What are genetically modified foods? Genetically modified foods.

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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are foodstuffs, as well as living organisms created with the help of genetic engineering. Gene modification technologies are widely used in agriculture. Plants with GMOs have increased yields and are resistant to pests.

In Russia, the production of GMOs is currently prohibited. However, the import of food products that contain genetically modified components is allowed. Mostly modified soybeans, corn, potatoes and beets from the USA are brought to Russia. America occupies a leading position in both the production and consumption of GMOs. So, up to 80% of food in the US contains GMOs. According to the National Genetic Safety Association, Russian market about 30-40% of food products contain GMOs. Over the past 3 years, the association has discovered GMOs in the products of companies such as Nestle, Mikoyan, Campomos and others.

In our country, a significant negative effect of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the biological and physiological parameters of mammals has recently been confirmed.

On April 14, experts from the National Association for Genetic Safety (NAGB) at the RIA Novosti press club presented the results of an independent study on the effect of feed containing components of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the biological and physiological parameters of mammals.

The results of a study conducted by the OAGB together with the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A.N. Severtsov RAS in the period 2008-2010, indicate a significant negative impact of feed containing GMOs on the reproductive functions and health of laboratory animals.

“Animals (receiving GMOs) were found to have a developmental and growth retardation, a violation of the sex ratio in litters with an increase in the proportion of females, a decrease in the number of cubs in the litter, up to their complete absence in the second generation,” said the Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, d.b. n. Aleksey Surov, - A significant decrease in the reproductive abilities of males was also noted.

“The results of our study confirmed the data of those European scientists who stated about the negative health effects arising from the use of GMOs in the food of laboratory animals,” says Alexander Baranov, President of the OAGB, “We used soybean meal, which is widely used in Russia for fattening agricultural breeds . Soybean line 40-3-2, contained in the meal, is allowed in our country for human consumption as well.”

During the press conference, OAGB specialists announced the need for a new series of experiments in order to once again verify the conclusions about the dangers of GMOs on human health. The OAGB came up with a proposal to introduce a temporary moratorium in Russia on 17 permitted lines of GMOs until they are fully tested for biosafety.

Recall that in Russia the use of 17 types of genetically modified lines (GMOs) of five varieties of cultivated plants is allowed: these are soybeans, corn, potatoes, rice and sugar beets. For example, more than 90 percent of all soybeans produced in the world are genetically modified. Genetically modified soybeans and their by-products are widely used in the production of a wide range of human and animal feed products.

The experimental study was carried out on the laboratory population of Campbell's hamsters (Рhodopus carbelli), chosen due to the fact that they have a rapid generational change, which makes it possible to track long-term effects. The main negative fact of the influence of GMO feed, which was discovered during the study, according to the President of the OAGB Alexander Baranov, is the "prohibition on reproduction", as a result of which it was not possible to obtain the third generation of individuals.

In Russia at the moment there are about 5 million infertile couples. According to the speakers, if Negative influence GMOs on human reproductive ability will be confirmed, there is a risk of a serious deterioration in the demographic situation in Russia.

The director of the OAGB, Elena Sharoikina, in her comments noted that in the recently signed by the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev "Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation" stated the need to "exclude the uncontrolled distribution of food products obtained from genetically modified plants." At the same time, Elena Sharoikina stated that in the Russian regions there is not enough technical equipment and the system of control over the distribution of GMOs is not developed, there is no comprehensive the legislative framework and state support for scientific research in the field of biological safety.

At the press conference, an open appeal was made to the head of the working group on the creation of an innovation center in Skolkovo, to the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Vladislav Surkov with a proposal to develop the Safe Genetic Technologies project within Silicon Valley.

The project provides for the development of a security system aimed at protecting Russian citizens from possible negative consequences of the influence of GMOs.

List of products where GMOs can be:

1. Soy and its forms (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).

2. Corn and its forms (flour, cereals, canned food, popcorn, butter, chips, starch, syrups, etc.).

3. Potatoes and their forms (semi-finished products, dry mashed potatoes, chips, crackers, flour, etc.).

4. Tomatoes and its forms (paste, mashed potatoes, sauces, ketchups, etc.).

5. Zucchini and products made using them.

6. Sugar beet, table beet, sugar produced from sugar beet.

7. Wheat and products made using it, including bread and bakery products.

8. Sunflower oil.

9. Rice and products containing it (flour, granules, flakes, chips).

10. Carrots and products containing them.

11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

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Whose products contain GMOs:

Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - manufactures breakfast cereals, including corn flakes
Nestle (Nestlé) - produces chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, children food
Heinz Foods (Hayents Fuds) - produces ketchups, sauces
Hersheys (Hershis) - produces chocolate, soft drinks
Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic
McDonalds (McDonald's) - a network of "restaurants" of fast food
Danon (Danone) - produces yogurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food
Similac (Similak) - produces baby food
Cadbury (Kadbury) - produces chocolate, cocoa
Mars (Mars) - produces chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix
PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, Seven-Up

Daria - produces meat products

Campamos - produces meat products

Korona - produces meat products

Mikoyanovsky - produces meat products

Tsaritsyno - produces meat products

Lianozovsky - produces meat and dairy products

Volzhsky PK - produces meat products.

GMO World

The film tells about the products produced by a transnational corporation and their harm to humans and the environment.

Transgenization is a genetic bomb

Galina Tsareva

One of the most acute problems of our time is the problem of the introduction and dissemination of new biotechnologies associated with genetic changes in living organisms. Genetically modified (transgenic) organisms contain DNA fragments from any other living organisms in their genetic apparatus, for example, insect, animal or even human genes can be inserted into a plant. With the help of genetic engineering, hybrids of potatoes with tomato, soybeans with blue tobacco, sunflowers with beans have already been obtained. There are also more discouraging data: a frost-resistant tomato variety with an embedded flounder gene, drought-resistant corn with a scorpion gene, a tomato with a toad gene. But does a person have enough knowledge to play the role of the Creator?

Half of the products on the shelves of our stores are decorated with the inscription: “GMO-free”. But what does this abbreviation mean? Genetically modified organisms are food products that undergo a change in the genotype (the set of elements responsible for its inherited properties). In other words, a gene (or several genes) from an organism of another species or class is artificially introduced into the DNA of an organism to give it new properties. The result of such gene crossing is also called a transgenic organism. Why do people do it?

It all started with the desire of scientists and plant growers to improve the properties of various plants. This is mainly due to the fact that the world's population is constantly growing, while the amount of land suitable for agriculture is significantly reduced. Therefore, there was a desire to get more productive plants that could resist various pests and ripen faster. Thus, corn has been modified, which is capable of producing pesticides itself that protect it from harmful agents. Some plants have been introduced with properties to positively affect human health, and certain types of trees are designed specifically to destroy heavy metal contamination of the soil.

Nowadays, there are many ways to change the original properties of plants. In some cases, plants are even implanted with animal genes in order to obtain the desired properties. To begin with, they take a plant or animal that has some good qualities, after that, a gene is isolated from it, and this good gene is transplanted into the plant, the qualities of which they want to change. Genetically modified plants grow faster, are more resistant to pests and low temperatures and cheaper ones. Also, with the help of transplanted genes, it is possible to extend the shelf life of plants, increase yields and improve taste qualities. It is worth knowing that everything is genetic modified products are tested for biological and food safety.

Why are genetically modified foods dangerous?

Many scientists argue that GMOs increase the risk of dangerous allergies, food poisoning, mutations, and also contribute to the formation of tumors and cause resistance to antibiotics. In addition, foreign DNA can accumulate in the internal organs of a person, as well as enter the nuclei of embryonic cells, which can cause congenital malformation and even death of the fetus. It is highly not recommended to use such products for children under 4 years old, because they are the least protected from the effects of foreign genes.

It should also be noted that more than half of the transgenic proteins that provide plant resistance to insects, fungal and bacterial diseases are toxic and allergens. For example, when creating a genetically modified soybean with an improved amino acid composition, albumin (a gene from Brazil nut DNA) was used. This led to the fact that a huge number of people suffered from an exacerbation of allergic diseases. And substances that are designed to fight insects block digestive tract enzymes and affect the pancreas. Several transgenic varieties of corn, tobacco and tomatoes produce a substance called lignin, which can degrade into toxic and mutagenic phenols and methanol. Therefore, such products are very dangerous for human health.

GM foods are capable of accumulating herbicides, pesticides and their degradation products, so they can become mutagenic and carcinogenic. For example, the herbicide glyphosate, which is used in the cultivation of transgenic sugar beets and cotton, is considered highly carcinogenic and can cause lymphoma. Be aware that some herbicides adversely affect the health of human embryos and can cause mutations. As a result of intracellular processes, some genetically modified varieties of rice and tobacco accumulate biologically active substances that can provoke the development of cancer. As studies show, in rats fed transgenic potatoes, the composition of the blood deteriorated significantly, anomalies in the sizes were revealed. internal organs, moreover, pathology of the small and large intestines was revealed in all the dead animals.

Most genetically modified crops contain antibiotic resistance genes. The most commonly used food products are ampicillin (respiratory and urinary tract infections) and kanamycin (tuberculosis, infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract). There is a great danger that they can be transferred to pathogens, causing them to become resistant to antibiotics. In this case, the treatment of inflammatory processes with antibiotics will be ineffective.

How to distinguish genetically modified foods

Genetically modified foods are the stumbling block of many disputes. If the label says “non-GMO”, then we are relieved to buy this product. But what to do with vegetables? After all, labels are not glued to them, and in appearance it is quite difficult to determine whether this vegetable is genetically modified.

Perhaps the biggest problem with genetically modified foods is their mystery. The consumer does not always know what he is buying and what exactly awaits him if he eats one or another product of genetic engineering. It is almost impossible to distinguish natural vegetables from genetic ones. Externally, a genetically modified vegetable is more beautiful, but it tastes almost the same. A slight aftertaste of unnaturalness can only be distinguished by a specialist. It is worth considering if the potatoes either have a perfectly regular shape, are too clean and differ little from each other. After all, as you know, the main sign of natural products is the presence in the total mass of "eaten" by insects and rotten specimens. Remember that insects do not eat genetically modified foods. If you cut a natural tomato or, then they will immediately give juice, while non-natural ones retain their shape. But it's hard to pinpoint exactly. Only modern methods of laboratory diagnostics can identify genetically modified food products.

Try to read labels when buying products and avoid soy ingredients (soy flour, tofu cheese, soy oil and hydrolyzed vegetable protein) and corn ( corn flour, modified starch, corn oil and polenta) base. After all, at the moment there is no way to know if they contain derivatives of genetically modified soy or corn. At the time of buying bakery products avoid "flour improvers" and "dough impregnations" which may be a mixture of genetically modified enzymes and additives. In addition, try to give up margarine, give preference to butter. Remember that dairy products and meat from animals fed genetically modified soy and corn are not labeled, even though the altered DNA can pass through the intestinal wall into the spleen, liver, and white blood cells. Products such as baby food and breakfast cereals must be handled responsibly, as they may contain vitamins and other components in the form of supplements that are derived from genetically modified organisms.

When buying various vitamins and medicines, be sure to check the manufacturer, because some components can be produced using biotechnology and pose a danger to human health. You should also be aware that some varieties of dried fruits, including raisins and dates, may be coated with oil derived from genetically modified soybeans. It is best to choose dried fruits that do not contain vegetable oil on the label.

Nowadays, we do not experience a shortage of products and we can buy everything on store shelves. But do not immediately abandon the experience of our mothers and grandmothers in the field of country gardening and home gardening. In order to preserve your health and the health of the future generation as much as possible, it makes sense to acquire your own dacha or a house in the village, at least for the summer period, so as not to depend as much as possible on obscure products imposed on us.

Nowadays, more and more often we hear the term GMO, an abbreviation for genetically modified organisms. Most often, we are talking about the fact that they are dangerous to our health if we eat foods containing them. Let's try to figure out what it really is.

What are GMOs for?

GMOs are organisms that contain artificially introduced foreign genes in their genetic code. Sounds scary, doesn't it? For some reason, Frankenstein with his laboratory immediately comes to mind. What is the essence of GMOs? Consider an example of such a common product as potatoes. The scorpion gene is introduced into the gene series, and the result of such actions is a potato that no insect pests will eat. Or, for example, the northern flounder gene was “added” to tomatoes, which makes them frost-resistant. Why is this needed? Apparently, in order to provide people with a sufficient amount of food. After all, such vegetables can be grown even in the North, in addition, they are completely protected from the invasion of insects.

All these vegetables are obtained in a beautiful regular shape and do not deteriorate for a long time. And if a gene capable of producing vitamin A is introduced into ordinary rice, which was not the case before, then you can not buy vitamins in a pharmacy. What happens? Scientists, like magicians, improve the yield of plants and their useful qualities. If earlier it took decades to develop new varieties, then today it takes a couple of years. Most often, genetically modified are: soybeans, wheat, beets, corn, rapeseed, potatoes, strawberries.

Are GMOs good or bad?

Probably, everyone, even a person very far from biology, cannot but be surprised by the attempts to cross the genes of animals and plants. Indeed, in nature everything is carefully thought out, and a person, interfering with this scheme, breaks it. If we recall the concept of “food chain” from a school zoology course, then in accordance with it, a herbivore eats grass, a small predator hunts a herbivore, and a large predator eats a small one. And then a person with his experiments is introduced into the established ecosystem, crossing plants and animals, after which the animals no longer eat these plants. The “food chain” collapses, at first herbivores die of hunger, and then predators. Well, or they mutate, which is also not very good. And it is not possible to make predictions about what will happen in the future. However, this does not stop the geneticists who continue to cut and paste.

With the advent of GMOs in our lives, scientists are constantly arguing about what such manipulations with genes can lead to. These disputes are reminiscent of disputes about UFOs, when there are eyewitnesses of their presence, and scientists declare "does not exist." A simple people don't have any information. The same is true with GMOs. Some say that it is harmful, unnatural and little studied, while others are sure that it is useful and even necessary. And it is not clear who to believe. But if there are opposing opinions, they are apparently beneficial to someone.

Who can benefit from the production of genetically modified foods? First of all, those who use this raw material. It is known that a ton of natural wheat costs about three hundred dollars, and a ton of genetically modified wheat costs about fifty dollars. Savings are evident. But the producers of the product are also not at a loss, because due to the new properties of crops, they become cheaper, which means they become competitive.

Or another guess. The main property that is grafted with the help of GMOs is resistance to pests. This means that companies producing pest control products will suffer huge losses. Hence the opposite opinion arises, about the dangers of GMOs. It is not clear why scientists, governments and public health in many countries are so passive about this problem. Apparently, they get their jackpot, and people consume IT for food and get sick.

The law regulates GMOs.

In European countries, the norm for the content of GMOs in food has long been determined by law, namely, 0.9% and no more. In Japan, this rate is five percent, and in the United States - ten. Some governments have required manufacturers to label products that contain GMOs. Imported products undergo a strict examination, and in case of exceeding the norm of GMO content, their import into the country is prohibited. Despite this, as independent tests show, such products still partially penetrate the market.

In Russia today there is a law in force, which stipulates the regulations for the import of products with GMOs into the country. It states that products containing more than 0.9% GMOs must be specially labeled. In case of violation of this law, a fine is imposed on the enterprise, or it is closed by a court decision.

If in Europe the consumer, seeing this label on the label, decides for himself whether to buy these cheap products or spend money on non-GMO products, then in Russia there is no difference in price between natural and transgenic products.

And this fact is unequivocally paradoxical: genetically modified foods were originally created as food for needy countries in Africa. However, they banned the import of such products five years ago. Does this mean something?

Consequences of eating GMO foods

No one can say unequivocally that GMOs are harmful. More often they are positioned as "potentially dangerous". This is because proof of their health hazards can only be obtained through long and large-scale studies, however, no one is doing this. Today we have only theoretical assumptions about the consequences of consuming GMOs.

If a person consumes a transgene, then there will be no tangible harm, since GMOs cannot affect the genetic code. But it can travel around the body and stimulate protein synthesis. At first glance, there is nothing dangerous, except that these proteins are alien to the human body, and what the result will be remains to be guessed at.

    1. The use of genetically modified foods can cause severe allergic reactions. In America, for example, where such products are freely eaten, allergies are observed in 70% of people. And in Sweden, where they are banned, only 7%. Most likely, this is not a coincidence.
    2. Transgenes disrupt the gastric mucosa and also make the intestinal microflora resistant to antibiotics.
    3. It is possible to reduce immunity due to the fact that 70% of it is in the intestines. In addition, these products disrupt the metabolism.
    4. Foods containing GMOs can cause cancer. Transgenes are able to intrude into the gene structure of intestinal microorganisms, leading to mutation, which in turn provokes the development of cancer cells.

It is clear that all of the above are not mandatory consequences of taking GMOs. This is just a possible risk. It will take at least fifty years to determine exactly how GMOs affect the human body. In the meantime, we live in the unknown, we must be careful in our food choices. Many scientists believe that food containing GMOs, when compared with foods containing preservatives, various flavors and dyes, is completely harmless. And also the fact that if there is a health hazard from products with GMOs, then this is only due to the interaction with the intestinal microflora of transgenes.

It is possible to determine whether a product contains GMOs only in laboratory conditions. It's impossible to do this visually. Therefore, the consumer should be aware that forty percent of the products offered in our stores contain GMOs. Most often they are used in production sausage products about eighty-five percent. Most genetically modified soybeans are found in sausages, sausages and boiled sausages. It is also actively used in the production of semi-finished products: dumplings, pancakes, etc. What can be advised here? Prepare your own dishes from meat bought at the market, or limit the use of sausages.

It is strange and scary that the second place in this list is occupied by baby food. About seventy percent of this product contains GMOs, although the label does not say a word about it. So, try to do without purchased baby food. Make your own fruit or vegetable puree from vegetables bought from grandmothers and grown in her garden. Eliminate canned juices, compote may well replace them.

The third place is held by confectionery and bakery products. genetically modified soybeans in large numbers added to pastries and chocolate, to sweets and ice cream. Again, it is difficult to determine the GMO content of these foods without a lab. However, if the bread remains soft for a long time, then it definitely contains transgenes. It is known that eighty percent of the products of American companies contain GMOs, so you should stop buying them.

The first three are not all. A third of the varieties of tea and coffee offered to us contain GMOs. The fast food chain, as well as manufacturers of sauces, condensed milk and ketchup, do not disdain transgenes. If you want to buy canned corn, then it is better to opt for a Hungarian manufacturer, since GMOs are prohibited there.

I would like to talk more about vegetables and fruits. If you buy from those who grow them on their plots, this is good, but this does not give a 100% guarantee of non-GMO. They could be contained in the seeds. And it is easy to distinguish vegetables and fruits containing transgenes. They do not spoil for a long time and insects do not eat them. So don't chase perfect appearance vegetables and fruits, it is better to let them be ugly and “bitten”. Avoid genetic tricks like glossy apples and tomatoes, sumptuous strawberries, and so on. There are no perfect vegetables in nature. One more distinguishing feature such vegetables and fruits: if they are cut, they do not secrete juice and retain their shape. But, you can, without fear, buy buckwheat. They have not yet learned how to spoil its genetic structure.

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One of the main differences between man and animal - the desire to improve the environment - inevitably leads to changes on our planet. Genetically modified foods is the answer of scientists to solve the problem of eliminating hunger on Earth.

To date, such developments cause an ambiguous reaction in all countries of the world. “Don't eat genetically modified foods because no one has proven it's safe,” some Russian scientists warn. Others, on the contrary, regret that there are no fields in the Russian Federation where "artificial" plants are grown.

Let's try to impartially analyze the facts concerning genetic engineering products and figure out what is their danger and what is their undeniable advantage.

What are genetically modified foods?

Genetically modified products got their name due to the substances contained in their composition, obtained from genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

GMOs are obtained by introducing into the genetic structure of an organism the so-called "target genes". This is done in order to endow plants with new properties. For example, a scorpion gene was used to create a drought-tolerant wheat variety.

Scientists have successfully introduced new genes into dozens of plant and animal species - creating tobacco plants with luminous leaves, tomatoes that can easily tolerate frost, and corn that is resistant to pesticides.

The list of plants to which genetic engineering methods have been successfully applied is about fifty species, including apple, plum, grapes, cabbage, eggplant, cucumber, wheat, soy, rice, rye and many other agricultural plants.

By the way, do not confuse the terms "modified" and "genetically modified". For instance, modified starch, which is part of the majority yogurt, ketchup and mayonnaise, has nothing to do with GMO products. Modified starches are starches that man has perfected for his needs. This can be done either physically (exposure to temperature, pressure, humidity, radiation) or chemically. In the second case, chemicals are used that are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as food additives.

When did transgenic products appear on store shelves?

Humanity has always strived for perfection. The first experiments in the cultivation of plants were started as early as 8 thousand years BC. e. And biotechnology was first used to make bread, beer and cheese 4 thousand years BC. e.

The origins of plant genetic engineering lie in the 1977 discovery that made it possible to use the soil microorganism Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a tool to introduce potentially useful foreign genes into other plants.

The first field trials of genetically modified agricultural plants, which resulted in the development of a tomato resistant to viral diseases, were carried out in 1987.

In 1993, genetically modified products were allowed on the shelves of the world's stores.

To date, GMO products occupy more than 80 million hectares of agricultural land and are grown in more than 20 countries around the world.

What foods have been genetically modified?

More than 30% of all soybeans grown in the world, more than 16% of cotton, 11% of canola (an oil plant) and 7% of corn are produced using genetic engineering.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is not a single hectare that would be sown with transgenes.

Now 13 species are allowed for sale in Russia herbal products food containing genetically modified foods or, as scientists say, GM components: three varieties of soybeans, six varieties of corn, two varieties of potatoes, and one each of sugar beets and rice.

Modified varieties of soybeans, corn, potatoes are widely used in the production of products - milk formulas, cereal cereals, canned meat and vegetables, bakery and confectionery products.

Why do we need genetically modified foods?

The use of GM products is a chance to solve the problem of hunger on the planet due to the appearance in crops of new properties necessary for their efficient cultivation.

One of the important tasks that transgenes can solve is obtaining plants resistant to viruses, since at present there are no other ways to combat viral infections of crops. Currently, plants have been obtained that can withstand the effects of more than a dozen different viral infections.

Another issue is related to protection of plants from insect pests. The use of insecticides is not entirely effective, firstly, because of their toxicity, and secondly, because they are washed off the plants with rainwater. Transgenic potato and tomato plants became resistant to the invincible Colorado potato beetle, cotton plants were resistant to various insects. The use of genetic engineering has reduced the use of insecticides by 40-60%.

Genetic engineers have brought transgenic plants with extended fruit ripening. Such tomatoes, for example, can be removed from the bush red, without fear that they will overripe during transportation.

Why are genetically modified foods dangerous?

Almost immediately after the appearance of GM products on store shelves, an international campaign began demanding their ban.

The dangers are real

Many scientists note the numerous risks associated with genetic engineering products. Negative factors in the use of GM products can be combined into 2 groups: food and environmental.

Nutritional risks

Weakened immunity, the possibility of allergic reactions as a result of the direct action of transgenic proteins. The impact of the new proteins that the inserted genes produce is unknown. The person has never used them before and therefore it is not clear whether they are allergens.

The emergence of human resistance to antibiotics, which will make it impossible to treat many diseases.

Health disorders associated with the accumulation of herbicides in the human body, since GM plants tend to accumulate them.

Possibility of long-term carcinogenic effects.

Environmental risks

The use of GM products, that is, the cultivation of genetically modified plants, leads to a strong drop in varietal diversity. For genetic modifications, one or two varieties are taken, and they work with them. There is a danger of extinction of many plant species.

Imaginary dangers

Some radical ecologists warn that many of the steps in biotechnology may surpass the consequences of a nuclear explosion in terms of their possible impact: allegedly, the use of genetically modified products leads to a loosening of the gene pool, leading to the appearance of mutant genes and their mutant carriers.

However, genetically speaking, we are all mutants. In any highly organized organisms, a certain percentage of genes is mutated. Moreover, most mutations are completely safe and do not affect the vital functions of their carriers.

As for dangerous mutations that cause genetically determined diseases, they are relatively well studied. These diseases have nothing to do with genetically modified products, and most of them have been accompanying mankind since the dawn of its appearance.

What should consumers know about genetically modified foods?

The problem with the safety of GM foods is that they were brought to the market without extensive in-depth research. Scientists cannot prove that genetic engineering products are absolutely harmless. At the same time, there is no unequivocal evidence of their danger. Therefore, you and I must make a decision on our own whether to eat such foods or avoid them in every possible way.

The main problem is obtaining reliable information about the composition of the product that we purchase. In Russia, genetically modified foods containing 0.9% or more GM components without fail should be labeled accordingly.

The main advice to every conscientious consumer is to carefully study the information on the label, especially written in small print.

Genetically modified products sold in the markets of Moscow will be marked with special bright stickers. For the whole of Russia, this is a matter for the future. Our task is to treat our own health responsibly, always making an informed and correct choice.

Isabella Likhareva

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“Food is power! We use it to change people's behavior. Some will call it blackmail. We don’t care, we don’t intend to apologize ... ”Catherine Bertini

GMO is short for Genetically Modified Organisms. That is, these are food products, as well as living organisms created using genetic engineering.

Every plant and animal, including humans, has thousands of different characteristics. For example, in plants, this is the color of the leaves, the number of seeds, the amount and types of vitamins in fruits, etc. A specific gene is responsible for each trait (Greek genos - hereditary factor). A gene is a small segment of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule and gives rise to a specific trait of a plant or animal. If you remove the gene responsible for the appearance of a trait, then the trait itself will disappear. Conversely, if a new gene is introduced, then a new quality will arise in a plant or animal. Modified organisms are euphoniously called transgenic, but it would be more correct to call them mutants (lat. - modified).

For the first time, new transgenic plants were discussed back in the early 80s, when in 1983 a group of scientists from the American company Monsanto created the first genetically modified plants. Quite plausible goals were pursued at the initial stage: to create qualitatively new plants resistant to, say, frost, drought, pests, pesticides, radiation, etc. And already the first experiments exceeded all expectations: the experimental wheat crop turned out to be unprecedented. And the pests simply avoided eating such a treat. And as always, there were enterprising people who quickly realized that you can make good money on a new product. Already in 1994, the production of superplants was put on stream, as they say. This is how it started industrial production and cultivation of gene mutants. To date, more than 2,000 varieties of various plants have already been bred, which have alien genetic inserts in their genetic structure.

An important difference between transgenic organisms and natural ones. They are completely barren. That is, the seeds of such plants do not germinate, and animals do not give offspring. Why? After all, before a person created new varieties and breeds, and everything was in order with them? The reason is that traditional breeding has one important limitation: it can only produce hybrids of related organisms. You can cross, for example, different varieties apples, pears, dog breeds, but an apple with potatoes or a tomato with fish is not allowed. In ordinary life, in the natural habitat, mating and crossing between various types and even more so by classes of plants or animals, as a rule, does not occur.

The introduction of alien genes of some species or classes into others leads, so to speak, to a genetic failure, blocking the reproduction processes. This is a kind of protective mechanism for the conservation of species. Or, speaking poetically, the protest of nature against interference with its laws.

Jeffrey Smith of the Institute for Responsible Technology. An expert in the field of GMOs will talk about the dangers that lie behind products produced using genetically modified organisms.

GMOs are very unhealthy food

The American Academy of Environmentally Friendly Medicine urges physicians to keep patients away from GM foods. They cite studies that such foods harm the organs, digestive and immune systems, accelerate the aging process and lead to infertility. Human studies show that such foods can leave a special material in the body that causes many health problems over a long period. For example, genes that are introduced into soybeans can be transferred to the DNA of bacteria that live inside us. Toxic insecticides produced by genetically modified corn enter the bloodstream of pregnant women and fetuses.

A large number of diseases appeared after the production of genetically modified foods began in 1996. In America, the number of people suffering from three or more chronic diseases increased from 7 to 13 percent in just 9 years. The number of food allergies and problems such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems and others has skyrocketed. Although there have not yet been detailed studies that have confirmed that GMOs are to blame, the Academy experts warn that you should not wait for these problems to come and you should protect your health now, especially the health of children, who are at the greatest risk.

The American Public Health Association and the American Nursing Association also warn that modified ruminant growth hormones increase levels of the hormone IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1) in cow's milk that is associated with the development of cancer.

GMOs are on the rise

Genetically modified seeds are constantly spreading around the world naturally. It is impossible to completely clean up our gene pool. Self-propagating GMOs can survive the challenges of global warming and the effects of nuclear waste. The potential impact of these organisms is very high, as they threaten future generations. The spread of GMOs can cause economic losses, leaving organic farmers vulnerable as they constantly struggle to protect their crops.

GMOs call for more herbicide use

Most GM crops are designed to be tolerant of weed killers. From 1996 to 2008, US farmers used approximately 174,000 tons of herbicides for GMOs. The result was "superweeds" that were resistant to the chemicals used to kill them. Farmers are forced to use all large quantity herbicides every year. Not only is this harmful to the environment, but such products end up accumulating a high percentage of toxic chemicals that can lead to infertility, hormonal disorders, malformations, and cancer.

Genetic engineering has dangerous side effects

By mixing the genes of completely unrelated species, genetic engineering entails a lot of unpleasant and unexpected consequences. Moreover, regardless of the types of genes that are introduced, the very process of creating a genetically modified plant can lead to serious negative consequences including toxins, carcinogens, allergies, nutrient deficiencies.

The government turns a blind eye to the dangerous consequences

Many of the health and environmental implications of GMOs are ignored by government regulations and safety analysis. The reasons for this may be political motives. The US Food and Drug Administration, for example, has not required a single study to confirm the safety of GMOs, does not require proper labeling of products, and allows companies to ship genetically modified foods to markets without informing the FDA.

They justify themselves by saying that they do not have information that GM products are significantly different from conventional ones. However, this is a lie. Secret memos that the FDA receives from the public who go to court show that most scientists working for the FDA agree that GMOs can cause unpredictable effects that are difficult to detect.

The biotech industry hides the facts about the dangers of GMOs

Some biotech companies are trying to prove that GMO products are completely harmless using superficial and falsified research data. Independent scientists have long since refuted these claims, finding evidence that this is not the case. It is beneficial for such companies to distort and deny information about the dangers of GMOs in order to avoid problems and stay afloat.

Independent research and reports are criticized and suppressed

Scientists who uncover the truth about GMOs are criticized, silenced, threatened and denied funding. Attempts by the media to bring the truth about the problem to the public are censored.

GMOs are bad for the environment

Genetically modified crops and their associated herbicides harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine life and organisms living underground. They reduce species diversity, pollute water and are not environmentally friendly. For example, GM crops have supplanted monarch butterflies, whose numbers have fallen by 50 percent in the US.

Herbicides have been shown to cause birth defects in amphibians, embryonic death, endocrine disruption, and organ damage in animals, even at very low doses. Genetically engineered canola (a type of rapeseed) has spread into the wild in North Dakota and California, threatening to transfer herbicide resistance genes to other plants and weeds.

GMOs do not increase yields and cannot help fight hunger

While sustainable, non-GMO agricultural practices used in developing countries have increased crop yields by 79 percent, GMO practices, on average, do not increase yields at all.

The International Organization for the Evaluation of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology Development, citing the opinion of 400 scientists and the support of 58 countries, reported that the yield of genetically modified crops is "highly variable" and in some cases even starting to decline. She also confirmed that with the help of GMOs it is currently impossible to fight hunger and poverty, improve nutrition, health and livelihoods in rural areas, protect the environment, and help social development.

GMOs use the tools and resources that could be used to develop and use other safer methods and more reliable technologies.

By avoiding GMO foods, you can do your part to help get rid of negative effects.

Since GMOs do not provide the consumer with any benefit, many may refuse them, therefore, it will become unprofitable to produce such products and companies will stop offering them. In Europe, for example, back in 1999 they announced the danger of GMOs, warning about potential harm these products.

Living organisms for bacteria viruses are the habitat. And, getting into an animal or plant, they begin to adapt, change themselves and the environment, fight the immune system, but try to survive by all means (this is the desire of any organism, the law of life). Therefore, those bacteria and plasmids that were used to create GMOs do not go anywhere. At least part of them remains and penetrates into our body or into the body of animals when eating GM plants. And getting into the stomach and intestines, the same thing happens as when creating GMOs - transgenization (modification, mutation), only of the cells of the walls of the stomach and intestines, as well as the microflora of the digestive system.

The intestines contain about 70% immune system person. Immunity falls, plasmids and GM-inserts through the blood enter all organs, muscles and even the skin of a person or animal and also modify them. That is, even eating the meat of an animal fed with GMO feed, a person becomes infected. The worst thing is that this also applies to germ cells. Mutant germ cells will produce children with genes from other species and classes of plants and animals. Most of these genetic "chimeras" will also be sterile. Fortunately, things have not yet come to pronounced external manifestations of these processes. And we are unlikely to turn into an ear of corn or we will have gills.

And this is going to hurt more. And it has already begun! People increasingly began to complain about a decrease in immunity, they more often began to develop oncological diseases, allergic reactions. And yet, as you know, it is cell mutations that create the conditions for the development of cancer cells.

The above is proved by an elementary test of the effect of GM soybeans resistant to the roundup herbicide (RR, line 40.3.2) on laboratory rats and their offspring, conducted by I.V. Ermakova, Doctor of Biological Sciences. The study showed increased mortality of first-generation rat pups, underdevelopment of surviving rat pups, pathological changes in organs, and the absence of a second generation. At the same time, only females were fed with GM soy two weeks before mating, during mating and lactation. When feeding GM soy, not only females, but also males, it was not possible to obtain even the first generation. In another study, a decrease in fertility and a decrease in testosterone concentration in males was observed in Campbell hamsters when GM soybean seeds were added to their diet (lines 40.3.2).

A few years ago, every 10th young man in Russia was infertile, at present - every 6th, after a while - maybe every third, and so on. Products containing GM components may be one of the reasons for the development of infertility in the younger generation. There is already convincing evidence of a violation of the stability of the plant genome when a foreign gene is inserted into it. All of this can lead to change. chemical composition GMOs and the emergence of unexpected, including toxic properties. For example, for the production of the food additive tryptophan in the United States in the late 80s. In the 20th century, the GMH bacterium was created. However, along with regular tryptophan, for an unknown reason, she began to produce ethylene-bis-tryptophan, a substance that can cause muscle pain and spasms of the respiratory tract. As a result of its use, 5 thousand people fell ill, of which 37 people died, 1,500 became disabled. Independent experts claim that genetically modified crops emit 1020 times more toxins than conventional organisms.

Today in Russia, 14 types of food products obtained using transgenic technologies are officially allowed to be used: 3 soybean lines, 6 corn lines, 3 potatoes, 1 rice line and 1 more sugar beet for sugar production.

  • soy and its forms (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.),
  • corn and its forms (flour, cereals, popcorn, butter, chips, starch, syrups, etc.),
  • potatoes and their forms (semi-finished products, dry mashed potatoes, chips, crackers, flour, etc.),
  • tomatoes and its forms (paste, puree, sauces, ketchups, etc.),
  • zucchini and products made using them,
  • sugar beet, table beet, sugar produced from sugar beet,
  • wheat and products made using it, including bread and bakery products,
  • sunflower oil,
  • rice and products containing it (flour, granules, flakes, chips),
  • carrots and products containing them,
  • onion,
  • shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.


Foods that are killing you, blacklisted:

McDonald's, Bonduel, Orchard, Rich Puree, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Gallina Blanka, Knorr, Lipton, Pringles Chips, Maggi Seasonings, 7-Up, Dr. Pepper, Cheetos, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape, Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise), Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise), Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise), Heinz Manufacturing Company: Ketchup (regular & no salt) (ketchup), Chili Sauce (Chili sauce), Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (meat sauce). M&M's, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice cereal), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik ( chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury / Hershey "s), Fruit & Nut. Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (sweets), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese" s Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter), Special Dark ( dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate ( milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Strawberry Syrop ( strawberry syrup), Toblerone (chocolate, all kinds), Mini Kisses (candy), Cracklin" Oat Bran (cereal), Raisin Bran Crunch (cereal), Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (cereal), Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereal), Nutri- grain (filled toast, all types), Pop Tarts (stuffed cookies, all flavors), All-bran Apple Cinnamon/ Blueberry (apple, cinnamon, blueberry bran), Frosted Flakes (flakes), Corn Flakes (flakes) , Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, seasonings, mashed potatoes), Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Nesquik (cocoa), Knorr (seasoning), Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), Conversation (tea), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), Donut (margarine), Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), Algida (ice cream), Nescafe Coffee (so far, vast plantations of such coffee are grown only in Vietnam), Potatoes (from Monsant USA).

Dumplings also turned out to be genetically modified, namely: “Dumplings without haste, pork and beef”, “Daria classic dumplings”, GMOs were found in “Tasty beef steaks”. Soups Campbell, Baby food Nestle, Hipp, Danon (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food), Mikoyanovsky ML, Hershey (Kit-Kat bars, chocolate), Lays chips, Rastishka. Factory ''Bolshevik'' (Moscow) - cookies ''Yubileinoe'' are used in the technology of preparation of GMOs.

When buying products in a store, labels can indirectly determine the likelihood of a GMO content in a product. If the label says that a product is made in the USA and contains soy, corn, canola or potatoes, then there is a very good chance that it contains GM components.

The situation with the animal world is no better. Thus, about 50% of Russian local breeds of the main agricultural species have either already disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. Poultry farmers, for example, have forever lost one of the most beautiful breeds of chickens - Pavlovskaya. In the next decade, from 20% of breeds of pigs, goats, cattle and up to 30% of sheep breeds are under the question of their further existence. In total, more than 30% of cattle have already disappeared in the world. On the American and European continents, entire bee colonies are disappearing. In many regions of the United States, this problem has affected almost 90% of bee colonies. In Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland and Switzerland, cases of the disappearance of bee colonies are also recorded. Manfred Gederer, head of the German professional beekeepers' federation, states that in Germany bee colonies have decreased by 25%, and in some regions even by 80%. In Switzerland, according to official figures, 25% of bees disappear annually. Losses of bee colonies have been recorded before. However, the decrease in the population of bees is not due to the fact that they die. The bees just leave their hives and don't come back. The most likely reason for this behavior of these insects is the feeding on pollen and nectar of GM plants. When a bee gets sick, it flies away so as not to infect the entire hive. And this is already too serious, because bees are not just a source of honey. Bees and other pollinating insects are involved in the reproduction of most plants in the world. There will be no insects - the planet Earth will quickly turn into a desert. “Four years after the death of the last bee, people will also die,” Albert Einstein warned at the time.

How to avoid eating genetically modified foods?

  • Read food labels and avoid soy-based ingredients such as soy flour, tofu, soybean oil.
  • Buy products that say “100% organic”.

If the eggs say “free range” or “natural”, it may be nothing more than a marketing ploy and the product is GMO. So, we choose only a product that says 100% organic.

What do the numbers on fruits and vegetables mean?

  • 4 digit number means ordinary product, non-GMO
  • if this is a 5-digit number starting with the numbers 8, then you have a GMO product
  • if it is a 5 digit number starting with 9 it is an organic product

Buy grass fed beef, a recommendation that applies more to North American readers.

Buy only local vegetables and fruits whenever possible.

Buy whole foods, not boxes, cans, bags. In semi-finished products, canned food, etc., you are much more likely to get GMO ingredients without even knowing it.

Grow your own fruits and vegetables. You yourself will grow a normal crop, not GMOs, but on condition that you planted non-GMO seeds! HOME-MADE FOOD - bread, cakes, cottage cheese, etc. - are undoubtedly much healthier and more nutritious than their industrial counterparts.

BUY YOUR FOOD FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE: Certified organic foods are much less likely to be affected by genetic engineering. Opt for organic, natural products whenever possible.

AVOID fast food restaurants and low-budget foods as GM ingredients are first introduced into cheaper varieties.

BAKERY PRODUCTS: When purchasing baked goods such as bread, avoid "flour improvers" and "dough impregnations" which may be a mixture of genetically modified enzymes and additives. Similarly, "ascorbic acid" may be a genetically modified derivative.

AVOID margarine. Opt for organic butter.

DAIRY PRODUCTS and meat from animals fed genetically modified soy and corn are not labeled as such on labels, despite evidence that the altered DNA can pass through the intestinal wall into the spleen, liver, and white blood cells. Whenever possible, give preference to organic milk, butter, cream, cottage cheese, etc.

CHOCOLATE may contain GM soy lecithin, as well as " vegetable fat” and “serum” affected by genetic engineering. Therefore, give preference to organic chocolate. All lecithin is soy lecithin. Its code number is E322.

SHOPPING WITH EXTREME CAUTION when buying products such as baby food and breakfast cereals, as they may well contain vitamins and other components derived from genetically modified organisms in the form of supplements.

REGARDING HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS, vitamins and drugs: Check with the manufacturer as some ingredients may be biotechnologically produced and may be hazardous. genetically modified food supplement Tryptophan has killed 37 users and disabled another 1,500 people. In addition, over the past 10 years, there have been reports of a genetically modified version of "human insulin" causing problems in diabetic patients who have been successfully using "animal insulin" for years.

HONEY. In several varieties of honey, traces of genetically modified oilseed rape DNA have already been found. If the label of a jar of honey says: "imported honey" or "produced in several countries", then it can be advised to avoid such varieties. Instead, opt for local honey or organic honey.

DRIED FRUITS. Many varieties of dried fruit, including raisins and dates, can be coated with GM soybean oil. Choose organic varieties of dried fruit or varieties that do not have "vegetable oil" on the label.

WARNING. Avoid all imported products from the US and Canada. Foods and items to avoid include all fruits and vegetables, ice cream, milk, powdered milk, butter, soy sauce, chocolate, popcorn, chewing gum, vitamins. Staying in the US and Canada will almost certainly result in the regular consumption of genetically modified food (including genetically modified fresh fruits and vegetables).

Eat healthy food!