Cooking delicious mashed potatoes. Mashed Potatoes: The Subtleties of Cooking

Mashed potatoes are the most popular and beloved side dish in our country. It is difficult to say which dish the hostesses prepare as often as mashed potatoes. It is truly universal: tasty, plastic, allows you to experiment with design. Mashed potatoes are wonderfully combined with any meat, vegetables, fish, leaving a feeling of satiety for a long time. Perhaps, in Russia, in popularity, this dish confidently overtakes even pasta, not to mention cereals and vegetables.

But in order for puree to really deliver pleasure - and not only in taste, but also in appearance - it must be properly prepared. It doesn't require any special talent. According to the classical canons (or rather, technical and technological maps developed in the blessed Soviet years), this dish is prepared from boiled potatoes, butter, milk and salt. All. No secret ingredients, no fancy electrical appliances. Armed with an ordinary wooden pestle, you can make the perfect mashed potatoes.

Cook the right potatoes the right way

For the perfect puree, you want to buy the best, young, freshly harvested potatoes. And this is exactly what you shouldn't do. Young potatoes have their own charm: they are crumbly, tasty, but completely unsuitable for mashing. It is better to cook it in its uniform, and for mashed potatoes, take potatoes from the previous crop. Of course, this does not mean that the tubers should be green and sprouted.

Elastic, with even dense skin, the tubers are cleaned, washed thoroughly with water and boiled until cooked, dipped in hot water. Salt should be as soon as the water boils. You don’t need to cut the potatoes very finely: this way, of course, it will cook faster, but it will lose a lot of starch. As soon as the potatoes are ready, they need to be drained and slightly dried over a fire.

Everything must be hot.

Directly preparing mashed potatoes is as easy as shelling pears: dried potatoes are kneaded, and during this process butter and milk are added to it in several steps. The main problem that most cooks have when making mashed potatoes is color and consistency. Let us omit the cases when, in order to save money, water is taken instead of butter - here one cannot count on excellent results. But even if taken the right ingredients, mashed potatoes may turn out to be too viscous and nasty grayish. And the secret is that mashed potatoes should be made exclusively from hot potatoes, the temperature of which is not lower than 80 ° C. Added to potatoes butter and milk should also be hot. This mixture of hot ingredients will give you smooth, creamy white mashed potatoes.

Options are possible

Any self-respecting chef will try to improve the classic mashed potatoes depending on the moment. Sometimes it turns out so beautifully if you add curly parsley, finely chopped dill or carrot puree to ordinary puree. For children, you can build whole pictures of mashed potatoes, vegetables and herbs on a plate. Sophisticated gourmets emphasize the taste of mashed potatoes with ground pepper, garlic, cheese and even nuts. But most importantly, never reheat cold mashed potatoes. Its shelf life is only two hours. The puree can then be used to make potato pie, zraz, casseroles, toppings, but he can no longer become a side dish.

It is useful for every housewife to learn how to cook one of the most delicious dishes correctly and tasty. popular dishes- mashed potatoes. To do this, you need to have some skills and knowledge that will help you achieve a good result when making mashed potatoes. To make the dish perfect, you need to be able to choose the right variety of potatoes, learn the basic cooking technologies and recipes for all types of this dish.

How to make mashed potatoes

Any hostess, having seen a beautiful, yellow, fluffy crumpled potato in a photo on the Internet, wonders how to make mashed potatoes so that it looks like in a restaurant. First you need to master the basic secrets of preparing ingredients, as well as the standards for cooking this dish. First you need to rinse the potatoes under running water. Then remove the peel and cut into 3-4 parts, then cook the root crops until tender. Then top the potatoes, add a little salt and serve.

How to make delicious puree

An important question is how to prepare mashed potatoes in such a way as to satisfy the most demanding taste. To do this, many chefs use additional ingredients, which give the finished dish a special delicacy. For flavor when cooking, add a clove of garlic or carrots to the pan, some use onions. To achieve a beautiful color, only hot milk is poured in. In order to achieve a delicate creamy texture of the main ingredients, you need to heat the milk, and then pour it into the potatoes while mashing with a blender or wooden pestle.

No lumps

To cook right delicious potatoes, it is best to use tubers yellow varieties they melt better. Often, Russet potatoes are used to make mashed potatoes - potatoes with a high content of starch, red skin potatoes, or Yukon Gold. For achievement homogeneous mass without lumps, excessive boiling of the product should not be allowed. Many cooks use a sieve instead of standard potato chopping tools, through which the product is rubbed with a wooden spoon, which eliminates the formation of lumps.


To mashed potatoes it turned out loose and lush, there are several nuances. To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that finely chopped potatoes cook faster and pound better. This will enable the hostess to more carefully ceiling the potatoes, so that it will become airy. It is worth noting that potatoes, crushed dry, are better saturated with oxygen, which also affects splendor and friability. finished product.

Mashed Potato Recipes

In the modern world there is great amount mashed potatoes recipes, as this potato dish is one of the popular side dishes. It is served with both meat and fish, a variety of salads or as an independent dish. But, like any other dish, mashed potatoes have their own classic recipe, and several popular variations.

Classic recipe

  • Cooking time: 25-35 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 106 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: side dish for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The recipe for Classic mashed potatoes is one of the most common in Russian cuisine. This soft and tender dish is suitable as a side dish for any holiday table or just for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The classic mashed potato recipe is highly regarded in all countries. former USSR and beyond, and even a child can cook it.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Milk - 150-200 ml
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Salt - a couple of pinches
  • Black ground pepper- taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel potatoes, wash big amount water, cut into small pieces.
  2. Put the slices in a saucepan, pour water, salt, wait until it boils, if necessary, remove the foam, cover with a lid. Boil potatoes over low heat for 15-20 minutes until tender.
  3. Drain the water from the potatoes and mash with a potato masher.
  4. In another pan, heat a small amount of milk and melt the butter there, thanks to this mashed potatoes will become easier. Pour mixture into potatoes.
  5. Salt and pepper the finished dish, then beat with a wooden spoon.

On milk

  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 80 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Often, housewives think about how to make mashed potatoes with milk tasty and healthy. The answer is simple: by adding any dairy product in potatoes, it does not lose color, remains loose, airy for a long time and is saturated with a new unique taste. This dish goes well with main meat or fish dishes or roasts, such as fried onions.


  • Potato - 1 kilogram
  • Onion- 1 piece
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Milk - 150 milliliters
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel large potatoes, rinse under running water, cut into large pieces. Pour the slices with water, bring to a boil and salt a little.
  2. Add the peeled onion and a few bay leaves, cook until soft.
  3. After the potatoes are cooked, the water is drained from the pan, the onion and laurel are pulled out.
  4. Grind the potatoes first with a crush, then by whipping with a mixer. Add non-cold milk and butter.
  5. At the end of cooking, salt the dish again, then mix well.

On the water

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: English.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Any person who is engaged in cooking knows that mashed potatoes can be prepared both in milk and in water. If you strictly follow the technology, then the taste of potatoes mashed with water will be no worse than mashed potatoes with milk. Cooking a dish on the water has its own special name - according to Blumenthal. Thanks to this recipe, you can be sure that milk is far from being an obligatory ingredient in mashed potatoes.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter - 100-150 g

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and wash potatoes.
  2. Boil whole root vegetables in salted or plain water.
  3. According to the recipe, the tubers should be in water at a temperature of 62 degrees for half an hour; instead of water, you can use chicken bouillon. After full cooking drain the water.
  4. Next, add butter. Mash the potatoes using standard means.
  5. For uniformity, pour the potato mass into a sieve, then grind.
  6. Garnish puree green onion and serve to the table.

Butter free

  • Cooking time: 27 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 74 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The absence of butter in the puree does not affect the appearance(you can verify this by looking at any photo where such potatoes are presented) and the taste of the dish. Therefore, the question of how to cook mashed potatoes without oil disappears by itself. This type of puree will be an excellent side dish for any main meat or fish dish or filling for pies or buns. This dish has a smooth texture and goes well with fried mushrooms.


  • Potato - 6 pcs.
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt - to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the tubers, chop small pieces, toss in lightly salted water. Boil for approximately 20 min.
  2. Pour water out of the pan, put on a slow fire, then pour in the milk. Wait until it boils, salt and ceiling, if desired, you can add a few chicken eggs.
  3. Peel the onion and chop finely. Pour 5 tablespoons of water into the pan, then add sugar. Once the sugar has dissolved, add the onion to the skillet and saute until golden brown.
  4. Transfer the onion to the pot with the potatoes, mix well.

With cream cheese

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 133 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: afternoon tea.
  • Cuisine: English.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Puree is a great side dish for any meal. The classic recipe has long gained popularity among residents around the world, but it can also be improved by making the taste a little spicy. Expanding standard recipe, many cooks beat in egg whites or yolks, some use the whole egg to achieve the perfect consistency, but there are those who like unusual combinations potatoes with cheese or heavy cream.


Cooking method:

  1. The tubers must be cleaned and washed with plenty of running water. Then cut them into large pieces. Throw the workpiece into the water, cook until tender. Salt the vegetables while cooking.
  2. Boiled potatoes need to be crushed with a special press (you can see the design of this device in the photo on the Internet) or use a pusher. At this stage, you need to add cream, cheese and butter, mix everything until uniform consistency. Puree becomes dense, but at the same time retains airiness.
  3. Serving to the table, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

With vegetable oil

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1101 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Puree with vegetable oil is a dietary dish that can be consumed even by the sick. The dish is very simple to prepare, therefore it is in demand in many countries of the world. Some chefs use secret ingredient - olive oil which gives the dish a special charm.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g
  • Milk 3.2% - 250 ml
  • Salt - 10 g

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the tubers, wash, cut into pieces and boil until tender.
  2. Drain the water. hot potato passed through a blender, at this time it is necessary to gradually pour in milk (it should be hot). Beat well until you get an airy homogeneous mass.
  3. Serve hot, drizzled with vegetable oil.

with mayonnaise

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 269 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Puree prepared with mayonnaise, as a result, has an almost perfect consistency and looks very beautiful on a plate when served. Potatoes made according to this recipe are in no way inferior classic puree with the addition of milk. Mayonnaise gives the dish more softness, airiness and helps to avoid the appearance of gray color finished product.


  • Potato tubers - 1.2 kilograms
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Bay leaf - 2 jokes
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse, place in a cooking container, add water and put on a strong fire.
  2. Throw the peeled onion into the same pan.
  3. Close the pot with a lid. Cook until it boils, then reduce heat and add 1.5 tsp. salt. After 10 minutes, put 2 bay leaves and cook until tender.
  4. Drain the water, leaving 1 cup of liquid in the pan. Discard laurel with onion.
  5. Crush all the potatoes with a crush, add mayonnaise.
  6. Mix until smooth. Serve at the table.

With sour cream

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: side dish for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Ukrainian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Puree is very simple and universal dish that everyone can handle. But to prepare a truly delicious dish, you need to observe some subtleties. IN Ukrainian cuisine- this is sour cream, which gives the potatoes a special friability, and the taste of such a dish is different from classic recipe and other variations of mashed potatoes for their delicate creaminess.


  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Potato broth - 1 cup
  • Sour cream - 5 tablespoons
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

  1. Peel medium-sized tubers, cut and transfer to a saucepan.
  2. Put the onion to the slices, pour everything with boiling water, so that the vegetables are covered by 1 - 2 cm.
  3. For crumbly varieties of potatoes, 12-15 minutes of cooking after boiling is enough.
  4. Drain the potato broth into a bowl.
  5. Turn off the fire, add sour cream. The product should be chosen for maximum fat content and freshness.
  6. Add butter.
  7. Use a potato masher to mash the ingredients until a puree is formed. Use the blender with care - if you beat it hard, the dish can turn into a sticky mass.
  8. Serve the finished dish to the table, after sprinkling with dill.

Puree potato recipe hasn't changed mine since. But you have the opportunity to diversify the recipe, because, you see, tastes change with age.

Which potato tastes better

For mashed potatoes, select large potato tubers. Their flesh should be white, and the structure should be fine-grained.

Mashed potatoes are not prepared from young potatoes: there is little starch in it, thanks to which (but not only), the dish acquires its appetizing splendor.

A dish made from freshly picked tubers of ripe potatoes will turn out to be especially tasty. In addition, they are rich in vitamin C. Please note that after two months of storage, its amount is almost halved.

Old potatoes are also quite suitable for cooking if they have been observed. It will be tastier and will not darken if you add a little lemon juice and a pinch of sugar to the water during cooking.


Do not use potatoes that have been stored in the light: its green flesh indicates that it has accumulated a poisonous substance - solanine.

If we talk about varieties, then the starch content is important here - the higher its percentage, the better the tubers boil, that is, the more tender the side dish will be. Adreta, Lasunak, etc. have an indicator of 15-20%, that is, they fit perfectly.

How to make puree

How to cook mashed potatoes is studied as a separate topic in culinary colleges and schools, there are also separate technological maps For different types puree, where all the necessary ingredients are indicated up to a gram.

There is an opinion that mashed potatoes will reach the ideal consistency if, before cooking, hold the peeled potatoes in cold water about half an hour. After listening to him, keep in mind that only whole tubers should be immersed in water.

Place the potatoes in cold water even if you have already peeled them and want to boil them later: this way they will not darken when interacting with oxygen.

To avoid losing the nutritional value of potatoes and preserve their taste, you should remember the basic rules:

  • do not keep it for a long time purified in water or in the air;
  • do not cook in copper and tin dishes, use enameled, ceramic, glass;
  • water should cover the potatoes, but no more than a finger;
  • The pot must be covered with a lid.

Potatoes are washed, peeled, suspicious fragments are removed, each is cut into several parts.

It should be filled cold water, bring to a boil, and then cook over moderate heat. If you are not guided "by eye" how much to cook potatoes for mashed potatoes, set the timer for 20 minutes after boiling. To cook faster, dissolve a tablespoon of margarine in water.

Salt is introduced into the water after it boils.

And for those for whom taste is most important, we can advise the following: boil potatoes in milk - you get a very tender and fragrant puree.

To make potatoes even tastier, add to boiled water Bay leaf, dill pods, onion, garlic clove, cumin, hard cheese bar (you can also stale).

For a delicious, lush and tender dish, you will certainly need milk, cream, butter, spices, sour cream, an egg. These components are added to boiled potatoes at your discretion: milk is replaced with cream, butter with sour cream, or all components are introduced in the desired proportion. The amount of salt and spices is also a matter of taste.

Fragrant mashed potatoes

Every housewife will surely have her own recipe for making delicious mashed potatoes. I'm not an exception. My mother's friend told me the recipe, now this is our family favorite way to make delicious puree with a breathtaking aroma.

The secret is simple - spices and garlic are added to the pan during cooking. Boiled garlic kneads with potatoes. This gives some special piquancy to the finished side dish.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: garnish
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings:3-4
  • 30 min


  • potatoes - 800 g
  • butter - 100 g
  • milk - 250 ml
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • peppercorns (allspice) - 2 pcs.
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

Before making delicious mashed potatoes, choose the tubers. The ideal option there will be yellow potatoes, such a high starch content. It turns out the finished puree is tender, lush. Potatoes must be peeled, large tubers cut in half.

We put the chopped potatoes in a saucepan, pour cold water, add bay leaf, peppercorns, salt, a few cloves of peeled garlic. We put on fire. We cook until ready.

The potatoes are ready in 30 minutes, drain the water, remove the spices, leave the boiled garlic cloves. We shift everything into a bowl.

Knead with a crush, pour in the butter, previously melted in microwave oven. We continue to stretch.

Add warmed milk and continue to actively knead with a crush.

That's it, delicious mashed potatoes are ready. The side dish is best served hot.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for mashed potatoes with milk and egg

This mashed potato can be attributed to the most popular, as the recipe with milk is time-tested and familiar to every housewife.

Milk gives the dish a delicate flavor, egg yolk - an appetizing color, and protein - splendor.

If you prefer a snow-white garnish, enter only egg white, having previously whipped it.

You will need:

  • 6 potatoes
  • 150 ml milk
  • 20 g butter
  • a pair of green onion feathers
  • salt (to taste).

Cooking step by step

  1. Before preparing mashed potatoes, peel the tubers, cut into 3-4 parts, cover with water.
  2. Put to boil, and when the water boils, salt, reduce the heat to a medium level.
  3. Drain the water, let the vegetables stand for a couple of minutes, removing the lid.
  4. Add oil and start crushing with a wooden pestle or a special metal pusher.
  5. Having achieved the homogeneity of the mass, gradually, portionwise, pour in the milk. Don't stop pushing.
  6. Add an egg, don't be afraid, it won't curdle. Stir, whisking mashed potatoes with milk, until the last lump disappears.

Air puree without milk

Delicious mashed potatoes (recipe for fasting) are not difficult to make without the addition of milk, eggs, butter.

You can always think of what components to introduce additionally so that it turns out to be also original.

Use onions, carrots, you can even add apple and pumpkin puree to crushed potatoes.

We need:

  • kilo of potatoes
  • 2 medium onions
  • 50 ml refined vegetable oil
  • 1.5 st. potato broth
  • pepper, salt (to taste)
  • parsley, dill (optional)

How to cook

  1. Peel and cut each potato into 3-4 pieces, cover with water, put on the stove, bring to a boil.
  2. Salt, moderate the fire.
  3. Boil until cooked, drain the potato broth into a separate container.
  4. In parallel, chop the onion into cubes, fry over low heat in vegetable oil.
  5. Finely chop the greens
  6. Combine onions, herbs, salt a little, mix.
  7. Peel the potatoes.
  8. Gradually introduce warm broth, constantly stirring and whisking.
  9. Season mashed potatoes without milk, butter and eggs with fried onions. Mix well again.

A simple recipe in a slow cooker

Very tender dish is obtained from potatoes cooked in a slow cooker when the “Steam cooking” mode is set.

When the vegetables are ready, transfer them from the multibowl to another container.

If you crush mashed potatoes in a multicooker, directly in a multibowl, you risk damaging it.


  • 6 potatoes
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 g butter
  • 100 g sour cream (fat content to taste)
  • a pinch of salt.

How to do:

  1. Peel potatoes and cut each vegetable into pieces.
  2. Put in a multicooker bowl, fill with water, salt, close the lid.
  3. Set the mode to “Steaming”, and set the timer to “30 minutes”.
  4. Transfer the finished potatoes to a deep container, add oil, pound.
  5. Enter sour cream, mix.
  6. Gradually pour in the milk. Continue pounding and stirring to get rid of lumps.

We show imagination

Creative approach to cooking any dish is always perceived with approval by eaters, and mashed potatoes are no exception. By adding a couple of interesting components to the tender potato mass, you can not only diversify the taste of the dish, but also “dress up” it.

Multicolored mashed potatoes

To create this dish, before cooking mashed potatoes, prepare spinach, carrots, beets, turmeric.

Divide the prepared puree into 5 parts.

Sort the spinach, rinse, let the water drain, put in a small amount liquid and grind.

Boil carrots and beets separately until tender.

Combine one part of the puree with spinach, the second with carrots, the third with beets, the fourth with turmeric.

Purée each separately.

Form a pyramid slide, where each face will have its own color, or arrange it in the form of a cake, or you can simply put it on a plate. Your child will surely love this treat.

Puree with cheese

Do you know how to make brightly colored mashed potatoes? creamy taste? The secret is not in the oil at all! Boiled potatoes interpret with butter.

Boil milk and add grated hard cheese to it. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Pour the mixture into the crushed puree and beat well.

Mashed potatoes are a great side dish

This side dish is delicate. It is possible to serve it with smoked hams, fried meat, leaking fat, but not worth it. Accompany with a delicate dish stewed beef, veal under cream sauce or gravy based tomato paste, liver, chicken hearts, mushrooms with a golden onion and even ordinary stew. Good companions are fish and sauce.

It matches perfectly potato dish with other vegetables. Classic variant- green canned peas. You can serve mashed potatoes with cauliflower, lightly fried in white croutons, a salad of grated carrots and celery.

When adding milk to the puree, heat it up, otherwise the potato mass will darken.

What to do if you oversalted a dish? If it is very strong, then there is only one way out - boil a couple more potatoes without salt and add them to mashed potatoes. With a slight "oversalting" simply increase the amount of milk and butter.

Try not to puree with a mixer or blender. Of course, there will be no lumps in it, but the mass itself will acquire an unpleasant stickiness. The dish will look much more attractive if you first grind the boiled potatoes through a sieve, and then crush it manually: with a wooden pestle or pusher. Beat by hand with a regular whisk from a mixer.

Features of the calorie content of mashed potatoes

How satisfying mashed potatoes will turn out, its calorie content, depends only on you.

Keep in mind that the potato itself is high in calories: 100 g of the vegetable contains 82 kcal.

And now add the energy indicators of the traditional components of the dish: 63 kcal (egg), 59 kcal (100 ml of milk) and 749 kcal (100 g of butter).

For example, how many calories are in mashed potatoes with milk alone?

In a serving (250-300 g) there will be about 230 kcal, but the calorie content of mashed potatoes with milk and butter is already more - about 300 kcal per serving. The minimum calorie content of mashed potatoes on water is about 160 kcal per serving.

So it turns out that this delicate dish for a diet is not suitable. But you're not going to overeat them every day, are you?

Secrets of delicious puree

Serve puree in portions, give it a wavy shape with a spatula, accompany with parsley or basil leaves. If a sauce is provided for the dish, serve it in a separate gravy bowl. And here green pea, baked or fresh vegetables can be put on a plate next to the puree.

Puree is a very malleable substance. With the help of cookie cutters, you can make beautiful figures out of it. Kids will be especially happy with this dish.

Here's another idea: arrange the puree in the form of a donut, and put in the center fried mushrooms, vegetables, olives or the same ubiquitous peas. On the outside of the potato “donut”, lay out, for example, curved sausages, pieces, etc.

We cook rationally

Mashed potatoes are best prepared immediately before serving - with repeated heat treatment, it loses its taste, not to mention useful qualities. And potatoes boiled in milk, reheated, have a frankly repulsive taste.

In order for the puree left after the meal to serve once again as a delicious treat, first of all, put it in the refrigerator. What can you make with mashed potatoes left over from dinner or lunch? Plenty of options! The next day, you can bake yesterday's leftovers in the oven, brushing the top with a beaten egg with sour cream, cook a roll, cutlets or balls stuffed with mushrooms, minced meat or vegetables, such as fried onions or young boiled peas.

You can even bake if the puree was prepared exclusively on the broth.

are good potato fritters(pancakes), meatballs, zrazy, pancakes and Tatar cakes based on potato mass.

If the products are poorly molded and spread, add a little flour.

You can even make a hot dog by wrapping potato dough sausages.

And the puree itself can serve delicious stuffing For big pie and ruddy pies, cheesecakes.

Useful video

And you can make these very original potato spirals from mashed potatoes that they could not eat at a time:

What to cook for a side dish

mashed potatoes recipe

40 minutes

90 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

It would seem, what could be simpler than mashed potatoes? This simple and versatile side dish is equally good with meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. It is delicious, quick to prepare, keeps well and is easy to prepare. However, despite the apparent simplicity of this dish, young housewives are often faced with the fact that their puree is far from ideal.

A failed side dish can ruin even the most delicious main dish, but I'll teach you how to make your mashed potatoes always perfect.

Mashed potatoes with milk

Kitchen tools: 4 l saucepan, potato press (masher).


For cooking simple recipe mashed potatoes with milk you will need:

  • Here lies the first secret of how to properly boil potatoes for mashed potatoes: to make your dish tasty, do not use young tubers for this. The point is that in young potatoes less starch, namely starch makes puree fluffy. Did you know?
  • To make sure that the potato contains enough starch, you need to cut the tuber into two halves and rub them together. If after that the halves stick together, then such a potato is rich in starch.

Important! Do not store peeled potatoes in cold water for too long. Water washes away the starch.


Important! Never use a blender or food processor to mash potatoes! This will make the puree sticky and sticky.

video recipe

In this understandable video recipe, you will learn how much to cook mashed potatoes, you will clearly see all the stages of cooking and the finished result. Be sure to watch this interesting video to cook mashed potatoes even faster and tastier!

How to Make Delicious Mashed Potatoes!

How easy it is to make delicious mashed potatoes. Best Recipe mashed potatoes by family recipe. Fast way make air and fluffy puree from potatoes. Great potato side dish.
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Milk-free mashed potatoes

A wonderful recipe for mashed potatoes without milk is suitable for vegetarians and for Lenten menu. The nutritional value and the calorie content of such a dish is slightly inferior to that prepared with dairy products, but such a puree is no less tasty even without milk, butter and eggs.



video recipe

You can see a great recipe for lean mashed potatoes in this video. It clearly demonstrates all the stages of preparing this delicious dish.

Mashed potatoes in water

If you need to come up with a lean side dish, then I suggest you look at how to make mashed potatoes on the water. Also such garnish will do if you are trying to avoid excess animal fat in your diet. See the recipe on the site



Mashed potatoes go well with all kinds of main dishes. Serve this wonderful side dish with meat: cutlets, schnitzels, chops and sausages. Add to all this vegetable salad or pickles - and get a delicious homemade dinner comes from childhood!

Also, mashed potatoes go well with fried fish, fish sticks and canned food.
This wonderful dish appropriate and holiday table: put the puree in portions using a pastry syringe, so it turns into a beautiful and unusual edible decoration.

Cooking in a multicooker

  • If it is more convenient for you to work with a slow cooker, you can cook a dish in it. Mashed potatoes in a multicooker are prepared without changes in the components of the recipe and the cooking procedure, but in this case, the potatoes are not boiled in a saucepan, but in a multicooker bowl in the "Cooking" mode (can be replaced with the "Soup" mode).
  • Taste ready meal nothing different from the traditional! will be another delicious potato dish that can be prepared with the help of this wonderful kitchen assistant, but if you don’t have a slow cooker, then cook.

cooking secrets

Mashed potatoes will be a real salvation for those who need a truly uncomplicated, satisfying and inexpensive side dish. Following the recipe and knowing a few simple tips, even the most inexperienced cook can be sure that he will prepare mashed potatoes quickly and very tasty. Do not neglect even the most insignificant tricks, because they are the secret of the right puree!

  • There are several more interesting ways cooking delicious puree. For example, French chefs add egg yolks to the dish - this is done so that the finished puree dries out more slowly.
  • Mashed potatoes with egg and milk are prepared in the same way as traditional mashed potatoes, but in addition to milk and butter, an egg is added to it - 1 pc. for 200 g of milk. This component does not affect the taste of the finished dish, but adds a beautiful yellowish color to the side dish, which can also be obtained using turmeric or saffron.

  • Properly cooked mashed potatoes are very tasty and hearty meal, but also this culinary classics can and should be improved. Add chopped herbs, paprika and garlic for summer meals, for piquancy, you can add a few tablespoons of mustard to the finished side dish.
  • Especially delicious is mashed potatoes with cheese: for 1 kg of potatoes you need 100 g of good hard cheese, which should be grated on a fine grater and added to the finished puree. This component will add tenderness and creamy softness to your dish.
  • It often happens that mashed potatoes are not eaten to the end. You can warm up such a side dish, it is done in the microwave or in a pan, but it will be significantly inferior to fresh palatability. But you can make a lot of mashed potatoes from the leftovers. delicious meals, for example, fragrant or satisfying and so pleasing to men potato zrazy with minced meat.

Today we have dismantled a simple and delicious recipe beautiful universal garnish- mashed potatoes. Following my simple tips, you are sure to cook the most delicious and tender dish without spending a lot of time and effort. Share your recipes for making mashed potatoes, friends, and bon appetit to everyone!

To make the puree homogeneous and airy, choose starchy varieties. This round potatoes with light brown skin and light flesh. Starchy potatoes are very soft during cooking, which provides a delicate texture of mashed potatoes.

But it is better not to use potatoes with a red skin. It does not boil so much, and the puree may turn out with lumps.

What to put in mashed potatoes, except for potatoes

Classic mashed potatoes can not do without or cream. If you want the dish to have an exquisite flavor, add a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary or other sprigs to the liquid. herbs and heat over low heat.

Another product that makes mashed potatoes tasty and airy is butter. Do not feel sorry for him and do not be stingy when buying: the oil should be high in fat. Alternatively, you can take refined sunflower or olive oil. However, the taste of puree in this case will be slightly different.

Both milk and butter should be room temperature. If they are cold, the potatoes will cool faster and the mashed potatoes will take longer to mix. Which means it can be sticky.

Some put a few tablespoons of sour cream, mayonnaise, natural yogurt or grated cheese. For taste, you can also add a raw egg, fried onions or mushrooms.

If you want to give the puree an unusual color, boil the potatoes with beets, carrots or pumpkin.

Gives a special flavor to the finished puree fresh herbs. It can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients or sprinkled on a dish.

How to make mashed potatoes

Peel the tubers and cut them into equal large cubes. Thus, the potatoes will boil more evenly and.

Put the cubes in a saucepan and cover with cold water so that it covers them by about 1 cm. Salt and put on fire.

By the way, about when to salt mashed potatoes, they are still arguing. Alone Perfect Mashed Potatoes , Mashed Potatoes with Buttermilk, Black Pepper and Green Onion chefs salt at the beginning, others Emeril Lagasse's Garlic Mashed Potatoes- at the end, third Mashed Potatoes, Kind Of Robuchon-Style- after boiling water. Opinions were divided among famous professionals about what water to put potatoes in: in cold Perfect Mashed Potatoes or already boiling How to make mashed potatoes.

One thing can be said for sure: the potatoes should be completely boiled. It is easier to check the degree of readiness with a knife. It should easily pierce a cube of potatoes.


When the potatoes are ready, drain the liquid from the pan, put the cubes in a colander and dry them slightly. To do this, you need to put them back in hot pot and leave for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally. This will evaporate excess liquid from the potatoes, which is not needed at all in mashed potatoes.

Remember: the colder the potatoes, the more difficult it is to mash them.

Puree should not be mixed in a blender: because of this, it can become viscous, sticky and, of course, tasteless. It is better to mash by hand using a pusher with holes. This won't take much energy from you, because starchy potatoes become very soft after boiling.

To purée more hard varieties You can use a potato press. It will help get rid of lumps.


Then add the rest of the ingredients to the puree and mix well. Do not spare time and effort on this if you want the puree to turn out airy. At the end, you can season the puree with spices to taste and mix everything again.

Bonus: 4 Unusual Mashed Potato Recipes

Stacy Spenceley /


  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 400 g of cauliflower;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • ¼ cup grated cheese;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a few sprigs of green onions.


Put the potatoes to boil. 10 minutes after the water boils, add the cauliflower florets and cook until tender.

Put butter, cream, cheese, salt into the mashed vegetables and mix well until smooth.

Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

Ernesto Andrade/


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar;
  • a few teaspoons of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of sugar;
  • 2 cups unsalted coconut milk;
  • 1 tablespoon dried garlic.


Boil potatoes. Put the chopped onion in a frying pan drizzled with oil, add vinegar, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and cook for a few minutes. The onion should soften and become golden brown.

In crushed potatoes, add garlic and fried onions. Mix well until smooth.

3. Mashed Baked Potatoes and Celery - Jamie Oliver's Recipe


  • 4 potatoes;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste;
  • 300 g of celery root;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme;
  • spices - to taste.


Rinse potatoes and sprinkle with salt. Pierce the skin with a fork and place the tubers on a baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 190°C.

Cut the celery root into big chunks. Place it and the garlic cloves on baking paper, sprinkle with salt, pepper, drizzle with two tablespoons of olive oil and toss with your hands. Wrap the paper so that you get a bundle.

Half an hour after the start of cooking potatoes, put the bundle on a baking sheet and bake for another 20-30 minutes. Potatoes and celery root should be completely baked.

Peel the potatoes, squeeze out the pulp of the baked garlic and mix these ingredients with the celery. Add thyme leaves, olive oil and mix well. Season the puree with spices.


  • 800 g potatoes;
  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • a little melted butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a little nutmeg;


Peeled potatoes and cut into cubes and boil for 25-30 minutes. Heat up in a frying pan melted butter and fry the chopped garlic on it.

Drain the liquid from the pan, dry the vegetables and add milk, cream and butter to them. Mix well, season with salt, pepper, garlic and nutmeg and stir again.