Corn porridge in a slow cooker is a hearty treat for breakfast and dinner. Delicious and fragrant corn milk porridge in a slow cooker.

Sooner or later, every housewife asks herself: how to cook corn porridge? This delicacy is loved by children, some adults cannot live without it. Corn porridge is an adored dish of Georgian, Romanian, Italian and Moldovan cuisine. It can be fresh, spicy, salty or sweet, cooked with milk.

The benefits and harms of corn porridge

This dish is simply priceless for those who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. wholesome food. The fact is that corn grits, from which porridge is prepared, are extremely rich in useful trace elements. Valuable vitamins, folic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, biotin and thiamine… The list is very long and it also includes many useful minerals.

The benefits of corn are not limited to this. In terms of fiber content, it surpasses many products. It is thanks to this that the purification and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and the vascular system occurs.

Regular consumption of this valuable product promotes the removal of toxins and pesticides from the body, reduces the harm of radionuclides. In addition, the level of bad cholesterol decreases, the vessels become more elastic, and their patency improves.

For those on a diet, corn porridge can be great. nutritious dish. 100 grams contains only 86 kcal. She is one of the leaders in the list dietary products, and by useful properties is in the top five.

But since corn contains starch, you should not abuse it. In general, for women, such a dish is just a godsend. This porridge improves the complexion, the general condition of the skin, hair and nails.

It is also useful for children and the elderly. But because of gluten, you should not give babies at first corn gruel more than once a week.

How to cook corn porridge

Corn porridge is known in many countries and in some is traditional dish. Polenta and hominy, angu, abysta, gomi, banush - as soon as they don’t call her! In Georgia, for example, white is prepared. But Italian polenta is a porridge made from cornmeal medium grind. General rule- the product must be fresh and free from foreign impurities.

First of all, you need to rinse the cereal and soak it before cooking. You can pre-steam the grains. With flour it is a little easier, besides, it cooks faster. Pour the product with hot liquid, the amount of which depends on the desired consistency of the dish. Salt or sugar are placed in advance.

The readiness of the dish is determined by the degree of friability of the grains. As soon as the cereal was boiled soft and became practically homogeneous mass– you can turn off the stove or multicooker. Ideally, you should leave it to infuse for at least 30 minutes. So it will steam even more and acquire a rich taste and slightly thickened texture. It is better to prepare a portion for 1 time. The porridge is served hot, after cooling it thickens.

Recipes for cooking corn porridge in a slow cooker

If you cook hominy in a cauldron or saucepan, you have to constantly stir it so that it does not burn and stick together. But this is not very convenient, besides, mountains still remain after cooking. dirty dishes. And yes, it takes a long time to cook.

The easiest way to prepare corn porridge is in a slow cooker. This solves the stirring problem and frees up a lot of time in which to cook some more delicious dishes.

In order to get the most tender corn porridge in milk, you will need:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • milk - 450 ml;
  • corn grits - 200 g;
  • creamy. oil - 50 g;
  • honey - 50 g.

To begin with, the cereal must be washed. Then warm milk is poured into the multicooker and hot water, it melts butter and honey. Put in the corn and close. The multicooker is set to the mode intended for cooking porridge. After about an hour, you can check the readiness of the dish. Periodically look under the lid to check the amount of liquid.

It turns out very tasty a little fried porridge. To do this, after the corn is cooked, we set the baking or frying mode on the slow cooker and leave the hominy for 5-15 minutes, depending on the serving size and the desired degree of processing. Porridge is covered with a ruddy crust, and its taste becomes more saturated.

Delicious additions to porridge

Georgian cuisine offers to cook porridge in a slightly different way. To do this, soaked cereals are placed in boiling water. You don't need a lot of salt. At the end of cooking, the hominy is laid out on a plate, and a few pieces of salted cheese or suluguni are placed on top.

Another way to diversify hominy is to mix it with spicy adjika. It's pretty unusual dish but very tasty. The meat stewed in tomato is laid out on top. Also, the cooking recipe can be varied with various herbs, cracklings, sauces, minced meat, dried fruits and raisins, fresh fruits.

But that's not all. After the porridge is laid out on plates, delicious crunches can be prepared from its remains. This can be done in a slow cooker by spreading the corn mass on the walls of the bowl with a thin layer of a few millimeters.

But most of all, this method is relevant in the case of cooking porridge on the stove in regular saucepan with a thick bottom or a cauldron, since the sticky mass still sticks to their walls during cooking, even despite constant stirring.

A low temperature is set and after 5 minutes the remains begin to dry out. When they are browned enough, the crust breaks off the walls and breaks into pieces. The little corn flakes are ready!

Each recipe is good in its own way. Corn porridge will surely become a regular dish on your table, especially if the kitchen has a slow cooker. It will be much easier to cook it, and delicate taste dishes will delight all household members.


  • finely ground corn grits - 1 full multi-glass
  • milk with a fat content of 2.5% - 1 liter
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 1/4 tsp
  • butter to taste

If you grew up in the countryside or visited your grandmother in the village for the summer, you probably remember the charming smell of freshly cooked corn. Easier dishes not to be found, but how delicious! That's just a pity, it is almost impossible to find fresh corn, except for the summer period. But do not be upset about this, because you can also cook a lot of delicious and healthy meals. In general, if you remember the history, corn is considered one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man. It began to be cultivated, according to various sources, from 7 to 12 thousand years ago in the territory where modern Mexico is now located. It was corn that served as an impetus for the development of Mayan and Aztec civilizations, and in our time it is also of great importance.

Well, okay, let's leave history to scientists, and let's get back to cooking. As I said, there are a great many corn dishes, and in many cuisines of the world. . Despite the ease of preparation, milk corn porridge in a slow cooker has a pleasant aroma, great taste and besides, it is very useful.

If you are wondering how to diversify baby food or watch your own figure, the best option it’s hard to imagine, because along with the fact that corn porridge is rich in vitamins and trace elements, it is also easily digested, in particular, due to the fact that it is cooked on. And owners of multicookers can now cook this healthy porridge, without worrying that it will burn, because, unlike cooking on the stove, you do not need to stand above it, control the process and constantly stir. I personally am also captivated by the fact that freshly brewed corn porridge with milk in a slow cooker turns out to be tender and sunny, and in taste and texture it is somewhat reminiscent of semolina porridge.

However, there are some nuances in the preparation of corn porridge, even if you cook it in a slow cooker, and this should be taken into account. Corn grits quickly begin to absorb liquid during cooking, and it requires a lot of it, so the most optimal ratio of cereals and liquid is 1 to 5 or 1 to 6. Just following these proportions will help avoid burning, the appearance of lumps and eliminate the need to interfere the contents of the bowl during cooking. Another recommendation is that the cereal should be poured with liquid, and not vice versa, moreover, it (the liquid) should be cold, then mix and then set to boil. And now let's move from words to deeds.

Cooking method

Notes: if you decide to grease the walls of the multicooker with oil, then it is better to combine the cereal with milk in a separate bowl, and only then pour it into the bowl and start the program. If you carefully monitor your figure, then you can reduce the calorie content of porridge if you dilute milk with water, eliminate or reduce the amount of sugar and butter. So that at the same time the porridge does not seem fresh, add honey to it.

I sit and think that in corn porridge cooked in a slow cooker, so outstanding, where could I start the recipe? I look at the photo and this and that. I remember the taste of the dish and the subtleties of cooking. And there is nothing to write. Porridge is like porridge. Delicious and simple dish. So the recipe for porridge would have remained without an introduction, if I had not remembered how delicious it turns out with cheese. And with cracklings. Yes, with the usual fried onions, finally! Absorbing aromas and flavors is the real “talent” of this dish. I will definitely remember this at the very end of our culinary conversation. Go?


The recipe is suitable for multicookers Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic, Philips, Bork, Dex and other models.


Rinse the corn grits well, changing the water several times. In the process, small debris will certainly pop up. You probably already know what to do with it. When the next portion of water becomes transparent, drain it.

Put a small piece of butter in the multicooker bowl. Set the mode "Frying" for 2-3 minutes.

By the way, in this way you can cook rice porridge in a slow cooker.

Wait until the butter starts to melt and pour in corn grits. Stir. While stirring, warm up the future corn porridge a little. Add a pinch of salt. You can use a little more than I indicated at the beginning of the recipe. Such a porridge will turn out almost neutral. So be guided by your taste.

Turn off the program "Frying". Depending on the desired density, prepare 5-5.5 multi-glasses of clean water. Add it to the cereal. Stir. Close the lid of the multicooker and select the "Buckwheat" mode ("Porridge", "Groats"). If there is no such or similar pre-installed program, remember the “Multi-cook” mode. Set the time to 35 minutes. The temperature is 150 degrees. Corn porridge should be soft and tender. When the multicooker "reports" on the work done, do not rush to open it. Hold the porridge on automatic heating, let it evaporate and become even softer.

You can add a small piece of butter to the yummy laid out on plates. This ingredient will not spoil the porridge, as they say.

What can be added to corn porridge to make it even tastier?

  • granulated sugar. Sweet option corn porridge is prepared in much the same way. Only need to reduce the amount of salt to a quarter teaspoon. And add sugar to taste.
  • cinnamon or vanilla. Favorite spices are a great addition to the sweet version of the dish. A small pinch of cinnamon with sugar is an effective way to make porridge delicious beyond recognition.
  • dried fruits and raisins. A handful of dried fruits or berries can do wonders for boring corn porridge on the water. True true. Take a couple of handfuls of dried apricots, prunes or other healthy goodies. Wash well. Pour boiling water over and grind. Pour into the slow cooker to the cereal before cooking. Yes, I forgot to say: these additives are for the sweet version of porridge.
  • give a "zest" to our simple homemade dish can not only dried berries grapes. And the usual onion, fried to a light crunch. It will make corn porridge cooked on water in a slow cooker much tastier. Take one medium or large onion. Or the white part of a medium leek. Clean and finely chop. Fry in 2-3 tablespoons of oil. And pour the fragrant gravy to the finished porridge.
  • milk or cream. Corn grits perfectly absorb aromas and tastes, as I said. Why not take advantage of this circumstance and replace half the water with cream or milk in a sweet version of porridge? It will be just wonderful. And useful, by the way.
  • cheese. This tender cheese added to the Hutsul banosh, which is made from corn grits. Therefore, you can add it to our dish. Well, let the cooking technology be different. The main thing is that corn grits and cheese perfectly complement each other.
  • cracklings. Another classic addition to corn porridge. Crispy lard is added to hominy and banosh. Take a small piece of pork lard. Cut it into small slices 1-1.5 cm thick. And melt all the fat over low heat. If the fat is salty, no need to add salt. For fresh, respectively, you need to sprinkle with salt to taste. Pour the finished porridge with melted fat with ruddy cracklings.
  • mushrooms. Where without them? Adding 3-4 tablespoons of golden brown mushrooms to corn porridge is a great idea. What do you need besides 100 grams of champignons? 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt and pepper. You can also take a small clove of garlic and a small onion. Mushrooms clean and cut small cube. Chop onion and garlic (optional). Onion - a cube, garlic - pass through the press. Fry mushrooms on vegetable oil. Salt and pepper. Add other ingredients (if any) and bring to a delicious golden brown.

In fact, tasty additions and small changes to the recipe can come up with a wagon and a small cart. So get connected!

Cooking porridge in a slow cooker is not a great science. But when it comes to corn porridge, there are some points that must be taken into account so as not to cook something unintelligible. And the main problem is how to make sure that the obstinate porridge does not run away from the multicooker. Yes, yes, manufacturers assure us that this will never happen. And we keep discovering the slow cooker in a puddle of milk. What can be done to prevent such an incident from happening? The secret is simple. I hope I have intrigued you enough and you will definitely skim through the text to find out how to cook excellent corn porridge in the Redmond slow cooker.


  • Corn grits - 1 multi-cup
  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - to taste

How to cook corn porridge in a Redmond slow cooker

1. I will prepare everything you need for corn porridge in milk. I bought draft milk for porridge, I don’t know exactly how many percent of fat content. Sellers say about 4%. But I won’t dilute milk with water (somehow I’m not used to diluting it with water, and I “still believe” that any milk was diluted a long time ago before me). I pour out one multi-glass of corn grits. Then I ask the question - to wash or not to wash? On the one hand, the cereal is small, it is difficult to wash it. On the other hand, it is still worth washing. Basically, I wash. And I praise myself - I'm doing the right thing! After all, the first water with which I fill the cereal for washing is too cloudy.

2. I washed the cereal. Now I'm pouring it into a bowl.

3. Next, pour the milk. It remains to put sugar and salt, and then mix. Preparation is over. Further, it would seem that the matter is small - select "Milk porridge" in the menu, set the desired time on the timer, and "Start". However, my Redmond m170 multicooker is not so simple (yes! I got a copy ...). On "Milk porridge" she is hooligan to disgrace. As soon as I didn’t try to tame the obstinate on “Milk porridge” - I smeared the bowl to the top with oil, and put a container for steaming over the porridge, and ... what I didn’t do, but it’s all useless - the whole slow cooker from “toe to head” , as well as under the multicooker and around the multicooker, in cereals and milk. But I still want milk porridge. So I had to look for other options, try other modes / programs. It turned out that the only way to cook any milk porridge in this recalcitrant is the Multicook program at a temperature of 95 degrees. Therefore, this time, when preparing corn milk porridge, I turn on the “Multi-cook” at 95 degrees, and set the cooking time for 1 hour.

4. The time of the "Multi-cook" has expired (in the photo, corn porridge immediately after cooking, it even "gurgles" a little), heating has begun. But this is porridge made from corn grits, and it has a secret - after cooking, it must languish (since we have it in a slow cooker, it means to stand on the heating). Moreover, many sources write that ready-made corn porridge should be left to languish for 15-20 minutes. But no! In fact, the longer the corn milk porridge is heated, the tastier it will turn out. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself. Having tasted the taste of stewed porridge for a long time, I do not turn off the “Heating”, and my porridge costs at least an hour. It even happens that I turn on the “Multipovar” for cooking at about 12 at night and go to bed. And the porridge, having switched to heating, stands before our breakfast, until 8 in the morning.

5. Ready porridge goes on plates. And if the porridge is also a piece of butter - delicious!

Corn grits are made up of tiny, sunny yellow particles. It is prepared from well-ripened grain corn with high content starch and nutrients.

Corn dishes are distinguished by their satiety and increased biological value. The grain must give life to a new plant, therefore it accumulates the whole range of essential substances that are useful to humans.

Made from bright yellow grains various dishes, but it finds its main use in cereals and casseroles. Porridges are boiled in water and milk, cooked with dried fruits, nuts, vegetables and meat. Distinctive feature corn grits - a great need for water, which it absorbs like a sponge. Therefore, when preparing a dish for the first time, it is important to monitor the liquid level in order to add water or milk in time.

Porridge acquires a special taste if it is made by languishing. In this case, it gives an unusually rich bouquet of aromas and taste. Previously, dishes were languishing in a Russian oven. Modern housewives use more advanced gadgets - multicookers.

The multifunctional device practically eliminates human participation in the cooking process. It is enough to pour all the ingredients and spices inside, pour the right amount liquid, select the program indicated in the instructions and that's it, after half an hour you can come for ready meal- fragrant porridge with well-boiled grains.

What recipes for corn porridge are suitable for use in multicookers are described below.

Corn porridge on the water

You can’t spoil porridge with milk and butter, but there are cases when dairy products should be excluded from the menu. Below is easy recipe porridge on the water with the addition of melted chicken fat and fried onions. In completely dietary options fat and fried onions are absent.

List of ingredients:

  • Corn grits - 200 g.
  • Chicken fat, melted - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 800 ml. - 1 l.
  • Salt.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Dried white root.
  • Fried onion - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve chicken fat in a multicooker bowl and lightly fry the onion in it. At this point, it is better not to leave the device. It is important that the onion does not burn, otherwise it will greatly change the taste of the porridge. Requires a light translucent golden color.
  2. Rinse the grits. Pour into the bowl of the device, mix with onions, stand for a couple of minutes and pour water. Pour all the spices, put a piece of white root. To fill with water.
  3. To obtain additional shades of taste, the grain can be dry-calcined in a frying pan before laying.
  4. Close the device, set the program "Porridge", "Extinguishing" or "Cooking". Typically, such a program takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete, but in the case of corn, the time should be increased to forty minutes. You can also repeat the cycle twice by simply adding water.
  5. Set the release valve of the multicooker to a slightly open position so that excess moisture leaves freely.
  6. Stir the dish at the end. If necessary, add salt and season with fat.

Corn porridge with stew

Very tasty and hearty porridge. IN various options This recipe can be found not only pure corn grits, but also its mixture with millet, rice or buckwheat. Usually cereals are mixed in a ratio of two to one or one to one.

List of ingredients:

  • Corn grits - 200 g.
  • Beef stewed in sauce - 340 g (bank item).
  • Carrots - 100 g.
  • Sweet pepper - 100 g.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Garlic in cloves - 4 pcs.
  • Greens of your choice.
  • Spices.
  • Salt.
  • Water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Set the appliance to frying mode and sauté a mixture of vegetables in oil (onions, Bell pepper, carrot).
  2. Lay out to them jar beef stew. smash large pieces, mix.
  3. After melting the fat, add the washed corn grits. Mix and simmer in oil for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour all the spices, salt, pour water. Stir to add water to the extreme mark.
  5. Close the multicooker and switch it to the “porridge” or “stewing” mode.
  6. Open the outlet valve.

Porridge casserole

Many are familiar with the recipe for rustic millet porridge, baked in an ordinary cast iron until golden brown. Below is a modernized version of this dish, supplemented corn grits.

Important! Millet and corn have different cooking times. Corn grits must be boiled in advance until half cooked or soaked well.

List of ingredients:

  • Millet - 150 g.
  • Corn grits - 150 g.
  • Oil - 50-100 g.
  • Milk - 700 ml.
  • Salt.
  • Condensed milk - 100 ml.
  • Sugar optional.
  • Crackers for the crust - 150 g.
  • High fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cornmeal and soak for an hour in cold water.
  2. Rinse millet, put in a bowl with corn grits and pour low-fat milk. Spread the edges of the bowl with a piece of butter to avoid overflowing.
  3. Pour in some salt. Add sugar to taste or exclude it altogether, since then condensed milk will be poured into the porridge.
  4. In the normal mode, cook a classic thick and very dense porridge. Transfer to another bowl, mix, season with a piece of oil and a small amount condensed milk.
  5. Cool slightly to thicken it even more.
  6. Rinse the multicooker bowl, coat with oil, generously sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out corn-millet porridge.
  7. Smooth the surface and coat it with condensed milk or sour cream of higher fat content. Sprinkle sour cream with sugar. Fill with breadcrumbs.
  8. Switch the slow cooker to the baking mode and bring the porridge to a golden brown.