Recipes for making moonshine from apricots at home. Baby, you are an apricosmos! Cooking delicious apricot moonshine

Apricots are quite a popular fruit and they are used in many ways. various recipes. Apricot moonshine is one of the most aromatic drinks with a refined fruity taste. Apricots of any variety are suitable for cooking: both ripe and overripe, and apricot jam is also suitable (you can even take a very old one, the main thing is that there is no mold).

This marvelous fruit began to spread from Armenia, and in some countries it is called "Armenian apples"

We have collected for you the most interesting recipes making moonshine from apricot, with detailed instructions on preparation, which will allow you to easily prepare this drink at home. The information is collected from all over the Internet, so you do not have to go from site to site to find the answer to your question.

Moonshine from apricots: cooking secrets

Apricots are the second most popular after apples. In what recipes are they not used! Jams, liqueurs, compotes, tinctures, wines... Taste variations of drinks made from these fruits are extensive, and every time they surprise with new sensations.

Today we will look at how to make homemade moonshine from apricot without the use of yeast and sugar. Without these ingredients, the drink turns out to be soft, rich, acquires a delicate aroma and does not have characteristic yeast notes in the taste. Let's try to recreate at home three options for apricot moonshine, focusing on speed, quality and quantity.

Moonshine from fresh apricots

In order to manufacture delicious moonshine from fresh apricots, it is not necessary to buy perfect, undamaged fruit. The fruits can be anything: large and small, whole and broken, ripe and overripe - all of them will be mercilessly crushed. The main thing is that apricots should not have rot and mold.

Required Ingredients:

  • apricots - 10 kg;
  • water - 8-15 l;
  • yeast - 100 g (you can add them if you wish - to speed up the fermentation processes);
  • sugar - 5 kg (adding is optional, since sugar worsens the taste of the drink, but it increases its volume).

It's important to know

Braga without sugar will give out about 1.5 liters of moonshine (out of 10 kg of apricot). The necessary sweetness will be given to it by the fruits themselves due to the fructose they contain. Sugar, on the other hand, can triple or quadruple the volume of the drink, while affecting its taste.

What to do? Everything is simple. When parsing a recipe, start from your fruits. If they are sweet enough, you will not need yeast and sugar, but in the case of sour apricots, it is better to sweeten the moonshine.

Yeast, as mentioned above, speeds up the fermentation process. Moonshine from ripe apricots without yeast will ferment for a very long time - about 40-45 days, while adding them will reduce this period to 7-10 days. However, there are some “pitfalls” here too - operational fermentation will give the drink a specific taste and smell.

Drawing conclusions

So, let's break it all down:

  • The recipe, which does not involve yeast and sugar, results in a delicious, clean, quality moonshine. True, it will turn out to be small (maximum 1.5 liters), and the cooking process will take a month and a half. But on the other hand, not entirely pleasant yeast notes will be absent in its taste.
  • With the participation of sugar, the preparation time is not reduced, but the yield of the drink is significantly increased. Minus - the quality of moonshine worsens a little.
  • The most efficient way is with the addition of both yeast and sugar. However, here speed comes at the expense of quality - the moonshine turns out to be “average” and not so clean.

Which recipe to choose in the end is up to you. When choosing, start from what is more important to you - terms, quality or mash yield.

Manufacturing technology at home

  1. Prepare fruit. If you decide to make moonshine without yeast, you should not wash the apricots.
  2. Free the fruits from the stones and chop with a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Fill the resulting slurry with water. Without sugar, 10 liters will be enough, with sugar - 15 liters of water. Separately dilute in warm water yeast and add it to the mixture (optional).
  4. Braga should be stored in a dark but warm place with a hermetically sealed lid (a water seal or a rubber glove will do).
  5. Infusion will last: 7-10 days (with the addition of yeast), 40-45 days (without it).
  6. When the mash acquires a light color and bitter notes in taste, and a precipitate forms at the bottom of the container, you can proceed to distillation.
  7. Before this, filter the liquid through several layers of gauze.
  8. Distillation is carried out on a special moonshine still. Divide the product yield into fractions. The first batch ("heads") should be selected, as it contains toxic substances.
  9. After removing the first fraction, you can start collecting the main yield until the alcohol content drops below 45%.
  10. At the next stage, the output of the so-called "tails" rich in fusel oils will begin. To clean them, moonshine should be driven a few more times.

Attention! If moonshine is prepared without yeast, it is better not to apply any cleaning methods to it, but simply repeat the distillation. This will help keep it bright apricot flavor and aroma.

The result is a soft, easy-to-drink drink that tastes like apricot hoppy vodka.

A detailed recipe is presented in the video below.

Moonshine from apricot jam

Eat great way save moldy or fermented apricot jam - make excellent moonshine from it.


  • apricot jam - 6 l:
  • water - 30 l;
  • yeast - 300 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Dissolve apricot jam in warm water until smooth. Add to it a separately made yeast sourdough.

    Attention! To increase the amount of moonshine, you can add 3 kg of sugar to the recipe.

  2. Braga cover and send to infuse for 5 days in a dark warm place.
  3. Next, the moonshine is distilled and purified by any known method.

From these ingredients, 6 liters of the drink should be obtained, and with the participation of sugar - 9 liters.

Attention! When preparing jam - the basis for moonshine, make sure that there are no traces of mold on it. The latter is extremely harmful to the body.

Moonshine recipe from apricot jam step by step described in the video:

Choosing raw materials

Apricots are suitable for any variety - this will not affect the taste and aroma of the drink. They can be both the first ripeness and completely overripe. Wrinkled fruits will do as well. The most important thing is that the apricots show no signs of mold and rot.

Sugar and yeast - to add or not

Apricots contain different amount fructose. This indicator depends on where the fruit is grown, as well as on its variety. Approximate fructose content is 11%. It can be calculated that without the introduction of granulated sugar from 10 kg of raw materials, approximately 1.2 liters of apricot moonshine will be obtained. When sugar is added according to the recipe, the yield increases to 7 liters. However, the organoleptic properties of alcohol will undoubtedly become worse.

It is best not to add either yeast or granulated sugar to the recipe. But then your apricots should be very sweet. When distilling such a brew, you will get not an ordinary moonshine, but a real German schnapps. But if the raw material is acidic, then it will not be possible to do without granulated sugar, since the product yield will be extremely small.

On fresh apricots wild yeast is already there by default. They can perfectly ferment the wort on their own, but they will need a lot of time - a little more than a month. If you add yeast to the recipe, then the mash will be ready in 5-10 days. However, this will negatively affect the taste and smell of the drink in the future. If you have the time and desire to get a really high-quality product, make apricot mash without adding yeast.

His Majesty - the recipe!

We will need:

  • 10 kg of raw materials:
  • from 8 to 15 liters of water;
  • 5 kg of sugar - optional;
  • 20 g of dry or 100 g of pressed yeast - an ingredient of your choice.

Preparation of the mash

  1. Raw materials should never be washed, otherwise you will get rid of wild yeast spores. Remove all the bones, because they "give" alcohol a bitter aftertaste.
  2. Now the apricots should be turned into a kind of gruel. A blender or meat grinder will help you with this. You can also just crush the fruit with your hands. Homogeneous mass place in a fermentation container.
  3. We add water, granulated sugar and yeast (previously diluted according to the instructions) to it. Mix the substance. If you are making mash without sugar, then take 8-10 liters of water. If you add sand, then increase the water "dose" by 5 liters.
  4. They put on a vessel rubber glove with a hole or install a water seal. Take the container to a warm and dark place. If you chose wild yeast for fermentation, then the first signs of it will appear after about 2 days. In the case of adding yeast - after 2 hours. You will observe a hiss and the appearance of a foam cap. A little later, the water seal will begin to bubble, and the glove will inflate.
  5. After 10-40 days (depending on the chosen fermentation method), your apricot mash at home will be ready. You will see this by the following signs: the water seal will stop bubbling water (the glove will fall), the mash will become lighter, its taste gives off bitterness, there is sediment at the bottom of the vessel. It's time to move on to the next step - distillation.

Cooking moonshine from apricots

  1. Carefully strain your mash with cheesecloth. This is a must, as pieces of pulp are likely to burn during the distillation process. The taste of the drink from this will become much worse, and may even deteriorate. As they say, a fly in the ointment ...
  2. Distillation can be carried out in a moonshine of absolutely any design. Stop distillation as soon as the ABV falls below 30%. But experts do not advise cleaning this drink. After all, with it, almost all the apricot flavor will be lost. To improve the quality, be sure to swipe redistillation.
  3. Dilute the resulting alcohol with water to a strength of 18-20%, and then send it to the secondary distillation.
  4. We select head fraction- the first 50-100 ml, if no sugar was added (otherwise - 200-250 ml). This liquid is not suitable for consumption. Then we continue distillation until the strength of alcohol is below 40 degrees.
  5. Now dilute the drink to the strength that you like. Usually it is 40-45 degrees. Before you treat yourself to apricot moonshine, soak it in a dark and cool place for several days. This will improve the organoleptic properties of the drink.

Baby, you are an apricosmos! Cooking delicious apricot moonshine

Apricot moonshine is perhaps the most popular fruit distillate in the world after grape. Brandy (schnapps, brandy) from apricots is made all over the world - from the Caucasus and the Middle East to the Balkans, Germany, the States. Many connoisseurs put a good, seasoned apricot moonshine even higher than vintage cognacs - only to get such elite drink gotta do it right. How exactly? We read in the article!

  • Apricot - that fruit! Despite the fact that this fruit is reluctant to give juice and contains a lot of pectins, it is used with might and main to make the most different alcohol- wines, liqueurs, liqueurs.
  • But moonshine from apricots is best obtained at home - when distilled, the taste and aroma of the berries are concentrated, the fruits, even not very bright in themselves, are transformed into a stunning product that becomes especially thin and elegant after a long exposure.
  • Today we will learn how to make apricot moonshine using the example of simple recipe, but with nuances that will allow you to turn an ordinary fruit distillate into your own, like nothing else masterpiece!

  • Homemade moonshine from apricots - the main problems
  • Preparation of mash from apricots for moonshine
  • The first distillation of apricot moonshine
  • Redistillation, apricot brandy aging

Main problems

  • Apricot is a tree of the “plum” genus, respectively, the main problem of this fruit for a winemaker and moonshiner is pectin, which is contained in excess in fruits.
  • Pectin binds plant fibers, does not allow the juice to separate, makes the mash (and the distillate obtained from it) cloudy, and also promotes the formation methyl alcohols, which are not needed at all in apricot brandy.
  • Speaking about apricot wine, we briefly touched on this topic (by the way, any of the wine recipes given in this article is suitable for making mash - it will be ready after primary fermentation).

So, in order to extract juice faster, easier and in full, without leaving precious liquid in the squeezes, you can use the following methods:

  • Heating the wort to 60-70 degrees for 20-30 minutes;
  • Diffuse method: rough extraction, after which - infusion of the extraction in warm water for several hours (water in this case is taken in the amount indicated in the recipe);
  • Pectolytic enzymes - there are many of them, for example "DEPECTIL Clarification", google to help you. After the enzyme treatment, the wort will again need to be heated.

There is one but - all three methods imply that the mash will ferment on a pure yeast culture - CKD, yeast for fruit wines, they are sold on the Internet. If you want to make the brew more in a simple way, you can’t heat the fruits, as well as wash them - unfortunate yeast-savages live there, terrible on the face, kind inside - they are quite able to ferment the wort.

Moonshine from apricots without yeast is cooked longer and it turns out less, since the "savages" make no more than 14-15 degrees. Alcoholic and baker's yeast is even easier and faster, but the resulting product will have a clear moonshine flavor, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. In general, the choice is yours.

Preparation of mash from apricots for moonshine

Simplest, basic recipe, on wild yeast, according to the "red" technology - that is, the wort will ferment along with the pulp.

  • Tip #1: When it comes to sugar, if your fruit is very, very sweet, you can add less of it than in the recipe.
  • Apricot moonshine without sugar is, of course, a noble thing, but a thankless one, since its yield is very small.
  • On the other hand, the more sugar, the more chances to get not apricot brandy, but sugar moonshine.
  • In any case, it should be remembered that the sugar content in the must during fermentation with wild yeast should not exceed 25%, taking into account its own fruit sugars (roughly speaking, 150 grams per liter), otherwise the mash will not ferment.

The optimal, proven proportions for apricot moonshine without yeast are as follows:

  • 2 buckets of ripe apricots;
  • 4 kg of sugar (for faster fermentation, sugar can be inverted);
  • 10-12 liters of clean water.

To prepare the wort, you need to sort out the fruits, cut off the rotten and moldy parts, remove the seeds (with the bones, the brew from moonshine will have too almond taste, if you like it, we will add the bones later, after the first run). Mash the fruits with your hands or with a crush, add all the water and sugar, mix well and put in a container with a wide neck, covered with gauze, in a warm, dark place for a couple of days. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, a hat of pulp is formed on the wort - it must be knocked down, periodically stirring the mass with a wooden spoon. After a couple of days of fermentation, the wort is ready for setting under a water seal.

in order for the mash to be lighter, and the apricot moonshine more pure and noble, the wort can be made using a different technology, a little more complicated. To do this, all the fruits are taken, a third of the water and a third of the sugar, everything is well kneaded and fermented in the same way. But after 2-3 days of fermentation, the resulting liquid is drained, and the pulp is squeezed out well, everything is diluted with the rest of the water and sugar and placed under the shutter.

The resulting wort is placed in a suitable container - a bottle or plastic barrel and placed under a water seal or under a glove for rapid fermentation. This stage can last from a week to almost a month - depending on the temperature, the sweetness of the fruit, the density of the mash and other circumstances. On CKD everything goes faster. After the shutter has stopped blowing bubbles, the mash is ready.

only the owners of steam generators can be completely sure that the bard will not burn to the bottom of the cube. If you are going to drive not by ferry, but in the usual way- Braga must be separated from the pulp by pressing and filtering, and for complete purity, you can use one of the wine purification methods described in this article.

The first distillation of apricot moonshine

You will need any distillation apparatus operating in the mode of a conventional distiller. The distillation is carried out at the maximum temperature, with the maximum possible water supply - this general rule for all fruit mash. To in finished product splashes did not get in, you can install a steamer in front of the refrigerator. The tank, of course, is not filled more than 2/3 of the volume.

The distillation is carried out almost to dryness - while the fruity smell is still observed in the tailings. If you are afraid of methyl alcohols, already at the first pasture, you can select a few heads, for our volume - about 100 ml. From the indicated volume of fruit, approximately 5-7 liters of apricot moonshine with a strength of about 30-40 degrees should be obtained.

Now the pervak ​​needs to be allowed to rest for a few days. If the distillate turned out to be too cloudy, it can be additionally driven through carbon filter, but, they say, this negatively affects the aroma of the drink.

  • if the moonshine after the first pasture turned out to be not fragrant enough, notes of fruits are not felt well in it - for the rest period, you can throw a few fresh apricots into the jar.
  • Also, to give the future drink a light almond note, like Amaretto liqueur, raw alcohol can be infused with apricot kernels– only 3-4 broken nucleoli per liter
  • With repeated distillation, the hydrocyanic acid contained in them will decompose to aromatic compounds. But be careful - not everyone likes the aroma of almonds.

Redistillation, apricot brandy aging

Redistillation is necessary for any fruit moonshine, it is necessarily produced fractionally - with cutting off heads rich in volatile alcohols: methylene and the like, and tails containing fusel oils. Before distillation, the crude is diluted to 30 degrees, if necessary. The diluted liquid is poured into the tank, the heating is turned on at minimum power - the distillate should drip literally 2-3 drops per second.

The head fractions are taken in an amount of 5-10% AC - this is approximately 250 ml per our volume. As soon as the dripping liquid has ceased to smell unpleasantly of acetone, the selection of the body can begin. "Heads" are not used, they can be poured out or used, for example, to disinfect equipment when brewing homemade beer.

When selecting the "heart" heating can be slightly increased. The selection continues up to about 50 degrees in the jet - until an unpleasantly smelling "turbidity" - tail fractions - drips from the device. They can also be driven almost dry and used the next time you make apricot brandy.

when the strength of moonshine decreases and the “tails” are already on the way, it is better to remove the resulting head fraction and substitute separate dishes under the refrigerator. Further, the selection continues literally in 200-300 ml - while moonshine is not cloudy yet and has a pleasant aroma of apricots, it can be added to the body

  • Everything, moonshine from apricots is ready! It will be possible to drink it after a week or two of rest in glassware, previously diluted with clean water to 40-45 degrees.
  • But in order to turn moonshine into a real apricot brandy, it is still advisable to keep it in a barrel. If you do not have a barrel, use its simple and cheap alternative - oak chips, I wrote about its properties and preparation in this article.
  • Wood chips need to be put a little - one 10-cm chip per liter of moonshine, or even less, otherwise there is a risk of turning the drink into a "stool" (your obedient servant already has such a bitter experience), and keeping it longer, at least a couple of months.

So we learned how to drive moonshine out of apricots at home! As we can see, there is nothing supernatural in this, neither sophisticated equipment nor any virtuoso skills are needed - only desire and sincere love for the real elite of home drinks - fruit distillates!


Apricot is rightfully considered one of the most popular fruits, due to its high yield, hundreds of thousands of tons of fragrant fruits are harvested annually. They eat apricots, both fresh and canned, for example, they make jam or jams, moonshine from apricots or, more simply, apricots, is no less popular.

Today there are dozens of recipes house drink, but the main criteria for its preparation are the ingredients - whether to use sugar and yeast or not - the choice is purely individual, in any case, apricot moonshine will come out excellent!


Most popular recipe is the one in which there is sugar and yeast.

Despite the many controversies regarding the addition of these ingredients, apricot moonshine will turn out fragrant with a soft fruity palette.

To prepare a drink at home, you will need:

  1. Fresh apricot (compressed, juicy and even overripe fruits are perfect) - 10 kg;
  2. Sugar - 5 kg;
  3. Pressed yeast - 100 gr;
  4. Water - 10 - 15 liters (depending on the structure of the apricot).

IN classic recipe Braga is prepared with sugar because it is it that allows you to increase the final yield of the drink by at least 3 times. Some gourmets still insist on sugar-free recipes, but if instead of a fleshy honey fruit there is a sour apricot, the yield will be very small, so in this case sugar is salvation.

In order for the mash to replay faster, yeast is used. You can do without them, but in this case, the fermentation process will increase from 7 to 30-40 days.

To prepare an apricot at home, you must first sort and wash the fruit, you must make sure that rot does not get caught, then each apricot must be pitted. After preparatory phase, fruits must be chopped, for this a conventional meat grinder or a modern blender is perfect. Received fruit puree it is necessary to pour it into a bottle or a container in which the mash will play, add yeast, after dissolving it in water, add the remaining amount of water.

Sun protection

The container must be left in a place where there is no direct sunlight; a water seal must be put on the neck. The most convenient and easiest way is to buy a latex glove at the pharmacy and put it on the neck of the container where the mash plays. Another advantage of the glove is a visual understanding of the end of the fermentation process (the glove will deflate, and sediment will appear at the bottom).

After the completion of fermentation, the next stage begins - the primary distillation. To do this, strain the resulting consistency through cheesecloth. The total output is divided by:

  1. "Heads" are the first 0.1 - 0.2 liters, which have a characteristic odor due to the aldehydes present in the composition;
  2. Main exit (gathered as long as the fortress is kept up to 30 °;
  3. "Tails" - the last faction, which is used to increase the strength of the next mash, or simply not use it.

Apricot moonshine will turn out soft with a pleasant aroma and a slight aftertaste if you re-distill.


To make moonshine at home you will need:

  1. Ripe apricot - 5 kg;
  2. Water - 7 - 9 liters.

IMPORTANT: Fruits are by no means washed, they are only peeled, mashed in mashed potatoes and filled with water.

It is better to take apricot sweet, the higher the sugar content, the better the product will turn out. Braga costs from 2 weeks to 1.5 months, the duration will depend on the sugar content of the fruit, the higher, the faster the fermentation process will end. The distillation can be fractional, but it is better to choose a double one.

Prepare delicious quality drinks for yourself and your loved ones!


We make a drink according to Balkan recipes

Features of making homemade alcohol

If you decide at home normal conditions make moonshine from it delicious fruit, it is worth knowing about its features. taste buds we are not deceived - this fruit contains an average of about 18% sugars, in a wild game (zherdel) - about 8%, which is also not bad.

From apricots, although thick, it is still juice, and not mashed, like from bananas or pumpkins, so you can limit the amount of water in the wort. When adding water, add sugar to bring the sugar content of the future mash to 20%. The pits of ripe fruits are easily separated, the skin is thin, so it is not difficult to process apricots.


In the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, “Armenian apples” are used to make a delicious and very popular drink among tourists - raki kaysieva. It is obtained by single or double fractional distillation followed by infusion in oak barrels. Why not make this apricot moonshine at your home distillery?

Apricot brandy is made from ripe, literally falling apart fruits that have not begun to rot in any way. Otherwise, fermenting them correctly with a minimum of yeast will not work. We will need

  • ripe apricots (cultivar) - 25 kg;
  • prepared water - 75 liters;
  • sugar - 20 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 200 gr.

Cooking steps

The drink should be allowed to rest for several days, and it can be drunk cold or slightly warmed. As an appetizer - meat and cheese cuts.

  1. If you first make juice from apricots, and only make mash from it, then you can hardly add yeast. You will get fragrant and pure moonshine from apricots, which does not have to be distilled twice. About 6 liters of juice with a sugar content of about 10%–15% will come out of 10 kg of fruit. Required:
  • apricots - 20 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 100 gr.

Important: the juice from the perch may have undesirable high level acidity (standard - 1%). It can be knocked down by adding soft water in a 1: 1 ratio or pouring other juice with a low acid content - apple (from domestic varieties has an acidity of 0.2%), peach (0.4%), cherry (0.4%).

  • Do not wash the apricots, remove the pits and squeeze for juice. From sugar we make saturated sugar syrup(0.7 water and 1.5 sugar), cool to + 30 ° C, pour into juice.
  • Breeding yeast, waiting for the appearance abundant foam and add to the must. We put to wander in a warm place (t about + 25 ° C).
  • Estimated turnaround time is 10 days. Distilled in a single distiller fractional distillation and enjoy the wonderful aroma.

heavenly drink

The taste of cool apricot moonshine is a reminder of a light seaside breeze, warm nights, and summer. Well, if you want even more heat, then do as the Bulgarians do: add caramel or burnt sugar to the drink, a little orange peels, a couple of clove buds and a piece of cinnamon stick and heat (do not boil!) in a Turk. A cold dank evening will instantly take on the shade of a holiday.

How to make a drink at home

Apricots are probably the most popular fruit in our country; in terms of competition, they are only inferior to apples. And today we will look at one very tasty and fragrant recipe how to make homemade moonshine from this miracle fruit. IN classic version This recipe does not use yeast and sugar, which makes the drink very soft and aromatic, without the yeast flavor characteristic of sugar moonshine. But we will look at three main variations, with a focus on quality, speed and quantity.

To make moonshine from apricot, the first thing we need to do is prepare the fruit. You can use any variety of apricot, large or small, it does not matter, even beaten ones collected from the floor will do. The most important thing is that they are not rotten or moldy.


  • 10 kg. apricot;
  • 8-15 l. water;
  • Dry yeast 20 g or 100 g. pressed (optional, they are added to speed up fermentation);
  • 5 kg. sugar (optional, adding will slightly degrade the quality but significantly increase the yield of moonshine)

A bit of theory

  • If you do not add sugar to the mash, then at the exit from 10 kilograms of apricots we will get about 1.2 liters of moonshine, provided that the fruit contains 11% fructose.
  • Adding sugar can increase the yield by 3-4 times, but will leave a small imprint on the taste of the drink.
  • It's up to you to decide which is better, but it's better to focus on apricots, if they are sweet we can do without sugar and yeast, and as a result we get an excellent apricot schnapps.
  • But if your fruits are sour, then very little moonshine will turn out without sugar.

As for yeast, they are necessary to speed up the fermentation process, because the yeast that is on apricots ferment well, but for a long time. The whole process can drag on for a month and a half, while with bakery, mash wanders a little more than a week, or even less. But accelerated fermentation badly affect the taste and aroma of the drink.

All in all:

  1. Without the use of yeast and sugar, we get quality drink but very few and long wait.
  2. With sugar, you will have to wait about the same, but we will increase the yield by several times with a slight loss in quality.
  3. With yeast and sugar moonshine we will get quickly and a lot, but of much worse quality.


We transfer our mash to wander in a dark warm place, on the neck we install a rubber glove or a water seal as a valve. Fermentation can last from a week (with yeast) to a month and a half (without it). As soon as the glove is blown off, the mash will brighten, become bitter in taste and sediment will fall to the bottom. Fermentation can be considered complete and you can start distillation.

Before distillation, we filter the mash through cheesecloth so that the remains of the apricot do not burn. The output must be divided into fractions. The first 100-200 ml. these are heads, they are easily distinguished by an unpleasant smell. It is strictly forbidden to eat them. As soon as we select the heads, we begin to collect the main exit until its fortress drops below 30 degrees.

To clean this apricot moonshine, especially if it is made without the use of yeast, it is better not to use any cleaning methods other than repeated distillation in order to preserve the wonderful aroma and taste of the apricot drink.

It is easy to drink, in the morning the head does not hurt, the taste is so pleasant that you don’t even want to have a snack.


Of course, this drink is not as fragrant and tasty as described in the previous recipe, but as an option, giving new life to old jam will do just fine.


  • 3 l. apricot jam;
  • 150 g of pressed yeast;
  • 3 kg. Sahara;
  • 15 l. water.


  1. Dilute jam in warm water, add sugar and diluted yeast.
  2. We put to wander in a warm dark place for 5 days.
  3. Then we distill and clean it in any way you know.

At the output, we get from 6 to 9 liters of moonshine. For more information on making moonshine from old jam, see here.

Moonshine from apricots without yeast

Required Ingredients

  • 9 liters of apricots
  • 3 kilograms of granulated sugar
  • 15-18 liters of water

Cooking process

  1. Bones are removed from apricots, and the pulp should be mashed
  2. 2-3 liters of water are poured into the finished mass of crushed apricots, covered with gauze and left in a warm place for a couple of days
  3. Dissolve sugar in 10 liters of water and add to the fruit mass
  4. The fermentation process takes 2 to 3 weeks
  5. When fermentation stops, the mash can be distilled

When distilling, do not forget to remove the head fraction. there will be almost pure alcohol (not having the necessary fruity aroma and taste). Usually apricot moonshine is made of weak or medium strength. As a purification from harmful impurities, the use of carbon or fabric filters is preferable (pass through the filter several times). It is best to use a quality coconut filter for moonshine.

Apricot moonshine with yeast

Be sure to remove the seeds from the fruit

Required Ingredients

  • 10-11 kilograms of apricots
  • 100-150 grams of yeast
  • 9-10 kilograms of granulated sugar
  • 3-4 liters of water

Cooking process

  1. The fruits are peeled, the bones are removed; apricots are passed through a meat grinder or blender
  2. Sugar dissolves in warm water
  3. An apricot mass is placed in the fermentation tank, then it is poured with the resulting warm water with sugar and yeast added
  4. Everything is mixed well and put in a warm place for 5-7 days
  5. At the end of fermentation, you can distill the mash, you need 2 distillations

Apricot tincture: creating an aromatic drink and its description

Apricot tincture is no less popular drink than traditional moonshine.
In addition, an alembic is absolutely not needed for its preparation, but a certain amount of ready-made alcohol or vodka will be needed. Based on this, the question arises of how to prepare apricot tincture, which our next recipe will help answer. To implement it, we need the following set of ingredients:

  1. apricots - 1.5 kg;
  2. vodka - 1 l.

It is these two components that will be quite enough to prepare a full-fledged tincture. In general, the liqueur is made quite simply, you just need to pour the fruit with alcohol and leave this mixture for 20–30 days. However apricot tincture and its creation contains some nuances. First of all, they consist in the preparation of the fruits themselves. They must first be thoroughly washed, removing all dirt and dust. In addition, you need to remove the bones and separate the skin, leaving only the pulp. Next, you need to fill it with vodka and put in a dark place. In this position, the mixture should stand for at least 3–5 days, after which it must be mixed and set aside to infuse for another 20–25 days. As soon as the drink is completely settled, it must be filtered and cleaned. After that, it will acquire its final aroma and full taste.

apricot kernels

Instead of apricots, you can use their bones, which are infused with moonshine.

  • To do this, you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka, add 20–25 apricot pits to it, stand this liquid for at least 40–50 days, and strain the resulting drink well.
  • As a result, the tincture on apricot kernels will acquire a unique almond taste and delicate aroma.
  • In general, each of these recipes serves as the basis for creating a great drink that can be a decoration. holiday table and to please the guests who gathered behind him.


From apricot mash it turns out strong alcoholic drink. Excessive use of it is harmful to health, so be careful. If you decide to use the tincture to heal the disease, do not forget to consult a specialist. It is possible that you have other problems that may worsen after taking apricot remedy. How to make a Negroni drink at home - best cocktail according to Moonshine Men.

Apricot is one of the most popular fruits in the countries of the post-Soviet space, it loses competition, perhaps, only to an apple.

Thanks to the wonderful palatability and relative cheapness, this fruit is also used in our country as a raw material for the preparation of a fragrant alcoholic drink.

This material is for those who are interested in how to cook apricot mash.

General principles for preparing apricot mash

Everyone loves apricots: this beautiful orange fruit, with its color, taste and aroma, personifies the wonderful season - summer. At the same time, an apricot tree can also be very unpredictable with its harvest - sometimes it drops flowers from itself in the spring and does not please the owners with a harvest, but most often, even under seemingly not the best weather conditions, it can give out an incredible amount of fruit. And then it happens that some gardeners sometimes do not even know what to do with it later.

Most often, in addition to being consumed in finished form, apricots are used as jam or dried apricots. But many gourmets use it in their own way - they make apricot mash. Not everyone was lucky enough to taste this amazing drink but definitely worth a try.

When making a recipe for this wonderful drink in classical form, that is, without the use of sugar and yeast, the owners can get one of the best fruity distillates with a mild, delicate flavor and aroma. To get an excellent apricot mash, the emphasis should first of all be on 3 main components: quality, quantity and speed, so each of these components will be discussed below in more detail.

Harvest enough apricot crops in good year- the task is not at all difficult, since about 25–30 kg, and sometimes more, of carrion can be collected from just three trees, especially after a serious thunderstorm with gusty winds. Of course, part of the crop will go to jam and other sweets, but for mash there will be plenty of such fruits.

Since the apricot, unlike many other fruits and berries, is a large fruit with the most delicate pulp, there should be no problems with manually peeling and turning it into puree. In this fruit high content sugar - in the range of 12–15%, while sucrose breaks down more easily into alcohols and other minor products during the fermentation period than artificial sugar.

Recipes (ingredients and method of preparation)

So for cooking homemade alcohol from apricots we need the following components:
  • apricots - 10 kg. You can take fruits of any variety, the main thing is that they are ripe, you can even overripe, crushed and small apricots are also suitable. Make sure that mold and rot do not come across in the fruits, this is very important;
  • water - 10-15 liters. Water must be clean, without litter;
  • sugar - 5 kg (optional);
  • yeast - 20 g dry (optional).
This alcoholic drink is prepared as follows:

1) we need to take the amount of fruits (an important point when making without yeast) and remove all the seeds from them, this is necessary so that the drink does not turn bitter later;

2) by means of a blender or manually we process the pulp from apricots into a homogeneous mass, which then needs to be put into a fermentation tank;

3) add water, sugar and yeast diluted according to the instructions (needed for quick fermentation) and mix thoroughly. If the drink will be prepared without sugar, prepare 7-10 liters of water, if with it - 15 liters;

4) install a water seal on the neck of the container (a rubber glove with a hole in the finger) and transfer it to a dark place with room temperature. After some time (3-48 hours, depending on the yeast used), the first signs of fermentation will begin to appear (foam, bubbles, and after two days the liquid will begin to gurgle through the shutter and the glove will begin to inflate;

5) if you use artificial yeast, then the fermentation process will be completed in 5-10 days. It will be possible to determine this by the blown off glove and the color of the mash, which will brighten and get a bitter aftertaste. At the bottom, a sedimentary layer is formed. This means that it is time to distill it;

6) this process is made through gauze into a cube for distillation. Straining is a mandatory process, since the remaining pulp can burn and spoil the taste;

7) mash distillation can be done on any moonshine still. When the strength level drops below 30%, the distillate collection process is completed. For even better quality, it is recommended to double distillation. An important point - refuse to clean moonshine with charcoal or other methods, this can reduce its aroma;

8) when re-distilling, you need to collect all the resulting distillate and dilute it by half with water, thereby reducing the strength to 17-20%;

9) the first 70–100 ml of the yield (when adding sugar 220–250 ml) must be collected separately. This part is called "heads", it is forbidden to use it. After that, the distillate is taken until the outlet strength drops below 40 °, this will be the product we were aiming for;

10) moonshine from apricots is diluted with water to a suitable strength (usually 40–43%). Before you start drinking, the drink must be aged for 1.5-2 days in a dark, cool room.

You also need to know a few recommendations if you want to get a really high-quality product at the end.

For really high quality fragrant drink, in its manufacture it is better to do without sugar. Let the yield be lower, but the quality of the drink will be much better.

If sugar was not introduced into the apricot mash, then yeast should also be discarded. The product will ferment naturally, which means longer. When using yeast, the fermentation process will take about a week, without them - about 14-18 days, but on the other hand, you will get a wonderful drink with amazing taste and aroma.

When making a drink without sugar and yeast, the recipe should look like this:

  • apricot puree - 3 parts;
  • water - 2 parts;
  • peach puree - 1 part (if any).
Due to the presence of peach in the drink, it will get a more pronounced taste and contrast. If it is not available, apricots with water can be used as an alternative. Be sure to expose the container to the sun so that the drink warms up well in the open air and starts natural process fermentation. If it is warm enough at night, it can be left around the clock, so the daytime sun will be an excellent fermentation catalyst for it. The water seal should be set in a day. When the mash is ready, it must be put on the stage without filtration and clarification. An important point: put the drink on slow fire. This is necessary so that it slowly and gradually breaks up into fractions. A big mistake many people make is to try to complete the process as quickly as possible, and then wonder why the drink turned out so much worse. Therefore, make sure that he slowly, drop by drop, is driven out, no streams!

As mentioned above, it is recommended to do a double distillation so as not to lose flavor. During the second stage, the steamer must be filled with fruit pulp, lemon peel at the same time, it should not be, since it will easily interrupt the apricot flavor.

If you decide to make mash with sugar, then distillation can be done in the standard way, that is, filter it, make the fire stronger and let the moonshine flow out in a thin stream, this will also save you time.

And another one important recommendation: never mix apricot and plum together, as the latter will immediately kill the wonderful aroma of apricot. In addition, when making apricot mash, use a separate fermentation tank and a distillation cube, that is, nothing else should be cooked in them, otherwise delicate fragrance apricot may be lost.

Here, perhaps, is all you need to know if you want to make excellent homemade apricot mash yourself. Do not forget that in order to get a high-quality drink, each stage of preparation must be done gradually, rushing to this case may mean a low-quality product at the exit, which you will be disappointed very quickly.

Apricots are the second most popular after apples. In what recipes are they not used! Jams, liqueurs, compotes, tinctures, wines... Taste variations of drinks made from these fruits are extensive, and every time they surprise with new sensations. Today we will look at how to make homemade apricot moonshine without the use of yeast and sugar. Without these ingredients, the drink turns out to be soft, rich, acquires a delicate aroma and does not have characteristic yeast notes in the taste. Let's try to recreate at home three options for apricot moonshine, focusing on speed, quality and quantity.

Moonshine from fresh apricots

In order to make the most delicious moonshine from fresh apricots, it is not necessary to buy perfect, undamaged fruit. The fruits can be anything: large and small, whole and broken, ripe and overripe - all of them will be mercilessly crushed. The main thing is that apricots should not have rot and mold.

Required Ingredients:

  • apricots - 10 kg;
  • water - 8-15 l;
  • yeast - 100 g (you can add them if you wish - to speed up the fermentation processes);
  • sugar - 5 kg (adding is optional, since sugar worsens the taste of the drink, but it increases its volume).

It's important to know

Braga without sugar will give out about 1.5 liters of moonshine (out of 10 kg of apricot). The necessary sweetness will be given to it by the fruits themselves due to the fructose they contain. Sugar, on the other hand, can triple or quadruple the volume of the drink, while affecting its taste.

What to do? Everything is simple. When parsing a recipe, start from your fruits. If they are sweet enough, you will not need yeast and sugar, but in the case of sour apricots, it is better to sweeten the moonshine.

Yeast, as mentioned above, speeds up the fermentation process. Moonshine from ripe apricots without yeast will ferment for a very long time - about 40-45 days, while adding them will reduce this period to 7-10 days. However, there are some “pitfalls” here too - operational fermentation will give the drink a specific taste and smell.

Drawing conclusions

So, let's break it all down:

  • The recipe, which does not involve yeast and sugar, results in a delicious, clean, high-quality moonshine. True, it will turn out to be small (maximum 1.5 liters), and the cooking process will take a month and a half. But on the other hand, not entirely pleasant yeast notes will be absent in its taste.
  • With the participation of sugar, the preparation time is not reduced, but the yield of the drink is significantly increased. Minus - the quality of moonshine worsens a little.
  • The most efficient way is with the addition of both yeast and sugar. However, here speed comes at the expense of quality - the moonshine turns out to be “average” and not so clean.

Which recipe to choose in the end is up to you. When choosing, start from what is more important to you - terms, quality or mash yield.

Manufacturing technology at home

  1. Prepare fruit. If you decide to make moonshine without yeast, you should not wash the apricots.
  2. Free the fruits from the stones and chop with a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Fill the resulting slurry with water. Without sugar, 10 liters will be enough, with sugar - 15 liters of water. Separately, dilute the yeast in warm water and add it to the mixture (optional).
  4. Braga should be stored in a dark but warm place with a hermetically sealed lid (a water seal or a rubber glove will do).
  5. Infusion will last: 7-10 days (with the addition of yeast), 40-45 days (without it).
  6. When the mash acquires a light color and bitter notes in taste, and a precipitate forms at the bottom of the container, you can proceed to distillation.
  7. Before this, filter the liquid through several layers of gauze.
  8. Distillation is carried out on a special moonshine still. Divide the product yield into fractions. The first batch ("heads") should be selected, as it contains toxic substances.
  9. After removing the first fraction, you can start collecting the main yield until the alcohol content drops below 45%.
  10. At the next stage, the output of the so-called "tails" rich in fusel oils will begin. To clean them, moonshine should be driven a few more times.

Attention! If moonshine is prepared without yeast, it is better not to apply any cleaning methods to it, but simply repeat the distillation. This will help preserve its bright apricot flavor and aroma.

The result is a soft, easy-to-drink drink that tastes like apricot hoppy vodka.

A detailed recipe is presented in the video below.

Moonshine from apricot jam

There is a great way to save moldy or fermented apricot jam - make excellent moonshine from it.


  • apricot jam - 6 l:
  • water - 30 l;
  • yeast - 300 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Dissolve apricot jam in warm water until smooth. Add to it a separately made yeast sourdough.

    Attention! To increase the amount of moonshine, you can add 3 kg of sugar to the recipe.

  2. Braga cover and send to infuse for 5 days in a dark warm place.
  3. Next, the moonshine is distilled and purified by any known method.

From these ingredients, 6 liters of the drink should be obtained, and with the participation of sugar - 9 liters.

Attention! When preparing jam - the basis for moonshine, make sure that there are no traces of mold on it. The latter is extremely harmful to the body.

The recipe for moonshine from apricot jam is described step by step in the video:

Apricots, apples and cherries have one thing in common - in our country, these trees are in almost every yard. And in some, there is more than one. Therefore, the amount of fruits themselves just rolls over. Eating everything is simply unrealistic, so a lot of fruit goes into the trash. But it is unreasonable to throw out the gifts of nature. Let's use them more rationally. And we will analyze innovation using the example of apricots.

One of the best solutions is to make apricot moonshine. If there are a lot of apricots, then why throw them away if you can put them into action? Below we will tell you how to make moonshine from apricots and what you need for this. To do this, we have prepared the most popular recipes.

Braga from apricots

The simplest recipe for apricot mash is as follows:

  • 1 kg of fruit;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 g dry yeast or 10 g pressed;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

A couple of remarks need to be made:

  • Yeast does not need to be added. Apricot mash already “plays” so well, but yeast can be added to speed up the process;
  • Sugar is also not a necessary addition. In addition, sugar can worsen the taste of the drink at home. But there is a downside - it will increase the yield of the finished product.

That is, if you do not add yeast, you will have to wait about a month and a half, which is not always convenient. But, with yeast, the waiting period is reduced to a week. In some cases, it is even less. True, there is a “reverse side of the coin”: yeast slightly, but affect the taste of moonshine.

As for sugar, it’s even more interesting here: with it, you can distill 3-5 liters of alcohol from 10 kg of fruit for moonshine. If you do without them, then you will get 3-4 times less alcohol. In order to understand whether you need to add sugar at all, try one of the fruits: if it is sour, then the final product will be extremely small. In order to increase the yield of the product, you can add a little sugar.

If we reduce all of the above, we can derive the following rules:

  1. Without sugar and yeast, we will wait a long time and get little excellent quality;
  2. Sugar increases the amount of the product, but slightly impairs its taste and smell;
  3. Yeast and sugar can make excellent alcohol, don’t understand what, but there will be a lot of it and the cooking time will be reduced to a minimum.

Preparation and distillation of mash

  1. First, we decide whether we will add yeast or not. If they are not, then we do not wash the fruit;
  2. Peel the fruit and remove the seeds;
  3. Carefully scroll through all the fruits through a meat grinder to get more juice;
  4. Adding water. And again, there are two ways: if we add sugar, then for 10 kilograms of mashed potatoes you will need 15 liters of water. Otherwise, fill in only 8 liters;
  5. Now the longest process: fermentation. We put on a water seal or a glove and put it in a dark, warm place. After the mash brightens, sediment falls to the bottom, and its taste becomes bitter, fermentation is over. The process can take anywhere from a week to a month and a half. What the term depends on is written above;
  6. Now you definitely need to filter the mash through gauze. Some fruits can be left unfiltered by heating the alembic gradually. With apricots, this trick will not work and they will instantly burn and spoil the whole drink. Therefore, filtering is mandatory;
  7. The distillation must be fractional. Initially, from 100 to 200 ml are the heads. It's better not to risk it, and even after the disappearance bad smell, still choose exactly 200 ml - so you protect yourself from fusel oils. Tails start at 30 degrees;
  8. Great as a cleanser charcoal. But this is only if you used yeast and sugar. If they were not added, then purification can only be by a second distillation. This is done to preserve the taste and smell of apricots.

Apricot alcohol differs in that it does not cause a hangover, and it is very easy to drink.

Moonshine from apricot jam

Here the taste will be slightly less pronounced, and the aroma is not so strong, but still. We put on the table:

  • 1 liter of apricot jam;
  • 50 g of pressed yeast;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 5 liters of water.

Here you can’t do without yeast - during the preparation of jam, all microorganisms in them are killed by heat treatment. The above proportions are nominal. As the amount of jam increases, the volume of other ingredients should also be increased. And how to cook, read below:

  1. Pour the jam into a container;
  2. We catch the fruits and pass through a meat grinder in the same way as fresh fruits;
  3. We fall asleep yeast and pour water;
  4. We let it ferment for 5 days (it can be more accurately determined by the cessation of gurgling in the water seal or lowering the glove);
  5. Distillation will not be difficult;
  6. We clean homemade moonshine in any way at our discretion.

By making alcohol in this way, you can get from 2 to 3 liters pure product.


It is good apricot moonshine that is considered the most delicious in the whole world. For this, he received worldwide popularity and recognition. If there is time, and the amount of the output product is not critical, then it is better to drive moonshine without the use of sugar and yeast. His taste will turn out beyond all praise! But if you resort to the use of the above components, then the moonshine will have to be cleaned, which will make it a completely ordinary drink. Braga recipes for yeast moonshine are simply countless, but not every one of them is successful. The most worthwhile of them are apricot mash recipes without yeast.

Attention, only TODAY!

Great alcohol with a pleasant aroma of fruit without yeast and granulated sugar - this is quite real. And proof of this is moonshine from apricots. The most important thing in obtaining distillate is to work not only on its quantity, but also on its quality. Plays a role and the time of preparation of the drink.

Choosing raw materials

Apricots are suitable for any variety - this will not affect the taste and aroma of the drink. They can be both the first ripeness and completely overripe. Wrinkled fruits will do as well. The most important thing is that the apricots show no signs of mold and rot.

Sugar and yeast - to add or not

Apricots contain different amounts of fructose. This indicator depends on where the fruit is grown, as well as on its variety. Approximate fructose content is 11%. It can be calculated that without the introduction of granulated sugar from 10 kg of raw materials, approximately 1.2 liters of apricot moonshine will be obtained. When sugar is added according to the recipe, the yield increases to 7 liters. However, the organoleptic properties of alcohol will undoubtedly become worse.
It is best not to add either yeast or granulated sugar to the recipe. But then your apricots should be very sweet. When distilling such a brew, you will get not an ordinary moonshine, but a real German schnapps. But if the raw material is acidic, then it will not be possible to do without granulated sugar, since the product yield will be extremely small.

Fresh apricots have wild yeast by default. They can perfectly ferment the wort on their own, but they will need a lot of time - a little more than a month. If you add yeast to the recipe, then the mash will be ready in 5-10 days. However, this will negatively affect the taste and smell of the drink in the future. If you have the time and desire to get a really high-quality product, make apricot mash without adding yeast.

His Majesty - the recipe!

We will need:

  • 10 kg of raw materials:
  • from 8 to 15 liters of water;
  • 5 kg of sugar - optional;
  • 20 g of dry or 100 g of pressed yeast - an ingredient of your choice.

Preparation of the mash

  1. Raw materials should never be washed, otherwise you will get rid of wild yeast spores. Remove all the bones, because they "give" alcohol a bitter aftertaste.
  2. Now the apricots should be turned into a kind of gruel. A blender or meat grinder will help you with this. You can also just crush the fruit with your hands. Place a homogeneous mass in a fermentation container.
  3. We add water, granulated sugar and yeast (previously diluted according to the instructions) to it. Mix the substance. If you are making mash without sugar, then take 8-10 liters of water. If you add sand, then increase the water "dose" by 5 liters.
  4. A rubber glove with a hole is put on the vessel or set. Take the container to a warm and dark place. If you chose wild yeast for fermentation, then the first signs of it will appear after about 2 days. In the case of adding yeast - after 2 hours. You will observe a hiss and the appearance of a foam cap. A little later, the water seal will begin to bubble, and the glove will inflate.
  5. After 10-40 days (depending on the chosen fermentation method), your apricot mash at home will be ready. You will see this by the following signs: the water seal will stop bubbling water (the glove will fall), the mash will become lighter, its taste gives off bitterness, there is sediment at the bottom of the vessel. It's time to move on to the next step - distillation.

Cooking moonshine from apricots

  1. Carefully strain your mash with cheesecloth. This is a must, as pieces of pulp are likely to burn during the distillation process. The taste of the drink from this will become much worse, and may even deteriorate. As they say, a fly in the ointment ...
  2. Distillation can be carried out in a moonshine of absolutely any design. Stop distillation as soon as the ABV falls below 30%. But experts do not advise cleaning this drink. After all, with it, almost all the apricot flavor will be lost. To improve the quality, be sure to re-distill.
  3. Dilute the resulting alcohol with water to a strength of 18-20%, and then send it to the secondary distillation.
  4. We select the head fraction - the first 50-100 ml, if sugar was not added (otherwise - 200-250 ml). This liquid is not suitable for consumption. Then we continue distillation until the strength of alcohol is below 40 degrees.
  5. Now dilute the drink to the strength that you like. Usually it is 40-45 degrees. Before you treat yourself to apricot moonshine, soak it in a dark and cool place for several days. This will improve the organoleptic properties of the drink.