Recipe for very tasty cheesecakes. Delicious cheesecakes with cottage cheese, homemade recipe. How to make cottage cheese filling for cheesecakes.

Favorite filling, curd! And the edge of the cheesecake is hollow and crispy! Tasty and healthy!


✓ Milk - 1 cup / 250 ml

✓ Yeast - 40g fresh pressed or 10g dry

✓ Sugar - 0.5 cup

✓ Salt - a pinch

✓ Eggs - 2 pcs.

✓ Butter - 100g

✓ Flour - 3.5-4 cups

Curd stuffing:

✓ Cottage cheese - 400-500g

When it comes to the base, some choose one that is semi-crispy, some omit it entirely. But everyone uses a lot of yolks. Today, you most often find baked cheesecakes with chocolate icing and vanilla flavor. old Polish recipes recommended to cook yeast dough with 80 egg yolks. As Nellie Rubinstein, wife of world-famous pianist Arthur Rubinstein and cookbook author, says, "It's one of those sweets that disappears quickly, even if it's locked in some closet."

How to bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese

And so her advice was to bake two instead of one. Babki is a special Easter, but there are many daily yeast cakes. The French have croissants and pains in chocolate; different fillings: poppy seeds, margarines, pudding or seasonal fruits. The yeast poppy roll spun like a poppy strudel.

✓ Sugar - 0.5 cup

✓ Egg - 1 pc.

✓ Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Vanilla sugar- 1 tsp

✓ You can add raisins or other dried fruits, candied fruits to cottage cheese - 100g


✓ Yolk of one egg

✓ Milk - 1st. l.


Dough for cheesecakes.

In order for cheesecakes with cottage cheese to turn out lush, the main thing is to properly prepare rich yeast dough from these components.

Royal cheesecake - the secrets of delicious pastries

In many homes, this is an integral part of Christmas Eve. Since we are already talking about Christmas, we must mention kutia. Kutya is a sweet bread pudding traditionally served in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. For centuries, there would have been no Christmas Eve without the aristocracy and small farmers. It was once made with barley, now more commonly with wheat. The grain is mixed with soil and boiled poppy seeds, honey, nuts and raisins.

Another famous Christmas cake - gingerbread cake. There are dozens of types, but the hardest one to make is traditional Polish. The work must be spread out over several weeks because the dough must ferment in the cold. Typical of the Hanseatic cities, it was already in Poland in the Middle Ages. Over the years, gingerbread ingredients and baking procedures have hardly changed. Today they are still made from cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and cardamom. Chocolate glaze often poured on top, with layers separated by raisins, nuts, or marmalade.

We prepare rich yeast dough in any way you know or buy ready-made. We will not stop at the preparation of the test.

Curd filling for cheesecakes.

The dough is not prepared in one minute, it needs time to approach, distance, and this is two hours, at least.

During this time, prepare the filling of cottage cheese. In order for the filling to be tender, the cottage cheese must be taken soft, of medium fat content.

Dough Ingredients

A traditional Polish sauce called gray sauce is pounded on the gingerbread pie inside and served with carp and other freshwater fish. Donuts, or doughnuts, came to Poland from Arabic cuisine. They have been around for centuries, but they were once as heavy as stones. Polish donuts are shaped like an oblate sphere and fried in deep oil, so they are not exactly diet food. Exist various fillings: pink marmalade, liquor, pudding.

On Thursday, the last day before Lent, tens of millions were spent. Another famous carnival treat is a sweet crunchy biscuit made from ribbon-shaped ribbon, deep fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar. They were once made from different dough: yeast, sponge or dough. Today, the most common is the beaten cake, obtained by crushing the dough with a wooden rolling pin, which makes it crispy. Nellie Rubinstein believes the cookie is representative of Christmas, although "the favourites were made on the last day of carnival," she says, on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday became the last "fat" day before Forty Days of Lent.

But it is important that it is not dry and always fresh. Cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve.

This procedure can be done with a blender, then it will be like a cream.

But it seems to me that if rubbed through a sieve, the filling will be more airy.

Some housewives add sour cream to the mass, butter and a tablespoon of starch.

Crispy and delicate ribbons fill the shelves of pastry shops during the carnival. Flat shortbread can be made from different types dough: semi-artistic, sponge, marzipan or waffles. Mazurek has been a symbol of Easter since the 19th century. The top of the cake is filled or covered with sweet glaze, then decorated. In some households, the pasha serves instead. This delicious dessert consists of two parts, yolk, raisins and nuts and resembles American cheesecakes.

Easter became popular thanks to the former eastern provinces of Poland. The cherry at the top of this sweet review is cream or napoleonka - the name is preferred in Warsaw. No pastry shop leaves him out of their offers. This sweet indulgence originated in France. In Poland puff layer dough is separated with whipped cream, sweet cream, pudding or meringue, and top part sprinkled with powdered sugar or covered with icing. This dill and cottage cheese pie was my grandmother's favorite dessert.

How would I add sour cream and butter, if the cottage cheese is low-fat, and an extra spoonful of starch or flour, if curd filling turns out too liquid.

I believe that if the cottage cheese is well grated, it will be quite tender.

The taste of the filling can be enriched with raisins or candied fruits. The raisins must be washed, sorted out from debris and must first be poured enough hot water but not boiling water.

This is a truly peaceful recipe from her handwritten cook book. In fact, it can be seen as a distant relative of the English cheesecake. The curd filling is soft and creamy, while the dill makes it fresh. Sugar 3 eggs 2 tbsp. semolina small dill bun, finely chopped. . Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

Add lard, sugar, yeast and salt and rub them into the flour. Add sour cream and knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. Roll out the dough into a rectangle and place in the baking lined parchment paper. Separate the eggs to fill.

Set aside for 30 minutes. Then drain the water and dry the raisins on a kitchen towel, or leave the sieve to dry.

Raisins stir in curd mass. The filling for cheesecakes with cottage cheese is ready!

Punch down the risen dough, put it on the table and divide it into pieces. You can roll it into a long baguette and cut it, and it's easier to blow the balls.

Whisk egg whites until hard peaks form. Combine cottage cheese with egg yolks, salt, butter, sugar, semolina and finely chopped dill. Gradually fold the beaten egg whites into the curd mixture. Spread the filling evenly over the dough.

For topping, add one egg yolk and sugar to sour cream and stir to combine. If anyone profits from my love affair, it's my little sister. When she returned from school, Scone was on the table. After the climb, there were cinnamon rolls. And a big pie for her birthday. Skon suddenly existed only on special days. Your favorite cinnamon rolls.

Usually with this amount of ingredients for this recipe, I get 21 medium-sized cheesecakes.

I save time by immediately laying out and shaping the pies on the surface of the baking sheet on which I will bake.

I lay out the balls at a distance of about 4-5 cm from each other, each ball of dough must be flattened, forming a cake.

Only tradition with a birthday cake that we could keep. In any case, she would have pulled the shortest. You are always with your English names, - answered my mother. She was firmly convinced that cheesecake and cheesecake were the same cake - in a different language.

On one side is a German cheesecake and on the other is an American cheesecake. And lo and behold, she never changed her mind as quickly as after this tasting. In America you can discern. My aunt doesn't like cheesecake, my friend Louise doesn't like cheesecake. Quite simply, cheesecake is neither an American name for cheesecake, nor does German cheesecake mean cheesecake. Cheesecake is cheesecake. And cheesecake is cheesecake.

Then I make notches with the bottom of the glass, where I will put the filling later. See that the bottom of the recess is not very thick, the thinner the better.

So that the bottom of the glass does not stick to the dough, it is better to dip the glass in flour or grease with vegetable oil.

Tip: form the cheesecakes in small batches, two or three things, otherwise, while you stuff the cheesecakes with cottage cheese, the rest will already take on their original form again, such a property yeast dough.

No one bakes as well as grandma - black cherry pie, apple sprinkles and, of course, cheesecake. Bottom: A classic brownie with a short crash. Stuffing: fluffy curd cream. If you like pomposity, bake a cottage cheese pie or a tear pie. How will your cheesecake be perfect?

Original from New York: New York Cheesecake

Instead, a lot fresh cheese, cookie or cookie floor. Depending on the region, fresh cheese is replaced with cream, sour cream or cottage cheese. Important: Real cheesecake is baked in a water bath, not in a German cheese pie. Light and airy baking pan - so the original loves it. The focus here is on filling the cheesecakes. Unlike the German biscuit, butter is served in the batter in the American biscuit. Whisk the eggs separately. Mix the egg yolks with butter and flour and mix in the egg yolk.

Spread the filling, about one tablespoon per bun. Let stand 15-20 minutes for the pieces to rise.

Grease with yolk on top to form a golden crust.

During this time, I turn on the oven to warm up to 180 ° C. Everything, now you can bake.

After 25 minutes, browned fragrant homemade cheesecakes with yeast curd sweet dough ready.

Products for the test

Important: the floor is pre-roasted for about 10 minutes. The basis of the New York cheesecake: half a pancake with loofah. If it's already a cheesecake, then the original from New York is clear. What is he doing classic cheesecake so special? The tone of my colleague Celine: "This is the final stage of the butter." This is because of the combination of fresh cheese and cream. Cream cheese gives the cheese mass its creamy mass, the cream weakens everything a little. Not difficult in the stomach and leaves room for the second part.

How to cook cottage cheese filling for cheesecakes

This is not a biscuit, but the bottom of the biscuit in shape. Refine the wholemeal butter to fine crumbs and mix with the butter. For something in the dough there's the right tide sea ​​salt. american cheesecake may look like salt. I love Brandt's Hobbit Heart Cookies. American cheesecake base: crushed biscuit bottom.

Do not eat hot muffin, it is bad for the stomach, let it cool a little under a towel and enjoy fragrant homemade cakes.

For many, cheesecakes served in school canteens were one of the favorite treats of childhood. Appetizing buns with a delicate sweetish curd middle - there is nothing tastier with tea, and without it too. So let's talk about cheesecakes.

Sour cream instead of whipped cream. 3 instead of 2 eggs. The American cheesecake is firmer, more compact, and overall a bit more content. In general, therefore, less creamy. Unlike German cheesecake, American cheesecake - be it New York or America - is baked in a bain-marie. Because it is very creamy. Positive by-effect: The surface must remain intact and free of unsightly cracks.

Filling for cottage cheese puff pastry

Line a baking dish with aluminum foil before baking. To this end, apply two two strips of aluminum foil on the work surface crosswise, place the jump form in the middle. Lift the aluminum foil up to the outside wall of the mold and press it down.

Our ancestors have been eating cheesecakes since time immemorial: the shape of the product, repeating the sun, is most likely not accidental and is associated with the worship of the sun god in pagan times. This is confirmed by the fact that the name of these wonderful buns formed from the word "vatra", in many Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200bhaving the same meaning "fire, hearth". In the old days, cheesecakes sometimes differed slightly from modern ones - they were often made large, they were cut into pieces and eaten during solemn feasts, but our ancestors also liked to “play around” with small cheesecakes, as now.

Fill a fat pan or deep pan with water and set the spring shape. Not quite the way you know the American classics. The result speaks for itself. They say whoever bakes his Cheesecake in a bain-marie can end up staring at a smooth surface. American cheesecake remained strange. Am I just unlucky on the first try?

New York or American - Which Cheesecake Tastes Best?

But the cracks in the Cheesecake didn't bother me. I like it when they make pies themselves, like from a grandmother. And tried he didn't break the pie. This way the cheesecake stays bright and doesn't have any color. Never open the door of the baking oven. The oven is too early rather than too late. After baking, he pulls out something else. If you want to be safe, let your cake cool and open the back door. It does not break even after baking. Before you put your cheesecake in the fridge, absolutely cool. Lentils at least 6 hours, better at night, cold spots.

  • Remove ingredients from refrigerator before baking.
  • All ingredients must be at room temperature.
  • French fries with sugar are absolutely frothy.
  • Only until they are combined with fresh cheese.
  • Cheesecake is always baked in a water bath.
Traditions must be followed.

Today cheesecakes are sweet buns round shape with an open top, in which the filler is placed. Most often, cottage cheese is used as a filling for cheesecakes, but it can also be mashed potatoes, condensed milk, jam, dried fruits, apples or jam, and even semolina or buckwheat. Did you know that cheesecakes do not have to be sweet at all? They can also be made with onions, which are fried and mixed with cottage cheese or mashed potatoes, and it will also be cheesecakes!

Associated with cheesecakes and one very interesting fact. Our wonderful classic - N.V. Gogol believed that the name of these buns should be written through the letter o - "cheesecake", understanding such a name as "rub cottage cheese into a bun" and referring the origin of the name, respectively, to the word "rub". Desperately trying to correct such an incorrect, as Gogol believed, spelling of the word, nevertheless turned out to be wrong.

Usually, soft yeast dough is used for cheesecakes, less often they are made from puff or unleavened dough. Cooking cheesecakes is not an easy task, but even novice cooks can solve it.

Cheesecakes are prepared in several stages:

  • dough preparation;
  • Filling preparation;
  • Formation of cheesecakes and their baking.

Each stage is associated with certain subtleties.

Preparation of dough for cheesecakes

You can make the dough classic recipes yeast, unleavened or puff pastry. Let's give an example of the preparation of rich yeast dough.

You will need: 10 g of fresh yeast, 4 eggs, 4 cups of premium flour, 1.5 cups of warm milk, 8 tbsp. vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. sugar, ½ tsp salt.

How to make dough for cheesecakes. Mix 1 glass of milk with 1 pinch of sugar and yeast, leave for 10 minutes, then add a glass of sifted flour, leave the dough warm for 1.5 hours until the volume increases by 2-3 times. Pour the remaining warm milk mixed with salt into the dough, beat in the eggs, add flour and knead the dough well with your hands, add butter, knead again until the dough is smooth, leave it warm for 2 hours, knead several times during this time. From the indicated amount of dough, 16 cheesecakes will be obtained.

Filling preparation. Features of preparing the filling for cheesecakes, of course, depend on the filling used. So, cottage cheese needs to be squeezed out, mixed with raw eggs, or only with yolks, for sweet cheesecakes it is seasoned with sugar. If you are making cheesecakes with mushrooms, they must be fried in advance with onions, if with porridge, it must be boiled until half cooked, etc.

Formation of cheesecakes and their baking. Forming cheesecakes is not difficult: just divide the dough into balls, let them rest for 20 minutes on a baking sheet, then make a recess in each by simply pressing the ball with a glass - the bottom of the glass will flatten the ball and make the desired recess. The advantage of this method is that the cheesecakes will be the same. Next, simply fill the buns with the filling, let stand for another 5 minutes, coat with a beaten egg and then put the cheesecakes in the oven.

There are a lot of recipes for cheesecakes today. We present the most popular of them.

Recipe for classic cheesecakes with cottage cheese

You will need: 400 g of cottage cheese. 2 eggs, 1 pinch of vanilla, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 egg for brushing, dough.

How to cook cheesecakes. The test for the specified amount of ingredients for the filling should be taken as much as indicated above in the recipe for rich yeast dough for cheesecakes. Prepare the dough, roll it into balls and put them on a sheet, form cheesecakes. Squeeze the cottage cheese, mix with eggs, adding flour, sugar and vanillin. Fill the buns with stuffing, coat with a beaten egg, put in an oven preheated to 220-230 degrees and bake for 25 minutes, making sure that they do not burn, cool on a wire rack, covered with a towel.

royal cheesecake recipe

You will need: 500 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of butter, 2 eggs, 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of sugar.

How to cook royal cheesecake. Chop butter with flour into crumbs. Grease a frying pan with oil, lay out half of the crumbs. Mix cottage cheese with eggs and sugar, put the curd mixture on top of the crumb layer, put the remaining crumb on top. The royal cheesecake is baked in preheated to 220-230 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe for savory cheesecakes with potatoes and onions

You will need: 300 g rye flour, 8 tubers of potatoes, 1 ¼ cups of milk, 3 tbsp. butter, yeast, salt.

How to make savory cheesecakes. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then peel them, mash them in a puree, add 1 tbsp. melted butter, finely chopped onion fried in butter. Mix a third of the flour with warm milk and yeast, after the dough rises, pour in melted butter (2 tablespoons), salt, add the rest of the flour, knead the dough and let it rise again. Roll out the dough thinly, cut out cakes from it, put the potato and onion filling on them, tuck the edges, give the products the shape of cheesecakes, coat with butter and bake in the oven until browned.

As you can see, making cheesecakes is easy! Don't be afraid to try and surprise your family delicious tea parties and savory cheesecakes for main courses or as pies.

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