How to beautifully decorate eggs for Easter. Twelfth: festive outfit

With the spring warmth and sunshine comes the bright holiday of Easter. Tall stately Easter cakes, tender cottage cheese Easter, a variety of baked goods in the shape of chickens, rabbits and, of course, colored eggs. If dishes are prepared for family and guests, then eggs are presented to all acquaintances and strangers. From the children who bring the news of the Resurrection of Christ in the morning, to work colleagues. "Christ is risen!" - they say at the same time. “In truth he is risen!” - they hear in response and receive an egg in return.

What are Easter eggs?

It's interesting that the painted Easter eggs have their names depending on how the eggs were painted. Krashenki are plain eggs, specks are eggs covered with multi-colored spots, which are obtained using droplets of wax. And if we paint eggs and scratch out the design, we get drapanka. Separately, it is worth noting the Easter eggs. This is not just an Easter attribute, but a work of art! Drawings on eggs are made with a special tool - a scribbler.
In the article we have collected both well-known methods of painting eggs, which everyone knows very well, but perhaps have forgotten the nuances of, as well as more interesting and “unhackneyed” ones. In addition, we will tell you about quick options for beautifully painting eggs with the least amount of labor, about methods of decorating them that you can do with your child, and about such original ways where you can let your imagination float freely and expect great result! For convenience, all 20 methods are divided into thematic blocks.

The key to the start - preparing the eggs for painting

  • First: never start boiling eggs without first removing them from the refrigerator at least an hour or two before coloring. There should be at least eggs room temperature so that they do not burst during cooking. There is another way to prevent the eggs from exploding. They need to be pierced with a thin sharp needle. However, the first option is much simpler and safer.
  • Second: when cooking, add 1 tbsp. l. table salt for 1.5-2 liters of water. It is believed that this is done to prevent the shell from bursting. In fact, it is correct to say that salt will prevent the protein from leaking out and forming white “growths” if the shell suddenly cracks.
  • Third: the eggs should be washed thoroughly, perhaps even using a dish sponge. This is done so that the paint lays more evenly. You can also wipe the testicle with soapy water or alcohol.
  • Fourth: you can dye eggs for Easter not only chicken eggs, but also quail ones. It turns out very interesting and unusual! We also pre-keep them at room temperature, rinse and cook for 4-5 minutes.
  • Fifth: in order for the paint to stick better, vinegar (9%) is added during the painting process. On average, 1 tbsp. l. for 1.5 l. water.
  • Well, one last piece of advice. on how to give already painted eggs a festive look. Rub them, after wiping them dry, with vegetable oil.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

First: classics of the genre - onion skins and its variations

Traditional purplish-red, brown or dark yellow eggs are obtained by dyeing them with onion skins. In this case, it is used as the husk of ordinary onions, and red. When calculating the color, you can use this hint as a guide. If you take the peels of 8 onions to 2 cups of water, you will get a red-brown color.

  1. Prepare a dye solution. To do this, add onion peels to a pan of water.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer for about half an hour.

  3. Let the broth cool. During this time it will brew.
  4. Strain the “paint”, discarding the husks.

  5. Immerse the prepared eggs in the solution so that it completely covers them.
  6. Boil the eggs in onion broth over low heat “hard-boiled”, that is, 12-15 minutes.
  7. Cool them quickly with cold water to make peeling the shells easier.
  8. If the eggs have not received the required shade during this time, return them back to the coloring solution.

Second: tandem of husks and brilliant green

Very interesting option- burgundy-green or brown-brown eggs. To perform them, you will need onion peels, brilliant green (standard bottle, 10 ml per 1.5 liter), nylon stocking (or gauze), gloves (to protect the skin of your hands from brilliant green).

Third: coloring in husks with patterns

You can diversify the coloring with onion peels if you first apply a patterned figure to the egg and secure it with a piece of nylon. In this case, to obtain a pattern, you can take what you have at hand. For example, leaves of parsley, parsnip, dill, peppermint, fresh or dried flowers. Dry material must first be soaked hot water, and then apply it to the egg.

Secure the chosen motif - a leaf or flower - tightly with a nylon stocking (or bandage, gauze) and carry out the standard staining with onion peels. Then remove the stocking, remove the stencil for the pattern and an egg will appear, painted with onion skins, but with an imprint of a leaf or flower in the natural color of the shell.
Using the same principle, you can decorate a speck with chaotic dots the color of an unpainted shell. To do this, roll a wet egg in rice, crushed peas or millet before coloring it with onion skins, or attach a piece of lace to it. Secure the rump or lace pattern with a stocking nylon.

You can get a variety of patterns without using a fixing material:

  1. for straight lines of natural shell color on the egg, put money elastic bands on it;
  2. any pattern can be made from masking tape, plaster, self-adhesive paper, or simply paint the egg with wax crayons;
  3. You can get checkered eggs if you put fishnet stockings or a vegetable net on them.

Methods with dyes - natural and not so

Fourth: gifts from nature - natural dyes

  1. Pour water into a 1.5 liter saucepan and add natural pigment - the source of color.
  2. Bring to a boil, let simmer a little and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  3. Strain the broth, pour in 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar and place the eggs in a saucepan.
  4. Cook over low heat until at least tender (12-15 minutes). If the color doesn't come out well - up to half an hour.
  5. If coloring is not successful within half an hour, leave the eggs in a saucepan with the coloring solution overnight.

Fifth: a scientific alternative to natural dyes - food colors

Multi-colored flowers on young grass, what could be fresher and more attractive for Easter? To make them quickly and without much hassle, you can buy a special Easter kit in the store. When choosing it, please note that dyes vary in the method of application.
One of the options is paint, which must be applied directly to the boiled egg. The other is powder or tablets for diluting the colored solution. Eggs are dipped into it and kept there until the paint takes on.
The dye packaging should indicate the dyeing method. There is nothing complicated in using ready-made liquid paint. It is applied to the prepared egg, distributed evenly and allowed to dry. The general method of painting with water-borne dyes looks like this:

Sixth: a string from the world - a colorful egg

A riot of colors in one egg is a way of dyeing with floss threads. Very simple and beautiful:

  1. Wrap multi-colored floss threads around a raw, room temperature, pre-washed egg. Combine colors and thread placement as your imagination dictates!
  2. 2. Boil them in the usual way until hard-boiled (12-15 minutes).
  3. 3. Remove the threads.

Seventh: fabric transfers

Transfer a beautiful pattern from fabric to an egg? It is quite possible. You just need to take the choice of fabric seriously. In our age of extremely developed chemical industry and the desire to reduce the cost of an item at any cost, you can run into chemically dyed fabric. Despite how beautiful the drawing is depicted on it, it is better to refuse to use it. Examples of permitted material could be a Pavloposad scarf or a silk tie with an interesting pattern.

  1. Place the selected fabric with the right side on the egg. Secure it by stitching along the contour.
  2. You can additionally secure the material on top by wrapping the egg in a nylon stocking or white cotton cloth.

  3. Add 9% vinegar to the cooking water (3 tablespoons per 1.5 liter saucepan) and hard boil the eggs (12-15 minutes).
  4. Drain the water, cool the eggs and remove them from the cloth. The pattern should appear as delicate contours on the shell.
  5. Painting with children

    Both adults and children look forward to Easter with equal impatience. Give the kids the opportunity to make a beautiful craft egg and give it, for example, to their grandparents. By engaging in such creativity, we encourage children’s desire to do beautiful things and give it to loved ones. And it’s also very interesting and fun!

    Eighth: craft egg

    You can make a perky chicken out of dye:

    1. Color the egg yellow with food coloring. Although chickens can be of other colors: blue or pink, for example. Even a child from 3 years of age can handle coloring with colored powders or tablets diluted in water. Of course, under the supervision and sensitive guidance of an adult.
    2. Cut out parts for decorating the chicken from colored paper: eyes, wings, tail, beak, scallop. And also: a bow - if it's a girl or a bow tie - if it's a boy. You can also use decorative fluff from a craft store. It turns out funny and very cute!
    3. To fix the prepared parts, use gelatin glue. To do this, soak the gelatin as indicated on the package. Drain off excess liquid and heat the granules until they dissolve. There is no need to bring it to a boil.
    4. Apply gelatin glue with a brush to the parts, egg and gradually turn it into a chicken!

    Ninth: funny faces

    Show your children that they can draw on eggs in unique ways. But since this is a product and is then eaten, the colors must be natural. For example, it is very easy to make edible “gouache” from cocoa powder. She can draw the face of an animal, the face of a funny weirdo, or even a portrait. You can also draw eyes, but it will be more interesting to glue ready-made ones from a craft store.

    1. Boil the eggs. If necessary, color with food coloring, for example, if you are making a lion's face, use yellow.
    2. Pour a little cocoa into a tablespoon warm water until thick sour cream.
    3. Place the finished eggs on stands, such as lids plastic bottles, and draw.
    4. Let the chocolate gouache dry.
    5. Then glue gelatin glue eyes, if they initially do not have an adhesive base.

    Tenth: wax crayons (pencils)

    This is a method for school-age children. Since you will have to work with a hot, freshly boiled egg.

    1. Remove them from the pan and dry with a towel.
    2. Place the egg on a stand, such as a bottle cap.
    3. Start drawing the design with wax pencils. The wax will diverge from the heat and create bizarre transitions and overflows. Choose your colors carefully!
    4. You can color eggs in this way not only with pencils, but also by sprinkling them with wax crumbs. To obtain it, grind crayons on a fine grater. And then they pour it onto a hot, freshly boiled egg.
    5. Another way to decorate with wax crayons is to melt them and dip an egg into it.

    Save time

    When a woman is not only a housewife, but also the main breadwinner in the family, there is not much time for home life. Moreover, Easter eggs are painted on Maundy Thursday. This activity is not postponed until the weekend. Therefore, if you don’t have time, you can resort to “quick” ways to make Easter eggs.

    Eleventh: thermal film stickers

    Once and done - this is about one of the easiest ways to create an Easter mood using thermal stickers. How beautiful they are: with Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings, with intricate patterns, butterflies, flowers, church scenes, as well as with rabbits, kittens and even children’s cartoon characters! If you plan to use thermal stickers, choose eggs that are not the largest in size. Otherwise, they simply will not fit into the thermal base. Stickers can be applied to unpainted boiled eggs, and they can also be used as a backup option if the shell suddenly cracks during coloring.
    Please note: eggs in thermal stickers have a shorter shelf life than, for example, eggs colored with peel or food coloring.

    1. Boil the eggs as usual.
    2. Place the thermal base on the egg and place it in the strainer.
    3. Place the strainer in boiling water for a few seconds. As soon as the thermal sticker “hugs” it, pull it out.

    Twelfth: festive outfit

    Being one of the most important Easter symbols, the egg requires an appropriate outfit. So far we have talked about its coloring, but you can do it differently. Just wrap the boiled egg in bright foil. Voila! And it is in the spotlight. And in addition it will be decorated with exquisite decoration.

    1. Boil the eggs.
    2. Cut multi-colored foil (available in office supply stores) into rectangular pieces large enough to wrap the egg.
    3. Prepare decorative elements or just use confetti.
    4. Wrap the cooled eggs in foil. Attach the decor to them with glue.

    Flight of fancy

    If the standard traditional methods of coloring eggs seem boring and monotonous, let your imagination fly and follow it like a white rabbit.

    Thirteenth: Rainbow Power

    This method is a variation of coloring with food coloring. The combination of colors, the depth of painting, the number of layers... All this is selected individually. Therefore, such paints are 100% original. However, in order for the eggs to turn out like in the picture, you need high-quality dyes that give rich colors. You need to breed them according to the instructions. Another tip: you need to start with light tones, gradually resorting to darker and darker ones, and end with the darkest ones.

    1. Boil the eggs.
    2. Take one and paint it completely the lightest color.
    3. Dip the painted egg into paint a tone darker, but not completely, but halfway.
    4. Wait for the paint to set. Then drain it.
    5. Next, do the same, applying paint in layers.

    Fourteenth: eggs “on style”

    Easter, originally a religious holiday, has now become more secular. Therefore, eggs are not only traditionally painted red or a pattern corresponding to the holiday is applied, but they also approach this activity more simply and creatively. For example, eggs will turn out stylish if you apply a pattern to them with a permanent marker. You can come up with a coloring page yourself or get ideas from the Internet.

    1. Boil the eggs, be sure to hard boil them.
    2. Place them on stands and mark your chosen design with a permanent marker.
    3. After finishing work, let it dry. This will take about an hour.

    Fifteenth: stencil work

    This method is relatively traditional. We find a stencil, apply it to the egg, and paint it with natural or food coloring. A flight of fancy should manifest itself in the choice of stencil. Here everyday experience, information from books, magazines, and the Internet can come to the rescue. Or maybe you have family symbols. The main thing to remember is that the chosen color and stencil must be in harmony with each other.

    1. Choose a design for the stencil.
    2. Apply it to ultra-thin paper (tracing paper).
    3. Wet the paper until it becomes pliable and can be easily applied to the egg.
    4. Fix the attached stencil firmly on the egg with a nylon stocking or bandage (gauze).
    5. When the preparation for coloring the eggs is completed, do it in any way: onion skins, food coloring. Only if the eggs are colored with onion peels, they do not need to be boiled first. And if you choose the method of coloring with food coloring, then they must be hard-boiled beforehand.
    6. Remove the fixing material and stencils from the finished, cooled eggs.

    Sixteenth: marble effect

    Those who decide to paint eggs marble will need artistic flair. It's not difficult to do this. The main thing is to choose colors beautifully and purchase high-quality dyes.

    1. Boil the eggs.
    2. Paint them in a light color dye: yellow, orange, blue. Let dry.
    3. Dilute a dark color dye in a deep narrow container (in a glass, tea cup): purple, brown, dark blue. Add 1 tsp to each cup of dark solution. vegetable oil. Stir until the spoonful of oil breaks up into many small oil droplets.
    4. Dip light colors into dark dye. Ideally do this once.
    5. Let dry. Eggs marble color ready!

    Options for decorating ready-made colored eggs

    If simply coloring eggs is not enough and your soul asks for artistic continuation, choose one of the proposed options. Turn your paint into a work of art!

    Seventeenth: 3D decor

    Quite a labor-intensive, but worth it method. To decorate eggs you will need a wax or paraffin candle, as well as a variety of cereals, small pasta, confectionery topping and whatever else your heart desires.

    1. Take the finished paint.
    2. Light a candle and use melted wax (paraffin) to apply a pattern on it. Do this very carefully. The flame should not touch the shell, otherwise a gray soot mark may remain.
    3. Dip the egg in the material of your choice for decoration. You can also place decorative elements onto the adhesive base by hand.
    4. When the work is dry, you can grease the decorated surface with vegetable oil for a more presentable look.

    Eighteenth: sugar lace

    Eggs in voluminous lace are very stylish, festive and go well with any traditional dyed pattern. To make them, you will need powdered sugar (about a glass) and water. If you don’t have powdered sugar on hand, you can make it yourself. For this you need granulated sugar and a coffee grinder.

    1. Slowly pour water into the powdered sugar until you get a white mass of thick consistency.
    2. Place the decorative sugar mixture in a pastry syringe.
    3. Take the finished paint.
    4. Apply a pattern to it.
    5. Let dry.

    Nineteen: decoupage technique

    In order for a picture to appear on the dye, it is not necessary to apply a thermal sticker to it or transfer the pattern from the fabric. You can remember the decoupage technique. It is designed to decorate not only plates and furniture, but can also be transferred to the plane of Easter decor. To do this, we will have to use beautiful napkins or their elements and gelatin glue. To prepare the glue, gelatin is soaked according to the instructions on the package. Then the excess moisture is drained and heated, without bringing to a boil, until the granules dissolve.

    1. Take a nice napkin. Tear out an interesting fragment with your hands (without using scissors). Remove the top layer - that's what we'll use.

    2. Prepare gelatin glue.
    3. Apply the selected fragment to the paint.
    4. Apply gelatin glue over the napkin using a brush. This should be done from the center to the edges.
    5. Let dry.

    Twentieth: drapanki

    Colored eggs with a white pattern can be made not only by applying a stencil. The design can be scratched onto the surface of an egg painted with onion skins using a stationery knife or a thick, sharp needle. This method is labor-intensive, but is applicable when you plan to make a thin, elegant pattern on the egg, which is difficult to achieve by applying a stencil.

    1. Make dye using onion peels.
    2. Draw a pattern on it with a simple pencil. You can do without it if you feel confident or have your hands full.
    3. Go along the pencil line with a stationery knife, scratching the outline.

    Easter is a family holiday that gives hope for the future and faith in miracles. Touch a piece of beauty too - choose the method you like and paint the eggs to Easter table. There is only one drawback to coloring eggs using the methods described. It may turn out so beautiful that you will be sorry to eat it!

One of the brightest and kindest holidays is Easter. Orthodox and Catholics prepare for it in advance. The main attribute of the holiday is the Easter egg. There are many ways to color eggs. We offer many interesting and original ways to decorate Easter eggs. You can create by yourself, or you can create together with your children. So, we look at the options and choose the best ones.

We paint Easter eggs beautifully with food coloring or watercolors

If you love everything tender and sensual, then this method of coloring eggs is for you. You don't have to be a professional artist to do this. All you have to do is follow our instructions. And if you show creativity, then it’s just wonderful, you’ll get a masterpiece.

Easter eggs painted with food coloring in watercolor style

To work we will need:
- liquid food coloring or watercolor paints;
- brush;
- black marker;
- small disposable cups.

Pour 25 drops of food coloring into a small disposable cup. Add a little water to make the paint more fluid.

In our work we will use red, yellow, blue and green paint. Do not dilute a lot of dyes; 5 ml will be enough.

We paint eggs in watercolor style. To do this, put a dot on the egg with a brush with food coloring or watercolor. Then we smear it. Next, we do the same thing again on the painted surface, but do not touch the edges. This is how we create an imitation of flower petals.

We wait until the paint dries and draw the core of the flower in the center with yellow paint. Remove excess dye with a dry cloth. Thus, we draw three flowers of different colors: red (as in the photo), yellow and blue. Then we draw green leaves.

Use a marker to draw the outlines of the flowers. In the middle of the flower we draw pistils and stamens.

After the paints have completely dried, we carry out The final stage— drawing small details and outlines of colors with a marker. And don’t worry if you once again go beyond the contour or draw the line unevenly, on the contrary, it will be even more interesting. Because there shouldn't be perfection here. There is only creativity here.

A floral watercolor drawing is the answer to the question: How to paint eggs in an original way for Easter?

So we got beautiful picturesque eggs for Easter in watercolor style.

Bright and unusual eggs. Paint with food coloring

This interesting way painting eggs for Easter, thanks to which holiday eggs They will turn out bright and colorful. Children will really enjoy the painting process itself. And what, you will understand for yourself when you watch to the end.

Bright Easter eggs in batik style

To paint eggs we will need:
- hard-boiled eggs;
- liquid food coloring;
- vinegar;
- water;
- paper towels;
- rubber bands, gloves, sprayer, glass baking dish.

Pour water and vinegar into the sprayer in a ratio of 50 to 50%.

Place three paper towels in a glass baking dish. Spray the top with pre-diluted vinegar and water in equal proportions.

Wrap the egg in the top paper towel. We fix it with an elastic band. We're dripping food coloring on a damp towel. The dye spreads over the paper surface and gets into all the folds. Feel free to add other colors. Next, spray the dyed towel again with water and vinegar. Then we take the egg in our hands and squeeze it so that the paint fills all the voids and the entire egg is colored.

Now be patient and leave the eggs in paper towels for 1 hour. How more eggs lie down, the brighter the color will be.

Remove the finished egg from the napkin. If there are white spots on it, then simply rub the egg with the remaining paper towel. This is the textured batik style egg we got.

Beautiful starry sky on Easter eggs

A very deep and rich color that resembles a starry sky and let’s not even be afraid of this word - GALAXY. Plastic eggs were used for the work. You can, of course, use real eggs, but the transformation work is long and painstaking. And it would be a pity to “destroy” her so quickly at the festive table.

What a unique way to paint eggs for Easter. Deep rich pattern on Easter eggs

We will briefly describe and show how to make eggs for Easter with your own hands with a photo. More detailed instructions look .
To work you will need:
- plastic eggs;
- acrylic paints of different colors;
- hard brush, sponge.

Photo collage “How to paint eggs for Easter”

We paint the eggs black with acrylic paints, apply 2 layers, this will take about 15 minutes. The paints we will use are visible on the palette. We paint the eggs with blue paint. We tried to make our own unique pattern on each egg. You can make swirls with a brush, apply the paint in different directions, do not move the brush too much, otherwise the pattern will turn out muddy.

Now a regular sponge will be used. Blot it in the darkest color - dark blue and leave marks on the egg. We wait until the painted areas dry out and use lighter paint to do the same, covering the unpainted areas as well. We move on to pink paint, then to gold. Then we dip the brush in black paint and, using light movements, not strokes, add specks. You get small black islands. The last stage remains - working with white paint. We apply the paint by spraying (dip the brush into the paint, then spray it onto the egg. You can use an old toothbrush and a fine-toothed comb. Dip the brush into the paint and run it over the comb, and small splashes from the drops cover the egg).

Galactic eggs for Easter

Decorating eggs for Easter with confectionery beads

Children really like these eggs. And even more they like to decorate them. After all, the decoration is based on confectionery powder. Colors may vary; ours is yellow.

Easter eggs decorated with confectionery beads

To work, we take boiled eggs, PVA glue, and confectionery powder. All stages are visible in the photo below. The only thing that needs to be explained to the children is that they cannot eat the shells, and what is left after decorating the eggs, because it came into contact with the glue.

Easter eggs and decorative tape

This method of decorating Easter eggs does not require food coloring. You can call it clean, but not fast. To work you need imagination.

Easter eggs decorated with decorative tape

For work, we take pre-boiled eggs, decorative tape, and scissors. We cut out various shapes from tape and glue them to the egg.

Golden Easter eggs and golden marble effect

The eggs are very impressive and chic. The method, of course, is not easy and takes a long time, but the result is worth it.

Golden eggs for Easter

Very beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter. The work is long and painstaking, but as a result we will get a great result and enthusiastic reviews from friends.

Easter eggs with golden marble effect.

To work, take foam plastic, matches, boiled eggs, food coloring, vinegar, gold leaf, glue.

We will need foam plastic and matches in order to dry the painted eggs.

Be sure to add two tablespoons of vinegar to the food coloring water to help set the food coloring.

After the eggs are completely dry, we begin the painstaking work. Tear the gold leaf into small pieces, because for the marble effect you only need to partially cover the egg. Spread the egg with glue, but not the entire surface.

Glue the pieces of gold leaf to the egg and smooth them out thoroughly. We are waiting for it to dry completely. That's all, beautiful and spectacular eggs are ready.

Easter eggs in gilding. original article and photo.

Marble eggs for Easter

The decoration is based on regular nail polish. Everything is very simple, but at the same time beautiful.

Marble eggs from nail polish on eggs

The process of dyeing eggs is very simple. We take a plastic cup that you don’t mind getting dirty. Pour water at room temperature. Add a few drops of varnish to the water; it will not sink or mix with the water, but will form a thin film on it. Mix the varnish with a stick, make swirls, patterns and dip the egg.

You can use one varnish or several in your work. You can take a wide variety of colors and shades. We spotted the idea with blue marble eggs

Easter eggs with geometric patterns

A very simple and painstaking way to decorate Easter eggs. You can use colored eggs, or you can use regular eggs with a dark shell. To work, we take a white marker, or you can also use a corrector pencil, with which we draw various patterns.

To create a festive mood for children, just color raw eggs and put them back in the tray in the refrigerator. Children will be happy to open the refrigerator and look for new painted eggs.

Painting eggs with children with acrylic paints

This is the most simple idea that you can come up with. Suitable for babies! This The perfect way to color Easter eggs for little ones, even from 9 months. Fast, simple, and most importantly purely. No stains on clothes or carpet, and most importantly a happy baby and mother.

Everything is very simple. IN plastic bag put a pre-boiled egg and a teaspoon of acrylic paint (one or two colors). We seal the bag and give it to the baby.

There are no dirty hands, no glasses, spoons, or puddles of water. Only clean hands and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

And still crumpling the package, The child develops fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Develops observation and color perception.

When the entire egg is covered in paint, remove it and leave to dry.

If desired, you can apply shaped stickers to the eggs before coloring. And when the paint dries, just remove them.

How to dye eggs in soda?

Next method coloring eggs for Easter Children will absolutely love it. After all, coloring is based on chemical reactions that are safe and interesting.

So, How to paint eggs, and even in baking soda? And it's very simple!
For this we need:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
— Dry food paints
— Container for dyeing
- Hard-boiled eggs.

Pour baking soda into the container. You can take several containers at once. Next, add dry food coloring, approximately 1 tablespoon per container. The more paint, the richer the color. Mix baking soda and paint until the color is uniform.

Have your child carefully place the egg in the container. Then pour the vinegar into a glass and ask to slowly pour it over the egg. The child will be amazed when he sees what happens. The vinegar and baking soda will react chemically, creating a sea of ​​bubbles and a slight hiss. We wait for the bubbles to go away, take out the colored egg and place it to dry.

After complete drying, specks will remain on the egg, which will give the Easter egg an interesting texture.

How to paint eggs with wax crayons?

It turns out to be very easy and simple to paint eggs with ordinary wax crayons. The method is simple and at the same time the Easter eggs turn out bright and original.

Boil the eggs, take them out, put them in a tray and start coloring. The egg should be dry and hot. The wax crayon melts onto the egg, leaving beautiful, rich colors. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then we clean the egg from small pieces of wax. That's all.

You can complicate this process a little and get a drawing like this.

To do this, just dip the eggs in liquid food coloring. Mini master class on coloring Easter eggs in the photo below.

Here's another interesting option for coloring eggs for Easter.

Draw on a hot hard-boiled egg with white chalk. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then soak the egg in vinegar and until it dries, pour liquid food coloring on it. This is how you get beautiful eggs with a white, unpainted mark.

Here are some interesting ideas for coloring Easter eggs. The main thing is a good mood and your imagination. Create for your health and be happy!

Multi-colored eggs have long become an integral part of Easter. This bright, cheerful holiday was created to bring people together, give joy and fill everything around with comfort. At Easter ancient history, many of its traditions are filled with special meaning. If you want to learn more about this and have fun, you should definitely figure out how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands (you will find interesting and beautiful ideas in the article).

It would seem that there is nothing special about how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands; we will look at interesting and beautiful ideas in more detail in the article below. It is enough to boil a simple egg, then cool it and take the paint. Choosing a pattern or simply covering it entirely in one color is also beautiful. And what is the deeper meaning here? Why are beautiful eggs so important for Easter? After all, the beauty of the shell will not change their internal component; will they be the same boiled eggs? The tradition has been around for many years, just like Easter itself.

Why should you dye eggs?

Here it is worth remembering the history of the holiday itself. What is Easter dedicated to? It is interesting that the Easter egg for Christianity is part of the symbols of the Holy Sepulcher, which contains the secret of eternal life. Once upon a time in Palestine, people were buried in caves, closing the entrances with stones after the end of the funeral ceremonies. The stone was rolled away before being placed inside the deceased, then put back.

According to legend, the stone that covered the tomb of Jesus was somewhat reminiscent of an egg. Everyone knows that eggs conceal new life under their shells, so eggs and painted ones are another reminder of the wonderful, impossible Resurrection of Jesus, like the victory of life over the dark and ominous death. More often than not, eggs are painted red, even scarlet.

Therefore, the most beautiful Easter eggs are considered to be those with a red design or simply red. Traditions say that Mary Magdalene, shortly after the resurrection of Christ, once appeared to Tiberius, the former emperor, to convey wonderful news. Most likely, the emperor had already heard about miracles, but did not attach much importance. In ancient times, any visitor to the emperor had to bring him gifts; Mary took the egg and held it out, saying: “Christ is Risen!” This is exactly how people now congratulate their loved ones and acquaintances on Easter. The emperor nodded at the color of the egg and replied that it was white and not red at all.

The egg cannot change colors, so the dead do not resurrect later. Suddenly the egg turned red. It’s interesting that painted eggs were mentioned for the first time on scrolls from the 10th century, which means the tradition is really many centuries old. Previously, the Romans considered the egg a symbol of new life.

Dyeing eggs, ancient methods

Previously, of course, there were no artificial dyes, people isolated the paint in a natural way using available means. There were several varieties of painted eggs for Easter.

For example, an egg painted in one, any color without patterns was called krashanka or krashenka (also galunka). Onion peels were often used, giving a beautiful terracotta shade, also a shade of yellow.

Eggs that had some kind of ornament were called pysanky, like painted ones. They had to be painted only raw and could not be eaten afterwards, like boiling them, without damaging the drawing. Unfortunately, pysanky were brought as a tribute to art, although the egg paints of that time were quite safe for use.

Now, even for Easter, eggs can be painted either with special food paints, or with ordinary watercolors (if you are not going to eat them later), or use stickers.

Krashenki for Easter were traditionally prepared by girls or women and taught to girls. Residents of the Balkans all painted eggs, even Muslims, and also willingly accepted gifts from their Christian neighbors; they did not consider this shameful. Although Islam prohibits celebrating “other people’s” holidays.

The Church dedicates the custom of coloring eggs to a special day during Holy Week - this is Thursday, also Good Friday, or maybe Saturday.

For Easter, Catholics willingly paint eggs with their own hands, then give them as gifts or eat them themselves. Interestingly, they can give not only regular eggs, but also sweet chocolate ones.

In addition to ordinary eggs, they were made of wood, later porcelain or glass, and painted with gold and beautiful precious stones. This makes it easier to preserve them, as tradition dictates. You shouldn’t try so hard when decoupaging eggs so that you can quickly eat them, although regular ones won’t last long.

Gradient effect

This is a beautiful, gradual transition of colors. It’s interesting that decoupage, or more simply put, decorating eggs with food coloring is quite simple. Dilute the chosen dye in a small glass of water, then carefully place the egg there. Wait 10-20 minutes, you're done. The brightness of the color can be adjusted by the concentration of the dye. How to decorate eggs for Easter more interesting? Add a gradient effect.

Take a small ladle or sieve. Carefully immerse the egg in the diluted paint, let it sit for 3 minutes, while constantly lifting it slightly and lowering it lower again. Then raise it to about halfway, hold it for about 5-6 minutes, lower it again and for the remaining 10 minutes keep only the lower part of the egg immersed in the dye. You don't even need complex decor!

Striped eggs

Color Easter eggs without using a brush or pencil? Easily. Dilute several glasses of the chosen color, just let the concentration vary. Then submerge the eggs one at a time, each time to a different level.

The decor of the same color looks beautiful, just in different concentrations.

Painted eggs

Of course, monotony is good and looks beautiful, but painting Easter eggs and coming up with your own decor is much more interesting. Any pencil or gouache will do, just use a soft lead.

Sometimes the outline of an egg is used to create a composition, but more often the designs are quite simple. The church does not limit imagination; you can draw any things, most often these are spring motifs, flowers, eyes or leaves. The drawings look more beautiful on a colored, plain background.

Lacy eggs

It is not necessary to draw the decor manually; many designs can be made using improvised means, just remember about the holes! For example, how to make an exquisite lace pattern.

First, wrap your egg in a piece of lace fabric, then, holding it by the tail, lower it completely into a glass with already diluted paint. Wait 10-11 minutes. Then carefully remove the cloth and let the egg dry. Ready.

Any stencils for Easter will give a similar effect, the main thing is to make sure that they fit more tightly to the round surface of the egg, then the design will not be smudged.


The dye for eggs can be varied, it looks beautiful, you can add it with patterns or sparkles, why not? You can easily buy them at a cosmetic or hardware store. There are loose sparkles used in makeup or manicure, there are larger sparkles, they are taken to decorate fabrics and embroidered with them. Only painting eggs at Easter with similar loose material requires care. Make sure that the sparkles do not end up on the plate, because they cannot be eaten.

However, such sparkles can be replaced with delicious small balls; such sweets are sold in confectionery departments. They are also beautiful and bright, but they don’t shine.

To attach the selected material, use glue, or better yet, egg white. They look beautiful on a finished colored background, then painting the eggs should precede the sparkles.

We painted it, waited until it was completely dry, then covered selected areas of the egg with glue or white and carefully dipped it into the glitter scattered on the saucer. They shook off the excess and set it somewhere to dry. Ready.


Yes, the aforementioned colorful balls. They are safe and can be eaten. Most often used for Easter decorations delicious Easter cakes, but they will also be used for Easter eggs. Decoupage of such eggs is a pleasure, because the painter will not spend much time.

You can simply coat the egg with white, then carefully dump it in a bowl with the sprinkles already scattered. Such beauty does not require separate drawings! And the colors are warm, bright, true spring shades.


Of course, unfortunately, not everyone can be an artist. Therefore, many people, thinking about how to beautifully paint an egg for Easter, do not trust their own skills too much. They are looking for ready-made stencils, remembering the technique of painting, for example, windows for the New Year or creating a new dye for eggs, mixing different colors.

Simple electrical tape or adhesive tape can create interesting designs! First, dilute the chosen paint, then arm yourself with adhesive tape or tape. Stick it carefully onto the egg, sketching out the outlines of the future design. Then dip the eggs into your paint, leave for the required 10-15 minutes. That's it, now you need to wait for it to dry and carefully remove the electrical tape. Coloring eggs is not difficult at all.

It’s so easy to make a letter or several letters on an egg, in the shell. You'll get some cute themed eggs, here's how to dye them regular eggs for Easter is already becoming a part of many cultures.


They create interesting color transitions, beautiful designs, and do not spend a lot of effort. Of course, Easter uses such eggs only as a decorative element, because breaking them is difficult and sometimes too pitiful.

Take different threads (better floss, they are soft and fit well), coat the egg with PVA, then carefully wrap it, avoiding gaps. Alternative option regular egg painting. However, you can wrap them partially, leaving gaps, which can then be decorated either with drawings or by gluing glitter.


Of course, the eye involuntarily stops at the husks with patterns, and some are painted in such a way that they seem to be part of art. This is not difficult to achieve. Arm yourself with a felt-tip pen and carefully, carefully redraw the pattern you like.

It is not necessary to alternate colors or worry about a colored background; painting with one black or blue or red marker on a natural, white background also looks impressive.


Looks very nice, almost like marble eggs for Easter. It’s easy to achieve the look like in the chosen photo: just first beat your egg gently with a spoon, then soak it inside the dye.


Small points are also easy to provide. Take gauze, wrap it tightly around the egg, then boil it, using only the chosen dye. Then carefully remove the gauze. Ready.

Yes, most ways to decorate eggs are simple and affordable, although some prefer ready-made Easter stickers. There are beautiful, thematic drawings, and before use you just need to peel them off.

White patterns are already on painted egg can be applied easily and safely powdered sugar. Dilute it with a drop of water so that the mixture comes out homogeneous and thick. Take a special pastry syringe. That's it, let's paint the eggs, the main thing is to choose a dark colored background so that the white patterns look brighter.

Good afternoon friends!

Today I am writing about the custom of dyeing eggs for Easter. It is very ancient, Western literature contains indications that the first Christians of Mesopotamia cooked them red in memory of the blood of the crucified Christ, and that they may have been the first to associate the decoration of eggs with the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ (from Wikipedia)

And now Easter is a wonderful holiday in the Christian calendar, people prepare for it in advance - they bake Easter cakes and perform Easter.

And it’s time for us to worry about how and what to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with our own hands at home. And this can be done in a very original way using the simplest means at hand.

How to paint eggs for Easter 2018 with your own hands

As we color the eggs, we will deal with some questions that arise such as: how to do this quickly and without chemicals, should they be hot or cold? How to make it so that it doesn’t burst and is edible? What should the number be, even or not?

And you can paint at home with anything: watercolors and gouache, acrylic and tempera paints, wax pencil and newspaper, felt-tip pens and markers. We take out paints, brushes and paint together with the children. Believe me, it will give them great pleasure!

We paint it in any color except black (it symbolizes grief, sadness).

There is no exact rule for how many eggs to paint, whether the number is even or odd, i.e. it doesn’t matter how many eggs there are, the main thing is to have time to eat them and exchange them during Easter week

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Have you ever wondered why they are painted and why they must be on the holiday table?

It turns out that the tradition of painting eggs for Easter has its own legend (from Wikipedia)

According to the account of Demetrius of Rostov, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene found the opportunity to appear to the emperor and presented him with an egg painted red with the words: “Christ is risen!” The choice of the gift was caused by the poverty of Mary, who, however, did not want to appear empty-handed, and the color of the offering was intended to attract the attention of the emperor.

Another version of the presentation says that at first the egg was completely ordinary and that the emperor, doubting the strange news of the resurrection, said that just as an egg cannot turn from white to red, so the dead do not rise again - and “a miracle happened: white egg began to turn red. The amazed Tiberius exclaimed, “Truly he has risen!”

Since then, the tradition began to paint them red and greet each other with these very words.

How to color eggs with natural dyes at home

A set of Easter food coloring will help you quickly and easily achieve the desired color. Following the instructions, you can set any solid, rich colors.

We use only 3 colors and get these bright colorful rainbow eggs. Boil them hard (10-12 minutes), and hot, dip them alternately in different dyes, leaving for 1-5 minutes. The overlay of two paints gives a new color. Gently blot excess dye with a napkin. We use gloves to protect our hands.

We obtain such “rough and embossed” colors as follows. Place 1 cup of dry rice in a plastic bag or container, add 2-3 tablespoons of any dye, and a spoonful of vinegar. Mix well until all the rice is colored. Then put a hot boiled egg into it and shake the bag for 5 minutes. All is ready! We take it out, shake off the stuck grains of rice, wipe it with an oiled napkin and put it on a plate.

To ensure that the paint goes on more evenly, before painting the eggs, they must be degreased.

And in this picture there are unusual ways of coloring eggs with vegetable dyes.

Traditional painting in onion skins

Although this is the easiest and most versatile painting method, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. simple rules to properly color them with onion skins.

1. To dye a dozen eggs you will need 2 kilograms of onion peel.

2. Place it in a saucepan, pour boiling water and cook over low heat for at least 30 minutes. Strain the finished broth and add a teaspoon of salt.

To prevent eggs from bursting during cooking, they must be warmed to room temperature and boiled in water with added salt.

3. Using a spoon, carefully lower them into the hot broth and make sure that they are completely covered with the broth.

4. Bring to a boil and cook for no more than 10 minutes; for more uniform coloring, turn over during cooking.

5. We keep the finished ones in cold water until completely cool, wipe dry with a towel.

To give a glossy shine, wipe them with vegetable oil.

These are such beautiful paints, with a very rich shell color.

Beautiful coloring in onion skins with a pattern

Let's watch 7 different ways How to color eggs in an original and unusual way.

We will need:

  • onion peels 5-7 handfuls
  • leaves of various fresh greens
  • nylon stocking, gauze
  • mixture of cereals and seeds
  • vegetable oil
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • threads


  1. In advance, cut the nylon stocking into squares of such a size that an egg can fit in them.
  2. Warm them to room temperature and rinse well.
  3. Prepare a decoction of three kilograms of onion peels.

To get more saturated colors, take eggs with white shells.

We take leaves of any greenery, carefully straighten them and glue them with the front side to the wet shell. We wrap it tightly with nylon and tie it with thread.

We roll the wet egg in various mixtures of cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet peas), small pasta, sesame seeds. We also cover it with nylon.

Cut a handful of dry husks small pieces. And roll the wet egg into them, fixing the stuck pieces with gauze.

Decorate using regular threads. We wrap them with threads, paint them, remove the threads.

We do it using sets of stickers for Easter eggs. We choose the template of the picture or inscription we like, “glue” them onto the shell with water, and secure it with nylon or gauze. Do not confuse with thermal stickers. After painting, we remove the templates; closed areas remain unpainted.

This method of painting will require patience, accuracy and time from you. To prevent the electrical tape from coming off during painting and cooking, we fix it with a tightly fitted nylon.

  1. We wrap the eggs in lace and secure the ends with thread.
  2. Carefully place a spoon into the prepared saturated broth of onion peels, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Transfer to a bowl of cold water and keep until completely cooled. We clean, remove all excess, rinse and dry with a towel.
  4. Rub with vegetable oil using a cotton pad and place a beautiful lace miracle on a plate.

How to easily and simply color eggs for Easter with brilliant green and iodine

What else can you dye eggs at home besides the husk?

It’s not at all difficult to paint the shell beautifully with brilliant green and iodine. It is important to wear gloves and use an old saucepan that you don't mind.

1 way. First you need to boil the eggs, and then coat them with brilliant green or iodine. Dry it, paint on top as you wish, or you can leave it without a pattern. Wipe with an oily cloth

Method 2. Boil them in water with a large addition (1 bottle) of iodine or brilliant green.

Painting with brilliant green is not harmful if you are sure that it will not get inside through microcracks in the shell

Using various stencils you can create beautiful designs.

Marble method of painting in onion peels with brilliant green

Marble eggs with greenery turn out beautiful and unusual. Original, and it is impossible to predict their incredible scams.

An original way of dyeing colored scraps of fabric

You can paint eggs very beautifully using fabric. It works best with 100% silk; you probably have such scraps at home (for example, your husband’s old ties).

We wrap the eggs in them as tightly as possible (the front side of the fabric should be adjacent to the shell) and tie them well with thread. To get a more saturated color, wrap scraps of light fabric over the silk (you can use an old pillowcase) and secure with elastic bands.

Place the prepared parcels in a saucepan. Fill with cold water, add vinegar and cook for 15 minutes from the moment it boils.

Then cool with cold water and remove the fabric. The paints are ready, they turn out very beautiful with a variety of patterns!

Decoupage eggs in gold color - master class

Remember, as in the fairy tale: “and the hen laid an egg, but not an ordinary one, but a golden one.” Decorating Easter eggs with gold elements will add sophistication.

Decoupage with three-layer napkins

Decoupage is appliqué, gluing individual fragments of an ornament or design onto a shell. Three-layer paper napkins are perfect for this. There are special decoupage ones on sale; the design on them is printed with high precision with durable paint, which does not fade when glued. If there are no special ones, then any three-layer or dense single-layer with beautiful patterns will do.

We will need:

  • boiled white eggs
  • raw protein
  • colored napkins
  • flat brush
  • manicure scissors

We cut out fragments of napkins with scissors, or tear them with our hands. We take smaller parts (they are easier to glue) and create a composition from them. If the napkins are multi-layered, separate the top layer, which we will work with further.

We use protein instead of glue raw egg(you can take starch), stir with a cyst. Lubricate the shell with egg white and place the prepared napkin fragments on it. We also cover the top with protein, move the brush from the middle to the edges, thereby expelling the air from under the napkin. So we glue the entire composition one by one, pass the brush over the pictures again, and place them on a wire rack to dry.

Another option for decoupage. We cut out not fragments of a napkin, but a rectangle slightly larger than an egg.

We wrap the whole egg with it, secure it on top with our “glue” and send it to dry. Then, to give it a marketable appearance, grease it with vegetable oil.

Decoupage in Gzhel style will add sophistication and elegance and decorate your holiday table.

Paint eggs with nail polish

Coloring eggs with nail polish is another option for original Easter egg decoration. It’s not a fact, of course, that you can eat these eggs later, but, you see, it looks beautiful.

Friends, I tried to collect for you universal ways to paint eggs for Easter. From all that is offered, choose the options that suit you the most and decorate your Easter table.

Easter has its own customs and traditions, one of which is the painting of eggs. The article will be useful for both adults and children. Easter eggs are a symbol of the great holiday. Housewives treat coloring eggs with trepidation, and many strive to come up with new patterns.

The tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter

There are several versions of the origin of such a tradition.

Version 1.

When Jesus was resurrected, Mary Magdalene came to the emperor with the news. Since such a trip required a gift, she took a white egg with her. She told the emperor “Christ is Risen.” The emperor did not believe such news and said that it was as implausible as an egg turning red. And miraculously the egg immediately turned red.

Version 2.

Chickens in Lent laid eggs non-stop. The owners were afraid that they would spoil. Therefore, we decided to paint fresh eggs red.

Version 3.

When Jesus was a baby, colored eggs were a source of entertainment for him.

Which eggs should I paint for Easter?

It is customary to paint at Easter chicken eggs: Neither color nor size are important.

IMPORTANT: To ensure even coloring, wash the eggs thoroughly with vinegar and soap. Otherwise the paint will not apply evenly.

What colors are eggs painted for Easter?

Previously, eggs were only painted red.

Now on Easter you can meet the most various options egg painting:

  • painting in one color: yellow, green, blue, orange. In fact, the color can be whatever is closest to your soul.
  • painting in several colors: many patterns, designs

How to dye eggs red?

Dye eggs traditionally Red color will help:

  • Food colorings
  • Onion peel
  • Beet. Boil the egg along with the whole beets. Cook until you get the desired color. You can simply grate a boiled egg with beet broth or grated beets

How to color eggs with onion skins?

  • Take a saucepan filled to the top with onion skins
  • Fill with water not to the very edge
  • Let it cook for 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the desired paint color
  • Let the infusion cool
  • Place the eggs in their shells and cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling.
  • Cook until you see the desired color

IMPORTANT: The eggs must be completely submerged in water. Turn them over to ensure even coloring.

Food coloring for Easter eggs

Eggs can be colored with natural and non-natural food dyes.

WITH unnatural dyes everything is clear: you go to the store, buy food coloring of the desired color, dilute the dye in water, put an egg in the water with the dye until you get the desired color.

IMPORTANT: Coloring with such dyes usually gives a more uniform color. But this makes it feel unnatural.

WITH natural dye the question is more complicated. Many can be used natural dyes depending on the desired color of the final egg.


Turmeric will help color an egg yellow. Painting technique:

  • Add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of water. turmeric, 1 tbsp. table vinegar
  • Place eggs in water
  • Cook until done

Pink color.

Gives pink color to eggs cranberry juice, in which boiled eggs lie until the desired color is obtained

Dark brown color.

Boil eggs in strong black tea.

Blue color.

Red cabbage will help you get the blue color:

  • Finely chop 2 heads of cabbage
  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan
  • Add 6 tbsp to the water. table vinegar
  • Add cabbage
  • Leave to infuse overnight, stirring first
  • In the morning, add boiled eggs to the infusion until the desired color is obtained.

Easter egg painting

Painting eggs will look equally good on both pre-painted eggs and natural-colored eggs.

Painting with permanent marker.

A simple way to paint Easter eggs for those who know how to draw.

Painting with paints.

For painting you only need paints and brush thin. You can use the simplest acrylic paints.

IMPORTANT: Using this method, you can decorate the egg with your child and paint it to your liking.

Painting with powdered sugar.

  • Prepare powdered sugar
  • Add as much water as needed until you get a thick, homogeneous mass.
  • Apply the pattern with a pastry syringe filled with sugar mixture.
  • Let the egg dry

Wax painting.

  • To paint with wax you will need wax pencils or wax paints.
  • Select the tool you will use to paint: knitting needle, needle, awl, copper wire

IMPORTANT: Copper wire will keep the wax hot for a long time, which will allow you to draw more lines at a time

  • Heat the wax to 65 C
  • Dip the tool in wax and apply the design

If you do not have the makings of an artist or cannot come up with the desired pattern, use stencils.

  • Print the stencil
  • Select paints and apply them to a sponge or brush
  • Place the stencil on the egg
  • Blot with a sponge or brush over the stencil
  • Remove the stencil and dry the egg

How else can you paint eggs for Easter?

Colored floss threads.

Wrap the egg completely with different colored floss threads and hard boil the egg.

Beautiful napkins.

  • Buy beautiful napkins with a pattern suitable for the holiday
  • Cut out the elements you want to transfer to the egg
  • Prepare gelatin according to package instructions
  • Dissolve the gelatin granules by heating it
  • Apply the cut out pattern to the boiled egg
  • Using a brush, brush the prepared gelatin over the top.
  • Align the pattern from the center to the edges


  • Cut out figures, stripes, patterns from paper
  • Attach paper of your choice to the egg
  • Wrap the egg tightly with nylon or gauze
  • Dip in desired dye. If necessary, cook in dye.
  • Wait until the egg is completely dry
  • Removing the paper


  • Cut a piece of silk in the desired color
  • Wrap an egg in it
  • Wrap gauze or nylon on top and secure
  • Pour water and 3 tbsp into a saucepan. vinegar
  • Boil the wrapped eggs in water with vinegar for 20 minutes after boiling.

  • Roll a wet egg in rice
  • Wrap with gauze
  • Dip in dye
  • After staining, open the gauze and let dry

Marble effect.

First way.

  • Choose two dyes that match in color (preferably light and dark)
  • Paint an egg in one of them
  • Pour the second into a bowl and add a few tbsp. vegetable oil (depending on the volume of water)
  • Mix water with oil
  • Dip the egg completely into the water once so as to catch as many fat bubbles in the water as possible.
  • Blot with a napkin
  • Let dry