How to cook grain mash without sugar. Wheat mash without yeast.

The simplest and famous recipe moonshine is sugar made from water, sugar and yeast, it turns out a classic moonshine, the recipe is simple and good, but the softest and most delicious moonshine obtained from wheat. It is more difficult to make it, but the output is softer and more pleasant. alcoholic drink. The main thing is to choose high-quality raw materials. Home-made moonshine from wheat has one of the significant advantages - it is a lower cost compared to classic recipe from sugar because the cost of wheat is much lower than sugar by five times.

How to choose the right raw material?

Before you make moonshine from wheat, you need to choose grain, the taste and quality of alcohol will depend on this.

  • The grain should not be just harvested, but more than two months from the beginning of storage
  • The grain must be whole
  • Wheat grains must be dry, clean, free of mold and pests
  • There should be no impurities from the seeds of other plants, their presence can spoil the final taste of the product.


There are many recipes for making wheat grain mash, you can try everything to stop at the one that is most acceptable to you in terms of technology, price and taste.

You can put mash on wheat with cultural yeast for moonshine or on wild wheat yeast. Wheat moonshine can be made from store-bought wheat malt or homemade, more on that. All this affects the final taste of moonshine.

So let's figure out how to make wheat mash and look at some of the most popular recipes.

Wheat and malt mash recipe

Proper grain mash on wheat is prepared without adding sugar, malt is used to saccharify the starch contained in wheat, you can buy it or cook it yourself. Instead of grain, you can use flour so you get moonshine from wheat flour or groats so get moonshine from wheat groats.


  • Wheat - 5 kg.
  • Malt - 1 kg.
  • Dry yeast - 30 g.
  • Water - 24 liters.


  1. Heat water to a boil and stop heating
  2. Pour in well-ground wheat and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps
  3. Leave the porridge to steam for 1-2 hours so that it boils well
  4. Wait until the porridge cools down to 64-65 degrees
  5. Add all the ground malt, mix well, the mash temperature should be 62 degrees (if it has not dropped to this temperature, continue to mix)
  6. Insulate the container with a blanket and leave for 1 hour, it is important to constantly maintain a temperature of 62 degrees
  7. After half an hour, it is recommended to open, mix and check the temperature; if it has fallen, then raise it to the desired value.
  8. When 1 hour has passed, you need to raise the temperature of the mash to 72 degrees and withstand half an hour
  9. Make an iodine test take a teaspoon of liquid wort and drop iodine into it, if the color has not changed, the saccharification was successful
  10. The wort must be quickly cooled to 25-30 degrees
  11. Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation tank of a suitable size with a margin for emerging foam
  12. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions and add to the future mash for wheat moonshine
  13. Install a water seal
  14. Put the mash on wheat in a dark room with a temperature of about 25-29 degrees, it wanders for 5-7 days
  15. Making sure that wheat mash is ready for moonshine
  16. It is necessary to prepare the mash for distillation by filtering through several layers of gauze, if you are distilling in a steam boiler, then you do not need to filter the mash
  17. Drive two times

Braga recipe only from wheat malt

In this recipe for wheat mash, only malt is used, we will not paint it, but we will give a link to, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the cooking recipe. These articles describe in detail the process of making mash and moonshine from malt.

Sprouted Wheat Braga Recipe

Wheat mash according to this recipe, it is made from self-sprouted grain, we will not describe how this is done in this article, but it makes no sense to duplicate the information already written.

Yeast-free mash with wild yeast

Braga on wild wheat yeast is prepared using sourdough, see detailed, or.

How to overtake the mash?

Whatever wheat moonshine recipe you use to get pure product you need a double run.

Before driving out the moonshine, you need to check the readiness of the mash. You will need a vinometer sugar meter if the sugar content in the brew is 0-1% can be distilled.

First distillation

  1. Ready strained wheat mash is poured into the distillation cube of the moonshine still by 2/3 of the volume. If you fill in more, then the mash mass will splash out and fall into the selection.
  2. Start the selection of raw alcohol and select until the temperature in the cube reaches 99 degrees and the strength of the extruded raw is less than 5-10% of the alcohol content.

Purification and redistillation

At this point, the wheat distillate is not yet ready, it has to be purified and redistillation. Read more about methods for cleaning moonshine in the relevant articles:, or. But whatever you do, completely get rid of harmful impurities without double distillation will not work.

  1. Measure the total strength of the expelled raw alcohol
  2. Calculate the amount of absolute alcohol
  3. Dilute with water to a strength of 20-30 degrees
  4. Select 10% of the absolute alcohol of the head fractions
  5. Then take the body to a temperature in a cube of 92-95 degrees and focus on the aroma of the outgoing product
  6. Collect the remaining tail fractions separately for further processing.

Dilution with water

  1. Dilute the resulting body with water to a strength of 40 degrees

    When diluting, pour alcohol into water, and not vice versa, measure required amount water to obtain the desired strength and pour distillate into it.

  2. Pour into glassware and leave to rest, after 7 days moonshine on wheat will be completely ready for use.

Now you know how to put the mash and how to make moonshine from wheat, although its production takes a lot of time, but the result justifies all expectations and difficulties.

Braga on wheat is considered the best raw material for moonshine. But to create it, you need to spend more time and effort than on other types of alcohol bases. Millet mash is not inferior in taste to a similar wheat drink. The methods for preparing both types of alcoholic beverages are almost the same. How to cook mash from grain (millet or wheat) will be described later. Most recipes are easy to repeat at home.

Methods for making mash from grain crops

First you need to pick up high-quality millet or wheat. It is advisable to take only the highest quality grains for the production of the drink. Low-quality or spoiled samples sharply worsen the taste of mash, giving it an unpleasant bitterness and a bad smell.

Wheat mash can be made in 2 main ways:

  1. The drink is made without the use of yeast.
  2. Braga is produced on germinated wheat (malt).

Braga can be obtained from millet only by using yeast. The recipe for this drink is very simple. To make it, you need the following ingredients:

  1. Millet of the highest quality - 3 kg.
  2. Dough - 1200 g.
  3. Water - 12-15 liters.
  4. Yeast - 100 g.

First, millet is boiled. After that it is poured warm water(25 °C) and then yeast and dough are added. The vessel is covered with a warm cloth. It is transferred to a room where the temperature is maintained at 20-28 ° C. Fermentation lasts 9-10 days. To control the process, you can cover the vessel with a lid with a water seal. After the mash is completely fermented, it is separated from the sediment. Alcoholic liquid must be filtered through a gauze filter. At the next stage, the mash made using millet is distilled into moonshine. To do this, it is driven 2 times through the moonshine still.

The resulting alcohol is diluted with water, bringing its strength to 40 ° C.

Good mash using millet can be obtained by using the enzymes Alpha-amylase and Gluco-amylase. To make a drink, you need to purchase 2 kg of millet, 4 g of alcohol yeast and the enzymes themselves. You will need 8 liters of water.

First, boil water, and then turn off the stove. Pour millet into the pan and stir well. To make it steamy, the vessel is wrapped in a blanket, put for 1.5 hours in a warm place. After that, 6 ml of alpha-amylase are added, and the millet must be cooled to 64 ° C.

Add 3 ml of Gluco-amylase to the pan. Well stir. Wrap in a warm cloth and leave overnight.

In the morning, pour the yeast with warm water, hold for 10 minutes. After that, they are introduced into the pan with the wort. The vessel is left in the room. But it is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the fermentation mass does not fall below 28, but does not exceed 30 ° C. The fermentation process continues for 5 days.

The resulting mash must be filtered, and then distilled into moonshine.

How to make an alcoholic drink from wheat without the use of yeast

When using the wild yeast wheat mash recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Wheat of the highest quality - 4 kg.
  2. Water (preferably spring or from an artesian well) - 30 liters.
  3. Sand sugar - 4 kg.

How to make wheat mash without using yeast mass? Any plant, including cereals, has a certain amount wild yeast. They are used in the manufacture of mash.

First, the wheat grains must be washed well. To do this, they are filled with water, and then the floating debris is removed. 1 kg of washed grain is poured into a barrel of their plastic. After that, the wheat is distributed along the bottom of the vessel, and then filled with water so that it covers the grains with a layer of 2 or 3 cm. The barrel is covered with a lid. The vessel is left for 24 hours. This is necessary to soak the cereal. Thus, we germinate the wheat, put the mash.

The next day, 0.5 kg of granulated sugar is added to the barrel. Thoroughly stir the entire mixture. The barrel is covered with cloth or gauze. The vessel is transferred to a warm but dark room. There the barrel should stand for 7-10 days. It is necessary to mix the mixture well 1-2 times a day, otherwise it will turn sour. After the specified time, the sourdough on wild wheat yeast will be ready.

Pour all the remaining granulated sugar into the resulting sourdough and wheat grain. Everything is filled with water heated to 25 ° C. A water seal is installed on the barrel, and then the vessel is again transferred to a warm room. Fermentation will go on for about 7 days. The room temperature must not fall below 20 °C, otherwise fermentation will stop.

As soon as the fermentation process is over, the mash must be drained from the sediment. It is filtered. How to put mash on moonshine? To do this, it must be transferred to moonshine still. During the first distillation, alcohol with a strength of no more than 6-10 ° C will be obtained. After that, the resulting raw material is passed through carbon filter. After the second run, the moonshine will be stronger. It is diluted with water and re-run through the apparatus. Separate head fraction(approximately 30 ml from each liter of raw). After that, the middle part is separated. A wheat distillate is formed, which is diluted with water to obtain a 40 ° fortress.

The drink should stand for 2 days, and then it can be consumed.

Obtaining green malt for making moonshine

This recipe for making grain mash on wheat allows you to not use sugar. But you will need yeast. The dry type of this product is usually used, but in some cases wine or alcohol yeast. This wheat mash recipe is based on replacing sugar with green malt. You can make this ingredient yourself or buy ready-made malt from the brewery.

Grain mash on wheat is made using the following components:

  1. Wheat of the highest grade - 6 kg.
  2. Dry yeast - 20-25 g.
  3. Water - 20-25 liters.

The preparation of mash begins with the manufacture of green malt (if it is not purchased). We need to grow wheat. To do this, 1 kg of grain must be washed well in running water. All debris and floating grains are removed. Then the entire volume of germinated wheat is poured into a shallow bowl and poured with water in a layer of 5 cm. The grain is left to soak for 7 hours, and then it is washed, poured with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, and the wheat is kept in it for about 15 minutes. After that, the grain is washed again, and then it is scattered on trays.

The grains should be watered with water (warm) every day 2-3 times, and then turned over. This continues until the green sprouts are as long as the grain itself. This usually happens after 2-3 days. The resulting mass is called malt. It must be washed again in potassium permanganate (0.2 g of powder per 1 liter of water). This is necessary to eliminate microbial contamination of the wort. The malt is kept in the solution for about 15 minutes and then washed.

The resulting mass must be crushed by any available method. Malt made from germinated wheat is recommended to be used immediately.

The remaining 5 kg of grain must be completely ground in a hand mill or grain crusher. It is poured into the tank, and then poured hot water, boil for 15 minutes. After that, malt is added at temperatures up to 65 °C. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. The tank is wrapped in a warm blanket and left for 2-3 hours. The must becomes sweet. To verify this, you can drop iodine on the mixture. If it does not change color, then the process is going well.

Obtaining mash and moonshine from wheat with malt

The finished wort is quickly cooled to 25 ° C. To do this, they usually use a table fan or put a tank with a solution in cold water, wrapping it with ice.

The cooled mixture is transferred to a fermentation tank, yeast is added to it. Close the vessel with a lid, install a water seal. The fermentation tank is transferred to a room where the temperature is maintained at 22–28 ° C. Fermentation will last about 4-6 days.

When it is over, the brew for moonshine from wheat will partially brighten. She will be a little bitter. Therefore, the liquid for the mash must be filtered. For this, a gauze filter is used. If it is possible to overtake the mash using a steam generator or using a steam boiler, then this is done together with the pellets.

For getting quality moonshine wheat mash is distilled 2 times. The first time the liquid is not divided into fractions. After distillation, the mash is passed through the filter. The second time it is necessary to divide the liquid into fractions (head, tail, middle). This is done in the same way as described in the previous recipe. The strength of the resulting drink is brought to 40 ° C by diluting the moonshine with water. After that, the drink must be poured into glass bottles and kept for 2-3 days. Moonshine is ready, you can use it.

In order to get high quality from wheat or millet, you need to use products good quality, exactly follow the technology of obtaining a drink. Otherwise, the moonshine will turn out cloudy and bitter. Additional cleaning steps will be required.

Moonshine made from wheat mash has a more natural taste than that made from any other must. There are several recipes for wheat mash for moonshine. We will highlight and consider 2 main ones: Braga on wheat without yeast (aka Braga on wild wheat yeast) and Braga using yeast. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

  • Wheat mash: general information
  • Braga on wheat: video

Wheat moonshine is the most popular among other similar drinks. Despite its great taste, the process of its preparation will take quite a bit of time. Braga from wheat is prepared no more than 2 weeks. The technology is simple enough that even a novice moonshiner can handle it.

Wheat mash is made with or without yeast. Each method has its pros and cons. Braga with yeast is made much faster and takes less effort. Braga on wheat without yeast takes longer to cook, however, moonshine from it has nicer taste(softer).

We will consider both methods of making wheat mash. The quality of the wort directly depends on the ingredients: wheat, water, sugar, yeast (in the 2nd method). Water should be clean, settled. Wheat grains should be used only of the highest grade, which have not been previously treated with chemical reagents.

Wheat mash recipe without yeast

In another way, it is called mash on wild wheat yeast. In the process of its preparation, we will not use purchased yeast, but will limit ourselves to natural fermentation grains. To prepare it, we need the ingredients listed below. For convenience, ratios are made based on a standard fermentation tank of 38 liters, which is used in everyday life. You can use any other volume, observing the proportion.

  • Water - 35 liters
  • Wheat - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 10kg

How to make mash from germinated wheat? Technology:

  1. Cleaning. Before preparing the wort, it is necessary to prepare the wheat. Grains must be carefully sorted out, removing foreign impurities and husks from them. Then we wash the wheat with running water through gauze or a sieve.
  2. Germination. To obtain the right mash wheat needs to be grown. To do this, pour the grains in a thin layer (no more than 5 cm) on a baking sheet or other appropriate container and fill it with water. The water should completely cover the wheat. For the convenience of draining water without losing the prepared ingredient, gauze can be used. We cover the bottom of the germination container with it. Close the lid and leave in the room room temperature. After a couple of days, sprouts will appear.
  3. Sourdough preparation. In the current recipe, we are making wheat mash without yeast. We will use the wild yeast of the wheat itself as a starter. As soon as sprouts appear, add 2 kg of sugar and mix well. The resulting mixture should not be too thick, otherwise it must be further diluted with water. Close the lid again and leave for a few days. As a rule, the process of preparing sourdough takes no more than a week. Wild yeast activation can be carried out in a similar way on the whole volume of wheat, or using only a part of it (say, taking a few kg.), But even in this case, we should not use all the sugar. Stages 2 and 3 can be combined. Those. sprinkle grains with sugar immediately before sprouting.

  1. Fermentation. We proceed to the main stage of preparing wheat mash immediately after receiving the starter. We will need a fermentation tank with a water seal. You can use a can or regular large glass jars. It is more convenient to use one capacious container in order to immediately pour all the water, the remaining sugar and sourdough into it. It is desirable that the water is slightly warm (about 20 degrees). Do not pour water to the top. After thoroughly mixing all the components, we install a water seal and leave the wheat mash in a dark, warm room for a week. Instead of a water seal, you can use an ordinary rubber glove with holes on the fingers, putting it on the neck of the jar. Inflating the glove symbolizes the beginning of the fermentation process. During the entire fermentation time, you need to periodically shake or stir the wort, remove the foam from the surface.
  1. Drainage from sediment. In about a week, germinated wheat brew for moonshine will be ready. The fermentation will stop. This can be recognized by a deflated glove (cessation of carbon dioxide emission), clarification of the top of the wort, and the absence of any mash activity. Carefully drain the wheat mash, without touching the sediment. Now you can drive moonshine.

Recipe for wheat mash with yeast

Making mash from wheat with yeast is practically no different from the recipe presented above. It is not necessary to germinate grains and prepare your own sourdough. You can just buy yeast in a store or market, saving a lot of time.

  • 8 kg. grains of wheat
  • 35 l. water
  • 10 kg. Sahara
  • 250 g yeast

How to put wheat mash? Technology:

  1. Grain preparation. Before preparing the mash, wheat grains must be sorted out. You can grind them to the state of cereals or even flour.
  2. Fermentation. Pour wheat into 5 liters. water, add 2 kg of sugar and 150-200 g of yeast. Close the container and leave for 5 days in a dark place.
  3. Fermentation. After 5 days, add all the remaining ingredients, mix and leave for another week.
  4. Drainage from sediment. After the top of the mash is lightened and the fermentation process stops, drain the wheat mash.

Braga from wheat for moonshine is ready. As you can see, the recipe for wheat mash is simple. The remaining sediment (wheat) can not be thrown away, but reused to make new wheat mash. It is only necessary to add water and sugar to the wort again. Moonshine from re-wash is recommended to be distilled twice.

Braga on wheat: Video

So we looked at all the options for how to make wheat mash for moonshine. Of course, there are many other variations of wheat mash recipes. Don't be afraid to experiment. Share your experiments and results with other moonshine lovers.

Vodka from grain raw materials is a real product that cannot be compared with seasoned sugar moonshine. The transformation of a living sprout into an organism capable of splitting starch into sugar molecules in a short time, isolating a live note of the product from the “bread”, which will subsequently delight the hosts and guests, all this is GRAIN. It grows, it transforms and gives, it is alive, like a living product from it - moonshine. But as far as the grain is fertile, so it needs an approach with love, otherwise the fiasco is not far off. To love, to realize, to work for glory together with knowledge, and this living and eternal will thank and inspire. Laziness is not applicable to the process of turning grain into moonshine, and therefore I would like to see true connoisseurs of this product near this article, sparing no effort and effort for a noble cause.

So - alcohol is formed from fermentation simple sugars yeast, so we need sugar. Sugar can be obtained from grain by converting the starch it contains. This is achieved with the help of enzymes.
Enzymes are ready, but supporters natural product I recommend the method below.
Having converted the starch from grain raw materials into sugar, we put it for fermentation, and after a while, we get a mash with a certain amount of alcohol, which, depending on technological moments, can range from a minimum to 12%.
The mash is distilled, and we get a saturated alcohol solution - moonshine (SS).

Process sequence:

  1. malt preparation;
  2. preparation of wort from starch-containing raw materials;
  3. digestion of the wort;
  4. preparation of malted milk;
  5. saccharification of wort;
  6. preparation of yeast mash;
  7. must fermentation;
  8. distillation of the finished mash.

Getting malt.

Malt is needed to convert starch into sugar.
It contains enzymes that stimulate this process.

The cultivation of malt takes place in several stages:

  1. Grain selection(grain for malt MUST NOT be fresh, after a new harvest, the grain must rest for at least 2 months).
    The grain must be clean, light, without impurities, and sifted.
  2. Grain soaking.
    The goal is to activate growth, incl. biochemical and other processes.
  3. Growing.
    By germinating the grain, a maximum is achieved in the amount of enzymes contained in it.
  4. Languor.
    Strengthening and strengthening of the enzyme base in the grain. The grain is dried without moisture.

Grain soaking.

The cleaned and sifted grain is poured into boxes about 10 cm high. For these purposes, household polyethylene (pictured) is suitable. After a few hours, we remove the floating debris and low-quality grain, drain the water, wash the grain, and fill it with fresh water. It is desirable to soak in water with low hardness, because. excessive amounts of salts slow down grain growth and enzyme activity. Pour water above the grain level by 3-5 cm. To enhance the germination process, the water should be changed - in summer 2-3 times a day, in winter - mixing 2-3 times during the day is enough. Soaking time 1 day.

Water from the grain must be drained COMPLETELY.
The grain should look and feel moist, but not wet.
The moisture content of the grain after soaking rises to 35-49%%.
If the steeping is longer, which is also possible, the main thing is not to allow a white liquid to stand out from the grain at the break - this is the first sign that the grain has been overexposed to water and is not suitable for malt.
Such grain is definitely thrown away.

Growing grain.

After soaking, the grain should “breathe”. To do this, wet, but not wet grain, distribute in boxes with a layer of 5-10 cm. for 6-8 hours.
Every 2-3 hours we mix the grain with our hands, lifting it above the boxes and blowing it with air in order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in it.
The growth process for each type of grain is different. Often the duration of this process depends on the method of cultivation, the quality of raw materials, the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, and can last from 4 to 12 days.

We fill the boxes with soaked grain, which “breathed” with a layer of 10 cm. We leave for 8-12 hours. Boxes for this can be used both monolithic and with a mesh bottom, in which the amount of further mixing can be reduced.
Grain boxes can be either covered with a damp cloth or left open. For clarity left side in the photo it will be with boxes covered with a damp cloth, the right one is an open box.

After the first 8-12 hours of germination, the grain is agitated, for which the boxes are shaken, the grain is lifted by hand, and blown to remove carbon dioxide. If the grain is dry, it is sprayed, but not soaked in any way. For 5 kg of dry grain at the time of growth, no more than 50-70 g of water is used for spraying. After spraying, there should be no water at the bottom of the box. Wet grain is mixed and this continues until it is ready.

For high-quality and fast growth of malt, the grain is turned every 6-8 hours and sprayed accordingly, moistening it slightly. In case of accumulated moisture at the bottom of the box, the grain must be dried and the water removed.

The first 1.5 days of germination.

After 2-3 days, the temperature inside the grain begins to rise to 20-24 degrees. It is advisable not to allow it to rise higher (grain sweating), for which the grain is stirred, blown and moistened. It can be recommended to reduce the layer of germinated grain to 3-5cm.

Third day of germination.

Seventh day of germination.

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Oats increased in volume by about 1.5 times, the roots reach 1 cm, sprouts are observed. After three days, with proper moisture, the grain will be ready as malt.

Cache directory not found! Barley germinated confidently, the roots intertwine with each other and, when raised, pull several grains along with them. The sprouts have reached a length of 5-7mm. The grain smells of a distant cucumber smell. The process of germinating barley for malt is completed. Bittersweet to bite.
Cache directory not found!

A grain of wheat has sprouted confidently, the roots are more than a centimeter long, the sprouts are 5-7 mm, some are more than a centimeter. Smell fresh cucumbers this grain is superior. The taste of the grain is definitely sweet. The germination process has been terminated.

Some moments of germination.

Cereals with husks hold more moisture than those without. Therefore, moisturizing each of the species should be done selectively, preventing the grain from being oversaturated with water once again. It is better to under-moisten than to give excess water to the germinating grain.

Malt disinfection.
There are many harmful bacteria on the surface of the grain. It is advisable to remove them. For this purpose, before grinding the malt into malted milk or before drying, it is recommended to soak the malt for 0.5-1 hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
Good results are shown by a disinfecting solution of sulfuric acid (1%).

After 7 days, we received already germinated barley and wheat grains as malt for saccharification of starchy grains.
But still, I recommend keeping it for about 2 more days without adding moisture and stirring after -10 hours.
Malted oat grain is ready for 10 days.

Cooked malt is green. The weight of malt to grain before germination increased by 1.5 times. This malt has the highest activity. Green malt is stored for no more than a few days, and if so, then the temp is desirable. storage down to 2-5 deg.
for storage green malt can be dried.
To do this, it is dried with constant stirring at a temperature. no more than 40 degrees. With an increase in temp. drying enzymes are killed.
The malt is dried to a state of “white” until it has solidified to the full depth and has a moisture content of up to 3%. Stored for years in a tightly closed container.
The weight white malt in relation to the weight of the germinated grain 0.9/1.
The activity of white malt is slightly lower than green malt, and is about 80%. Therefore, when adding it to the wort, this moment must be taken into account.

Making malted milk

Malted milk is a mixture of malt and water. The essence of the process is the complete extraction of enzymes into liquid (water) with further mixing with starch-containing wort.
Because there are a number of enzymes, for high-quality and complete saccharification of starch-containing wort, it is desirable to use a mixture of several malts. The use of malt from the same grain that is processed, Not recommended.

Approximate composition of malt for some types of basic raw materials

  • wheat:
    50% barley, 25% oat, and 25% rye malts.
    A good result comes out with the percentage replacement of barley with rye.
    You can also use a mixture of rye and barley 50/50, barley and millet 50/50, etc.
  • rye:
    wheat - 50%, barley - 25%, oats - 25%.
    wheat - 50%, barley - 40%, oats - 10%.
    barley and oats 50% each, etc.

So, we chose the composition of the malt. Grind it, the smaller the better. Dissolve in warm, about 30 degrees. water.
Green - 1kg in 2l of water, white - 1kg in 3l of water.
Received ready-made malted milk.
Its storage time is very short, but when the temp. closer to zero, it is allowed to store for several days.

Wort preparation


Cooking is done with steam. Open flame burns and is not suitable for cereals.
For this we use PG (steam generator).
STEAM GENERATOR is a sealed container with water, heated by heating elements or other heat source.
The output from the steam generator is a steam pipe, the end of which is a BUBBLER.
BUBBLER - a straight pipe, or curved: spiral, accordion, etc., in which holes are made for the exit of hot steam coming from the bubbler. The outgoing hot steam from the bubbler is the source of heating + boiling of starch-containing mixtures.

Wort container.
The container can serve as a stainless steel tank or others. The main condition is to prevent the reaction products from the container, catalysts, etc., used in the production of the material of this container, from getting into the mixture.

Crushed grain (crushed grain, flour) is poured with hot water at a temp. about 50 deg. The whole mixture is constantly stirred in order to prevent the formation of lumps.
For a kilogram of feedstock, add 4 liters of water. We bring the temperature of the mixture to 55-60 degrees. We fix the temperature for 15 minutes, so that the enzymes contained in the crushed grain itself begin their work. If the wort is thick, you can pour some of the already prepared malted milk into it and stir. This is approximately 1/10-1/5 of the total prepared.

Next, turn on the PG to the fullest. Let's pick up the pace. wort for another 5 degrees. and pause for 15 minutes. After that, with stirring every 10-15 minutes, turn on the steam generator to the full, and bring the wort to a boil.
We set the power of the steam generator so that the mixture boils. The boiling time is from 1.5 to 2 hours. The worse the raw material (soaked, spoiled grain), and the coarser the grinding, the longer the uncooking time. During boiling / boiling, if the process is violent, the mixing process can be stopped.


We cool the boiled wort (preferably quickly, without leaving it for self-cooling) to a temperature of 65 degrees and add malted milk. Mix thoroughly. A drill with a nozzle is suitable for this.
The amount of malted milk is introduced at the rate of 1 kg of green malt per 4-5 kg ​​of basic. raw materials, "white", respectively, by 20% (mass of not yet dried malt) more.
We close the container with raw materials and the malt introduced into it, warm it and mix it thoroughly every 15-30 minutes. Saccharification time from 1.5 to 2 hours. During this period, it is very important not to lower the temperature, because. increase the chances of bacterial growth. Increasing the temperature above 70 degrees. in turn leads to the destruction of enzymes and the cessation of saccharification.
After the specified time, the wort acquires a confident sweet taste. This means that the saccharification process is successful. Iodine test as an indicator of complete saccharification in this case not an indicator.


The sugared mass is prepared for fermentation. To do this, we cool it very quickly to a temperature of 28-30 degrees. and add yeast. Passive cooling is not allowed.
For cooling, you can use copper tube diam. 10-20mm, which is twisted into a spiral. It is lowered into a congestion, which constantly interferes, and passes through the tube with maximum pressure cold water. The rapid cooling process is VERY important because its slowdown contributes to the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the nutrient medium of the saccharified mixture.

Introduction of yeast.

For normal operation of yeast, a temperature in the range of 28-30 degrees is required. A decrease in temperature slows down the fermentation process, up to its stop, and an increase promotes the reproduction of wild yeast, which in turn reduces the yield of alcohols. Increasing temp. fermentation up to 32 degrees, increases the coefficient. reproduction of wild yeast 2-3 times, at 37-38 degrees. they multiply 6-8 times faster.

The amount of yeast added:

  • dry, for example, SAF-LEVUR - 1g per 300-350g of the initial, main raw material.
  • pressed, for example, LVOV - 1 g per 60-80 g of raw materials.

In order to increase the quick and high-quality capture of saccharified wort by cultural yeast, it is recommended to introduce the yeast not directly, but to make a yeast mash beforehand. To do this, the yeast is bred in warm, about 30 degrees. water. About 10-14 liters of water can be taken per kilogram of pressed yeast.
At the same time, while ensuring the activity of the yeast mash, the yeast can be pre-fermented. For this purpose, a certain amount of sugar is added to the prepared yeast mash (half a liter per kilo of pressed yeast) and half a liter of malt, previously left for these purposes. All this is mixed, and after half an hour, we observe the foam on the surface of the solution. This is the job of the yeast. Floor hour - hour, and yeast fermented mash, pour into the wort, cooled to 28-30 degrees. Mix thoroughly and leave to ferment in a cool place.
We close the container hermetically and put a water seal.

In order to prevent the release of foam through the water seal, it is recommended to fill the tank with foaming in mind. By volume units, this is about 10-15% of the volume of the wort. So, for example, it is not advisable to fill a container of 200 liters with more than 170 liters.
During the fermentation period, it is important that the wort does not overheat. Normal operation occurs at 28-30 degrees. We lower the temperature increase by blowing air or pouring cold water over the fermentation tank.

The fermentation time of cereals depends on many factors, incl. on the quality of yeast, temp. premises, etc. The average time can be called from 4 to 5 days. An indicator of complete fermentation can be called the cessation of gas release from the water seal tube. The mash becomes almost immobile, solid parts of the grain can float on top of it, and the liquid itself has become lighter, often with a hint of the color of the grain. If you take the mash for a sample of acidity, then it will be in the range of 4.8-5.5. The taste of the mash is pleasant and has a bitter-sour taste.
The amount of alcohol in the mash depends both on the technology of the wort preparation process and on the quality of the components. This percentage can be in the range of 5-12%.

Simple distillation of mash.

Ready grain mash is distilled with the help of steam. For this we use the same steam generator.
Braga boils with the help of steam coming from a bubbler. For distillation, we use a stainless container, which is filled no more than 2/3 of the total volume to prevent the release of foam into the selection. Until the moment of boiling, the heating process is carried out as quickly as possible, but at the first sign of boiling of the mash, we reduce the power. For condensation of outgoing vapors, incl. and alcohol, which is part of them, we can use a simple distillation apparatus.

If moonshine will be used as a drink in the future, in this case it is necessary to more carefully approach the separation of head and tail fractions. To this end, at a low speed with a minimum power of the PG, we slowly select the heads. The percentage of head selection can be considered within 3-5 of the total amount of expected alcohol (in absolute value). It is more accurately determined organoleptically by smell, rubbing in the palm of your hand, taste. Heads are FORBIDDEN to be used as a food product.

The selection of the food fraction of moonshine is carried out at a higher speed, but we control that splashes from boiling mash do not fall into the selection, which, by the type of moonshine, make it cloudy and with the corresponding taste of mash. As food, moonshine of the first stage can be considered one that has a density of at least 40% alcohol content, according to the old - "while it burns." Further condensate contains a significant amount of heavy fractions, and it can be used for subsequent distillation. The temperature of the mash, to which simple distillation is carried out, is 97-98 degrees. Further selection is accompanied by a much greater release of fusel oils.

If moonshine, also known as raw alcohol (SS), is further intended for rectification, then the separation of heads and tails can be neglected. In the selection we mix the entire shoulder strap.

Taste properties of moonshine from different kind raw materials.

Wheat congestion. When using wheat as the main raw material, the vodka is softer and sweeter. The use of rye as malt increases the rigidity and gives a certain “fortress” to the drink. Barley in the form of malt adds flavor to whiskey, adding beer echoes to vodka. Oats - grain for sharpness of taste.

Rye congestion. Vodka from this raw material will not be a soft drink. She is tough, but nice. Comparing taste qualities its approximate vodka "Moskovskaya" of the times of the USSR.

Oat based vodka. This product is distinguished by its sharpness and sharpness. Purity of taste without “salting”, here is a more accurate comparison. At the time of the Union, Posolskaya vodka was a similarity.

Barley vodka. Barley vodka is a ready-to-use whiskey-flavored product. Its double, triple distillation will outshine many tastes of noble drinks.

Have fun and enjoy your drinks!

Useful information on the forum:

Making moonshine from wheat at home without yeast is not easy, but the result will fully pay for the time and effort spent. The drink has an excellent taste, while homemade moonshine consists entirely of natural ingredients, and its preparation does not require large material costs.

Moonshine was brewed back in Ancient Russia, then it was the most popular alcoholic drink for feasts. Today, no one is fond of moonshine, but the recipes for preparing the drink are not forgotten and can be used by all lovers of high-quality natural alcohol.

Usually the drink is made from wheat. To please with its excellent taste, you should follow the rules when preparing raw materials:

  1. It is necessary to take dry grains of good quality.
  2. Requires sifting of wheat from debris and cleaning from the husk before use.
  3. Do not make moonshine from newly harvested wheat. It is necessary that it rest for at least 2-3 months after harvest.
  4. When buying raw materials, you should find out if chemicals have been used to fertilize wheat. You can make moonshine of excellent quality only from pure raw materials that have not been exposed to chemicals.

How to make moonshine from wheat without yeast

You will need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 7 liters;
  • wheat - 1.5 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. Make syrup: dissolve 200 g of granulated sugar in 1 liter. water.
  2. Prepare wheat: sort out debris, peel and sift.
  3. Put the wheat in a large bowl and add to it. sugar syrup. The use of wide containers is recommended, because in a container with a narrow neck, fermentation will take too long, and as a result, poor-quality raw materials will come out.
  4. Leave the mixture for 3-4 days. After this time, it should ferment, and foam will appear on its surface.
  5. Next, pour 1.3 kg of granulated sugar into the dishes, pour 6 liters into it. water and close with a water seal. Leave the mixture for 10 days, but periodically it must be stirred.
  6. After the specified time, the resulting mash should be thoroughly cleaned from wheat grains. This can be done with gauze by filtering the solution through it.
  7. At least 3 times to distill the mash in a moonshine still.

As a result of correctly carried out manipulations, you will get a very high-quality alcoholic drink with a high strength.

How to make moonshine from wheat without yeast and sugar

The wheat moonshine recipe involves replacing yeast with malt and brew.

To prepare the parka, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a handful of fresh hops (or 2 handfuls of dry);
  • water - 2 liters;
  • wheat flour - a handful.

Other ingredients:

  • wheat - 3 kg;
  • water - 6 l.

Cooking steps:

  1. First you need to do the preparation of wheat. Peel the grains, put them in a wide container and fill them with water, and the water should cover the grains entirely.
  2. Close the container and put it in any cool place for 4 days. During this time, the leaven should ferment.
  3. Now you need to make a park. Mix wheat flour and hops, fresh or dry, add water to them and remove the mixture so that it stands for 2 days.
  4. This cooking method wheat moonshine does not involve the use of sugar, so you can take fruit instead: apples or pears, as well as berries, potatoes or beets. Put any of these products into a glass bottle and add the sourdough starter there, mix the contents well and add 5 liters. warm water.
  5. Close the container with a water seal and leave for 8-12 days. The mixture should be stirred periodically.
  6. After the specified time, you can start distilling moonshine.

It should be noted that moonshine without yeast, made according to this recipe, has much the best taste than a drink made with yeast and sugar.

How to make moonshine from sprouted wheat without yeast

This method of making moonshine from wheat without yeast involves the use of germinated wheat grains.

Ingredients required:

  • water - 15 liters;
  • wheat - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 6.5 kg.

Germination of wheat grains:

  1. Put the wheat in a wide bowl and smooth the top layer.
  2. Pour in 1 kg of sugar.
  3. Pour into bowl with wheat grains water, while the liquid should be above the top layer by at least 2-3 cm.
  4. Cover the dishes with gauze and put in a warm room.
  5. As soon as the first sprouts appear, you need to add a little water to the container. In order for the sprouts not to dry out, frequent addition of water is required, but it is important not to overdo it here - wheat seeds can rot from excess liquid.

The readiness of germinated wheat is determined by the sprouts: as soon as they reach a length of 6-7 mm, wheat can be considered ready.

Usually the duration of this process is 7-10 days,

Further actions:

  1. Put sprouted wheat in a glass bottle, then pour 7.5 liters into it. water.
  2. Pour 1.5 kg of granulated sugar into a container, leave the sourdough for 3-4 days.
  3. After 4 days, pour all the remaining water into the sourdough and lay out the remaining sugar. Stopper the neck of the bottle rubber glove with a hole made in advance in place of the index finger.
  4. Place the container in a warm place where it should be for 8-10 days.
  5. When the glove on the neck of the bottle is completely deflated and falls off, start distilling the moonshine through the apparatus.

  1. In the event that wheat is not available, you can replace it with other raw materials: barley, corn or rye. The drink will be no worse than moonshine on wheat without yeast.
  2. When choosing wheat, it is required to carefully examine it for the presence of impurities or seeds of other plants, as they can significantly impair the taste of moonshine.
  3. The grains must be whole - crushed ones will not germinate, but, on the contrary, will turn sour and spoil the malt.
  4. When soaking wheat in water, you need to control the process so that the grains do not sour, and the sourdough itself should be stirred periodically.
  5. The thick, which remains after filtering, does not need to be thrown away. You can add water, sugar to it and put the mash. In this case, moonshine will be even tastier and better.
  6. Ready moonshine is recommended to be cleaned, so you need to know how to clean it. Good for this purpose Activated carbon in the following proportions: per 1 liter. drink, you should take 50 mg of coal tablets, which must be crushed to a powdery state and poured into a bowl with ready-made moonshine. Next, the container with the drink should be removed to a warm room and not touched for 7 days.

Making moonshine on wheat at home without yeast is a very exciting, albeit somewhat time-consuming process. However, there is definitely a benefit from it, because not a single, even very expensive vodka from the store can be compared with good home-made moonshine. Having an idea of ​​​​how to prepare this alcoholic drink, you can no longer risk your health by buying store-bought liquor of dubious quality and production. The main thing is to follow the technology of making moonshine, and then the drink will really please with its natural composition, quality and excellent taste.