Gooseberry juice. Gooseberry jelly for the winter - simple recipes with great results

Of them. Summer and the beginning of autumn are the period when you can enjoy it to your heart's content. This is a completely different matter than drinking ready-made drinks from store bags. Also, everyone knows that you can save wonderful juices for the winter. But how to do it, how to preserve wonderful drinks for the cold season? This is more difficult. In this article, we will try to explain this issue as clearly as possible, talk about how to brew juice in a juicer, because this is the most convenient way.

general information

There are two main ways to obtain juice - heat treatment and extraction. So, for the second, a juicer is used, and for the first, a juicer. The latter has an important advantage, which is that it does not require your constant presence and participation in the preparation process.

The juicer does most of the work itself. The juice in it is obtained by steaming berries, fruits or vegetables. The device itself consists of three parts-capacities. The lower pan is placed directly on the stove, which is filled with water (usually 3-4 liters). A saucepan is placed in it, in which the juice is collected, and in it - a container with holes into which it drains - a steam basket. Raw materials are put into this basket. In the pan where the drink is collected, there is a hose for draining it. Do you understand the general principle of how to make juice in a juicer?

Details on how to prepare for juicing from a juicer

To do this, first of all, you need to carry out preparatory work. Grapes, apples, apricots, tomatoes or cherries (or other fruits and vegetables) are thoroughly washed. We sort them out, discard spoiled and sluggish fruits, cut large ones into pieces. We cut out the rotted places. The smaller the blanks, the better. An apple, for example, is cut into at least six parts. It is not necessary to peel them from the peel, since the juicer will perfectly fulfill its purpose in this case as well. But it is better to remove the bones, seeds, so that they do not clog the holes for draining the juice.

Before using the device for the first time, wash it thoroughly and boil the hose. Put it on the nozzle of the juice collector and secure the clip. Fill the bottom saucepan with water and install the juice container. At the very end, put the fruit container in its place and fill it with fruit. It's time to close the lid, light the fire and learn how to make juice in a juicer.

Juice making process

It starts as soon as you light the fire. Most often, the cooking process lasts from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. At this time, you can easily wash the jars, sterilize them, and then roll the juice into them. Do the same for the lids. Periodically open the juicer and stir the fruits - for a better drink flow. Fresh fruits do not need to be added. When the juice is ready to the hose, substitute the container and drain the drink, having previously removed the clamp. The juice is hot, its temperature is about 75 degrees, so be careful. When cooking tomatoes, it is advisable to substitute a sieve, it will retain the seeds. As soon as the jar is full, immediately roll it up until the juice has cooled. Don't worry about sterility, as the steam killed all germs. You have received general information on how to cook juice in a juicer, a few more tips. You need to sweeten the drink at the very beginning of the process - sugar is poured into the upper container along with the fruit. If you do this after cooking, sterility will be violated. Do not throw away the remains of tomatoes and apples, they can be used in the preparation of adjika - in the first case, and as a filling for the pie - in the second.

Preparing apple juice in a juicer

In the event that you are going to quench your thirst right now, then use a juicer, if you are preparing supplies for the winter, take a juicer. In order to get 2-3 liters of juice, you will have to process about 5 kg of fruit. We will need two liters of water and two tablespoons of sugar per liter of drink. It is better to choose sweet apples, in extreme cases - sweet and sour, you can get heartburn from sour ones. We collect the juicer, how - you already know.

During the assembly process, fill with water and fruit. We turn on our device and soar until the juice completely ceases to stand out. Depending on the firmness of the apples, this can take between 50 and 80 minutes. Then we brew a drink with granulated sugar. There is another option besides the one described above. Pour sugar into a separate saucepan, pour it with juice from a juicer, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. If we cook without sand, then immediately pour the drink into jars. In both cases, filling the containers with the finished product, roll them up and, wrapping them in a blanket, leave to cool. Apple juice in a juicer is ready.

Preparing tomato juice

Juice from this product has a positive effect on vitality and is very useful for the functioning of the human heart. Fresh and ripened vegetables are best suited for its preparation.

And the easiest way to make tomato juice is in a juicer. Wash the tomatoes well, cut them into slices and send them to the appropriate container of the device. Choose juicy varieties of tomatoes for these purposes. Now you need to add some sugar and salt. Turn on the juicer and boil. When the first drops appear, be sure to taste them.

Preparing plum juice

For a change, prepare plum juice in a juicer.

The recipe for a drink with pulp is outlined below. We will need the following ingredients: ripe plums - four kilograms, granulated sugar - at the rate of 300 grams per liter of juice. We sort our fruits well and wash them. Put in a juicer. From our quantity of products, about one and a half liters of drink should be obtained. We cook the mass, pour the resulting juice into a saucepan with granulated sugar, add the remaining pulp, previously rubbed through a fine sieve. Bring to a boil over low heat. Literally a couple of minutes - and the juice with pulp is cooked. Pour it into a sterile container and immediately roll it up.

Having mastered how to cook juice in a juicer according to this recipe, you can make compote or jelly from it, or you can drink it ready-made. Do you have puree left in your juicer? Cook thick jam from it or prepare a lot of delicious desserts. How are you? It turned out completely waste-free production with a minimum investment of resources and time. By the way, juice in a juicer turns out to be sweeter than after a juicer, and it is stored for a long time without changing the taste.

Gooseberry jam.
1st way. Products: Required: 1 kg of gooseberries, 500 g of sugar, 0.5 cups of water. Prepare sugar syrup and dip unripe berries into it in portions. Cook until done in one go.
2nd way. Products: Required: 1 kg of gooseberries, 500 g of sugar. Divide the berries into mature and unripe. Pour ripe berries with sugar, add 2-3 tablespoons of water and heat under the lid until softened. Then mash the berries thoroughly and put the rest of the berries into this mass. Cook over low heat until done.
3rd way. Products: Required: 1 kg of gooseberries, 100 g of sugar. Put the berries in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and cook, stirring, over low heat for 20 minutes. Arrange hot in jars and pasteurize at 90 ° C half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter jars for 20 minutes.

Gooseberry juice.
1st way. Place the prepared berries in a juice cooker, after 60 minutes of boiling, you get a ready-made juice that does not need to be filtered. Add sugar (100 g per 1 kg of marc) to the pomace remaining in the juice cooker and continue to boil for another 30 minutes, then turn off the fire and hold for 9 hours.
2nd way. Crush the berries with a wooden pusher, place in an enamel pan, add to water heated to 80 ° C - 200 g per 1 kg of berries. Mix the berries with water and heat to 60 ° C, hold at this temperature for half an hour. Place the berry mass in a canvas bag and squeeze with your hands. Water can be added to the pomace and squeezed a second time. Juice of the first and second extraction canned separately. Heat the juice to 85 ° C, pour into jars 1.5 cm below the edge, cover with sterile lids, put in a saucepan with hot water (50 ° C) and pasteurize at 85 ° C half-liter jars for 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes. Then roll up, turn the jars upside down and refrigerate. Dilute the juice with sugar syrup before drinking. You can make juice with pulp. To prepare it, rub crushed berries through a sieve and preserve by hot filling.


Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice is rich in vitamin C, also contains vitamin P and B vitamins. In addition, it contains a significant amount of potassium, phosphorus and iron salts. Sugar contains 7-8%. The average acidity of black currant juice in the BSSR is 2.5-2.7%. Juice with such a high acidity is unsuitable for drinking, so it is recommended to dilute it 2-2.5 times with water with sugar or 40% sugar syrup. Together with water, you can add juice of less acidic fruits and berries to it. Blackcurrant juice is characterized by a dark red color, thick consistency and a strongly pronounced specific aroma. Therefore, when diluted with slightly acidic juices, water or 40% sugar syrup, it acquires a more pleasant taste and aroma. For the production of juice, ripe blackcurrant berries are used.

The best varieties: Leah fertile, Go-lubka, Dream, Loshitskaya, Velvet, Neapolitan. The sorted and washed berries are crushed on a roller crusher or with a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl. Water heated to 80 ° is added to the pulp (1.5 cups of water per 1 kg of pulp) and heated, stirring continuously, to 50-55 °.

After a 30-minute exposure, juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass, which is then pasteurized or packaged according to the hot filling method (see page 105). Juice can also be obtained by pressing berries frozen in a home refrigerator and then thawed (defrosted). You can make juice with pulp from blackcurrant berries. For this, the washed berries are placed in an enamel bowl, a glass of water heated to 80 ° is added for each kilogram of berries.

Then the whole mass is heated, stirring continuously, to 65 °, quickly rubbed through a stainless steel sieve. Boiling 40% sugar syrup (at a ratio of 1:1) is added to the resulting thick mass, thoroughly mixed, heated to 90-95 °, then packaged in sterilized glass jars and pasteurized.

Juice red currant. Natural red currant juice is characterized by high acidity (up to 2.2%), therefore, in its pure form, it is not used as a drink. It is usually blended with juices of low-acid fruits and berries or diluted with 30-35% sugar syrup (1:1 ratio). To improve the flavor, raspberry, cherry or blackcurrant juice is added to the red currant juice.
In the absence of low-acid juices, redcurrant juice can be diluted with 20% sugar syrup. Blueberry juice is added to improve color. To 5 liters of red currant juice add 0.5 liters of blueberry juice, 4-4.5 liters of water and 1.6 kg of sugar.
You can preserve natural redcurrant juice and dilute it with 20% sugar syrup before use (to taste).

White currant juice. Whitecurrant berries are very tender and therefore should be processed into juice on the day of harvest. During processing, spoiled berries are removed, the fruits are separated from the brushes, washed. Then the berries are crushed in a crusher or with a wooden pestle in an enamel or plastic bowl, after what pressed, filtered and pasteurized.
White currant juice is usually blended with cherry or blackcurrant juice.

gooseberry juice blended mainly with raspberry, red and white currant juice, as it does not differ in aroma, good color and taste. When blended in low-acid juices (pears, apples or cherries), it becomes a pleasant-tasting drink. Good results are also obtained by mixing one part gooseberry juice with one part red currant juice (sugar syrup or sugar and water are added).
Gooseberries are rich in pectin, therefore, without pre-treatment of berries or pulp, extracting juice is very difficult. Small-fruited gooseberries with a thin skin contain more sugar and have a good aroma. For processing, take a mature gooseberry, suitable for fresh consumption.

Over-ripe berries are too soft and unsuitable for juice. Berries or pulp are processed by heating or freezing. Freezing the berries with subsequent defrosting greatly facilitates the release of juice and does not impair the taste of the juice. A small amount of berries can be frozen in a home refrigerator.

When treated with heat, ripe, sorted and well-washed berries are crushed on a roller crusher or crushed with a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl. 1-1.5 cups of hot water are added to 1 kg of pulp and the whole mass is heated to 55 °. The heated pulp after half an hour exposure is subjected to pressing. Freshly squeezed juice is blended, clarified by heating to 80 °, filtered and preserved by pasteurization or hot pouring.
Gooseberry juice can also be obtained using a juicer. Strawberry juice. From ripe, intensely colored fruits of small-fruited varieties or from the fruits of forest amelyanika, you can get a very pleasant, aromatic juice, suitable for eating in its natural form. Dessert and slightly colored varieties of strawberries are less suitable for this purpose.

Ripe berries are placed in an enameled bucket filled with 1/3 water, gently stirred with a slotted spoon or spatula, the strawberries float up, and the earth and sand settle to the bottom. With a slotted spoon, the berries are taken out in a colander or sieve so that the water is glass, and they are cleaned of sepals, after which the berries are crushed with a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl and pressed.

To reduce the viscosity of the juice and improve the juice yield, crushed fruits can be left before pressing for 3-4 hours. at room temperature. Freshly squeezed juice is blended with less aromatic juices or sugared to taste and preserved by pasteurization or hot filling.

Raspberry juice has a strong aroma and pleasant taste. Natural raspberry juice can serve as an aromatic supplement when blending it with slightly aromatic juices. It is also recommended to blend it with slightly acidic juices or dilute it with 20-30% sugar syrup. To obtain juice, the most suitable varieties are Novosti Kuzmina, Kaliningradskaya, Marlboro, Usanka. Good juice is obtained from wild raspberries. Squeeze raspberry juice in a cold or hot way. It is preserved by hot filling or pasteurization.

The site has:

Cooking potato crisps, potato powder, dried potatoes. Drying apples, plums, cherries, berries. How to dry fruits and berries Vegetable juices. Tomato juice, from rhubarb, cabbage. Compote of raspberries, blueberries, melons, rose hips, rhubarb.

Made by hand, it is always a pleasure to open to the dining table, especially in winter. It was then, in winter, that the harvesting season began, so to speak. Or rather, the season of "eating" these blanks. But we have to work for glory in the summer, when, when harvesting, we process it, prepare various dishes and preparations for the winter as well.
Well, in this master class I will share with you a simple recipe for making delicious gooseberry juice for the winter at home. To be honest, until recently, I only made jam and preserves from gooseberries. But this year I decided to try the juice from this berry. And let me tell you, the recipe is very successful!

So, to prepare gooseberry juice for the winter, we need to prepare:
- gooseberries,
- granulated sugar,
- jars for spinning juice.

So, having prepared all the essentials, we proceed to the process itself. To begin with, we have to thoroughly rinse the gooseberries under a stream of cold running water. After that, we throw the berries into a colander or a fine sieve and wait until the water drains.

Then we proceed as follows. Add water to the saucepan and send gooseberries to it. Water needs 100 grams per 1 kg of gooseberries. We put all the contents on a small fire and bring to a boil, in this state we keep the contents on a small fire for 20-25 minutes.

After exposure, the resulting mass is ground with a wooden spatula through a fine sieve. The resulting juice is defended for about 3 hours.

Add sugar - for 1 liter of juice you need 150 grams of granulated sugar. Bring the liquid back to a boil, the sugar should completely dissolve. Then we filter it through several layers of gauze. And bring it to a boil again. Now, in a boiling state, pour the juice into jars and hermetically seal it with lids.

Homemade gooseberry juice for the winter is ready. I also advise you to learn how to prepare

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

We will need:
- gooseberry,
- granulated sugar,
- container for spinning juice.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Everything we need is prepared with you, now we turn to the preparation of the berry itself. Rinse it under running cold running water. We discard the washed berries on a fine sieve or a colander. Let's wait until all the water drains.

We remove all the stalks from the berries, as seen in the photo.

And now the juicing part. Prepare an enameled or metal container and add water to it. For 1 kg of gooseberries, add 100 grams of water. Immerse gooseberries in this water. We put all the contents on the fire and bring the mass to a boil. Then boil over medium heat for about 30-35 minutes until the berries are completely softened.

Prepare a sieve with holes 1-1.5 mm in diameter and a wooden spatula. With this spatula, we grind the gooseberries through a sieve.

The resulting juice is passed through several layers of gauze and again brought to a boil. Then we pour it into jars prepared in advance, cork them with lids and turn them upside down, cool.

The rest of the "cake" can also come in handy. To these pomace add 100 grams of sugar per 1 kg of mass. And continue to boil it for about 30 minutes. After that, turn off the fire, press the mass again through a sieve and defend the juice for about 8 hours. This juice, which we got in the second stage, can be mixed with the first one or left to make jelly or compote.

The preparation is ready. Enjoy your meal!
As you can see, gooseberry juice for the winter at home is a simple and very interesting recipe. I hope you liked it. No less interesting for you, perhaps, will be