Tangerine juice, cocktails from it and delicious drinks from tangerine slices. Recipes with tangerines

In winter, many children and adults prefer to eat large quantity fruits and berries in order to replenish your supply of vitamins. Often their choice stops at apples and tangerines. After all, these fruits have a fairly affordable cost, and they also contain a huge amount of useful trace elements.

It's no secret that many interesting dishes can be made from tangerines. Which of them are the simplest and most original? More on this later.

Fruit salad

Fruit salad, which is prepared quite simply, can become a wonderful decoration of any table. To do this, peel and finely chop one banana, orange, a couple of tangerines, the same number of medium apples and one kiwi. After all the ingredients are ready, they should be sprinkled with sugar to taste (or powdered sugar), season with a small amount of ice cream and serve immediately. If desired, you can replace some components. Some housewives recommend dressing such as ice cream, replace it with yogurt or sour cream.

So, what can be prepared from tangerines and apples? Salad. To do this, you can use the following recipe. It is necessary to peel the indicated fruits in equal proportions, cut them into cubes, season with yogurt, sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste, mix well and serve.


Compote prepared on the basis of such ingredients can turn out to be very tasty. In order to make it as rich as possible, you need to take 4 tangerines and a couple of medium apples. The latter must be thoroughly washed and cut into slices, after removing the core, and peel the tangerines and, disassembled into pieces, removing all the veins.

After the ingredients are prepared, they need to be removed to the side and start preparing the citrus zest. It must be cut into strips and put in boiling water, which must be heated in advance on the stove. After that, chopped apples should be sent to the pan, and after 5 minutes - tangerines. As soon as the fruit becomes soft, you need to add 150 g of sugar to the compote and, after mixing, let it cool. As soon as the compote becomes cold, it must be filtered and can be served at the table.

If desired, you can add a small amount of mint to such a drink. This is best done at the final stage of cooking.


The jam is original. This is exactly what can be made from tangerines and apples. In order for it to turn out to be very fragrant and tasty, tangerines and apples taken in equal proportions (0.5 kg each) should be peeled. In parallel, you should start preparing a sweet syrup, which is made at the rate of: 1000 ml of water per 0.5 kg of sugar.

As soon as the syrup is ready, you need to immerse the apples in half of it and let the mass cool. In the meantime, you can start preparing tangerines, which should be cleaned of veins and prick each slice with a needle or toothpick. After that, the second half of the syrup should be covered with citrus fruits, then also let the fruits cool. The preparation does not end there.

Cold apples in syrup should be sent to the stove and brought to a boil over high heat. In this state, they need to boil for 10 minutes, after which the container should again be set aside and the contents allowed to cool. This procedure will need to be repeated 2 more times. At the very last stage of cooking, when the apples boil for the third time, you need to add tangerines to the container and boil the whole mass for 15-20 minutes. After that, the jam will be ready.


Another option for what can be made from tangerines and oranges is charlotte.

What will be required? To prepare it, you should take a couple of tangerines, 1 orange and peel the fruit from the peel, veins and seeds. After that, you need to cut each slice into 2-3 parts and sprinkle with cinnamon (1 tsp). The last component may or may not be added. However, with this spice, the aroma of the finished dessert will turn out to be pleasant and spicy. In this form, the fruit should be left for a while.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the dough for the pie. To do this, take 3 eggs, a glass of sugar, add a pinch of salt and beat the ingredients until a thick foam forms. As soon as it appears, gradually pour 150 g of sifted flour and 0.5 tsp into the mass. soda slaked with vinegar. After thorough mixing, add a bag of vanillin to the mass and again bring the contents to homogeneity.

When the dough is ready, put the fruit in a baking dish and pour it on top with the prepared dough. In this form, the container with the future pie should be sent to the oven, heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. It will take about 35 minutes to bake.

Salad "Tangerine shock"

What can be done from tangerines? The original answer to this question can be a delicious salad, which is very easy to prepare. To do this, take 100 g of hard cheese and cut it into small cubes. Then you need to squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic into it.

After that, you need to peel and vein 200 g of tangerines and divide them into slices, and then combine the fruit with cheese. Ultimately, the ingredients must be seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream, mixed thoroughly and served.

Chicken breasts with tangerines

What can be done from tangerines for the New Year? The original decoration of the table will be chicken breasts cooked according to an interesting recipe.

To create a meat masterpiece, rinse 1.5 cups of long rice and spread it evenly on a baking sheet, greased with oil. On top of it you need to put 4 chicken breasts, pre-washed and dried with a towel, as well as half a glass of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms. These ingredients should be poured with 2 cups of orange juice and a glass of broth, salt and pepper to taste. After that, the container should be covered and baked in the oven for 50 minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees.

As soon as the dish is ready, it must be transferred to a beautiful serving plate. You can decorate the dish with pickled tangerines (450-500 g), as well as sprinkle with paprika and fresh finely chopped parsley.

Fruit salad with pomegranate

Another original, bright and healthy version of what can be made from tangerines, apples and pomegranate is a salad. To prepare it, you need to prepare 3 tbsp in advance. l. pomegranate seeds, add to them a couple of peeled and cut into small pieces of apples, as well as three tangerines, carefully separated from the veins and peel, cut into cubes.

In a separate bowl, you need to prepare a dressing for a vitamin salad. To do this, beat with a whisk a couple of tablespoons of honey and the same amount of lemon juice. After that, all the ingredients collected for the salad must be mixed well and pour over the prepared dressing.

Tangerines in caramel

Caramel dessert is something that can be made from tangerines at home. It is very easy to prepare. To do this, peel and vein 10 tangerines. In the meantime, you can put 350 g of sugar on the stove and lightly moisten it with citrus juice so that it is only saturated with it. After that, the contents of the pan should be heated over low heat until the components are completely dissolved and a beautiful golden color is formed.

As soon as this happens, pour 250 ml into the resulting caramel and, stirring, heat well until the caramel dissolves. As soon as the mass is ready, you need to pour it over the tangerines laid out on a plate and send the dessert to the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the mass thickens slightly and becomes viscous.

Beef steak with tangerines

A similar dish is an original example of what can be made from tangerines, berries and a selected piece of meat. Beef cooked in this way will be a great dish for dinner or a festive table.

The recipe is quite simple. To prepare such an original meat dish, you should take a steak, wash it well and, after drying it with a paper towel, beat it off a little. After that, on both sides it must be sprinkled with salt and pepper to taste, and also poured with a small amount of soy sauce. Next, you need to cut the head of the onion into large cubes and send it to the meat. There you need to add one branch of rosemary.

While the product is marinating, you need to properly heat the grill and grease it with butter. Put the meat on a hot surface and fry it on both sides for 4-5 minutes until a golden crust forms. After that, the beef must be removed to a plate and put blueberries next to it (about 10 pcs.).

Now you can do tangerines. They need to be peeled and, without dividing into slices, cut in half (across). Each half cut down should be lowered onto a hot grill, on which the meat was fried and held on it for a short time. After that, tangerines should be laid out to the meat. The taste qualities of the listed products are perfectly combined with each other, which makes the dish original and unusual.

Mandarins used to be called the rich people of China. The orange fruit adopted this name because it was available only to wealthy people. Now these juicy bright fruits have been known to everyone since childhood, and their aroma is involuntarily associated with the holiday.

It would seem, well, what can be done from tangerines? They are so small and soft, and their taste is special, it will not appear in all combinations. We will help you decide on this issue. Compotes help preserve all the benefits of fruits and emphasize the delicious taste. And they quench their thirst much better than modern carbonated drinks. It is advisable to cook them ten to twelve hours before serving, so that the fruits have time to completely soak in sugar syrup, and the broth to take on all the richness of aroma and taste. As an experiment, you can try to make syrup from natural honey.

This recipe, like all the many recipes for slow cookers, takes very little time. The output will be 6 servings of a healthy and good mood drink.

Some housewives prefer to harvest whole tangerines, that is, together with the peel. But in this case, a slight bitterness will be felt.

what can be cooked from tangerines


  • 4 large tangerines
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 1.5 liters of water

What can be prepared from tangerines:

  1. First, the fruit must be completely peeled. To do this, they need to be thoroughly washed, cut off the zest, remove the white pulp, divide into slices and remove the white streaks.
  2. Then cut the zest into small pieces and pour hot water over it. This is necessary in order for the bitterness to go away.
  3. Now you need to prepare sweet syrup. To do this, mix granulated sugar with water and pour into the multicooker bowl, turn on the steaming mode and bring the liquid to a boil. Sugar should be completely dissolved. This will take about 20 minutes.
  4. Add prepared slices and zest to the syrup thus obtained. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  5. Roll the drink into sterilized jars.

Tangerine compote for the winter New Year's recipe

Do you want to surprise your guests? Such a drink will decorate well and add zest to the New Year's table. It keeps well, especially in a cool place. The ingredients are for 3 liters of compote. This tangerine compote has the skin on, so don't accidentally throw it away when peeling the tangerines.


  • 1 kg tangerines
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar
  • 1 liter of water

What to cook from tangerines:

  1. Peel tangerines from skins and divide into slices. But the skins should not be thrown away, they will still come in handy. It is also necessary to remove the white streaks.
  2. Next, boil the sweet syrup: pour granulated sugar with water into the pan, wait until the liquid boils and the sugar is completely dissolved. At this time, you can prepare the banks.
  3. Now the slices should be dipped in syrup for 30 seconds, then caught and evenly spread over the banks. Then pour syrup into them. Add a few pieces of the reserved peel in order to get a richer flavor.
  4. Put the jars in a container for sterilization, cover with lids and leave for 30 minutes. Next, roll up the jars and put them with the lids down, covering them with a towel until they are completely cool.

Mandarin compote recipe with apples

On hot days, such a refreshing compote will come in handy. You can experiment with the amount of sugar to taste, and apples of different varieties will give the drink different flavors.


  • 2 tangerines
  • 3 apples
  • 150 gr. granulated sugar
  • 1.5 liters of water

What can be prepared from tangerine:

  1. Remove the peel from the tangerines and be sure to remove the white film, separate the slices from each other.
  2. Wash the apples well, cut the core and cut into small pieces.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add granulated sugar and cook until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Put apples and tangerines in a saucepan, bring to a boil again. For more flavor, add zest, turn off the stove.
  5. Let the compote brew and cool. Serve cold, can be served with ice.

For lovers of original and unusual preparations for the winter, we have prepared other equally simple and original cooking instructions, such as, for example, or.

Mandarin compote with wine

The wine enhances and decorates the compote with additional savory taste sensations.


  • 100 gr. tangerines
  • 60 gr. Sahara
  • 250 ml water
  • 20 ml wine

What to cook from tangerine:

  1. Fruit must be washed and peeled. In order for the drink to have a rich taste, it is necessary to remove the white film, because it gives a bitter aftertaste.
  2. Next, dip the tangerine slices in boiling water for half a minute, then dip in cold water. After that, put them in pre-prepared containers. You can put tangerines as slices, or as a whole, at your own discretion.
  3. The next step is to cook sweet syrup: pour water into a saucepan, mix with sugar and cook over medium heat for a quarter of an hour. Wait for the sugar to completely dissolve.
  4. Remove the boiled syrup from the stove and cool.
  5. Pour the wine into the cooled liquid and then pour the tangerine pulp with the resulting mixture.
  6. Then, using a strainer or other similar kitchen utensils, pour the compote into a saucepan and continue to cook over high heat.
  7. When the compote begins to boil, it can be removed, poured into jars and screwed on the lids.

Mandarin compote recipe for the winter and ginger

The ginger root in this recipe will skillfully complement the taste of the tangerine and bring undoubted benefits to the immune system. In winter, this combination will come in handy, because in the cold season, ginger helps prevent the disease and effectively fights cough.


  • 7 large tangerines
  • 170 gr. granulated sugar
  • 15 gr. ginger
  • 1 lemon

What can be done from tangerine:

  1. Wash tangerines, peel, squeeze juice out of them. Mix juice with sugar and put to boil on the stove.
  2. When the sugar dissolves and the liquid boils, squeeze the lemon juice and pieces of ginger into it. Remove from heat and let sit overnight.
  3. Prepare compote base. To do this, pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and put on the stove until it boils. At this time, grind the tangerine skins in a meat grinder. Add the ground mass in this way to boiling water. Leave preferably not less than 6 hours.
  4. Pass the prepared compote base through cheesecloth, mix with syrup and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour compote into sterilized jars and roll up.

Tangerine compote "Indian Summer" with dried fruits in a slow cooker

This recipe will save time on cooking and bring tangible health benefits. After all, compared with fresh, dry fruits contain a lot of active biological substances. In fact, it is a concentrated storehouse of valuable and useful substances. For example, a dried pear is known for normalizing bowel function and removing toxins and heavy metals from the body.


  • 150 gr. dry pears
  • 150 gr. dry apples
  • 1 tangerine
  • 90 gr. Sahara
  • 1.5 l. water


  1. Rinse dried fruits in running water, put in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Peel the mandarin, divide into slices, put in a bowl with dried fruits, pour water, pour sugar.
  3. Cook in the "Extinguishing" mode for one hour.
  4. Pour compote into jars prepared for this, tighten the lids, put upside down and cover with a towel until they cool.
  • These fruits are real natural antibiotics that can thin the blood and strengthen the immune system of the human body. But nitrates in them cannot be, by definition. This is due to the presence of citric acid in them.
  • By the way, the taste of tangerines can be determined by eye. The sweetest ones are small, the smaller, the sweeter. The more flattened their shape, the more sour. The thicker the peel, the easier it is to peel, but there will be less sweetness in the pulp.
  • These orange "balls" are stored quite simply - you just need to keep them from drying out. The ideal temperature is +6. Therefore, they can be stored in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment.
  • Due to the presence of synephrines in its composition, tangerines help well with stagnation and swelling, cleanse the lungs of mucus. And regular consumption of juice helps to get rid of helminths.
  • The peel of these wonderful citrus fruits is widely used in cosmetology for the production of lotions, masks and tonics. Pretty women know what a real beauty elixir can be made from tangerine peels. A decoction or infusion of the peel softens the cough and is used in conjunction with other medicinal plants for tinctures. In addition, a decoction of the peel helps to reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Also, these fruits, with the help of the phytoncides contained in them, are able to have an antimicrobial effect. This can be very useful for those who like to travel on trips to exotic countries as a prevention and treatment of dysentery. Thanks to the same properties, freshly squeezed juice is able to destroy some types of fungi such as ringworm and microsporia.
  • An increase in mood when using mandarin is due to the essential oils contained in it.

Fragrant and fragrant tangerine compote for the winter will appeal to everyone. He claims to become a favorite drink in the sultry heat, and in the season of vitamin deficiency.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog!

Today we will talk about freshly squeezed juices from citrus fruits: orange, lemon, tangerine and grapefruit. Find out their useful properties and contraindications. We will find out whether freshly squeezed orange juice can replace coffee in the morning and give the body tone and vigor. Let's find out who can drink grapefruit juice and who can't. Find out what lemon juice does. And much more.

Everyone has known for a long time that the healthiest drinks are freshly squeezed juices. They are also called fresh. This word is often found in restaurant menus and means natural, freshly made juice from fruits, berries or vegetables. But it is more correct to call such juices still freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices.

Juices from citrus fruits are far from last among all other fruits and vegetables. These drinks are the easiest to make, all you need is an inexpensive citrus juicer. I can recommend a Turkish Sinbo juicer, which I use. She has 2 nozzles: a small one for a lemon and a larger one for an orange. This is very handy when making juice from different fruits.

Plus, citrus juices are a huge amount of vitamin C. In citrus fruits, it remains for a long time. But still, it is better to drink freshly squeezed citrus juice no later than half an hour after its preparation.

Let's talk about each juice in more detail.

Today's menu:

Freshly squeezed mandarin juice

We have a special relationship with tangerines. We associate them with the New Year and magic. Their aroma fills with joy and anticipation of a merry holiday. This is the scent of childhood. This attitude dates back to the Soviet Union, when tangerines were expensive and long queues of adults and children lined up behind them. And what is hard to get is always valued more.

The name of the citrus comes from the Spanish mandarin, which means "Chinese official". According to one version, it is believed that officials in China grew these fruits. According to another version, officials from the Middle Kingdom wore bright orange clothes, which gave the mandarin its name.

The mandarin fruit came to us from China in the 19th century and spread throughout Spain, Portugal and southern France. In Russia, tangerines grow well on the Black Sea coast, Sochi and Abkhazia.

Proteins - 0.8 gr.

Fats - 0.2 gr.

Carbohydrates - 7.5 gr.

Calorie content of mandarin per 100 gr. only 38 kcal. In addition, tangerines are rich in the following macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Useful properties of tangerine juice:

  • Helps in weight loss - burns adipose tissue.
  • It relieves swelling, as it is a good diuretic.
  • Tangerine juice is an excellent antipyretic for ARVI and acute respiratory infections.
  • It cleanses the blood and the body as a whole of toxins.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Pregnant women are helped to reduce nausea with toxicosis.
  • Tangerines are excellent antidepressants.

In addition to the beneficial properties of mandarin, there is also contraindications. Tangerines with caution should be eaten and drunk with tangerine juice for allergy sufferers, people who have diabetes, gastritis or gastrointestinal diseases.

You can and should drink tangerine juice on an empty stomach, if there are no contraindications. It helps to get rid of excess mucus in the body. The norm per day is considered to drink no more than 1 glass of freshly squeezed tangerine juice.

How to make tangerine juice:

Wash fruits with water. Then wipe and cut each tangerine into 2 halves. You need to cut not along the slices, but across. Squeeze each half with a juicer on a lemon nozzle. Pour the prepared juice into glasses.

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

Another equally healthy citrus fruit is the grapefruit. The juice from it turns out to be a beautiful deep pink color (if the grapefruit is red). In addition, the juice tastes better to drink than to eat a whole grapefruit. The bitterness of useful grapefruit partitions partially goes into the juice, mixes with it and the taste of the juice turns out to be fragrant, bitter-sweet with delicate sourness. I really like!

Grapefruit is a hybrid of pomelo and orange. For the first time they learned about this fruit in the Caribbean. And merchants in Jamaica gave the apt name for citrus - grapefruit. What does it mean with of English language grape - grapes, and fruit - fruit. Grape fruit. It really grows on a tree in clusters, like grapes.

Chemical composition per 100 gr.:

Proteins - 0.7 gr.

Fats - 0.2 gr.

Carbohydrates - 6.5 gr.

Vitamins - C, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, D, PP, E.

Grapefruit calories per 100 gr. only 35 kcal. Grapefruits are also rich in the following macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron.

Moreover, most of the nutrients are found in the grapefruit partitions.

Useful properties of grapefruit juice:

  • Slows down skin aging.
  • Improves the walls of blood vessels and reduces the effect of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Just 1 grapefruit covers the daily dose of vitamin C.
  • Improves metabolism in the body.
  • Refreshes complexion and skin.
  • Great remedy for insomnia.

Contraindications grapefruit juice are that they should not be washed down with drugs. This can harm the body.

Grapefruit should be used with caution if you have allergic reactions to citrus and pregnant and lactating women. And children under one year old do not give such juice in order to avoid the same allergic reactions. Citrus is contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases and gastritis.

Grapefruit juice recipe:

Wash fruits, wipe. Cut across the slices and squeeze the juice on the citrus juicer on the orange attachment. Pour delicious liquid into glasses. Glasses can be decorated with grapefruit slices.

Enjoy your meal!

Freshly squeezed lemon juice

When you say the word "lemon", it immediately becomes sour in your mouth. This is how memory reacts to memories of sour citrus. Perhaps the most acidic fruit in the citrus family. But this makes it no less useful, and even, perhaps, more useful than all other citrus fruits.

The birthplace of the lemon is considered to be India and China. Lemon, like grapefruit, is a random hybrid in nature. They began to cultivate citrus in Southeast Asia, and then the Arabs brought it to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

In Russia, lemon ripens well in Abkhazia. And many Russians grow lemon on their windowsills as indoor plants.

Chemical composition per 100 gr.:

Proteins - 0.9 gr.

Fats - 0.1 gr.

Carbohydrates - 3 gr.

Vitamins - C, A, B1, B2, B6, PP, E.

Lemon calories per 100 gr. only 34 kcal. Lemon is very rich in macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, iron, chlorine, boron, manganese, copper, fluorine and zinc.

As you can see, this is the richest citrus in terms of chemical composition and this makes it more useful than other citrus fruits.

Useful properties of lemon juice:

  • Increases immunity and protective properties of an organism.
  • It has broad antiseptic properties, kills pathogenic bacteria and prevents tissue decay.
  • It has a diaphoretic, antipyretic effect and is therefore indispensable for various colds.
  • Lemon calms, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Removes accumulated toxins from the body.
  • Increases the efficiency of the liver.

It is best to drink lemon juice on an empty stomach diluted with warm water. This combination only enhances the beneficial properties of lemon juice. The norm of use is the juice of 1 lemon and a glass of warm water.

Lemon juice is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases and ulcers. In addition, undiluted lemon juice has a harmful effect on tooth enamel, because the acid destroys it.

With caution, lemon juice should be drunk by people with allergic reactions. For children under three years old, lemon juice is given only in small doses, diluted with water.

We make lemon juice in the same way as tangerine juice - on a small nozzle for a juicer.

The orange is perhaps the most popular of all citrus fruits. Literally everyone likes bright orange, sweet, fragrant and healthy citrus.

Orange is also from China. It was brought to Europe by the Portuguese. The Europeans liked the fruit so much that they began to breed it in special glass warm rooms - greenhouses. Hence the English name - orange.

But the name orange came from the Dutch and it means "an apple from China." Here is such an interesting story of delicious citrus.

Chemical composition per 100 gr.:

Proteins - 0.9 gr.

Fats - 0.2 gr.

Carbohydrates - 8.1 gr.

Vitamins - C, B1, B2, B6, B9, H, PP, E.

Orange calories per 100 gr. only 43 kcal. And oranges are rich in the following macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, cobalt, sulfur and iron.

Useful properties of orange juice:

  • Daily dose of vitamin C from 1 orange.
  • Orange juice is useful for people suffering from joint diseases.
  • Rejuvenates the body, gives muscle tone.
  • Orange fresh is a good prevention against cancerous tumors.
  • In general, orange juice gives tone to the body, improves mood.

Contraindications orange juice are the same: possible allergic reactions and juice is contraindicated for patients with gastrointestinal tract and diabetics.

And yes, answering the question above, orange juice can replace coffee in the morning. According to research experiments, those people who drank freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning instead of coffee received an energy boost for 6 hours. Their concentration of attention increased, the working capacity of the brain improved, and their mood improved.

Summing up, we can say that freshly squeezed citrus juices can be drunk on an empty stomach. In this case, there should be a measure in everything - no more than 1 glass at a time.

Drink juices for health, strictly following the contraindications.

Tangerine juice is much less common than orange or, for example, grapefruit, but even if it is not on supermarket shelves, you can easily make it yourself. Moreover, this drink is not only tasty, but also healthy. Tangerine juice has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and respiratory systems of the body, increases vitality and has a preventive effect against colds. We bring to your attention recipes for making juice and other drinks from tangerines. Pay attention to contraindications.
Contraindications to the use of tangerine juice are: allergic reactions and exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to make tangerine juice

Mandarin juice:
- ripe tangerines.
Option 1 - rinse the tangerines, scald them with boiling water, cut them across and squeeze the juice out of them using a press or juicer.
Option 2 - peel the tangerines, divide into slices, remove the seeds and squeeze the juice out of the pulp using a sieve, gauze and crush.

Tangerine juice for the future:
- ripe tangerines.
Wash the tangerines, dry them and cut the zest from them. Then peel off the skin and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Pour the juice into a saucepan, put the zest in the same place and heat the drink at 70 ° C for 7-10 minutes. Then strain the juice, pour it into jars, cover with lids, pasteurize and roll up.

Drinks with tangerine juice

Tangerine Shake with Ice Cream (serves 2):
- 100 g of ice cream;
- 100 ml applesauce;
- 100 ml of tangerine juice;
- 2 slices of tangerine for decoration.
Beat juices and ice cream with a mixer. Pour the drink into glasses and garnish with tangerine slices.

Tangerine cocktail on kefir:
- 100 ml of kefir;
- 50 g of tangerine juice;
- 3 tablespoons rosehip syrup;
- a slice of tangerine for decoration.
Whip all the ingredients with a mixer or blender. Serve the cocktail in a glass, garnished with a tangerine wedge.

Recipes for drinks with tangerines

Apple and tangerine compote (option 1):
- 4 tangerines;
- 250 g of apples;
- 3 tbsp. water;
- 3/4 st. granulated sugar.
Cut the zest from the tangerines, cut it into thin strips, pour one glass of water, boil and drain in a colander. Rinse the apples, peel and core and cut into pieces. Take an enamel pan, pour sugar into it, put the zest, apples and pour everything in two glasses of hot water. Bring the compote to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the finished drink. Peel the tangerines from the remaining white skin and divide into slices. Arrange tangerine slices in cups or glasses and fill them with compote with apple slices.

Apple and tangerine compote (option 2):
- 4-5 tangerines;
- 250-300 g of apples;
- 3 tbsp. water;
- 3/4 st. granulated sugar.
Wash the fruit. Peel the apples from the cores and cut into pieces. Remove skins from tangerines and cut into slices. Then place the apple slices, tangerine slices and peel in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 10 minutes. Then strain the broth, pour sugar into it, put it on the stove again and, stirring, bring to a boil. Refrigerate compote before serving.
Compote of tangerines for the future:
- ripe tangerines;
- 1 liter of water;
- 0.5-1 kg of granulated sugar.
Rinse the tangerines, peel and large white veins, disassemble into slices. Then release the slices for half a minute in hot and half a minute in cold water and arrange in jars. From water and sugar in the indicated proportions, boil the syrup and fill it with jars with tangerine slices. Sterilize cans with a drink in boiling water and roll up.

Mandarin cocktail:
- 250 ml of orange juice;
- 4-5 tangerines;
- 1 banana.
Wash and peel the tangerines, then disassemble into slices, carefully removing the dense skin from each. Peel and cut banana into several pieces. Place the fruit in a mixer or blender and blend until smooth, then add the orange juice and blend again.
Citrus smoothie:
- 4 bananas;
- 2 oranges;
- 2 tangerines;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 lime;
- 1/4 st. milk.
Wash and peel all fruits. Cut the bananas into pieces, and divide the citrus fruits into slices, removing the skin from them. Squeeze juice from lime. Combine all ingredients together with milk and lime juice and beat well with a mixer or blender.
Enjoy your meal!

Tangerine juice is a drink shrouded in mystery. You won’t find it on the shelves in supermarkets, but not everyone knows how to cook it on their own at home. But such an omission on the part of adherents of a healthy lifestyle is very sad, because the drink has a huge supply of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Just before you start including it in your daily diet, you need to remember that only freshly squeezed juice is useful. For the same reason, manufacturers abandoned the idea of ​​canning it, in order to later implement it on an industrial scale. The futility of the drink explains why there is no ready-to-drink product on the market. You can buy it only in specialized bars where fresh juices are prepared right on the spot, or you will have to tinker in the kitchen yourself.

For the same reason, you should not look for how to twist such a citrus blank from the summer. She will live to see the New Year's table, but will not carry any practical value. It is better to prepare compotes or citrus jam for the winter.

Healthy fresh juice

The fruit itself, unlike the liquid extracted from it, is able to maintain energy value for a long time. This explains why there are no people in the food industry who want to establish a conveyor juice production process.

The main trump cards of the resulting juice are three vitamins:,. Their dosage is considered shock, as it manages to fill the almost daily need of these elements.

During the research, it became clear that the tangerine drink in its pure form contains more ascorbic acid than other citrus counterparts. Due to this, even one glass per day will be enough as a powerful prevention of colds during the winter season.

If a family member has already become a victim of SARS or influenza, then he should also be offered this remedy to quench his thirst. It does an excellent job with the tasks, because not always drunk helps to get rid of thirst at elevated temperatures.

The benefits of fruits are not limited to the immediate prevention of colds. In folk medicine, there are many recipes that suggest how to make effective remedies for the treatment of the respiratory system based on juice. This applies to the treatment of bronchial asthma.

The healing power is explained by the fact that the composition of the juice provides for the presence of synephrine. Special perfectly copes with the duties of nullifying even the most extensive edema. By clearing the upper respiratory tract of mucus accumulated over the period of illness, the drink helps the body to return to normal sooner.

Some are so imbued with this ability of citrus that they prepare tinctures from it. But doctors advise not to do this, using hand-made alcohol as an alcohol base. Due to the abundance of fusel oils, all benefits will be reduced to zero.

In addition to helping the bronchopulmonary system, natural fluid is the best friend of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for this is the stimulation of the production of gastric juice. Initially, there was no official confirmation of the proposal, but recently researchers released the results of an experiment related to orange juice and obesity. Due to the effect on the stomach, it starts the processes of rapid digestion of incoming food, even if it turned out to be quite heavy.

Another advantage that homemade juice has is the huge number of antimicrobial compounds. Their abundance becomes an excellent help in a multi-day course of therapy for diseases of the digestive tract, where the intestines have suffered. It is prescribed even for dysentery.

And in ancient times, the sages used a special recipe with the inclusion of a healing acidic liquid, which helps to get rid of worms. Biologically active components of the composition, due to anthelmintic activity, fight unwanted "guests" inside children's organisms.

Deliciousness has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system. Natural antidepressant helps with:

  • emotional overload;
  • depression;
  • nervous shocks.

Not for nothing, after all, with the aroma, many automatically improve their mood. Not only do useful essential oils begin to wield here, but memory is also activated. Due to the fact that consumers are used to associating this smell with winter holidays full of good memories, the brain switches into good mood mode when drinking the drink.

In addition to the fact that the final product will not present a shocking picture for losing weight, it can serve as an excellent snack if you mix several citrus juices at once. But besides internal use, it is sometimes used as an external medicine.

Only prepared juice is used to disinfect the skin, which helps to restore the area damaged due to inflammatory processes. It works best with:

  • causative agents of ringworm;
  • causative agents of microsporia;
  • pathogenic bacteria.

It has long been used by those who know how to maintain the health of the nail plates. Many instructions from alternative medicine provide for wetting the nails affected by onychomycosis with fresh acidic liquid.

Use with caution

Despite the many positive aspects, the harm from freshly squeezed juice is still present. It usually revolves around a possible allergic reaction. Especially careful with him you need to be small children and pregnant women. But even if we put aside individual intolerance, there are still many other dangerous contraindications.

Most of them are related to ailments of the digestive tract like:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • cholecystitis.

With all the above diagnoses, you should not even add it to a salad, using it as a natural seasoning.

Also, you should carefully consider such an additive for those who have any diseases associated with the activity of the kidneys. Jade is a prime example of this. Due to the fact that the composition offers a number of specific biologically active components in abundance, they make the kidneys work in an enhanced mode.

But even if the consumer is completely healthy, you should not get too carried away with a natural liquid antioxidant. The optimal dosage provides for no more than one and a half liters per week. And for every day should account for approximately 200 milliliters.

Some who want to taste goodies are worried about the information that the juice weakens. But here it will not be possible to give a definite answer, since the effect on the digestive tract depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person.

simple recipe

Many lovers of this refreshing drink prefer to prepare it from whole fruits. The reason for this is the presence of additional nutrients in the shell. There are those who generally extract liquid separately from peeled fruits, and then add a mixture of tangerine peels to the container.

When a certain taste gets boring, healthy lifestyle adherents begin to mix several combinations, looking for a new optimal option for themselves.

The carrot-tangerine version is in particular demand, but there are many other interesting tandems with:

Only here it is strongly not recommended to add to the finished dish. In extreme cases, a real one in a small amount will do.

To make the base, just follow a few simple steps:

  • select ripe specimens;
  • rinse them thoroughly under running water;
  • remove the skin;
  • remove white veins;
  • send to the juicer.

Drink the resulting delicacy should be immediately. Moreover, it is better to use a straw for this in order to limit contact with tooth enamel, which is quickly destroyed by citrus acids.

If there is no juicer at home, then you can get by with a piece of gauze, which is folded into several layers. By placing peeled fruits there, you need to manually extract the liquid.

Since culinary specialists do not advise rolling up juice for long-term storage, finding a safe and at the same time useful way to preserve it is quite problematic. But by trial and error, the hostesses learned to slightly extend the shelf life of treats using a special cooking technology for short-term storage:

  1. First, the fruits are washed, peeled and juice is made.
  2. The workpiece is poured into a saucepan, sending it to the fire.
  3. Previously removed zest floats up there. Moreover, it does not matter at all in what form it will be put there: crushed or in large pieces.
  4. The workpiece warms up to 70 degrees, preventing boiling.

The final step is to allow the essential oils from the tangerine skins to blend into the base. After reaching the desired temperature, the saucepan with the contents is sent to cool in a cool place.

Store the resulting result in a cool place after pre-bottling in glass bottles. You need to drink it no later than two weeks after preparation.

Over time, the beneficial properties evaporate, and the aroma becomes weakly expressed.

Smoothies for mood

If pure juice is already tired, and marmalade based on it is too lazy to make, then you can find a middle ground and prepare a tangerine smoothie. It will please you with a charge of vivacity and will not take much time.

First, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 1 frozen banana;
  • 2 teaspoons;
  • half a glass of tangerine juice;
  • 2 spoons of honey;
  • half a glass of low-fat Greek;
  • 2/3 cup ice;
  • 1 whole tangerine.

First, whisk all the main ingredients together. Then you need to try the mixture and, according to the circumstances, additionally add honey or an acidifier. There is no exact dosage here, because everyone has a different level of acidity.

As soon as the desired taste is achieved, chopped citrus is poured into the mixture.

How to choose the right tangerines

In order for the juice to please with nutritional value and meet taste expectations, it is necessary to choose the right raw materials. Today it is much easier to navigate in this matter on the varieties of fruits and the country of their importation. The most popular offers are:

  • Abkhazian;
  • Spanish;
  • Turkish;
  • Moroccan;
  • Israeli.

These types are most often imported into supermarkets of the countries of the former USSR. All of them have distinctive features. So, the Abkhazian product is tacitly called the most environmentally friendly. The opinion was formed due to the fact that, unlike their European "colleagues", they are transported in less time, which does not require additional spraying on the product.

Many prefer the Spanish raw material, which has received a bright orange color and usually comes with green twigs. Their main feature is a thin skin, which will allow you to use more pulp for juice.

If you do not want to mess with the bones, then it is better to give preference to Turkish solutions. Their peel has a light orange or even yellow tone. But for the lack of seeds, you will have to pay with sourness.

Sweet tooth needs to pay attention to Moroccan supplies. The small size of the fruit allows them to ripen quickly, which guarantees a sweet center. The skin has a rich orange and sometimes reddish tone.

Israeli "solar balloons" are usually imported after the end of a series of winter celebrations. They almost never contain stones, but their flesh is rather dry, which is not particularly suitable for the purpose of extracting juice.

It is also worth paying attention to the overall appearance of the product. If the skin seems dried up, then the product has been lying for a long time and may begin to taste bitter. And if you have a choice between smooth tangerines and their counterparts with green tails, preference should be given to the latter.

It is most convenient to taste at least a slice before buying, which is possible in market conditions. But this is not allowed in supermarkets, so you will have to rely not on the external characteristics and climatic features of the producing country.