The project of the technological line for the production of cheese "Adyghe". Technological features of the production of various types of cheese

Not all residents of our country know where Adygea is located. But Adyghe cheese know and love even losers in geography. And of course, having arrived in the republic, I simply could not help but visit the cheese factory.

1. It all started in the market in Maikop. Having bought a couple of "pigtails" of cheese, I began to ask the saleswomen where cheese is made in the republic.
- "Many places, but most of all in the village of Dondukovskaya."
I went there, remembering that on the package of Chechil cheese, which I bought back in Moscow, there really was a settlement with this name.

2. The village itself is no different from hundreds of others, and if you just drive past it, you will never guess that this particular village is the capital of Adyghe cheese making. At a small market, I decided to find out from local grandmothers where the cheese factory is exactly here.

They do it everywhere, honey. But who will tell you? The secret is. You can look for yourself who has gates on richer houses.

Realizing that you can’t cook cheese with a grandmother, I turned to a man who drove up to the square in a GAZelle with cans.

Well, yes, they do a lot. But almost everyone does it illegally or is simply afraid of inspections, the cheese business here is a "nightmare" not sour. The only ones that remain afloat are large factories, there are only a few of them in the republic, and there is only one in this area, in the neighboring village of Giaginskaya.

But you can’t get into this plant, because everything is very strict and secret there. Production is divided into zones, and a worker in one zone does not even have the right to go to the next one to smoke. And that these zones are almost fenced with barbed wire - that's what a random stranger named Alexei told me.

- "Well, I see you have Moscow numbers, you are probably not from the police. Listen here, my brother is engaged in cheese, I can call and ask him. But mind you, this is a long process, it takes a whole day. Are you ready to wait?"

For the sake of cheese, I was ready for anything, so I exchanged phone numbers with Alexei, and just in case I decided to try to "break through" to the secret factory for the production of Adyghe cheese.

3. Twenty minutes later I was already in the village of Giaginskaya, and an hour later I was filming the production of cheese. It was easy to agree: I came, told who I was and why I needed to photograph their cheese, and the marketing department staff gladly gave me a tour of the "secret" production.

4. In fact, all the secrets are hidden behind the door of this vat. From the receiving department where they deliver cow's milk, whey, consisting of pasteurized milk, some additives and salt, enters through the pipeline.

5. Employees of the workshop collect this substance in a colander.

6. It is still half liquid, but not enough to "leak" through the holes in the bucket.

7. Then the excess water is drained.

8. Sprinkle the cheese mass with salt.

9. And they clean up to "dry" on special racks.

10. After a quarter of an hour, the cheese must be turned over and left in the racks for another 15 minutes.

13. I was very pleased with these multi-colored buckets!

14. After the cheese hardens and cools down, it goes to the packing shop, and the ladles go to the sink.

16. Here the cheese heads are cut into four parts.

18. Manually put into packages.

19. A special machine removes air from the bags and seals them.

20. Labels are glued on packages with Adyghe cheese.

21. And then weighed and laid out in boxes. Everything, Adyghe cheese is ready to be sent to the store :)

22. I myself don’t really like this kind of cheese, it seems bland to me. So I went to another workshop located next door.

23. It is called the suluguni workshop, although not only it is made here, but also all sorts of other smoked cheeses: chechil, pigtail. Many also call these cheeses Adyghe, but in fact they are not: the "real" Adyghe is what we saw in the previous room: round, unleavened, almost curd cheese.

24. But here smoked cheese- This is just a dream! Let's silently see how it is made? :) The technology is similar to the production of Adyghe, and the pictures are quite visual.

31. Smokehouses.

36. The packaging process is also very simple.

38. I can’t understand only one thing: why such small portions? :)

Cheese is a popular product for almost every person. People with low incomes buy processed and sausage cheese, people with an average income buy Russian or Dutch cheeses, and wealthy citizens prefer elite varieties (Mozzarella, with mold, etc.)

All cheeses are divided into four main groups:

  • solid (Russian, Swiss, etc.);
  • semi-solid (Lyubomirsky, Roquefort, etc.);
  • soft (goat, feta, etc.);
  • brine (suluguni, cheese, Adyghe, etc.).

Cheese contains a large number of useful elements that the body needs daily. Regular inclusion of it in the diet will positively affect the general condition - the skin condition will improve, metabolism will normalize, etc.

Modern industry offers consumers a huge choice cheese products. Everyone has a different way of making cheese, just like taste qualities.

Consider its main types and features of the production process of each.

Includes the operations described in the previous article, namely: reception, reservation, maturation of milk, its normalization, pasteurization and cooling.

The production of hard rennet cheeses is impossible without the addition of bacterial starter, calcium chloride and rennet. These components give the finished product specific taste qualities. The technology for the production of rennet cheeses may also include coloring milk with a vegetable component.

The production of Dutch cheese follows the same sequence of steps.

A distinctive feature of the production Swiss cheese is the high temperature of the second heating (up to 58°C). During ripening, it is placed in a fermentation chamber (25 ° C) for a whole month, and the total duration of the period is 6-8 months.

Production of soft cheeses

The principle of making soft cheese is to curdle milk and strain the whey through cheesecloth or using special equipment. Production technology soft cheeses presented in the photo.

Features of soft cheese– a short exposure period and a short shelf life (about two weeks). It is characterized by a delicate texture, the best taste of which is manifested during the first seven days.

Production of elite varieties of cheese - with mold

brie cheese is a soft and delicate product that is made from cow's milk. Add to it rennet extract and heated to a temperature of 37°C. After that, it is laid out in molds and left alone for 18 hours. Then comes the turn of the introduction of mold fungus, due to which the cheese acquires a specific texture. Brie matures in cellars for up to two months.

Cheese production Feta is distinguished by the absence of mold fungus in its composition. Instead, sourdough is sometimes added (mainly with lactobacilli).

Production feature goat cheese is the addition of mature cow's milk. After all goat milk has a lower ability to coagulate, so sometimes an increased dose of bacterial starter is added to its composition.

Cheese production Mozzarella It is noteworthy that no additives are used in the process of its manufacture. The basis of cheese is milk and cheese enzyme, therefore it is provided high content calcium, nutrients and vitamins.

Mozzarella matures in just a couple of days, but at the same time has a short shelf life (maximum three days).

A feature of the technology for the production of semi-hard cheeses is the fact that they are produced according to the technology hard cheese, but do not use the forced pressing method (they are self-pressing). Semi-hard cheeses ripen, like soft ones - with the participation of enzymes of lactic acid bacteria and the microflora of cheese mucus.

Processed cheese production

Raw materials for the production of processed cheeses are:

  • milk (condensed and dry);
  • a variety of hard and sour-milk cheeses;
  • cottage cheese;
  • spices, aromatic and flavoring components;
  • biologically active additives.

The main characteristics of the finished product depend on the quality of these components - its taste, color, smell, consistency and shelf life.

Processed cheese production technology consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of raw materials for melting;
  • processing of raw materials;
  • mixing ingredients;
  • maturation of the resulting mass;
  • mass melting;
  • packaging of the finished product;
  • cooling;
  • storage of processed cheeses.

At the processing stage, polymer films, paraffin and other raw material defects are removed. Hard cheeses are washed hot water and scrape off the softened crust. Then the cheeses are crushed to the required consistency, the milk is filtered, and the cottage cheese is ground. After that, all the components are mixed and special melting salts are added (to improve the melting of the mass). During the ripening process, uniform melting is ensured and the consistency of the finished processed cheese is improved.

The quality of the cheese will directly depend on the temperature, the duration of the melting process and the intensity of stirring the cheese mass, thanks to the equipment used.

Melting is carried out using a boiler (93-95 ° C), as a result of which the finished product is obtained.

The cheese mass is transferred to it through pipelines, however, as well as to the packaging line. Thus, complete sterility is ensured.

Packed up processed cheese hot and liquid. Cooling takes place in refrigerators (up to +10°C). Packaged cheese is stored for 6 months (0°C - +4°C).

Production sausage cheese happens in a similar way, with the only difference being that before packaging the product, it must be smoked. Also in its composition there is butter, which gives a rich taste. In some varieties, smoke preparations are additionally added.

Pigtail cheese production

Kosichka is a moderately salty cheese that is nutritious and bright aroma. Cheese can be smoked and be in the form of sticks or threads.

The pigtail cheese production technology is shown in the figure.(photo scheme of curly cheese production).

Normalized milk (temperature 65°C) milk enters the cheese maker (1). It is in it that the formation, cutting and drying of grain takes place. After that, the resulting homogeneous mixture is transported through the drainage drum (2), while separating the free whey. On the press trolley (3) for 15 minutes, a layer is formed from the cheese grain, and after that it picks up acidity within an hour. The formation is cut manually and enters the module for thermoplasticization (4) and the formation of cheese strands.

Now you can pack the finished product and send it to the storage room. Such a production scheme will allow reaching 4 tons of pigtail cheese per day.

The main advantage is the flexibility of the production process and the ability to reconfigure technological parameters, constantly updating the product range.

The production of Chechil cheese (or rather its dressing) is carried out manually. Therefore, it has an unusual and original appearance.

Pickled cheese production

Main difference pickled cheeses from other species, lies in the fact that they ripen and are stored in brine. That is why they do not have a crust, and the consistency is elastic. The salt content in the composition contributes to the appearance of a peculiar spicy aftertaste. They ripen no more than two months. The most common examples of pickled cheeses are feta cheese and suluguni.

Production of Adyghe cheese

Previously, Adyghe cheese was made exclusively from sheep milk, currently predominantly used cow.

Production technology of Adyghe cheese

Bacterial starter is added to fresh whey (without impurities), and the milk is heated to 95°C. Serum is poured along the edge of the container so that flakes of the curd mass appear. The cheese clot is pulled out with a colander and placed in wicker baskets for a short time. The cheese is pulled out of the mold and periodically turned over. After a similar self-pressing procedure, the circles are transferred to metal molds.

The surface of the cheese is sprinkled with salt and sent to the refrigerator for 18 hours. Adyghe cheese is packaged (in parchment, cellophane or cling film) and sent for sale. The duration of its storage is no more than 3 days.

Suluguni cheese production

The initial stage of the manufacturing process is similar to making pigtail cheese. The difference in the production technology of suluguni cheese is the actions after the final formation of the cheese mass. The resulting layer is placed in sickle (for 7 hours at 35°C) for maturation and cheddaring. A lot of eyes appear in the mass, which are crushed and melted in acidified water. Cylindrical heads are formed from the dough, which are placed in molds for a day. For the production of Suluguni cheese, whey pools are used. After the salting process is completed, the heads are sprinkled with salt.

Adyghe cheese belongs to the group of soft cheeses without ripening.

Produced from pasteurized milk using fermented milk whey to precipitate milk proteins.

The main physical and chemical indicators of cheese:
  • mass fraction fat in dry matter, %, not less than - 45;
  • mass fraction of moisture, % - 6;
  • mass fraction of table salt, % - 2.0.
  • Serum preparation. Acid whey is obtained from fresh filtered whey, which is stored in a container until the acidity increases to 85-350°T. To accelerate the increase in the acidity of the whey, add up to 1% of the starter prepared on the cultures of the bulgarian stick or L. helveticus. The whey can also be acidified citric acid up to 250-350°T. The acid is dissolved in a small amount of warm whey until completely dissolved. The more acidic the whey, the faster the protein will settle and the more tender the grain will be. Too much acidity will make the cheese rough and dry.
  • In pasteurized at 93-95°C normalized milk make acid whey in the amount of 8-10% of the mass of milk. Serum is drained carefully, in small portions, along the edges of the container or in a thin stream with continuous slow stirring. The resulting flocculent clot is kept at a temperature of 93-95°C for up to 2-5 minutes. The acidity of the whey should be 30-330°T.
  • The floating cheese mass is laid out with a mesh bucket on a long handle into the mesh buckets, while draining the whey from the container for making cheese. Cheese in molds is subjected to self-pressing for 10-16 minutes. During this time, the cheese is turned over once, shaking the mold slightly. After self-pressing, the cheese is transferred to metal molds and, at the same time, the surfaces of the cheese are salted dry. table salt on the top and bottom surfaces.
  • For salting and drying, cheese in molds is sent to a chamber with a temperature of 8-10 ° C, where it is kept for no more than 18 hours, while the cheese is turned over 1-2 times. finished product packaged in parchment, cellophane or polymer films and sent for sale. The duration of storage of Adygei cheese at the manufacturing plant after technological process should not exceed 3 days.

There are no special requirements for the quality of milk, unlike other types of cheese. Milk is normalized, as is customary in cheesemaking, that is, taking into account the level of protein.

In milk heated to a temperature of 93-95°C, acid curd whey is added carefully along the wall of the bath in an amount of 8-10% by weight of milk. The milk is slowly stirred. The acidity of the whey should be 85-120°T. Whey can be fermented beforehand by adding 1% ferment (acidophilic or Bulgarian stick) to it.

After whey is added, the milk coagulates. The separating serum should be yellowish-green in color. The clot is kept at a temperature of 93-95°C for 5 minutes.

Then 70-75% of the whey is removed from the bath. Some of this whey is used to make a brine. Salts are taken at the rate of 700-750 g per 100 kg of milk. Salt is dissolved in a small amount of whey and added to the bath with a clot, stirring gently. This operation is called salting in the grain. Salt for 10-20 minutes.

Then the clot is poured into pre-washed, disinfected and steamed willow baskets, where the cheese is self-pressed for 10-20 minutes. During this time, the cheese should be turned over 1 time, slightly shaking the form.

After that, the cheese is transferred to metal molds for drying, cooling and leveling the surface. For cooling, the cheese is sent to refrigerators with a temperature of 2-6 ° C, where it is kept for 3-6 hours. During this time, it is turned over 1 time. After that, the cheese is packaged, labeled, quality is assessed and sent for sale.

Figure 8 Technology system production of Adyghe cheese

Questions for self-control:

1. What group of cheeses according to the classification does Dutch cheese?

2. Is there a second heating in the production of soft rennet cheeses?

3. How is milk normalized in cheese making?

4. What affects the yield of cheese? How much milk is used to produce soft and hard cheese?

5. Do soft and hard rennet cheeses differ in composition?

6. Is there a second heating and drying of the grain in the production of soft cheeses?

7. Is pressing done in the production of soft cheeses?

9. What is milk maturation in cheese making and how is it carried out?

10. What methods of salting cheese do you know?

11. What is salting in grain?

12. Which group of cheeses according to the classification does Adyghe cheese belong to?

13. How is Adyghe cheese different from Tulys cheese?

14. Is maturation of milk carried out in the production of Adyghe cheese?

15. How to increase acidity curd whey for the production of Adyghe cheese?

16. How much whey is needed for thermal acid coagulation of milk in the production of Adyghe cheese?


Main literature

No. p / p Name The authors) Year and place of publication Access point
Technology of storage, processing and standardization of livestock products. Part 2 L.A. Korosteleva Samara State Agricultural Academy, 2014 EBS "RUKONT"
Production control of milk and dairy products: textbook. allowance N. G. Dogareva, O. Ya. Sokolova Orenburg: GOU OGU, 2012 EBS "RUKONT"
Workshop on the technology of milk and dairy products. Whole Milk Technology: Tutorial L.V. Golubeva, O.V. Bogatova, N.G. Dogareva St. Petersburg; Moscow; Krasnodar: Lan, 2012.-375 p. Library of FGBOU VO IzhGSHA
Sharafutdinov G.S. Kazan, Kazan University Press, 2004.
Technological foundations for the production and processing of livestock products Makartsev N.G. Publishing house of MSTU im. N. E. Bauman, 2003

additional literature

No. p / p Name The authors) Year and place of publication Access point
Technology of milk and dairy products: guidelines I.V. Sukhova, L.A. Korosteleva Samara: RIC SGSKhA, 2014 EBS "RUKONT"
Laboratory workshop on technology of milk and dairy products N.I. Morozova, F.A. Musaev Ryazan. - Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Agrarian University named after V.I. P.A. Kostychev". -2015 EBS "RUKONT"
Technology of storage and processing of livestock products: workbook V.A. Bychkova Izhevsk: FGBOU VPO Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, 2014 Portal FGBOU VO IzhGSHA
industrial technologies dairy products N. G. Dogareva, S. V. Stadnikova, O. V. Bogatova SPb. : Prospect of Science, 2013 EBS "RUKONT"
Morozova N.I., Kireev V.K., Kolontaeva S.M. Ryazan. - Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Agrarian University named after V.I. P.A. Kostychev. -2011 EBS "RUKONT"
Technical-chemical and microbiological control at the enterprises of the dairy industry L.A. Zabodalova SPb. : Trinity bridge, 2009.- 224 p. Library of FGBOU VO IzhGSHA
Calculation of material flows in the processing of milk in course and diploma design I.A. Evdokimov and others. SPb. : Science Prospect, 2009-271.
General technology of milk and dairy products A. M. Shalygina, L. V. Kalinina M.: KolosS, 2007
Technology of milk and dairy products ed. A. M. Shalygina M.: KolosS, 2007
Technologist's Handbook dairy production: technology and recipes. T. 9. Preservation and drying of milk Golubeva L.V. SPb. : GIORD, 2005
Laboratory workshop on chemistry and physics of milk: textbook. allowance O. V. Okhrimenko, K. K. Gorbatova, A. V. Okhrimenko; ed. K. K. Gorbatova SPb. : GIORD, 2005
Handbook of dairy production technologist. T. 5. Products from skimmed milk, buttermilk and whey A. G. Khramtsov, S. V. Vasilisin SPb. : GIORD, 2004
Technology of milk and dairy products Shalygina A. M. M.: KolosS, 2004
M. : Kolos, 2000
Handbook of dairy production technologist. Technology and recipes. T.1. Whole milk products Stepanova L.I. St. Petersburg: Giord, 2000, 2003
Handbook of dairy production technologist. Technology and recipes. T.2. Butter cow and combined Stepanova L.I. St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2003. -336 p.
Handbook of dairy production technologist. Technology and recipes. T.3. Cheese Shiler G.G. St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2003
Handbook of dairy production technologist. Technology and recipes.V.4. Ice cream Arsenyeva T.P. St. Petersburg: Giord, 2003.
Methods for the study of milk and dairy products under general ed. A. M. Shalygina M.: KolosS, 2002
Dairy business. Barabanshchikov N.V., Shuvarikov A.S. M.: MSHA, 2000
Dairy business: study guide A.V. Mamaev, L.D. Samusenko St. Petersburg; Moscow; Krasnodar: Lan, 2013.-379 p.
Standardization, technology of processing and storage of livestock products G. S. Sharafutdinov and others. St. Petersburg; Moscow; Krasnodar: Lan, 2012


Questions for preparing for the test in the discipline

"Technology of storage and processing of livestock products"

This soft caucasian cheese prepared from whole pasteurized milk, has a fresh aroma, soft milky taste. Adyghe cheese is ideal for fresh vegetable salads.

Among the Circassians, overweight is considered bad form, mountain girls are all as one with slim waist, men with toned muscular torso. It is not surprising that with such traditions, the people would definitely have a useful and delicious cheese. Adyghe cheese is ideal for maintaining health, subject to proper balanced nutrition and physical activity.

Anyone who has ever tasted Adyghe cheese has noted its resemblance to Mediterranean feta. Adyghe cheese is really very similar to feta, but unlike it, it is less salty and easier to prepare. Adyghe cheese is fresh, it is eaten immediately after cooking, it goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs, but it can be smoked or fried. Freshness, usefulness and ease of preparation - this is what determines the essence of the Adyghe cheese.

History of Adyghe cheese

According to legend, the secret of making cheese was given to a young girl by the god Amish, the patron saint of domestic animals. The girl saved a herd of animals in a storm and was rewarded with the name Adyif, which means Light-armed, and a recipe for cheese.

Another legend tells about the brave Kuitsyku, whom his mother put on the road fresh cheese. On the way, Kuitsyku met the one-eyed giant Inyzh and outwitted him by arranging a contest: the giant crushed stones in his hand, and Kuitsyku squeezed a head of cheese that looked like a stone, whey flowed from it, which the giant mistook for water and considered Kuitsyku a great strong man.

Adyghe cheese in the original is called Matekuai. This is a compound word of two words: mate - basket and kuae - cheese.

In Russia, Adyghe cheese became known in the middle of the 19th century, but real success came to it already in the Soviet era in the 70s and 80s. In 1980, Adyghe cheese was supplied to the Moscow Olympics, it received colorful packaging and a registered brand. In September 2009, Adyghe cheese received the status of a product of a geographical name, and now only Adygea enterprises have the right to use the name "Adyghe cheese". About a third of all Adyghe cheese goes directly to Moscow, and two thirds are sold in the Southern Federal District. Real Adyghe cheese can be bought in the stores of the largest retail chains in Russia.

Technology for the preparation of Adyghe cheese

For Adyghe cheese, goat, sheep or cow milk is taken. Milk is heated to 95 degrees, fermented milk whey is introduced into it for 15-30 minutes, and it gradually curdles. Clots of curdled milk are kept for 5 minutes, after which half of the whey is removed. The warm cheese mass is placed in special "bzhel'e" baskets made of thin willow twigs, which leave a beautiful corrugated imprint on the sides of the cheese. The cheese is squeezed out of the whey and its surface is salted. Ready cheese is eaten fresh for several days or a week. Modern production due to vacuum packaging allows extending the shelf life up to a month.

The benefits of Adyghe cheese

Useful properties of cheese entirely depend on the quality of milk. Real Adyghe cheese is made from the milk of cows of special breeds grazing on Circassian pastures in the foothills of the Caucasus. The long warm season and the purity of the soil helps to grow juicy aromatic herbs - an ideal food for dairy cows. This region can be compared to Switzerland or northern Italy, famous for their cheese production. It is the quality of milk that favorably distinguishes real Adyghe cheese from copies of the same name produced in various Russian and Belarusian regions.

Real Adyghe cheese has a very high nutritional value due to a good balance of nutrients: a small amount of fat, high quality protein, unique composition minerals and vitamins. It has been established that the proteins of the Adyghe cheese are digested by 98%, which is much higher than the assimilation of protein, say, from meat or fish. 100 g of Adyghe cheese contains 16 g of fat, 19 g of protein and 1.5 g of carbohydrates, the energy value of this product - 226 kcal. Almost all essential amino acids are found in the proteins of the Adyghe cheese. 100 g of cheese provides the daily requirement for polyunsaturated fatty acids by 88%, in essential amino acids by 35% and in proteins by 27%. These are very high figures for cheese, which puts it on a par with the most famous types of cheese and makes Adyghe product unique, high biological value for a person.

Adyghe cheese is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP and minerals: calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and copper. Adyghe cheese is useful for everyone: pregnant women, children, the elderly, athletes and people undergoing rehabilitation after long illnesses need it. Cheese is useful for general exhaustion, for a better and faster set muscle mass and will be of interest to those who strive not only to lose weight, but to replace excess fat muscles. Adyghe cheese is included in the rehabilitation diet of tuberculosis patients, it helps to return the spent useful material people who smoke and drink.

The most useful Adyghe cheese for women during pregnancy and lactation. It is at this time that the body of a woman consumes a supply of calcium, and it must be constantly replenished. Soft, low-fat Adyghe cheese, especially in combination with fresh herbs and vegetables, is an ideal and simple “restocking” for nursing mothers. Athletes especially love Adyghe cheese for the special quality of its protein, which is quickly digested, and portions are easy to control. It is also important that this cheese contains a small amount of salt.

The researcher of Adygea or the Circassian region, the Circassians, as it was then customary to write, N.P. Tulchinsky in his book Five Mountain Societies of Kabarda in 1903 wrote: “The endurance of the highlanders in all the hardships of life is truly amazing. They enjoy excellent health to a ripe old age, almost never get sick, and most live to be a hundred or more years old. At 70-80 years old, they are not yet considered old people, they can look about 50 years old, not a single gray hair, eyesight, hearing are sharp, legs are strong and walker, white teeth are intact and strong, and so on. Therefore, the old are equal to the young in work.

We can safely say that Adyghe cheese, combined with a balanced diet, an abundance in the diet fresh vegetables and herbs helps to prolong youth and improve health.

Recipes with Adyghe cheese

Vegetable salad with Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese is so similar to feta that it is quite logical to think of using cheese in fresh vegetable salads. Unlike feta and feta cheese, Adyghe cheese is almost bland, so you can safely add salted olives or black olives, capers, or simply salt more strongly.

2 tomatoes
1 cucumber
6 olives,
bunch of parsley or cilantro
100 g of Adyghe cheese,
2 wheat or rye toasts
1 garlic clove
70 ml olive oil,
half a lemon
pepper, salt - to taste.

mix olive oil With lemon juice, pepper and salt. Whisk the sauce well with a fork to lighten slightly.
Prepare toast, rub with garlic and tear with your hands while hot.
Chop greens.
Cut vegetables, combine with pieces of toast and olives, add greens, diced cheese and dressing. Stir with a spoon in several movements and put in a salad bowl.

Pie with Adyghe cheese

An excellent pie in the French style, but with a Caucasian flavor. It's easy to prepare and very tasty. If you want to complicate the taste a little - add a clove of garlic, fresh chopped greens, a little bacon and a chili pepper to the filling. If you want to enhance the Caucasian flavor - add a lot of chopped cilantro, nuts and half a teaspoon of adjika to the filling.

2 cups of flour,
125 g butter,
half a glass of sour cream 20%,
300 g of Adyghe cheese,
50 g of cheese,
1 teaspoon of dry mustard,
1 st. a spoonful of Provencal herbs.

Fire up the oven, heat up to 200 degrees.
Mix soft butter with sour cream, sifted flour and mustard powder. Knead the dough, knead well, roll into a ball, close cling film and refrigerate for 15 minutes
Grate Adyghe cheese and cheese.
Prepare detachable form 20 cm in diameter, cover it with parchment.
Take out the dough, take more than half or 23, roll out enough to cover the shape and sides. Put in a mold, prick with a fork, pour in the filling and press it down. Sprinkle with herbes de Provence.
Roll out the rest of the dough, cover the filling, pinch the edges and bake for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pasta with Adyghe cheese

Simple and tasty, almost restaurant dish can be prepared at home in just 15 minutes. All these products can be bought at any nearby supermarket.

100 g of Adyghe cheese,
150 g penne pasta (feathers),
¼ sweet pepper
1 onion
1 pinch dried basil
3 art. tablespoons of olive oil.

Boil water (possible in an electric kettle), put the pasta in a saucepan to cook (10 minutes).
Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry the chopped onion, add Bell pepper and basil, add cheese cubes and fry for a couple of minutes.
Transfer the finished pasta to the pan with the cheese and vegetables, stir, sweat for a couple of minutes and serve hot.

Ossetian pie with Adyghe cheese

Stuffing for Ossetian pie may be different, but cheese must be in it. You can replace potatoes with cabbage, mushrooms, eggplant, spinach, wild garlic, onions, or whatever you want.

2 cups of flour,
2 glasses of water
5 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 st. spoon of salt
2 teaspoons of sugar
1 teaspoon dry yeast or 15 g fresh,
2 teaspoons of suneli hops,
a large bunch of herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill),
3 potatoes
3 art. spoons of milk
400 g of Adyghe cheese,
pepper, salt - to taste.

Preheat the oven to 240 degrees.
In glass warm water stir in sugar and yeast. Wait for the foam to appear (10 minutes).
Sift the flour into a deep bowl with high sides. Make a well in the center of the flour, pour in water with yeast, mix and pour in a glass of ordinary warm water. Add vegetable oil and salt. Knead the dough and leave in a warm place for half an hour.
Boil potatoes until tender, mash, add hot milk, cheese and suneli hops. Chop the greens and add to the filling. Salt.
Dust the surface well with flour, lay out the dough. The dough will be wet and sticky at first - this is normal. Grease your hands vegetable oil, divide the dough into two parts. Knead each part with your hands, dusting the dough with flour, form circles with a diameter of 25-30 cm from the dough. Place half of the filling in the center of each circle and wrap it with the edges of the dough, trying to pinch the edges, like a dumpling.
Dust the workpiece with flour on all sides, knead the balls with the filling with your fist and palms from the middle to the edges, creating a cake. You should get cakes 25-30 cm in diameter.
Grease a baking sheet with oil, you can grease parchment with oil and transfer the cakes to a baking sheet. Make a hole in the center of each pie with your little finger. This is necessary for steam to escape. Bake for 20-25 minutes on the top shelf at 240-260 degrees. Watch carefully in the last 5-7 minutes: as soon as they are browned, the pies are ready.

Achma with lavash

Have you ever tried lasagna? It's famous italian dish, where the filling and sheets of pasta are laid out in layers, everything is poured with sauce and baked in the oven. So, this is a Caucasian version of lasagna, only here it acts as a pasta Armenian lavash. In addition to being very tasty, this dish is also inexpensive, and it’s quite enough to diversify fresh stuffing you can add greens, mushrooms, bacon or something else.

3 Armenian lavash,
1 liter of kefir,
3 art. spoons of sugar
500 g of Adyghe cheese,
80 g butter.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Grease the baking dish butter, lay a sheet of pita bread so that the edges protrude slightly.
Tear pita bread into pieces, dip in kefir mixed with sugar and place in a mold. Lay half of the pita in this way.
Grate the cheese on coarse grater, put it in a form on pieces of pita bread. Scatter pieces of butter on top.
Soak pieces of pita bread in kefir and lay on top of the filling. Fold the protruding edges of the first pita inward. Lay a whole pita round cut into shape on top. Lubricate the entire surface with an egg, glue the edges of the upper pita bread and the folded parts of the lower one.
Bake for 1 hour at 180 degrees. Achma should be browned.

Wonderful Adyghe cheese can be eaten just like that - cutting a dish of fresh vegetables, herbs and bread. it great snack, a universal component of many dishes, a storehouse of vitamins and simply delicious cheese.

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!