Technological map porridge buckwheat crumbly with sugar. "Technology for the preparation of friable porridge

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1.2 Settlement part

1.4 Safe work practices

2.2 Settlement part

2.4 Safe work practices

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1. Cooking technology chopped cutlets with crumbly buckwheat porridge

1.1 Culinary characteristics of the dish

The history of chopped cutlets. The cutlet was born in France. Literally translated from French, “cotelette” means a rib. In those days, the cutlet was made very interesting way: for its preparation, ribs, either pork or beef, were used, which were wrapped in a double layer of meat pulp, so that it turned out to be a flatbread, and subjected this masterpiece to heat treatment. Moreover, the presence of a bone was an indispensable element of the cutlet of that time. It is with the bone that the meat is more convenient to eat with your hands. After some time, and with the beginning of the use of cutlery, a knife and a fork, when eating cutlets, the need for a bone gradually disappeared. This was followed by another transformation of this dish. Many cooks began to use breading when preparing cutlets, and to beat off pieces of meat.

In Rus', the first cutlets appeared during the time of Peter I. Moreover, they immediately underwent a lot of transformations. In the end, cutlets in Rus' began to be called products made from minced meat in the form of a cake. Since then, this dish has firmly and reliably entered our everyday life, accompanying us both on weekdays and on holidays.

The history of buckwheat: About 2500 years ago, buckwheat growing on the spurs of the Himalayas began to be sown and introduced into the culture by the inhabitants of North India. From here it goes to Nepal, Korea, Japan, countries Central Asia and the Middle East. And start new era appears in the Greek settlements, standing on the shores of Pontus Euxinus - the Black Sea. Here it acquires its most common name - "Greek cereal", or "buckwheat", and begins to move north - to the southern and central regions of Russia.

Since the 16th century, buckwheat has appeared on the fields of Eastern and then Western Europe. And almost at the same time, Russian settlers brought it to Siberia.

But from a purely historical point of view, buckwheat is a truly Russian national porridge, our second most important national dish. The botanical homeland of buckwheat is our country, or rather, Southern Siberia, Altai, Mountain Shoria. From here, from the foothills of Altai, buckwheat was brought to the Urals by the Ural-Altai tribes during the migration of peoples. Therefore, the European Cis-Urals, the Volga-Kama region, where buckwheat temporarily settled and began to spread throughout the first millennium of our era and almost two or three centuries of the second millennium as a special local culture, became the second homeland of buckwheat, again on our territory. And, finally, after the beginning of the second millennium, buckwheat finds its third homeland, moving into areas of purely Slavic settlement and becoming one of the main national cereals and, therefore, national dish Russian people (two black national porridges - rye and buckwheat). Our country remains the largest producer of this crop: the CIS accounts for over 70% of the world's buckwheat production.

1.1.1 Chemical composition of chopped cutlets

Chicken: Contains 16-21% protein, 5.0-28.8% fat, 0.6-1.0% minerals (calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iron), carbohydrate glycogen, 45-69, 1% water, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, D, extractives. Energy value 100 g chicken 134-326 kcal.

Wheat bread: The content of proteins is 7.6-8.4%. The main component of bread - carbohydrates - starch polysaccharide (40-50%). Starch is the main source of energy bakery products. The minerals of bread are K, P, Mg, Fe, Ca, and the vitamins are B P B 2 and PP.

Milk: contains 87.5% water, 12.5% ​​solids, which include 3.3% protein, 3.5% fat, 4.7% milk sugar, minerals - 0.7%.

Table margarine: contains not less than 82% fat, not more than 17% moisture, 1% carbohydrates, 0.3% protein. Energy value of 100 g - 746 kcal. Melting point 27-33 ° C, digestibility - 94-97%.

The composition of cereals includes proteins (10-18%), fats (up to 3.4%), carbohydrates are represented mainly by starch - depending on the variety and growing conditions, its amount can vary from 60 to 84%. In addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, buckwheat seeds include: vitamin B1 (0.58 mg / 100 g), vitamin B2, vitamin B3 (4.19 mg / 100 g), vitamin B6 (0.4 mg / 100 g), vitamin E (6.7 mg/100 g), vitamin P, vitamin PP, folic acid, vitamin K, carotene, sugar, fiber, lemon acid, oxalic acid, malic acid.

1.1.2 nutritional value dishes

Part food products includes water, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, tannic, aromatic, coloring compounds, etc. All these substances are called food. Depend on their content and quantitative ratio chemical composition, the nutritional value, color, taste, smell, and properties of food products.

Water: Water is the medium in which cells exist and the connection between them is maintained, it is the basis of all fluids in the body. With the participation of water, metabolism, thermoregulation and other biological processes take place. Minerals are an essential part of food products. In the human body, minerals are among the essential ones, although they are not a source of energy. The significance of these substances lies in the fact that they are involved in the construction of tissues, in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, in the normalization of water-salt metabolism, in the activity of the central nervous system are present in the blood.

Carbohydrates are organic matter containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates predominate in human food. They are the main source of vital physiological reactions - the synthesis of protein, carbohydrates, vitamin D, hormones, as well as the growth and resistance of the body to diseases.

Proteins are complex organic compounds, which include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen. Proteins are the most important biological substances of living organisms. They are the main material from which the cells, tissues and organs of the human body are built. Proteins can serve as a source of energy and form the basis of hormones and enzymes that contribute to the basic manifestations of life. Proteins are made up of amino acids linked together in long chains. In the human body, food protein is broken down into amino acids, from which the body then re-synthesizes proteins of human functions.

Fats are esters of the trihydric alcohol glycerol and fatty acids. Fats are involved in almost all vital important processes metabolism in the body and affect the intensity of many physiological reactions - the synthesis of protein, carbohydrates, vitamin D, hormones, as well as the growth and resistance of the body to diseases. Fats protect the body from cooling, are involved in the construction of tissues. Like carbohydrates, fats serve as a source of energy and fat-soluble vitamins.

Enzymes are biological catalysts protein nature, which have the ability to activate various chemical reactions occurring in a living organism. Enzymes are formed in any living cell and can be active outside of it. Enzymes have a very high activity, a small dose is enough to convert huge amount substances from one state to another. So 1.6 g of human digestive juice amylase can break down 175 kg of starch per hour.

Organic acids are flavoring substances found in almost all foods in the free state or in the form of salts. Acids give products a certain taste, improve their shelf life, and contribute to better absorption and digestion of food. Organic acids are used in canning. Acetic, sorbic and benzoic acids are added to some foods as a preservative.

Tannins by chemical nature are complex substances. Tannins are found in plants. They are of great taste importance, as they determine the astringent and tart taste of some fruits, as well as the specific taste of tea and coffee. Tannins are easily oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, as a result of which the products acquire a dark color (darkening of apples, blackening of tea). The fruits do not change their color if they are heated to a temperature that destroys enzymes that activate the process of oxidation of tannins. In some cases, tannins are needed. For example, they are used in the production of wines to clarify them, give them astringency and storage stability.

Dyes give color to food. These include carotenoids - yellow pigments: carotene, xanthophyll, lycopene, found in carrots, citrus fruits, etc. Of the green pigments, chlorophyll, contained in green fruits, berries, and spinach leaves, is of the greatest importance. IN Food Industry use food colorings-- natural and synthetic. Butter and margarine are tinted with carotene, wine color. In cooking, natural dyes are used to color food. So, borscht is tinted with paint made from beet peels and vinegar.

Aromatic substances determine the flavor of foods. Aroma is an important indicator of their quality. Contains aromatics in various products as essential oils. The aroma of essential oils is used in the food industry and in cooking. For example, lemon peel is used to flavor drinks, compotes and jellies, cloves are used for marinades, Bay leaf- for soups and sauces. Meat and fish contain extractive substances, which, when cooked, dissolve easily in the broth, giving it a special taste and aroma.

1.2 Settlement part

1.2.1 Calculation of raw materials per dish (compilation of flow charts)

Routing No. 1. For the dish “Chopped cutlets with crumbly buckwheat porridge”. No. 323 according to the collection of recipes in 2002

Name of products

wheat bread

fat internal

wheat bread

Ready semi-finished product

table margarine

fried cutlets


table margarine

1.2.2 Calculation of the cost of a dish (compilation of calculation cards)

Calculation card No. 1. The name of the dishes "Chopped cutlets with crumbly buckwheat porridge." No. 323 according to the collection of recipes in 2002

No. 1___________

Name of products

norm for 1 portion. gr.

Norm per 100p., kg

price, rub.

amount rub.

wheat bread

fat internal

wheat bread

table margarine

Buckwheat porridge

Markup 100%

Selling price for 1 dish

Calculation card No. 2. The name of the dishes "Buckwheat porridge". No. 325 according to the collection of recipes in 2002

The serial number of the cost estimate and the date of its approval

No. 1___________ city

Name of products

the norm for 1 p. gr.

Norm per 100p., kg

price, rub.

amount rub.



The total cost of a raw set for 100 dishes

Selling price for 1 dish

Yield ready-made 1 dish (gr.)

1.3 Technological process of cooking

1.3.1 Product processing sequence

Mechanical cooking consists of the following operations: thawing, singeing, removing the head, neck, legs, gutting, washing and preparing semi-finished products. Defrosting: If possible, frozen poultry carcasses are straightened, placed on tables or racks in one row so that the carcasses do not touch each other. Thaw at a temperature of 8-15C, 8-10 hours. Singeing: On the surface of the bird carcass there are hairs, feathers and down that must be removed. First, the carcasses are dried with a towel or cloth, then rubbed with bran or flour (in the direction from the legs to the head) so that the hairs take a vertical position and it is easier to singe them. Singe under a non-smoking flame, carefully so as not to damage the skin and melt subcutaneous fat. Removal of the head, neck and legs. Before gutting, the head of the half-gutted bird is cut off between the second and third cervical vertebrae. Then, a longitudinal skin incision is made on the back of the neck, the neck is freed from the skin and the neck is cut off along the last cervical vertebra so that the skin remains with the carcass. In chickens and chickens, the skin is cut off from half of the neck, in turkeys, ducks and geese, from two-thirds, in order to close the place where the neck is cut and the goiter. The legs are chopped off according to the metatarsal composition. The wings of a bird are cut off, as a rule, at the elbow joint. Evisceration. The omentum, lungs, and kidneys are removed from the bird entering the gutted form. After gutting, the anus and areas of pulp soaked in bile are cut out. Washing. Gutted poultry is washed with running water cold water. When washing, impurities, blood clots, and remnants of the viscera are removed. The washed bird for drying is laid on baking sheets with a cut down so that the water is glass. After that, the poultry meat is cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder along with internal fat. Buckwheat is sorted, fried until light brown.

1.3.2 Cooking technology chopped cutlets with crumbly buckwheat porridge

Poultry meat is cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder along with internal fat. The chopped meat is combined with bread soaked in milk, put salt, ground black pepper, mix well, pass through a meat grinder and beat out. Ready cutlet mass portioned, breaded in breadcrumbs or white breading (bread can be cut into strips or cubes). Cutlets are formed, which are then fried on both sides until cooked in the oven.

Poured into a saucepan cold water(2 times more than buckwheat), add salt (1 teaspoon), bring to a boil. Cook crumbly porridge for about 20-25 minutes. Cooked buckwheat porridge should become crumbly and tasty.

1.3.3 Making and serving chopped cutlets with crumbly buckwheat porridge

When on vacation, put buckwheat porridge on a plate and chopped cutlet next to it, if desired, served with red (basic) sauce or margarine.

1.3.4 Quality requirements and terms for the sale of chopped cutlets with crumbly buckwheat porridge

Cutlets in appearance have an oval - pointed shape, without cracks. On the surface of the fried crust of golden color.

The taste and smell correspond to porridge, without a taste of bitterness and musty smell. In the finished crumbly porridge, the grains of the cereal should be well, swollen, but retained their shape, easily separated from each other. Taste and smell characteristic of buckwheat, without signs of mustiness and bitterness. The smell and taste of burnt porridge is not allowed.

1.4 Safe work practices

1.4.1 Occupational health and safety when working as a cook

At the workplace, the employee receives an initial briefing on labor safety and undergoes: an internship, training in the design and operation of the equipment used, sanitary and hygienic training, testing knowledge of electrical safety, theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods. Electric current passing through the human body can hit the vital organs. The degree of electric shock depends mainly on the following main reasons: the magnitude of the voltage, local conditions, the state of the body and the path of the current through the human body. The safety measures during the operation of electrical installations include the following: protective grounding, reliable insulation, fencing of current-carrying parts, the use of personal protective equipment. Current-carrying wires must have good insulation, and current-carrying parts must have special guards to prevent accidental contact with them. In rooms with increased danger, electrical wires are enclosed in pipes. That is why, in order to prevent this danger, a protective earth is installed. To do this, a metal ground electrode is buried in the ground to a certain depth. A large-section conductor is welded to the ground electrode and connected to the body of the electrical installation. If, in the presence of such protection, the body of the equipment is energized, then the safety device will operate and the electrical circuit will be disconnected. TO personal funds protection include dielectric gloves and galoshes made of special rubber, as well as rubber mats and insulating stands. All these means isolate a person from current-carrying elements and earth.

1.4.2 Organization of the workplace and personal hygiene of the cook

A workplace is a zone of labor activities of a performer or a group of performers to perform a specific job. It is the primary link of the enterprise, which presents the main elements of the production process. At enterprises, all production sites and workplaces are interconnected. Therefore, their functioning has a direct impact on the overall rhythm of collective work and the results of its work. Maintenance of workplaces includes operations to provide them with documentation, tools, utensils, cleaning, maintenance, sanitation control, etc. The main requirements for organizing a workplace are: its proper layout, arrangement and provision of necessary equipment and inventory, maintenance, healthy and safe conditions for the worker. The area of ​​the workplace should provide safe working conditions. The most convenient is workplace 0.3-0.5 m wide and 1-1.5 m long. When planning workplaces, the necessary passages for workers and passages for the movement of transport carts and other equipment should be provided.

Hot shop - the main production facility of the enterprise Catering, in which jobs are located so that it is convenient to complete the technological process of cooking. In the hot shop, the following operations are performed: raw materials and semi-finished products are brought to readiness; prepare soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, hot drinks; process some types of raw materials for the subsequent preparation of cold and sweet in a cold shop. Semi-finished products from all blank shops are sent to the hot shop, so it is located in such a way that it has convenient communication with a group of blank shops, a cold shop, a daily stock pantry and adjoining distribution, as well as a washing table and kitchen utensils.

Each cook at catering establishments must have a set of sanitary clothing (jacket, apron, etc.) made of white material and change it as it gets dirty, but at least 2-3 times a week. The buffet worker must store personal clothes and sanitary clothes in an individual closet. It is prohibited to use the restroom in sanitary clothing. Personal hygiene rules must be followed. Upon admission to work, and later within the time limits specified by the sanitary supervision, persons working at public catering enterprises must undergo medical examinations and do the necessary tests. The purpose of the examination is to identify patients with contagious diseases that are dangerous from the point of view of possible contamination of food products with pathogenic microbes. A sanitary book is issued for each employee, in which the results of the inspection are recorded. The book is kept by the employee.

2. Technology for making milk shortbread

2.1 Culinary characteristics of milk shortbread

2.1.1 The chemical composition of the products that make up the milk shortbread

The shortbread contains flour, granulated sugar, margarine, melange, whole milk, baking soda, ammonium carbonate, vanillin, melange for lubrication.

Flour is a powdered product that is obtained by grinding grain crops: wheat, rye, corn, rice, soybeans, oats, etc. Valuable substances in flour are proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins in flour from 6 to 16%, starch 54-81%, fat 0.9-1.9%.

Sugar - sand - a white crystalline powder produced from sugar cane and sugar beets. Sugar - sand contains 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture.

Table margarine contains at least 82% fat, no more than 17% moisture, 1% carbohydrates, 0.3% protein. Energy value of 100 g - 746 kcal. Melting point 27-33 ° C, digestibility - 94-97%. The composition of the melange includes: water 74 g, proteins 12.7 g, fats 11.5 g, carbohydrates 0.7 g, unsaturated fatty acid 3.0 g, cholesterol 570 mg, mono and disaccharides 0.7 g, ash 1 g, vitamins: (A, B 1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, E, H, PP), choline 70 mg, iron 2.5 mg, potassium 140 mg, calcium 55 mg, magnesium 12 mg, sodium 134 mg, sulfur 230 mg, phosphorus 192 mg, chlorine 60 mg, iodine 7.0 mcg, etc.

Milk consists of water and solids, or dry residue, which includes milk fat, proteins, milk sugar and other substances. Whole milk contains 0.1 ... 9.5% fat, proteins, milk sugar and vitamins. It should be white with a yellowish tint, without foreign tastes and odors.

2.1.2 Nutritional value of milk shortbread

The composition of food products from which milk cake is prepared includes: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, water, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamins.

Proteins are complex organic compounds, which include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen. Proteins are the most important biological substances of living organisms. They are the main material from which the cells, tissues and organs of the human body are built. Proteins can serve as a source of energy and form the basis of hormones and enzymes that contribute to the basic manifestations of life. Proteins are made up of amino acids linked together in long chains. In the human body, food protein is broken down into amino acids, from which the body then re-synthesizes proteins of human functions.

Carbohydrates are organic substances, which include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. Carbohydrates predominate in human food. They are the main source of vital physiological reactions - the synthesis of protein, carbohydrates, vitamin D, hormones, as well as the growth and resistance of the body to diseases.

Fats are of great importance in human nutrition. It is an essential part of the body. They significantly improve the taste of dishes, contribute to uniform heating of products during frying.

Water is the most significant component of all cells in terms of quantity (2/3 of the human body weight). Water is the environment in which cells exist and communication between them is maintained, it is the basis of all fluids in the body (blood, lymph, digestive juices). With the participation of water, metabolism, thermoregulation and other biological processes take place. Together with sweat, exhaled air and urine, water is removed from the body harmful products exchange.

Iron is necessary for tissue respiration, is involved in the formation of cells immune system maintaining good immunity.

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds of various chemical nature. They play the role of biological regulators of the chemical reactions of metabolism occurring in the human body, participate in the formation of enzymes and tissues, and support the protective properties of the body in the fight against infections.

2.2 Settlement part

2.2.1 Calculation of raw materials for the product (compilation of technological maps)

Technological map number 2. On the dish "Milk shortbread"

Name of products

Sugar sand


Baking soda

Ammonium carbonate

2.2.2 Calculation of the cost of the product (drawing up costing cards)

Calculation card No. 3. for the product "Dairy crust"

The serial number of the cost estimate and the date of its approval

No. 1___________________

Name of products

norm gr.

price, rub.

amount rub.

table margarine

Baking soda

Ammonium carbonate

The total cost of a raw set for 100 dishes

Markup 100%

Selling price for 1 dish

Yield ready-made 1 dish (gr.)

2.3 Technological process of product preparation

2.3.1 Product processing sequence

The flour is sifted through a fine sieve, it is loosened, enriched with oxygen for better convergence.

Melange is thawed at room temperature or putting the jars in water with a temperature of 50 degrees. C, then mix well and filter, pre-mixed with milk or water in a ratio of 1: 1. Prepared products are used for kneading dough.

Sugar is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 2-3 mm or pre-dissolved in water and filtered.

2.3.2 Product preparation technology

The dough is prepared raw in milk. Softened margarine is beaten with granulated sugar until it is completely dissolved, melange and milk are added, and then flour is added and the dough is kneaded for 1-6 minutes. Humidity ready dough 20 %. The prepared dough is rolled out in the form of a layer 6-7 mm thick. The layer is rolled with a waffle rolling pin. From the rolled out dough, with the help of a recess, round-shaped products with a diameter of 9.5 cm are formed, placed on greased sheets, smeared with melange and baked at a temperature of 200 ° C for 10-12 minutes. The mass of the semi-finished product for each shortbread is 83 g.

2.3.3 Quality requirements and terms of product realization

Cooked shortbread should be porous, well-baked, without "hardening"; Finished products should have a round shape with a beautifully finished surface and a pronounced aroma. The structure is crumbly. The color is light yellow. Implementation period 72 hours.

2.4 Safe work practices

2.4.1 Occupational health and safety during the work of the confectioner

Occupational safety is a system of legal, sanitary and technical standards that ensure safe working conditions for the life and health of workers. Managers are obliged to organize control over the implementation of labor legislation, orders and instructions of higher organizations. They develop an action plan to create normal and safe working conditions, organize briefings, exhibitions, lectures, use posters on labor protection and fire fighting equipment. The work of the confectionery shop depends on how correctly it is designed, provided with appropriate premises, how the necessary equipment is selected and arranged in it, which ensures a normal technological process. The layout of the catering establishment as a whole, as well as the dimensions of the premises of all production workshops, including the confectionery workshop, are determined in accordance with current standards that ensure safe and optimal conditions work and confectioners. Important role plays the right and sufficient lighting. The most favorable for vision is natural light. The ratio between the window area and the floor area should be 1:6, and the greatest distance from the windows can be up to 8 m. Artificial lighting is used in rooms that do not require constant monitoring of the process. The workshop needs emergency lighting that provides minimal illumination when the worker is turned off. All electrical equipment is grounded. There should be rubber mats in front of the circuit breakers and machines and the inscription: "High voltage is dangerous to life." The safety of working on mechanical equipment depends on the design of the machine, the presence of guards, alarms and interlocks.

2.4.2 Organization of the workplace and personal hygiene of the confectioner

Confectionery shop for baking bakeries and flour confectionery, cakes and pastries are organized at large and medium-sized catering enterprises (mainly restaurants), which supply their products to a wide network of small enterprises. The circuit is part of procurement enterprises, for normal management technological process, in the confectionery shop there should be the following departments: dough kneading, dough cutting, baking, product finishing, preparation of cream, minced meat, pantry of daily food supply, containers. Workplaces for confectioners are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage finished products. Proper placement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

The norms of personal hygiene of a confectioner are practically no different from the norms for all catering workers. First of all, it is a neat appearance, the presence of special clothes, comfortable shoes with rubber soles. It is not allowed to wear jewelry or bijouterie, a mobile phone around the neck, long nails. All outerwear and street shoes of the confectioner are put into the closet, after which it is necessary to wash your hands with soap and water. Be sure to bring a clean handkerchief and a personal towel. In order not to infect other people through food, a person suffering from any infectious disease cannot become a confectioner. Oral care is also included in the obligatory norms of personal hygiene of the confectioner. A sanitary book is issued for each employee, in which the results of the inspection are recorded. The book is kept by the employee.

Used Books

1. Anfimova N.A. Cooking: a textbook for NGOs. - M.: Academy, 2010.

2. Buteykis N.G. Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products: a textbook for NGOs / N.G. Buteykis. - 7th ed. - M.: Information Center "Academy", 2008.

3. Zolin V.P. Technological equipment Catering Enterprises: A Textbook for NGOs: a textbook for open source software. - M.: Academy 2008.

4. Matyukhina, Z.P. Commodity science of food products: Proc. for NGOs/Z.P. Matyukhina.- M.; IC "Academy", 2008.

5. Matyukhina, Z.P. Fundamentals of nutritional physiology, microbiology, hygiene and sanitation: A textbook for NGOs / Z.P. Matyukhin. - 3rd ed., corrected. and add.-M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2009.-256 p.

6. Potapova, I.I. Calculation and accounting: textbook. Handbook for NGOs. - M.: Ed. Center "Akdemia, 2006.-160 p.

7. Prokhorov V. Collection of recipes for confectioners. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix 2001. - 320 p.

8. Sopina L.N. Cook's guide. - M.: Academia, 2006.

9. Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at catering establishments: Textbook for NGOs /V.V. Usov.- 6th ed.-M.: Academy, 2008.

10. Fatykhov D.F., Belekhov A.N. Occupational safety in trade, public catering: Proc. allowance for vocational schools - 4th ed., ster. - (Professional education) - M .: Academy, 2003.

11. Kharchenko, N.E. Collection of recipes and culinary products: studies. manual for NGOs. - 2008.

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Routing ( recipe)

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TOPIC "Technology of preparation of crumbly cereals"



- introduce students to the types and range of crumbly cereals;

- to promote the assimilation of knowledge on the technology of making crumbly cereals.

-to form the student's knowledge of the technological process of preparing raw materials and the sequence of preparing crumbly cereals:

1. Loose buckwheat porridge

2. Loose rice porridge

3. Loose millet porridge

4. Loose barley porridge


- develop the ability to apply knowledge of theory in practice, the ability to compare, draw conclusions, analyze

- develop independence, observation.


- to instill a sense of personal responsibility and a conscious attitude to the material studied, as a direct connection with the chosen profession;

- to instill interest in the chosen specialty.

Planned results:

-know: the technology for preparing crumbly cereals and the rules for their release, the serving temperature, the quality requirements for these dishes, the rules for culling

Complex methodological support:

- on the tables of students: workbooks, textbooks, collections of recipes

-videos on the topic "Cooking technology crumbly porridge»

Teaching methods:

- verbal, visual

Interdisciplinary connections:

- culture of speech, physiology of nutrition.

Lesson Form: lesson with lecture elements
Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment:

Checking students in the journal;

Eliminate distractions.

2. Verification homework on the topic "Changes occurring during the heat treatment of cereals, legumes and pasta”, “Preparing cereals for cooking”

1. Describe the nutritional value of cereal dishes?

2. What is the nutritional value of legumes?

3. What happens to the starch of cereals when it is cooked?

4. How is cereal prepared for cooking?

5. Why, when preparing buckwheat porridge, is it fried before cooking?

3. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

During the classes:

1. Loose buckwheat porridge

2. Loose rice porridge

3. Loose millet porridge

4. Loose barley porridge

5. Consolidation of the studied material

Task number 1

Tested learning outcomes: PO, U1, Z1

Task text:

  1. Make a sequence of cooking crumbly cereals. Place a sequence number next to each operation.

Slow cooking

Preparing cereals for cooking

Liquid preparation

Putting cereals in liquid

Oil bookmark

Reducing porridge

2. Explain the causes of the following unacceptable defects in cereal garnishes from cereals and cereals:

a) boiled, sticky grains;

b) the presence of dark grains of grain impurity;

c) bitter taste;

d) the cereal is undercooked.

The defects of cereals also include the presence of mustiness, the taste of burnt cereals and saltiness.

Task number 2
Tested learning outcomes: PO, U1, Z1
1. Using the Recipe Bookindicate the rate of liquid for cooking. 1 kg of crumbly cereals:

a) buckwheat;

b) rice:



c) millet.

  1. Homework.
Read and consolidate the studied material pp. 183-186

  1. Independent work.
Consider the technology for preparing crumbly cereals from three types of cereals (exclude the dishes that are discussed in the textbook and in the lesson). Write short messages on the subject.

Lesson material

Porridge is a favorite dish of many nations, plays a big role in nutrition. In ancient times, it was considered a ritual, solemn dish.

In Rus', when concluding peace treaties, the contracting parties had to cook and eat porridge together. In confirmation of this custom, a proverb has come down to us: “You can’t cook porridge with him.”

Porridges are cooked from any kind of cereals in water, whole milk or diluted with water. By consistency, porridge is divided into crumbly, viscous and liquid. The consistency of cereals depends on the ratio of cereals and water. During the cooking process, cereals absorb a large number of water due to gelatinization of starch and therefore increase in mass and volume (welding). A weld is the difference between the masses of the finished porridge and the cereal used for its preparation. For getting good quality various kinds cereals should strictly adhere to the norms for laying cereals and water, established by the recipes.

In table. 8.1 shows the amount of water per 1 kg of cereal for cooking cereals of various consistency, the yield of ready-made cereals, the duration of their cooking and the percentage of welding. For cooking cereals, it is more convenient to use dishes with a thick bottom, boilers with indirect heating, with a non-stick coating, the volume of which is measured. Salt is put into the liquid before the cereals fall asleep at the rate: for crumbly cereals 10 g per 1 kg of finished porridge and 5 g per 1 kg of ready-made milk porridge.

The grits are washed immediately before use (it should be warm), placed in a boiling liquid, mixed with a paddle, lifting the grits from the bottom so that it does not stick to the bottom of the dish. When cooking crumbly cereals, you can put butter or garnish before falling asleep cereals to improve the taste and appearance(50 ... 100 g per 1 kg of cereal).

Loose porridge. They are boiled in water or broth made from buckwheat, rice, millet, barley and some other cereals. The consistency of porridge depends on the ratio of liquid and cereal. In the finished porridge, the grains should be completely swollen, well cooked and well separated from each other.

Rules for cooking crumbly cereals.

1. Dishes are selected taking into account the welding of this porridge.

2. Prepare the cereal.

3. Bring the liquid to a boil, put salt.

4. Fall asleep, grits, mix, raising the grains from the bottom.

5. Remove foam and pop-up hollow grains.

6. Put butter or fat.

7. Cook until thickened, level the surface of the porridge, cover the boiler with a lid.

8. Reduce heat and leave to evaporate. The total duration of cooking fried cereals is 2.5 ... 3 hours, hydrothermally processed (fast-cooked) - 50 ... 70 minutes.

9. Ready porridge loosen with a chef's fork.

Loose porridges are used as independent dish and as a side dish.

Buckwheat. Salt is put into boiling water, the prepared cereals are poured, mixed, the pop-up hollow grains and impurities are removed, oil or fat is added, cooked, stirring, until thickened, when the cereal absorbs all the water, the surface is leveled, the lid is closed, the porridge is steamed until cooked with low heat . Ready porridge is loosened with a chef's fork. Served hot with butter, with cracklings, with browned onions, as well as chopped hard-boiled eggs and butter. Cold porridge can be served with milk or sugar. Buckwheat porridge is used as a side dish for various dishes.

Rice porridge crumbly.

Method 1. In boiling salted water, taken according to the norm, fat is added (5 ... 10% of the mass of rice), prepared rice groats are poured and cooked, stirring, until thickened, then the porridge is boiled until cooked in a lidded dish in an oven with low heat for about 1 hour.

Method 2 (rice poached). The prepared rice groats are scalded with boiling water so that it does not taste like flour, the water is drained and poured with hot meat or chicken broth according to the norm, add salt and oil (you can put a few peeled raw onions and allspice in the middle of the cereal), cover the boiler with a lid and steam until

readiness. At the end of cooking, the onion is removed. Poached rice is used as a side dish, minced meat and as an independent dish.

Method 3 (folding rice). Prepared rice groats are poured into boiling salted water (6 liters per 1 kg rice groats) and cook at a low boil for 25 ... 30 minutes. When the grains swell and become soft, they are thrown back on a sieve, washed hot water, let the water drain and put in a water bath in an oven for 30 ... 40 minutes. Serve porridge with butter. When washing cereals, many nutrients are lost.

Millet porridge.

Method 1. Prepared cereals are poured into boiling salted water, taken according to the norm, and boiled until thickened, stirring occasionally. Then the porridge is cooked in a dish with a closed lid in an oven for 1.5 hours.

Method 2 (drain porridge). Prepared cereals are poured into boiling salted water (6 l per 1 kg of cereals and 50 g of salt), boiled for 5 ... 7 minutes, then the water is drained, fat is added and the porridge is brought to readiness in the oven for 30 ... 40 minutes . Serve porridge with butter. Chilled porridge can be served with cold milk.

Pearl barley. Prepared cereals are poured into boiling salted water (you can dry it before cooking) and bring to a boil. After boiling, to improve the appearance of the porridge, the water is drained, then the steamed groats are placed in a pre-prepared cauldron with boiling salted water and the porridge is continued to cook until it thickens with occasional stirring. Close the dishes with a lid and put in the oven for 2 ... 3 hours. Serve porridge with butter.

Loose cereals from concentrates. Concentrate briquettes (buckwheat, or millet, or barley, or barley, or rice porrige) knead until the lumps disappear, pour cold water (2 liters of water per 1 kg of concentrate) and bring to a boil. Then it is boiled at a low boil in a tightly closed container until the cereal swells completely. Serve porridge with fat or sprinkle with sugar.