Is beer good for health, and how to drink it according to science? Draft beer - good or bad.

Beer is by far the most popular drink, which is provided to the consumer with a large assortment. different varieties. The abundance of advertising instilled love for him people around the world. No wonder, because this is the oldest drink. His recipes are deeply rooted in distant hours. For centuries, disputes have been sharpening around the intoxicating product. Drink lovers give numerous arguments confirming that people who drink beer benefit enormously. But there is another side, directly declaring harm to the body. What is hidden in a mug of foamy drink?

doubts about usefulness

Doubts arose with the advent of the drink. What does beer bring to the body? Its benefits and harms are one of the common topics of discussion for many generations. It should be noted that even our most distant ancestors understood that the immeasurable acceptance of alcohol would not lead to good. When did the opinion arise that for a person who consumes beer, the benefits for the body are invaluable?

It turns out that the medieval alchemist and doctor Paracelsus first spoke about the miraculous properties of the drink. He argued that the natural components of beer have the most healing effect on the body, stimulate the circulatory system. It is not surprising that at that time almost all of Europe was drowning in a foamy drink. However, one must pay tribute to Paracelsus, who emphasized that the immense consumption of any food can turn out to be poison. True, he considered 2-3 mugs of beer a day to be the norm.

Modern supporters

Many scientists supported Paracelsus, putting forward new arguments, directly indicating that for a person who drinks beer, the benefits are great enough. Quite authoritative personalities stood up to protect their favorite drink.

Curtis Ellison, a doctor at Boston University, said that moderate consumption of hops (1 liter per day) significantly reduces the risk of heart ischemia. Benefits of beer female body, in his opinion, is to slow down the aging process. And what representative of the fair sex does not dream of being forever young?

Danish scientists simply stunned with their discovery. It turns out that people who constantly drink beer significantly improve their metabolism.

American researchers believe that the intoxicating drink contains just a “shock” dose of B vitamins. Namely, they stimulate the process of producing red blood cells.

Besides all this, amazing drink from malt contains phosphorus, iron, copper and magnesium. And the presence of sugar in it is not as high as many say. Listening to the opinions of reputable scientists, often the question of whether there is any benefit from beer is resolved exclusively positively. It would seem that drink one liter of intoxicating drink a day - and you will be completely healthy. But not everything is so simple. And in order to add up your opinion, you need to understand in more detail what beer brings with it. Benefit and harm can sometimes be very closely intertwined and be two sides of the same coin. Does this apply to a drink loved by many?

We determine the benefit

Let's talk first about the positive side of one coin. It should be noted that we are talking about the use of a moderate amount. Only under such conditions can we consider that the benefits of beer for the body are fully justified.

Drink Benefits:

  • beer has an excellent ability to lower arterial pressure and cholesterol levels, and this is a real prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • a drink regularly entering the body improves blood clotting, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • there is an improvement in metabolism, in addition, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • the polyphenols included in the composition stimulate the work of the heart muscle, improve vision, normalize the activity of the digestive tract;
  • the content of vitamins and various useful substances, as already mentioned, undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • beer hops are known for their powerful bactericidal properties;
  • organic acids have a positive effect on human activity, preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • phytoestrogens reduce the process of calcium leaching, thereby reducing the risk of fractures.

Beer can also be used ... externally! It is here that the benefits of the drink are fully revealed. The use of beer wraps perfectly stimulates the skin. The drink is widely used for the manufacture of hair care products. Masks based on beer strengthen the roots, improve the condition of the scalp, and completely eliminate dandruff. From these products, the hair shines with health, acquires silkiness and natural shine. Beer face masks allow you to delay old age. They are able to smooth out early wrinkles, tone the skin, relieve flabbiness. And beer foam is just a panacea for owners oily skin. It perfectly regulates the process of sebum production, significantly tightening the pores.

Non-alcoholic beer: benefits and harms

This drink practically does not differ from its "brothers". The only difference is the alcohol level. And the taste quality drink fully corresponds to the usual beer. However, it is worth knowing that the presence of alcohol is still present in it, it is simply minimized (0.2 -1.5 degrees). This beer is obtained by evaporation, simply not allowing it to “ferment”. Should you drink non-alcoholic beer? The benefits and harms discussed below will help answer the question.

Benefits of beer. The biggest advantage of this drink is the ability to quench your thirst in the heat without fear of getting drunk. It absolutely does not affect the coordination of movements, the ability to think soberly, and also make decisions quickly. That is why non-alcoholic beer can be taken by people who, due to certain circumstances, are completely contraindicated in the state of intoxication.

An important criterion in favor of the drink is the possibility of obtaining all the useful substances that are contained in the same amount as in alcoholic beer.

One of the most positive qualities is the ability of this particular drink to reduce the risk of malignant tumors. Such studies were carried out by Japanese scientists. The published results confirmed that it is non-alcoholic beer that prevents the entry of carcinogenic substances into the body. The benefits of this discovery are invaluable. True, studies were conducted only on mice. However, scientists continue to develop in this area in order to isolate "antitumor" components from the drink.

Disadvantages of beer Despite the many positive aspects, the negative aspects cannot be ignored. Non-alcoholic beer quite often becomes a forerunner to the development of alcoholism. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this. Starting with such a seemingly harmless drink, over time they switch to regular beer, gradually increasing the dose.

Men who abuse the product may face a rather unpleasant problem - this is a manifestation of female characteristics. After all, excessive consumption can disrupt the endocrine system. The culprits are the phytoestrogens found in beer. They contribute to the stimulation of not only male hormones, but also the activation of female hormones.

And the biggest danger lies in the content of cobalt in the drink, which is a foam stabilizer. This is a very toxic element. It is noticed that it negatively affects the heart, stomach. And sometimes causes various inflammatory processes.

What promises live beer

A lover of malt and hops cannot talk about the taste of a drink if he has never tasted draft live beer in his life. Its taste and properties are significantly different from bottled. It has to do with the manufacturing process. After all, brewing and fermentation take place naturally therefore, the alcohol formed in the drink is completely natural. That is why it is so rich in useful substances, microorganisms.

Live beer is not subjected to a filtration process. As a result, it contains a natural yeast culture. It is she who endows unfiltered beer with a unique aroma and unique taste. The benefits of the drink in numerous useful properties Oh. After all, he saves everything useful trace elements and vitamins.

What is the benefit of live beer? In the following:

  • Thanks to natural alcohol, the drink prevents the accumulation and formation of fats.
  • There is a normalization of blood pressure, improvement of blood clotting.
  • The level of cholesterol decreases.
  • The kidneys are cleansed, excess fluid is removed from the body.
  • A beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract has been noted. Food is better absorbed, proper bowel function is stimulated.
  • A warm drink relieves toothache, treats a sore throat, and fights a cough.
  • The most positive effect on the emotional background of a person, often being a sedative.
  • This drink contains many vitamins, which, unfortunately, are not in pasteurized. Undoubtedly, this is the great benefit of draft beer. A live drink improves metabolism, can increase immunity. Significantly heals the body.

However, one should not forget when drinking draft beer: harm and benefit are very close. The main thing is to know the measure. And do not step over the line beyond which it turns into poison.

Dark or light?

Which beer is healthier? This question was asked by a group of Spanish scientists (University of Valladolid). They determined that dark varieties contained slightly more iron than light varieties. Of course, this element in large quantities enters the human body with food. However, iron can accelerate the process of oxidation of organic compounds.

In the manufacture of light beer, filtration is used. As a result, perhaps, the retention of free iron occurs. This explains the low content of the element in light varieties. According to scientists from Spain, it is better to drink dark beer. The benefits of the drink are quite obvious. After all, iron is a component of hemoglobin. Namely, it delivers the necessary oxygen to all tissues and cells. human body.

Benefits legends

The ongoing debate about the drink gives rise to many misconceptions. Most utility myths are taken at face value. Beer lovers simply take all judgments about the benefits of the drink as an axiom. Moreover, most of these properties have been proven by scientists. However, what does beer bring to the body? The benefits and harms of the drink are so mixed up that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish what a malt lover wins and what fails. To clarify the situation a little, let's look at the most common misconceptions.

Myth 1: low alcohol drink

The concentration of alcohol in beer is minimal. Such a drink can be compared almost with lemonade. The benefits of beer completely cover the possible harm.

True. This drink is a product of fermentation. In other words, there is a breakdown of the molecules of all nutrients. The results of such a process are very deplorable. After all, one can of beer brings aldehydes into the body, fusel oils, methanol and ether.

It is unpleasant that beer alcoholism develops almost 5 times faster than vodka alcoholism. Addiction occurs very imperceptibly. Most people do not even have time to realize the problem, as they fall into the network of hops. Stopping yourself is sometimes impossible.

Myth 2: a source of vitamins

After drinking about one liter of beer, a person restores the daily need for nutrients.

True. Naturally, the content of vitamins, minerals, macronutrients cannot be denied. However, buckwheat, cabbage, and most food products are rich in all these components. At the same time, they are completely devoid of alcohol. By the way, during the preparation of an intoxicating drink, the concentration of vitamins decreases. Therefore, if you want to saturate the body with the daily norm of vitamin B1, you need to drink not one liter of beer, but ten.

Myth 3: Good for the heart

Beer stimulates the cardiovascular system.

True. The systematic use of the drink leads to a thickening of the heart muscle. Significantly expand the cavities of the heart. This causes the development of necrosis, a decrease in the number of mitochondria. In other words, the heart begins to fail, pumping blood worse, greatly oversaturating the vessels. As a result, shortness of breath, varicose veins occur, and the risk of heart attacks increases.

Myth 4: Benefits for women

It is believed that the malt drink must be consumed by the fair sex. There is an opinion that the benefits of beer for women are simply invaluable. But what really?

True. Is there any benefit of beer for the female body? Very doubtful. Since phytoestrogen is no less dangerous for drink lovers, as well as for men. Their intake causes oppression of the hormonal system. natural process production of estrogen stops. As a result of such a violation, disastrous results appear. The woman's voice takes on a rough tone. The figure loses its natural shape. A very unpleasant result is increased hair growth above the lip.

Myth 5: Kidney stimulation

Beer removes excess fluid and toxins from the body.

True. This myth is associated with a diuretic property known to all lovers of the drink. However, the desired effect is not achieved. Beer does not cleanse the body. At the same time, it “washes out” fats, proteins, most of the necessary trace elements. A person, as a rule, loses potassium, vitamin C, magnesium. Sometimes this process can turn into a serious problem. A lack of potassium leads to irregular heartbeats, increased dryness of the skin, unexplained weakness, and severe leg cramps.

Myth 6: Benefits for the brain

The drink is a source of silicon. Namely, it helps to strengthen the vessels of the brain, increases their elasticity. Therefore, there is a need to drink beer. The benefit is clear enough.

True. Any alcohol entering the human body causes the destruction of brain cells. Even one can of beer is enough to kill several thousand of them. For teenagers, this action is especially dangerous. After all, any harmful changes occur several times faster in a young body than in a more mature age.

Myth 7: Beer reduces vodka consumption

Most drink lovers believe that by consuming an intoxicating product, they are displacing a stronger drink from drinking.

True. Unfortunately, statistics cite a stunning fact: one bottle of beer corresponds to 50-100 g of vodka. It depends on the fortress. If 5-6 bottles are drunk per day, then the body receives a dose of alcohol equal to a bottle of vodka. At the same time, psychologically, the beer lover is completely protected. After all, the one who drinks a bottle of vodka is clearly an alcoholic. And a person who has consumed 2-3 liters of beer, as a rule, is an “ordinary” average citizen who gives the impression of being happy and successful.

The assumption is completely at odds with the statistics. It is she who demonstrates the figures clearly showing that along with the consumption of beer, the demand for vodka is also growing. It's no secret that many people drink both, considering a low degree as an impossibility to completely relax.

To drink or not to drink?

The benefits and harms of the drink are due to quite different factors. The main ones are: excessive consumption and product quality. Therefore, beer lovers who simply cannot live without a glass of hops should pay attention to the dose and reputation of the manufacturer.

The best is the production of the European school. The most "beer" countries are world famous - the Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Austria. It's no secret that every year they acquire the status of a leader in the drink consumption rating table.

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to the question of whether to drink beer or not to drink. Many studies support the benefits of the drink. Hence, drink. But subject to important conditions. If you know how to "keep" the measure, choose only a quality product and at the same time control your health very carefully. For other cases, it is much better to simply refrain from drinking beer. Remember that the drink has alcohol. And the harm can far outweigh the benefits!

Glossary of beer terms…

beer machine(Mini brewery) is a completely closed brewing system that retains carbon dioxide, which is formed naturally during the fermentation process. This reduces the maturation period of naturally carbonated beer and eliminates the need to store the drink in bottles. Developed and patented by Canadian scientists at the National Institute of Brewing 15 years ago.

Beer is a low-alcohol (from 1.5 to 6% alcohol by volume) foamy drink; It is made by alcoholic fermentation of wort from malt, hops and water, to which rice and sugar are sometimes added.

The fermentation process is the conversion of carbohydrates as a result of yeast cultivation into ethanol and carbon dioxide. There is a main fermentation and post-fermentation. The main fermentation proceeds in several stages, which are characterized by a change in temperature, a decrease in the extractivity of the must and the degree of its clarification. The duration of the main fermentation ranges from 7 to 10 days. At the end of the main fermentation, the surface of the young beer is covered with a uniform layer of foam 1 cm thick. Top and bottom fermentation are distinguished depending on the yeast used.

The bitter substances of hops.
To date, the bitter substances contained in hops have not been found in other plants, but some of them have been synthesized. They give beer a specific bitterness, have a foaming effect, and have antiseptic properties. These include hop resins and bitter hop acids.

Double row barley.
The grain does not develop from each flower, but only from the middle stem on each side. Two-row barleys are predominantly spring barley. The grain of two-row barley is larger than that of six-row barley, more even.

At the end of the main fermentation, there is a slight release of carbon dioxide bubbles and the foam curls disappear, leaving the surface of the beer covered with a layer of foam called deca.

diacetyl pause.
Yeast and other microorganisms form diacetyl during fermentation. Its high content in beer gives bad taste and smell. To reduce the content of diacetyl, beer is kept at a temperature of 12-13 degrees for a day and then fermentation is continued.

After the main fermentation, young beer is unfit for drinking, as it has a significant turbidity, a peculiar taste and aroma. It is sent to closed apparatus for after-fermentation, where a small amount of sugars is slowly fermented; the beer is clarified and saturated with carbon dioxide, becomes transparent and velvety. For different varieties fermentation lasts different times, for example, for Zhiguli beer - 21 days.

Beer pellet.
It is formed during the mash filtration as a precipitate after separation of the liquid phase (beer wort). Fresh grain is a thick light brown color with a specific aroma and taste. It contains grain shells, unsweetened starch, proteins, tannins.

Single-celled microorganisms of plant origin, which are the causative agents of fermentation. The top-fermenting eukaryotic yeast Saccaromyces cerevisiae and bottom fermentation Saccaromyces carlsbergensis. Top-fermenting yeast rises to the surface at the end of fermentation, while bottom-fermenting yeast settles in a dense layer to the bottom of the tank.

The process of mixing crushed malt or a mixture of crushed malt and unmalted raw materials with water, with the addition of enzymes in order to bring the maximum amount of substances into a dissolved state. There are infusion and decoction methods of mashing. The use of one or another mashing method depends on the quality of the malt and the name of the beer. Mashing takes place in mash machines.

Caramel malt.
Type of malt used in production dark beer. In addition to drying, it passes and heat treatment, which results in the formation of aromatic and coloring substances that determine the specific taste, aroma and color of dark beer.

This is an additional saturation of beer with carbon dioxide. Guarantees a stable content of carbon dioxide in the produced beer. Improves foam height.

Metal beer keg of 20, 25, 30 or 50 liters. The keg is made of stainless chrome-plated steel, the alloy of which adapts to the requirements of the poured drink. Keg significantly extends the shelf life of beer.

Collierette- this is the head (top) label in addition to the main label on the bottle.

Pasteurization, as a rule, cannot provide a shelf life of more than six months. And if a manufacturer wants their bottled or canned beer to last longer than 6 months, they will have to add a preservative to the beer. Preservatives are chemical compounds that kill the microflora of beer. If the label says: ascorbic acid, benzoate, sulfur dioxide, E with any three-digit number, the shelf life is more than 6 months - there are preservatives in the beer!

Back label.
Label on the back of the bottle. Usually there is a barcode, information about the composition of beer, etc.

Coloring and aromatic substances formed during the production of special malts, as a result of the interaction of sugars with amino acids.

Thick dark brown liquid of sweet taste, waste of sugar production.

Unmalted materials.
To reduce the cost of beer and change the composition of the extractive substances of the wort, part of the malt is replaced with unmalted grains such as rice, wheat, corn, barley, that is, not germinated.

Pasteurization is a short-term (within 3 - 20 minutes) heating to 60 - 80 degrees of beer already prepared and poured into appropriate containers in order to destroy or suppress the ability of microorganisms to reproduce. Pasteurization significantly extends the life of beer, but it significantly affects the taste of the drink. And the higher the temperature, the less tasty the beer becomes.

Density (extractiveness of the initial wort)
The percentage of solids in the initial wort (those substances that make beer so delicious and healthy). The denser the beer, the brighter, richer and more memorable taste it has.
The residual percentage of the extract shows how much of the beer "base" that was put into production actually remains in a given bottle of beer.

Seed yeast.
This is the yeast sediment obtained after fermentation.

This is barley that has been soaked, germinated, and then dried. The variety of barley, the length of germination and the temperature at which the malt is dried affect the flavor of the beer. There are also wheat, rye and other types of malt.

This is a room designed for the preparation of malt. It carries out soaking, germination and drying of malt.

The purpose of malting is the synthesis and activation of inactive enzymes, under the influence of which, in the process of mashing, the dissolution of all reserve substances of the grain is achieved. This is a process in which the soaked grain germinates within 7-9 days.

Special malt.
Malt used to make dark beers. These malts include: caramel, black, roasted, chocolate, dark. These types of malt determine the ruby ​​color, pleasant barley-malt flavor and aroma of the beer.

Substances that prevent the formation of sediment in beer during long-term storage.

Dark malt.
Type of malt for the production of dark beers, obtained as a result of high-temperature drying of malt.

These are organic or biological catalysts, i.e. substances that accelerate the rate of reactions millions of times.

It is a climbing perennial plant from the hemp family. For brewing, hop varieties belonging to the common hop species (Humulus lupulis L.) are grown, and only cones are used in production.

Hop products.
These include briquetted hops, granulated hops, hop extracts, combined hop preparations. The world market is supplied with 30% hop pellets, 30% hop extract, and only 40% natural cone hops.

Six-row barley.
Barley, in which a grain develops from each flower. This is spring and winter barley. Its grains are not uniform in size.

Extractivity of barley.
This is the sum of all barley substances, expressed as % of the mass of dry substances that go into solution.

The reaction of the interaction of organic acids with higher alcohols, as a result of which esters are formed.

A fermentation by-product that has a fruity taste and is formed as a result of an esterification reaction due to alcohol and acid in the presence of an enzyme - esterase.

As part of which there are live cultures of brewer's yeast. It is neither filtered nor pasteurized and does not contain any preservatives.

Of course, the drink that we today call live beer and buy in stores has little in common with the wonderful drink that medieval brewers brewed. With the course of progress, various substances began to be used to make an intoxicating drink in order to achieve a more pleasant shade and thick, strong foam.

Therefore, if you want real live beer, you need to either learn how to brew it yourself or go to a good beer restaurant for a mug of freshly brewed drink.

Live beer has a lot of useful properties, but they do not last more than a few hours. After this time, the yeast dies, and the drink noticeably loses its taste and aroma.

The benefits of live beer known to people since ancient times. The first recipe for its preparation is over nine thousand years old. This drink has always been considered healing, used as a therapy for many diseases.

With moderate consumption benefits of live beer for the human body as a whole is invaluable. For example, brewer's yeast contains B vitamins in large quantities. Live beer is rich in minerals, manganese, iron, calcium and phosphorus. With the systematic use of this drink, blood clotting improves. Also, live beer helps lower blood pressure and regulates cholesterol in the blood, reducing the content of that part of it that leads to the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, live beer is useful to use as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it reduces the risk of heart attacks.

A freshly brewed drink helps to speed up metabolic processes in the human body, removes toxins and toxins, and breaks down fats. So, all the talk about the "beer belly" is nothing more than a myth. Moderate consumption of live beer even contributes, since alcohol tends to slow down fat metabolism.

Live beer lowers the blood sugar level, which leads to an increase in the amount of insulin and an improvement in the response to it. It promotes the excretion of urine from the body, and mainly salt, but the withdrawal of magnesium and potassium is inhibited.

Unlike other alcoholic beverages, live beer is absorbed into the blood very slowly, due to which its concentration in the blood is very low, and its level decreases very quickly. When drinking beer, coordination and the ability to respond adequately are more preserved. In addition to all this, of all alcoholic beverages, only beer, due to the hop bitterness contained in it, activates the process of secretion of gastric juice and suppresses the effects of alcohol.

However, no matter how useful live beer, do not forget that it, like any other alcoholic drink, in large quantities causes irreparable damage to the body harm. All of its miraculous properties take place only if its use is moderate. Be sure to remember that beer is an alcoholic drink and you should not get carried away with it.

When choosing a live beer, it should be understood that the benefits it brings or the harm it does are not in last turn depend on its quality. Drinking a cheaper drink, you endanger your health. Even if the jar is decorated with the inscription "live", be vigilant and carefully study the composition. Do not fall for advertising tricks, and do not doubt for a minute that the price of a product is proportional to its quality. Ideally, the taste of a noble drink should be enjoyed in a good institution of the appropriate profile, on the menu of which there is a live beer of its own preparation.

There are a lot of varieties of foamy drink, but now we want to consider its whole category. You have probably heard the phrase “live beer” more than once, but what does it mean, how does it differ from the usual one, and is it worth buying at all?

Below you will read the answers to all these questions and along the way get acquainted with the taste and other organoleptic properties of this class of alcohol. And of course, we will talk about the pros of reasonable use and the cons of excessive passion.

Under the scope of attention are 3 familiar indicators - taste, aroma and color. According to these three parameters, it is already possible to form a first impression and understand whether to drink or not (looking ahead: at least it’s definitely worth a try).


All varieties have the following characteristics:

  • Saturation– always felt as complete as possible. Dark can reveal chocolate-caramel notes, light - wheat, but each nuance impresses with its depth.
  • Light bitterness- she piquantly invites to take another sip, but is no longer felt in the aftertaste.
  • Density- a truly live beer is never drunk as easily as water. At the same time, the fortress is not high - as a rule, no more than 4-5 °, but the density easily reaches 11%.
  • The absence of alcohol and chemical nuances - there is nothing extraneous and unnatural.


Depending on the variety, the shade can be light-wheat with pronounced cloudiness, and rich amber, and caramel-chocolate, and dark crimson, and even thick black. The main thing is that it always shines positively, if you take a glass of drink into the sunlight, and allows you to enjoy the incessant play of carbon dioxide bubbles.


Warm nuances of hops and barley or, more rarely, bread kvass, caramel, chocolate; the smell should not have pronounced acid or sweetness, sharpness of yeast or, especially, alcohol, spices of herbs.

Did you know? The aroma may also contain citrus notes - orange and grapefruit have long been in fashion. But they should be exclusively in the background, the lightest, almost inaudible.

Live beer, what is it? Production technology

Any foamy drink is a product of yeast fermentation. But ordinary beer undergoes additional processing: it is pasteurized, filtered, saturated with preservatives. These measures increase the shelf life of store conditions up to 1-3 months, but worsen the taste and smell.

Live beer is not pasteurized (not thermally processed) and often not filtered, but it is accurately and immediately poured into containers, where it ferments again.

There are no preservatives in it, so it does not lose its original density and depth of taste, but it is relatively small. stored:

  • in sealed containers at zero degrees Celsius - from 1 to 3 months;
  • in a tightly closed container at a cool temperature - from 5 to 7 days;
  • spilled over plastic bottlesfrom 15 to 30 hours.

After this time, the yeast begins to die, and the foamy drink deteriorates (a characteristic sign of which is white flakes on the surface). This is accompanied by a deterioration in taste and aroma, which acquire a pronounced acidity.

It is important not to confuse live beer with unfiltered beer. Due to the characteristic cloudy color of the latter, many believe that this is the same drink, and they are mistaken. We'll be happy to explain the difference.

You have already understood how live beer is prepared, now we will tell you how unfiltered beer is made: yeast is also not removed from it after fermentation (hence the name).

Thanks to the remnants of grain crops, alcohol acquires its opaque color and rich malty smell. A very clear example would be Weizen from the German brand —Krombacher—.

And now the difference: the living can still be filtered by removing the remnants of yeast. It will retain the fullness of taste and acquire an even amber color, it will smell good and impress with its density, but it will not be able to be stored for a long time.

Did you know? The famous Zhigulevskoye on tap is a classic example of a filtered but lively beer, cask, fresh, full-bodied. Our fathers lined up behind him, he was carried home to three-liter jars, milk bottles and even bags. This is a brand that is still popular in all post-Soviet countries due to its recognizable taste.

How often to drink live beer: what are its benefits and harms

Independent studies have proven that with moderate use observed quite beneficial and even complex effect on the adult body, namely:

  • Visible improving the condition of hair and skin, because the drink is rich in B vitamins responsible for this.
  • Normalization of metabolism with a general slowdown in fat metabolism, which allows you to naturally lower cholesterol levels, and therefore strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Effective removal of toxins from the kidneys, and consequently, the prevention of a number of diseases - you can drink it as a kind of diuretic (much tastier than diuretics, right?).
  • Stabilization of pressure while improving blood clotting- by supplying the body with iron.
  • Reassurance nervous system (which is very convenient for the coming sleep) thanks to the aldehydes that the drink is rich in.
  • Increased appetite and activation of protein breakdown which is provoked high content acids.

This is what beer is useful for, but even live, it still remains alcohol, so the main danger and harm to health lies in excessive consumption.

If you get too carried away foamy drink, you can cause serious damage to the liver, urinary system, potency (the latter, of course, is only relevant for men). The risk of addiction is also present, so you need to drink wisely.

It is important not to forget about calories: 100 ml of this light, but alcohol contains 30-40 kcal. Yes, this is not as much as in Coca-Cola or Sprite, but it is also enough to harm the figure when consumed in excessive amounts.

How to choose the right live beer and distinguish it from the usual

There are a lot of interesting varieties today, and it is worth deciding in favor of one or more of them based on individual impressions. Ideally, you should try both light and dark options, and then form your own top.

With a pasteurized drink, the same story: someone likes the exquisite nutty nuances -Stella Artois-, someone - malt caramel -Dunkel-, how many connoisseurs, so many opinions.

Making the right purchase is easy enough if you know how live beer differs from regular beer, but it’s really difficult to confuse them. In order not to be mistaken:

  • Look at the label and find the expiration date there.- if it exceeds a month, then you are holding a pasteurized drink in your hands.
  • Take a look at the color- it is either cloudy or saturated and luminous, while in the ordinary it is relatively dull.

If it is possible to pour alcohol into a glass, it is even easier to distinguish between two drinks:

  • Pay attention to bubbles- in unpasteurized varieties, they are small and continuously rise up for 20 minutes or longer.
  • Focus on foam- it is dense, slowly settles, beautifully scatters in flakes if you blow, while in the usual one it is light and quickly disappearing.

Well, if you smell or, moreover, try both options, then it is generally impossible to confuse them. Unpasteurized richness and thickness will immediately impress.

How to properly serve and drink live beer

You can pour the foam into glasses of different shapes: the classic Pilsner, the Pint, which is non-standard for our latitudes, and the female Rod, and the male pot-bellied mug will do.

The main thing is that the glass is transparent - to see the characteristic haze and enjoy the play of light.

The standard serving temperature, i.e. 5-8°, is quite suitable, although ideally light varieties should be cooled a little more, to 4-7°, and dark varieties a little weaker, to 9-12°. In any case, you need to drink slowly, estimating the density of each sip.

Did you know? If you do not want the beer to heat up quickly in the heat, cool not only it, but also the glass (naturally, separately from each other). But do not put foam in the freezer, otherwise you will kill the taste.

What snacks are suitable for live beer

Essentially the same as for the usual, that is:

  • onion rings, breaded squid, chicken nuggets - for those who love a crispy crust;
  • fried cheese, mozzarella in batter, sticks and balls, "pigtail" - for those who appreciate suluguni in all its forms;
  • basturma, jerky, Bavarian sausages, chicken wings- for those who cannot imagine a snack without something meaty;
  • dried and dried fish, octopus rings, shrimps, mussels, crayfish - for those who value seafood;
  • snacks of various kinds - all kinds of chips and crackers, best of all home cooking without any extra additives.

In a word, take the same with which you drink -Amstel-, -Bavaria-, -Tuborg- or another familiar pasteurized variety. Just remember that the appetizer should be an addition and only slightly set off light alcohol.

So experiment, open new horizons, try live beer, but do not forget about the measure. By the way, 3 glasses are recognized as the norm for a long evening, and this is more than enough for good mood, especially considering the density, density, depth and richness of unpasteurized light and dark varieties.

It is believed that beer is a low-alcohol drink that quenches thirst well. And there is nothing more pleasant, on a hot summer evening, to drink a bottle, another cold fragrant beer, sitting on a bench in a square or in a park. And even better in the company of friends in nature, and even with a barbecue or after a bath with salted dried fish! Why do so many people love beer so much that they can't go a day without it?

What is beer made from?

Since ancient times, people all over the world have been brewing and drinking beer. Beer is produced by fermenting alcohol and brewer's yeast with malt or hops. The composition of beer contains water, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, substances containing nitrogen, yeast, vitamins, minerals, estrogens are present in small doses. Preservatives are also added to beer to extend the shelf life of beer, stabilizers, dyes.

Is it good to drink beer

Many people think that beer is healthy nutritional product, which contains vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. Beer promotes the secretion of gastric juice and improves digestion. When drinking beer, a person's mood rises, it is easier for him to communicate with other people. With the help of beer, you can relieve stress, calm down, relax. Beer calms the nerves, improves sleep. Beer also has diuretic properties, helps our kidneys work, so it is useful to drink it.

Is it bad to drink beer

Everyone knows that drinking vodka harms our body. There is an opinion that from beer, since it is a low-alcohol drink, there is no harm. It is known that during fermentation processes, beer retains compounds such as methanol, fusel oils, and aldehydes. And in vodka, these compounds are hundreds of times less. For our body, for the vascular and nervous system, they are poison. They cause us nausea, vomiting, sneezing. In a person, the vessels of the brain expand sharply and the head begins to hurt, weakness appears, and the ability to move worsens. But in fact, beer is not low alcohol drink. The strength of some brands of beer can reach from 5 to 13% vol.

Let's try to figure out why beer is harmful to our body.

Changing personal qualities of a person

Beer contains hops. After drinking beer, a person gets drunk, relaxes and eventually can no longer do without beer. Gradually increasing the dose of beer, a person changes his personal qualities. He becomes stupid, angry, aggressive, pugnacious, deceitful, lazy. In a state of intoxication, various offenses and crimes are committed.

Changing the appearance of a person

Why is beer bad for men?

As you know, beer contains plant estrogens, they are similar to hormones that form the female genital organs and mammary glands. If a man drinks beer every day, then a substance is released in his body that suppresses the production of testosterone and increases the level of estrogen. A man becomes overweight, the belly begins to grow, the mammary glands and pelvis increase in size. The number of spermatozoa decreases and their quality deteriorates. If husbands like to drink beer in families, there are difficulties in conceiving a child. Over time, men develop impotence, prostatitis and other diseases.

Why is beer bad for women?

Women who abuse beer also experience changes in appearance. In women, hairs begin to appear above the upper lip - a beer mustache. The voice changes. He gets rougher.

What do they usually drink beer with? With dried fish, with salted nuts, kirieshki, with chips. Excess salt is known to retain water in the body, which leads to swelling of the face in the morning, and excess weight. Yes, and you must admit, a drunk woman is not a very pleasant sight. She laughs stupidly, she is vulgar, she behaves inappropriately. Often drunk girls become victims of crimes. Just like in men, excess estrogen causes problems with conceiving a child. Infertility develops, various gynecological diseases and even oncological ones occur.

Is beer bad for pregnant women?

For pregnant women, drinking beer is simply unacceptable. If you want to endure and safely give birth to a healthy baby, then give up beer, cross it out of your life. Alcohol adversely affects the formation of the fetus. A child can be born mentally and physically handicapped, premature, with low weight. Pregnancy may end in miscarriage. In adolescence, the child, most often, will show the consequences of drinking beer by the mother during pregnancy. Your child will be uncontrollable, irritable, aggressive. It is likely that he will also be prone to alcoholism.

Is beer bad for breastfeeding mothers?

There is an opinion that beer increases the amount of milk in a nursing mother. If the mother drinks beer before feeding, then the child will be full, will sleep long and soundly. Of course he will sleep because he will be drunk. By feeding your child poisonous milk, you will destroy his physical and mental health, accustom him to the consumption of alcohol. Yes, and your health under the influence of beer will deteriorate and collapse.

Is beer bad for teenagers?

The beautiful beer ads that pour from our TV screens creep into the immature minds of teenagers and destroy the adult opinion that beer is harmful. What is the harm? After all, you can have a good time with beer, in a cheerful company of young and beautiful people, become successful, strong, rich.

And now the first bottle of beer appears in the hands of teenagers. With the first sips of beer, alcohol enters the body, intoxicating and amusing the teenager. He feels like a hero, grown up, cool, brave. Finds fault with other teenagers, finds out the relationship, gets into a fight, commits various offenses. The psyche of a teenager changes, memory and the ability to perceive new material at school worsen. And the main harm of beer is that the health of a teenager is destroyed.

Destruction of human health

And now about how beer harms our health.

Our heart is the main organ in our body. The heart acts as a pump, pumping blood. Blood supplies our body and internal organs with nutrients and oxygen.

Excessive consumption of beer has pernicious influence to our heart. You have probably heard the expression "bull's heart" or "beer heart" more than once. When a person drinks a lot of beer, the load on the heart increases, the heart muscle and walls of the heart increase in volume several times. The heart gradually swims with fat. A person's blood pressure rises, shortness of breath appears, heart contractions become more frequent, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart attack develop.

The stomach is an organ that stores and digests food. The lining of the stomach contains glands that produce gastric juice. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid.

If a person regularly uses a large number of beer, aggressive substances such as carcinogens, resins, dyes, ethyl alcohol irritate and cause inflammation in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. A person develops heartburn, bloating, pain, gastritis and an ulcer develop.

The kidneys are the main excretory organ. From our body, they remove urine, excess water, harmful substances. They regulate blood pressure and perform many complex functions that our body needs.

With the excessive use of beer, the acid-base balance is disturbed. The body produces large quantity urine, the kidneys are forced to work in an enhanced mode to remove the effects of beer libations. Removed from the body with urine useful material and trace elements necessary for our body to function properly. Constantly working in enhanced mode, the kidneys wear out quickly. A person develops various diseases kidneys.

The liver is the largest organ and plays important role in our body. The liver performs many important biochemical functions. The liver secretes bile, which breaks down fats and takes part in digestion. The liver destroys viruses, microbes that enter our body with blood. Cholesterol metabolism is regulated by the liver.

What harm does beer bring to the liver? Beer contains alcohol, and alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. With the abuse of beer, inflammatory processes occur in the liver, hepatitis develops and then cirrhosis.

The brain is the central part of our nervous system and is made up of neurons. These neurons in the brain form into electrical impulses. With the help of these impulses, the brain controls our body, controls its work. The main function of the brain is thinking. With the help of the brain, we make decisions, process information. The brain is responsible for our speech, memory, coordination of movements.

How does beer harm our brain? It is known that beer contains alcohol, and alcohol has a destructive effect on the brain, brain cells die. In people who systematically drink beer, thiamine in the body decreases, a vitamin that affects the functioning of our brain. Lack of thiamine entails severe damage to the nervous system. A person becomes forgetful, his memory deteriorates. And over time, there is dementia, memory loss. Coordination of movements is disturbed and a person can become disabled. Our other organs also suffer from beer.

Family relationships and beer

In families where one of the family members is addicted to beer, many problems arise. Often there are conflicts, quarrels, and sometimes fights. Due to the poor potency of the husband, problems in sexual relations are growing. A certain amount of money is spent on beer every day and there are interruptions in money.

Can you drink beer every day?

There is an opinion that using every day minimal amount beer, a person will remain healthy and not get drunk. But if you cannot do without beer for a day, then this already indicates that your body requires its own dose of alcohol. And this is an addiction.

So can you drink beer? Is it necessary? Everyone decides for himself!