What can be prepared for the year. How to bake a pig in the oven

According to the Chinese calendar, the year is coming Fire Rooster, which by nature is strict and serious, but fair. How to meet and what to cook for the New Year 2017 to do new year's eve memorable, enlist the support of the symbol and ensure the fulfillment of desires?

According to the Chinese sages, the Red Rooster, with the help of a cleansing flame, will drive away all bad things and fill the world with new and unknown things. With the advent of 2017, the Year of the Rooster, and this will happen on January 28, changes will affect everyone. The nature of change depends on the people. The symbol of the year is known for its sympathy for purposeful and hardworking people with remarkable willpower. The new year 2017 will be exciting and emotional, and all undertakings will bear fruit if you work hard and persevere.

The red color present in the color of the Fire Rooster symbolizes financial success. It is a shade of career growth and the color of good luck. The Rooster also likes gold. Therefore, giving preference to golden colors, get the support of the symbol of the New Year 2017 in all endeavors.

The rooster is a family bird. He appreciates loved ones and guards peace. It is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2017 in the family circle. Thanks to a cheerful noisy company, the holiday will turn out to be incredibly active. New Year's holiday abroad is better to postpone.

As for gifts, the economical symbol of the year is prone to small presents, because attention is more important. To appease the Fire Rooster, when creating a New Year's interior, be guided by colors bird color.

The place where the New Year is held does not matter, but it is better to avoid dubious establishments, otherwise an evening spoiled by even a small conflict will leave unpleasant memories. Bet on the company and do not forget about the festive mood.

Scenario for the New Year 2017 of the Red Rooster for home and family

New Year- a long-awaited holiday. This is a great opportunity to get together with the family and have fun. To make the holiday a success, create a festive atmosphere for loved ones. Fantasy and a pre-thought-out scenario for the New Year 2017 will help in this.

Prepare masks and costumes in advance. I advise you to make the holiday themed: a fabulous ball, a pirate party. There are no restrictions. Songs, dances, congratulations and contests with gifts will help to create a festive atmosphere. I offer a script for New Year's Eve for a meeting with family or friends.

  • Introduction. Let the head of the family open the holiday. I recommend starting with a congratulation, supplemented by a joke or a thematic poem.
  • Farewell to last year. Best time to say toasts. Turn everything into a game. Let each participant of the event remember the good moments of the outgoing year. The one who remembers will win and receive a prize the largest number events.
  • Warm up. Start with riddles. Give a gift for the correct answer. There are many inexpensive gizmos on sale: postcards, fridge magnets, key rings with the symbol of 2017.
  • New Year's Eve. Glasses of champagne, holiday greetings and toasts. While the chimes are chiming, make a wish.
  • Presentation of New Year's gifts. Make the process intriguing. Tell the guests that the gifts have been stolen by an evil sorcerer who left a note with clues. Let the family participate in an interactive game and search.
  • Contests. Previously, people celebrated the New Year in front of the TV. Now it is irrelevant and boring. Contests, for example, “Draw a dream”, will help to diversify the situation. Distribute paper and pencils to the participants, blindfold them. When one of the participants completes the picture, the others must guess the dream. The one who guessed correctly will get a prize, and the author will be sure that the dream will come true.
  • Family walk. The most long-awaited stage of the celebration. Go outside with a cheerful company, breathe in the frosty air, admire the stars, burn sparklers, explode firecrackers or start fireworks.

How will it turn out New Year's celebration, Depends on you. Let your imagination run free and remember that true happiness lies in cheerful memories, unforgettable emotions and the festive mood of loved ones.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017

It is easy to guess that the main color of the upcoming 2017 is red. It is not recommended to be limited to a classic shade. You can wear if you wish. festive outfit scarlet, burgundy or pink.

According to astrologers, the owner of the approaching year likes fiery shades. Yellow and orange outfits are also relevant. If you are not happy with these colors, opt for blue and purple colors.

Try to make the image bright, original and elegant. Even if you decide to wear trousers and a jumper, the main thing is that the clothes emphasize masculinity. Women's outfit should combine tenderness and femininity. The image of a daring young lady will not work.

What to wear for different zodiac signs

According to astrologers, if you choose the right outfit for the New Year 2017 and take into account the sign of the zodiac, fate will be favorable throughout the year. What to choose?

  1. Aries fit yellow outfits. It is better for girls to refuse a deep neckline, otherwise it will turn into a love tragedy and a broken heart in the coming year.
  2. Taurus the road to experiments with colors and their combinations is open. This zodiac is not friendly with a bright personality and flashy antics. Among the decorations the best option- large hoop earrings.
  3. Twins the most outrageous. The highlight of the image is thoughtfulness, complemented by the correct placement of accents. To attract good luck, decorate your hair with a red satin ribbon or hairpin.
  4. For Cancer the best solution is a costume outfit, complemented by a mask with rhinestones. Such attire will provide the effect of an unforgettable masquerade and give an excellent mood.
  5. lions- self-confident and pedantic personalities who consider the preparation for the holiday, taking into account the zodiac, nonsense. The patron of 2017 will appreciate any outfit they choose. The main thing is that the accessories are discreet.
  6. Virgins bright clothes and soft makeup will do. Laconic jewelry will emphasize natural beauty.
  7. Libra it is recommended to bet on natural contrasts. They are allowed to shine all New Year's Eve in the outfit that they have been dreaming about lately.
  8. In New Year's Eve scorpions there must be a twist. Young ladies who want to stand out from the crowd will not be hurt by peppercorns. Fantasy will help to attract attention.
  9. Sagittarius It is prescribed to celebrate the New Year 2017 in a relaxed atmosphere. A short skirt or dress with an attractive neckline will help create the image of a fatal girl.
  10. Capricorn The rooster recommends listening to the inner voice. The key to success is a beautiful manicure, well-groomed hands and discreet accessories.
  11. Aquarius fit long dresses, skirts to the floor and suits with trousers. Asymmetry, complemented by a small heel and bright jewelry, will help to bring zest to the image.
  12. For Pisces any style is appropriate. The main thing is to put on new clothes. It is better to go to the store in mid-December. This will attract money and good luck to the house.

If you strive to win over the symbol of the approaching year, do not be modest and do not save. Regardless of what you have to celebrate the New Year 2017, the image should be based on massive jewelry and bright colors. Silent Fire Rooster will not like it.

What to cook for the New Year 2017 - step by step recipes

The holiday is approaching, and the hostesses are increasingly immersed in an ocean of trouble. They have to put things in order in the house, decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts for the household and resolve the issue with the New Year's menu. Each of these tasks is important and requires attention.

On New Year's Eve it is customary to set the table richly and generously. Each hostess strives to meet the culinary expectations of the guests. She watches themed TV shows and visits cooking websites in search of recipes. But there are so many dishes that it is problematic to make a choice.

For the sake of facilitating the preparation for the upcoming holiday, I suggest assembling step by step recipes. Dishes will please everyone. They correspond to the character of the Fire Rooster, under whose patronage the next year will pass, because there is a lot of greenery in culinary masterpieces, fresh fruit and vegetables.

It is difficult to imagine New Year's Eve without a table bursting with all kinds of dishes, delicacies and drinks. On the eve of the celebration, each hostess considers a list of treats that will decorate the New Year's feast.

New Year's salads deserve special attention, because you want to please your guests with something new and unknown, in addition to the classic Olivier and Mimosa. I offer several interesting recipes with which you will surprise everyone.

Salad "Santa Claus"


  • Hard cheese - 150 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 can.
  • Tomatoes - 200 g.
  • canned tuna- 1 bank.
  • Mayonnaise, salt.


  1. Open the can of tuna and drain the liquid. Mash the fish well with a fork.
  2. Finely chop one boiled egg, and remove the yolks from the remaining eggs. They are useful for salad, and proteins are suitable for decoration.
  3. Cut half of the tomatoes into small pieces. Save the rest for decoration.
  4. Pass the cheese through a grater and mix with other ingredients. Add mayonnaise and salt, mix and put on a plate in the form of a small slide, reminiscent of Santa Claus's hat.
  5. For a realistic salad, garnish the edges with grated squirrel and make a bubo on top. To keep the dish in shape, secure with a mesh of mayonnaise. Finely chopped tomato decorate the sides of the hat.

Video recipe

Salad "New Year's cockerel"


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Pickled mushrooms - 150 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream, herbs, salt.


  1. Boil the fillet, cool and cut into cubes. Grind boiled carrots, pickled mushrooms and cucumbers to match the chicken.
  2. Combine the prepared ingredients in a bowl, add salt and season with sour cream. The volume of sour cream is determined by personal taste preferences. The main thing is that the salad does not turn out too liquid.
  3. It remains to make a salad. First, sprinkle the dish with egg crumbs. From peppercorns, make eyes, tail and wings from an onion, and cut a scallop and beak from a carrot. Decorate the dish with herbs.

Salad "Zimushka"


  • Chicken liver - 200 g.
  • Korean carrot - 200 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour- 1 spoon.
  • Vegetable oil, dill, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.


  1. Put the chicken liver together with the egg in a blender bowl and chop.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper, salt, flour and mix.
  3. Fry thin pancakes on both sides in a heated frying pan.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine chopped dill, chopped pickled cucumbers and onion half rings. Add julienned pancakes and Korean carrots.
  5. It remains to season the dish with mayonnaise, mix and refrigerate for several hours so that the ingredients make friends.

Agree, the salads, the cooking technology of which I shared, are incredibly simple. At the same time, they will become a wonderful and unusual table decoration and delight guests with new tastes.

If you don’t want to spoil the mood for the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, replace chicken liver with rabbit liver, and use beef tongue instead of fillet. The result will not change.

Recipes for delicious snacks

On New Year's table appropriate various dishes. In this part of the article we will talk about delicious and unusual snacks. There are many recipes and it is easy to get lost in this variety. If there are difficulties with the choice of dishes, I will help by offering several detailed recipes that correspond to the approaching New Year 2017.

"Lavash rolls"


  • Lavash - 1 pack.
  • processed cheese- 400 g.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 g.
  • Greenery.


  1. Spread the pita bread on the table, spread with melted cheese, put lightly salted fish chopped into thin slices on top and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  2. Lavash roll into a roll. Cut the resulting sausage into even slices, put on a dish and decorate as you like.

Video recipe

"Baked champignons"


  • Fresh champignons- 9 pcs.
  • Brisket - 9 slices.
  • Hard cheese - 9 slices.
  • Blue cheese - 9 slices.
  • Sour cream sauce - 1 spoon.
  • Greenery.


  1. To prepare a snack, first rinse the mushrooms and peel them. Cut off the legs, finely chop and mix with chopped herbs and sour cream sauce. If there is no sauce, use mayonnaise. The filling is ready.
  2. Fill the mushroom caps with stuffing and place on a greased baking sheet. Place a slice of cheese and a brisket on each hat.
  3. It remains to pour a snack olive oil and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for fifteen minutes. When the cheese is melted, remove the mushrooms, transfer to a dish and garnish with herbs.

"Vol-au-vents with caviar"


  • Puff pastry without yeast - 500 g.
  • Cream cheese - 300 g.
  • Red caviar - 1 bank.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.


  1. Roll out the dough into a 3 mm thick layer. Using a standard measure or glass, cut out circles from the dough. Place half of the blanks on a baking sheet, brush well with beaten eggs.
  2. Cut out the center of the remaining circles. Combine the resulting rings with the circles on the baking sheet. Bake the snack in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  3. Fill the finished flounces with a mixture of cream cheese and red caviar, garnish with fresh herbs.

At your disposal are step-by-step recipes for delicious and original snacks for the New Year 2017, which complement New Year's salads, which were discussed above. Do not run away, the formation of the New Year's table does not end there.

hot food recipes

Chicken is traditionally used for cooking holiday salads, snacks and hot dishes due to taste, ease of preparation and low cost. This year, it is recommended to replace chicken with other types of meat so as not to offend the symbol of the coming year. Thankfully, a suitable replacement is easy to find.

Consider the recipes for hot dishes that will serve as the basis of the New Year's table. Together with salads and appetizers, they will complete the picture. holiday menu leaving room only for desserts.

"Potato with cheese and sour cream"


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Sour cream - 450 ml.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g.
  • Butter, spices, salt.


  1. Pour the peeled potatoes with water and cut into thin slices. Pass the cheese through a large grater. Lubricate the form with butter.
  2. Place a layer of potato slices on the bottom of the mold. Top potatoes with sour cream, sprinkle with salt and spices, sprinkle with grated cheese. Alternate layers until you run out of ingredients.
  3. Send the filled form to the oven for 25 minutes. Baking temperature - 200 degrees. Remove the cooked potatoes from the oven and arrange on plates.

Videos cooking

"Pot Roast"


  • Pork tenderloin - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Red onion - 2 heads.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons.
  • Red wine - 2 glasses.
  • Chicken broth - 300 ml.
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons.
  • Ground pepper, olive oil, sea salt, fresh thyme.


  1. Pork tenderloin mix well ground pepper And sea ​​salt. Set the meat aside and prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Pour a little olive oil into each pot, add onion, garlic and pieces of meat. Pour the contents of the pots with wine and add a little butter. Send the pots to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for an hour.
  3. While the meat is baking, prepare the sauce. Bring the chicken broth to a boil and adjust the flavor with your favorite seasonings. Then add sour cream to the broth and cook until the sauce is halved in volume.
  4. Sprinkle the finished meat with chopped thyme and serve hot with a fragrant sauce.

"Vegetable stew"


  • Potatoes - 6 pieces.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Greens, salt, pepper.


  1. Peel and wash potatoes, garlic, carrots, zucchini, onions and garlic. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skin.
  2. Cut the vegetables into small cubes, and finely chop the garlic. Put the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, add vegetable oil, pour in half a glass of water and simmer for 40 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
  3. At the end of the stew, add chopped garlic along with salt and pepper to the pan. Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

I think these hot dishes will take their rightful place on the festive table and delight the household with an incredible and original taste. None of the guests will remain hungry and unsatisfied on New Year's Eve.

  • Milk - 0.5 cups.
  • Gelatin - 15 g.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Sour cream - 0.5 cups.
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Pineapple rings - 2 pcs.
  • Cooking:

    • Dissolve gelatin in milk. Leave the resulting mixture for 20 minutes so that it swells and becomes lush.
    • In a separate container, combine sour cream with cottage cheese, add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Mix to make homogeneous mass.
    • Chop pineapple rings into small pieces. Warmed to a hot state, gelatin enter into curd mass, mix, add pineapple cubes and mix again.
    • Pour the dessert into a bowl and refrigerate for 5 hours to harden.

    "Chocolate mousse"


    • Butter - 200 g.
    • Walnuts - 50 g.
    • Eggs - 5 pcs.
    • Powdered sugar - 60 g.
    • Dark chocolate - 450 g.


    1. Grind the kernels walnuts. Break the chocolate into small pieces and send to steam bath by adding a piece of butter. I recommend spreading the chocolate in portions, stirring the mass. Cook over medium heat without boiling.
    2. egg whites beat well with a pinch of salt. Combine chocolate with powdered sugar, add half of the proteins, and after mixing the second half.
    3. Transfer the mousse to a beautiful bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with nut crumbs before serving.

    "Fruit salad"


    • Orange - 4 pcs.
    • Prunes - 400 g.
    • Lemon - 2 pcs.
    • Walnut kernels - 100 g.
    • Mandarin - 4 pcs.
    • Apple - 4 pcs.
    • Dark raisins - 200 g.
    • Powdered sugar - 40 g.
    • Dry white wine - 40 ml.
    • Sour cream - 400 ml.
    • Vanilla sugar - 20 g.
    • Cream - 200 ml.


    1. Chop the peeled apples into strips and moisten with lemon juice. Citrus fruit cut into pieces and chop. orange peel cut into thin strips.
    2. Pour dried fruits with water and put on the stove. Immediately after the liquid boils, remove the container with dried fruits from the stove, cool, drain the water and chop into strips. Crush the nut kernels with a rolling pin.
    3. Combine the cream with wine, add vanilla sugar and cook for 5 minutes. After removing the mixture from the stove, add sour cream and mix. Put the prepared ingredients in a deep salad bowl, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with slices of orange zest.

    I think it turned out to be an excellent assembly of step-by-step recipes, thanks to which you will easily lay a chic table for the New Year 2017, from which guests will be delighted. Happy celebrating the Year of the Rooster!

    New 2017 bears the proud name of the Fire Rooster, which means it will bring good luck, however, according to astrologers, you will have to fight for it. Only the most stubborn, persistent and courageous will succeed.

    And in order to appease the owner of the coming year from the very beginning, you need to take care of his proper meeting, especially about the festive table and snacks. Let's start with recipes for the New Year 2017 - the year of the Rooster.

    How to organize a New Year's table

    The rooster loves everything simple and natural, hearty and tasty, but he will not refuse bright serving and exquisite decoration. The best choice is easy-to-prepare, but spectacularly served dishes.

    Be sure to put as many vegetables and herbs on the table as possible, here our selection of salad recipes for the New Year 2017 will come in handy.

    But chicken dishes are unwanted guests, it is better to use other meat. And do not forget to put a basket with different types of bread on the table - the Rooster will be grateful to you.

    Thinking about the table for the New Year 2017, recipes for salads and snacks, use our tips!

    Simple New Year's salads 2017

    As a rule, the lion's share of the hostess's time is spent on preparing hot dishes. Therefore, salads on the New Year's table are most often chosen as simple as possible, not requiring long preparation, but tasty and attractive in appearance.

    To please your family and guests, try using tried and tested simple salads for New Year 2017.

    Pay special attention to the New Year's salad "Rooster", as well as the interesting salad "New Year's Clock", "Herringbone".

    New Year's recipe 1 - Chicken coop salad with croutons and smoked meats

    Any smoked meats - 100 g (boiled pork, any ham or smoked sausages will do)
    Onion - 1 pc.
    Chinese cabbage - head of cabbage weighing 0.5 kg
    Some grated cheese
    Crackers, mayonnaise


    Cut Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped smoked meats and onions, add crackers just before serving, mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

    As you can see - fast, simple and inexpensive. It is these New Year's salads for 2017 that are especially highly valued.

    New Year's Recipe 2 - Fresh Idea Salad

    Cauliflower - 0.5 kg
    Fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
    Fresh dill or parsley - 1 bunch
    Garlic - 1-2 cloves
    Lemon - 1 pc.
    Vegetable oil


    Boil a head of cauliflower disassembled into inflorescences in salted water. Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. Mix tomatoes with cabbage directly in a salad bowl, add chopped garlic and chopped greens there. Before serving, pour over the oil and lemon juice, mix gently. Thanks to tomatoes, lemon juice and herbs, such salads on the New Year's table are especially juicy and fresh.

    New Year's recipe 3 - Salad "Sea Rooster"

    Seaweed - 200 g
    Onions - 1-2 pcs.
    Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
    Salt, pepper - to taste
    vegetable oil and mayonnaise - for dressing


    Everything is very simple: the onion must be cut into half rings and fried in oil, add sea ​​kale and grated eggs, if desired, season with mayonnaise, but you can leave it like that.

    New Year's recipe 4 - Salad "New Year's watermelon"

    Usually they try to arrange salads on the New Year's table in some unusual way, even if the composition of the salad is the simplest. Studying salad recipes for the New Year 2017, you will not be able to pass by the original and spectacular New Year's Watermelon.

    Turkey fillet - 100 g
    Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.
    Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
    Hard cheese - 100 g


    Pitted black olives or black olives, salt, pepper, mayonnaise

    Boil the fillet and disassemble into fibers. Cut vegetables into neat small pieces. Mix meat with grated cheese and chopped olives. Put the mixture on a dish, giving it the shape of a watermelon slice. Now, guided by the photo, lay out the chopped vegetables, a thin layer of cheese and chopped olives on top - they will play the role of watermelon seeds.

    Original salads for the New Year 2017

    Preparing to celebrate the New Year 2017, recipes for salads and snacks, we are looking for information wherever possible: in magazines, from friends, on the Internet, etc. and so on. If you want to impress your guests unusual options try to cook original salads for the New Year 2017. The main thing is to arrange them correctly and beautifully. For example, the New Year's salad "Rooster" can become a real decoration of the table - it is not difficult to cook it, even children will be happy to do it.

    New Year's recipe 5 - New Year's salad "Rooster"

    Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs. (multicolor, yellow and red)
    Smoked meat - 300 g
    Pitted olives - 1 can
    Boiled egg yolk - for garnish
    Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste


    Mix the diced meat, sliced ​​olives and chopped or diced peppers in a bowl. Don't forget to set aside a few colorful pepper rings for garnish.

    Season the salad with mayonnaise, mix again. Lay out the figure of a cockerel from the mass and decorate: sprinkle with grated yolk, make a wing and a tail, a scallop and a beard from pepper rings, an eye and a beak from olives and greens.

    New Year's salad "Rooster" is ready!

    New Year's recipe 6 - Salad "Christmas ball"

    Collecting recipes for salads and appetizers for the New Year 2017, try to cook this simple, but very beautiful dish.

    Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
    Crab sticks - 250 g
    Onion - 1 pc.
    Mayonnaise, ketchup - to taste
    Corn, peas, red caviar, carrots and olives - a little bit, for decoration


    Mix crushed crab sticks, eggs and onions, season with mayonnaise, and then lay out in the form of a Christmas ball and start decorating. Fantasize!

    New Year's Recipe 7 - Starfish Salad

    New Year's salads 2017 should be bright and colorful, which means that "Starfish" will be a win-win option.

    Hard cheese - 200 g
    Eggs - 4 pcs.
    Boiled shrimp - 300 g
    Lightly salted salmon or salmon - 150 g
    Pitted olives - 100 g


    Grate boiled eggs and cheese coarse grater. Cut olives in half. Shrimps - peel and grate (you can take crab sticks instead). Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. Put on a dish, shaping the mass starfish. Put thin slices of fish on top, decorate with olives, lemon wedges, greenery.

    New Year's recipe 8 - Salad "New Year's clock"

    It won’t take you much time to prepare the New Year’s Clock salad, but it will surely attract the attention of everyone who is at the festive table.

    Turkey breast - 200 g
    Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 0.5 kg
    Potato - 2 medium tubers
    Carrot - 1 pc.
    Hard cheese - 100 g
    Eggs - 3 pcs.
    Salt, herbs, mayonnaise


    Cut and fry mushrooms. Boil breast, eggs, potatoes and carrots and cool. Now spread the products on a flat plate in layers, after placing a round shape on it.

    The first layer is peeled and grated potatoes. The second layer is torn into fibers or finely chopped meat. Third - fried mushrooms. Then - grated eggs on a coarse grater. Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise, lightly salted and leveled.

    The last layer is hard cheese grated on a fine grater.

    Now remove the round shape and fill the future “clock” well with cheese. And the last step - cut out neat circles in the amount of 12 pieces from boiled peeled carrots and lay them out in a circle, add carrot arrows. Decorate the entire structure with chopped greens, you can draw numbers on the circles using mayonnaise.

    Spectacular and delicious salad"New Year's clock" is ready!

    New Year's recipe 9 - Salad "First Snow"

    Salad recipes for the New Year 2017 are designed not only to feed, but also to deliver aesthetic pleasure, to remind you of a friendly and beautiful winter outside the window.

    Hard cheese - 100 g
    Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
    Onion - 1 pc.
    Large green apple - 1 pc.


    Peel the apple, carefully cut into slices and put in a single layer on a flat dish. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Scald onion sliced ​​​​in half rings with boiling water to remove bitterness. After a couple of minutes, drain the boiling water, put the onion on the apple and also grease with mayonnaise. Top - thin circles of eggs. Grease with mayonnaise too. The last detail is to fill the salad with a “snowball”, which must be made from hard cheese by rubbing it on a fine grater.

    New Year's recipe 10 - Salad "Merry Holiday"

    Without a doubt, New Year's salads 2017 are a great occasion to please yourself and your guests. gourmet dishes. Let yourself feel the luxurious taste and admire the bright elements, because almost all salad recipes for the New Year 2017 amaze the imagination with bright colors and delicious ingredients.

    Hard cheese - 100 g
    Large shrimps - 200 g
    Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
    Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
    Cherry tomatoes - 7-8 pcs.
    Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste
    Balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon
    Olive oil - 1 teaspoon


    Boil and clean the shrimp. Then they need to be fried for a few minutes on a preheated sunflower oil. Vegetables - cucumber, tomatoes and peppers - cut into neat pieces and mix in a bowl. Add diced hard cheese and chopped herbs. At the end, fried shrimp will go to the salad bowl. Season the mass with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

    New Year's recipe 11 - Salad "Herringbone"

    When choosing recipes for salads and snacks for the New Year 2017, do not forget about the main guest - the green Christmas tree. You can cook an unusual and very tasty salad in her honor.

    Soft cheese - 250 g
    Fresh tomato - 1 pc.
    Canned salmon - 1 can
    Dill - 1 bunch
    Ground paprika - 1 teaspoon
    Juice from 1 lemon
    Some pomegranate seeds


    Finely chop salmon, mix with grated cheese, season lemon juice and paprika. You will get a sticky mass, from which you can easily form a future Christmas tree - give the mass the shape of a cone.

    Carefully cut out a star from the tomato - you will need a sharp knife for this. Sprinkle the cone with chopped dill - these will be “needles”. Pomegranate seeds will play the role of Christmas tree decorations, and a tomato star will be installed, as expected, on the top of the Christmas tree.

    All salads for the New Year 2017 are a tribute to the new "master" of the year, the Fire Rooster. Prepare selected salads for the New Year's table. And you will see - in 2017 you will definitely be lucky!

    For a worthy meeting of the Year of the Fire Rooster, a festive table is being prepared in every home, the menu of which should fully satisfy the demanding owner of the coming year. It is believed that on the night that marks the beginning of the new year, chicken dishes should not be served at the table. This is the reason for our choice of simple recipes for the New Year 2017, which means they are also suitable for vegetarians.

    Envelopes with mushrooms

    Like any bird, the Rooster prefers plant foods. Therefore, puff pastry envelopes filled with fried mushrooms with onions will be a good choice for an appetizer prepared in his honor.


    • puff pastry - 500 grams;
    • fresh champignons - 1 kg;
    • onion - 2 pcs. large size;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
    • a mixture of peppers - a third of a teaspoon;
    • salt - to taste.

    The process of preparing this dish begins with the fact that the mushrooms are thoroughly washed and cleaned of damaged areas.

    Cut into slices, they are placed in a dry frying pan and put on fire. The liquid released after a few minutes is drained. Add vegetable oil to the pan. Mushrooms are combined with peeled and finely chopped onions.

    Salted and spiced mushrooms are fried until cooked, after which they cool slightly.

    While the mushrooms are being prepared, it is advisable to lay out the dough from freezer and let it unwind.

    It is cut into 10x10 squares. In the center of each square of dough, a filling of mushrooms and onions is placed, after which it is pinched crosswise.

    Formed envelopes are baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

    Easy to make but hearty snack will be to the taste of the owner of the new year.

    Greek salad

    No celebration is complete without the freshness of salads. For the festive table on the eve of 2017, the most appropriate will be the combination of several vegetables Greek salad. The recipe for this dish can rightfully be classified as simple recipes salads for the New Year 2017.


    • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • Bell pepper- 4 things.;
    • pitted olives - 100 g;
    • red onion - 2 pcs.;
    • lettuce - 5-6 leaves;
    • feta cheese - 200 g;
    • extra virgin olive oil - 2 tbsp

    Greek salad is easy to make.

    Washed tomatoes and peppers, removing the cores, you need to cut into large cubes. Cheese is ground in the same way.

    Peeled onions, cut in half, chop in half rings.

    The olives taken out of the jar are cut lengthwise into two parts.

    Bottom wide dish cover with washed and drained lettuce leaves. On top of it put onions, then chopped peppers, tomatoes and olives.

    Feta cubes are laid out last.

    At the final stage, the ingredients are sprinkled with olive oil.

    Rich taste of bright and juicy vegetables in combination with soft cheese, the rooster will certainly appreciate it.

    Classic red bean lobio

    In the previous year of the rooster, the night should depart from the tradition of serving hot chicken dishes on the table. Fulfilled piquant taste the replacement will be lobio flavored with fragrant spices.


    • red beans - 0.5 kg;
    • red onion - 400 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • black pepper, savory, coriander - ½ tsp each;
    • fresh cilantro - a large bunch;
    • balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
    • salt to taste.

    Preparing red bean lobio on the eve of New Year's Eve is not difficult.

    First of all, you need to pour the washed beans cold water and, salting, cook until soft for about 2.5 hours.

    Cooked beans, draining most of the water from the container, knead, and then simmer on the fire for a quarter of an hour.

    Chopped at your discretion, the onion is sautéed in vegetable oil. 2/3 chopped cilantro is added to it. Once these ingredients are ready, dry spices are added to them and mixed.

    Ready beans are combined with frying. Balsamic vinegar and chopped garlic are introduced into the container. The dish is salted and kept on low heat for no more than 10 minutes.

    Serve the dish hot, garnishing it with chopped fresh cilantro.

    The owner of the next year will not remain indifferent to sweets, especially if they are harmoniously combined with fruits, nuts and other similar ingredients. Light for the night, but extremely tasty is a delicacy that has many fans - prunes stuffed with walnuts in cheese sauce (or sour cream).


    • prunes - 0.5 kg;
    • peeled Walnut- 300 g;
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    • cream cheese(feta, mascarpone) or sour cream 20% - 3 tbsp.

    The process of preparing this dessert is very simple.

    Cream cheese and a quarter of a walnut are placed in each fruit of the washed and dried with a paper towel prunes.

    Option with sour cream

    In a separate container, beat sour cream with sugar. Dipped in this composition stuffed prunes, then spread in portioned bowls or a common glass dish.

    By the time the dessert is served, the prunes are perfectly soaked in sauce.

    New Year 2017 according to the Eastern calendar will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster. At first glance, this bird seems to be simple, but it has a cocky and snobby character, and therefore it will not be easy to please the owner of the coming year.

    When preparing for New Year's Eve, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to get into a mess and inadvertently anger the Fanfaron Rooster. What to cook on the New Year's table 2017 to satisfy the demanding bird, surprise guests with extraordinary dishes, and what recipes to use to turn the holiday into a culinary extravaganza?

    This task is not an easy one, but nothing is impossible if you take up the matter with confidence in your abilities and a sincere desire to please loved ones. When preparing the menu, it is important to take into account some rules, the knowledge of which will save you from many mistakes. So,

    • The first rule is that it is impossible to cook from chicken meat on this holiday. You will have to give up not only this, such a familiar and undoubtedly tasty product, but even eggs, though served too explicitly - for example, stuffed. But you can cook using eggs as ingredients in the same salads or pastries.
    • Rule two - more greens, vegetables and fruits. It is understandable, because the rooster is a bird that eats plant foods. Recipes from cereals and legumes are also welcome on the festive table. What is not a worthy alternative to bored potatoes? Rice, bulgur, corn grits, beans at the right cooking and serving can become a real highlight of the culinary program! You can cook salads, main dishes, desserts, cuts from vegetables and fruits. In a word, the more there are, the better.
    • The third rule is simple, but tasteful. Recipes that fully satisfy the strict guidelines of the master of the year are easy to prepare, do not require exotic ingredients, strong frying, and are moderately seasoned with spices.

    By adopting these useful advice, let's proceed, in fact, to the most important thing - the choice of dishes for the festive table. And what delicious to cook for the new year 2017 will be prompted by the recipes with photos below. All of them are quite simple to prepare, do not require special material costs and special skills of the chef. Just check out the listed dishes, and you will definitely understand for yourself what is better to cook.

    New Year's dishes - simple, but ... exquisite

    Since we do not want the next 12 months to pass under the sign of resentment against us by the picky Rooster, we will cook the first hot dishes from pork, lamb and seafood. Such a choice will allow you to remember it as a celebration, where traditional culinary preferences sparkled with new tastes.

    Pork with prunes - unusual and beautiful

    So, when deciding what to cook for the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, we note that it will be a win-win to bake the most tender pork with prunes and dry red wine (sounds magical, doesn't it?).

    On well-washed and towel-dried meat (it is better to take a rump), cuts are made at regular intervals of 1.5 cm. for 30 minutes in warm red wine. The meat is then wrapped in foil and placed in an oven preheated to 200°.

    The dish is baked for 40 minutes, then turned over and fried for the same amount. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil opens, which allows the pork to brown and become covered with a golden crust.

    Juicy lamb on the bone - incomparable softness and flavor

    Also appetizing, as in the photo it looks like another New Year's dish - lamb on the bone. Pieces of lamb meat on the bone are beaten off, flavored with spices (salt, pepper, thyme, basil), onion, cut into rings, and marinated for some time in the cold. Then they are sent to a grill pan, where they are fried on both sides until half cooked. Lamb gets its final softness by baking then in the oven.

    Pork and smoked lamb rolls - an interesting combination

    Appreciate creativity? Then try to surprise the guests and the Rooster himself unusual combination smoked lamb and tender pork, making original rolls from them. On the cut into squares and salted and peppered pork (850 g), hard cheese (250 g), cut into slices, is placed.

    Topped with a layer of smoked lamb (250 gr). Then all this is rolled up in the form of a roll, and, tied with a thread, goes to the oven for 1-1.5 hours. When serving to guests, the thread is removed. These rolls are good both as an independent dish and as a snack.

    Fish feast - salmon under a crust of nuts

    A real find for housewives who love simple recipes is salmon with nuts.

    First, we make the sauce with which the fish will be poured. To do this, melt butter, mix with honey and mustard. Mix chopped parsley with breadcrumbs and chopped nuts. Cut the fish into portioned pieces, removing, if necessary, the vertebral bones, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We put it on a greased form and send it to the oven, heated to 190 ° for 30 minutes. Serving salmon to guests, serve it with lemon slices.

    Tribute to traditions - fish with sauce

    Cooking fish with sauce according to a traditional Russian recipe will be a wonderful surprise for guests and Rooster. We take a fish fillet (salmon, trout, sea ​​bass) salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Spread a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, with chopped onion, on which we lay portioned pieces of fish with the skin down. Bake until the fillet turns white (30 minutes).

    Mix sour cream, onion, salt and spices and pour over the fish, bringing it to readiness for the next 15 minutes. Serve on the New Year's table, sprinkled with herbs.

    Chinese exotic - shrimp with sauce

    Cooking for the New Year's table 2017 and not using seafood is nonsense. We correct this misunderstanding by preparing the next delicious and original dish - shrimp with sauce, having our recipes with photos at hand. The cooking time takes about half an hour, and the dish itself pleases not only exquisite taste but also reduced in calories.

    So, butter, garlic and cream are laid out in a heated pan and brought to a boil. Peeled shrimps with finely chopped parsley are stewed in the sauce for 10 minutes, then laid out on a separate dish, while the sauce continues to stand on fire. When it thickens, add the shrimp to it again and simmer for a few more minutes. The dish is served warm with rice or pasta.

    Vegetable Fair - salad for everyone

    We offer to cook vegetable salad, from which the discerning Rooster will definitely be delighted, and the New Year's table will only benefit! The main thing is that you can regulate the composition of this interesting dish. The highlight of this unusually bright and easy-to-prepare appetizer is that any (!) fresh vegetables not too thin slices and laid out in a bowl, where a cup of boiled pork or ham is placed in the center.

    For salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, green salad, Chinese cabbage, onion, garlic, herbs. Separately, vegetables are served with various sauces: sour cream, cream, homemade mayonnaise, refilling from natural yogurt with various spices or garlic. So, each of the guests will be able to "assemble" their own vegetable salad from their favorite ingredients, and season again to their liking. And the rooster is pleased and the guests are delicious.

    Serving wonders - crab stick salad in orange baskets

    If you want originality and bright colors, you definitely need to prepare a salad of crab sticks in orange baskets for the New Year's table. And how to do it, our recipes will tell you. Mixed in a separate bowl boiled eggs, pulp of oranges, crab sticks, canned corn, having salted and seasoned it all with mayonnaise, we are engaged in the most interesting thing - serving. In the halves of oranges, previously peeled from the pulp, with the edges cut around the entire circumference in the form of denticles, we place our salad - voila, an amazing dish for the new year 2017 is ready!

    Warm salad in buns - appetizing and satisfying

    Having spent quite a bit of time, you can create another culinary masterpiece based on our recipes with photos - warm salad in savory buns. It's not that difficult to cook: mix diced smoked meat or sausage, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers, grated cheese, sweet peppers and mayonnaise. For sesame buns, carefully cut off the top and remove the pulp. Place the resulting salad inside and bake in the oven until the cheese begins to melt. Before serving, cover the bun with the previously cut top.

    Triumph of tenderness - salmon rolls

    A wonderful snack for the new year 2017 can be prepared from lightly salted pieces of salmon, cut into thin slices. Inside each fish strip we place any curd cheese mixed with herbs (parsley, green onions) and carefully roll the slices like rolls. We place in the cold for 1-2 hours, and then put it on a dish, previously covered with green salad leaves.

    Tasty and fast - pita rolls with ham or fish

    As a variant of the previous snack, you can cook pita rolls with ham or any lightly salted smoked fish. To do this, take pita bread, coat it with a thin layer curd cheese, put ham or fish sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin thin plates on top, roll into a roll and put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then take it out of the fridge and cut into slices and serve.

    Our recipes with photos will help you set a stunning table for the new year 2017, which will be held under the leadership of the Rooster. Take a closer look at the dishes described here, and maybe by adding something of your own, create new ones. culinary masterpieces. Good luck!

    The most favorite holiday of all Russians is the New Year. Indeed, this holiday is celebrated with pleasure by both adults and children. But in order for the New Year to leave only pleasant memories in the memory of everyone, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Therefore, in this article we decided to tell you about how to celebrate the New Year 2017 and what to cook in order to appease the proud bird so that it will be favorable to you throughout the year.

    Basic rules for preparing the New Year's table

    It should be noted that the festive new year menu must be rich and varied. However, the Rooster, the symbol of the new year, does not like delicacies and various delights. For the New Year's table, take the menu of Russian cuisine as a basis. This menu, as a rule, should contain vegetables and herbs. It is also recommended to prepare meat dishes. But chicken meat is not recommended. It is also worth noting that there should be light snacks on the table that will be prepared without the addition of mayonnaise.

    On New Year's Eve, you can't do without sweets. Therefore, on your table must be present dessert dishes. And all because the rooster loves sweets. And in addition to cakes and other sweet desserts, do not forget to place light cocktails, sweet wines and liquors on the table.

    What to cook for the New Year's table

    We described the basic rules for organizing a festive table above, now it’s worth talking about what to cook for the New Year 2017. So, I immediately want to say that on your New Year's table a worthy place should be occupied by everyone's favorite Olivier salad. Also, do not forget about the "Herring under a fur coat." But there should be very few such heavy salads on your table. After all, the Rooster is more favorable to everything light and natural.

    Salad Laura.

    For example, in this case, you can cook fat called "Laura". This light salad cooking is very easy.

    To prepare an easy salad, prepare the following ingredients:

    • a couple of fresh cucumbers
    • 50 grams of canned corn,
    • bunch of lettuce leaves
    • a bunch of any greens,
    • Mayonnaise and salt are used to taste.

    How to cook?

    Cucumbers cut into strips. But we chop the greens and lettuce leaves with our hands. Add the rest of the products to these ingredients and mix everything. Put in a salad bowl. And as a decoration, use bouquets of greenery.

    Favorite salad for the New Year.

    In addition to this salad, we want to offer you another light salad. This salad is called "Favorite".

    It is also very easy to prepare. In addition, it is very lightweight. To prepare it, take:

    • fresh tomatoes in the amount of 3 pieces,
    • 200 grams of crab meat crab sticks are also suitable,
    • 50 grams of hard cheese,
    • a couple of boiled eggs
    • mayonnaise, salt to taste,
    • a bunch of any greens.

    How to cook?

    Cut crab sticks with tomatoes into cubes. But cheese and boiled eggs are rubbed on a grater. We mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and salt. Put in a salad bowl. Do not forget to decorate everything with greenery. Serve the salad chilled.

    Hearty salad.

    In addition to Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat. Another one may appear on your table hearty salad containing mushrooms.

    For cooking we take:

    • 200 grams of boiled meat,
    • 200 grams of champignons,
    • 100 grams of Beijing cabbage,
    • 1 onion
    • 3 boiled eggs
    • sour cream or mayonnaise and water,
    • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons and curry seasoning in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Use salt to taste.

    How to cook?

    To begin with, fry the onions and mushrooms in vegetable oil. At the same time, we cut the mushrooms into slices, but the onion into half rings. Now it is worth preparing an omelette, in which we add water, eggs and spices. The omelet should be browned on both sides. Your omelet should now be cold. Then cut it into strips. Meat or ham cut into cubes. And finely chop the cabbage. We mix all the products and put them in a salad bowl. Add salt to taste and season with mayonnaise.

    Salad - Cockerel.

    To prepare it, we take:

    • smoked sausage in the amount of 200 grams,
    • potatoes in the amount of 350 grams,
    • pickled champignons in the amount of 250 grams,
    • 200 grams of apples.

    How to cook?

    We cut the boiled potatoes into cubes, and cut the sausage into strips. Also finely chop the mushrooms. Peel the apples and cut into strips. Mix all products and fill with small.

    Lay out the cockerel from the products and decorate it with bell pepper feathers.

    Original dishes for the New Year 2017

    What holiday table can you imagine without original dishes. Therefore, now we will offer you some festive dishes that will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Oven baked pink salmon.

    To cook baked pink salmon, take:

    • fresh frozen fish
    • mayonnaise,
    • vegetables,
    • carrots and onions
    • tomatoes and spices
    • sunflower oil and lemon.

    How to cook?

    1. First of all, you must cut the fish. Be sure to rinse the fish and cut off the fins and head from it. Then we cut along the ridge and cut into fillets. And the fillet itself is cut into several parts.
    2. Now grease a baking sheet with oil and put the pieces on it fish fillet. After that, sprinkle everything with spices and salt. Pour over lemon juice.
    3. Next, take mayonnaise and grease the fish well with it. We leave the fish to soak in this sauce. Meanwhile, we are working on vegetables.
    4. Cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots.
    5. We send the carrots with onions to the pan and lightly fry.
    6. We put the vegetables that we fried on top of the fish. Sprinkle with seasonings.
    7. Lay a layer of tomatoes on top.
    8. Next, put the dish in the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

    Serve hot fish.

    Fragrant potato with cheese and sour cream.

    Potatoes baked with cheese and sour cream will be excellent and hearty meal New Year's table. Such a dish will enchant many with its taste. Moreover, such a dish can be a great side dish. To cook this beautiful and very tasty dish take:

    • kilogram of potatoes
    • 450 grams of sour cream,
    • 200 grams of cheese
    • butter,
    • spices and salt.

    How to cook?

    1. Cut the clean potatoes into thin circles.
    2. We spread a layer of potatoes and pour plenty of sour cream over it. Sprinkle with spices and salt on top.
    3. Add hard cheese.
    4. Now alternate layers.
    5. We put the form with potatoes in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes.
    6. Then ready meal arrange on plates.

    Christmas canape with red fish.

    As original snack on the New Year's table, you can use delicious and mouth-watering canapes. In order to prepare canapes with red fish, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients:

    • small pieces of banana
    • 100 grams of red fish,
    • 100 grams of processed cheese,
    • 1 pickled or fresh cucumber,
    • half a can of olives.

    And prepare sharp skewers.

    How to cook?

    1. First, cut the banana into small squares.
    2. Next, fry the slices of bread on all sides in a frying pan, greased with oil. Cool golden slices of bread.
    3. Now brush the slices of bread with melted cheese.
    4. We also cut the red fish into small pieces.
    5. We put the fish on the cheese, then put the olive.
    6. Be sure to put everything on skewers and serve on the New Year's table.

    Another canapé recipe.

    For the next recipe, we are preparing:

    • olives,
    • ham.

    We put everything on skewers and you get a simple but very tasty canapé.

    Canape with herring.

    Herring is served for any celebration. And for the new year, you can make original mini-sandwiches with herring. Just take a slice of bread and a slice of herring. Sprinkle the appetizer with coriander seeds.

    In conclusion, watch the video: how to celebrate the New Year 2017