Can a child have cranberries? Video: Lingonberry juice

Cranberries are very important in baby food, it is traditionally used to strengthen the immunity of children, to stimulate appetite, increase vitality, and also during the recovery period. Cranberries help improve digestion and absorption of food. IN small quantities Apple-cranberry juice is recommended to be given to young children to improve appetite (from 6 months). Cranberry is good because it can not only enhance the antibacterial effect of other drugs, but also produces a pronounced therapeutic effect. Cranberry juice, for example, inhibits the growth and development of Staphylococcus aureus, anthrax bacilli, Proteus and Escherichia coli.

In a word, cranberries are a real storehouse of vitamins, microelements, organic acids - a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic agent, widely used in pediatrics and baby food. Juice, fruit drink, syrup, cranberry jelly - safe and affordable all year round means to strengthen a child’s immunity at home.

How to properly prepare cranberry juice for children

600 g cranberry juice, 400 g 45% sugar syrup.
Squeeze juice from prepared (washed and dried) cranberries. Boil the juice for 2-3 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. Add to juice sugar syrup and heat to 80ºС. Pour the juice into jars or bottles and pasteurize for 5-10 minutes. Cranberry juice prepared this way keeps well. For preventive purposes, cranberry juice for children is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For children after 6 months, diluted cranberry juice is mixed with apple juice, after one year of age, children can be given diluted cranberry juice as an independent drink.

Cranberry juice can also be prepared with pulp. To do this, rub the blanched cranberries through a sieve, add sugar syrup to the resulting puree (400 g of 50% sugar syrup per 600 g of cranberry puree). Heat the mixture to 65ºС, then pour it over hot glass jars and pasteurize.

How to properly prepare cranberry juice for children

1 cup cranberries, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 liter of water.
Wash the cranberries, add water, and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, add sugar, bring to a boil and cool. Add cranberry juice to the cooled mixture. You can replace the sugar in cranberry juice with honey (honey is added to the cooled mixture).

How to make cranberry syrup for children

1 liter of cranberry juice, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water.
Prepare sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in boiling water and pour squeezed cranberry juice over it. Boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and seal.
Cranberry syrup is convenient because it is prepared once and used for a whole year. It can be added to tea, compote, or diluted with water.

How to properly prepare cranberry jelly for children

120 g cranberries, 140 g sugar, 45 g potato starch.
Squeeze juice from prepared cranberries. Pour the marc with 3 cups of water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. Strain the cranberry decoction, cool slightly and dilute in it potato starch. Bring the mixture to a boil, add sugar, bring to a boil again. Add the squeezed juice and stir. Vitamin jelly cranberries are ready. Serve with cookies.

You can serve cranberry jelly with milk. To do this, take 2 cups of milk for 2 cups of prepared jelly. Pour jelly into glasses, cool, add milk. No need to stir. This two-color jelly with milk is both tasty and healthy.

Cranberry jelly is even tastier if served with cream and ice cream. It turns out real dessert. For 2 cups of prepared jelly you need to take 200 g of cream and 200 g of ice cream. Pour jelly into glasses, serve ice cream and cream in a vase or bowl, garnish with cranberries.

Strengthening a child’s immunity with cranberry juice, fruit drink, syrup or jelly is so tasty and simple. Take care of your kids!

Next time we’ll talk about viburnum in baby food, about the beneficial properties of viburnum for strengthening the child’s immunity. Do not forget subscribe to the announcement articles site so you don't miss it.

Cranberry is an evergreen creeping shrub with stems up to 30–35 cm long. It is found in the northern part of the country. WITH medical purposes eat cranberry fruits and leaves. Collect leaves better in spring, fruits are collected as they ripen, from August-September until frost. Cranberry is the most valuable berry of northern nature. This graceful plant grows in transitional and high swamps, in coniferous forests, and can also be found along the swampy shores of lakes. The fruits, ripe by autumn, are bright red in color and measure 0.8–1.6 cm in diameter.

100 g of cranberries contain almost the daily requirement for child's body vitamins C, A, E and K, about a third daily norm, it is rich in vitamin PP, which plays a major role in the absorption of vitamin C in the human body. It is a valuable source of microelements: potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Cranberries contain sufficient amounts of iron.

Cranberry increases a child’s defenses against colds (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, adenoviral infections), saturating his body with vitamins and minerals, has a general strengthening effect, helps maintain strength and good health to a little person. It is an indispensable remedy for high temperatures, as it has a remarkable diaphoretic property and reduces intoxication of the child’s body. For sore throat and bronchitis, cranberry juice along with honey is both a powerful antiseptic and expectorant.

The substances that make up cranberries have diuretic properties and are destructive to bacteria that cause infections in the kidneys and urinary tract, so drinks made from cranberries play an indispensable role in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other urological diseases.

Cranberry has anti-cancer properties, because it contains a significant amount of pectin, thanks to which it promotes the natural elimination of poisons, radioactive substances, heavy metal ions from the body and, therefore, will be especially useful for children living in cities, large industrial centers, regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.

Interesting to know: Chinese scientists conducted a study in which some of the observed patients ate cranberries, dishes and drinks made from this berry, and ultimately proved that cranberries help with bladder diseases and prevent stomach ulcers.

Among all berries, fruits and vegetables, cranberry is the leader in the content of phenols, thanks to which it has a powerful bactericidal effect against putrefactive and pyogenic microorganisms. Therefore, cranberry juice will relieve inflammation of the gums, is useful for periodontal disease, is harmful to bacteria that cause caries, and promotes accelerated healing of wounds and superficial burns. It will be especially useful in the postoperative period.

For skin diseases, cranberry juice applied together with Vaseline helps get rid of itching due to dermatitis, purulent skin inflammation and eczema.

Cranberry fruit drinks and jelly perfectly quench your thirst. And the astringent property of cranberries will help cope with diarrhea.


  1. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum during exacerbation;
  2. Gastritis with increased acidity;
  3. Liver diseases;
  4. Weak tooth enamel;
  5. Allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

How to give cranberries to children

Children 0–1 year. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), it is not recommended to introduce brightly colored berries into the diet of children earlier than the main products ( vegetable purees, cereals, meat), and not earlier than six months of age. This means that children who are bottle-fed are allowed to give cranberries no earlier than 6 months. Children who are exclusively on breastfeeding, - not earlier than 7.5 months, despite the fact that baby food manufacturers may indicate more on the packaging early dates.

Cranberry juice is rich in vitamins, but before giving it to a child, it should be diluted boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

Children under one year old should be given cranberries after heat treatment (steam for 2-3 minutes or about a minute in boiling water). You can add a few pureed berries to vegetable or fruit purees, juice or give fruit drink, after diluting it with boiled water 1:1. The amount of fruit drink can be calculated using the formula: 10*n (per day), where n is the number of full months. It is better to give cranberries 1-2 times a week.

For children at risk of developing allergies, it is advisable to delay the introduction of cranberries into complementary foods until they are 1 year old.

Children 1–3 years old. You can give 10–20 g per day (this is approximately 1–2 tablespoons of berries). Children under 3 years old should not be given raw cranberries. The best option would be to prepare fruit juice, compote or jelly, after dousing the berries with boiling water. During cold periods, you can increase the dose 3-4 times.

Children over 3 years old. For healthy children over the age of 3, cranberries can be given raw, cranberries can be sugared, drinks, mousses or smoothies can be made from them, or tea can be made from the leaves. To preserve vitamins as much as possible, you should try to use cranberries without heat treatment in cooking. If a child enjoys eating cranberries and everything made from them, and does not have any ailments from the list of contraindications, there is no need to limit the quantity - let him eat for health.

Recipes for jelly and cranberry juice

1. Preparing jelly

For one serving: 2 tbsp. l. berries, 1 glass of water, 1 tsp. starch and 3 tsp. Sahara. The cranberries must be washed, if necessary, doused with boiling water and mashed with a spoon. To boil water. Cool a quarter and dilute the starch in it, pour the remaining water over the berries, bring the resulting mixture to a boil and strain. Add sugar to this broth and pour in diluted starch, put on fire. Stirring the drink constantly, let it boil; when it thickens, remove from heat.

2. Cranberry juice

Wash the berries. Squeeze the juice out of them and set it aside. Pour the marc with 8 glasses of water and put it on the fire, boil. Pour no more than a glass of sugar into the resulting broth, boil, strain and cool, and add pre-squeezed juice.

Sometimes people don’t think twice and start using at the first opportunity. medications. We must teach from childhood to love and eat foods created for health by nature itself. After all, cranberries are not only surprisingly healthy, they have an incredibly bright and juicy taste that even you yourself can’t help but like.

About the properties of cranberries and their benefits for children and adults in the “Live Healthy!” program:

Cranberry - healthy berry, thanks to which you can strengthen immune system and avoid many viral diseases. In order for it to bring only benefits to your baby, you need to know how to properly introduce it into the children's diet. At what age can a child be given cranberries? In what form is it offered? How to calculate the daily portion of berries for a baby?

Cranberry is very important in children's nutrition; it is traditionally used to strengthen children's immunity, to stimulate appetite, increase vitality, and also during the recovery period. Cranberries help improve digestion and absorption of food. In small quantities, apple-cranberry juice is recommended to be given to young children to improve appetite (from 6 months). Cranberry is good because it can not only enhance the antibacterial effect of other drugs, but also produces a pronounced therapeutic effect. Cranberry juice, for example, inhibits the growth and development of Staphylococcus aureus, anthrax bacilli, Proteus and Escherichia coli.

Cranberries in a baby’s diet – at what age is it introduced into complementary foods?

What are the benefits of cranberries?

  • Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, A, E, K, PP and B.
  • It contains macro- and microelements such as potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus.
  • Cranberry is a powerful immune stimulant; it strengthens the body's defenses, helping to prevent colds.
  • Cranberry increases a child’s defenses against colds (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza, adenoviral infection).
  • Cranberry has a diaphoretic effect, so it is useful to eat it at a fever - it reduces intoxication of the child’s body.
  • This berry removes toxic substances.
  • For sore throat and bronchitis, cranberry juice along with honey is both a powerful antiseptic and expectorant.
  • Cranberry destroys bacteria thanks to high content phenols.
  • The diuretic effect of these berries allows them to be used for diseases of the bladder and kidneys, including those of bacterial origin.
  • Pectins in cranberry fruits remove poisons and radioactive substances from the body.
  • Pectins perform another function - they improve the digestion process.
  • Cranberry juices and jelly can quench your thirst very quickly.
  • Cranberry is also useful for loose stools - it has astringent properties.

Are there any contraindications for cranberries?

  • Cranberries are contraindicated for people with liver disease.
  • If you have stomach diseases caused by high acidity - gastritis and ulcers, you should not eat cranberries.
  • If you eat cranberries frequently, the acid can weaken your tooth enamel.
  • Sometimes cranberries cause allergies in children.

At what age are children given cranberries for the first time?

Various berries are usually introduced into the baby’s diet when he is already accustomed to cereals and pureed vegetables. Do the same with cranberries. Typically this period occurs at the age of 6 months for babies who eat formula, and 7-8 months for babies who eat breast milk. Children with a tendency to allergies are first offered cranberries no earlier than one year.

In what form is it correct to give cranberries to children of different ages?

Children under 1 year old are given cranberries that have been heat treatment. Several berries are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, ground through a sieve or cheesecloth, and then added to the vegetable or fruit puree already familiar to the baby. You can prepare cranberry juice, compote or jelly for your child.

The baby is treated to cranberries 1-2 times a week. The daily portion for a child aged 1 to 3 years is 10-20 grams of berries. Cranberries in fresh can be eaten from the age of three. It is served with sugar, added to various desserts or juices and drinks.

What if you have an allergy?

After offering your child cranberries for the first time, observe the body’s reaction for 1-2 days. If during this time you find red spots on your baby’s body, a rash, a runny nose or signs of swelling on the face, this is a manifestation of an allergy. In this case, cranberries are removed from the child’s diet. Contact your pediatrician or allergist to prescribe an antihistamine. You can re-attempt to enter children's menu cranberries no earlier than a year.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How to prepare cranberry juice?

To do healthy fruit drink from cranberries, you need to take one and a half liters of water and half a kilogram of berries. The cranberries are washed and then the juice is squeezed out. The remaining cake must be filled with water and boiled. Add sugar (to taste) to the prepared broth and boil again. When the broth has cooled, mix it with cranberry juice. How much fruit juice can you give a child? By multiplying the baby's age (in months) by 10, you will get the value in milliliters, which is the daily portion of fruit drink for your child.

How to make cranberry syrup for children

1 liter of cranberry juice, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water. Prepare sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in boiling water and pour squeezed cranberry juice over it. Boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then pour into sterile jars and seal. Cranberry syrup is convenient because it is prepared once and used for a whole year. It can be added to tea, compote, or diluted with water.

How to cook jelly with cranberries?

  1. After thoroughly washing the berries (4 tablespoons), pour boiling water over them, and then mash them.
  2. Boil water (2 cups). Cool 1/4 cup of boiled water, and then dissolve starch in it (2 tsp).
  3. Add cranberries to the remaining water in the pan, boil, and then strain.
  4. Put sugar (2 tbsp) into the strained broth and pour in the prepared starch.
  5. Place the pan over low heat and stir until the jelly thickens.

How to choose good berries?

Cranberries ripen in autumn. Exactly this the right time to buy berries. Fresh fruits usually elastic, they have a bright color. Avoid buying soft and wrinkled berries.

How are cranberries stored?

Fresh fruits should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than seven days. Mold may form in a closed container, so leave the berries uncovered.

Preparing berries for the winter

To pamper your baby with cranberries in winter, the berries can be preserved in different ways.

  1. Freezing. The cranberries are not washed, but only cleaned of visible debris, and then sent to the freezer.
  2. Drying. To dry cranberries for the winter, they are first dried in the sun for several hours. The berries are then transferred to an oven or fruit dryer.
  3. Cranberries, grated with sugar. This method is simple and allows you to store the berries in the refrigerator. long time. Grind the cranberries with sugar, maintaining a 1:1 ratio, place the berry puree in a sterilized jar.
  4. If the cranberries are collected before the first frost, they can be stored in the refrigerator if they are covered with syrup or water.

Child eats cranberries

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Mors is an excellent alternative to juices and compotes. This drink is obtained mainly from all kinds of berries. Morsik is especially necessary in childhood. It perfectly strengthens the immune system. A few drops of this drink can be given even to children up to one year old, naturally, not entirely to infants, but to those who are starting to eat complementary foods. We offer you various options recipes from several types of berries.

Cranberry juice for children

Cranberries are an ideal berry for a child’s body. It does an excellent job of strengthening the immune system and preventing the development of bacterial infections. You should enjoy this delicious red liquid all year round. But not all children love the sour and bitter taste of cranberries. However, fruit juice has a pleasant sweetish taste that any baby will like.

In order to make a cranberry drink, you need to take only three components:

  • 2 cups of berries;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

If desired and in the absence of allergies, you can replace sugar with honey. In this case, the proportion may change. Instead of 5 tablespoons, use 4 or even less. Navigate according to your taste.

The entire cooking process takes a small amount of time.

  1. Prepare the berries - rinse them and let the water drain. If they are frozen, let them thaw.
  2. Mash them well with your hands, a spoon or a wooden pestle. In this case, the dishes should be glass or enamel, but in no case wooden.
  3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth from the pulp. Set the juice aside.
  4. Heat the specified amount of water.
  5. Place the pulp itself in a saucepan with water (not iron), add sugar and place on medium heat.
  6. Bring the mixture to a boil, turn off the stove. Let stand for 15 minutes.
  7. Strain the liquid from the pan and add the first squeezed juice into it.

Lingonberry juice for a child

This berry is no less fortified. It can also be used to prepare equally tasty and healthy drink for a child.

Have to take:

  • 200 g berries;
  • 100 g sugar (do not forget about the possibility of replacing with honey);
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. Sort and wash the berries.
  2. Place them in boiling water.
  3. Cover and simmer over low heat for no more than 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the liquid through cheesecloth or a colander.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the berries and mix with the broth.
  6. Add sugar and simmer over low heat for another 4 minutes.

Currant juice for children

You can make fruit juice for your child from both black and red berries.

  1. Boil 10 glasses of water.
  2. After boiling, add 9 tablespoons of sugar to the water and boil again.
  3. Add 12 tablespoons of berries and bring to a boil over low heat. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from heat. Don't let it boil, otherwise everything will beneficial features will evaporate.
  4. Let the liquid sit for half an hour. Strain and cool.
  5. Morse is ready to drink.
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