Draw up a scheme for the primary processing of dried mushrooms. Culinary processing of mushrooms

September is mushroom picking month. It was during this period that, due to a slight cooling and periodic rains, autumn mushrooms actively grow in the forests of the Moscow region - boletus, pigs, honey mushrooms and volnushki. But sometimes the harvest is too large, and it is not clear where to put your "booty". How to process and what to cook from mushrooms, the RIAMO in Lyubertsy columnist found out.

mushroom processing

Before making plans for cooking mushrooms, they must first be processed. Primary selection of mushrooms takes place already when a person decides what to put in the basket and what not. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to put all the mushrooms on the table and sort through. Only those about which you are sure are worth sending to the pan. If there is no such confidence, you can ask a familiar mushroom picker with extensive experience. But the best thing is to throw the suspicious mushroom into the trash can.

Anything left on the table needs to be cleaned. In butter and russula with a knife, it is necessary to remove the cover film, under which a white hat is hidden. Porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms are enough to clean from twigs, leaves and needles.

After that, the cap of each mushroom must be cut into two parts, separating it from the stem. After that, the mushroom should be examined for the presence of small holes. If they are, it means that fungal worms have been in the mushrooms. In this case, they can be safely thrown away.

Before putting mushrooms in a pan or in a pan, they must be washed. To do this, pour enough cold water into a bowl so that the mushrooms swim there, and place your “prey” there. Stir, and then with two palms transfer the mushrooms to any other container.

It must be remembered that some mushrooms, such as mushrooms or milk mushrooms, must be soaked before cooking.

Collected mushrooms can now be safely placed in a pan. Next, you need to pour a little water so that the mushrooms do not burn. When the mushrooms float, you should throw the contents of the pan into a colander, after placing a clean bowl under it. Then again pour water into the pan and place the mushrooms in it, cook until tender. How long to cook mushrooms depends on their type. For example, boletus - boil for 7 minutes, and chanterelles and russula - at least 20 minutes. After boiling the mushrooms, rinse with cold boiled water.

What to cook from mushrooms

Mushroom soup

The easiest way to use mushrooms is to make soup out of them. To do this, in addition to mushrooms, you will need 1 onion, 2-3 potatoes, Bay leaf, vegetable oil, to taste - herbs, salt and pepper. By the way, milk mushrooms, mushrooms and porcini mushrooms go well in soup. But the boletus and boletus will lose their shape and in the soup will look unaesthetic.

Dried mushrooms must first be soaked for 2 hours in two liters of water. The infusion should be filtered and put on fire, adding water.

Potatoes must be peeled, cut into cubes and thrown into the same pan. Chop the onion and carrot and fry in vegetable oil. In the same pan, you need to fry the mushrooms, salt to taste.

Then all the fried can be thrown into the pan and boiled until the potatoes are ready. About five minutes before the end of cooking, the soup should be salted, pepper and add a bay leaf for smell. You can serve it with or without greens, it all depends on taste preferences.

Potatoes with mushrooms

Another favorite dish that never gets boring is potatoes with mushrooms. For cooking, you will need several potatoes, 1 onion, vegetable oil and salt and pepper. From mushrooms, you should choose chanterelles, mushrooms and russula.

Potatoes need to be peeled and cut into thin slices, onions should also be peeled and chopped, and mushrooms should be chopped large pieces. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes until fully cooked.

In another pan, you need to fry the mushrooms in oil, then pour in 1 tablespoon of oil and fry together with the onions. The resulting mixture can be added to the potatoes, seasoning the future dish with salt and pepper to taste. After mixing, potatoes with mushrooms must be heated for 1-2 minutes.


To cook julienne, you need to stock up on onions, sour cream and parmesan. It is also worth preparing salt and pepper, thyme and oregano. Usually julienne is made from champignons. But also suitable Forest mushrooms: white, boletus and boletus.

It will take no more than half an hour to prepare the julienne.

Onions should be cut into thin strips, and mushrooms into thin plates. Pour a little oil into a frying pan and fry the onion in it until a slightly golden hue. Then you can safely add mushrooms. First, all the liquid will evaporate from them, after which they should be fried.

In an oven preheated to 180 degrees, mushrooms should be baked for 10-15 minutes. Then add the grated Parmesan and send to the oven for another two minutes. Julienne is best served hot, and sprinkled with dill or parsley on top.

Pickles for the winter

If there are still stocks of mushrooms that have nowhere to go, it is best to pickle them for the winter. You can salt anything, but pigs, milk mushrooms, mushrooms and volnushki are best suited for this. Mushrooms are best to choose the same size and type. Especially large it is better to cut off the legs in advance. Some of them need to be soaked so that they do not give off bitterness. For example, waves and milk mushrooms need to be kept in cold water several days.

All salting is divided into cold and hot. Since mushrooms were previously salted in oak barrels, they were pre-soaked for several days. At the same time, the water was changed several times. After soaking, the mushrooms must be folded into a container in layers, while not forgetting to salt each layer and add horseradish, oak and currant leaves, allspice and bay leaf. For a kilogram of mushrooms, 40 g of salt will be required. On top of the mushrooms, you need to put oppression and make sure that they are completely immersed in the brine. Such pickles will be ready in about a month and a half.

Hot salting means boiling mushrooms in brine. For the brine, you will need salt, bay leaf, cloves, currant leaves and three peppercorns. Putting the pan on the fire and bringing to a boil, do not forget to remove the foam, and mix the mushrooms as needed. All spices are added gradually already during cooking.

When the mushrooms settle to the bottom of the pan, they need to be taken out and put in a basin so that they cool faster. Then they should be put in clean, dry jars and pour the brine from the pan. Pickles should be stored under plastic covers in a dry, cold place - in a refrigerator or cellar, if there is one.

Mushrooms are exposed to high temperatures in order to completely or partially eliminate their poisonousness, bitter taste or bad smell. It should be remembered that such processing worsens nutritional qualities mushrooms, and also weakens their aroma and taste. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is better not to boil the mushrooms at all, but to fry them in natural, fresh. This is quite possible with, and young, as well as many and. Let's say even more: some varieties of mushrooms become viscous after boiling. This happens, for example, with , as well as legs and . These features are worth knowing when preparing mushroom dishes.

But with some mushrooms, cooking is indispensable. Have to sacrifice nutritional value to dissolve harmful substances in water. These mushrooms include: volnushki (and), some russula (and), milk mushrooms (and). They need to be boiled for about 15-30 minutes, and then be sure to pour the broth. The bitter taste of some mushrooms (as well as some and) is removed by short-term cooking (5-15 minutes is enough). But cooking is generally useless - the bitterness will not disappear.

Stage one— primary processing of mushrooms. Consists of several consecutive steps:

1) Sort. Different types mushrooms differ not only in taste, but also in the technology of preparation. Therefore, pre-sorting does not hurt at all. For example, you can separate mushrooms that need to be boiled from those that can be thrown into the pan fresh. To make it convenient to process mushrooms, it is recommended to arrange them into piles, depending on the size.

2) Clean up debris. Together with mushrooms, we bring leaves, needles, pieces of moss and twigs from the forest that have stuck to hats and legs. All this inedible debris, of course, must be removed - scraped off with a kitchen knife or gently cleaned with a clean cloth. You should be especially careful with mushrooms that are planned to be dried for the winter. Here you can clean the entire surface of the mushroom with a brush, without missing a single fold.

3) Clean with a knife. Some parts of the mushroom are definitely not suitable for food. They must be carefully cut with a knife so as not to risk your health. These are, for example, all softened, damaged or darkened places. If the mushroom is old, then the inside of the cap should also be removed. For some mushrooms, it is recommended to cut off the leg so that the dish does not turn out to be viscous. And in late and russula they clean the hat - there the skin becomes slimy and bitter during the cooking process.

4) Rinse with running water. The time for washing mushrooms should be short so as not to spoil taste qualities this product. If the mushrooms are planned to be fried, then it is enough to pour over them cold water. Drying mushrooms are not washed at all. All other processing methods involve a quick wash in cold water and leaning back in a colander to drain excess liquid from the glass. For these purposes, by the way, a sieve or a sloping board without recesses and depressions is also suitable. Some mushrooms have an uneven surface; dust and sand often collect in their folds. These are hedgehogs, lines, morels and some others. Naturally, such species need to be washed a little longer to remove all debris. True, experts say that you still won’t get rid of the sand completely with plain water, and they recommend boiling the mushrooms in boiling water for five minutes, and then drain the water and rinse in a colander.

5) Soak. This is done in order to remove bitter or salty notes from the mushrooms in taste. In this case, it is recommended to change the water once an hour so that harmful substances leave faster. Soaking also helps to return dried mushrooms their original moisture content. Such water can be used as a base for mushroom broth.

6) Cut. This is needed for large mushrooms that cannot be cooked whole. Many people separate the caps from the legs and cook them separately to make the dish or canned food in a jar look more attractive. The hat is cut into an even number of parts (two, four, six - it all depends on the size). The leg is carefully cut across, making sure that the pieces do not turn out too thick.

II stage- subsequent (thermal) processing of mushrooms. Includes several options for you to choose from:

1) Boiling. Boil the water first, add salt to your taste and put the mushrooms. The foam formed during the cooking process must be removed. Boil the mushrooms for about 15-30 minutes. finished product put in a colander or cool in cold water.

2) Boiling. Initially, the mushrooms are placed in cold salted water and brought to a boil as quickly as possible. Immediately after boiling, the dishes are removed from the stove. Mushrooms can be gradually cooled in the same water in which they were boiled, or poured over with cold water. When the mushrooms have cooled, they must be placed in a cloth bag or on a sieve to remove any remaining moisture. Mushrooms cannot be squeezed: with this method, along with water, useful substances also irrevocably leave the product.

3) Scalding (or blanching). First, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed, and then they are placed on a sieve or in a colander and poured over very hot water. After that, briefly lowered into boiling water (you can hold it over a pot of boiling water). Blanching is the most fast way heat treatment. After it, the mushrooms do not break, which is very important if you are going to salt or pickle them. As a rule, mushrooms or russula with a flat or just a large hat are subjected to scalding.


Not all mushrooms (even edible ones!) are suitable for food. For example, old or overgrown specimens are soft, flabby and extremely unappetizing in aroma. It is better not to risk your health and throw away such mushrooms without regret. But the problem is that even young mushrooms quickly deteriorate if they are not processed immediately after returning from the forest. If this is not possible, then processing can be postponed until the next day, but not later. At the same time, it is advisable to clean the mushrooms from debris, but in no case cut or wash. It is best to keep the gifts of the forest in a wide basket or other flat dish. Mushrooms need coolness and good ventilation. Therefore, a basement, corridor, barn or underground is the best place for storage. In urban conditions, a refrigerator is also suitable. Just don't forget to post temperature regime+2° - +6°. If you plan to boil the mushrooms, you can fill them with cold water during storage.

What if the next day it was not possible to process the mushrooms? There is a proven way to extend their "life". The product must be washed with cold water, let the moisture drain (a colander or sieve is suitable for this purpose), pour boiling water over it, and then put it in neat rows in a bowl and sprinkle table salt. The container must be glass or enameled, and you need to put it on ice. In this form, the mushrooms will retain their freshness for another week.


Fresh mushrooms, collected in the forest or bought in the market, need to be quickly prepared for cooking. Only then will they retain their taste and be elastic and fragrant.

Dishes from properly peeled and chopped mushrooms are beautiful and appetizing.

The main rule is that mushroom cleaning should not be postponed for a long time. Cut mushrooms in a warm room deteriorate and quickly become flabby. They easily lose their unique forest spirit. After a hike in the forest, you need to get down to business as soon as possible.

If this is not possible, you can keep your prey until morning in a refrigerator or other cool place, for example, in a cellar.

What tool should I use to quickly clean?

You will need a small sharp knife to do the job. A thin tip is convenient to remove spoiled places and clean out debris. The sharpened blade will easily cut the fragile flesh and will not crumble it.

A damp cloth or paper towels can be used to wipe off dried-on dirt.

Mushroom juice contains substances that blacken the fingertips. Use gloves to protect your hands while working.

Prepare an empty container for clean mushrooms and water for washing.

Is it necessary to wash?

When washed, mushrooms absorb a lot of moisture and lose their taste. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to dry cleaning, where possible. Mushrooms that you are going to dry for the winter should not be wetted in any case, they can only be wiped with a damp cloth. Before frying, it is also better to do without washing, but if necessary, you can quickly rinse with water.

  • cooking;
  • salting;
  • pickling.

Mushrooms for pickling, which have a bitter taste, are soaked for one or two days in cold water, regularly replacing it with fresh water.

Preliminary processing

The first stage of cleaning takes place in the forest. Large debris is removed from the found mushroom: twigs, leaves, needles. The root is cleaned with a knife from the earth and sand, or simply cut off to check if there are any worms inside.

Unfamiliar varieties should never be taken. Even one inedible mushroom in a basket can lead to poisoning.

Strongly wormy, moldy and very old specimens should also be left in the forest. They will spoil the taste of food and can be harmful to health.

Mushrooms bought in a store or on the market have already undergone primary cleaning. Only small debris or traces of soil remain on them. Such mushrooms at home should be sorted out again, cut off the damaged places and, if necessary, washed. After that, you can cook and eat them.


White mushrooms are not only the most delicious, they are also easy to peel. They usually grow in light and dry places or in moss. These noble beauties only cut the earth around the circumference of the root. It is enough to wipe the hat or fan it with a brush. Carefully cut off places spoiled by forest dwellers.

White ones, which are only slightly affected by worms, can be used for harvesting for the winter. During the drying process, the worms do not eat the mushroom from the inside, but crawl out.


Boletus mushrooms are often wormy, to check they immediately cut off the tip of the leg. In large specimens, for the same purpose, the hat is separated and cut in half. There may be worms at the bottom of the cap, even if the rest of the mushroom is not affected by them. Then the spongy layer is completely removed. The leg is cleaned with a knife, removing the top layer of the skin, although some mushroom pickers believe that this is not necessary.

In old boletus, the legs become hard and fibrous. In cooking, it is better not to use such parts at all.

The video shows how to properly clean boletus.

Aspen mushrooms

Aspen mushrooms are processed in the same way as boletus. The top layer is scraped off the legs. There is no need to remove the skin from the cap, just brush off the dirt with a cloth. The spongy bottom of the cap should be checked for the presence of worms and fungal mosquito larvae. Aspen mushrooms are distinguished by the fact that they turn blue and then blacken on the cut. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to immediately throw the pieces into the water after cutting.

Cute mushrooms grow in large families, and it is not easy to cope with a whole mountain of oil. Difficulties arise due to the slippery film that covers the oil heads.

During heat treatment, it becomes rough and slightly bitter. Hats must be cleaned. To prevent the film from sticking to the hands, the oils are dried. Another folk way is to pour boiling water over them.

You can oil your hands or wear gloves, otherwise the fingertips will darken from the sticky skin.

Otherwise, in young butterflies, they only trim the leg. In older ones, the leg can be slightly scraped and the remains of the collar under the hat can be removed.


Red fragrant fungi are remarkable in that they contain a substance that repels worms. They do not need to remove the skin or separate any parts. For cleaning, only cut off the lower third of the legs with traces of soil. Chanterelles have a rather bizarre shape. Earth or needles get stuck between the plates, which are not easy to remove.

Fortunately, chanterelles can be washed in plenty of water. To make them more elastic and not break, they are poured with boiling water. This simplifies subsequent processing.

In large champignons, the skin is removed from the caps. This is done by a simple movement of the knife, from the edge to the center. In the caps of young mushrooms, the top layer can be left. If the legs of the champignons are harsh, they are cut shorter or removed altogether. The collar is edible and does not need to be peeled off.

When washed, champignons strongly absorb water and lose their taste. Try to do dry processing and shake off all the debris with a cloth.

If it doesn’t work out, you can quickly rinse and discard the mushrooms in a colander.

oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are very easy to clean. They grow on tree trunks, so grass and needles practically do not stick to them. These mushrooms are good only at a young age; when sorting, old specimens are immediately removed and set aside. Those with a hat no more than 10 cm are selected for food. The bottom of the leg, damaged edges and dried places on the fruiting body are cut off. It is convenient to wash oyster mushrooms in a sieve under running water, but you can also soak them in a basin.

Honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms on long thin legs grow on stumps and practically do not get dirty. From them it is only necessary to collect leaves and needles and cut the tips of the legs. If the lower part of the leg is stiff, it is also cut off. The skin is not removed from the hat. However, rotten and darkened areas must be removed.

It is believed that mushrooms are the purest mushrooms, but they still need to be processed. Adhering blades of grass, twigs and needles are brushed off with a brush or knife.

Camelinas are often found on sandy soils, sand sticks to the roots and from the underside of the caps. Together with the rest of the foreign particles, it is easy to wash it off by briefly soaking the mushrooms in the basin. Gathering in the forest, they are not uprooted from the ground, but immediately cut off with a knife. If you brought them home whole, then the roots will have to be cut off.

Milk mushrooms

Milk mushrooms are first simply washed, cleaned of sand and other debris. Then they are soaked in cold water for three days to get rid of the bitter taste. The water needs to be changed several times a day. The container with mushrooms is placed in a cool place so that they do not sour. With a brush, knife or hard sponge, the soaked milk mushrooms are scraped off to a white color. Then finally wash and remove damaged areas.

First of all, raincoats are washed, gently rubbing the dirt with fingertips. The soft shell-like outer layer separates from the pulp. In large mushrooms, this skin is conveniently removed with a knife. For control, spherical fruiting bodies are cut in half. If the flesh is white and elastic, you can eat it.

Raincoats with a yellowish center are best thrown away. They are either old or damaged. Puffballs are not poisonous, but a bad-tasting mushroom will spoil the dish.

After dry cleaning, mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time, but after washing, they must be cooked immediately. For soup, hodgepodge or preparations (except for drying), you can boil them for future use with no large quantity salt and use then within a few days.

To cooking masterpiece subsequently looked beautiful, the mushrooms are carefully cut into pieces of equal size. Fibrous legs are cut across, and caps into triangular segments. Small mushrooms can be eaten whole, they look especially beautiful in jars with marinade. The goal of neat and correct processing- to preserve the valuable qualities of mushrooms in order to fully reveal them in the preparation of delicious dishes.

Some types of mushrooms can be eaten raw, but in most cases, heat treatment, is still preferable. Therefore, if your favorite dish- fried mushrooms with potatoes, for starters, learn not to cook this dish, but to properly process mushrooms.

Sorting and processing forest mushrooms

What should you do with mushrooms after you come home from the forest? Experts recommend:

Sort the harvested mushrooms (by size and type);
Thoroughly clean each mushroom from debris, dirt and needles;
Check the mushrooms for any damage/cracks/dents;
Darkened spots and bruises must be removed with a knife;
Sometimes it is necessary to remove the crumpled mushroom cap, especially when it comes to oils or russula, since it is in the caps that a large number of alkaloids.

When should mushrooms be processed?

If you want to cook fried mushrooms with potatoes, then ideally, process the mushrooms directly on the day they are harvested. Why? This is extremely important so that in mushrooms, even during thermal processing, all useful qualities. If for some reason it is not possible to process the mushrooms (sort, distribute by type and size, clean) on the day of collection, it is allowed to leave them until the morning. But, at the same time, it is extremely important to clean the mushrooms at least from dirt and leaves, but in no case wash. Next, place the mushrooms in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar). Mushrooms intended for cooking can be poured with a large amount of water.

Wash and soak harvested mushrooms

Washing and soaking mushrooms is often the first step in any mushroom cooking process. If the mushrooms are not intended for cooking, but for drying, they should never be washed and soaked! Such mushrooms only need to be cleaned of debris and wiped with a damp, clean cloth. If the mushrooms were cleaned and washed correctly and on time, then any dish with their participation, including fried mushrooms with potatoes, will acquire amazing taste and flavor!

A few rules for competently washing mushrooms;

Do not wash the mushrooms for too long under hot water, because if they absorb a lot of water, then during the cooking process you will encounter certain problems (long cooking);
Mushrooms should be washed under running water for 1-2 minutes, and then left on a dry, clean towel (drain);
Porcini mushrooms must be scalded several times with boiling water before cooking so that in the future they do not crumble when cut and are more resilient and elastic.

Experienced mushroom pickers treat a walk in the forest as a certain ritual. With their families, they can walk and pick mushrooms for hours, and at home they clean them carefully and lovingly. They pay special attention to each and wash thoroughly. But not everyone knows how to process mushrooms correctly. If there is any doubt about the quality, in no case should the product be used, it is more expedient to throw it away immediately.

Cleaning mushrooms from debris

Mushrooms spoil very quickly, so you need to prepare them for storage quickly. Walking through the forest is a tiring task, after returning home you want to lie down and relax. How to process mushrooms in the forest? To save time, it is worth starting processing immediately after they are torn off. To do this, you need to clean each mushroom from debris and leaves, and if the skin on the cap is easily removed, then it can be removed. The mucosal apex must be cleaned and the film removed. Naturally, in the forest you need to spend more time for a walk, but at home you can relax a bit.

mushroom preparation

After coming home, you should immediately distribute them by type, so that it is easier to figure out how to process mushrooms and what to cook from them. Then you need to take a sharp knife and cut out all the dark places, and also check the product for the presence of insects or worms. Hats must be gently wiped with a brush or brush, and then cut off the tip of the leg.

When all mushrooms are cleaned, they should be thoroughly washed. But this should be done with extreme caution, since a long stay in the water will not have the best effect on the quality, and their taste will change a little. Mushrooms must be put in a colander and rinsed a little with cold water, and then let it drain.

If you know how to properly process mushrooms, then the juice that remains should not be thrown away. It can be used to prepare other dishes.

If mushrooms have a small amount of wormholes, the product must be soaked in cold water, after adding salt there. Then the worms will come out and stay in a container of water. In the case when the mushroom is very difficult to wash, as it is excessively contaminated, it can be placed in water and left for a while.

It is more convenient to wash in a basin or in a large saucepan. It is important that the mushrooms are covered with water. To prevent them from floating up, you can put plywood or a board with a small load on top. When the leaves and other debris are wet, it will be very easy to separate them.

Those mushrooms that are intended for salting must be soaked. For mushrooms, it is worth scraping off the upper black layer with a knife, and for oiled mushrooms, remove the films from the hats. When thinking about how to process volushki mushrooms, you should remember that they are soaked raw and then salted.

Those species that contain milky bitter juice should be soaked for 2-3 days, changing the water at least three times a day. It is better to put the container in a cool place so that the mushrooms do not sour.

Experienced mushroom pickers assure that soaking is not as useful as it is commonly believed. This is due to the fact that along with bitterness, nutrients and protein substances disappear, the nutritional value product, as well as the mushroom becomes soft and flabby. Therefore, experts do not recommend soaking for more than 2 days. If you figure out how to process mushrooms, then after cooking they will always turn out delicious.

When sorting through, you need to pay special attention to whether there are any poisonous species in the basket. Some grebes are very similar to russula. You can distinguish them by the stem: if the russula is real, its stem is straight to the very base, while in a false mushroom it expands downwards. It will also be useful for beginners to know that in a toadstool the skin is removed from the cap from the edge to the center. If there is any doubt about the quality, it is impossible to use them in any case, it is more expedient to immediately throw them away. You should not pick those mushrooms that grow near highways or landfills: they can cause severe poisoning.

Preparing for salting

Inexperienced cooks are often concerned about how to properly process mushrooms for pickling. After cleaning, they must be put in a container for soaking, large ones - cut into pieces. Russula with a red leg can come across very hot, so it is better to place them in boiling water for a few minutes. Yellow ones do not need soaking, it is enough to peel them, boil them and put them in the refrigerator. Old and flabby mushrooms should be thrown away immediately.


Most often pickled tubular species that do not contain bitterness. Small mushrooms are pickled separately, and large ones should be cut into pieces. The legs must be separated from the caps, and they can be marinated both together and separately. Mushroom pickers are advised to select hats, and use the legs for cooking other dishes.

If the oil is young, the bottom film must also be removed. It is more convenient to do this with the tip of a thin knife. The leg should be left a couple of centimeters from the hat.

Those mushrooms that will be pickled cannot be washed, as they will absorb water, which is highly undesirable. It is better to wipe them with a damp cloth.

How to dry mushrooms?

To dry the product, you need to know how to process fresh mushrooms. An improperly prepared product for storage will quickly deteriorate. For drying, tubular species (white, oily, boletus) or lamellar (russula, mushrooms or chanterelles) are most suitable.

It is better to dry strong, old mushrooms without damage. They should never be soaked or washed. Use a damp cloth to remove dirt and debris. Mushrooms are dried separately for each species, if necessary, cut into pieces. Hats can also be divided into parts. In order for the mushrooms to dry faster, their thickness should be 3-5 mm. Cut conveniently sharp knife, laying the spongy side up.

Preparing porcini mushrooms

They are very tasty, nutritious and highly respected by chefs. But not everyone knows how to process. First of all, with a small knife, you need to cut off the tip of the leg, grabbing a little on the sides to remove foreign particles.

Wipe the mushroom with a paper towel and remove small particles of debris. If drying is expected, the product must not be wetted.

To check if the mushroom is wormy, you need to cut the leg. If the caps are very large, you can cut into pieces. In the case when the contamination is very strong, it is necessary to boil the product for some time or soak in salt water.

Thinking about how to process porcini you should use a toothbrush. It picks up debris well and does not damage the hat.