What can not be put on the year of the rooster. Year of the Fire Rooster: what to put on the New Year's table



New Year's table requires special attention. I so want the most beloved people to gather at the table on New Year's Eve to congratulate them and treat them with the most delicious and festive dishes. It so happened that we usually cook on this day the most favorite dishes that our loved ones like. But lately, more and more new items appear on our tables. This year, these are salads decorated in the form of a symbol of the coming year - the Rooster, as well as homemade pastries with grains and cereals. But more on that later. If we talk about the Rooster, then he loves everything natural, bright and beautiful. Therefore, the dishes on the New Year's table should be in his taste. So, what to cook in the year of the Red Fire Rooster?

To begin with, a few words about how in other countries they attract New Year's luck to the house. For example, in the Philippines, 12 different fruits served on the New Year's table symbolize the 12 months of the next year. Children are encouraged to jump 10 times to grow up healthy, and adults who dream of prosperity should wear polka dots. Oh, and don't forget to put a coin in your pocket for good luck!
Iranian New Year is a spring holiday that lasts for 13 whole days. On the last Thursday before the celebration, one must perform a rite of spiritual purification by jumping over the fire. And in order for luck to accompany the whole year, you need to cook and eat together to the last crumb 7 dishes with the letter "s". Well, or at least break a clay pot, which is considered a symbol of failure.
Eating fish or chicken at the New Year's table in Hungary is considered a bad omen, but pork dishes are good for your health! Moreover, the one who eats the tail of a pig, as they say, will catch luck by the tail in the coming year. Before you sit down at the table, do not forget to put your purse on it as a sign of the blessing of the upcoming holiday. In Korean, the new year is the perfect order in the house, a hot bath in the evening and lit bamboo sticks that drive away evil spirits. And to add another year of life to their longevity, Koreans certainly eat rice soup on New Year's Eve.

We will not eat rice soup, but we will talk about what dishes are best prepared for the New Year's table in the year of the Rooster. The table for the New Year should be bright and varied. Salads and snacks will help us to cope with this task. In the year of the Rooster, hand-made preparations - pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, pickled peppers and garlic, and mushrooms - should become an obligatory treat on the table. On the table there should be plates with greens and fruits. In the center of the table you need to put a dish with grain, you can put greens - germinated grains of wheat.
An excellent treat will be tartlets with a surprise. In the finished sand tartlets, put 1 pc. dried apricots and prunes without bones. Top with a piece of camembert, brie, or other cheese. Place in preheated oven for 5 minutes. Or prepare cheese balls: grate any hard cheese on a fine grater and mix with sour cream until the consistency of a viscous mass. Blind the same balls, roll them in chopped pistachios mixed with dried cranberries or cherries. Cool down.

The rooster is a simple bird, so it loves simple and tasty dishes most of all. She will also like the salad prepared in her honor.

Salad Cockerel

Salad Watermelon slice

The rooster is a domestic unpretentious bird that feeds on grain. His best and favorite dishes on the table will be all dishes containing flour, cereals, rice, beans, corn grains. A great snack for the New Year 2017 will be green pea rolls. To prepare them, we need 250 g of raw smoked ham or bacon, 1/2 cup of green peas, 1 carrot, green onion, salt, pepper to taste, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
Green peas pre-cook, salt and cool. Drain excess water and beat with a blender until smooth, pour in olive oil. Boil the carrots and cut into long sticks along. Take a rug, put cling film on it. We spread the strips of bacon or ham overlapping, tightly to each other. We put the pea mass on the bacon, then the carrot bars and green onion feathers. To keep the peas from sticking to your fingers, moisten them with water. Wrap the rolls. Tightly pressing the mat, twist a tight roll. Next, carefully use a very sharp knife to cut into portioned pieces.

Looks beautiful on the table and has an interesting taste Liver pate with herbs. For its preparation you will need 40 ml. vegetable oil, 1 onion, 400 g beef liver, 80 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. chopped thyme and rosemary leaves, 1 garlic clove, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. red wine.
Peel and chop the onion. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and sauté the onion over low heat until translucent. Wash the liver, remove the film, dry, cut into small pieces and fry until tender. Peel and crush the garlic. Grind the liver with onions in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add garlic, salt and herbs to the pate, pour in the wine, mix. Transfer the pâté to a clean bowl and smooth out. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 3 hours. Melt butter in a small bowl. Pour the melted butter over the pate and refrigerate overnight.

Also on the New Year's table will look great:

Festive appetizer "Raffaello"

Lavash roll with salmon and eggs

This year will have to give up chicken dishes. Chicken dishes on the New Year's table in 2017 can have an extremely adverse effect on luck and bring the Rooster out of favor.
If you do not want to celebrate the New Year without a bird, cook a goose or a duck. But it is best to give preference to meat or fish dishes. For example, you can cook a stuffed pork neck roll with rice and prunes. You will need: 1.5 kg of pork neck, 100 g of boiled rice, 50 g of pitted prunes, pre-soaked, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, salt, pepper to taste.
Peel the pork and cut lengthwise, open like a book, cover with cling film and beat lightly. Season, lay out an even layer of rice, then prunes, sprinkle with cinnamon, salt. Roll up, tie with kitchen twine. In a preheated pan with oil, fry the roll on all sides until golden brown. Transfer to a baking dish, pour oil from the pan and bake in preheated to 200 degrees for one hour, periodically pouring with melted fat. Remove from oven, cover with foil and let rest for 15 minutes. Transfer to a large platter, remove the string, cut into portions and serve.
Salmon in mustard glaze will be a wonderful treat for relatives and guests. You will need salmon fillet skin on 1.5 kg, 3 lemons, 1/2 cup Dijon mustard, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 200 ml. sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, a bunch of dill, salt and pepper to taste.
Preheat oven to 230 degrees. Slice 2 lemons into thin slices. Lay a layer of lemons on a baking sheet with high sides. Wash the dill, set aside a few sprigs for decoration, chop the rest. For glaze: combine mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar in a bowl, beat with a fork until sugar dissolves. Add half the dill, stir. Lay the salmon fillets, skin side down, on a layer of lemons, season with salt and pepper and brush with half of the mustard glaze. Bake the fillet in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. While the fish is baking, prepare the sauce by tossing the remaining glaze and dill with the sour cream. Cut the remaining lemon into 6-8 slices. Transfer the finished fillet from the baking sheet to a beautiful dish, garnish with dill sprigs and lemon slices. Serve the sauce separately.

Also on the New Year's table will look great:

Holiday baked pork

This year, the sweet tooth will finally be delighted. The rooster has great respect for pastries, all kinds of buns, everything that may contain flour, cereals and grains. There should be a lot of pastries on the table, and this can be bread used to make sandwiches, tartlets for snacks and sweets. Small curly cookies with a New Year theme would be ideal.
I recommend baking chocolate trees. To prepare 25 cookies you will need: 160 g flour, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 30 g softened butter, 90 g powdered sugar, 10 g vanilla sugar, 50 g ground walnuts, 2 tbsp. l. sesame seeds, 1 yolk, 50 g of melted dark chocolate. For decoration: melted white chocolate, jam.
Sift flour with cocoa into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt, sesame seeds, butter, powdered sugar, chopped nuts and yolk. Pour in the melted chocolate and knead into a smooth dough. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for one hour. Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Roll out the dough through cling film into a layer about 2.5 mm thick. Cut out Christmas trees with a knife or notches. Transfer them to a baking sheet lined with baking paper and send to the oven for 8-10 minutes. After cooling completely, decorate half of the cookies with lines of melted chocolate or protein glaze. Let the glaze dry. Combine all cookies in pairs with jam to taste.

Photo: Depositphotos.com/@ memoangeles

New Year is a firework of emotions, a fabulous mood, smiles of loved ones, the aroma of pine needles, tangerines and, of course, a festive table. In every family, preparations begin long before its onset. 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster.

According to legend, this bird is energetic, ambitious and temperamental. Let's try to figure out how to make a menu and decorate the New Year's table to appease the proud Rooster.

What should be on the table in the New Year 2017?

The fire rooster is a proud but somewhat selfish bird. So it is important to remember that, like any leader, he values ​​active and enterprising people. Make a menu well in advance of the celebration, then he will see that you are happy with his presence.

First of all, it is worth abandoning any varieties of poultry on the table. Chickens, turkeys, geese, quails and ducks should remain banned. The second ban is chicken eggs. To get out of the situation in the famous Olivier, they can be replaced with quail. Most people will not even feel the substitution, and for gourmets this will be a pleasant surprise.

But the Rooster will be happy with a large number of vegetables. You can make a salad, cut, stuff them or cook a delicious side dish. Please note that the color of this year is fiery, so give preference to red vegetables and fruits on the table.

The rooster is an omnivorous bird, so the meat on the table will come in handy. Remember that food should not be too fatty, and fried foods should also be abandoned. Roosters are active, so it is worth preparing light and nutritious meals. But you will have to forget about strong alcohol.

What should be preferred:

  1. Lean meats;
  2. Vegetables and fruits;
  3. Light salads;
  4. Seafood;
  5. Asian cuisine;
  6. fish;
  7. Low alcohol cocktails;
  8. Wine or champagne;
  9. Any desserts (without alcohol and fatty creams).

Features of serving and table decoration

Table decoration should be thoughtful. This is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but will also please the symbol of the year. Remember that details are very important, because Roosters are very pedantic. Give preference to everything natural and beautiful.

  1. Oddly enough, but the rooster will not be happy with the red tablecloth, on the contrary, it should be light, pastel shades. Suitable white, golden, beige or pink varieties. Napkins should be chosen to match the tablecloth. It is better to give preference to rag options than paper ones, since the Rooster loves everything elegant;
  2. Services can be anything, but always beautiful. So if you decide to celebrate the New Year in nature or in a public place, take real glasses, plates and forks with you;
  3. By tradition, on the central part of the New Year's table, it is necessary to install a container with sprouted wheat or oats;
  4. Be sure to put candles on the table. Opt for red or gold. Elegant handmade candles will especially please the Rooster. This will give him confidence. That he is a welcome guest in your home.

Hot holiday meals

New Year's meat pie

Ingredients Quantity
boiled beef - 500-600 g
frozen puff pastry package
red bell pepper - 1 PC.
onion - 1 head
olives (pitted) - 20 pcs.
fat cream (20 percent or more) - 2-3 tbsp
sunflower oil (plant) - 2 tbsp. l.
butter (unsweetened) butter) - 20-25 g
quail eggs - 8 pcs.
finely chopped greens (parsley / celery / dill) - 3 art. l.
Time for preparing: 45 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 240 kcal

Vegetables are cut into cubes and fried in sunflower oil. Eggs, greens and cream are whipped (do not forget to salt and pepper).

The dough is divided into two parts and rolled out. You will need a round shape (22 cm in diameter). The bottom layer is placed in the form. Vegetables and meat are laid out on top (alternately). Then everything is covered with sauce.

A few pieces of butter are laid out on top. Covered with a second layer of dough. The edges are pinched by technicians with an overlap. A small hole is made in the center to evaporate excess steam.

From the rest of the dough, beautiful figures of birds are cut out and stacked on top of the pie. Plain water is suitable for gluing. The cake is baked for about 45 minutes at medium heat (180ᴼ).

Shish kebab in eggplant

To prepare this unusual dish you will need:

  • 500 gr. pork tenderloin;
  • 4 medium-sized eggplants (choose elastic fruits);
  • 1-2 tsp paprika;
  • 6 art. l. soy sauce;
  • Vegetable oil.

The meat is cut like a barbecue, into large cubes. Then marinated for 1-2 hours in soy sauce with the addition of paprika and pepper (you can use fragrant). Salt is not needed, as soy sauce is very salty, so it's best not to add it.

Eggplants are washed, the stalk and the top layer are cut off on one side. The core is removed. You should get a boat with a thick bottom and walls. Then they need to be soaked for about half an hour in highly salted water. Then they need to be dried.

With a skewer, pierce the eggplant along the center of the cut stem. Inside, meat is strung on it. Then stretch the skewer so that the tip appears on the other side of the eggplant. Cooked in the oven (200-220ᴼ) for about half an hour.

Salads for the New Year's table 2017

We present to your attention some interesting recipes that will decorate any table.

Meat salad "He" (Korean recipe)

For this dish you will need:

  • 400 gr. meat (beef or lean pork);
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar (strong 15-20%);
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 350 gr. fresh carrots (if the core is dense, it is better to remove it);
  • 3 art. l. oil (sunflower or sesame);
  • 4 tbsp. l. greens (green onion / dill / thyme).

The meat is cut into thin long strips-worms.

Carrots are rubbed on a special grater for Korean cuisine (long chips) or cut with a knife.

The onion is chopped into thin half rings.

The meat is fried in oil until the moisture evaporates. The rest of the ingredients are mixed in a bowl.

Then fried meat is added there. Don't forget to pepper and salt. There should be a lot of pepper in the original recipe, but choose the spiciness for yourself.

Salad "Paradise"

For this salad you need to take:

  • 1 fresh pineapple;
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • 1 long cucumber;
  • tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp sand sugar.

Pineapple is peeled and core removed. Then cut into medium cubes. Then the onion and cucumber are cut (in small pieces). Lemon juice is mixed with sugar, peppered and salted.

All ingredients must be mixed and left in a cool place for an hour. After that, you can serve, remembering to carefully shift again in order to more thoroughly distribute the lemon juice. For decoration, you can use sprigs of parsley or dill.

Salad with nuts

For this masterpiece you need:

  • 2 large tangerines;
  • 1 carrot (medium size);
  • 2-3 apples;
  • Nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, or a mixture);
  • 5 st. raisins (pitted);
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Sauce sweet:

  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice.

Unsweetened Sauce:

  • 2 tbsp. l. tablespoons of oil (olive or sunflower odorless);
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Carrots are rubbed with short strips. Raisins need to be treated with boiling water and held in it for several minutes. The nuts are chopped (not very finely) with a knife; if almonds and hazelnuts are used, it is better to get rid of the hard skin.

Then they need to be slightly warmed up in a pan or in the oven (do not fry). Apples are cut into long bars and sprinkled with lemon juice.

Meanwhile, the tangerine is being cleaned. If necessary, each slice is cut in half. After that, the salad is decorated with tangerine and sprinkled with raisins.

Snacks for the New Year 2017

For example, here are a few recipes for snacks that will please the Fire Rooster.

Cod liver balls

Such an appetizer will be relevant on any holiday table. So, you need:

  • 1 jar of cod liver;
  • 2 boiled potatoes;
  • 50-60 gr. cheese (hard or semi-hard);
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • 6 boiled quail eggs;
  • Greens;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 3-4 st. l. sesame seeds.

Onions, herbs and eggs are finely chopped. Cheese is passed through a fine grater. Potatoes and liver are kneaded with a fork. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with soy sauce.

Sesame must be toasted in a dry frying pan. Then balls are formed. Each one is rolled in sesame seeds. Garnish with greens when serving.

stuffed tomatoes

To prepare this bright, tasty and beautiful appetizer you will need:

  • 6 tomatoes (small);
  • 200-250 gr. cheese;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. (depending on taste) finely chopped greens;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream.

The upper part is cut off from the tomato (preferably figuratively, with rhombuses). The pulp is removed. Cheese is passed through a grater. Garlic is finely chopped or passed through a press. After that, you need to mix all the ingredients, not forgetting to add the pulp of the tomato.

Pepper and season as desired. Then the resulting tomato baskets are filled with cheese filling. Tomatoes are decorated with a drop of sour cream and a green leaf.

Cake and cocktail: sweeten up New Year's Eve

The cake is the centerpiece of the table. We offer you an interesting recipe that everyone will like.

chocolate brownie

You need to take the following list of products:

  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • ¾ st. cocoa;
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar;
  • baking powder packaging;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 st. sunflower oils;
  • 1 st. water;
  • A pack of vanilla sugar or vanillin on the tip of a knife.

For the most delicate cream:

  • 200 gr. whipped cream (30% fat or more);
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar.

For glaze:

  • 100 gr. chocolate bar;
  • 25-30 gr. butter.

Place all ingredients except cream in a bowl and mix thoroughly. The mass should be homogeneous without lumps. You can use a mixer with nozzles for stirring the dough (screw-shaped) and mix everything at low speed.

The oven heats up to 180°C. The prepared dough is poured into a round (preferably detachable form). Everything is baked for about half an hour (the surface should stop shining). The cake is then removed from the mold.

While it is cooling, prepare the chocolate. It must be melted in a water bath along with butter. Then apply the icing on the cake and refrigerate for 16-20 minutes. Whilst the frosting is setting, whip the cream with the icing.

The cake is tamed with cream roses and refrigerated until serving.

Cocktail "Fantasy"

From drinks for the New Year's table in 2017, we will present you the recipe for the perfect cocktail that is suitable for meeting the coming year.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 8 peaches;
  • A bottle of sparkling wine (pink or white);
  • 50-100 gr. sugar (adjust the amount to your taste);
  • 50 ml. cognac.

The pits are removed from the peaches. Then they are baked for about 15-17 minutes in the oven at 180ᴼC. After that, they need to be allowed to cool. Then rub through a sieve or grind in a blender.

Mix all ingredients except wine. And fill the glasses by a third. Top with sparkling wine. Mix with a cocktail spoon. If desired, you can paint with peach slices.

Here is such an interesting menu you can put together to please the Fire Rooster and surprise your guests.

The most important thing is not to forget that you need to celebrate the New Year with those who are dear, then your smile will be sincere, and this will be the best gift for an unauthorized bird.

Very soon, a string of merry holidays will be wrapped up, the main among which is the New Year. Although there is still time before the celebration, every housewife wonders what should be on the New Year's table in 2017? As practice shows, even those who are not particularly superstitious try to “appease” the symbol of the coming year on New Year's Eve, observing some conventions when setting the table. There is an opinion that if you please the owner of the year, then all wishes will come true.

Table setting: what the Fire Rooster will like

The rooster is a bright, bold and proud bird. What can we say about the Fire Rooster! He will definitely like a colorful bright table, decorated with beautiful accessories and filled with original dishes. So, if you want to please the symbol of the next year, forget about soft pastel colors. In this case, red, orange, burgundy shades are welcome, symbolizing fire.

Please note that it is not necessary to use accessories and dishes only in bright colors. In an effort to please a capricious bird, it is important not to overdo it - everything should be in moderation. For example, if you decide to set the table with an orange or red tablecloth, then it is better to put plain pastel plates (white or cream). If you want to brag to your guests about a new colorful service of saturated color, then a white tablecloth will serve as the best background for it.

The red tablecloth will definitely please the Fire Rooster

Positive cockerel applies to a variety of vases, flower arrangements, candles. The main condition is no plastic, but only natural materials: linen napkins, porcelain dishes, glass goblets, natural flowers. Pay attention to accessories with the symbol of the year - salt shakers, napkins, tablecloths with the image of a rooster.

Buy symbolic napkins

Be attentive to the little things - the cock's eye is so arranged that it only sees well what is right under its nose. Given this feature of the symbol of the next year, while serving, carefully consider not only the overall composition, but also its small details.

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How to make a holiday menu

When laying the festive New Year's table, it is worth observing some conventions in the choice of treats, so that luck in the coming year does not turn its tail on you, even if it is motley.

So, what should be on the New Year's table in the year of the Rooster in order to appease the bird and pamper guests with goodies? Here are some tips for this.

Decorate salads in the style of 2017

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What dishes are welcome on the New Year's table

The factor that the rooster, one might say, is a vegetarian, largely determines the composition of the New Year's menu. Here are some rules to follow when choosing recipes:

  • Food prepared using a variety of cereals, so beloved by the rooster, is welcome. It can be wheat, millet, oats. So on this night, even those who adhere to a strict diet cannot do without bakery products on the table. In favor are miniature sandwiches made from bread, herbs and cheese.
  • The menu of the New Year's table should have a lot of fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits (especially red and orange) and dishes prepared from them.
  • you can also put fish dishes on the festive table, preferably made from red fish.
  • The bird will definitely like dairy products and everything made from cottage cheese.
  • From drinks, you can advise a variety of cocktails, it’s not for nothing that the word “cocktail” in translation means a cock’s tail.
  • As desserts, jelly cakes, gingerbread and cookies, pies with the image of the king of the year are suitable.

This sandwich has everything that the Fire Rooster likes - cereals, cottage cheese and red fish

New Year's theme will not be superfluous

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What should not be on the menu

For those who have not yet guessed what should not be at the celebration in the year of the Rooster, a little hint:

  • When compiling the menu, make sure that there is not even a hint of chicken dishes on the festive table. And it’s best to remove everything from the list that is prepared from any kind of bird, be it duck, turkey, quail or goose. For the preparation of meat delicacies, use only pork, lamb or veal.
  • The rooster is for ecology and naturalness, therefore the use of canned food is unacceptable. Everything should be only fresh and environmentally friendly.
  • Ideally, it is also desirable to avoid those dishes for the preparation or decoration of which it is necessary to use eggs.

Poultry dishes in the year of the Rooster - forbidden fruit

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Delicious recipes with cereals for the year of the Rooster

Many, having read that in the year of the Rooster on the table, cereal dishes are preferable, they were probably confused - well, do not eat millet or wheat porridge on New Year's Eve? Do not rush to get upset. Here are a few recipes for dishes that are suitable for the festive table, and will please the taste, and will not bring harm to the figure. Be sure to add them to the menu to bring good luck to the house.

Any salad is easy to lay out in the form of a Christmas tree.

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The basis of this dish with a mysterious name is a cereal, which is considered the progenitor of modern wheat. This culture has excellent taste qualities and, due to its easy digestibility, is part of many dietary products.

To prepare fragrant and healthy cutlets for the New Year 2017, you will need 100 g of amaranth seeds, 6 g of carrots, 60 g of peas, 40 g of potatoes, 2 eggs, salt.

  1. Roast the seeds, and boil the peas and potatoes and mash them.
  2. Grate the carrot very finely without turning it into a pulp.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, form small balls from the mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in sunflower oil.
  4. You can serve the dish on a "salad" hat.

Cutlets from amaranth seeds look appetizing and beautiful

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Merchant meat with millet

Those who cannot imagine a holiday without meat dishes can cook unique merchant meat with millet. Thanks to an unusual recipe for cooking meat, millet porridge, which goes to it as a side dish, ceases to be commonplace on the festive table. Try it and you will see that this is exactly what should be on the New Year's table.

Millet porridge should be on the table in the year of the Rooster

To prepare the dish, you will need 200 g of pork tenderloin, 200 g of ham, 1 processed cheese, half a white onion, 50 g of whole cream, 100 g of millet, herbs and spices.

  1. Gently cut the tenderloin lengthwise (so that it looks like an open book) and beat off.
  2. The ham should be cut into thin strips, the onion should be cut into half rings, and the greens should be finely chopped.
  3. Season all the ingredients with spices to your own taste and let stand for a while so that the meat absorbs their aroma.
  4. Put the pork tenderloin on the bottom of the form greased with olive oil, on top of it - ham with onions, then pour all this over with cream and sprinkle with melted cheese, grated on a fine grater, mixed with chopped herbs.

Appetizing merchant meat

The dish must be baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25 minutes. In the meantime, the meat will be baked, prepare a “pillow” of millet porridge for it. To do this, it is enough to boil the millet until tender in salted water according to the instructions that are always on its packaging, and put the side dish on a serving plate.

Decorate your Christmas table

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Sprouted wheat and orange salad

New Year 2017 is the time to try everything unusual and original. A salad of sprouted wheat and oranges is just what the proud cockerel will like, and of course you will too. For it you will need 2 apples, 1 glass of wheat germ, 1 orange, 2 tablespoons of hazelnuts, 150 g of cottage cheese, 4 leaves of watercress, 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and spices.

  1. Cut the apples and orange into small slices, and tear the lettuce leaves into large pieces with your hands.
  2. Mix the ingredients, adding cottage cheese and sprouted wheat to them.
  3. Put the resulting mixture beautifully on a dish, pour over with olive oil and sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts. The healthiest dish is ready!

If you are puzzled by where to get germinated wheat, then this is not a problem. You need to buy a glass of grain and pre-soak it in water, rinsing every day. Soaking can last from 2 to 7 days - depending on whether you want to get small sprouts or a small green sprout.

Salads with wheat germ - a very healthy dish

Salad in the form of a calendar leaf

We hope that all the tips and recipes described will be useful to you in the process of preparing for the celebration of the New Year 2017. But even if you are not superstitious and absolutely do not believe in signs to attract good luck, these ideas can be a good basis for holding a New Year's themed party.

In order for the New Year's menu 2017 to comply with all the rules, please the Rooster and not upset the Monkey, you should follow a few rules on what dishes and drinks should set the table and how to decorate them.

How to set a festive table on New Year's Eve of the Rooster? 8 tips

Tip 1.

Firstly, there should not be a "bird" ingredient in any dish on the table. "Rooster" will not tolerate such familiarity, despite the fact that he "takes over his reign" in the last days of January 2017. It is allowed to use eggs, but in salads and in the preparation of main hot and dessert dishes. As an independent snack, eggs are not allowed this year for treats.

Tip 2.

Secondly, choosing strong alcohol-containing drinks for the holiday should not be carried away. A fiery red rooster does not respect or approve of heavy drinkers. But there should be a place for delicious champagne and good wines on the New Year's table. There must be cocktails (both with and without an alcoholic ingredient). They are tasty, beautiful and very pleasant to drink. No wonder the exact translation of this word that came to us from England reads "rooster's tail."

Tip 3.

Thirdly, the sign (“Red Cockerel”) is very serious and strict. This is the reason why the dishes and drinks that will be offered for refreshment should not be very complex in taste and intricate in preparation.

Tip 4.

Fourthly, this year there should be wicker straw dishes on the table. Dried peas or beans should be poured into a wicker basket or vase (small, even small). It should be decorated with green sprigs of spruce or, finally, any food greens. Such a sign of respect will be very liked by the cockerel.

Tip 5

Fifth, this year you should prepare dessert dishes from all kinds of cereals (rice, couscous, pearl barley) with the addition of flour, dried fruits, seeds. This will not only please the rooster, but also respect the monkey, under whose sign the year is passing.

Tip 6

Sixth, you should see off the old year with hot dumplings stuffed with meat or fish with all kinds of sauces, even sweet, for every taste.

Tip 7.

Seventhly, on the table there should be beautiful small canapé sandwiches on skewers based on different types of bread. With cheeses and sausages, red fish, shrimps and herring.

You can talk a lot and for a long time about what should be on the table in the year of the Rooster 2017. But without this conversation, you definitely won’t be able to make the right menu that the Rooster will like, which means that in the coming year it will bring both the hostess of the table and the guests, only all the most good.

Following the eastern rules when compiling the menu for the New Year has another plus. This is an amazing opportunity to diversify festive snacks or salads, come up with unusual main dishes. Special attention on New Year's Eve 2017, it should be emphasized and highlighted immediately, it is worth paying desserts. At least one dessert must be present on the menu without fail.

Important! The rooster is an artistic and inquisitive bird. This suggests that the table should be brightly and unusually decorated. Dishes that will be served on New Year's Eve 2017 should be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

What should be on the table in the year of the Rooster 2017 (with photo)

If, in general, to characterize the current holiday menu, then the table should be rich and varied. Let the dishes be smaller in portions, but always in large quantities.

Particular attention should be paid on the eve of 2017 to snacks and desserts. It is sweets and fruits that cockerels love more than anything in the world, which means that the menu will have to be compiled according to these special rules.

As noted above, all dishes should be beautifully and festively decorated. Serve them in new original salad bowls and vases. The decoration of the festive table in 2017 must be on top. The cockerel loves glitter, tinsel, a lot of small details. Do not forget about candles as an additional decor, because the year will be exactly the Red and Fiery Cockerel.

Selection of salads and appetizers

As for food processing methods, attention should be paid to the oven, steaming or even boiling. It is better to refuse fried foods, because, as we have already found out within the framework of this material, the rooster does not like fatty foods. Chicken made in French with potatoes is a great and easy option for a festive hot dish on the New Year's table in 2017.

As for the side dish, you can choose any vegetables. Moreover, it is recommended to make assorted fresh or baked vegetables. The more the name of different vegetable products is, the better it is for your table, the more the totem animal of the next year will like it.

Mandatory sweets!

In the list of what should be on the table in the year of the Rooster 2017, there are sure to be. In total, there are 12 animals in the eastern horoscope, which, replacing each other, are the eastern symbols of the year. So, of all birds, it is the cockerel that has a sweet tooth. So, we definitely pay special attention to the dessert on the festive table.

It can be a large handmade cake, or it can be a variety of small cakes in a huge assortment. You can make shortbread baskets with fruit, with a light cream, desserts based on puff pastry, canapés from various fruits, jellies, biscuits.
If you want to make a light dessert, then you can safely make various options for fruit salads with delicious sweet dressings. Desserts must be decorated separately. To do this, you can use grated chocolate, coconut, whipped cream.

Advice! Already at the beginning of the feast, it is strongly recommended that in the center of the table, somewhere near the Rooster salad, there should be a large phase with the most exotic and unusual fruits.

If we sum up on the topic of what should be on the table in the year of the Rooster 2017, then preference is given to light snacks and salads, lean meats. The presence of dessert is a must, as is the presence of various exotic fruits. You can put a vase of sweets in bright wrappers on the table to make the cockerel especially nice. More can be done