Why is the pomelo fruit so called. Use in cosmetic procedures

Many will be surprised, but the huge Pomelo is the only fruit that is not a hybrid of those that will be mentioned in this review. Moreover, he is the father of the orange, which is more familiar to us, which, in turn, has already been "invented" by man.

Pomelo is one of the largest and juicy fruit on the planet, refers to citrus fruits, is called "citrus maxima". The pomelo comes from China, where it has been mentioned in ancient books since ancient times. It has juicy, sweet, with some sourness, pulp. This blessed giant fruit is filled with the energy of living vitamins in abundance. It is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and B vitamins, including folic acid, especially for young women who want to have a healthy baby. Pomelo also contains a lot of potassium, which nourishes the heart. In addition, from recent studies it became known that limonoids, which are found in pomelo, as well as in other citrus fruits, in the experiment stop the division of cancer cells, even stronger than chemicals. And the special attention of doctors was attracted by the fact that these substances have a much longer effect than conventional modern medicines.

Pomelo Facts:

Scientists have found that pomelo increases vitality improves mood, performance and endurance.
For those who dream of slim figure, pomelo is a real find, because it gives a feeling of fullness and at the same time accelerates the breakdown of protein and fat.
Helps with atherosclerosis, regulates blood pressure.
There is a special wellness diet designed to treat asthma with the help of pomelo.

Pomelo is considered dietary, its calorie content is only 30-35 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

And here are some other little-known fruits, berries and vegetables in the world. But these are already all the work of human hands, that is, hybrids.

Tayberry or raspberry is a hybrid of blackberry and raspberry.

Plumcot is a hybrid of plum and apricot, differing to a greater extent in the characteristics of plum (in this case variety "Dapple Dandy")

Yoshta - hybrid black currant and gooseberries

Rangpur is a hybrid of mandarin and lemon. It is a citrus fruit with a very sour taste and orange skin and flesh. The average fruit diameter is 5 cm.

Uglifruit (Ugli) - a hybrid of grapefruit, orange and tangerine

Blood lime - a hybrid of Australian finger lime and Cantonese red lemon

Grape - an apple-like fruit with a grape flavor

Lemato - a tomato with a lemon scent. The hybrid was bred experimentally by Israeli breeders who tried to prove that a vegetable can be flavored with fruit.

Pineberry is a white strawberry flavored with pineapple. It turned out due to the crossing of Chilean strawberries and Virginian strawberries.

Tomtato is a hybrid of potato and tomato. At the top of the plant, cherry tomatoes ripen, and at the bottom, white potatoes, connected by one stem.

Cambodian mandarin (royal mandarin, kunenbo)

The finger citron or “Buddha's hand” citron is distinguished by its repeatedly finger-dissected fruits, which form processes resembling fingers that remain unfused, divided almost to the very base, which makes the fruit look like a human hand.

Sanguinelli orange or blood orange.

Another variety of plumcot is a hybrid of plum, apricot, peach and cherry.

Yellow watermelon - was born as a result of crossing wild watermelon, which is just yellow flesh, but inedible, with the usual one.

Purple potatoes. You will not surprise anyone with potatoes with yellow, pink or even purple skins. But here's a potato, purple inside - that's something new. We owe its appearance to scientists from Colorado State University, who worked for a long time on potatoes from the Andean highlands until they got an outstanding purple color. The potato owes this rich color high content anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties, by the way, preserved after cooking.

purple potato puree

Romanesco cabbage - a vegetable that looks like an alien, is a close relative of cauliflower and broccoli, only its pale green inflorescences are not rounded, but cone-shaped and arranged in a spiral on the head of cabbage.

Nashi is a hybrid of an apple and a pear. It is also called Asian, sand, water or Japanese pear. A round apple tastes like a juicy, crunchy pear. The color of the fruit is from pale green to orange. An apple pear has an advantage over a regular pear: it is harder, so it better tolerates transportation and storage.

Orange is well known to everyone since childhood, but not everyone is aware that it is also the result of crossing two other plants - mandarin and pomelo.

What is a pomelo? The fruit has its origins in ancient China. Back in 100 BC. e. became a symbol of prosperity and well-being, which it is to this day.

India adopted the pomelo at the end of the eighteenth century, and the exotic fruit came to Europe only in the nineteenth century. Today, pomelo exports belong to Tahiti, Japan, Israel, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and California.

In China, this type of citrus has mystical meaning. Families give it to each other New Year, and communities use in various religious ceremonies.

In our country, everything is much simpler. The juicy pulp of the pomelo is used in cooking, in medicinal purposes and just like a separate delicacy. Citrus fruit helps bring down the temperature, cure colds and boost immunity.

Pomelo - is it a hybrid?

Often people ask the question: “pomelo hybrid of what?”

Despite popular belief that the grapefruit is the parent of the pomelo, the exact opposite is true. Pomelo - the progenitor of the well-known grapefruit. They also have a common “child” - sweetie (pomelite or oroblanco), the result of selection of a pomelo white grapefruit.

Europeans call this fruit "sheddock", after the name of a sailor who brought a huge citrus fruit to their land. On the shelves of our country, this citrus can be found under the name pomelo, pompelmus, and most often pamela. Depending on the variety, the fruit of the rue family has a thick, soft peel of different shades - from light green to bright orange. The flesh is usually yellow or white, green or red in some varieties.

Ripe pomelo has juicy sweet taste, reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and orange, but without a pronounced citrus flavor.

The structure and calorie content of the product

Regarding calorie content and composition, exotic pompelmus has enviable characteristics.

Fruit can be called dietary, as it not only contains practically no calories, but also perfectly fights the breakdown of proteins and body fat. People fighting with overweight, nutritionists boldly advise introducing these fruits into the diet. By combining the use of citrus fruits with other products of the main diet, a person can easily get rid of extra pounds. Pomelo also helps to quickly get enough food and get rid of hunger for a long time.

Useful Pamela Fruit Facts:

Medicinal properties of pomelo

The beneficial properties of exotic pompelmus do not end there. It turns out that pamela contains the substance spermine, which can slow down cell aging and prolong life.

What a pomelo is capable of:

Fruit juice is great cosmetic in winter cold, as it gives the skin all the necessary trace elements for this time of year. Rubbing fruit juice on the face all winter, by spring the skin will be noticeably refreshed and rejuvenated. If the skin is dry, it is necessary to mix the juice with water in proportions of 1:1, if the skin is oily, it is advisable to use freshly squeezed juice without diluting it.

Tip for the strong half: if you slowly chew the juicy pulp of the pomelo, the hangover disappears in a matter of minutes.

Pomelo during pregnancy and lactation

You can occasionally pamper yourself with citrus during the period of bearing a child, but still you should not abuse it, as pomelo increases the level of acidity in the stomach and this leads to heartburn.

Benefits of a pomelo for a pregnant woman:

Who should not use pomelo:

All citrus fruits have the same contraindications. First of all, mention should be made of individual intolerance vitamin C or its overdose due to overeating. Pregnant women should especially pay attention to the amount of fruit eaten, since the well-being of not only the expectant mother, but also her baby depends on this.

Ulcer, violation of the acid-base balance, nephritis and gastritis can also cause the inability to eat plenty of fruit.

People will have to give up fruit altogether, patients with any form of hepatitis or near urolithiasis. Due to the high activity of the enzymes that make up the pomelo, its use cleanses the liver. But for the same reason, it is worth being wary of the use of citrus, as an additional burden is created on the diseased organ.

Should I give exotic fruit to children? Certainly yes. But to introduce a pomelo into the diet, like any other citrus, you need to last turn, along with corn, cabbage and legumes. Despite the fact that the fruit is rich in vitamins, juicy and nutritious, children's body not yet ready and not adapted to receive such food, so children under one year old should not be given pomelo.

People suffering from fluctuations in blood pressure, should be limited yourself in the use of pompelmus, as it lowers blood pressure.

Who Should Limit Fruit Eating?

  • People with acute chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (to avoid aggravation of the disease)
  • For ulcers, hepatitis, colitis, or nephritis
  • With unstable pressure
  • People prone to allergies

How to choose ripe fruit?

The main thing to pay attention to when choosing a pomelo is fruit size to weight ratio. If a small citrus weighs more than half a kilogram, the fruit will be juicy. Conversely, if a large-looking fruit weighs little for its size, it will be dry inside. Next, you should pay attention to the smell of the fruit. The more noticeable the smell of citrus, the richer its taste will be. A smooth skin with a sheen will indicate the freshness of the product. Ripe shelf life tropical fruit not more than a month in the apartment. If the integrity of the peel is already broken, then the fruit should be put in the refrigerator. In this case, it will be possible to use it for no more than 5 days.

Is it possible to lose weight with pomelo?

If you eat fruit as a breakfast for two months, you can see real results in losing weight, and skin tone will also improve.

How to properly clean a pomelo?

  • Vertical

The approximate thickness of the pompelmus peel is 1.5 cm. Knowing this fact will help to properly clean the fruit. The top and bottom of the fruit must be cut and cut in the direction of the slices.

  • In a spiral

An incision is made from top to bottom in a spiral, in the same way the fruit must be peeled in the direction from the top (this is how the peel is better separated).

After peeling, the fruit is divided into slices. A thin white layer is peeled off with a knife or manually. Carefully prying off the film with a knife and running the tip along the slice, the film is easily removed.

Sheddock. Pamela looks like a big grapefruit - a thick peel on top, and inside large slices. pamela fruit may have different shape and color depending on the growing environment. This fruit is considered one of the largest among citrus fruits.

Its advantage is that pamelo lasts longer than other fruits of this family. At room temperature it can be stored for more than a month, and in the refrigerator - even longer. Its ripening season is February. This fruit has a high concentration of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, C, healthy proteins and fats.

Pamela's homeland is China. Currently, this fruit is grown in Taiwan, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Israel, USA. Various ornaments are made from the thick peel of this unusual plant in China, and the fruits are used in religious holidays.

Let's figure out what a pamela fruit is. Its benefits to the human body are truly great. Pamela fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C and essential oils. Thanks to this, he copes with SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza. Antioxidants and vitamin A prevent the formation and division of cancer cells, thereby stopping the growth of tumors. The trace elements contained in this fruit slow down the aging process. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion. . After all, it contains enzymes that break down fats and proteins. Pamela is widely used in various diets. Oddly enough, but the most important part of it is a little bitter streaks, which are often thrown away. They perfectly cleanse the intestines, removing toxins from the body that are unnecessary.

In the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, pamela fruit is also indispensable. The beneficial properties of its juice help in the treatment of hypertension, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and the development of a healthy fetus.

Efficiency and endurance increase if you use pamela fruit. The benefits of this fruit are undeniable with regular use and for the heart. He also treats asthma. For overweight people, pamela is also indispensable, as it actively helps to break down proteins and carbohydrates, contributing to fast weight loss. This fruit also helps with low acidity of gastric juice, accelerating the production of digestive enzymes.

Culinaries around the world widely use pamela fruit. The benefits of the dishes in which it is contained, for those who are on a diet. Europeans prepare salads, fillings for pies, various desserts and marmalade from pamela, serve with meat and fish, make all kinds of sauces. It goes well with wines and cheeses. In Asian cooking, pamela is used in combination with seafood and poultry.

It is important to be able to choose the right fruit in the store. Since carriers do not want their goods to deteriorate during transplantation, Pamela is brought to us unripe. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the ripeness of the fruit for the average buyer. But still there are some rules by which you can determine it: the peel of a ripe fruit should be a little smooth and shiny. The stronger and more pleasant the smell of the fruit, the better.

Pamela fruit - Benefits and harms: what will outweigh? Along with great benefits, this fruit also has some side effects when misused. This is far from a harmless fruit. If you eat too much of it, an intestinal upset may begin, since pamela also has a laxative effect. Like other citrus fruits, pamela is a strong allergen. Overeating it can even provoke itching and hives.

As you can see, the harm of this fruit is rather conditional, you just need to know the measure in everything, especially in citrus fruits, such as pamela. The benefits of this miracle fruit are still much greater, so eat healthy.

pomelo originates in China, and to this day, is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It was known as early as 100 BC.

At the end of the eighteenth century, the seeds of a strange fruit were brought to India. Europeans were able to get acquainted with pomelo only in the 19th century. Now pomelo is cultivated in Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Israel, Vietnam, Japan, California and the Tahiti Islands.

In the East, there is a tradition - to give it for the New Year. The Chinese also use pomelo in religious ceremonies.

In our country, pomelo is simply customary to use in cooking, less often in cosmetology and traditional medicine. As it turned out, not only with the help of lemon you can cure a cold, bring down the temperature and improve the condition. immune system sick. Most citrus fruits, including pomelo, have such properties.

Pomelo - a hybrid of what fruit?

Some believe that the pomelo is a type of grapefruit. But this statement is not true, but on the contrary, grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of a pomelo. The fruit has another closest "relative" - ​​sweety (oroblanco or pomelo), which is a hybrid of white grapefruit and pomelo.

In European countries, pomelo is often called "sheddock", since the captain with the same name brought the seeds of this fruit there. Also citrus can be called pomelo, pamela or pompelmus.

Pomelo belongs to the rue family, subfamily - citrus. The fruit peel comes in pale green, orange, and yellow. Inside the pomelo is red, white, yellow or green.

Ripe citrus has a juicy and sweet taste, without the bitterness inherent in grapefruit.

Chemical composition and calorie content

An exotic fruit called pomelo has excellent quality characteristics regarding calorie content and composition.

By itself, the fruit has practically no calories, but it contains a lot of useful substances in its composition, which are not only able to dull the feeling of hunger, but also easily cope with the rapid breakdown of protein deposits and accumulated fat. He is often advised to introduce leading nutritionists into the diet of precisely the category of people who have long been struggling with obesity. Eating pomelo with others dietary products, the body can be transformed and brought into shape very quickly. Also, a feeling of lightness in the body, satiety and the absence of discomfort during a complex diet become noticeable very quickly.

Calories per 100 grams is 38 kcal.

1 peeled pomelo weighs approximately 609 g (231.4 kcal).

1 slice = 190 g (72.2 kcal)

The nutritional value: carbohydrates - 8.62 g, proteins - 0.76 g, fats - 0.04 g.

It also contains dietary fiber and ash.

Pomelo is 89% water.

Vitamins: B1 (0.034 mg), B2 (0.027 mg), B6 ​​(0.036 mg), C (61 mg), PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.22 mg.

Chemical composition: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese.

Fruity peel pomelo is rich in bioflavonoids.

Useful and medicinal properties

Scientists have found in chemical composition pomelo spermine - it protects cells from damage, slows down their aging. Studies have shown that this substance can prolong life.

Healing pomelo properties:

  • Has a beneficial effect on digestive system, thanks to the lipolytic enzyme contained in the fruit, which accelerates the breakdown of proteins.
  • Increases immunity. Used as a prophylaxis for influenza and other colds.
  • Strengthens cardiovascular system due to its high potassium content.
  • Bioflavonoids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, prevent the formation of cancer cells in the mammary gland. Therefore, it is useful for girls and women to eat not only the pulp, but also the pomelo peel, since these useful material concentrated in it.
  • Reduces pressure.
  • Prevention of malignant tumors.
  • Improves asthma.
  • The fruit has a low glycemic index, so it is safe in diabetes. Its juice helps lower blood sugar.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis (pectin).
  • Applied in diet food(low calorie).

For women pomelo is not only a storehouse of health, but also youth. In winter, fruit juice is an excellent cosmetic product. If you regularly wipe the skin of your face and body with it in the cold, then by spring it will look younger and become visually refreshed. For oily skin, it is better to use juice in pure form, when dry - dilute it boiled water in equal proportions.

Useful advice for men: slow chewing fruit pulp relieves hangovers.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Do not abuse sheddock during pregnancy, as this can lead to heartburn due to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. 2-3 times a week pampering yourself with citrus will be enough.

The benefits of pomelo for pregnant:

  • Gives strength, increases efficiency.
  • Excellent thirst quencher.
  • Due to the presence of calcium (4 mg), it strengthens teeth and bones well.
  • Prophylactic against constipation.
  • Strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.
  • Improves mood.

At breastfeeding you should gradually introduce the fruit into your diet, watching the reaction of the baby. It is better to do this when the baby is 3 months old. If there are no allergic reactions, then you can safely eat pomelo. Doctors believe that what is good for the mother is good for the child.

Harm and contraindications

Since the fruit itself belongs to the citrus subsection, the number of contraindications is similar. The first is the possibility of an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance, or due to overeating. After all, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Pregnant women should especially pay attention to the item “abuse of citrus fruits”, because not only the health of the mother, but also her child is at stake.

Avoid eating pomelo, as well as other citrus fruits, it is necessary for stomach problems such as acid-base imbalance, ulcers, gastritis, nephritis and other exacerbations.

It is better to give up the appetizing fruit of the category of people suffering from urolithiasis or some form of hepatitis.

On my own pomelo cleanses the liver(due to the high activity of the enzymes that make up its composition), so for this reason an additional load is created on the affected organ. Exclude fruit from the diet in the presence of liver diseases and their complications.

Regarding whether it is worth giving pomelo to children, it can be taken into account that citrus fruits, as a rule, should be introduced into the children's diet last, like cabbage, legumes or corn. Although the fruit is very nutritious, its composition is rich in vitamin C and others, but the child's body is not yet adapted to such food. Before the age of one year, it is better not to introduce pomelo into the diet of children.

Also, eating fruit can have no effect on the body at all. positive influence in case of diseases that are associated with sudden pressure drops. Pomelo lowers blood pressure.

So, to summarize, under what circumstances and characteristics of the state of the human body can a pomelo be harmful?

The main contraindications and restrictions on the use of pomelo:

  • sharp and chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract (in this case, do not abuse the fruit, so as not to aggravate the disease);
  • it is not advisable to use citrus for colitis, ulcers, hepatitis, nephritis;
  • should not be used in the diet of people with low blood pressure;
  • contraindication for kids: It is not recommended to use pomelo until the child is 1 year old.
  • prone to allergies.

How to choose?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a pomelo is its smell. The richer the aroma of citrus, the more juicy its taste will be.. The peel of a fresh ripe fruit should be smooth, with a beautiful sheen and slightly soft. It is better to choose a heavy fruit (so that there is more juice in its pulp) of medium size

It will be useful to know that fresh pomelo at room temperature can be stored for no more than a month. The peeled fruit must be put in the refrigerator, where it can lie for about 3 days.

fruit for weight loss

Fruit is considered dietary. It is often introduced into their diet by people who want to lose weight. Pomelo quickly causes a feeling of satiety, due to the content in it vegetable fibers saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

At daily use pomelo for breakfast, you can see real results (weight loss combined with skin tone) after 2 months.

How to clean a pomelo:

  • Vertical cleaning.

First, cut off the tops at the top and bottom of the fruit. Make cuts about 1.5 cm deep (this is the approximate width of the crust) along the slices. Pieces should be separated from top to bottom.

  • Spiral cleaning method.

It is necessary to make an incision in a spiral from top to bottom. After tearing the peel at the bottom of the citrus, tear it off along the entire circumference.

The white layer under the peel can be peeled off with your hands or with a knife.

The film is conveniently removed if the slices are placed on a cutting board and it is easy to pry off the film by running the tip of a knife along the narrow part.

How do you eat pomelo?

They eat pomelo as an ordinary fruit, for breakfast, afternoon tea, as a dessert. Added to salads, used as a filling for pastries and pies, added to sauces.

Pomelo goes to meat fish dishes, spicy, sweet. Jam and marmalade are prepared from the peel.

  • Few people know, but pomelo juice is extremely useful during colds, a complication of which is an inflammatory process in the throat. Half a glass of juice diluted 50% warm water, are used not for ingestion, but for gargling.
  • Very effective juice exotic fruit and exacerbations of bronchitis. Only in this case, a glass of pomelo juice should not be diluted. You just need to warm it up to 100 degrees and give it to the patient to drink. Such a simple trick will help get rid of phlegm and wheezing in the throat, which will greatly speed up the healing process.
  • Pomelo salads are very tasty, healthy and nutritious. Its pulp is so nutritious that it helps fight atherosclerosis disease. The recipe for preparing the dish is quite easy and simple: the fruit slices are peeled and peeled, then, for better assimilation, they are slightly sprinkled vegetable oil. Other ingredients can be added as desired. Benefit regular use lettuce is that it will also help get rid of cholesterol plaques, which tend to form on the walls of blood vessels.

Pamela is a surprisingly tasty exotic citrus fruit that is covered with an orange or yellow peel on the outside. Pamela is somewhat larger than a grapefruit, and one fruit can reach several kilograms in weight. The birthplace of the fruit is China. According to the chronicles, the pamela fruit appeared in China as early as 100 AD. Until now, the Chinese consider this fruit a symbol of prosperity.

The main advantage over others citrus fruits is that pamela can be stored at room temperature and not spoil. Pamela is not only delicious, but also a very healthy fruit.

A few facts about pamela fruit

Pamela has several types. The skin color can vary from yellow to pink. The skin of the fruit is very thick. Pamela fruit pulp also has different shades - from red to almost white. His taste is also heterogeneous - from sour to sweet. Pamela grows only in Asian countries, for Europe it is truly an exotic fruit.!

In China, pamela is not only a symbol of prosperity and well-being, but is also one of the most valuable gifts for the New Year.

Pamela fruit and its benefits

Pamela fruit is loved not only for its taste, but also for beneficial features. With a low calorie content (35 kcal per 100 g), it contains great amount beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Like all citrus fruits, pamela contains substances that actively fight harmful microbes and viruses. The pulp of the fruit contains ascorbic acid, essential oils, antioxidants , vitamins A and C, phosphorus, potassium , iron , sodium, B vitamins. because of a large number Pamela vitamins are recommended to be eaten during beriberi (late autumn, winter and early spring).

Pamelafruit: healthyproperties

In addition to a large number of vitamins and minerals, pamela has the following properties:

  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Cleanses blood vessels;
  • Prevents the formation of tumors;
  • Effectively burns fats;
  • Normalizes metabolism (therefore, the fruit is often prescribed to people suffering from excess weight);
  • Pamela quickly saturates the body;
  • Breaks down proteins and fats in the body;
  • Increases efficiency;
  • Improves mood;
  • Relieves fatigue and helps to always be in good shape;
  • Normalizes the work of the heart;
  • Prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • Helps with bronchial asthma;
  • Stops the activation of cancer cells and prevents the development of cancer;
  • Effectively used for cosmetic purposes.

How to choose the right pamela fruit?

For pamela fruit to bring maximum benefit the body, it is necessary to choose it correctly. First of all, pay attention to the peel - it should be smooth, shiny and a little soft. The second selection criterion is fruit flavor- the richer it is, the more juicy and ripe the fruit.

Pamela fruit can be stored for no more than a month at room temperature, but in a purified form, the fruit begins to deteriorate after 2 days.

Pamela in cosmetology

Pamela is wonderfully used in cosmeticpurposes. Pamela fruit masks perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin. To prepare one of the masks, you need to take a small piece of fruit, grind it, add 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice. The mass is applied to the face and washed off green tea after 15 minutes. After the mask, you must apply a moisturizer and do not leave the house in the next hour.

Cosmetologists say that if you wipe the skin with pamela fruit juice for a month, it will noticeably freshen up and rejuvenate. Oily skin owners are advised to wipe the skin natural juice, and the owner of dry skin - dilute the juice with boiled water (1:1).

Pamela for weight loss

Since pamela effectively breaks down fats and improves metabolism, the fruit is great for diets.

Here is one of them:

  1. Breakfast: 50 g low-fat cheese, half a pamela fruit. Sugar free coffee.
  2. Lunch: any vegetable stew(150 g), boiled piece sea ​​fish (pollock is better or hake), a cup of tea without sugar.
  3. First afternoon snack: half a pamela fruit.
  4. Second afternoon snack: 1 egg, 1/2 pamela fruit.
  5. Dinner: 1 apple, 1 egg, 1/2 pamela fruit, 250 g boiled cauliflower, herbal tea with 1 tsp. honey.

If you eat pamela fruit instead of breakfast, you will noticeably lose weight in 2 months without burdening your body with any diets.

So useful and delicious fruit pamela!