How to make dough for potato patties. Yeast dough potato patties.

Vatrushki with potatoes is popular and a traditional dish in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe, as well as Russia and Serbia. They are prepared in different ways, but in any case, such pastries turn out to be tasty, tender and very fragrant!

Ingredients for making potato fritters:


  1. Milk 1 glass
  2. Chicken egg 2-3 pieces
  3. Salt 1 teaspoon
  4. Sugar 2 tablespoons
  5. Butter 1/2 pack (about 100 grams)
  6. Yeast dry granulated 1 sachet (11 grams)
  7. Wheat flour, sifted 3-4 cups (about 500-600 grams)
  8. Vegetable oil 20 milliliters (for the baking sheet)


  1. Potato 6-8 pieces (about 650-700 grams)
  2. Butter 50 grams for filling and 20 grams for lubrication
  3. Sour cream 50 grams for stuffing and to taste for lubrication
  4. Salt to taste

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Faceted glass (capacity 250 grams), Teaspoon, Tablespoon, Kitchen knife - 2 pieces, Stove, Small saucepan (capacity 2 liters), Small bowl, Saucepan, Deep bowl, Whisk, Kitchen towel - 2 pieces, Deep saucepan (capacity 4 liters), Dinner fork, Pusher, Non-stick baking sheet, Oven, Baking brush, Kitchen gloves, Cutting board, Metal grid (from the oven), Spatula, Large flat dish

Cooking potato fritters:

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Place a small saucepan of milk over medium heat and heat until hot. 34 -38 degrees Celsius. The liquid should be warm, so as not to burn yourself.

Once the milk is hot, pour it into a small bowl. There we also add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a little salt and dry granulated yeast.

Mix everything thoroughly and leave in a warm place, near the included stove, on 10–15 minutes.

Step 2: Prepare eggs and butter.

While the dough is infused, put 1/2 pack in a small saucepan butter and put it on medium heat.

After it has melted, cool the butter to room temperature in a cool place, such as near an open window.

In the meantime, put several eggs in a deep bowl, the number depends on the size, if small - three, if large - two.

Beat them with a whisk until smooth and add the cooled butter there. Mix everything again and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Prepare and Boil the Potatoes.

We do not waste time in vain, we begin to prepare the filling. Using a kitchen knife, peel the potatoes, wash the tubers under cold running water, cut each into 4–6 parts and transfer them to a deep bowl. Then pour the chopped potatoes with purified water and set to boil over medium heat.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

After 10-15 minutes pour the yeast that has risen in the milk into a bowl with the egg-butter mixture. Stir liquids to uniform consistency and start adding three glasses sifted wheat flour. We act gradually, at the same time kneading the dough of medium density with a tablespoon.

When the spoon stops helping, we continue kneading with our hands on the countertop, gradually adding flour. As soon as the dough becomes denser, roll it into a ball, transfer it to a deep bowl, cover kitchen towel and put in a warm place 1–1.5 hours.

Step 5: prepare the filling.

After 18-20 minutes after boiling, check the readiness of the potatoes with a table fork. If the teeth enter it gently, without pressure, remove the pan from the stove, holding it with a kitchen towel, and very carefully drain all the liquid from it.

Then we knead the pieces of vegetable with a crush to the consistency of mashed potatoes, preferably without lumps! After that, add sour cream, butter, salt to taste and mix everything until a homogeneous consistency - the filling is ready!

Step 6: form cheesecakes with potatoes.

1–1.5 hours insistence yeast dough will increase by 2 2.5 times. If it floats, add a little more flour to the bowl and lightly crush the semi-finished flour product with your hands. If not, just transfer it to a countertop sprinkled with flour and roll it into a roller.

Then we divide the dough into 10–12 portioned slices the size of a plum, form balls from them and put them on a non-stick baking sheet, pre-lubricated with a thin layer vegetable oil.

It is desirable that between them free space at least 5–7 centimeters, as the cheesecakes will increase in size during baking and may stick to each other.

After that, put the baking sheet in a warm place on 20–25 minutes to rise the dough and preheat the oven up to 200 degrees Celsius.

Then we take a faceted glass, dip it into the sifted wheat flour and make a small hole in the center of each risen flour ball.

After that, using a tablespoon, spread the filling over them and grease it and the rims of the formed cheesecakes with sour cream, half a teaspoon for each.

Step 7: bake cheesecakes with potatoes.

Now we put yet raw cheesecakes in an oven preheated to the desired temperature, on the middle rack. We bake them 18–20 minutes or up to golden brown on the test surface.

If during the preparation of flour products liquid flows out of the filling, do not worry, this will not affect the shape and taste of the cheesecakes.

As soon as they are browned, we put kitchen gloves on our hands, we take out a baking sheet from oven, we rearrange it on a cutting board, previously placed on the table, and with the help of a kitchen spatula we transfer the pastries to a metal grate.

Lubricate hot cheesecakes with a thin layer of butter and leave in this form for 2-3 minutes. Then we cover them with a kitchen towel so that a gap remains, and cool the aromatic dish to room temperature.

After that we post flour products on a large flat dish and serve to the table.

Step 8: serve cheesecakes with potatoes.

Potato fritters are served warm. They are served on a dish or plate as an addition to dinner, lunch, afternoon tea or breakfast. This pastry is reminiscent of potato pizza or sweet pies. Enjoy!
Bon Appetit!

Very often, crushed hard cheese, fried pieces of lard, fried onions, slices or cubes sausage products, as well as hard-boiled egg;

Instead of dry yeast, you can use fresh - 25 grams;

If desired, the baking sheet can be covered with a sheet of baking paper;

Butter added to the dough can be replaced with vegetable;

You can add spices to the filling to taste and desire: black ground pepper, paprika, coriander, dried parsley or dill;

For kneading dough, instead of milk, you can use cream diluted with water or sour cream.

I propose to cook delicious homemade cheesecakes with potatoes. Soft, hearty pastries are perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cheesecakes with potatoes will be appreciated by both adults and children. Pairs well with first courses. tomato juice, milk. Try it, you will definitely like it.

To prepare delicious cheesecakes with potatoes from yeast dough take these ingredients.

Pour sugar and dry yeast into warm milk. Stir and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place.

Add sunflower oil, salt, wheat flour.

knead soft dough. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 40-60 minutes.

Prepare potato stuffing. Boil potatoes until tender. Grind with a potato masher until pureed. Add salt, ground pepper and butter. Stir. Cool to room temperature.

Form a sausage from the dough and cut into small portions. From each piece, roll out a cake of small diameter and place the blanks in a form with parchment. Leave on for 15-25 minutes.

Make a well in the center with a glass, brush with beaten yolk, lay the filling. Send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-50 minutes. Bake tarts until golden brown.

Potato fritters are ready. Serve immediately.

Bon Appetit!

Why do cheesecakes win a big section in cookbooks? The range of their options is surprising, and for lovers of savory dishes, there is an option with potatoes. This is a simple dish, and most importantly, it is hearty and tasty.

In Ossetian cuisine, there is a variation of Russian cheesecakes with potatoes - this Ossetian pie with potato. It is larger in size and immediately associated with a large family. Dough is also made for it and mashed, and whey is added to the dough. For stuffing add Ossetian cheese. The result is a delicious juicy product.

The variant of cheesecakes with potatoes somewhat wins over cottage cheese, since cottage cheese cannot be stored for that long. Also, not everyone likes its sour taste. In any case, such pastries will decorate the feast.

Yeast dough and filling for cheesecakes with potatoes

How to prepare dough for cheesecakes? First you need to warm the milk, a little more than 250 ml. Dissolve one and a half tablespoons of granulated sugar in it, as well as one and a half teaspoons of yeast. The workpiece must be left for 10 minutes until the yeast "blooms".

Then add a quarter pack of butter, a teaspoon fine salt and a pound of flour. Some housewives advise adding one egg. To make the dough softer - you need to put 2 tablespoons of sour cream. The butter should be chosen soft, and the dough should be kneaded until it stops sticking to the fingers.

The dough should end up being elastic. After kneading, it must be left to rise at a warm temperature. Keep in mind that when the dough rises, it will become 2 times larger in volume.

Now it's time to start stuffing. It is made from mashed potatoes. It is necessary to peel and boil about 400 grams of potatoes. Make a puree out of it, in which add 1 egg, medium-sized salt to taste and a little butter (about 50 gr.)

Potato fritters - quick and easy

To make cheesecakes, you need to divide the dough and filling into portions. Each of the balls into which the dough was divided must be rolled into a small bundle and divided into equal cuts, the size of a chicken egg. Roll them into balls.

Grease a baking sheet with oil, put prepared balls on it. They need to be flattened a little, from this they will increase in size. Spread mashed potatoes on them - it should be cooled down, but not completely. The layer should be about 1 cm thick. It must be leveled.

In the correct version, the puree should cover the entire cake. Grease the top of the workpiece with an egg shaken in milk. Cheesecakes should be left to soak for 15 minutes, and then put in a preheated oven (temperature about 200 degrees). It takes approximately 20 minutes to bake.

There is an option from rye flour. It was developed specifically for the recipe with potatoes. The taste is simply excellent, and cannot be compared with Russian curd cheesecakes.