How long to cook buckwheat in various gadgets. How to cook buckwheat: step by step instructions.

Buckwheat is a cereal with a rich specific smell, thanks to which some people love it, while others do not want to eat it. For example, children do not really like such a porridge.

But buckwheat is healthy and rich in vitamins, especially B1.

Krupeniki, meatballs, crumbly cereals are prepared from it. It is served as a side dish and boiled soup.

But, like other cereals, it must be properly prepared before use.


Buckwheat groats must be sorted out before cooking.

  • To do this, it is poured onto the table.
  • Separate with the palm of your hand a small amount of from the total mass.
  • Spread freely on the surface of the countertop so that all the grains are clearly visible.
  • Remove dark, empty, unpeeled grains, as well as foreign impurities.


It is not customary to wash buckwheat groats. Although many people rinse it under running water, putting it in a colander. Especially if cooked without cooking, as will be discussed below.


Buckwheat most often comes to stores already fully processed. But to get crumbly porridge, buckwheat is sometimes fried.

  • To do this, it is poured in a thin layer on a baking sheet (no more than 3 cm) and placed in an oven heated to 100-150 °.
  • Dilute to light brown.
  • During roasting, the grains are periodically stirred.


Buckwheat is not soaked before cooking.

But if buckwheat needs to be cooked quickly, it is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2. And left for 1-3 hours. During this time, the grains absorb almost all the water, swell so much that the volume of the cereal increases by 2-2.5 times.

The swollen buckwheat is transferred to a clay pot or thick-walled dishes, creamy or vegetable oil, mix, cover with a lid and put in the oven or on a small stove fire.

Porridge is brought to readiness within a few minutes, as it is soft and almost cooked.

If a pot of cereal is placed in the microwave, then it is first heated at high power, be sure to cover it with a lid, then the heat is reduced to a minimum and the porridge is kept in the oven until cooked.

During cooking, the contents of the pan are mixed very carefully so as not to damage the grains. If the water has boiled away, and the cereal is still not soft enough, then you can add a little boiling water and close the lid tightly again.

Cooking buckwheat porridge without cooking

Now it's fashionable buckwheat porridge not boil, but steam. At the same time, the quality of cereals does not become worse at all, but on the contrary, all the nutrients remain in buckwheat.

  • To do this, buckwheat is washed in cool water.
  • Placed in clay pot or cauldron.
  • Pour salted boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1.5.
  • Cover with a lid.
  • Wrap with a blanket or thick towel.
  • Leave for 8 hours.
  • Delicious and healthy porridge ready.

How to cook buckwheat on the stove

Method 1

  • They sort out the buckwheat.
  • Water is poured into a thick-walled dish (cauldron, cast iron) and brought to a boil. Salt.
  • Pour cereal at the rate of one glass to two glasses of water.
  • Bring, stirring with a spatula, to a boil and cook over medium heat until moisture is completely absorbed into the grains.
  • After that, the mixing is stopped, the cauldron is covered with a lid and put in the oven. Bring the porridge to readiness.
  • If you cook it on the stove, then after boiling the water, it is advisable to put the pan on a cast-iron stand, reduce the heat to a minimum and bring the porridge to readiness. The lid at this time should be well closed.

Method 2 (taken from a 1909 cookbook)

  • Four glasses of buckwheat are rubbed with four eggs and slightly dried.
  • Three glasses of water are poured into the pan, salted, put a tablespoon of butter and brought to a boil.
  • The grains fall asleep.
  • Cook over low heat until the liquid boils away.
  • Stir and continue cooking.
  • Thick-walled dishes (cauldron, pot or stewpan) are greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  • Spread buckwheat porridge.
  • Place in oven or oven until done. To prevent the porridge from drying out, cover it with a sheet of foil.

Method 3 (taken from a 1966 cookbook)

  • The groats are sorted and roasted in the oven.
  • Pour into boiling salted water, but liquids take 5 times more than with the usual method.
  • Empty grains are removed with a slotted spoon.
  • Add some fat of any kind.
  • Periodically stir until the moisture boils away.
  • When the porridge thickens, stop stirring, cover the dishes with a lid and cook for 2 hours.

Useful advice

  • To make buckwheat crumbly, ready porridge loosen with a fork.
  • If a crust appears on the bottom and on the walls of the cauldron after soaking in the oven, then it is left in the dish, having previously been broken into small pieces, and poured hot water or broth.
  • The liquid should be twice as much as the cereal.
  • Put on fire, close the lid and heat until swelling.
  • After that, the cereal is mixed with the rest of the buckwheat.

Before serving, the finished porridge is placed on a plate and poured with melted butter or used as a side dish for meat dishes.

January 29, 2017 676

It would seem that it could be easier than cooking buckwheat porridge or crumbly cereals? But, like any dish, buckwheat has its own subtleties of preparation, so that the resulting dish is tasty, healthy and nutritious. Considering them, you can cook a lot variety of dishes from the same grain.

Like all cereals, buckwheat can be cooked in water or milk, made salty or sweet, and various seasonings can be added. Modern ways cooking allows you to diversify the menu even more.

How long to cook buckwheat in water

Buckwheat on the water is the easiest way to cook it, requiring neither effort nor special knowledge. But the cooking time varies slightly depending on the method of preparation.

in a saucepan Buckwheat is cooked relatively quickly and easily. Water must be taken 2.5 times more than cereals. First, water is poured into the pan, and brought to a boil over a fire, after which salt and spices are added, and then the cereal is poured. Cook buckwheat under the lid for 15 minutes. During this time, the water usually completely evaporates, and the cereal has time to cook.

In a slow cooker buckwheat takes longer to cook. It is necessary to pour buckwheat into the glass bowl of the multicooker and pour in water in a ratio of 2/5, add salt and spices to taste, then set the “buckwheat” mode and the cooking time is 40 minutes. After that, you can safely eat ready-made buckwheat.

Buckwheat on the water in the microwave. Most housewives consider the microwave a convenient way to warm up. prepared food, but in it you can cook the same dishes as on the stove. To cook buckwheat in the microwave, you need to pour a glass of buckwheat into a microwave oven pan and pour two glasses of water, add salt and spices, cover with a lid and leave for 17 minutes at maximum power. With an increase in the amount of cereal, the duration should be increased. If the buckwheat is not cooked, then the cooking process should be continued. If it is ready, but there is liquid left, then you need to start the buckwheat in the microwave again, but without a lid for 4-5 minutes.

In a double boiler cereals are cooked almost the same as in a slow cooker. Less water is needed for its preparation - it should be two, and not 2.5 times more than cereals. Buckwheat is also poured into cold water, salt, spices are added, butter. Cooking time - 40 minutes.

In a pressure cooker buckwheat is cooked much faster than in a slow cooker - only 20 minutes. The ratio of cereals and water is 1 to 2. Salt and spices are added to taste, all products are placed in the pressure cooker at the same time.

If the cereal is in bags

How long does it take to cook buckwheat in bags? This type of packaging of cereals has several undeniable advantages. Firstly, it has already been cleaned of husks and foreign inclusions, so it does not need to be sorted out.

Secondly, it is steamed and already partially cooked, so it cooks much faster. And, thirdly, convenient packaging eliminates the need to calculate the ratio of water and cereals - you can pour with a margin and pour out excess liquid without risking spoiling the product.

Buckwheat in bags is boiled only in a saucepan. The bags are placed in boiling water, left on fire for 5-10 minutes, depending on the degree of steaming. The cooking time may vary with each brand, and is usually indicated on the packaging. Salt and spices are added to the water.

Excess water after cooking is drained, the bag is opened - and the porridge is ready. The only drawback of this method of cooking porridge is the inability to try it before opening the bag, so sometimes you have to cook it in the usual way in a saucepan.

Cooking porridge with milk

How long does it take to cook buckwheat in milk? The dish turns out tastier and more nutritious than on water. In addition, this porridge can be made sweet. This method of preparation is not suitable for patients diabetes, intolerance milk sugar and other diseases in which cereals with milk are not recommended.

Such porridge is cooked longer than porridge on the water. This is due to the fact that it is added not to boiling, but to cold milk. For every glass of cereal, you need four glasses of milk. You need to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the milk does not run away.

Cooking time - 35 minutes. At the end of cooking, oil, salt, sugar, spices are added to the porridge. You can additionally let it brew under the lid, wrapped in warm cloth.

Time required for crumbly buckwheat porridge

To ensure that the porridge becomes crumbly, there are two ways - either by reducing the amount of water, or by reducing the cooking time. It is difficult to specify the exact amount, how much to reduce one or the other, since it depends on the personal taste of each.

But on average, in order for the porridge to turn out crumbly, you need to reduce the water by half a glass, and the time - by 3-4 minutes. If you cook buckwheat in bags, then only time is important, since excess water is drained anyway. Cook crumbly porridge milk is not possible.

Helpful Hints

There are many subtleties of cooking buckwheat, and every housewife knows a few of them or invents her own. But here are some tips on how to make buckwheat tastier:

  1. When cooking in a saucepan, buckwheat added to cold water boils more, and to boiling it turns out to be more crumbly;
  2. During cooking, the cereal is boiled twice;
  3. Buckwheat porridge can be boiled with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, stew;
  4. To improve the taste, the finished porridge can be wrapped in a warm cloth or winter clothes for 15-20 minutes. If buckwheat was cooked in the microwave, you can not take it out immediately, but leave it inside for 5 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

In this recipe, we will talk about how to cook buckwheat, one of the most popular cereals in our country, with proper cooking which, however, not all cooks are familiar with. So, how to properly boil buckwheat so that it turns out fragrant and crumbly?

Let's delve a little into the past of our vast Motherland. Buckwheat has been known since the 13th century - buckwheat brought by the Tatars quickly fell in love with the people and took root in Russia (according to another version, Greek monks cultivated it in Kievan Rus from time immemorial - hence the name). It should be noted that the situation with this cereal in those distant times was much worse: an indispensable stage after buying buckwheat was its frying - this is how the housewives “processed” the cereal in order to dry it and kill everything superfluous (often, buckwheat was stored in damp rooms, it started bugs, worms, insect eggs, etc.). Nevertheless, buckwheat was popular and widespread, despite all this.

History, as you know, teaches, therefore, when wondering how to cook buckwheat, one should take into account the above - in the past this cereal was always fried, and our ancestors often had fragrant, tasty and crumbly buckwheat porridge on the table. Obviously, the roasting stage is not important today in terms of "disinfection" and drying of cereals, but is it really so useless? Definitely, this trick is worth taking note of for those who want to learn how to cook the right buckwheat.

Roasting buckwheat before cooking allows you to make especially fragrant porridge crumbly and tasty. Due to a sharp increase in the temperature of the cereal during frying, buckwheat oil is released on its surface - this causes a special aroma and an obstacle to boiling the grains.


glasses water

glasses buckwheat kernels

1,5 st.l. vegetable oil

1/2 tsp salt

How to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge:

Throw buckwheat in a colander in a fine mesh and rinse under running water, dry, put in a hot dry frying pan and fry for 4-5 minutes with constant stirring over medium heat.

Boil salted water in a large saucepan (ideally with thick walls and bottom), add the fried cereals, bring to a boil over high heat, then remove the foam with a slotted spoon and add vegetable oil to the water, reduce the heat to low and cook until cooked under the lid - until the buckwheat has absorbed all the water.

After the cereal has absorbed all the water, you can wrap the pan in a warm blanket and leave it in a warm place - the porridge will turn out to be very tasty (this action is analogous to infusing buckwheat in a Russian oven after cooking, as our ancestors always did).

Bon Appetit!

Do you want to always cook? crumbly buckwheat? Then don't back down classic proportions: for 1 glass of buckwheat - 2 glasses of water, the ratio of cereals and water should always be 1 to 2.

Do you have your own secret on how to cook buckwheat so that it turns out friable? Share it with us, friends, in the comments to this recipe.

Video recipe how to cook buckwheat

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In order to save useful material, with which buckwheat is saturated, based on the available recipes, you need to be able to cook it correctly, in accordance with the necessary proportions and your own taste.

Buckwheat boiled in water should turn out not only tasty, but crumbly and nutritious, as well as take a proper and worthy place on the table among other snacks, side dishes and dishes.

In cooking, there are many ways and a lot of recipes for preparing this product on water.

But for a real gourmet, some subtleties are also important, the features of the process of turning such ordinary cereals into a real masterpiece of taste and saturation.

How to cook buckwheat on water - general principles of cooking

. Before you start cooking buckwheat, it must be sorted out from pebbles, small grains and husks of other types of grain and other “garbage” that may have fallen into the cereal.

. If the purchased grains of buckwheat are light, then they can be lightly fried in a hot frying pan without oil. Then, in the process, buckwheat will take on an even more appetizing look, get some friability and originality of taste.

. For cooking buckwheat, it is more expedient to select dishes in which the cereal can evenly warm up and swell, it can be a pan with a thick bottom and walls, as well as a cauldron or ceramic pots.

. In order to cook buckwheat correctly, it is necessary to observe all proportions, namely the ratio of water and cereals (1: 2). And since buckwheat during the cooking process also increases in volume, then the dishes must be selected in certain dimensions.

. In order for buckwheat not to lose its taste, the shape of the grains and the spicy aroma, you need to determine the time of cooking the dish. It is important not to digest the cereal and remove it from the heat in time.

. Buckwheat should not be stirred with a spoon during cooking, and also cooked with an open lid. At first, before the water boils, the fire under the pan should be large. Then, after boiling, the cereal should be cooked over medium heat. Well, before the end of cooking, the fire must be reduced to a minimum to completely evaporate the liquid, both from the surface of the cereal and from the bottom of the pan.

. After cooking buckwheat, the container with cereals must be wrapped in a blanket for 20 minutes for better steaming.

Recipe 1. How to cook buckwheat on water (traditional dish)


. Buckwheat - 400 gr.

. Water - 800 ml.

. Oil (vegetable) - 50 ml.

. Salt - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

Buckwheat must be sorted out before cooking, and then washed several times in water and dried thoroughly.

After the water boils, it is necessary to remove the foam that has appeared from its surface with a slotted spoon or a special spoon. Then you need to reduce the heat and continue to cook buckwheat for another 10 minutes.

Then the pan with buckwheat must be removed from the heat and, under a closed lid, let the dish brew for a few more minutes.

Also, after removing from the fire, the pan with cereals can still be wrapped in a blanket for steaming. When the buckwheat boiled in water is ready, you can add a piece of butter to it to improve the taste, and then serve the dish to the table.

Recipe 2. How to cook buckwheat on water in a slow cooker


. Buckwheat - 1 glass from the multicooker.

. Vodicka - 2 tbsp.

. Salt - 0.5 tsp

. Butter (butter) - 60 gr.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat must be thoroughly washed from unnecessary "garbage".

Then you need to pour the washed buckwheat into a special multicooker bowl, salt to your own taste and pour some water over it.

After that, you need to connect the multicooker and set a special mode on it - “Buckwheat” or “Groats”. Next, you need to set the timer on the multicooker for an hour of cooking.

After the set time has elapsed, it is necessary to add a piece of butter to the prepared buckwheat, which must be lightly sprinkled on top of the grits for better blooming.

Hot and crumbly buckwheat can be served at the table.

Recipe 3. How to cook buckwheat on water in the microwave


. Boiling water - 400 ml.

. Buckwheat - 200 ml.

. Salt - 15 gr.

Cooking method:

Rinse the buckwheat, transfer it to a special saucepan, add a little salt and pour boiling water over it.

Then place the pan with cereals in the microwave, covering the container with a lid.

Important! When cooking buckwheat in microwave oven you need to put less salt in the dish being prepared, otherwise you can easily oversalt the dish.

The microwave oven must be set to maximum power. It takes an average of 5 minutes to prepare a dish to start.

After the time runs out, the microwave oven must be opened, the lid removed from the pan, while setting the power to about 600 W and continue cooking buckwheat at the set power for about 8 minutes. In the middle of the process, it will be necessary to mix the buckwheat well.

After this time, the water should completely evaporate, and the buckwheat should be cooked.

Recipe 4. How to cook buckwheat on water in the oven


. Buckwheat - 600 gr.

. Water - 900 ml.

. Butter - 120 gr.

. Onion - 2 pcs.

. Oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat needs to be sorted out. Then you need to peel the onions from the husk and chop them finely, and then fry in oil in a pan. Next, remove the onion from the pan to a clean plate.

The sorted buckwheat should be poured into a frying pan, poured with hot, salted water and sent under a lid to an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

While the buckwheat is in the oven, you need to take the greens, wash it and chop it finely.

After half an hour, the fire must be extinguished, and the buckwheat should be left in the subsided oven under the lid for another hour.

After this time, buckwheat must be removed from the oven, add butter, fried onions and greens to it.

Prepared in this way, buckwheat will be an excellent side dish for cutlets and other meat dishes.

Recipe 5. How to cook buckwheat on water by steaming the product


. Buckwheat - 200 gr.

. Water - 600 ml.

. Butter.

. Thermos or saucepan with a lid.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat needs to be sorted out, washed thoroughly and put in a saucepan or thermos.

Then buckwheat must be poured with water, hot, but not lower than 60 degrees.

After the set time has elapsed, you need to add butter to the buckwheat, and then salt it and mix well. Now the porridge is ready to eat.

Recipe 6. How to cook buckwheat on water in a pot


. Buckwheat - 250 gr.

. Water - 500 ml.

. Oil.

. Sugar, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Buckwheat must be carefully sorted out for litter and various pebbles in it. Then you need to rinse it with clean water.

Then you need to put it in a pot, pour some water based on the ratio of 1: 2, add sugar and salt and close the lid.

After all the components in the pot, you need to put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

After the set time has elapsed, the fire in the oven must be extinguished, a pot of buckwheat should be taken out and, adding a piece of butter, send it back for 25 minutes to infuse.

The porridge prepared in this way can be consumed as independent dish, and as a side dish for meat or fish.

Recipe 7. How to cook buckwheat on water in a pot with meat and mushrooms


. Pulp - 150/200 gr.

. Buckwheat - 200 gr.

. A handful of mushrooms.

. Salt, spices.

Cooking method:

Before starting the preparation of buckwheat on the water, the selected pot must be filled with cold water. The pot will be saturated with moisture, and then in the process of cooking it will give it to the products.

Buckwheat must be sorted out and then washed thoroughly. Cut the meat into medium pieces, peeled carrots into thin strips, mushrooms into small cubes.

On the bottom of the pot, the first step is to lay the meat. Put carrots, pieces of mushrooms on top of the meat and cover everything with buckwheat and pour water over it. After that, you need to salt all the components, sprinkle with spices and remove the pot with the existing components in the oven.

Prepare, thus, buckwheat will be 40-50 minutes. After the set time has elapsed, you need to get a pot of buckwheat, season the resulting dish with herbs and serve hot to the table.

How to cook buckwheat in water - little tricks and tips

. Buckwheat before manufacturing must be sorted out, from litter.

. Before cooking, it is better to soak buckwheat in cold water, so it will cook faster.

. In order for the porridge to turn out crumbly, it must be poured with boiling water 2-3 times before cooking.

. In order for the buckwheat to steam up and turn out tasty and soft, you need to wrap it in a blanket or a warm towel after cooking.

. After the buckwheat is cooked, it needs to be wrapped in a blanket for evaporation for 40-50 minutes.

. Buckwheat in the form of a side dish will be delicious with butter, stew, fried onions, herbs, mushrooms.

It seems to be such a simple action - to cook buckwheat porridge, and how much raises questions, and not only among young people, but also among quite experienced housewives. How to cook buckwheat so that it is crumbly and tasty? How much cereal should be cooked? What proportions to keep? In our article, we will tell you how to cook buckwheat properly so that it always turns out appetizing.

How to cook loose buckwheat?

First of all, you need to know that buckwheat, like oat flakes, you can cook different ways. It can be boiled, steamed with boiling water, poured with cold or hot milk, kefir, fermented baked milk and others. fermented milk products. We will stop at traditional way cooking buckwheat and tell you how to cook loose buckwheat in water.

So, how is buckwheat cooked? First of all, it is necessary to sort out the cereals and separate the grains from the pebbles that have fallen.. If you bought cereals in a store light color, you can ignite it a little in a dry frying pan so that it acquires a pleasant brown tint. You can not do this, then your porridge will turn out light brown or golden. The next step is to rinse the buckwheat under running cold water, while the garbage that you missed will float to the surface - and it can be easily removed.

Now the main question: “If you cook buckwheat, should the proportions be observed or can you pour it on the eye?”. The answer is unequivocal. If you want to cook delicious crumbly buckwheat porridge, then you must definitely keep the proportion of cereals and water 1: 2, i.e. for 1 cup of buckwheat, take 2 of the same cups of water. In addition to cereals and water, you will need 0.5 teaspoons of salt and 50-70 g of butter.

How long is buckwheat boiled?

The second, no less important question: “How long does buckwheat boil?”. In principle, buckwheat can not be cooked at all. It is enough just to fill it with boiling water or even cold milk or kefir so that it swells. Many people think that buckwheat prepared in this way is healthier than boiled buckwheat. Cooking time with this method is zero. True, if you want to serve buckwheat for breakfast, then you have to pour it in the evening.

But how much to cook buckwheat with the traditional method of cooking? It all depends on what kind of fire you cook your porridge. It would be ideal to cook buckwheat porridge in the oven, as our grandmothers did. So buckwheat turns out to be especially tasty, since the porridge will not be boiled, but will languish for a couple.

V modern conditions it is better to cook the right buckwheat as follows. We put the washed cereal in a saucepan, fill it with the required volume of cold water and put it on fire. For the first 3-5 minutes, cook buckwheat over high heat until the water boils. Once the water starts bubbling, turn the heat down to medium and keep the water at a moderate boil. At the very end of cooking, reduce the heat to low. Cooking time depends on how quickly the water boils away. Your task is to make sure that the water boils away completely. However, be very careful! The pot with porridge should be tightly closed during the entire cooking time, this is due to the fact that buckwheat is actually steamed and not boiled, which is why you need to keep the lid closed so that the steam needed to cook the cereal does not break out. The total cooking time for porridge in the proportion of 1 cup of cereal to 2 cups of water is approximately 20 minutes.

Another point - never stir the porridge with a spoon until it is completely cooked, this is also necessary in order not to release steam from the pan. At the end of cooking, open the pan, salt the porridge, add a piece of butter, stir, cover again and wrap the pan in a towel for 20 minutes. During this time, buckwheat will steam and become soft.

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker

Many housewives have recently appeared in the kitchen such an assistant as. This is a very handy unit that can do most of the work for you, thus saving your time and effort.

In this regard, we will also tell you about how to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker. The cooking process is actually no different from cooking cereals in regular saucepan. You will also need:

  • buckwheat - 1 multicooker glass
  • water - 2 multicooker glasses
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • butter - 50 g

We do everything step by step:

  1. Rinse the buckwheat cold water to float all the debris.
  2. Transfer the washed cereal to the slow cooker.
  3. Pour cold water and salt to taste.
  4. Turn on the multicooker and select the "Buckwheat", "Groats" or "Cooking" mode, setting the timer for 1 hour.
  5. After this time, add butter to the porridge - and you can serve it on the table.

Now you know how to cook buckwheat on water the way our grandmothers did. By following our tips, you will be able to pamper delicious porridge the whole family. Good appetite!