How long does draft beer last? What is the shelf life of beer in different containers.

Any kind of alcoholic beverage to preserve its properties requires proper conditions storage. In particular, organic-based drinks, which include beer, are the most demanding in terms of keeping conditions.

Given this fact, the length of the period for which beer can be stored will depend on the conditions of detention, as well as the type of product. How long the beer can be stored in the fridge will also depend on the condition of the bottle (for example, open beer keeps much less than corked beer) and the type of product obtained. In particular, draft beer, due to the impossibility of ensuring strict sanitary conditions, cannot be stored for a long time.

How to store beer at home

For the longest shelf life of this product, low temperature storage is desirable. Respectively, the best option for home conditions is the storage of beer in the refrigerator.

The range at which temperature to store beer is from 10 to 12°C.

In addition, there are a number of additional requirements for the place where beer is stored.

Listed below are a number of conditions for beer industrial production bottled in glass bottles.

  • Beer bottles must be upright.
  • The place where it is planned to store beer should be darkened, since when light hits the bottle, the period for which this product can be stored is significantly reduced.
  • The storage temperature must be constant, if there are temperature fluctuations, the shelf life of the product will decrease.
  • The level of temperature at which beer can be stored depends on the proportion of alcohol in such a drink. In particular, beer with an average alcohol content can be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 10 to 12 °C. Strong beer can be stored in the refrigerator at 12 to 15°C. Low-alcohol beer is stored at a temperature of 7 to 10 °C.

How long a beer will remain fit for drinking depends both on the type and variety of the product itself, as well as where it is planned to be stored and at what temperature.

Most beers offered in stores have a shelf life of up to six months. Some expensive varieties may remain valid for up to 5 years.

It is worth noting that live beer, due to the presence of an active fermentation process, cannot be stored in the refrigerator. At low temperatures, the yeast culture is likely to die and the beer will become unusable.

The duration of the period for storing live beer is from two to three days. With longer storage, live beer loses its taste.

Below we will consider in more detail how long beer can be stored depending on the variety, type of container and other factors.

How to store beer in glass bottles

The most commonly used container for this drink are glass bottles. When placing them in storage, it is necessary to ensure a vertical position so that the beer does not touch the lid. The temperature, terms and requirements for the place where to store beer in glass bottles are similar to those indicated above.

How to store beer in plastic bottles

It is worth knowing that the period for which beer can be stored in a plastic bottle is somewhat inferior to the shelf life of the product in a glass container. In most cases, with industrial bottling in a plastic bottle, the shelf life is not significantly less or not inferior at all to that for beer bottled in glass containers. But given the latest chemical engineering research, it is necessary to try to store beer in a plastic bottle for a minimum period of time.

How to store beer in kegs

Conditions and terms of storage of beer in kegs actually coincide with the general requirements. The ideal temperature for storing beer in kegs is from +10 to +20 degrees. Remember that beer in kegs does not like large temperature changes.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that, as for other types of containers, open beer is stored for a minimum period. In most cases, it is necessary to consume the drink after depressurization of the container for 12, maximum - 24 hours. Otherwise, the drink first loses its taste and then spoils, which can lead to food poisoning.

After connecting the keg to the bottling system, it is desirable to use it up within one day.

Also, when the beer temperature in KEGs is below 15 degrees, use the thermostat in the “winter” position (without an ice block).

How to store draft beer

The period for which draft beer can be stored is short. In industrial conditions, when bottling beer, the necessary level of sanitary requirements is maintained, which allows storing this drink long enough. Draft beer, due to the impossibility of ensuring the required sanitary standards during the sale, is in any case exposed to airborne microorganisms, which significantly reduces its shelf life. In general, draft beer, provided that the above conditions are met, remains fit for consumption for three days.

If you are not a beer collector different varieties and brands, then you will not need to store this drink for several months or even years. But sometimes you have to store beer at home for several days. Under what conditions should beer be kept so as not to spoil it taste qualities?

Conditions for home storage of beer

Beer bottles must be kept strictly upright. It is believed that the contact of the drink with the cork can affect the taste.

The second mandatory storage condition is related to the effect of light on beer. Bottles with this drink should be in a dark place where direct sunlight does not fall. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, beer can change not only the taste, but also the smell.

So, beer should be stored upright in a place protected from direct light. It remains to answer the most complex issue: At what temperature should beer be stored?

Just not in the freezer!

Cold beer lovers on hot days are ready to cool it at the most low temperatures. Alas, such an attitude to the foamy drink does not benefit him. But warm beer bottles are also contraindicated. Beer should be stored in a cool place, ideally in a cellar. Of course, your own cellar is now a rarity, so a refrigerator can easily replace it. The main thing is not to put the bottles in the freezer.

The optimal temperature for storing beer is 10-12 0 C. Strong beer can be kept at room temperature, especially if it does not rise above 16-17 0 C. Many Czech beers, such as pilsner, are best stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 7 0 C. If you do not know, for long-term storage, then you better enjoy it in a bar or a Czech pub, lord.

To store beer, it is also important to maintain a constant temperature and avoid sudden changes. What temperature should the beer be before drinking it? It makes no sense to drink too cold beer, as the receptors simply will not be able to capture the flavors of a particular variety. Beer producers recommend drinking beer no warmer than 12 0 C, but no colder than 4 0 C.

Beer is a very sensitive drink. If you don't drink open bottle with beer per day (and for some varieties - for several hours), its pleasant taste disappears, giving way to sour. This manual will be useful for those who prefer draft beer to bottled beer and regularly ask themselves how and how long draft beer can be stored.

How long can you keep draft beer

Average shelf life draft beer is 3 days, subject to the rules of storage. Such a short period is due to the fact that during bottling the beer comes into contact with air, the bottle is not airtight and not sterile. How long can you store draft beer in a bottle without it spoiling? Here are some tips.

  • Of course, the beer must be in the refrigerator. Strong beer should be stored at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees, low alcohol - no higher than 10.
  • If the beer is not stored in the refrigerator, but in another cold place, make sure that it is dark. Bacteria are more active in the presence of lighting.
  • Bottles must be stored vertically.
  • Live beer is stored at room temperature. The fermentation process is still going on in it, so hypothermia will kill bacteria and spoil the taste of beer.

How to store draft beer in a plastic bottle

How to store beer in a plastic bottle? If possible, not for a long time, observing the temperature regime. Before sending the bottle to the refrigerator, make sure that the cap is tightly screwed on. In dark plastic bottles, beer lasts much longer.

There are only two ways to enjoy fresh beer without fear for its safety: buy it not for future use, but for one evening, and buy beer in kegs. Kegs keep beer fresh for up to several months due to tightness and lack of contact with air, and after opening the drink remains perfectly fresh for up to 10 days.

Store your beer in the correct position. There are both good and bad ways to store beer bottles. Stand the bottle upright instead of laying it flat. Even famous brewers like Chimay recommend storing beer this way. This ensures that the yeast (sediment) settles to the bottom of the bottle and does not leave a mark on the walls. In addition, modern caps do not dry out and do not allow air to pass through, so storing beer does not cause any problems, but you should not put the bottle down (since prolonged contact of the beer with the cap can worsen its taste). The best way to store a bottle of beer in an upright position is also because in this position it oxidizes less and lasts longer!

Store beer in a dark place. Choose a dark place to store your beer, as ultraviolet or blue light can ruin it. Having received a "sunstroke", beer will acquire bad taste and an odor reminiscent of skunk waste.

Select correct temperature storage. Heat spoils beer over time, so it's best to store it in a cool place, but don't freeze it. Although some people like to freeze beer before drinking, it is well known that freezing beer loses its flavor. Suitable places to store beer are a dedicated shelf in the refrigerator or a basement. However, long-term storage of collection beers in the refrigerator is not recommended. A dry environment in the refrigerator can adversely affect the lid. The optimal temperature for storing beer depends on the type of beer. Use this handy list as a guide:

You need to know how long a beer will last, especially if you're going to age it. Different types beers have different shelf life, depending on what kind of fermentation process was used and whether the beer is suitable for long storage, or if it should be consumed as quickly as possible. While on beer, which is produced in large quantities, there will be an expiration date, not all brewers will have an idea of ​​how long their brews should be aged. The aging period usually ranges from 6-8 months to 25 years, depending on the brand, storage methods and quality of the beer. In other words, if the manufacturer does not provide you with information on how to properly store beer, then you yourself should have an idea about this. If you want to collect beer rather than drink it, then you will definitely have some difficulties and questions about storing it. It is best to treat this process with interest and a sense of humor. Unlike expensive wines, even if the beer goes bad, you will not be so offended, because you will not throw away so much money!

Don't forget to keep a record of the beers you've tasted since purchase and the ones you've kept in your collection. Always try to buy two bottles of each type of beer intended for storage. Drink one and make notes about its flavor, texture, richness, and quality. Then do the same with the stored beer and compare the results to see how the beer changed during storage. Has the beer improved or worsened over time? Over time, you will learn how to successfully choose beer that is best for long-term storage.

  • Drink open beer and don't try to store it. The gases will evaporate, and the beer will have an unpleasant and bland taste the very next day. If you can't drink such a beer, then use it in cooking or elsewhere. There are several ways to use unused, open beer:

    • Bake beer bread
    • Bake beer bread with oatmeal
  • Beer is a popular and revered drink around the world, which has been known to mankind since ancient Egypt.

    Light, dark, unfiltered, lively– the abundance of species and producers, as well as brewing technologies allows everyone to find their own perfect option.

    Beer perfectly quenches thirst, can have a pleasant bitterness or sweet caramel taste, contains a number of vitamins and microelements, as well as beneficial properties for the body.

    Reference! Dark beer is not always strong. Often this type of drink has a pleasant pronounced bitter taste. rye bread or vice versa, a sweetish aftertaste of caramel.

    Varieties of foamy drink and how to clean it

    Modern brewing technologies make it possible to produce quality drink various kinds, which largely depend on the method of preparation and cleaning.

    Depending on the purification technology, it happens:

    1. filtered;
    2. not filtered;
    3. pasteurized;
    4. not pasteurized.

    Pasteurization is one way to extend the shelf life of beer. During pasteurization, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, but some taste qualities are lost.

    Filtration- a more gentle type of beer purification from possible impurities, which also increases its lifespan.

    There are two types:

    • sterile - passing through a cardboard filter;
    • diatomaceous earth - cleansing with the help of natural fossil diatomaceous earth, which is able to retain pathogenic bacteria and small fractions.

    Also, modern breweries use clarification technology, which is used only for non-filtered and non-pasteurized beverage. Its essence lies in the addition of stabilizers, which should settle the yeast sediments to the bottom, reducing the yeast smell and extending the shelf life.

    Live beer, loved by many, is not filtered and pasteurized, and also has a sediment if the clarification process has not passed.

    It is thanks to this that live beer has its own unique taste and useful properties.

    Reference! Special technology its production makes it safe for humans (in moderation).

    Expiration date depending on the packaging and type of beer:

    Shelf life depending on variety and packaging

    The packaging method is not an indicator of its shelf life, what is more important is what technology was used in the production of the drink.

    Today you can find an intoxicating drink in the following packages:

    1. glass bottles;
    2. plastic container;
    3. kegs;
    4. aluminum cans.

    Important! Traditionally, pasteurized or filtered beer is stored in glass and aluminum cans, and live hoppy drink is stored in kegs.

    Bottled beer, on average, has a shelf life of 6 months. Sometimes there are brands with a shorter "life" period of 1-3 months, or vice versa, with a longer one year.

    Canned beer is stored from 6 months to 1 year, due to more frequent addition of preservatives.

    AT plastic bottles foamy drink is stored from six months to one year. The use of plastic for the mass sale of beer is explained by the cheapness of containers.

    Reference! Regardless of the container, you should pay attention to the expiration date, the shorter it is, the less preservatives and more useful properties it contains.

    Kegs is the perfect way to store live beer. A keg is a special, airtight barrel in which sometimes the beer goes through the last stage of fermentation.

    Some beers can keep their properties from one to three months, but live beer can be stored in an open barrel for up to 8 days.

    craft beer is a special kind of drink that combines the softness and lightness of classic light beer and the pronounced, sometimes caramel or bitter, taste of dark beer. Produced mainly in small breweries.

    Reference! The shelf life of homemade and craft beer is determined by the brewing technology. A key role in the quality of the drink, and hence its shelf life, is assigned to maintaining sanitary and temperature regime, as well as containers into which the finished product is poured.

    The peculiarity of this type of beer is that ripening is possible in bottles, which prolongs the period of its storage and consumption.

    Craft beer must be stored in a dark, cool environment to retain its full flavor.

    Watch a video that explains how to store beer:

    How to identify a spoiled drink?

    Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to find out how it is possible to establish the fact that the beer is spoiled:

    • suspensions, flakes, turbidity and sediment, which is not justified by technology;
    • sour smell and taste;
    • lack of foam, or its excessive formation;
    • container damage.

    Attention! Expired and already spoiled beer should not be drunk, this can lead to serious food poisoning as bacteria can react with preservatives.

    A foamy drink that has expired but not yet spoiled can be used for a number of household purposes.

    The use of the drink for other purposes:

    1. use for home cosmetic procedures- hair masks, or body baths;
    2. for the care of large indoor plants- wipe the leaves with a solution of water (1: 1), which gives the leaves a shine;
    3. use a solution of beer with water for aromatherapy in the sauna (they are poured over stones to form fragrant steam).

    Some people use an expired drink as a marinade for meat, and also add it to the dough.

    The video describes how to determine the quality of beer:

    When choosing a foamy drink, you should pay attention to the conditions and terms of storage. Of course, only in private breweries can one appreciate the true taste of live, fresh foamy drink, which has useful properties and incomparable taste.

    However, beer is still alcoholic drink which should be consumed with caution and in moderation.