How to boil peas so that it boils and does not burn: simple and quick ways. woman's world

You sometimes read culinary conversations and wonder. Ladies boil peas for 5-7 hours, and still it remains hard. Women, take a good look at the pan. Maybe there are diamonds? Or at worst rubble? Yes, even the most wooden legumes can be boiled to a puree state in just an hour! We reveal the secrets of how to quickly cook peas.

The right grains are the key to success

The first step is to choose the right peas. There is one easy way. It's called "look closely". What do we have to do? Oddly enough, but just look carefully. Pea grains, which are quickly boiled soft, are smooth balls. Those peas that look like wrinkled cubes can be safely laid at the base of the foundation. For in hardness they are in no way inferior to stones.

Advice. The fastest-boiling peas are halves, not whole seeds.

Soak or not?

The second thing, according to most sources, is the mandatory soaking of grains. 10 hours minimum. Pfff. And who said that this is the ultimate truth? Yes, after all, it is advised to put salt, sugar, soda into the water.

By the way, about her. Back in 70, some shaggy year, it was scientifically proven that adding soda to peas at any stage of cooking completely destroys the B vitamins in it. And the assimilation of such a dish slows down significantly.

That's just not necessary now about reducing gas formation with soda. Cook beans properly. And then there will be no gas formation.

Let's get back to soaking. This procedure is by no means obligatory. It perfectly replaces rinsing with water. Yes, plain clean water. But the subtlety lies in the fact that at the end of the process the water is absolutely transparent. Otherwise, you will have to boil the peas like jelly. 8 hours exactly.

And yes, it’s not enough just to pour the liquid and pour it out. So you will rinse the grain for a week. Take the trouble to shake the peas with your hand to make it easier for yourself. Usually enough to change the water 6-7 times.

Is fire strong or weak?

Some sources sternly warn that fire should be kept to a minimum. Say, the starch in the composition of peas sticks together and greatly complicates the cooking process.

And whose-ta? Does a potato (it also contains starch) turn into a brick over high heat? It looks like it's melting into a pulp. Then why would pea starch behave differently? What nonsense. Turn on the fire under the dishes to the fullest. Well, at least for medium power.

How much water do you need to boil peas?

And now we remember how legumes are cooked to quickly. poured cold water slightly covering the grains. Boiled - splash a little cold or even with ice. It boiled again - the procedure is repeated. This means the beans will cook faster. For some reason, the peas will change their minds and become stiff?

And further. To boil 3 liters of water with peas, it will take much more time than if the liquid only covered the grains.

When to salt?

Most recommendations strongly advise pouring salt into almost ready peas. Again, a word of caution: salted grains take longer to cook. Um. Let's go back to potatoes. To make it cook faster, everyone recommends salting it IMMEDIATELY. But when frying, it is advised to add salt at the end so that it does not fall apart ahead of time.

Try salting the peas at the beginning. And mark the time. We are sure the result will pleasantly surprise you. By the way, remember the delicious pampering of your childhood - fried peas. It was also salted at the very beginning. Then the crust turned out crispy, and inside the grains were soft.

Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to salt the peas at the very beginning of the process. Then it will cook much faster.

Need oil?

There are also recommendations to put a piece of butter in a saucepan. Say, from this cooking grains is reduced. Tend to disagree. This is how butter speeds up cooking? Proofs in the studio, please. Or any other proof. For example, a link to the result of an experiment conducted in accordance with all the rules and with purity.

Otherwise, we will have to call this procedure a waste. Does everyone know the price of real butter? And it turns out to be a waste. And not to mention the improvement in taste. You will improve it at ease, adding creamy tenderness to ready meal. We are now talking about the speed of cooking peas.

Conclusion: no oil or fat affects the cooking of peas.

Advice. If you really need pea porridge, and not whole boiled grains, then do not hammer your head. Buy ready-made freeze-dried dry mashed peas, and simply brew it with boiling water according to the instructions. True, according to reviews, the taste of such a dish still loses to real puree. Although, you always have the opportunity to ennoble it. For example, fried onions or pieces of bacon.

How to boil peas very quickly

True, intriguing subtitle? I bet this is the first thing you rushed to read in the article? We hope that we will not disappoint your haste. All you need is to take green seeds instead of dried grains.

No, not milky ripeness. It is ripe peas, but not yet dried, of a green hue. The taste of the dish will not change. And all pandemoniums with washing in 7 waters can be avoided. Boil the peas as usual. Such grains will be ready in 30-35 minutes without the addition of cold liquid or pieces of ice.

It is clear that it is easier for rural residents in this regard. I went to the garden, picked the pods, peeled and cook. What should the city do? Either look for familiar villagers, or read the article from the very beginning. Everything is written there in detail.

Kitchen appliances

Many housewives have adapted to use kitchen accessories for their intended purpose. For example, a good old pressure cooker allows you to reduce the cooking time of peas to 25-30 minutes.

A slow cooker can generally cook a full meal in an hour. pea soup. You just need to load all the necessary components into it, press a button and forget it.

Even the simplest blender will help. If you have tried a pea, it is soft, but not yet falling apart, and the children are already demanding porridge, then:

  • take the pot off the stove
  • pour some of the liquid into a bowl
  • grind peas in a blender

You may need to return the drained water back to the pan. By the way, instead of a blender, a wooden or iron pusher works great. Turn on your head and your imagination.

Buy crushed peas, not whole grains. There are much fewer troubles, they cook faster, the taste is no different.

Be sure to stir the peas frequently while cooking. And take dishes with a thick bottom and walls. It will be very disappointing if all your time and physical costs go to waste if the grains burn. All types of peas, except for green ones, often sin with this. Who likes the taste and smell of burning?

Remove foam from water. Always. This will allow the liquid to not run off like milk. At the same time, you will also collect small specks that you may have missed during washing.

How to quickly boil peas? It turns out it's very simple. A bit of creativity, a little more logic and an included head. And now an hour later pea mash ready, and on the table fragrant and healthy soup. Follow our recommendations and it will be much easier for you in the kitchen.

Video: how to cook delicious pea porridge

The pea is one of the first plants to ancient man began to grow for food. His homeland is considered Ancient Greece, on its territory traces of the cultivation of this culture are found, dating back to the 4th century BC.

In the Middle Ages, peas were widely cultivated in Europe, and they were very popular in Holland. The mention of the use of this legume in Russia dates back to the 10th century AD.

Peas: useful properties

Peas are now grown worldwide as an important fodder and food crop.

Peas in their composition have many useful substances for humans:

  • vitamins of groups B, A, C, PP, H (biotin), E, ​​carotene, choline;
  • trace elements - iron, copper, zinc, zirconium, nickel, vanadium, molybdenum and a good list of elements from the periodic table;
  • macroelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine and others;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • alimentary fiber.

Determines the value of eating it.

Potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, boron, copper - according to the content of these elements, peas rank first among green plants used for food.

Its use contributes to:

  • regulation of the digestive tract and intestines;
  • improving brain activity and strengthening memory;
  • increase the body's endurance during hard physical work;
  • preservation of the beauty of hair and youthfulness of the skin of the face and neck.

Peas in cooking

Since ancient times, they have been one of the main foods in Russia, especially during Orthodox fasts.

For example, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter the Great, loved to eat pies stuffed with peas and steamed peas with melted butter.

Currently, this vegetable crop is widely used in cooking. Soups, stews, side dishes, jelly are prepared from it. Peas are always present in vegetable stew, it is used as a filling for pies.

In many cuisines of the peoples of the world, cereals are also used. Porridge is cooked from it, pancakes are fried. Peas are used to make noodles, they are added to various salads and snacks.

Desserts, sweet and savory snacks are prepared from legumes.

Peas are steamed, boiled, stewed, canned, dried and fried.

Fried peas are a delicacy of many peoples of the world. In Turkey, Central Asia, in the Middle East, a special type of pea is widely used - chickpeas, when frying it is similar to popcorn.

In our climatic zone, the species familiar to us are grown: peeling, brain, sugar. Such fried peas are a wonderful dessert that is a pleasure to snack on.

How to fry peas?

Fried peas are a fairly simple dish to prepare that does not require special skills and expensive products. Even an inexperienced hostess will cope with it.

For cooking you need:

  • dry peas - two glasses (or any amount if desired);
  • sunflower oil - two tablespoons;
  • food salt - to taste;
  • butter- one or two tablespoons (to taste);
  • boiled water.

Rinse the peas well, remove debris and damaged elements. Pour prepared beans into a container, pour chilled boiled water and leave to soak for four to six hours.

It is convenient to soak peas overnight and cook in the morning. Water for soaking can be salted.

After the peas swell (but do not soften into porridge!), Drain the water, dry the beans on a paper towel.

Preheat the pan, pour in a few tablespoons of sunflower oil, pour the prepared peas and fry it over moderate heat, stirring constantly, for about fifteen minutes. The dish can be salted to taste.

After the peas have reduced in size, hardened a little and become edible, butter should be added to the pan.

Continue frying the beans for about ten minutes over low heat until they acquire a light crispy crust. Then turn off the fire and let the dish cool down.

Ready fried peas crunch nicely. It can be eaten both hot and cold.

If the peas turned out to be too oily, then before serving they can be dried on a paper towel.

So, very simply, they cook fried peas. The recipe with the photo above will help even an inexperienced hostess to prepare this delicacy. Be sure to try!

Roasted Peas: No Soaking Recipe

For those who are very impatient and do not want to wait for the beans to soften, a recipe without pre-soaking is offered.

Peas fried in a pan without soaking suggest using the following products:

  • dried peas - two glasses;
  • food salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil for greasing the pan

Rinse the peas thoroughly, remove debris and damaged peas, put them in a saucepan, add water and put to boil over low heat. It will be ready when it becomes soft (but not boiled into mush!).

Remove the beans from the pot and pat dry on paper towels.

Grease a preheated frying pan lightly with sunflower oil (it is better to do without it if the coating of the frying pan allows).

Pour the prepared peas into a pan and fry over moderate heat, stirring constantly. The process will take approximately fifteen minutes. When frying, you can add a little black pepper and salt to the dish (to taste).

Fried peas according to this recipe are well suited for a side dish (for fish or meat).

Some Conclusions

Roasted peas - simple but tasty and healthy dish. It can be varied as you wish.

There are many cooking options:

  • fry in a dry frying pan or with the addition of oil;
  • in the process of frying, salt, pepper to taste;
  • separately fry peas and onions, and then mix and fry together;
  • soak or boil peas before frying;
  • fry peas in melted beef fat along with cracklings.

Each housewife, having her own secrets, will be able to cook fried beans. Enjoy ready recipes, experiment yourself, treat your loved ones with tasty and healthy delicacies.

Enjoy your meal!

You can talk about the benefits of peas for hours. In Rus', it was one of the key foodstuffs: soup, porridge, kissels were cooked from it, noodles were made and pies were baked. The variety of dishes using peas was huge. Today, the popularity of the brightest representative of legumes has fallen somewhat. Peas are mainly purchased in canned form for salads.

Of course, it is useful, but it cannot replace dishes from fresh (dry) peas. They are the most valuable source of protein and are even able to replace meat to some extent, which is especially important for vegetarians. Moreover, the components included in green peas, help restore the digestive tract, relieve constipation, heartburn and other unpleasant problems associated with digestion.

Pea porridge - general principles and methods of preparation

“Schi and porridge are our food,” and pea porridge is so good! And if you season it and mix it with an overcooked onion, there will be no price for it. Pea porridge cooked according to all the rules is very tasty, healthy and satisfying. But how to cook it right? What culinary secrets need to master? We will try to answer these important questions.

Before you start cooking porridge, peas should be washed and pre-soaked in cold water for 5-8 hours. So it will boil faster and provide the dish with a soft puree-like consistency. When the peas swell, they put it on the stove (together with water), bring it to a boil, and only then salt it, not forgetting to reduce the “heat” of the burner.

Peas are cooked over low heat for an hour with proper stirring, since peas burn very quickly to the bottom of the dish. A few minutes before cooking, the porridge is enriched with spices, herbs, fried onions, carrots, cracklings and other ingredients as desired. At the very end of cooking, the peas can be crushed with a pusher - the one that is usually used for cooking mashed potatoes. Before serving, pea porridge is seasoned with butter or heavy cream.

Pea porridge - food preparation

In the production of cereals, seed peas are usually left whole or “pricked” into two parts. Divided cereals cook much faster than whole ones, even after swelling, however, unshelled peas contain several more useful elements, most of which “die” as a result of additional heat treatment. Based on this, it does not matter at all which variety you choose: whole or chopped. It is almost impossible to run into dry peas of poor quality in the store. The only thing worth paying attention to is the absence of garbage and additional impurities in pea groats.

An important role for happy cooking peas are played by properly selected dishes. It should have a thick bottom and walls for uniform boiling of peas.

Pea porridge - best recipes

Recipe 1: Pea porridge with meat

Pea porridge prepared according to this recipe will definitely become a frequent guest on your tables. The pea itself is very satisfying, but if you cook it with meat, it will turn out just royal dish. Albeit not quite festive, but very juicy and beautiful appearance.


- 2 cups dried split peas
- four to five glasses of water (or meat broth)
- onion
- ground pepper
- pork fillet 300 gr.
- salt (spices) to taste

Cooking method:

1. We wash the peas and fill them with cold running water, preferably at night. The next morning we wash it a second time, drain the water, add clean water at the rate of 1: 2. You can add pork broth. We put the pan on medium heat until boiling, then reduce the heat, add some salt to the porridge.

2. Cook until the peas are boiled and the liquid evaporates. If it evaporates prematurely, add a little more until the peas are completely boiled and no longer crunchy.

4. Frying pan with vegetable oil heat and fry the onion to a lacquer shade, and then spread the pork, cover with a lid and simmer the meat until tender. Salt to taste, add spices and spices if necessary.

5. Add the finished roast to the pea porridge, send it to the preheated oven for ten minutes. Then take out and serve with butter.

Recipe 2: Pea porridge with smoked chicken

Peas are perfect with smoked flavors. Many people are not even aware of this feature. The combination of pea porridge with smoked meat- this is a magnificent something that is endowed with a delicious aroma and generous taste. Alternatively, any smoked meat can be used, for example, pork ribs. But in this case, the cooking time of pea porridge will increase slightly. Attention! We salt the dish at the very end. Smoked meats themselves have a salty taste, so there is a possibility of oversalting porridge.


- one and a half cups of peas
- two large onions
- one medium carrot
- two medium smoked legs
- vegetable oil
- herbs, salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Soak the peas overnight, then drain the water, rinse it. Smoked legs are separated from the bones, skins and too fatty parts. Pour the meat with water (500 ml), bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes (ribs - up to 40 minutes).

2. Remove the meat from the broth and fill it with peas so that the liquid covers the peas by two fingers. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the pea for about an hour and a half under the lid, stirring occasionally. If the broth boils away prematurely, add more water. The main thing is that the peas boil well.

3. While the porridge is boiling, fry the onion with grated carrots. When the components are fried, add boiled smoked meat and fry over high heat for several minutes. Five to ten minutes before the pea porridge is ready, put the roast, chopped greens into it and add salt to taste. Then turn off the stove and let the dish stand under the lid.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin-pea porridge with mushrooms

Another good option for cooking pea porridge in a pumpkin, which will play the role of a pot for a dish. It is best to boil peas for meat broth so cook it ahead of time. Let's get started!


- 250 ml of broth
- one medium pumpkin
- 100 gr. dry peas
- mushrooms (porcini, champignons) - 100 gr.
- a clove of garlic
- greenery
- spices to taste
- butter 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the swollen and washed peas in salted meat broth until it is completely boiled. Crush it with a masher to a puree state and put it aside for now.

2. We cut off the top “lid” from the pumpkin, remove the seeds, fibers and part of the pulp with a spoon, leaving the walls two centimeters thick.

3. Fry the finely chopped onion, add the washed and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms to it and sauté until tender. In a couple of minutes, spread the garlic and herbs chopped with a garlic crusher.

4. Mix the pea puree with the overcooked ingredients, put it in the pumpkin cavity, put the butter on top, close the pumpkin lid and send it to the oven heated to 180 C for fifteen to twenty minutes. We take out and lay out on deep plates. Bon appetit everyone!

- Many chefs say that pea porridge is amazingly tasty with cream. But if you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, it is better not to be tempted by this combination and choose sunflower or olive oil;

- If you don’t have enough time to soak the peas, use one secret: put the cereal in water diluted with soda (about half a teaspoon), and after an hour it can be boiled. Remember to rinse the peas well beforehand to eliminate the smell of soda.

Peas are an excellent source of vegetable protein, and dishes from it are delicious. However, many housewives cook peas very rarely. And all because there are a lot of troubles with peas: it is cooked for a long time, then it burns, then it remains tough, then it turns sour into porridge. Some useful tips will make it easier for you to communicate with peas.

If you are going to cook peas

Soak it overnight. Peas should lie down in clean cold water for at least six hours. But for a very long time you don’t need to soak, otherwise your peas, what good, will begin to ferment. If it seems to you that the peas, despite the long soaking, are not swollen enough, drain the old one and pour in fresh cold water - let it lie down for a while. And do not forget to sort out the peas before soaking, just in case.

After the soak time is up, drain the water, rinse the peas, and refill with cold water. For 300 g of peas, you need to take two to three liters of water.

Put the peas on slow fire and let him prepare there. Ideally, the peas in the saucepan should slowly rise and fall during the cooking process. The pot does not need to be covered with a lid. Be sure to descale. Since the water will boil away, add a new portion of cold water every half hour. Thus, the peas are boiled for a maximum of 1.5 - 2 hours, but usually faster.

Oil, spices and salt are added to boiled ready-made peas. Do not boil peas in salt water - this makes it "dubbed".

If you want to cook peas faster - take crushed or chopped peas.

Do not add baking soda to the water in which you boil the peas. In such water, peas, perhaps, will boil a little faster, but problems with its digestion inside, in the stomach, will invariably overtake you. The fact is that peas contain substances that slow down digestive processes. And in order to remove these substances from peas, you need long soaking and long cooking.

Peas and modern kitchen gadgets

In fact, the hassle of boiling peas can be avoided by cooking them in a pressure cooker. To do this, the peas are soaked for two hours (just remember to sort out the peas so that the pebbles do not accidentally come across). Washed peas are placed in a pressure cooker, the lid is closed, and the pan is put on fire. Approximately 20 minutes after the water has boiled, the pressure cooker can be removed from the heat, but not opened, but allowed to stand for about 10 more minutes.

It is also convenient to cook peas in a slow cooker: sort through, soak for 2-3 hours, rinse, fill with water, select the “quenching” mode, press “start” and forget about the peas for an hour and a half. This is if you need pea puree. If you started a pea soup with smoked meats, soak the peas for an hour in hot water. Cut all the ingredients - potatoes, carrots, onions and ribs - and put them together with washed peas in a multicooker bowl, salt and add water. An hour in the "soup" mode will be enough. For this recipe, 300 g of smoked meats, 80 g of dried peas, carrots, potatoes and onions are taken per liter of water.

It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of peas for our body: it is a lean low-calorie food rich in healthy protein, vitamins, trace elements, natural sugars and antioxidants. People who have included peas in their regular diet can boast an excellent metabolism, as well as healthy skin, hair and nails.

From peas and chickpeas, we cook soups, cereals, prepare snacks and independent meals, we add them to all kinds of salads, and anglers use boiled peas to lure fish - these are just a few testimonies of how useful and versatile this product is. In the new review, we will tell you how to cook peas quickly and tasty, and we will certainly share the best recipes.

If you forgot to soak the peas before cooking, or you simply do not have free time for this protracted procedure, dilute in warm water 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and leave the peas to soak in it for only 40-50 minutes. After that, you can boil the peas without fear that they will not be soft enough.

Usually the whole process of boiling peas takes about two hours. A prerequisite is simmering, otherwise the protein in the peas will curl up, and the finished dish will turn out hard and provoke undesirable, unpleasant flatulence and a feeling of heaviness after eating in the eaters. For the same reason, salt is added at the very end of cooking. To avoid burning, choose cookware with thick walls and a bottom.

If you're simmering peas for soup and want it to be guaranteed to be soft and tender, choose crushed or split peas. Soaking is indispensable here: either leave it overnight, or use the express method described above.

How to quickly cook peas in a slow cooker

It is very convenient to cook peas in a slow cooker, and the finished dish is noticeably different pleasant taste and perfect consistency. Let this cooking method take a little longer than usual, but you can safely "switch" to your business, entrusting all the worries to the slow cooker, without fear that the dish will not work out or burn.

You don't have to soak the peas, just rinse them thoroughly in cold water until they run clear. Add 2 cups of washed peas and 4-5 cups of water to the bowl, salt. Place the bowl in the slow cooker, setting the "Extinguishing" mode, and leave to cook for 2 hours. As a result, the peas will turn out to be boiled, soft and very tasty. To prevent the dish from turning out dry and bland, add butter at the end of cooking.

How to quickly cook peas in the microwave

A microwave will help you quickly cook peas without soaking. In order for it to become soft, set it to cook for 10 minutes at maximum power: this simple procedure will significantly reduce further cooking time.

After that, fill the peas hot water so that it completely covers it by about a couple of centimeters. Add salt and seasonings, then set to cook for 20 minutes on high power. If necessary, leave the dish to simmer under the lid for an additional 10 minutes.

How to properly and quickly cook chickpeas

The second name of chickpeas is Turkish peas. It is a popular product in vegetarian cuisine which is famous for its high energy value, high in protein (per 100 grams of chickpeas - 20 grams of protein) and is part of such popular dishes like hummus and falafel.

To quickly prepare chickpeas for cooking this or that dish, you need to soak them for several hours. It is better to do this in advance so as not to waste too much time when you have already started to cook something. It is usually soaked overnight in cold water in a ratio of 1:4. For some pureed dishes (such as hummus), chickpeas are cooked for about 2 hours, in other cases - 1 hour. To make it cook faster, use a slow cooker or put a pinch of soda in the pan.