Vatrushki with potatoes and cheese. Cheesecake with mashed potatoes from yeast dough recipe with photo


How to cook delicious cheesecakes with potatoes classic recipe! Great option to cook them for a picnic. Simple step by step recipe with photo!

1 hour

210 kcal

5/5 (2)

I always recommend young cooks to take on more light pastries picnic snacks. Many people start their culinary career by making scrambled eggs, gradually turning into an omelette, fearing that the other is not subject to their skills and experience. And it's in vain! At one time, for the first time, I decided to cook the most delicate cheesecakes with potatoes in the oven and did not regret it at all, since the process itself gives much more knowledge about baking than expensive cooking courses. I strongly advise respected beginners to do the same, because as a result you will get not only skill, but also a wonderful, fragrant and satisfying product that has an amazing rich taste that will not disappoint anyone.

Today I have prepared for you a branded family recipe potato tarts so that you can make this famous pastry at any time without the worry and frantic searches on the Internet.

Preparation time: 60-70 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

  • Baking tray for square or rectangular products with a diameter of 25 cm or more.
  • Bowls (several pieces) deep from 350 to 950 ml, medium sieve.
  • Linen and cotton towels, a saucepan with a volume of 500 ml.
  • Table and teaspoons, metal grater, cutting board ( only wooden).
  • Rolling pin, whisk, confectionery brush, measuring utensils (cup or kitchen scale) and wooden spatula.

You will need


In my opinion, the best cheesecakes are made from dough. own cooking, however, you can choose high-quality yeast in the store. Just remember to defrost it completely so that your cheesecakes turn out fluffy, airy and soft.


  • 400-500 g potatoes;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 7 g of table salt.


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 20-30 g sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon of purified water;
  • 10 g butter or margarine.

At this stage, you need to decide whether you will cook cheesecakes with raw or boiled potatoes, because to use potatoes without subsequent heat treatment, you must first thoroughly wash them with a brush, and then peel them, grate them on a fine grater and immerse them in cold water. If you will cook it, then none of this needs to be done.

Cooking sequence



The proofing time can be shortened by using the adjustable oven temperature regime. Heat it up to thirty or forty degrees, put the bowl of dough inside and watch the process of raising the mass, which should almost double in size.


By the way, at this stage, you can add other spices to the filling, in addition to salt, which will give your product a knocking down, mouth-watering aroma - start with ground black pepper, and continue with your favorite seasonings such as basil, a mixture of allspice or marjoram. Just don't use too many different spices, as this will kill the delicious flavor of the dish.

Assembly and baking

If you decide to cook cheesecakes with potatoes not in the oven, but in a slow cooker, after lubricating the bowls with margarine, put three or four flat cakes there and manually make recesses for the filling - so the products will not fall apart and will be perfectly baked in the "Baking" or "Bread" program.

That's all! Your amazing cheesecakes with fragrant potatoes are completely ready! Transfer them from the baking sheet to a spacious dish for serving and decorate with fresh herbs, boiled quail eggs and young garlic - it will be just a bomb, my family usually cannot take their eyes off these amazing cheesecakes.

You can also sprinkle your hot artwork with sesame or sunflower seeds and mayonnaise, but this is a matter of taste, so try doing this in one serving first. I advise you to store products for no more than two or three days, because they quickly become hard and lose their taste properties.

I propose to cook delicious homemade cheesecakes with potatoes. Soft, hearty pastries are perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cheesecakes with potatoes will be appreciated by both adults and children. Pairs well with first courses. tomato juice, milk. Try it, you will definitely like it.

To make delicious yeast dough potato fritters, take these ingredients.

Pour sugar and dry yeast into warm milk. Stir and leave for 15 minutes in a warm place.

Add sunflower oil, salt, wheat flour.

knead soft dough. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 40-60 minutes.

Prepare potato stuffing. Boil potatoes until tender. Grind with a potato masher until pureed. Add salt, ground pepper and butter. Stir. Cool to room temperature.

Form a sausage from the dough and cut into small portions. From each piece, roll out a cake of small diameter and place the blanks in a form with parchment. Leave on for 15-25 minutes.

Make a well in the center with a glass, brush with beaten yolk, lay the filling. Send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30-50 minutes. Bake tarts until golden brown.

Fragrant and melt-in-your-mouth cheesecakes are liked by both adults and children. They can be made with different fillings. We list only a few: apples, pears, cottage cheese, potatoes. They can be prepared quickly and easily. We offer to adopt a recipe for cheesecakes with potatoes. In the article we will tell you how to do them correctly, and also share some secrets.

Tasty and inexpensive

For detailed description below), you should prepare a specific set of ingredients. Most likely, everything you need is in every kitchen. And if suddenly something does not turn out, then you can always take a walk to the grocery store. So what do we need? For cheesecakes with potatoes (the composition will be described later), you need to buy or make yeast dough yourself. It is best to choose the second option. We will talk about how to make yeast dough a little later. In the meantime, let's check if everything is prepared to make delicious cheesecakes with potatoes.

Required Ingredients

For the filling we need:

  • Milk - one glass. Of course, you can take water.
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream - three to four tablespoons.
  • Potatoes - several large tubers. You can take small ones, they are more convenient to clean. But in this case, the amount must be doubled.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Salt - to taste.

This is how the composition of potato fritters looks like. Or rather, their toppings. Required Ingredients can be found without much difficulty. Now let's start preparing the base for the cheesecakes.

Yeast dough

Many housewives are well aware that the preparation of cheesecakes consists of several stages. It is necessary to make the dough, the filling, and then combine it all and decorate it beautifully. We will need following products:

  • Wheat flour- 2.5 cups (you may need a little more, depending on the density of the dough). It is best to take the highest grade.
  • Water or milk - one glass.
  • Salt - half a tablespoon.
  • Chicken eggs - two pieces will be enough.
  • Sugar - one or two teaspoons.
  • Yeast. The hostess cannot do without this ingredient. If you want to speed up the cooking process a little, then take instant ones. Half a pack is enough.
  • Butter or sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

Let's start preparing the dough. The steps will look something like this:

  • Pour the milk into a small saucepan and put it on the stove, it needs to be heated, but not boiled.
  • Add granulated sugar to the liquid, then salt and yeast. Mix everything well until completely dissolved. Then we remove the pan from the stove.
  • We break the eggs in a deep plate and begin to beat them well with a mixer. Then add oil to them. If you take butter, then first it must be melted and cooled.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the milk.
  • Gradually begin to pour the flour into the liquid. Then knead the dough. We put it in a saucepan, close the lid and put it in a warm place. Next, we move on to the main action.

Recipe for cheesecakes with potatoes

It is quite simple and does not require much time. We have already prepared the dough, but for now we will deal with the filling. In order to cook cheesecakes with potatoes, we need to make mashed potatoes. step by step:

  • Take a medium sized saucepan and pour cold water.
  • Rinse the potatoes thoroughly from dirt, and then peel them.
  • Let's turn on the stove. Each potato must be cut into several parts, so they will cook faster.
  • Put them in a pot with water.
  • When the water boils, the heating power can be slightly reduced.
  • Now you need to salt the contents. Don't try to add a large number of salt, it is better to add salt to the already prepared puree than to oversalt.
  • Now we need to heat up the milk. Pour it into a saucepan and put it on the stove. As soon as the first bubbles begin to appear, you can remove it from the stove.
  • Trying potato wedges for softness with a knife or fork. If they are freely pierced by cutlery, then you can turn off the stove and remove the pan from the heat.
  • We drain the water. Mash the potatoes to a puree state, adding warm milk and butter.
  • Place the pot in a cool place to let the potatoes cool down.
  • Turn on the stove, it should be hot.
  • We grease the baking sheet sunflower oil.
  • Cut off small pieces of dough and roll them into small cakes.
  • Put a small amount of mashed potatoes in the middle and make sides around it.
  • We shift the cheesecakes with potatoes to a baking sheet and put them in the oven.
  • After 15-20 minutes, we take it out and put a small amount of sour cream or mayonnaise on the filling.
  • We put it back in the oven. You can take it out after 10-15 minutes.
  • Serve hot or warm.

Little tricks

How to cook cheesecakes with potatoes, you now know. But, there are some nuances that will help to make the most delicious pastries. So, we propose to pay attention to the following:

  • Mashed potatoes for making cheesecakes are best diluted with hot milk.
  • You can add a small amount of chopped and fried mushrooms (for example, champignons) to the filling. Also don't forget the butter. How many will you need? One or two tablespoons will suffice.
  • You can also cook fresh cheesecakes with potatoes. The recipe is almost the same, only eggs and yeast are not added to the dough.
  • Ready cheesecakes (each) should be greased a small amount butter.
  • Some housewives are very fond of adding spices and seasonings to all prepared dishes. And can they be used in cheesecakes with potatoes? We answer that if you like some certain seasonings, you can use them.

Fans of delicious salty snacks to the table will be delighted if they try fresh cheesecakes with potatoes, the recipe of which is presented in this article.

The dish turns out to be very original, looks great on holiday table. You can eat it like independent dish and feel free to use with kefir or milk.

Look at the photo how beautiful the potato shanezhki look.

Recipe for simple shanezhki stuffed with potatoes

Components for the test: 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; floor st. Sahara; 100 gr. sl. oils; salt; 1 st. water; 3 art. flour; 10 gr. baking powder.

Filling ingredients: half st. milk; salt; sl. oil and 7 pcs. potatoes.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I'm doing a test. I'm slaughtering chickens. eggs with sugar, add salt. Sl. I soften the oil to a liquid state and pour it into the chickens. eggs, just beat them first.
  2. I heat water and add baking powder to it. I'm making a batch. I'm getting into the mess.
  3. I add flour and mix.
  4. I cook potatoes, make mashed potatoes, mixing with the next. oil. You can add some milk to the filling. 4 I divide the mass into balls, make a recess in them to fill it with stuffing.
  5. I smear with sour cream and a small amount of sl. butter for each cheesecake.
  6. I bake until fully cooked. When the cheesecake is covered with a ruddy crust, then you need to get it out of the oven. It is better to serve on the table, lubricating the next. oil.

Recipe for potato pancakes from unleavened dough

Components: 200 gr. sl. oils; 2 tbsp. flour; 1 st. sour cream.

Stuffing components: 6 pcs. potatoes; 2 tbsp sour cream; salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I sow flour, I form a hill on the table. I put butter on top, then chop it with a knife. I add sour cream and knead the dough.
  2. share unleavened dough into balls, roll out round-shaped layers from them, make indentations in them and smear the chickens. yolk, pre-whipped.
  3. I peel potatoes, boil them in salt water and mash them. I bring in chickens. egg, add sour cream and interrupt the mass.
  4. I fill with stuffing.
  5. I bake at 220 gr. temperature in the oven for 25 minutes, I serve a hot treat to the table.

Potato and meat shaneshki with unleavened dough onion

The method will allow you to prepare original dish, which will find a lot of fans among your family members.

Components: 1/3 tsp. salt and baking powder; 200 gr. sl. oils and sour cream; 240 gr. flour.

Stuffing ingredients: 5 pcs. potatoes; 150 gr. meat; 1 PC. onion; salt.

Lubrication components: 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 4 tbsp sour cream; sl. oil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I peel potatoes and boil them in salt water. I bring in some milk to make gentle puree. Just do not make it very thick, because it can flow out.
  2. Greyu rast. oil in a frying pan and cut the minced meat. I enter sliced onion I put out the fire. Carcass until cooked, covering the mass with a lid.
  3. I add onions and meat to mashed potatoes, mix well, if necessary, you can add a little more salt.
  4. Sl. I soften the butter, mix with sour cream in a bowl. In a homogeneous mass I introduce flour, baking powder, salt. I knead. It should turn out plastic and keep its shape well. So cheesecakes can be molded very easily.
  5. I clean the dough in the cold, cover with a film for food and leave it there for 30 minutes.
  6. At the end of time, I divide the mass into parts. Each ball is a cake. I got 14 pcs. future pies. I put 2 tsp fillings on each cake, I don’t pour mashed potatoes on the edges so that 2 cm are free. They need to be arranged in the form of sides. The dough turns out to be very plastic, and therefore you should not pinch the dough, you just need to lift the edges up a little.
  7. I lubricate the form. oil, send baked at 200 gr. 40 minutes. The time will vary depending on your oven.
  8. I make grease for shanezhek from 4 tbsp. sour cream and 2 pcs. whipped chickens. eggs. Homogeneous mass 15 minutes before the end of the readiness of the dish, you need to smear each cheesecake. Don't be greedy. So the cheesecakes will become golden and ruddy in the oven.

The smell of baking will gather your whole family in the kitchen. After the cheesecake is ready, I advise you to grease the edges. oil, and therefore cover the pastries with a kitchen towel and leave alone for 10 minutes.

Of course, another option is not ruled out, when after lubrication sl. oil, you can immediately eat a delicious treat. Such pastries go well with hot tea or a cup of milk.

Recipe for shanezhka on kefir with potatoes

Cheesecakes can be baked even on kefir. The recipe will allow you to bake crispy salty pastries.

It is better to wrap them in kitchen towel to keep the pies softer longer. As a filling, you can use not only potatoes.

The dough recipe is suitable for shanezhka with greens, chickens. eggs or cottage cheese.

Components: 400 ml of kefir; 3 art. flour; 5 gr. soda; 30 gr. sl. oils; 5 gr. soda.

Filling ingredients: 30 gr. sl. oils; salt; 6 pcs. potatoes; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 100 ml sour cream and salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I boil the potatoes in salted water, then mash them. I dilute it with butter and let the filling cool. Mix with beaten chicken. egg.
  2. I pour kefir into a bowl, put salt, pour melted sl. oil and mix well. I bring flour and soda. The dough should not be tight, and therefore I advise you to introduce the flour carefully. It is necessary that the batch is soft, not sticky to the hands. In order for the dough to infuse, it is worth 30 minutes without touching it. Thus, the batch will be better and more pliable.
  3. I divide the mass into parts. I form sausages from neither and cut into pieces. I roll the pieces into round cakes so that they turn out to be about the size of an average saucer. Cheesecakes need to be made thin.
  4. The edges of the cakes are the future sides of the cheesecakes, and therefore I bend them accordingly. I put the filling in the center.
  5. I lubricate the growth. a baking sheet with oil, put the blanks, smear them with sour cream and send them to bake in the oven at 200 gr. 15 minutes will be enough.
  6. The pies will brown quickly. It is not worth overdoing them so that the baking is not tough. I grease the pastry. oil, cover with a towel on top and let stand for at least 5-10 minutes. Baking will turn out not only tasty, but will also melt in your mouth. Bon appetit everyone!

I advise you to try to cook delicious pastries at home yourself. On my site you will find many healthy recipes which are easy to prepare and do not require a lot of free time!

My video recipe

Curd cheesecakes are known to all. But not everyone knows about the existence of cheesecakes with a different filling. Do you want to surprise and at the same time deliciously feed your loved ones? Prepare potato fritters.
Classic shangi (as they are correctly called) are baked on yeast dough. You can cook it yourself or buy ready-made. But there is another, "cunning", type of cheesecakes with potatoes. They cook within 15 minutes and taste divine. We'll talk about all this.
Let's start with a test.

Yeast dough for cheesecakes

Cooking time: 1,5 hour.
Servings: about 1 kg.
Kitchen appliances: two medium-sized bowls, whisk, kitchen towel, utensils for melting butter.


Yeast Dough Secrets

  • Wheat flour (the highest grade or “extra”) must be sifted through a sieve: it will be saturated with air, the lumps will break, and the garbage will be sifted out.
  • Liquid ingredients at warm temperatures (up to 40°C) will help the dough rise. Hot - will stop the fermentation process.
  • Yeast dough loves long manual kneading, a cozy warm place without drafts and temperature changes. By covering it, you will create favorable conditions for lifting.
  • The same applies to baking: send products to a sufficiently preheated oven and do not look into it unnecessarily.

Step by step cooking dough for cheesecakes

Video of making yeast dough for cheesecakes

You don't need as much dough as shown in the video. Therefore, cook according to the recipe above. Pay attention to the consistency and learn a few more subtleties of a successful yeast dough.

This dough is also suitable for baking or will be perfectly combined in a cheesecake.

Cheesecakes with potatoes - shangi

Kitchen appliances: oven, large baking sheet, large sheet parchment paper, potato masher, a glass with a bottom with a diameter of 5-7 cm, a 2-liter saucepan, a bowl, a baking brush.


Step by step cooking potato fritters

Video of making cheesecakes

Pay attention to the average sizes of cheesecakes. Find out at what stage of cooking they need to be greased with mayonnaise.

Do you know that there are cheesecakes the size of a large baking sheet -? And there are cheesecakes like a pie -.

"Lazy" cheesecakes with potatoes

The recipe is intended for those who value their time.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Servings: 14-16 pieces.
Kitchen appliances: cutting board, oven, knife, small bowl, potato masher, baking brush, 2-liter saucepan.


Choosing a loaf

  • For the preparation of "lazy" cheesecakes, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band milk loaf is not suitable. You should stock up french bread, baguette or winkler. After baking, they will be crispy, and the puree will remain soft. This combination gives "lazy" cheesecakes an amazing taste.

Step by step cooking

Video of making "lazy" cheesecakes with potatoes

See how quickly this dish cooks. And the taste is not inferior to gourmet hot sandwiches.

Delicious Supplements

  • For a variety of taste, mix ground boiled meat, mushrooms, herbs, boiled eggs, slices of ham or sausage into the puree.
  • Sprinkle with grated cheese 5 minutes before the end of baking, pour over garlic sauce or melted butter.
  • Cover with thin strips of bacon.

Do you have any ideas on how to decorate or top up potato fritters? Tell us in the comments.