How to make fluffy mashed potatoes. Secrets of making delicious puree

Best Recipes mashed potatoes. Mashed Potato Secrets.

Mashed Potato Secrets

What could be easier than cooking mashed potatoes? But for some reason, not every housewife has it delicious. How to make mashed potatoes the right way?

Everyone knows that mashed potatoes are mashed boiled potatoes with butter and milk. It is usually used as a side dish, sometimes as a main dish for a child.
This is surprising, but some housewives turn out such a simple dish to look like a gray paste or a lumpy mass that gets stuck in the throat.

How to make mashed potatoes

The recipe for mashed potatoes is surprisingly simple:

Peel and boil potatoes, salting at the end of cooking;
Drain the water and mash the potatoes with a potato masher;
Add butter and milk;
Blend the puree well again.

Why do you sometimes have to choke on tasteless mashed potatoes? What is wrong with housewives?

Secrets of Delicious Mashed Potatoes

1. Potatoes must be cooked completely. Check with a fork, it should freely pierce the tubers.

2. There should be a lot of butter, and not a small piece in a huge pan.
Take at least 80-100 grams per pound of potatoes.
It is butter that makes the puree tender and gives a pleasant taste. creamy taste.
All kinds of butter substitutes, spreads and margarines are not the products that can be considered healthy.
And they won't make mashed potatoes delicious.

3. There should also be a lot of liquid in the puree. Usually it is warm milk.

Often on culinary sites you can find the statement: do not add cold milk to hot mashed potatoes - the mashed potatoes will turn gray. This is not always true, but rather not true at all.
The color of the puree depends on the variety of potatoes, and not on the temperature of the milk being poured.
There are varieties whose boiled tubers turn blue when cooled and retain this color, even if the cooled potatoes are heated.
If the puree is of this kind and it has cooled down from adding cold milk, there’s nothing to be done about it. In all other cases, the temperature of the milk does not really matter if the mashed potatoes are served immediately.
From yellow tubers, the puree turns yellow, from white tubers - yellowish-cream.

4. Boiled potatoes are not just crushed, they need to be turned into homogeneous mass without lumps. In fact, you need to whip the puree, then it will become like a cream.

Quite often it is advised to beat the puree with a mixer. However, an ordinary pulp with holes works great.
At first, the process is quite difficult: you need to crush all the potatoes, adding milk and butter, make sure that the hot liquid does not splash on your hands.

As the puree turns into a homogeneous mass, the process becomes easier - you need not stop there, but continue to beat vigorously further.
Mashed potatoes in front of the eyes becomes more magnificent, more creamy.
If at the beginning of the process it seemed liquidish, similar to porridge-slurry, then by the end it will become thicker.

What can be added to mashed potatoes?

To give a special taste, sour cream, cream, melted cheese are added to mashed potatoes.
Sometimes they drive in fresh a raw egg.

Someone likes mashed potatoes with a clove of garlic or grated Parmesan, and someone likes well-fried on vegetable oil onions or bacon.

Mashed potatoes are diet dish for children and the sick, and a popular side dish for meat and fish. In addition to potatoes, butter and milk, you can add a variety of ingredients to it.

How to choose mashed potatoes

Classic mashed potatoes are boiled and mashed potatoes with hot milk and butter.

To make mashed potatoes delicious, you need to follow a few rules. Potatoes should be from those varieties that loosen and crumble during cooking - “starchy”. If the tuber remains externally unchanged, although it is cooked, then such a potato is suitable for frying, but gentle puree it won't work out of it.

How to prepare mashed potatoes

First, the potatoes should be thoroughly peeled. This applies not only to the peel, but also to the “eyes”.
The pulp around them does not boil well, so you should not spoil your lunch or dinner, it is better to remove these places immediately.
Cooking whole potatoes for mashed potatoes is impractical.
It deserves to be cut.
In this case, the pieces should be approximately the same shape and size.
This will allow them to cook at the same time.
You also don’t need to cut it finely, otherwise you risk getting useless mashed potatoes.
All its nutrients and useful material will remain in the decoction.

Milk must be hot.

Puree likes to be whipped for a long time.
When it has a uniform creamy consistency, it means that it can be served on the table.
And if it is still far from homogeneity and creaminess, we work further with a pusher or blender. puree should only be served hot.
When heated, it loses its wonderful taste.

Best Mashed Potato Recipes

1. Boil potatoes for 10 minutes in water, then drain the water, pour boiling milk over it and bring to readiness. Mash into puree.

2. Mash potatoes. Mix sour cream with grated cheese and finely chopped garlic, season potatoes with this mixture. The mashed potatoes need to be held in the oven for a while so that the sour cream warms up.

3. Mash the potatoes, pour boiling chicken broth(by analogy with the recipe for mashed potatoes with milk), beat well.

4. Fill the puree with garlic crushed with herbs, dill seeds, diluted with melted butter.

5. Beat 1-2 egg yolks with a few tablespoons of sour cream, season with mashed potatoes with this mixture. If you are not sure about the quality of the eggs, then do not use this version of the dish. Otherwise, you run the risk of catching unpleasant, and even dangerous diseases.

6. Cracklings (roastings) with a small amount add melted fat to mashed potatoes and beat.

7. Cheese durum varieties grate on a fine grater. Slightly dilute the puree with boiling milk, add cheese and mix thoroughly. The volume of cheese should be about a quarter of the volume of puree.

8. Mash the potatoes, add a piece of butter, mix with finely chopped greens (dill, green onion, parsley) and garlic.

9. Pour a handful of crushed walnuts into mashed potatoes diluted with milk.

From potatoes quickly and tasty? This question is often of interest to those who want to pamper their loved ones with delicious and hearty lunch. It is worth noting that today there are many options for how to cook such a side dish. Today we will look at just a few ways that you can use to serve a dish to a regular dinner or festive table. However, I still want to start with the classic way.

Delicious and airy crumpled potatoes (mashed potatoes): recipe

To make such hearty side dish you need to purchase the following items:

  • medium potato tubers - 6-9 pcs.;
  • fresh fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter not rancid butter - 60 g;
  • large chicken egg - 1 or 2 pcs. (optional);
  • ground - a few pinches (add to taste).

Preparation of the main ingredients

Subject to all the requirements for the preparation of the presented side dish, you will definitely get a tasty and tender mashed potatoes. Puree with milk and butter is classic version creating such a dish. But before proceeding to the direct crushing of boiled vegetables, they should be well processed.

To do this, you need to clean all the purchased tubers and cut in half. You should also pour fresh water into a separate metal bowl. fat milk and pour in the butter. These ingredients must be brought to a boil so that cooking oil melted completely. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only after the potatoes are boiled. After all, it is desirable to add milk dressing to vegetables hot.

Heat treatment and mashing

How to make mashed potatoes? To do this, fill a deep saucepan with water (half), add to it table salt and bring to a boil over high heat. After that, carefully place the peeled vegetables in the hot liquid. Next, you need to wait for the water to boil again, and then mix the tubers with a spoon (so as not to stick to the bottom), close the lid, set the fire to the minimum value and cook in this state for about 25-30 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid must be completely drained, and the chicken egg should be broken into the remaining hot vegetables and thoroughly mashed into an air puree. During this procedure, be sure to pour boiled milk with melted butter to the potatoes and add a pinch of fragrant ground pepper. As a result of such actions, you should get a gentle and airy puree without a single lump.

Proper serving of potato side dish to the table

Now you know how to make mashed potatoes classic recipe. Serve such a side dish to the table should be hot, along with fried chicken, sausages, meatballs, goulash, gravy and other ingredients.

How to cook mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes) in a slow cooker?

Making such a side dish in a modern kitchen device is no more difficult than on a stove. However, this dish is much tastier. Indeed, for its preparation, you should use a special mode, where vegetables are slowly stewed with the minimum amount water. Moreover, in such a dish it is recommended to put additional fragrant spices and garlic.

So, for cooking we need:

  • small potato tubers - 6-9 pcs.;
  • fresh fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • coarse table salt - ½ large spoon (add to taste);
  • ground allspice - a few pinches (add to taste)
  • refined olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh garlic cloves - 2 large pieces;
  • fresh parsley - a few branches;
  • coriander, saffron - a couple of pinches;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g.

Food preparation

Before mashing potatoes, you should take small tubers, peel them and leave them in cold water for a while. Next, you need to grate fresh garlic cloves, mix them together with refined olive oil, as well as ground allspice, saffron and coriander. After that, it is required to grind the Parmesan cheese separately and, having mixed milk with butter, bring them to a boil.

Heat treatment of the dish

Peeled potato tubers must be placed in the bowl of the device, and then pour a little water (1-1.5 cups) into them, season with salt and turn on the stew mode for 30 minutes. After this time, it is required to drain the excess liquid from the container, and then put the garlic-spicy mass, grated cheese, break the chicken egg and pour in boiled milk with butter. Next, all the ingredients must be strongly crushed into an air puree. As a result, you will get a fragrant and very tasty side dish that can be served with any meat product, gravy or sausages.

Other Ways to Make Mashed Potatoes

How delicious to cook potatoes? Puree from such a hearty and starchy vegetable can be made using different ingredients. Consider some original ways in details.

Useful information

Recently, it has become very fashionable to use a blender. We do not recommend using this kitchen device to prepare such a side dish. Indeed, under the influence of high speeds, starch, thoroughly mixing with chicken egg, butter and milk, becomes more sticky, as a result of which the puree turns into a viscous dough, a little like a second course.

Mashed potatoes are a side dish that cooks the fastest and is considered the most favorite among the Slavic peoples. In words, even children know how to cook mashed potatoes, but in practice, even experienced housewives it rarely comes out airy and creamy. Some sin on the "wrong" potatoes, others explain the failure by adding a small amount of milk. Indeed, there are a lot of nuances in the preparation of this dish, but knowing them, you can pamper your relatives. delicious side dish at least every day.

Stage 1. We select the products from which we will prepare mashed potatoes

All of them are available and are in every kitchen. So, according to the recipe, we take:

  1. Potato, but not young, but one that was stored in the cellar for at least 1-2 months after being dug up. As for the variety, it is advisable to take starchy varieties of potatoes for cooking. Checking if the tuber is rich in starch is simple: cut it into two halves and rub it against each other. If they are tightly fastened together, then the puree will come out of them excellent!
  2. Butter with a fat content of at least 80%. This ingredient will give ready meal delicate creamy taste and creamy texture.
  3. Milk. Let's make a reservation right away - you can do without it (for example, if you are afraid that the puree will quickly turn sour or want to reduce the calorie content of the side dish). In general, milk is added so that the mashed potatoes are not dry and do not come across small granular crumbs.
  4. Egg white. It is always added to the recipe for mashed potatoes by French chefs to give the dish airiness.

Now about the amount of this or that ingredient.


  • Potato -1 kg. (6-8 medium sized tubers)
  • Butter - 50-100 gr.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste.

Stage 2. Cook potatoes

  1. Armed with a brush, we wash the tubers from the ground under running water. We remove the peel, cut out the eyes and spoiled places with the tip of a knife. We cut the potato into halves or even quarters and lay it in already boiling water. A few words about the amount of water: if you cook according to the classic recipe, then it should only cover the potatoes.
  2. We make a small fire, close the pan with a lid and cook the potatoes for 20-25 minutes, but it’s better to focus not on mean numbers (after all, each variety has its own cooking time), but on the state of the potato: if a knife / fork easily enters it, then the water can be drained . Yes, almost ready potatoes need to be salted.

Step 3. Push and beat the mashed potatoes

Step 4. Serve the airy mashed potatoes.

We put a pile of puree on a plate (for example, as in our photo), make a deepening in the center and put it in a piece of butter. If desired, you can sprinkle the side dish with chopped herbs.

cook by basic recipe you can also use holiday mashed potatoes, but you will have to decorate it in a special way. We will offer only two options: turn a pile of mashed potatoes into a volcano (fiery lava can easily be replaced tomato sauce), or make a "cobweb" and place a miniature spider on it.

The above puree recipe is a classic, but even on its basis you can make an original one. appearance garnish. So, you can stew spinach until soft, then chop it in a blender and add it during cooking - the puree will come out bright green. The air mass will be orange if you cook and beat potatoes with carrots, and pink if you add beetroot juice. Men will like mashed potatoes with cracklings and fried onions, bacon, mushrooms or mustard. Gourmets should try cooking mashed potatoes in French or Italian recipe. According to them, grated is added to the whipped mass. nutmeg(French version), or tomatoes, olive oil, tomatoes and ricotta cheese.

Mashed potatoes are universal garnish to any dish: meat or vegetable. It is served with meatballs, cutlets, it goes well with meat goulash, vegetable stew and fish. Mashed potatoes are an excellent diet dish and are recommended for those who have some digestive problems. It contains a lot of starch, which has a healing effect on the stomach and intestines. Specialists in diet food recommend preparing mashed potatoes for breakfast and serving it with an omelette and a salad of fresh vegetables, for example, from cabbage and carrots with the addition of apples.

In order for mashed potatoes to turn out delicious, you need to choose certain varieties of potatoes for it. Potatoes with yellow flesh are best suited, in such tubers there is a lot of starch, which makes mashed potatoes crumbly and rich in taste.

How to cook mashed potatoes properly?

For one serving we need products:

  • medium-sized potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • the yolk of one very fresh egg;
  • milk or potato broth - 50 ml;
  • salt;
  • a tablespoon (level) of butter;
  • for decoration: dill sprigs.

Cooking the right mashed potatoes

  1. Peeled potato tubers are cut into 4 parts and put to boil in boiling water. Salt the water at the rate of 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter. water. Cooking time for starchy potatoes is 15 minutes.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, wash the eggs. To do this, you need to take a little soda (about a teaspoon), add a few drops of water and wipe the egg shell thoroughly, and then rinse with water. Next, you need to separate the yolk from the protein. Break the egg and separate the yolk by pouring it from one part of the shell to another over a bowl. The protein will remain in the bowl.
  3. Drain the potato broth into a bowl (we still need it).
  4. Puree the potatoes in a blender or with a potato masher. Boiled potatoes turn into mashed potatoes very easily. Put the butter into the hot puree.
  5. We add milk or potato broth to the puree, the yolk, if necessary, add additional salt.

Thus, it turns out very tasty and rich puree, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Enjoy your meal!

Did you like the recipe? Then see mine.

Mashed potatoes can be served as a side dish with fish and meat dishes, and can be used in the preparation of casseroles or rolls. To make mashed potatoes delicious, you need to know the secrets of its preparation.

How to make mashed potatoes - what to look for

secrets delicious puree:

  • For mashed potatoes, use potatoes that boil well.
  • Before cooking, peel the potatoes from the skin and hold them for 30 minutes in cold water.
  • Put potatoes of the same size in the pan or cut the potatoes into equal pieces.
  • Do not add salt when boiling potatoes. Add it to the already prepared puree.
  • Turn potatoes into puree immediately after boiling them, i.e. very hot.
  • In order for the puree to turn out tender and tasty, pour boiling milk or cream into it when pushing the potatoes.
  • Add butter or margarine to the puree already melted and hot.
  • To prepare puree, use a special stainless steel pusher with holes. Do not use a blender - it will turn the potatoes into a viscous mass.
  • You can flavor mashed potatoes not only with milk and butter, but also with any finely chopped greens.

How to make regular mashed potatoes

  • Pour water over the potatoes so that it covers the top layer by one finger. Bring the potatoes to a boil and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Readiness is determined with a sharp thin knife - it should easily pierce the potatoes.
  • Use a potato masher to mash potatoes until smooth. At the same time, pour in as much milk or cream as thick or thin you want the puree to be. For 1 kg of liquid potatoes, you will need from 1.5 to 2 glasses.
  • Pour melted butter (from 50 to 100 g) into the resulting puree and add salt to taste. Stir the puree with a spoon.

Before serving, keep mashed potatoes in hot oven but not more than 30 minutes.

How to make mashed potatoes

For 4 parts of potatoes, take 1 part of carrots (800 and 200 g). Cut the peeled carrots into cubes and boil in a separate bowl until soft. Pour out the water, and wipe the carrots through a strainer. Make mashed potatoes according to the recipe above. Stir in the potatoes and carrot puree with the oil.

In the same way, you can make mashed potatoes with beets or spinach. You will then get purple and green puree. Colored puree it is good to cook for children who are capricious at the table and do not like potato dishes.

How to make spicy mashed potatoes

Such mashed potatoes are served in the most fashionable restaurants and it costs decent money. But it is very easy to prepare it at home:

  • Take a head of garlic and cut it in half lengthwise. Lay the garlic on a sheet of foil and add 10 cm of the white part of the leek to it. Water the vegetables olive oil and wrap the foil. Bake them in a hot oven for 25-30 minutes. After the onions and garlic are soft, smash them in a blender. Peel the garlic before this.
  • In a blender, chop a bunch of parsley and a bunch of cilantro.
  • Make regular mashed potatoes, but instead of milk, add boiling clean water to it, and instead of butter- olive oil.
  • Mix mashed potatoes, mashed garlic and onions, mashed greens. Don't forget to season the dish with salt and pepper.

It turns out very tasty mashed potatoes with the addition of celery root. Vegetables can be taken equally and cook them together. Once the potatoes and celery are tender, use any of the recipes in this article.