How to roast walnuts. Recipes for roasting nuts of different varieties

Step 1: prepare the walnuts.

To begin with, we get nuts, it is better that they are in the shell, it is very easy to get rid of it, you just need to put this miracle of nature in the freezer for 1 hour, and then split it. But if you found only peeled ones, then it is better to check them for taste so that they are not rancid. After this, we sort out the kernels, remove small fragments, divide the nuts into halves or quarters, transfer them to a colander and rinse thoroughly under running warm running water. Then we leave them for a while in the sink to drain excess liquid, then dry them with paper kitchen towels and choose one of the frying options.

Step 2: fry the walnuts - option one.

The first way is pretty simple. We put a dry deep frying pan on medium heat and let it warm up well. Then we spread the dried nuts there, it is better that they lie in one layer.

Cook them until brown and crackling, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. This process will take approximately 20 to 25 minutes, but if the pieces are small, then they will cook even faster in 10–15 minutes.

As soon as they reach the desired consistency, a pleasant fried aroma will bloom in the kitchen, immediately transfer the kernels to a plate and cool.

Step 3: fry the walnuts - option two.

The second method is more painstaking, but no less tasty. Turn on and preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Then line a non-stick baking sheet with aluminum foil, parchment or baking paper, or spray with non-stick spray. Then we spread the prepared ones there in an even layer. walnuts and send them to a preheated oven for 7–10 minutes, depending on how much you want to brown them.

After the first 5 minutes mix the kernels with a special heat-resistant spatula, try and, if necessary, keep in the oven until the desired taste.

After they smell fried, with the help of kitchen tacks we rearrange the baking sheet on the countertop, immediately transfer the nuts to a heat-resistant dish and cool until room temperature.

Step 4: fry the walnuts - option three.

The third method is suitable for hostesses who have a microwave. We shift the prepared dried nuts into a special heat-resistant dish, so that they lie in 1-2 layers, and put in the oven. We turn on the kitchen appliance at full power and fry the pieces of kernels for 2 minutes. Then mix them with a heat-resistant spatula and try. Not ready? Then we send them back to the microwave, if there is no rotating tray in the oven, turn the dishes 180 degrees and again keep the kernels in the kitchen appliance 2 minutes at high power.

Then, if desired, repeat the process one or two more times, that is, it will take 6–8 minutes in total. After this time, they will reach the desired consistency, and you will feel the pleasant aroma of fried.

After the oven is completely finished, use a tea towel to remove the nuts from it, transfer them to a clean, dry dish and cool.

Step 5: Serve the roasted walnuts.

After cooking, roasted walnuts are condemned and served in special vases as a dessert or used in the preparation of other equally delicious dishes. For example, put them in baking, bread dough, salads, pasta, yogurt and some soups. Season this yummy stew, poultry, fish or game. And they also sandwich cakes, pies with such nuts, add to fresh and sweet stuffing for cakes, pastries, decorate them with dairy desserts and ice cream. Enjoy!
Bon Appetit!

Nuts that are fried in a pan can be sprinkled with salt, sugar, spicy spices or sprinkle with sugar syrup;

If your microwave oven very high power, then it is better to fry the nuts until fully cooked at intervals of 20 seconds. The times indicated in the recipe are based on a 750W oven! Also, it is impossible to use the kernels immediately after such preparation, they must be allowed to cool completely, otherwise it can lead to a burn of the mouth;

Nuts are often roasted in in large numbers fat. Then lay them out on paper. kitchen towel and sprinkle with the mixture powdered sugar and vanilla, cinnamon or ginger;

You are not going to use roasted nuts straightaway? Then they should be stored in dry paper packaging, in a cool place, such as a pantry.

Nuts are traditionally used in the preparation of cakes and other confectionery. With their help, you can give aroma and special taste to pastries. In addition, the nuts are perfectly combined with other ingredients used in the preparation of our cakes, making them special. There are a lot of options for using nuts in baking, the choice of a specific one depends on the type of product and the variety of the nut. For example, kernels can be added to the dough, sprinkled on the surface of cakes. Nuts are also used in crushed or whole form, roasted or raw. Roasted give more bright aroma, and raw are suitable for diet cakes.

Types of nuts and their use in baking

The most popular varieties of nuts used in the preparation of dough products:

1) Walnut. Considered most helpful due to content leadership fatty acids and vitamin E. By the color of the kernel, you can determine the grade: the lighter it is, the higher the walnut grade. The fact that the nut is ripe is evidenced by the moist sheen of its kernel. For preliminary cleaning before making cakes, the walnut is placed in salted water (for several hours), after which the kernels are washed and dried. In baking, walnuts are widely used, combined with any type of dough, different types creams, dried fruits. Most often it is used in crushed or grated form, but not fried. Walnuts are used in cake fillings, as a sprinkle, decorations.

2) Almonds. Sweet almonds are used in baking, both roasted and dried, whole or pre-chopped. In addition to adding to the dough, in the form of powder, pastes and fillers are made from almond kernels, which are the basis of layers of cakes.
An alternative to almonds in baking are kernels apricot kernels, similar in shape and taste, but differing in lower calorie content.

3) Hazelnut. As a rule, before adding to baking, the kernels are cleaned not only from the shell, but also from the brown shell. Perfectly combines hazelnuts with chocolate and butter cream. Before cooking, the kernels are fried - for flavor.

4) Pistachios. The pleasant and sweet taste of pistachios makes them excellent ingredient for cake and pastries. Also, these nuts are distinguished by a beautiful greenish color, which allows them to be used as decoration.

5) Peanut- the leader in protein content among nuts. Combines with any confectionery. Our company uses it in the form of grated pastes, whole, fried and raw.

Roasted walnuts are fatter and richer in flavor than raw walnuts. Although roasted shelled nuts are preferred over roasted shelled nuts due to the fact that the shells are difficult to remove, roasted shelled walnuts often retain a more natural nutty flavor.


Roasted nuts in the oven (peeled)

    Preheat oven to 190°C. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Non-stick spray will also work.

    Take the walnuts out of the shell. Ideally, the shelled walnuts will be cut into halves or quarters. Whole walnuts will not roast evenly, while pieces smaller than quarters may over-roast and burn as a result. Spread the walnuts in a single layer to cook evenly.

    Roast the walnuts until brown. At this temperature, walnuts only need to be roasted for 5-10 minutes, especially if they are small pieces. Check the walnuts after the first 5 minutes to make sure they haven't started to burn. You can even toss them with a heat-resistant spatula to ensure the nuts roast evenly.

    Take out the walnuts and let them cool. As soon as the nuts smell of fried, it's time to get them - they are ready. Remove them from the oven and transfer to a heatproof bowl while they are still warm. Enjoy them warm or at room temperature, but wait until the nuts are cool and not hot to the touch.

    Roasted nuts on the stove (peeled)

    1. Heat up a large skillet. Place the skillet on the stove and heat it over medium heat. Use only dry heat, as there is enough fat and oil in the walnuts to fry them. Therefore, there is no need to use non-stick spray, vegetable oil or butter.

      Pour the walnuts into the skillet. Shelled walnuts will roast best when cut into halves or quarters, but since the roasting process is easier to control on the stovetop, you can use smaller pieces if desired. Try to keep the nuts in one layer so they toast evenly.

      Stir often. If you stir often, the nuts will fry. equal amount time, and as a result you will get evenly roasted nuts, and there will be either no burnt at all, or there will be very little. You can take short breaks between stirring - most importantly, make sure that the nuts do not burn during this time.

      Cook until brown. The process will only take about 5 minutes, but if you have small pieces, they will cook even faster. After that, the walnuts will be dark brown in color and smell like roasted.

      Remove from fire. When the nuts are ready, immediately remove them from the pan. Otherwise, they will continue to fry on the hot metal. Transfer them to a heat-resistant bowl or dish and let them cool until they reach your desired serving temperature.

      Microwave roasted nuts (peeled)

      1. Place the nuts in a glass bowl made specifically for the microwave. A microwaveable dish works well, but you can use any other bowl that is labeled microwave safe. Just add enough walnuts to cover the bottom of the dish in one layer. To roast nuts better, use halves or quarters.

        Microwave on high power for 1 minute. Check the walnuts to make sure none are burned. Stir them around with a heat-resistant spatula to make sure each nut cooks evenly. If your microwave does not have a turntable, turn the dish 180 degrees before continuing to fry.

        Cook the walnuts for another minute on high power. Smell them to see if they're cooked. If the nuts are microwaved, they won't be brown, but they will still smell of roast.

        Microwave in 20 second intervals as needed. After the first 2 minutes of cooking, this is no longer necessary, but may be useful if the halves are particularly large.

        Let the walnuts cool slightly before serving. You don't want to burn yourself or any of your guests in the mouth.

      Preparation of nuts (in shell)

      Oven roasted nuts (in shell)

        Preheat oven to 180°C. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with non-stick aluminum foil or parchment paper.

        Arrange the walnuts on a baking sheet in a single layer. In order for the walnuts to roast evenly, you should arrange them in a single layer, not in a bunch. It will be better if the nuts do not touch a friend, but in this case they will still roast well. For best results, arrange the nuts so that the "x" mark on the shell is on top. The sign must not be upright and must not be covered by a baking sheet or other nuts.

        Roast the walnuts for 10 minutes. The nuts should continue to be roasted until they are fragrant and darker in color. The shell must also be slightly turned over to the “x” mark. You may have to cook the nuts for up to 15 minutes, but they tend to roast a little faster in the shell - often 10 minutes is enough.

        Stir nuts halfway through cooking. This is not necessary, but it will cook them evenly and cook thoroughly. Use a spatula as the nuts and baking sheet will be too hot to touch with your hand. Make sure the "x" mark on each shell is still visible and uncovered.

      Roasted nuts on the stove (in shell)

        Heat a large, dry skillet. The pan should be heated over medium heat. Let it warm up for about five minutes to make sure it warms up thoroughly. Do not use vegetable oil or non-stick spray, since the nuts themselves contain enough oil to cook through. However, it would be nice to use a non-stick pan.

        Put the walnuts into the skillet. Arrange the nuts in a single layer - we do not recommend frying a large batch that forms a multi-layered pile. Usually, good idea- start cooking nuts in a position where the "x" is looking up as far as possible more nuts, but this is not so important, since the walnuts do not stay in the same position for a long time.

        Stir nuts frequently. After the first minute or two, start stirring the nuts. Breaks of 30 seconds or so can be taken between stirring, but for the most part the nuts should be stirred continuously to ensure even and thorough toasting. Use a heat resistant spatula.

A product such as walnut is very popular. It has become everyone's favorite delicacy thanks to the many useful properties, good taste. Knowing how to roast walnuts, you can cook a product with a pronounced aroma and a special taste. There are several ways to prepare this product. It can be fried in a pan, in the microwave, in the oven, with or without shells.

Cooking methods without shells

In the process of demonstrating how to roast walnuts, the main product remains quite tasty with all its useful properties preserved. For frying you need:

  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with foil or parchment. If there is a non-stick spray, then you can not use foil, parchment. Separate the shell from the nuts, divide the kernels into 2-4 parts. Whole kernels will be difficult to fry evenly.
  3. Spread the product on a baking sheet in one even layer.
  4. Cook nuts until brown. The process will take approximately 10 minutes.
  5. Readiness can be recognized by the characteristic smell.
  6. Remove the nuts from the oven, wait until they cool, you can start eating.

Even a novice cook knows how to roast walnuts in a pan, because the process does not require any specific manipulations, ingredients, or culinary skills. We just remind you:

  1. Turn on medium heat on the stove. Heat up the pan.
  2. Since the product contains a sufficient amount of fat, it is not necessary to use oil.
  3. The product should be divided into several parts, pour into a heated pan.
  4. To prevent the nuts from starting to burn, you will need to stir them constantly.
  5. The frying time takes approximately 5 minutes until the product is brown.
  6. After cooking, remove the nuts from the stove and pour them into a dry dish to prevent them from burning in a still hot pan.

Cooking in the microwave

by the most in a simple way cooking is to use a microwave oven. Walnuts in the microwave cook quickly, with even roasting. The main thing is not to overexpose them in the oven for too long and follow the instructions:

  1. Pour the purified product into a glass dish. For cooking, any container marked safe for use in the microwave is suitable.
  2. The nuts should cover the entire bottom of the plate for even toasting.
  3. Set the maximum power of the oven, and the duration of the procedure for 1 minute.
  4. After a minute, you need to check the degree of roasting. If required, repeat the procedure.
  5. A feature of cooking in the microwave is that the nuts will not acquire a brown tint, but only a pleasant aroma.

Roasting nuts in the oven

Cooking unshelled nuts in the oven:

  1. Pre-turn on the oven, preheat to 200 degrees.
  2. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet.
  3. Spread the nuts in one even layer on the frying pan.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 10 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes, stir.
  6. Fry for another 10-15 minutes, until a characteristic smell appears.
  7. It is necessary to mix the product so that the degree of frying is uniform.
  8. Pour nuts into a bowl and let cool.

If you know how to fry walnuts correctly, you can cook tasty dish, which has a long shelf life and will appeal to all household members.

Method 8: Roasted nuts in the oven (peeled) Roasted nuts on the stove (peeled) Roasted nuts in the microwave (peeled) Preparing nuts (in shell) Roasted nuts in the oven (in shell) Roasted nuts on the stove (in shell) Roasted nuts in microwave oven (in shell) Deshelling (for nuts in shell)

Roasted walnuts are fatter and richer in flavor than raw walnuts. Although roasted shelled nuts are preferred over roasted shelled nuts due to the fact that the shells are difficult to remove, roasted shelled walnuts often retain a more natural nutty flavor.


Method 1 of 8: Oven Roasted Nuts (Peeled)

  1. 1 Preheat oven to 190°C. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with aluminum foil or parchment paper. Non-stick spray will also work.
  2. 2 Take the walnuts out of the shell. Ideally, the shelled walnuts will be cut into halves or quarters. Whole walnuts will not roast evenly, while pieces smaller than quarters may over-roast and burn as a result. The walnuts should be spread out in a single layer to cook evenly.
  3. 3 Roast the walnuts until brown. At this temperature, walnuts should only roast for 5-10 minutes, especially if they are small pieces. Check the walnuts after the first 5 minutes to make sure they haven't started to burn. You can even toss them with a heat-resistant spatula to improve even browning.
  4. 4 Take out the walnuts and let them cool. After the walnuts smell roasted, they are ready. Remove them from the oven and transfer to a heatproof bowl while they are still warm. Enjoy them warm or at room temperature, but you should at least wait until the nuts are cool and not hot to the touch.

Method 2 of 8: Stovetop Roasted Nuts (Peeled)

  1. 1 Heat up a large skillet. Place the skillet on the stove and heat it over medium heat. Use only dry heat, as there is enough fat and oil in the walnuts to fry them. Therefore, you should not use non-stick spray, vegetable oil or butter.
  2. 2 Pour the walnuts into the skillet. Shelled walnuts will roast best when cut into halves or quarters, but since the roasting process is easier to control on the stovetop, you can use smaller pieces if desired. Try to keep the nuts in a single layer to promote even toasting.
  3. 3 Stir often. Stirring the walnuts allows them to roast for an equal amount of time, resulting in evenly toasted walnuts and fewer burnt nuts. It's best to stir them constantly, but you can let the nuts rest a bit while you watch them.
  4. 4 Cook until brown. The process will only take about 5 minutes, but if you have small pieces, they will cook even faster. After that, the walnuts will be dark brown in color and smell like roasted.
  5. 5 Remove from fire. When the nuts are ready, immediately remove them from the pan. Otherwise, they will continue to fry on the hot metal. Transfer them to a heat-resistant bowl or dish and let them cool until they reach your desired serving temperature.

Method 3 of 8: Microwave Roasted Nuts (Peeled)

  1. 1 Put the nuts in the microwave in a glass bowl. A microwaveable dish works well, but any other dish that is labeled as microwave safe can be used. Just add enough walnuts to cover the bottom of the dish in one layer. To roast nuts better, use halves or quarters.
  2. 2 Microwave on high power for 1 minute. Check the walnuts to make sure none are burned. Stir them around with a heat-resistant spatula to make sure each nut cooks evenly. If your microwave does not have a turntable, turn the dish 180 degrees before continuing to fry.
  3. 3 Cook the walnuts for another minute on high power. Smell them to see if they're cooked. If the nuts are microwaved, they won't be brown, but they will still smell of roast.
  4. 4 Microwave in 20 second intervals as needed. After the first 2 minutes of cooking, this is no longer necessary, but may be useful if the halves are particularly large.
  5. 5 Let the walnuts cool slightly before serving. Eating them directly from the microwave oven can burn your mouth.

Method 4 of 8: Preparing Nuts (Inshell)

  1. 1 Inspect the shell for cracks and holes. While it may be tempting to select walnuts with cracks in the shell so that they are easier to peel after toasting, shells with cracks or holes will not protect the kernel inside, and as a result, there is a higher chance that the walnuts will become rancid or lose some of their flavor. .
  2. 2 Rinse the walnuts. Even though the heat has likely destroyed most of the contaminants on the walnut shell, it's more hygienic to start with clean nuts. Peel nuts by rinsing them under running water warm water. If you notice any stuck dirt, gently scrape the walnut shell with a vegetable brush. Let the nuts air dry before toasting.
  3. 3 Cut out a small "x" in the shell. Using a sharp, serrated knife, cut a small "x" into one side of the walnut. One of the main reasons why people tend to remove the shells before toasting the nuts is that the shells are a bit harder to remove after heating. To make it easier to peel the shell, carve an "x" into the shell before frying.

Method 5 of 8: Oven Roasted Nuts (Inshell)

  1. 1 Preheat oven to 180°C. Prepare a baking sheet by covering it with non-stick aluminum foil or parchment paper.
  2. 2 Arrange the walnuts on a baking sheet in a single layer. To make sure the walnuts roast evenly, you should spread them all out in one layer, rather than letting them sit in a pile. It's best if the nuts don't touch each other, but even if they touch each other, they'll still roast well. For best results, arrange the nuts so that the "x" mark on the shell is on top. The sign must not be upright and must not be covered by a baking sheet or other nuts.
  3. 3 Roast the walnuts for 10 minutes. The nuts should continue to be roasted until they are fragrant and darker in color. The shell must also be slightly turned over to the "x" mark. You may have to cook the nuts for up to 15 minutes, but they tend to roast slightly faster in their shells, often 10 minutes is sufficient.
  4. 4 Stir nuts halfway through cooking. This is not necessary, but stirring the nuts will ensure they cook evenly and thoroughly. Use a spatula as the nuts and baking sheet will be too hot to touch with your hand. Make sure the "x" mark on each shell can still be seen and is not covered.

Method 6 of 8: Roasted Nuts on the Stove (In the Shell)

  1. 1 Heat a large, dry skillet. The pan should be heated over medium heat. Let it warm up for about five minutes to make sure it warms up thoroughly. Do not use vegetable oil or non-stick spray, as the nuts themselves contain enough oil to cook through. However, it would be nice to use a non-stick pan.
  2. 2 Put the walnuts into the skillet. Arrange the nuts in a single layer, as it is not recommended to fry a large batch that forms a layered pile. It's usually a good idea to start cooking the nuts in a position where the "x" is facing up on as many nuts as possible, but this isn't essential since the walnuts don't stay in the same position for long.
  3. 3 Stir nuts frequently. After the first minute or two, start stirring the nuts. They can rest in 30 second intervals or so, and for the most part, the nuts should be stirred continuously to ensure even and thorough toasting. Use a heat resistant spatula.
  4. 4 Remove nuts from hot surface after 10 minutes. The process may take a little longer or a little less depending on how hot the heating elements are on your stove. As soon as the nuts begin to toast and become very fragrant, they are ready and need to be removed. You should also remove them from the pan, as they will continue to cook in it even after they have been removed from the heat.

Method 7 of 8: Microwave Roasted Nuts (In Shell)

  1. 1 Arrange the nuts in a single layer on a microwave safe dish. Any dish is suitable for the microwave, but a glass or metal dish is especially convenient because it has a high wall. Arrange the nuts in a single layer for even toasting, and make sure the "x" mark on the shell is not covered by other nuts or on the bottom of the nut.
  2. 2 Cook nuts in 1 minute intervals until cooked through. The walnuts should be cooked on full power and there should be several intervals until toasting is complete. The shell will not darken as when the nuts are roasted in the oven or on the stove, but they will become fragrant and the shell should start to peel slightly from the cut out part of the "x".
  3. 3 Stir nuts from time to time. Stirring the nuts allows them to roast evenly. Try to mix the nuts so that as many of the "x"s are on top as possible, but even if the marks are covered, the nuts should still roast without too much trouble.

Method 8 of 8: Deshelling (for inshell nuts)

  1. 1 Let the nuts cool down a bit. Roasted nuts taste best when served warm, so don't let them cool to room temperature. They will be hot after they are roasted, and if you take the nuts right away, this can lead to burns. Wait until the nuts are cool enough to handle comfortably in your hand.
  2. 2 Clean up the "x" corners. The shell should have started peeling off near the "x" mark by now while the nuts are roasting. Grab the corners with your fingers and peel the softened shell. The shell may still be a bit of a problem, but only your fingers will help.
  3. 3 Use the nutcracker only when necessary. If the shell is still hard to peel, carefully crack it open with a nutcracker, as if the nuts were still raw. Press down carefully though, roasted nuts tend to be slightly softer than raw and fall apart more easily.
  4. 4 Wipe the walnuts with a towel. Use a clean kitchen towel or paper towel. Run the towel over the nuts with gentle but quick strokes to remove the bitter skin.
  5. 5 Serve warm. If necessary, you can store roasted nuts in the refrigerator or freezer, but most people prefer warm roasted nuts over cold ones.
  • Roasted nuts can be eaten on their own or used as toppings for other dishes. Try using them as an ingredient in salads, pasta dishes, bakery products, yogurt, ice cream, soup, stir-fry or any other dish that you could sprinkle raw nuts on top.

What will you need

  • baking sheet
  • Aluminum foil or parchment paper
  • shoulder blade
  • Pan
  • Microwavable plate or other dish