The composition and method of preparation of the cocktail "Long Island. "Long Island" - a cocktail for the best parties

The Long Island Cocktail is one of the most popular drinks around the world. It is made both in bars and at home. Knowing the recipes and the nuances of cooking, you can easily mix it yourself.

The drink was first mentioned in the 70s and quickly attracted attention because it contains several types of strong alcohol

It got its name, of course, in honor of the island in New York, which became the first residential settlement in that region. Many believe that this drink was first prepared by Chris Bendiksen, but there are several more versions of his appearance.

  1. The first and most realistic - the cocktail was invented during the period of the ban on alcoholic beverages. Those who visited the bars wanted to drink immediately and a lot, without anyone noticing. Therefore, Long Island was not mixed in glasses, but in an ordinary mug, in color, it completely looked like tea, and for greater persuasiveness, lemon was also put in it.
  2. Another option - in the USA there were competitions in which you had to reach the end of the street, while visiting each bar and drinking in it. In order for the participant to complete his journey, it was in this institution that a killer cocktail was invented, quickly knocking him down due to the fortress.
  3. The latest version is that a couple came to the bar, where Robert Butt worked. They started arguing. The woman gave an ultimatum: either relationships or alcohol. Of course, the man chose the first, but when his companion went out for a couple of minutes, he asked to pour the strongest mixture into his cup, which later became the basis of the drink.

Classic Long Island Cocktail Recipe

The classic recipe contains several types of strong alcohol. Preparing a drink is very simple, the process takes a minimum of time, and even a person who does not understand this at all can mix the ingredients.

The main components of the cocktail

The composition of the cocktail is, of course, alcoholic drinks. There are several varieties that can be mixed and get the same Reviver but slightly different in taste.

The classic version contains the following components:

  • 25 milliliters of vodka;
  • 25 milliliters of gin;
  • 25 milliliters light rum;
  • 25 milliliters of tequila;
  • 25 milliliters of liquor;
  • juice of half a lime;
  • 30 milliliters of cola.

If you need to make a larger volume of the drink, then simply increase the volume of the components. But as you can see they should be 1:1. That is, if you take 50 milliliters of vodka, then the rest of the alcohol should also be 50 each. A slice of lemon is most often used as a decoration.

The nuances of cooking, how to mix the ingredients correctly

Place all of these components, with the exception of cola, in a shaker, shake well and pour into a large glass filled with ice in advance. Then add right amount cola, stir with a stick.

  • Please note that despite the light taste, the drink is very strong.
  • There are about 300 calories in one serving of the shake.
  • To reduce the calorie content, you can replace the regular cola with the light version.
  • Serve only in a tall glass.
  • The drink is drunk slowly, in small sips and through a straw.
  • He is not served hearty snacks, but canapes or fruits are quite suitable.

Cocktail recipe Long Island Ice Tea

Required Ingredients:

  • vodka, rum, gin, tequila, orange liqueur, lemon juice- 20 milliliters;
  • 0.1 liters of cola;
  • about 200 grams of ice.

The cooking process is banal. Place ice in a tall glass, pour each of the indicated drinks in turn, then add cola, stir, garnish with lemon and serve the cocktail with a straw.

Cooking a drink in Russian

Required Ingredients:

  • vodka - 15 milliliters;
  • 15 milliliters of gin;
  • 15 milliliters of white rum;
  • 15 milliliters of tequila;
  • Triple sec liqueur - 15 milliliters;
  • Martini Prosecco - 0.1 liters;
  • 10 grams of cherries;
  • raspberries - 20 grams;
  • 300 grams of ice.

Cooking process:

  1. We place the berries in a shaker, where we crush them well.
  2. Add to them all the alcoholic drinks listed in the list in the right amount.
  3. Put the ice cubes into a deep glass, filter the mixture of berries and alcohol there.
  4. Add Prosecco, mix and decorate with a berry on a skewer. The drink must be served with a straw.

non-alcoholic cocktail

If for any reason you cannot afford a cocktail classic recipe, then try to make a non-alcoholic version.

It is especially good in summer - it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst.

Required Ingredients:

  • 120 milliliters of cola;
  • ice cubes;
  • 0.12 liters of lemonade;
  • one slice of lemon;
  • cool tea - 0.12 liters;

Cooking process:

  1. For mixing, prepare a large glass (about 500 milliliters in volume).
  2. Fill it with ice cubes to about half, then add lemonade, tea, cola and mix well.
  3. Garnish with a lemon wedge by attaching it to the rim of the glass, and don't forget to take the straw.

Nice serving drink

Of course, it is very important to be able to mix a cocktail correctly, but also do not forget about the aesthetic side of serving. Agree, it is very pleasant to drink from a beautiful glass, and even decorated with something. So, it seems that even the taste is completely different.

To get the most out of Long Island, it needs to be served well.

  • Be sure to take a large, completely transparent glass. Pay attention to cleanliness: smudges and stains will not make the presentation beautiful.
  • You can give an unusual color to the drink if you use instead of cola Pineapple juice. It will no longer be classic version, but quite interesting and bright.
  • Traditionally, a cocktail is served with a slice of lemon, but you can do it differently if you wish. Turn on your fantasy. For example, garnish with a lime (it's more intense) or use a cherry on a skewer. Another option is fresh mint leaves. They will not only change appearance, but also give the drink a special flavor.
  • Don't forget the tube too. It should be of medium size so that it is pleasant and comfortable to sip a drink from it. The bright, curved "straw" is also considered an integral part of Long Island and therefore a must-serve.

The cocktail recipe was invented in the 70s, it is named after the largest island of Long Island in New York. Despite the fact that there is no tea in its composition, it still seems that there are tea notes in it. The drink is in the top five popular cocktails and its name is regularly mentioned in various shows and films (The Simpsons, Sex and the City, etc.).

Cocktail Long Island Ice Tea: the composition of the drink

Despite the fact that the word "tea" is present in the name, in fact it is not in the composition. Just visually in color it is very similar to cold tea which saves in hot weather. Some also claim that due to the right mixing of the ingredients, it has the flavor notes of tea.

You will need a few mandatory components that must be in the composition of the Long Island cocktail. Despite the variety of ingredients, the drink is very easy to prepare. We need 5 alcoholic beverages, Lemon Juice And Cola. And of course, 2-3 ice cubes.

Alcoholic drinks that are part of the cocktail: vodka, light rum and tequila, triple sec, gin.

Long Island Cocktail Classic Recipe

There is no tea in the composition, the drink is quite strong, so be careful when drinking it.

The problem with the Long Island Ice Tea is that it's often made too strong in bars. You do not need to violate the indicated proportions, only in this way you can achieve an original and balanced taste.

Despite the mild taste, the cocktail is quite strong, so we recommend drinking no more than 1-2 glasses. Many claim that within a few hours after consuming it, they began to suffer a terrible hangover! Therefore, do not underestimate the drink.


  • 30 ml vodka
  • 30 ml light tequila
  • 30 ml light rum
  • 30 ml gin
  • 15 ml Triple Sec
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 100 ml Coca-Cola

How to make a Long Island Cocktail:

Preparing a cocktail is very simple - you just need to mix all the listed ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake the shaker well and pour the contents into a glass. It remains to decorate it with a slice of lemon! You can add more Coca-Cola if you like.

Some bartenders substitute whiskey for vodka. You can also try this version, it is slightly different in taste.

Tee Long Beach Cocktail

It differs in only one component - cranberry juice. You need to replace cola with cranberry juice, the result is a brighter and richer version.


You will need the following ingredients:

  • 30 ml rum (light)
  • So much vodka
  • 30 ml Triple Sec
  • 150 ml pineapple juice
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp orange juice

You need to prepare a cocktail in the same way - mix all the ingredients in a shaker and serve.

crimson long island

Required Ingredients:

30 ml vodka

30 ml tequila

30 ml gin

30 ml rum

30 ml raspberry liqueur

100 ml cola

2 tbsp lemon juice

Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Garnish with a cherry before serving.

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A cocktail is a wonderful drink that can perfectly complement a vacation on the beach or a meeting with friends. It's hard to find a bar that doesn't serve these drinks. But you can cook them yourself, especially since there are a lot of recipes with detailed description cooking. And today we would like to talk about such a delicious and fabulous cocktail as Long Island.

This drink is popular all over the world, it is served in almost all corners of the earth. At the same time, its history spans several decades. So what is this drink and how can you make it yourself?

History of appearance

When and how this drink originated is unknown. But there are several options that testify to how the Long Island cocktail came to be:

  1. "Cunning". This is the most interesting option appearance of the cocktail. During the period when Prohibition was introduced in America, many bartenders living on the territory of the island of Long Island, using a variety of experiments, made a strong cocktail. In appearance and taste, this drink resembled cold tea with pieces of ice;
  2. "Competition". This story tells that the people who lived in New York on Long Island Street had an unspoken competition. During it, they had to walk along the street, go to bars and drink alcohol. The bottom line was that the winner was the one who bypassed more bars and places of entertainment. Many owners of bars, restaurants went to the trick, they prepared special drinks that attracted visitors, after drinking the first glass of these drinks, they simply stayed and continued to order new portions;
  3. "Romantic story". This story tells that this drink was invented by a bartender named Robert Batt. The bar where he worked was frequented by a man who liked to drink whiskey. After the second glass, he became drunk and began to behave inappropriately. And once his beloved put before a choice - either she or alcohol. He gave preference to his soulmate. But still, during the next trip to the bar, when his beloved went to the toilet, he asked the bartender to pour some alcohol into his tea. But Butt decided to experiment and poured several types of alcohol into tea.

Composition, step by step preparation

Making a Long Island cocktail on your own is not that difficult.

Step by step preparation:

Russian version of the cocktail

Cooking Ingredients:

  • about 20 ml of tequila, it is better to use silver;
  • 25 ml of light or white rum;
  • 1 tablespoon of gin;
  • about 20 ml of vodka;
  • tinted liqueur orange note"Tripel sec" - 15 ml;
  • 4 large spoons of champagne;
  • fresh berries, for example, raspberries and cherries - 2 each
  • crushed ice or cubes. Its amount should fill the glass.

It will take a quarter of an hour to cook.

Calorie content - 195 kcal.

How we will make the Russian "Long Island":

  1. We take out the bones from the cherry, combine with raspberries and crush;
  2. Pour alcohol into the shaker, add the berry mixture. We do not touch ice and champagne;
  3. The shaker must be shaken well;
  4. Next, in a long glass you need to put ice in the form of cubes;
  5. Pass the cocktail from the shaker through a sieve and pour into a glass with ice;
  6. Then add champagne and mix thoroughly;
  7. Decorate the top with lemon or lime slices;
  8. We insert a cocktail tube and proceed to use.

Other Long Island Cocktail Recipes

"Raspberry Ice Tea"

For a cocktail, prepare the necessary components:

  • 20 ml of raspberry vodka;
  • white rum - about 20 ml;
  • 10 ml of Triple Sec orange flavored liqueur;
  • lime juice. To do this, we need to squeeze it out of ½ lime;
  • squeeze juice from an orange, about 1 tablespoon;
  • 3 large spoons of Coca-Cola;
  • ice cubes. The amount of ice should match the size of a long glass.

How much we will do - a quarter of an hour.

Calorie content - 187 kcal.

Cooking option:

  1. We put ice cubes in a long glass, they should fill it;
  2. Next, sequentially pour alcohol;
  3. Then add lime juice, which is squeezed from half a ripe fruit;
  4. Pour 20 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  5. Pour Coca-Cola on top;
  6. Mix everything well with a spoon;
  7. Decorate with lemon slices and insert the tube.

"Electric Ice Tea"

For the drink, prepare the following ingredients:

  • white rum - about 20 ml;
  • a little vodka - about 25 ml;
  • about 20 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur;
  • 15 ml of Triple Sec orange flavored liqueur;
  • juice that is squeezed from half a lime;
  • fresh Orange juice- 1 large spoon;
  • 100 ml "Sprite";
  • ice in cubes in an amount the size of a long glass.

The cooking time is 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 210 kcal.

Cooking option:

  1. First of all, fill a long glass with ice cubes;
  2. Then from above consistently fill in all alcoholic drinks;
  3. Next, squeeze the juice from half a lime, pour it into a glass of alcohol;
  4. Pour 20 ml of fresh orange juice;
  5. Pour "Sprite" on top;
  6. Mix all ingredients well with a spoon.

Long Island Ice Tea recipe

Components from which we will make a drink:

  • about 20 ml of tequila, silver will do;
  • about 20 ml of vodka;
  • white rum - 20 ml;
  • Triple sec (Cointreau) - 15 ml;
  • 20 ml of gin;
  • fresh lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • 1.5 large spoons of sugar syrup;
  • coca-cola - 1 tbsp;
  • highball sized ice cubes.

It will take a quarter of an hour to cook.

Calorie content - 195 kcal.

Cooking option:

  1. Highball needs to be filled crushed ice. Since the ice melts quickly, everything must be done very quickly;
  2. Then pour all alcoholic drinks into a shaker. Pour slowly and consistently;
  3. Next, beat well and pour into a highball;
  4. Then pour sugar syrup and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  5. We slightly tint the cocktail with Coca-Cola so that it looks like tea in color;
  6. Add some more ice
  7. Decorate with a slice of lemon or lime, insert a tube.

  • a cocktail must be served in a special high glass for cocktails, which is called a highball;
  • if you want to make an exotic drink, then instead of coca-cola, you can pour pineapple juice. This cocktail is called "Hawaiian Long Island";
  • you can decorate with lemon slices, lime slices, cocktail cherries, mint;
  • You need to serve with a cocktail tube, through which it is very convenient to drink the drink in small sips.

The Long Island Cocktail is a simple drink that you can easily make yourself. To do this, you will need to have several types of alcoholic beverages - vodka, rum, liquor, tequila. For dilution, you can use the juice of lemon and orange. Ready drink can be used to meet friends, as a refreshing drink on hot days and to diversify various festive evenings.

The Long Island Ice Tee is one of the most popular cocktails in the world, second only to the Martini and the Bloody Mary. The cocktail is considered the strongest of all mixed drinks(28% alcohol by volume).

The history of the Long Island ice tea

The name of the cocktail did not take shape right away, initially it was simply called "Long Island", which means a long island. This is the first inhabited island in the bay of New York, the first residential center of the city. The second part of the name - ice tea (cold tea) - reflects the color and taste of the cocktail. Indeed, the taste and smell of the drink is very similar to iced tea. This is where its danger lies - it is incredibly strong, but with a harmless taste.

There are two versions of the origin of the cocktail. The first is quite common, but is erroneous. According to her, the cocktail appeared in the United States during the Prohibition years. Since the cocktail resembled iced tea, it was very easy to disguise it. However, there is documentary evidence that the cocktail first appeared in the 70s of the last century, and its author is Chris Bendix, a nightclub bartender in Smithtown, located on Long Island.

The history of the Long Island cocktail, although not long, is rather confusing, if only because it is not known for certain when this drink was born. Some sources date the first Long Island drink to the 1970s, while others claim that the first such cocktail was drunk during Prohibition. The latest version inspires confidence, if only because the smell and appearance of the drink is very similar to tea, for which they began to call it the Long Island Ice Tea cocktail. Despite its quite "tea" appearance and aroma, this drink is very strong and contains a large number of ingredients.

Long Island cocktail ingredients

Over time, all recipes undergo changes, but unlike gastronomic recipes, the formulas of classic cocktails are stored in the international association of bartenders. The recipe for Long Island Ice Tea is also there and, according to it, the ingredients of the certified cocktail include tequila, white rum, vodka, triple sec orange liqueur, gin, lemon juice, cola and sugar syrup. After mixing, all ingredients are poured into a highball filled with ice.

Long Island Cocktail - Recipe


  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • light rum - 20 ml;
  • gin - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • - 10 ml;
  • cola;
  • tequila - 30 ml.


Fill a highball with ice and pour in all ingredients including vodka, tequila, rum, gin, liqueur and lemon juice. We supplement the cocktail with cola to the edges of the glass, mix with a bar spoon and decorate at our discretion. If desired, you can sweeten Long Island with any syrup.

Long Island Cocktail

Not classic cocktails may differ from each other not only in composition, but also in proportions. Usually, Long Island variations have a higher alcohol content, which turns an ordinary long drink into an extra long drink, which you should be careful with.


  • vodka - 1 part;
  • lemon juice - 2 parts;
  • gin - 1 part;
  • white rum - 1 part;
  • sugar syrup;
  • tequila - 1 part;
  • Cointreau - 1 part.


Fill a tall glass with ice and top with all the ingredients. We complete the cocktail with 15 ml of cola and serve, decorating the glass with a slice of lemon and not forgetting the straw.

Long Island Adios Motherfucker Cocktail

Cocktail recipe supplemented with vigorous blue liqueur Blue Curacao will be the star of the evening, even in the hands of someone whose appearance betrays an overwhelming amount of "Long Island" in the blood. The name can be kept secret.


  • vodka - 1 part;
  • sprite or 7Up - 2 parts;
  • rum - 1 part;
  • tequila - 1 part;
  • - 1 part;
  • gin - 1 part;
  • lemon juice - 2 parts.


Fill a tall chilled glass fresh ice and pour in all the alcoholic components of the drink. Add lemon juice and fill everything with sprite or 7Up. Stir gently, decorate and serve with a straw.

Raspberry Cocktail "Long Island"

With the help of berry and fruit liqueurs, you can create new ones every time flavor combinations as part of the usual cocktails. One variation is raspberry Long Island, but, of course, raspberry liqueur can be replaced with strawberry, cherry or any other.



Filling the shaker a small amount ice and pour vodka with tequila, rum, gin and lemon juice into it. Mix without shaking, and then carefully, using a bar sieve, pour the mix into tumbler with ice. We supplement the drink with cola and layer the liquor on top.