How to properly prepare mash and moonshine from ranetki. Preparing fruit mash

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Moonshine is an alcoholic drink that can be made from almost any raw material at home. It could be just sugar or various berries and fruits, cereals, potatoes and much more.

An excellent mash for moonshine is made from ranetki. It is rich in vitamins and contains a low percentage of alcohol.

Fruit mash on Ranetki can be used as a basis for the production of alcoholic products, or consumed as an independent refreshing drink.

Apples of any variety are suitable for fruit moonshine. Especially aromatic drink at home it is obtained from ranetki - small apples growing in almost every garden. These are dense, medium-sized fruits, tart in taste, slightly sour, very fragrant, with big amount vitamins They are valued for the fact that they more than give away all their taste and useful qualities the drink being made.

Methods for making mash on Ranetki

Braga, for which ranetki served as raw materials, can be supplied:

  1. with yeast and sugar;
  2. without yeast;
  3. sugarless.

Ranetki for mash are prepared in one of the following ways:

  1. The fruits are cut into thin slices.
  2. The apples are crushed in a blender and passed through a meat grinder to obtain fruit puree.
  3. Squeeze juice from ranetkas using a press or juicer.

Mash recipe based on ranetka puree

List necessary products for the production of fruit mash at home:

  1. ranetki – 15 kg;
  2. sugar – 2 kg;
  3. dry yeast - 10 g or 50 g pressed;
  4. water – 10 l.

In order for the mash to turn out to be of high quality, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Wash the apples, cut out the spoiled areas and the core. Cut the prepared fruits into slices and chop until homogeneous mass, puree.
  2. Prepare a fermentation container in which to place the fruit puree. Pour 9 liters of water on top.
  3. Dissolve sugar in one liter of water and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions, add to the fruit mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Next, the container is tightly closed, and the mash is put away in a warm place for 10 days, where the fermentation process will take place.

    An important point: the next day after the mash has been put on fermentation, you should check it. In the upper part of the fermentation tank, a dense layer of pulp should appear on the surface of the liquid. It needs to be destroyed by stirring with a wooden stick for better foaming.

  6. Braga is considered ready after 10 days. You can recognize this by the following signs: the pulp will settle to the bottom, the bubbling will stop, the liquid will become lighter.

Technology for producing moonshine from fruit mash

So, the mash is ready. How to get excellent moonshine from it? Experienced moonshiners advise abandoning the stage of filtering the mash; it is enough to just carefully drain the liquid from the sediment. This will allow you to obtain moonshine with a high degree of strength and with full preservation of the original aroma of freshly picked ranetki.

There may be some solids left in the fruit mash. To prevent them from burning during distillation of the liquid into moonshine, the entire process should be done over low heat or a water bath.

The process of producing moonshine from ranetki at home involves double distillation fruit mash:

  1. First distillation.

    Moonshine is selected in compliance with the fractions. The first 100 ml of the drink is poured into a separate container, as a product hazardous to health.

    The collection of liquid continues until the strength drops to 40°. The output is 1.25 liters of moonshine with a strength of 60°, and the same volume of 40°.

  2. Additional infusion of the drink.

    Fresh ranetki are added to the drink obtained after the first distillation and left for 3 days to infuse. This improves the quality of the drink and enhances the apple aroma.

    Before filtering, add an additional 1.5 liters of water.

  3. Second distillation.

    The process of removing the first heads is repeated again, in an amount of 100 ml.

    The drink is taken until the strength in the stream drops to 40°.

The result is 1.5 liters of pure, aromatic moonshine, with a strength of 60° or a little more.

The secret of the popularity of moonshine largely lies in the fact that it can be made from a wide variety of raw materials. And depending on starting products- sugar- or starch-containing - the recipes and the final taste of homemade alcohol will be different. Distillers often make, for example, fruit moonshine, because the source material is always at hand - in the nearest garden, orchard or forest. Reach out, pick up the fallen apples, throw in a little yeast, and now the moment of distillation awaits for cider or moonshine.

A few secrets


Apple moonshine

In general, in moonshine, including fruit moonshine:

  • sugar content should be 10–15% by weight;
  • water and fruit mass - 85–90%;
  • For 1 kg of sugar you need 100 grams of compressed yeast.

That is, if you have 10 kg of apples with a sugar content of 10%, it would be a good idea to add another kilogram to one and a half granulated sugar to increase the yield of the product. The taste of the drink will not be affected. However, there are strong opponents of adding sugar to fruit moonshine: sucrose, in their opinion, spoils homemade alcohol and slows down the fermentation process.

Advice: if you are making moonshine from such capricious products, such as pears, from which it is impossible to obtain juice (mashed), add more water. And when distilling, place the cube on water bath, and not on an open fire.

Raspberry moonshine.

Raspberry moonshine

There are plenty of recipes for apple and plum moonshine. In addition, this is a raw material with which it is not a pity to experiment - there is always an abundance of it. But making raspberry moonshine (not tincture!) at home is an interesting thing. Required:

  • raspberries - 10 kg of peeled berries;
  • prepared water - 12 liters;
  • sugar - 3 kg (if the variety is sour, then 4 kg is possible, then add 4 liters of water);
  • yeast - 200 gr. pressed.

It is strictly not recommended to wash the berries - for the first couple of days, mashed raspberries will ferment perfectly with “wild” yeast. Then add the remaining components (water, sugar, yeast) to the wort. In approximately 5–10 days the mash will be ready. It needs to be filtered and can be distilled by distillation with the usual cutting off of the “heads” and “tails”. Such fruit moonshine is worth passing through carbon filter, let it sit for 2 weeks, and you can pamper yourself and your guests.


There are several ways to make this drink from almost free post-New Year's
. The easiest way is to make it from juice mixed with water - there will be a normal yield and a quite perceptible taste of tangerines. Required:

  • tangerines - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 200 gr.;
  • prepared water - 5 liters.

We clean the fruits and make about 3.5 liters of juice from them. We warm it up (3 minutes to +80°C) to reduce its antiseptic properties. tangerine drink. Cool, set sugar mash with juice from the available ingredients. In 10–14 days, the tangerine mash will be ready for distillation.


Cherry moonshine

This fruit moonshine is also very popular among those who own own garden- from time to time nature pleases with a very bountiful harvest of cherries. You can make a sweet infusion or liqueur out of it, or you can directly add mash. We will need:

  • - 25 kg;
  • prepared water - 30 liters;
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • sugar syrup (1 sugar: 5 water) - 2 liters;
  • dry active yeast - a tablespoon.

This wort will ferment for approximately 10 days. The output will be high-quality alcohol with a pronounced fruity aroma.

Is it useful?

Many home distillers argue about the purity and healthfulness of homemade fruit distillates. But if you do not abuse moonshine, then in small doses you can treat yourself to a drink that does not fully comply with GOST standards for drinking alcohol. In the end, best wines, cognacs and whiskeys do not exactly correspond to them, but they captivate us with their magical aromas and taste.

Moonshine is made from beer, barley grains, vegetables and fruits. The article will discuss how to make moonshine from fruits.

How to make mash from fruits

There are different fruits, those that grow in Russia and exotic ones. Fruit mash is a little different from standard recipe, the cooking process. That is, you will have to tinker with the fruit longer, but the result will be amazing.

For the right technology You should take both berries and fruits to make the taste soft and delicate. The fruits, including the peel, are finely chopped, if apples, then the core is removed. Stone fruits or stoneless fruits are then added to the fruit. They can be removed or left as desired.

Sugar is added to the fruits in a filled container in certain quantities; if the fruits are sweet, then less sugar is added. They also add syrup by diluting sugar with warm water. It is prepared 1:1, if you add less sugar, then it can no longer be called syrup.

The next step is to add water to make the mash thin and non-liquid. It is better to stick to the recipe according to which you are preparing. And also use bottled water. Since the liquid from the tap contains chlorine, which gives the drink an off-flavor. Or let the water sit for 2-3 hours, the chlorine will disappear, and add it to the wort.

Then yeast is added.

They are:

  • alcohol,
  • wine (including wild),
  • bakery;
  • pubs

Brewer's yeast is not suitable for moonshine; it is used to make beer. Such a drink does not have sufficient strength, and the mash will constantly rise to the top. But the moonshine from the finished beer will turn out great.

Read also:

Bakery and alcoholic drinks are suitable for moonshine; the base is not fruity.

Wine yeast is ideal for drinks with berries and fruits. Summer residents prefer “wild” bacteria that arise directly on unwashed fruits. It is believed that due to spontaneous fermentation, moonshine turns out soft and tender. But there is a danger in them; in parallel with beneficial bacteria, numerous microbes can develop that spoil fermentation.

If everything is prepared in exact proportions and followed temperature regime 25–28 degrees, then within a week the fermentation process will begin.

To ensure that the fermentation process goes smoothly, it is worth keeping an eye on it. The container where the mash is located must be covered with film and wrapped tightly, making 8 - 10 holes. The holes are needed to allow carbon dioxide to escape.

After three days, remove the film and use a large spoon to collect the fruit floating on top. And cover it again with plastic. The process should be repeated three times with an interval of 2 to 3 days.

After a certain period of time, the mash is prepared for distillation. If you leave it, the base will become a liqueur.

Fruit mash proportions:

  • fruit and berry puree 20 kg;
  • sugar 3 kg (less can be done if the berries are sweet);
  • wine yeast 100g;
  • 20 liters of water (bottled or settled).

If cherries are used in the puree, it is better to leave them with the pit. Because it gives the final drink a rich almond flavor. Many people believe that the aroma comes from wild apricot, but in fact this is not the case. The seed, although bitter, does not have a rich aroma.

By the way, it is known that ordinary liquid turns into ice at 0 degrees, and alcohol at -118. Therefore, many moonshiners use freezing instead of the first distillation. This saves time and effort. The container with the mash is placed in the freezer for 2-3 days, then decanting the alcohol. But then you will have to do the distillation using a conventional apparatus, since freezing does not remove fusel oils.

Banana moonshine

Bananas are exotic berry, which have successfully taken root in Russia. This fruit is soft and does not require extra effort in processing. It contains 30% sugar and 2% starch, which turns into sugar. B vitamins help well in the fermentation process.

But it turned out that making mash from this difficult process. For wort it is necessary to have moisture, which is absent in the right amount. And even more so in overripe fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare jam, which will act as a wort.

At the first stage, overripe fruits should be washed with warm water and separated from the peel. Since the peel contains 10% alcohol, it should not be thrown away. The peels with berries are placed in different containers.

When chopping the fruits, add 600 grams of granulated sugar and 2 liters of water for each kilogram. You need to cook in a Teflon-coated pan, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, as the berries burn easily. If the jam goes bad, then oh good moonshine you can forget.

As it boils, foam appears; it should be collected and placed in a container with the peel. It contains a lot of sugar. When the jam is cooked and cools, it will resemble liquid compote. You should take gauze and strain.

Now add 1 liter of wort:

  • sugar 1 kg;
  • water 2 liters;
  • wine yeast 10 gr.

The banana pulp is placed in a container with peel and the same process is carried out. Upon completion, you should begin distillation in both containers. There is a nuance here: the peel should be distilled twice, and former jam one.

As a result, the peel will produce a rich banana aroma, and the jam will produce a soft drink with subtle notes of bananas. When refining the moonshine, add orange or vanilla zest. And leave for 2 days for the destabilization process.

Making moonshine using plums

An alcoholic drink made from plums can be prepared with or without yeast. If there is no yeast, then they are collected unwashed and made into wort. Moonshine from plums is obtained with a strength of 52 degrees, if such a drink is placed in oak barrels and aged for about three years, then in the Czech Republic such a drink is called “brandy”.

To prepare mash for subsequent distillation and production of alcohol, you need at least three components: water, yeast and sugar. Perhaps all berries, without exception, contain sugar in a greater or lesser percentage. Because to receive strong drink Any berries are suitable, depending on the taste and olfactory preferences of the distiller. Even from a watermelon (albeit a very large berry), if you really want to, you can get moonshine. Depending on the selected berry, the presence and quantity of yeast and sugar in the recipe will be determined.

Berries like hawthorn and rowan contain little sugar, and without additional use, the percentage of alcohol yield will be negligible. Sweet berries like grapes or some cherries allow you to avoid adding extra sugar. Many berries have “wild” yeast on the skin, which, although it ferments many times longer than “cultivated” ones (alcoholic or baking), does not give off any foreign flavors and aromas, giving the drink a touch of nobility.

However, one thing is indisputable: homemade berry mash recipes are used very often and everywhere, and produce aromatic and fairly soft distillates. And the most popular grapes are generally known throughout the world: we know them under the names chacha, grappa, rakia and others. The most important thing when preparing mash from berries is to prevent spoiled or rotten berries from getting into the wort. Infection of the wort with mold will ruin all your work, so take the time and carefully sort out the raw materials before preparing the mash.

Below we will look at several examples of berry mash recipes.

Important. In order to preserve the aroma of berry raw materials and at the same time not to “poison” the drink with harmful impurities, it is necessary to carry out distillation on a reliable apparatus. The best solution would be (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand) that meets modern quality and safety standards. The model you are interested in can be found at.

Strawberry mash recipe


  • berries - 5 kg
  • clean water - 7 l
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • yeast - 15 g dry or 70 g pressed


  1. Mash the berries to a homogeneous mushy mass and transfer to a fermentation container.
  2. Add sugar, water and yeast activated according to instructions to the berry mass.
  3. Mix the wort with a clean stirrer, close the container with a lid with a water seal and put it in a warm, dark place.
  4. Fermentation time, depending on the yeast, ranges from 7 to 30 days. Ready mash does not emit gas, tastes bitter (no sweet aftertaste), the liquid is clarified (yeast and raw materials precipitate).

Recipe for mash from rowan berries


  • red rowan berries - 5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 5 kg
  • clean water - 15 liters
  • yeast - 300 grams pressed or 50 grams dry

Note. Instead of yeast, it is permissible to use raisin starter.

Making mash:

  1. Pour boiling water over the rowan berries.
  2. Separate the berries from the bunches and mash with a masher.
  3. Transfer the berry mass to a fermentation container, add sugar and warm water(30-32°C)
  4. Activate the yeast according to the instructions and add to the container.
  5. Mix the contents of the container thoroughly, then place the container in a dark, warm place.
  6. After 1.5-2 days, the fermentation process should begin. When fermentation has begun, close the container with a lid and install a water seal (or alarm glove).
  7. The fermentation process takes an average of two to three weeks. During this time, the wort must be stirred periodically (every 2-3 days)

Grape mash recipe


  • grapes - 5 kilograms
  • warm clean water - 15 liters
  • dry yeast - 40 grams, it is better to use alcoholic yeast
  • granulated sugar - 5 kilograms

If you want to use wild yeast for fermentation, you do not need to wash the grapes. Just remember that purchased grapes are treated with chemicals that kill yeast. For mash on wild yeast Only berries grown in reputable sources are suitable. In this case, there is no need to add additional yeast. Keep in mind that the fermentation process will take from 20 to 60 days, but the wait time is worth the result!

Making mash:

  1. Sort the berries and place them in the freezer for a day (they will give juice better).
  2. Defrost the berries and crush them lightly in a bowl with your hands or a masher.
  3. Transfer the berries to a fermentation container and add water (28-30°C).
  4. Activate the yeast and add to the fermentation container.
  5. Add sugar in several stages. On the first day we add the first kilogram of sugar, and in the next four days we add the remaining sugar one kilogram at a time (in total, all 5 kg will be consumed in five days), carefully stirring the wort until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Throughout the entire fermentation process (from 7 to 14 days with dry yeast), the mash should be tightly closed with a lid with an installed water seal (or “signal glove”).

The berry moonshine obtained as a result of distillation of mash is aromatic and delicious drink. Its taste characteristics can be complemented by preparing one of.

The most commonly used is fruit, which can be made from any berries and fruits. This is very profitable, since almost every owner of a private house has at his disposal a whole garden of free fruits. How is fruit mash prepared? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Fruit mash - great way recycle excess fruits and berries from your own garden

Everyone knows that alcohol on store shelves is becoming more expensive every day, and it is not always possible to buy an extra bottle of drink even for a very big holiday. Some people have long abandoned store-bought products and make their own alcoholic drinks. Modern people can do almost anything alcoholic drinks at home (cognac, rum, liqueur, wine and other equally tasty drinks).

How to make fruit mash at home yourself?

You can make mash not only from regular sugar and yeast, but also from fruit. You can take absolutely as a basis different fruits. Any berry is also ideal for subsequent production of mash and moonshine, respectively. During the fermentation process they will turn into real alcohol.

For the mash you will need yeast, sugar and fruit

To obtain a higher alcohol level, add a little sugar to the fruit. Thanks to the resulting fermented mixture, you can get not only a simple brew, but also high-quality liqueur, wine, and even quite strong moonshine. In order for the fermentation process to begin, yeast must be added to the mixture. Nowadays, there is a huge variety of yeast, which you can buy at any grocery store or on the Internet.

The fruit mash recipe is very simple. To prepare it, you should take approximately 3 kg of fruits or berries, half a kilogram of sugar, approximately 30 g of lemon juice or several tablespoons citric acid and yeast. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a fairly large bucket.

It is very important to cover the container with a lid so that the fruit is under the so-called press. This is why you should put something very heavy on the lid, for example, bricks or filled three-liter jars.

For more details, watch this video:

Before placing all the ingredients of the future mash in a container, you should prepare the fruit well. To begin with, experts recommend washing them very thoroughly and removing seeds and damaged areas. It is also very important to cut large components, such as apples, into slices, because it is the chopped fruit that can contribute to accelerated process fermentation.

Sliced ​​fruits must be placed at the very bottom of the container and poured cold water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit.

After this, you can boil this mixture and add sugar and lemon juice. All this should be stirred constantly to make a puree.

After this, remove the pan from the heat and stir the mixture again. For the perfect consistency, you can use a blender, but in this case it will take a lot of time.

After this, you need to let the fruit mixture cool until room temperature. Then the puree is transferred to a regular bucket and filled with water almost halfway.

How to make mash from fruit puree?

As everyone already understood, this was not the final result of obtaining the alcoholic mixture that is necessary for preparing alcoholic fruit drinks.

The next step is adding yeast to the resulting puree. It is very important to stir the puree so that the yeast is almost completely dissolved in the mixture. After this, cover the bucket cling film. This must be done as tightly as possible so that excess oxygen does not enter the container. However, for carbon dioxide to escape, 5 to 10 small holes should be made in the film. For an example of making apple-based fruit mash, watch this video:

Fruit puree should be infused in such conditions for at least 3 days. After a few days, it is necessary to remove the film and eliminate all the liquid that has formed on the surface of the press. A large spoon or ladle is ideal for this process. After this, you should mix the puree again and cover it again with the same sequence. In no case should you forget about the holes, otherwise the mash for moonshine will never appear. Then you need to wait at least another 2 - 3 days.

The same procedure should be repeated again. Already on the 9th day the mash will be completely ready. The resulting product can be processed to produce almost any alcoholic beverage.

Most often, of course, fruit mash is processed into liqueurs and moonshine, since their preparation does not require a lot of sugar and other ingredients.

Sometimes the mash is left in this position for at least 2 weeks, and then real liqueur comes out without distillation.

If you leave the mash for 2 weeks, you will get a real fruit liqueur

Still, you shouldn’t think that making mash is a very simple process. First, you should carefully prepare the fruit. As a rule, this takes a lot of free time. Secondly, it is very important to constantly monitor the condition of the brew. The fact is that sometimes, for unknown reasons, the fermentation process does not occur, and fruit puree becomes simply dangerous for further use. And, of course, we must not forget about the press, which must be sufficient to compress a certain amount fruit puree. An example of mash making apple pulp watch in this video:

Fruit mash is truly a salvation for the current population. Thanks to her, we have the opportunity to independently prepare pleasant-tasting fruit alcoholic drinks, which cost a lot of money in stores.