New Year's salads in the year of the rooster. New Year's menu in the year of the rooster

The tradition of preparing a dish for the New Year in the form of a certain animal according to the Eastern calendar has been formed for a long time. Someone does this just to decorate the festive table, while someone sincerely believes that the symbol of the coming year will help to catch good luck. Regardless of whether you are a superstitious person or not, we suggest preparing a cute and delicious salad"Rooster" for the New Year 2017.

bright and interesting dish in the form of a symbol of the coming year will surely attract the attention of guests. It is not known whether it will bring you good luck, but it will definitely help to create a festive atmosphere!


  • chicken (fillet) - 300 g;
  • fresh champignons - 200 g;
  • onion - a small head;
  • vegetable oil (for frying mushrooms) - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • pickled cucumbers - 100-150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese - 100-150 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

For decor:

  • bell peppers of different colors - 2-3 pcs.;
  • greens - 2-3 branches.

Salad "Rooster" for the New Year 2017 recipe

How to make cockerel salad

  1. We rub the fillet with salt and season it with plenty of spices (paprika, turmeric, oregano, etc. are suitable). Wrap chicken meat in foil and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes (until cooked). If desired, instead of baked fillets, you can use boiled or fried fillets for salad preparation - in any case, it will be delicious!
  2. While the bird is cooking, let's take care of the rest of the ingredients. In a frying pan heated with oil, fry finely chopped onion until soft. Next, load the champignons cut into thin slices. Fry the mushrooms with onions until cooked, salt.
  3. Cucumbers cut into medium-sized cubes. Cheese and boiled eggs rub finely, put in different containers.
  4. Let's get started on the salad. After cooling, cut the fillet into small pieces, put on a large plate in the form of a "trunk" of a rooster.
  5. We thickly cover the base of the salad with mayonnaise, and then form the next layer - champignons fried with onions. We distribute the mushrooms evenly, keeping the shape of the salad. Top with mayonnaise.
  6. Put the cucumber slices on the mushrooms. Let's add some mayonnaise.
  7. We cover the Rooster salad with cheese shavings on all sides.
  8. Pour the cheese with mayonnaise, and then apply the last layer - grated eggs. Lightly press the fluffy grains of yolks and proteins with the palm of your hand so that they are better fixed on the surface and sides of the salad. Shake off the crumbs left on the plate with a napkin.

    How to decorate the Rooster salad for the New Year 2017

  9. Now it remains to decorate our dish in the form of a symbol of 2017 - a fiery rooster. From red pepper we cut out a “comb”, a small “beard” and a “beak”. Raisins, a piece of olive or prunes are quite suitable as an “eye”. For the "tail" and "wings" we use peppers of different shades. For contrast, line the bottom of the salad with greens.

That's all - the Rooster salad for the New Year 2017 is prepared for the feast! Bon appetit!

Each year has its own “master”. It is very easy to determine it - just look at the Eastern calendar and you will understand who will "rule" in the near future. In 2017, the Fire Rooster will take its rightful place, which means that we should try to do a lot of things that the “ruler” would like. Particular attention should be paid new year's eve, because it is at this moment that a meeting with the Cockerel will occur.

The most important attribute at a party is New Year's table. Any hostess wants not to lose face, so she tries to think through everything to the smallest detail. She's looking out interesting recipes hot meals, snacks and, of course, trying to cook salads with Rooster for the New Year 2017. This article contains the most interesting and beautiful recipes that you can cook for a festive night.

winter cockerel

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Pickled mushrooms - 100 grams
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Sour cream
  • Greenery
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. boil chicken fillet, cool and cut into small cubes.

Step 2 Take a carrot, wash it under running water and boil it. Chop into small pieces. Cut cucumbers and pickled mushrooms in the same way.

Step 3 Mix the cooked ingredients, season with sour cream and salt.

Step 4 Boil eggs and cut into 4 parts.

Step 5 Lay out a small slide (the photo shows how to do this). From the remains of carrots, you can make a scallop and decorate the cockerel's head. Decorate the salad with greens, make eyes with black pepper grains.


Chicken or chicken meat in salads for the New Year 2017 will be the main ingredient, so you can experiment with other ingredients. It all depends on your personal preferences and tastes. For decorations, you can use tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs and other bright vegetables.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken breast or fillet - 600 grams
  • Canned pineapple - 5 rings
  • Canned corn - half a can
  • Fresh tomato - 1 piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

Step 1. Boil chicken meat in salted water. To make the meat fragrant and tasty, add spices, pepper and onions to it.

Step 2 Cut the tomatoes and pineapples into cubes, just try not to make them too big.

Step 3 For this salad, you should take a large plate and decorate it with washed lettuce leaves.

Step 4 Since the salad will be layered, you can already lay out the first layer. They will be chicken. Spread well with mayonnaise.

Step 4 Put chopped tomatoes in the next layer, salt and grease with mayonnaise.

Step 6 On top of the tomato you need to pour finely chopped pineapples. And it is also good to sprinkle with mayonnaise. The last layer is canned corn.

Step 7 To decorate the salad, use bell peppers, and you can cut wavy scallops from cucumbers. Greenery decorate the border of the plate.

Hearty cockerel

Even though lettuce is considered filling, it won't create discomfort in your stomach. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe and then you will create a real masterpiece in the kitchen.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams
  • Fresh tomato - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste
  • Greens and bell pepper for garnish

Cooking process:

Step 1. Boil chicken fillet. Lightly salt and cut into small cubes.

Step 2 Hard boil the eggs. Once they have cooled, peel and finely chop or cut into strips.

Step 3 Take a medium grater and grate cheese on it.

Step 4 Wash the tomatoes and cut one of them into cubes.

Step 5 This puff salad, so all the components in it will be laid out in layers. The first layer is chicken fillet, the second layer of eggs, after it put the tomatoes, and then the cheese.

Step 6 Spread each layer with mayonnaise. To make the salad tender, you should not save on it. Make a scallop from the remaining tomato, and rooster wings from the bell pepper.

The Golden Cockerel

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
  • Canned sardine - 1 can
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams

Cooking process:

Step 1. All components should be laid out in layers. First, boil the eggs and carrots. Separate the white from the yolk and rub it into coarse grater. Put it on the first layer.

Step 2 The next layer is hard cheese, grated on a medium grater

Step 3 Put cheese on top canned fish, pre-softened with a fork.

Step 4 Then lay out a layer onion, which needs to be finely chopped.

Step 5 Finely grated carrots on top of the onion.

Step 6 To make our chicken yellow, you should chop the chicken yolk and sprinkle carrots with it. Also make eyes from pieces of protein, and pupils from olives. You can decorate your salad as shown in the photo.


This salad is bright and unusual, besides, very tasty. With it, the festive table will definitely sparkle with new colors.

Required Ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 grams
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Champignons - 300 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 400 grams
  • Bell pepper - yellow and red
  • Pepper, salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. Chop up the onion and mushrooms small pieces and fry them in a pan. Salt and pepper.

Step 2 Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into small cubes.

Step 3 Eggs should be thrown into cold water and cook for 10 minutes. Grate them on a coarse grater. Leave some protein to decorate the salad.

Step 4 Hard cheese should be grated on a coarse grater.

Step 5 Form the body of the chicken by laying out the products in layers: chicken meat, mayonnaise, mushrooms with onions, eggs, mayonnaise, hard cheese. Finally, pour in the protein. Using bell pepper, make a scallop, beak and tail for the chicken. Decorate the salad with herbs.

The largest, most family and most magical holiday, which we all have been waiting for a whole year, will knock on our doors very soon. Therefore, now is the time to start thinking over not only gifts for relatives, but also the New Year's menu for the year of the Red Rooster, in a hurry to change the eccentric monkey. The owner of a chicken harem is closer to our soul than an exotic hooligan, so the dishes will be close to our traditional ones, and the decor elements will remain the same - fiery.

The table, or rather its serving, is the first thing that every participant in the solemn feast pays attention to. And if we set ourselves the goal of pleasing a grumpy rooster, then it’s worth devoting time, effort and all our design skills to this issue.

What would you like to drink on New Year's Eve?

Exactly at midnight with the last blow of the chimes in all corners of the country, pops of opening champagne are heard. The celebration of the New Year is traditionally associated with this drink. But what else to please the absurd rooster on this day?

At New Year's banquets you can find a huge variety of different alcoholic beverages. But here's how to choose the right champagne and wine for the holiday, and what glass to serve with whiskey, cognac, liquor or martini?

A holiday is not a holiday without dessert. And for our cockerel we have prepared cool selection dessert treats that are absolutely easy to make, and oh, how pleasant and tasty it will be to treat yourself to such a delicacy.

We lay the New Year's table for children

On December 31, with bated breath, all the kids are waiting, because this holiday is downright saturated with magic. While waiting for Santa Claus with gifts, children can also while away the time at a separately laid table. And our tips can help you with menu planning and serving:

So our preparations for this important day and the meeting of the new symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster - have come to an end. We hope that our tips on how to prepare a festive table will help you create a truly New Year's atmosphere and save you precious time during this hectic December period.

It's no secret that 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster according to the Eastern calendar. And probably almost every chef will add to his menu holiday salads enlightened symbol of the coming year. Well, we also think that we will not lag behind and will also prepare a salad in the form of a cockerel.

There is a very simple and delicious recipe such a dish. Which can be prepared by almost everyone who has a great desire to surprise their guests with such a salad on holiday table.

For a salad, you need to collect a small set of products, namely:

sprats - 1 can (160g)

fresh green cucumbers - 2-3 pieces (small)

chicken eggs - 3 pcs

potatoes - 4 pcs

carrots - 3 pcs

mayonnaise - to taste (preferably not too fatty)

sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

Bulgarian red pepper.

And for beautiful design you will need some dill, green peas, and peppercorns.

New Year's Salad Fiery Rooster step by step recipe cooking

First of all, put a pot of water on the fire in order to boil vegetables in it. Namely, potatoes with carrots (but not all potatoes and carrots will be cooked, we leave one potato and one carrot).

Then we put the eggs to boil. How to cook eggs correctly you can read in the article.

After the vegetables with eggs are cooked, they need to be slightly cooled. So it’s more pleasant to clean and the skin will separate better.

While the vegetables and eggs are cooking, we will continue to prepare the salad. The remaining potatoes are stripped and fried like french fries. From it we will make legs and a beak of a rooster. Place well-done potato strips on a paper towel after frying. In order for excess oil to glass from potatoes.

So now let's switch to carrots. Raw carrot rub on a fine grater and fold separately. We also act with boiled carrots, but we rub on a coarse grater, and set aside.

Grate potatoes on a coarse grater.

Pass the boiled eggs through a grater, but only the yolks and whites should not be grated separately from each other. In two different piles. We act identically with cucumbers, only everything is in one pile.

Now, in order to start forming a salad in the shape of a rooster, you will need to make a small template. It is necessary to make a schematic drawing of a rooster as in the photo. But if you are sure that you can lay out the salad without a template, then you will not need a drawing.

Salad template draw and cut accordingly

with a dish on which you will form a salad

Now that you have a template, you can start shaping the salad.

Layer 1. The first layer will be grated potatoes. If desired, the first layer can be salted and peppered to taste. Leave some grated potatoes for the tail.

Products (layers) are laid out not on the picture. We apply the drawing from above and correct the salad under the template.

Layer 2. The second layer will be sprats. Open, drain the oil, crush with a fork, remove the tails. Spread the fish over the entire surface of the future rooster. When laying the layers, do not apply force, just press a little around the edges so that our rooster does not lose its shape. Then also attach the template and check the integrity of the future salad.

Layer 3. Put the cucumbers in the third layer. We repeat the same operations as with the second layer. It is advisable to salt the cucumber layer.

On the third layer, we begin to form the tail. Lay out the remaining potatoes in the form of a tail (look at the template), season the potatoes with grated squirrels on top.

Layer 4. Boiled carrots enter the battle, which we grated at the very beginning on a fine grater. Do not forget to crush each layer around the edges so that the salad is more voluminous.

Layer 5. The fifth layer will be mayonnaise. We cover all the carrots with mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise can be applied to almost every layer

Layer 6. Sprinkle the top layer of mayonnaise with grated yolks. From red bell pepper we cut out the comb and beard of the cockerel. We apply rooster legs to the salad, we also make them from mayonnaise potatoes and fresh carrots. Paws are also sprinkled with grated yolk.

Now out fresh vegetables you can shape and decorate our salad. See how it turned out for me. Peppers and cucumbers are cut into thin strips and cut a little along so that the strips can bend. From these stripes we form a wing and decorate the tail.

Now we can say that the salad fiery rooster ready. It turned out bright, beautiful and delicious.

Bon appetit!!!

Salad in the form of a rooster will be especially relevant on the festive table in the New Year 2017.

Indeed, in 2017, according to Eastern traditions, it is the Rooster who patronizes, and he should like the dishes.

salad recipe New Year's rooster"can be anything, it is only important to decorate it beautifully so that it looks like this bird.

We offer options and ideas for decorating a salad in the shape of a Rooster with a photo.

Salad Rooster 2017 with crab sticks


  • crab sticks - 200 g
  • canned corn - small jar
  • Russian cheese - 100 g
  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • half an onion
  • 3 spoons of mayonnaise
  • Bell pepper
  • greenery

New Year's salad in the form of a Rooster 2017

How to cook New Year's salad Rooster:

1. Cut the onion, sticks and eggs into small cubes, add corn and half the cheese, grated on a fine grater.

3. Put on a flat dish, giving the shape of a Rooster, in a simplified version it will be a heart, see photo.

4. Sprinkle it on all sides with the remaining grated cheese.

5. Decorate with corn, red pepper and herbs. The eye of the Rooster can be made from a peppercorn or a clove.

Salad in the form of a rooster

New Year's salad in the year of the Rooster 2017 with chicken and mushrooms


  • boiled chicken fillet - 250 g
  • fresh champignons - 250 g
  • bulb large
  • walnuts- 5 cores
  • canned peas - 100 g
  • pickled cucumber - 1 small
  • dill - a few sprigs
  • hard cheese - 100 g
  • 1 egg
  • red bell pepper for salad dressing
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • mayonnaise

Recipe for Rooster Salad with Chicken:

1. Peel the onion, cut the mushrooms into thin slices and fry until cooked in vegetable oil.

2. Cut the chicken, add finely chopped cucumber, chopped walnuts, grated cheese, herbs and peas.

4. Grate a peeled boiled egg.

5. Lay the salad on a flat dish, giving the shape of a chicken. Sprinkle with grated egg and garnish bell pepper.

New Year's salad Rooster 2017

Salad for the New Year 2017 Rooster with sausage


  • smoked sausage - 200 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • 4 eggs
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

New Year's rooster salad

How to cook a snack Rooster with sausage:

1. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into cubes.

2. Chop the sausage into strips.

3. Finely chop the onion and pepper, leaving a little for decoration, focusing on the photo.

4. Peel and core the apple, cut into cubes.

5. Chop the egg whites and mix everything with mayonnaise.

7. Put a salad in the form of a cockerel on a dish. Cover it with yolk grated on a fine grater and garnish with bell pepper, as in the photo New Year's salad Rooster.

Bon appetit!