Saury soup with rice - the ingredients are ordinary, the dish is excellent. Fish soup from canned saury

Everyone knows the benefits and nutritional value of fish. Ocean species of fish stand out especially favorably from this side. One of such valuable and prominent representatives is saury.

It contains easily digestible proteins, saturated and unsaturated fats, complex and simple carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product per hundred grams is about two hundred kilocalories. Saury contains large amounts of vitamin A, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and D. In addition, this fish is saturated with a large number of useful microelements (fluorine, iron, chromium, etc.).

Canned saury

Getting fresh ocean saury into the kitchen from the nearest supermarket is a rather difficult task. But cooking soup from canned saury is quite doable. It has been proven that this fish does not lose a large number of its beneficial properties and vitamin composition during heat treatment. Canned saury is the most useful product for the body, from which you can cook a lot of snacks and salads. But first courses are especially appreciated by housewives.

Saury soups are prepared quickly, they do not make you spend a lot of time at the stove. In addition, canned fish is inexpensive, making lunch for the whole family affordable and affordable. The first dishes from saury are fragrant, tasty and satisfying. We will not mention the benefits once again.

canned saury soup recipe

To prepare a classic recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Canned saury - 400 g
  • Small carrot.
  • Three or four large potatoes.
  • One bulb.
  • Optionally, you can add rice, millet or barley (2 tablespoons) to the saury fish soup.
  • Salt.
  • Fresh greens.
  • Bay leaf.
  • A couple of peas of allspice.


Since we are making soup from canned saury, therefore, there is no need to deal with cutting and preparing fish. The first step is vegetables. Potatoes must be peeled and cut into fairly large squares. Carrots can be cut into thin circles or chopped with a coarse grater. Onions are peeled and cut into very small cubes.

In a small saucepan, the capacity of which is not more than two and a half liters, pour 1.5-2.0 liters of water. We send potatoes there. At the beginning of cooking, you can add a pinch of salt, a couple of peas of allspice. To make saury soup fragrant, add several large bay leaves to the broth while boiling potatoes.

vegetable roast

Almost no soup is complete without frying vegetables. Canned fish soup (saury) is no exception. While the potatoes are boiling, we are frying the onions and carrots. Since carrots take longer to fry, it is recommended to send them to the pan a little earlier than onions.

Try to cook vegetables for frying with a minimum amount of oil. If canned saury in oil is taken for the recipe, then there will be plenty of it in the soup anyway. If desired, a couple of tablespoons of homemade tomato paste can be added to vegetable frying. Pasta can be replaced with a couple of juicy tomatoes, cut into very small cubes.


To make saury soup more satisfying and nutritious, many housewives add cereals. It can be rice, pearl barley or millet. Remember, if barley is added to the soup, then it should be soaked in advance and rinsed thoroughly under running cold water. Cereals are added to the soup along with vegetable frying.

canned food

After 15-20 minutes, when the potatoes are cooked and the cereal becomes soft, you can add canned fish. As a rule, saury in a jar is in the form of large pieces. Before sending to the soup, put the fish on a plate and knead with a fork. Juice (oil) from the jar is also added to the broth, it will add additional aroma and taste. For serving, you can leave a few whole pieces of fish, taking out the cartilage.

We try saury soup. If necessary, add more salt. Cook for about five minutes, turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave to "walk".

Saury soup with fresh herbs is served. Place a whole piece of fish on each plate. You can also add a small piece of butter.


How to choose the right canned food

As we know, the taste of a dish directly depends on the quality of the original ingredients. Choose canned saury by following a few important tips:

  • A jar of fish should be smooth, without chips, dents or other flaws.
  • Read carefully what canned food consists of. The raw material can be both fish and fish waste. The difference in raw materials is clear, and the choice in favor of fish is obvious.
  • The marking with the date of manufacture must be a laser engraving, not a paper sticker.
  • The letter “P” embossed on the jar indicates that only high-quality and fresh fish was used for production, and not waste.
  • When the jar is open, we are in no hurry to add fish to the soup. We smell it and look carefully at the color of fish meat. There should be no inclusions, blackouts, spots on fish pieces and an unpleasant odor coming from the can.

Soup recipes with fish and seafood

saury fish soup

30 minutes

40 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

We all know from childhood that we need to eat liquid. But all the usual soups and borscht are already boring, and I want something special. At such moments, I cook fish soup or a simple fish soup. But usually it means a long fuss with the fish, and when I imagine it, the desire to cook the soup immediately disappears.

But it's good that now you can buy everything in stores, including canned fish, with which there is no hassle in cooking. I love canned saury because it is easy to find, inexpensive, and very convenient to prepare.

Like any marine fish, saury contains many vitamins, proteins and amino acids, and with its help you can quickly replenish the reserves of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the body.

Saury soup is very easy to prepare: at the end of cooking, pour out the canned food, and the soup is ready! Therefore, I propose to consider several recipes for soups that I cook most often.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Carefully inspect the jar, and if it is swollen or damaged, then you should not take such canned food.
  • On the bank in the second row there are numbers: 308 - natural fish, 186 - processed in oil. Both that and that option are normal, but if these numbers do not match the information on the label, then this is a poor-quality fake.
  • Choose only fresh vegetables: a little spoilage that you don't notice and trim can ruin the whole soup.

Canned saury fish soup

Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, knife, spoon.


Cooking process

soup recipe video

In this video, the girl quickly and skillfully cooks delicious soup. You will see how to cut vegetables, what to add, and how beautiful and rich the soup should turn out.

FUNNY EAR FROM CANS! Delicious ear from saury. Fish soup. fish soup.

UHA FROM CANS is a quick and tasty dish. In childhood, many ate fish soup from canned saury or other fish. I offer my own version of this fish soup, it is very easy to prepare. Fish soup or canned fish soup is very easy and quick to prepare. Even a beginner can handle fish soup. Fish soup is prepared without frying, which makes it more useful.

Canned fish - 1 can
Carrots - 2 pcs
Potatoes - 3-5 pcs (depending on the size of your pan)
Onion - 1 pc.
Bay leaf - 2 pcs
Peppercorns - 15 pcs
Hot pepper - 1/2 tsp
Semolina - 1 tbsp
Greens, parsley is better
Salt to taste

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Canned saury fish soup with rice

  • Time for preparing: half an hour.
  • Servings: 10.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: grater, knife, spoon, saucepan, frying pan.

Saury is a small marine fish weighing no more than 400 g, which belongs to the mackerel pike family. It is of great commercial importance, as its meat has an excellent taste and high nutritional properties. Saury enters the Russian market both in fresh and processed form - canned, dried, dried and smoked.

By itself, this fish can not be called particularly high-calorie. If you cook first courses based on a raw product, you will get quite a dietary meal. But soups made from canned or smoked saury are very rich and satisfying.

Saury soups are prepared in a variety of ways - with preliminary frying of vegetables, using mealy and milk (creamy) dressings, with bringing to readiness in the oven, etc.

Fresh saury soup

Cooked according to the principle of classic fish soup - without sautéing products and with a minimum amount of vegetables. It turns out quite lean, so when serving the soup, it is advisable to season with a small amount of butter.

Ingredients for 1.5 liters. soup:

  • Saury - 2 carcasses.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 50 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 small onion.
  • Dried greens.
  • Chicken egg.
  • Salt.
  • Turmeric or curry, bay leaf, peppercorns.


  1. Peel and cut the saury into portions. The head and tail are not needed.
  2. Put the fish in cold water, add the peeled small onion (whole). After boiling, put spices (bay leaf, turmeric, allspice or black pepper in peas) and reduce the heat.
  3. Finely chop all the vegetables and add to the pot along with the rice. Cook over medium heat.
  4. Pour greens before the end of cooking.
  5. Boil a chicken egg.
  6. Serve in deep bowls with a piece of fish and half an egg in each serving.

Saury soup in tomato sauce

Saury is good not only fresh, but also canned. The most popular canned foods are those where the fish is in vegetable oil, but it is no less tasty if tomato paste is used along with the oil.

In the proposed recipe, saury in tomato sauce is taken as the basis, since lentils are present in the ingredients, ideally combined with tomato products. Potatoes replace celery on the list, but you need very little, just to give a spicy refreshing flavor (a quarter of a medium root).

At the end of cooking, part of the cereals and vegetables are kneaded with a pusher so that the soup acquires additional density. Who wants a liquid broth, can omit this step.

Ingredients for 1.5 liters. soup:

  • A can of saury in tomato sauce - 230 - 250 g.
  • Lentils - 100 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Celery root - 100 g.
  • Red onion - 1 onion.
  • Dried basil and parsley.
  • Salt and spices to taste.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


  1. Wash the lentils and sort out. Put to boil over medium heat in salted water. If you want the cereal to cook faster, then it can be pre-soaked.
  2. To half-cooked lentils, add large cubes of celery and patches of carrots, dried parsley and basil, red onion half rings, spices and a little salt (because most of it is contained in conservation).
  3. Cook everything until cooked, after which part of the contents of the pan is mashed with a crush.
  4. From a can of saury, select all the bones, pour the entire filling into a separate cup. Divide the fish flesh into small pieces. Add saury to the soup and pour in the tomato sauce to taste.
  5. Let the dish stand on the stove for about 5-8 minutes, then remove the dishes from it.
  6. Saury soup with herbs and eggs

    An easy and very hearty soup. Perfect for the summer season, when you don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time, preparing a set meal for the family.

    Ingredients for 2 liters. soup:

  • Saury, canned in oil - 230-250 g (1 can).
  • Green onion with a feather - 50 g.
  • Fresh parsley or cilantro - 50 g.
  • Chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.
  • Rice - 100 g.
  • Salt and spices to taste.


  1. Separately, in salted water, boil the rice. You need to use steamed cereals, or long-grain varieties of rice so that it is crumbly.
  2. Chicken eggs also boil and grate on a large (beetroot) grater.
  3. Finely chop the parsley greens, and chop the green onion stalks, on the contrary, coarsely.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan and add a jar of saury to it along with the oil filling. Before that, you need to select all the bones and whole spices from it (peppercorns, bay leaf), and divide large pieces into small parts.
  5. Let the mixture boil a little and pour boiled rice, grated chicken eggs and greens into the soup.
  6. Taste after 3-5 minutes, season and add salt to taste. Remove from heat and let steep for 10-20 minutes.

With a minimum of food and time, we prepare a rich fish soup, using a jar of saury or other canned food as the main ingredient. Tuna, salmon, pink salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc. are suitable here. An excellent alternative to the classic fish soup, no less fragrant and appetizing!

Today we will cook canned fish soup with carrot-onion frying and potatoes. The concentration of the finished broth will depend on the number of vegetables - if desired, the portion of additional products can be either increased or reduced. You can also make the soup even more nutritious by adding rice or vermicelli to the main list of ingredients. So, we offer a simple and quite satisfying lunch for those who fast on fish days, as well as for all fish lovers.


  • saury in its own juice or other canned food - 1 can;
  • onion - 1 small;
  • carrots - 1 small;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • dill - 3-4 sprigs;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces;
  • allspice - 3-5 peas;
  • salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Canned saury fish soup recipe with photo step by step

How to cook soup with canned saury

  1. All vegetables are pre-cleaned. We chop the onion as small as possible, rub the carrots with large straws.
  2. Cut potato tubers into small cubes or sticks.
  3. Sauté the onion in hot oil for 3-5 minutes. Stir all the time cutting, do not allow burning!
  4. Add carrots. Stir and fry for another 5 minutes, adding a little oil if necessary.
  5. Knead saury with a fork until small pieces are obtained (do not pour out the juice remaining in the jar). As mentioned above, other canned fish are also suitable for soup. The main thing is that the fish is of high quality and tasty, without the slightest hint of bitterness. You should also avoid canned food with the addition of a large amount of oil, otherwise the soup may turn out to be too fatty.
  6. In 1.5 liters of boiling water, lower the potato slices. We cook without salt.
  7. After 10-15 minutes, add bay leaf, peppercorns and carrot-onion mixture.
  8. Then add the fish along with the juice. We are waiting for the liquid to boil again.
  9. After 5-7 minutes, load finely chopped dill. Salt / pepper, tasting the broth. Remove the finished soup from the heat.
  10. Pour into bowls and serve hot.

Canned saury fish soup is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Fish-based first courses are in great demand due to their availability and cheapness. But to this day, not many people know how to cook delicious fish soup using a simple base. For example, from canned saury. Let's look at the easiest recipes.

Canned saury fish soup: "classic"

  • green onion feathers - 3 pcs.
  • rice - 125 gr.
  • saury - 1 bank
  • parsley (root) - 5 gr.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrot - 2 pcs.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • laurel - 3 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • filtered water - 1.75 l.

Soup with canned saury has its own traditional recipe, which does not change from year to year. Seasonings for the first course are chosen at the discretion.

1. So, boil water in the indicated volume. Send diced potatoes and rice washed several times into it. Set a third of an hour.

2. During this time, make a roast of grated carrots, chopped onions and chopped green onions. Simmer for 5-8 minutes, stirring.

3. Wash the tomatoes, make cuts in the form of an “X” on the skin. Send in boiling water for 2 minutes, remove, douse with cold water. Get rid of the skin. Cut the pulp into cubes.

4. Transfer the frying pan from the pan to the pot with the potatoes and rice. Pour a little oil into this pan and add the tomatoes. Cook 5 minutes, stirring.

5. Parsley roots must be washed, then grated on the smallest grater and mixed with tomatoes. When the tomatoes are stewed, move them to a common container. Record 5 minutes.

6. Since it is impossible to cook fish soup according to this recipe from canned saury without the main ingredient, we uncork a jar of fish. Mash saury with a fork directly in the container or leave whole slices. Transfer to the broth, simmer for a couple of minutes.

7. Rinse dill, dry, chop. Add to the main ingredients and mix well. Season with salt and your favorite spices. Simmer another 5 minutes. Canned saury ear is ready!

Canned saury soup with melted cheese

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • processed cheese (in a bath) - 120-140 gr.
  • saury (canned food in jars) - 1 pc.
  • chopped dill - 25 gr.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • white bread crackers - 2 handfuls
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.

1. Send the diced potatoes to boiling water and reduce the stove to the middle mark. Boil for a third of an hour.

2. During this period, you need to prepare a fry based on chopped onions and grated carrots. Passivated vegetables are added to the broth.

3. Before preparing soup from canned saury, a jar of fish must be uncorked and poured out some of the liquid. Then the slices are sent to the soup together with melted soft cheese.

4. Stir the first course until the broth has a homogeneous base. Please note that after adding the cheese, at least 5 minutes must pass, otherwise the dish will be lost.

5. When the set time has elapsed, turn off the burner, but do not rush to taste. Let the soup stand, before the meal, sprinkle with greenfinch and wheat croutons.

It's so fast, simple and easy! In the meantime, we continue to learn how to make the most delicious fish soup. After all, there are many more recipes from canned saury.

Fish soup with saury and millet

  • millet - 90 gr.
  • canned saury (own juice) - 1 can
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • greens - 20 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 1.8 l.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.

Fish soup turns out very tasty if it is cooked from canned saury and millet.

1. First, wash the millet thoroughly using a colander. Then chop the potato tubers into a cube, and fry in oil from chopped onions and grated carrots. You can add a clove of garlic.

2. Pour the water according to the recipe into the pan, send the potatoes to boil in a boiling liquid. Uncork the jar of saury, transfer the fish to the broth and reduce the heat.

3. Boil the ingredients for a couple of minutes, then add the millet. Season with salt and ground pepper as desired. Detect a third of an hour, after this period, enter the frying.

4. After a few minutes, pour in the chopped greenfinch, simmer for another 10 minutes and turn it off. Before serving, let the first dish brew a little.

Saury soup with green peas

  • canned saury - 1 can
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • canned peas - 1 can
  • laurel leaves - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • dry dill - to your taste

Since fish soup is easy to prepare, you can add your favorite foods and herbs. A canned saury dish turns out tasty and fragrant.

1. It is easy to understand how to cook soup with canned saury. Pour 2.5 liters into the pan. water and wait for it to boil. Grind the carrots on a grater, and finely chop the onion. Fry the vegetables in a skillet in vegetable oil. At the same time, peel and cut the potatoes.

2. Open the jar of fish and mash it with a fork. Potatoes, saury, dill, frying, favorite spices and bay leaves should be sent to boiling water. Boil the ingredients for about 12 minutes. Peel the bell pepper and chop into bars. Send to the broth. Boil for 10 more minutes.

3. Drain the liquid from the peas and mix into the main ingredients. After a few minutes, turn off the burner. Get rid of the bay leaf. Infuse the dish for a third of an hour.

Saury soup in a slow cooker with rice

  • rice - 60 gr.
  • saury - 1 bank
  • potatoes - 320 gr.
  • carrots - 140 gr.
  • water - 2 l.
  • onion - 110 gr.

Soup with saury turns out to be quite tasty when cereals are added. With canned fish and rice, the first course takes on interesting notes.

1. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes. Chop the onion and grate the carrot on a coarse grater.

2. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the multibowl. Warm it up. Saute carrots and onions for 12 minutes.

3. Pour water into the container and add rice, potatoes and necessary spices. Set the "Soup" function on the appliance.

4. The procedure will take about 40-50 minutes. After that, put the fish in the broth. Simmer another quarter of an hour.

Before you cook fish soup, you should familiarize yourself with all the ingredients. A canned saury dish can be made without much effort.

Saury soup with rice and potatoes

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • rice - 140 gr.
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • saury - 1 bank
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • dried herbs - to your taste
  • laurel leaf - 2 pcs.
  • water - 3 l.

1. Boil water and rinse the cereal at the same time. Send the rice to boil. After boiling again, season the broth with your favorite spices.

2. Roast onions and carrots in the usual way. Cut the tomatoes into small slices. Tomatoes need to be fried together with onions and carrots. Simmer food until excess moisture has completely evaporated.

3. As soon as the cereal is half cooked, throw potatoes and bay leaves into the broth. A few minutes before preparing the soup, add all other ingredients.

Saury soup with cheese in a slow cooker

  • millet - 110 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 320 gr.
  • processed cheese - 0.2 kg.
  • saury - 1 bank
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • water - 1.3 l.

Saury soup can be cooked not only on the stove in a saucepan. A canned fish dish is especially tender in a slow cooker.

1. Send the pre-cut potatoes, grated carrots, softened saury, washed millet and cheese into the multi-bowl.

2. Pour in cold water and mix everything thoroughly. Close the multicooker and set the appropriate mode.

3. The procedure should take about 45 minutes. After cooking, the dish is best served with fresh herbs.

Before you cook fish soup, carefully read the recipes and arm yourself with the necessary components. The first dish of canned saury turns out to be delicious and tender if cheese and Provence herbs are added to it.