrots;

Onion head.


1. Place the washed and sorted peas into the slow cooker.

2. Fill with water, close and set to simmer. Cooking for 1.5 hours.

3. Shred the carrots into strips so you can grate them.

4. Cut the onion into any pieces.

5. Place the butter in a frying pan; it will be especially tasty if it is melted.

6. Add vegetables and fry well until golden brown crust.

7. As soon as the peas have boiled for 1.5 hours, add the fried vegetables.

8. Add salt, pepper and season with any other spices to your taste.

9. Stir, cover and simmer for another 15 minutes so that the porridge is saturated with the aromas of the vegetables.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with chicken

A version of delicious pea porridge in a slow cooker, which is prepared with the addition of chicken. Any pieces will do. For this dish, be sure to soak the peas in water overnight, otherwise they will take a very long time to cook, and the chicken will become tasteless by the end of cooking.


0.5 kg chicken;

1 carrot;

150 grams of peas;

4 tablespoons of oil;

1 onion;


1. Soak the peas for 4-5 hours. You can fill it with water the day before.

2. Wash the chicken, cut into pieces as desired.

3. Place the chicken in the multicooker on frying mode, immediately add oil and fry a little.

4. Peel the carrots and cut into strips. Add to chicken.

5. Throw in the diced onion. We also fry it together with the bird.

6. Drain the water from the peas; if necessary, you can rinse them. Transfer to a slow cooker and distribute evenly.

7. Top up hot water so that it overlaps the products by two centimeters.

8. Close, cook on the “Porridge” program, but you can also use baking.

9. After half an hour, open, salt, pepper or add any seasonings, you can add a bouillon cube, ground or diluted with water.

10. Stir and bring the porridge until fully cooked.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with stew

To prepare meat pea porridge in a slow cooker using this recipe, you can take any stew and everything will work out! Oil is not suitable for frying vegetables, since the stew usually contains a good layer of fat. If it is not enough (or you want to make the dish fattier), then add additional oil.


250 grams of peas;

500 ml water;

1 can of any stew;

Onions and carrots, arbitrary quantity;


1. Soak split peas in cold water until they swell. If you do not soak it, you will need to take a little more water than indicated in the recipe.

2. Place in a slow cooker, add water, close and simmer until the peas are soft.

3. Open the stew, remove the layer of fat from the top and put it in a frying pan, turn on the stove.

4. Chop the vegetables finely and fry in fat until golden brown.

5. Place the meat from the can in a bowl, mash it with a fork and also put it in a frying pan, fry it a little, evaporate the excess water.

6. Transfer the stew with vegetables to the soft peas, stir, season the porridge with spices.

7. Close and cook for another quarter of an hour, do not change the program.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with champignons

A version of mushroom pea porridge in a slow cooker. The dish is suitable for fasting people and vegetarians. You can take the champignons frozen, but in this case, let the mushrooms thaw completely and squeeze out the excess water.


A glass of peas;

2 onions;

200 grams of mushrooms;

Pepper, salt.


1. Soak the peas. Soak in water until well-swelled, then drain off the remaining liquid. Transfer the peas to the slow cooker.

2. Fill with water, about twice as much as the swollen peas. You can use mushroom broth, but not a diluted bouillon cube. The cube contains salt, which will slow down the cooking of the peas.

3. Cook the porridge on the stewing program for 1.5 hours.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

5. Wash the champignons, cut them into pieces, put them in a frying pan. Cover and cook under the lid for a quarter of an hour.

6. Remove the lid and evaporate the water from the mushrooms over high heat.

7. Cut the onion, add it to the mushrooms and fry it together.

8. Add the fried mushrooms to the pea porridge, add salt to taste, add other spices and mix well.

9. After 15 minutes, turn off the multicooker and let the porridge brew.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with smoked meats

A recipe for amazing pea porridge, to which you add smoked ribs. But you can also take other products. For example, brisket or ham.


2 cups peas;

500 grams of smoked meats;

4 onions;

1-2 carrots.


1. It is advisable to use crushed peas. We rinse, pour in 7-8 glasses of water and set to cook for 2 hours.

2. Cut the vegetables, you can grate the carrots.

3. We also cut the ribs into pieces as needed.

4. Place the ribs in a frying pan, lightly greased with oil and fry. Must drown excess fat.

5. Transfer the smoked meats to another bowl, pour the chopped vegetables into this frying pan with fat. If there is little fat, you can add a little oil.

6. Fry the vegetables until cooked.

7. Add salt to the almost cooked porridge, add vegetables and ribs. Stir.

8. Turn off the stew and let the porridge keep the temperature for half an hour.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker with cheese

A variation of amazing porridge with creamy taste. All you need is to add a little cheese to it. Even a regular one will do processed cheese"Friendship". But you can make the taste more noble by adding hard cheese.


1 cup peas;

4.5 glasses of water;

100 grams of cheese;

2-4 sprigs of dill;

1 carrot;

30 ml oil.


1. Fill the peas with water. If it was pre-soaked and swollen well, then reduce the amount of liquid to 2.5 glasses. We look at the product; if necessary, you can always add boiling water.

2. Turn on and simmer for 70-80 minutes. The peas should soften.

3. Fry carrots in oil. Add to the peas, add salt and stir. We cook together for about ten minutes.

4. Grate the cheese finely or coarsely, it doesn’t matter.

5. Chop the dill finely and mix with the cheese. You can add a clove of garlic, sweet paprika or hot peppers, it will be tastier.

6. Transfer the cheese to the porridge and stir quickly.

7. Turn off the multicooker immediately, let the dish sit under the lid and soak in the cheese.

8. This porridge should be served with small crackers from white bread, preferably homemade.

If the water is hard, the peas will take a very long time to cook in it. For porridge, it is advisable to use filtered water, and soak the product in it before cooking.

You can cook pea porridge not only with water. If you use meat, mushroom or vegetable decoctions, the dish will become much tastier. The amount of liquid does not change.

If the porridge is cooked more than once, then you need to remember that the pea mass thickens very much. Therefore, the consistency should be more liquid.

Do you want to make your porridge brighter and more interesting? At the end of cooking, about 15 minutes add a handful of green peas, maybe frozen and a little boiled carrots, cut into squares.

If you keep peas in water for a long time, they will burn out. The liquid will become cloudy and slimy. When soaking the product overnight, you need to pour more water, and place the bowl in the refrigerator.


  • dry split peas – 1 cup
  • water – 2 glasses
  • carrots – 2 small root vegetables
  • onions – 2 small heads
  • Bell pepper– 1 small
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs for serving
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.
  • salt, black ground pepper taste

I think it’s unlikely to surprise anyone with peas. Due to its good adaptability to natural conditions, it has spread almost throughout the entire planet, in different countries world he is valued for his high nutritional value and good taste qualities. Salads with green peas and - we all cook them, if not every day, then quite often. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows about pea porridge. It’s a shame, because now that we have such a wonderful assistant, pea porridge in a slow cooker is cooked simply and quite quickly. Now, fortunately for every housewife, there is no need to stand at the stove and control the cooking process, constantly stirring the porridge for 1.5 hours. The miracle multi-cooker will do all the work, and how! The porridge turns out boiled, aromatic, so tasty that it disappears from the plate unnoticed. You can use it how independent dish(suitable for Lent!), and as a side dish for fish or meat.

How to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker? My answer to you is very simple, and the expenditure of our efforts is minimal, and the result is simply excellent! Today I am sharing with all readers of the site my recipe for pea porridge, which I cook in a Philips HD 3077/40 multicooker, but any other will do just fine.

Cooking method

  1. All products are prepared, you can get down to business. However, first, let's decide whether you need to soak peas or not? I can say from my own experience that if you have split peas (in halves), then there is no need to soak them, but if they are round, so to speak “classic”, then simply pour water over them overnight and after that they will boil perfectly when cooked. We have sorted out this nuance.

  2. The next thing to do, no matter what kind of peas you have, is to sort them out and rinse them thoroughly in several waters.

  3. We washed the peas, let's move on. Today I want to offer you an option for preparing lean pea porridge in a slow cooker, but this does not mean that it will be bland and “empty” - we will complement it with fried vegetables, which will give the dish not only great taste, but also color. If you are not fasting, then the task is simplified even more; you simply pour the washed peas into a bowl, add water and leave to cook for 2 hours, while you go about your business, which, I am sure, is enough for modern people. At the end of the program, generously flavor the porridge with butter and the job is done! To paraphrase a well-known expression, everything delicious is simple! But let's get back to today's recipe for lean pea porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker. I hasten to assure you that it will not take much more time to prepare it. Let's start with roasted vegetables. Wash, peel and cut the vegetables into equal small cubes.

  4. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl and add onions and carrots.

  5. Lightly fry them, remembering to stir - to do this, use the “fry” or “baking” mode. As soon as the vegetables are golden, add the bell pepper and continue the frying process for literally another 1 minute.

  6. That's it, the vegetable frying is ready. Now let's add peas to the vegetables and pour in the peeled warm water(you can immediately add salt and ground black pepper to your taste).

    When I cook pea porridge, I always follow the ratio of 1 to 2, i.e. 1 part peas and 2 parts water.

  7. Let’s change the “fry” mode to the “stew” mode, close the lid and leave the porridge to cook for 2 hours. I’ll be honest, when I cooked this porridge in a slow cooker for the first time, I was still worried about whether it would burn? And periodically I looked at her to make sure otherwise. Therefore, I boldly declare that nothing will burn, feel free to leave it and don’t worry, when the smart machine beeps, you will get a wonderful result of your joint efforts - tender, aromatic and very tasty pea porridge with vegetables!

  8. Without hesitating for a minute, put the porridge on plates, garnish with a sprig of parsley and serve. As you can see, this porridge turned out to be prepared almost like pea mash in the slow cooker, so there is no need to puree it.

Now you know how to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker deliciously and beautifully, spending just a few minutes on preparing the ingredients and frying the vegetables. Enjoy your meal!