Homemade beef stew in the oven cooking principles. How to cook stew at home.

Homemade beef stew is a guarantee that you will feed your family and friends with a preparation made from natural and fresh meat, which, for sure, you use in the preparation of such canned food. good stew beef will turn out if you choose the right meat and follow all the subtleties of cooking, described step by step in the recipe. The dish prepared from it is healthy and nutritious. At home, you can do it for the winter in special autoclaves, an oven, a slow cooker, or simply in a saucepan. Canned stew - what could be better when the cooking time is reduced to a minimum. This section is for those who need verified step by step recipes, preferably with photos and videos from which you can learn exactly how to make homemade beef stew.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

“How to quickly and tasty cook goulash for lunch?” - a question that is often puzzled by housewives. The best way- prepare in advance beef goulash. Juicy and tender, it will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Spending on simple and hearty preparation just a couple of hours, you can diversify the family menu during the working week and save yourself a lot of free time.

Making stew at home is not as difficult as you might think from the very beginning. However, it should be noted that many housewives prefer to use only fresh meat for preparing a family dinner. And there is nothing surprising in this. Although there are situations when you can’t do without stew. It is for such cases that we recommend stocking up meat preparation for the future.

Step by step recipe for homemade pork stew

Homemade stew is most often made from this type of meat. This is due to the fact that the said product contains a large number of fat, which allows you to cook a very satisfying and juicy workpiece. So, to prepare pork stew, we need:

  • white pork fat - about 280 g;
  • pork shoulder - about 1 kg;
  • lavrushka - a few leaves;
  • ground allspice black and iodized medium-sized salt - apply to taste.

Main product processing

Stew at home is prepared very quickly and simply. First, wash well. pork shoulder, clean it from all kinds of veins, a wreath, etc., and then cut into medium pieces. Thereafter meat ingredient it is required to season with pepper and salt, and then mix well and stand aside for several hours.

Shaping and heat treatment

As a rule, stew at home is made in 750 g or half-liter glass jars. While the meat is marinating, they should be washed well, and then sterilized in any known way. After all the described actions, it is necessary to put one bay leaf in each jar, and then tightly place the pieces of pork. Next, all containers must be covered with sterilized lids and sent to a cold oven. Turning on the oven, it should be heated to a temperature of 240 degrees and bring the meat in the jar to a boil. Next, the fire must be reduced to 140 units and cook the dish for 3 hours. While the pork is being thermally processed, the white lard must be rinsed in cold water and then cut into small pieces and fry over low heat. Melted fat must be separated from the cracklings and drained into a separate bowl.

Conservation process

After the meat has stood in the oven for 3 hours, all jars should be removed, poured with melted fat and rolled up immediately. Leaving blanks at room temperature you have to wait for them to cool down. Store meat in jars preferably in a cool room for no longer than 8-12 months.

Making poultry stew

As you can see, stew at home is quite easy to do. However, it can be prepared not only from pork, but also from chicken meat. For this you need to prepare:

  • chicken hams - about 1.6 kg;
  • fillet chilled chicken- approximately 1 kg;
  • salt, parsley, black peppercorns - apply to taste.

Meat preparation

To chicken stew at home it turned out tender and tasty, the meat should be properly prepared for heat treatment. To do this, it must be washed, all bones, cartilage and skin removed, and then cut into fairly large pieces. Next, the processed product should be flavored with salt and kept in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Shape and cook on the stove

Cooking homemade stew from poultry meat provides for the use of only sterilized 750 g or liter cans. They need to lay out two leaves of lavrushka, as well as a few peas of allspice. Next, it is necessary to distribute the pieces of chicken over the containers, tamping them tightly. After that, the jars should be loosely closed and placed in a wide basin, on the bottom of which it is desirable to lay kitchen towel. In order for the stew to cook well, it is necessary to pour enough water into a large dish so that it covers the containers up to the shoulders. Next, the liquid needs to be brought to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 5 hours. In this case, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the water in the basin remains at the same level. This can be achieved by pouring it in the right amount.

Seaming process

After 5 hours, the chicken stew should be completely cooked. It must be carefully removed from the basin and rolled up hot with sterilized lids. Turning the containers upside down, it is advisable to keep them in this position for about a day. Next, the cooled stew should be removed to a cool room, where it is desirable to store it for no more than 6-8 months. If you decide to leave canned meat product at room temperature, it is recommended to fully consume it within 3-4 months.

How is beef stew made at home?

This preparation is the most popular among fans canned food. This is due to the fact that it turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and fragrant. Moreover, the fat content and calorie content of such a preparation can be easily controlled by adding or excluding lard. So, in order to independently cook beef stew at home, you need to prepare products such as:

Beef processing

What needs to be done to make beef stew very tasty and fragrant? First, you should buy only the freshest meat. It must not be frozen. Although fresh meat is not suitable. In this regard, it is recommended to buy only a chilled product. Before proceeding with the processing of beef (thermal), it must be thoroughly washed in cool water, and then cut off all unnecessary and inedible elements. After that, it is necessary to chop the meat piece into small cubes, place them in a deep bowl, salt, mix thoroughly and leave under the lid in the refrigerator for 30-50 minutes.

Heat treatment process

After the chilled meat gives its juice, it should be put on low heat and, stirring regularly, bring to a boil. At the same time, it is highly recommended not to add water or broth to the pan. The beef must be stewed in its own juices. This process can take you about 4-5 hours. If you feel that all the moisture from the dishes has evaporated, then you should add a small amount of crushed lard. In conclusion, the ingredients are required to lay out a few leaves of parsley and allspice peas.

Final stage

After the beef is well stewed in its own juice, it should be salted, distributed in sterilized jars and poured over with the fat that has accumulated in the pan. Next, the containers must be tightly rolled up and left to cool. When all the jars have cooled down, they should be immediately removed to a cold room, where it is advisable to store them for no more than six months.

How to apply in cooking?

beef, chicken or pork stew can be used for cooking perfectly different dishes. For example, pasta, potatoes and other vegetables with meat are very tasty from such a preparation. Moreover, some housewives make using stew and rich soup. If you took a jar of stew on a hike, then you can use it just like that (for example, along with fresh bread), but pre-heated at the stake.

Meat cans have a dual purpose. Firstly, it is a way to preserve excess meat by preserving it. This is true for those who have a household. And secondly, canned meat allows you to quickly cook food, since stew is a ready-made product.

The store has a wide variety of stews to choose from. But often in industrial canned meat put a lot of fat, offal, and part of the meat in them is small. At home, we can cook the kind of stew that we need. The cheapest option is this. Homemade beef stew is more expensive and takes longer to cook. This meat is dryish, so we will add more lard.

I love to make stew in a water bath. I do not need large volumes, but for several jars this is quite a suitable option. For me, canned meat is not a way to make food supplies, but a way to reduce the time for cooking.

Beef (it is better to take veal) cut into pieces approximately like a shish kebab.

But let's cut the lard as small as possible so that, having melted, it gives fat and gives tenderness to our stew.

Combine lard and beef together. The ratio of fat and meat should be approximately 1:4, that is, for one part of fat - four parts of meat.

Add meat, ground pepper and salt. If the salt is fine, then less may be needed, therefore, in order to avoid oversalting, you can put less salt, and if necessary, salt it later. You can add other seasonings, but this is not necessary: ​​for good meat can be limited to a minimum of ingredients.

We mix the meat mass and fill it with sterile jars. Place one bay leaf in each jar. My bay leaves were crumbled, I added them to the total meat mass.

We cook beef stew in a water bath. At the bottom of the pan we put a stand for the jar, on it - the jar. We fill cold water on the shoulders of the bank. Cover with a lid, screw on slightly and set to boil.

Beef stew at home is cooked for a long time. In a water bath, a half-liter jar should be boiled for 5-6 hours at a slow boil. If the beef is very old and tough, it may take longer. In the process, you can try the stew, if necessary, salt it. But after the test, it is necessary to cook more to ensure sterility.

During cooking, the water in the pan will become less. It needs to be topped up, but very carefully so that the jar does not crack.

We take out the finished stew, twist the lids to the end.

Keep homemade beef stew in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months. It is advisable to warm up before use.

Stew - very tasty, satisfying and healthy meat dish, which, as you can buy in the store, and make at home. It is prepared by stewing, after which it is preserved in special jars and is finished product, which can be eaten immediately or added to the dish just a few minutes before the end of its cooking.

It's no secret that home-made stew will differ significantly from store-bought: firstly, you always know what you put in it, and, secondly, home version- always more economical than purchased, it's a fact. Do you think cooking homemade stew is very difficult? Not at all!

So, you want to eat delicious food, but don't want to poison yourself with store-bought products? It's time to learn how to cook a real and delicious stew at home, where you will definitely not use meat waste and harmful GMOs, as is done in many factories.

By the way, it is customary to do meat preservation in winter - firstly, meat spoils less at this time, and on the other hand, there is no hassle, canned vegetables, which has long been compiled in the pantry or cellar after the summer season.

We will cook homemade stew simply - using an oven or a slow cooker, but you can also use the old "old-fashioned" way: for this, it is enough to get a pressure cooker from a dusty mezzanine. The principle of its operation is based on cooking at high temperatures, the water in it can boil up to 120 °, which guarantees the sterilization of products, as well as a good softening of the bones and veins.

How to choose meat?

Stew is a dish that, in fact, can be prepared from almost any type of meat: they use fresh pork, poultry, rabbit, beef and lamb. Remember that meat should not be frozen, for these purposes it is recommended to buy fresh chilled pieces of carcass, you can also use already cut meat, for example, in the form of goulash or azu.

In order for the finished stew to be well stored (and if all conditions are properly met, its shelf life can be up to 5 years), it is poured with fat on top. If, for example, there are no particular problems with this in pork, then additional fat is usually used for beef, for example, lard.

You should also know that during stewing, it is beef meat that is strongly stewed, usually by 40 percent, which must be taken into account when buying it. In general, preparing a successful stew is really not difficult, the main thing is to carefully sterilize the dishes in which it will be stored for its safety.

In order for the covers not to rust, they must be lubricated with grease. The stew is stored in a cool and dark room, usually a cellar or pantry is chosen for this purpose.


For cooking you will need:

  • beef pulp - 900 g;
  • lard - 50 g;
  • salt - 2.5 teaspoons;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • black ground pepper- 1 teaspoon.

Meat washed and cut large pieces, and then carefully beat off from all sides. In a container with a volume of 1.5 liters (for example, a glass jar), put 4 bay leaves. Dishes for extinguishing must be chosen elongated upwards and always thick-walled.

If, for example, you try to stew meat in a usually frying pan, then it rises high above own juice, which forces you to add more water to it, and as a result it turns out not stewed, but rather boiled and rather tough. To prevent this from happening, we put the pieces of beef tightly in a jar (or clay pot), sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Salo needs to be cut small pieces and put on top of the beef, and put the remaining 2 bay leaves on the highest level. Next, the neck of the jar or pot must be tightly corked with foil (folding it in several layers beforehand).

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

As you have already seen, cooking stew is quite simple, and with the help of a slow cooker it is even easier to do. This time we will cook from pork, if it is fatty in itself, then pieces of fat should be cut off immediately, so that later they can be laid out on top for better storage and taste. So what we need:

  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • dry rosemary - 0.5 tsp.

We wash the meat, cut it into small pieces, and then put it in the multicooker bowl. You do not need to add water, do not forget that the meat itself will give juice. We set the "Extinguishing" mode and leave to stew for 7 hours. In principle, the cooking time can vary from the meat itself, the softer it is, the it can be greatly reduced.

During the first three hours, the pork does not need to be touched at all: you should not open and look either, otherwise the liquid may begin to evaporate. If after 3 hours you notice that all the juice has evaporated, then you can add water, otherwise the meat risks burning, although, in general, this should not happen with pork. 2 hours before the end, add all the spices to the bowl, mix and leave everything to stew further. Check meat for salt - add more if needed.

The finished meat will acquire a pleasant brownish tint: after that, lay it out on glass jars and top with fat. For long-term storage stews that have not yet been rolled up cans must be placed on a baking sheet in the oven and sterilized for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 °.

Then we roll up the jars with sterile lids, be sure to make sure that there is no empty space left in them, the fat should reach the very top. After the stew is cooled and sent to the refrigerator or cellar.

Usually, according to this recipe, it can be stored for up to a year. For a short period of storage, it is enough to put the meat in a jar and close with a plastic lid. It can be stored this way in the refrigerator for one week.

We all know perfectly well what a stew is. As a rule, this strategic product outings, picnics and hiking. High calorie content, an abundance of useful nutrients make stew simply indispensable in harsh natural conditions. Of course, the scope of use of stew does not end there. From canned stew, you can cook a lot of dishes, from roast to an ordinary sandwich. Stew is generally a very convenient thing, and it is not at all necessary to buy it in a store. In this article, we will tell you how to make stew at home and share a few tricks that will greatly simplify the preparation of home stew.

How to cook homemade stew

How to cook homemade stew so that it is at least as good as store-bought? There is nothing easier, because any homemade dish cooked with love is a priori tastier than any delicacy brought from a store or restaurant. The most important thing in stew is meat! Surely you are used to the fact that stew is beef. That's how it is, but you can cook stew at home from pork, and from rabbit, and from lamb, as well as from poultry meat. Choose what you like best! In addition to meat for cooking stew, you will need lard or internal fat. If you intend to cook beef stew, then choose big chunks fillet. For pork stew, fatty pieces with layers of fat or pig head. To prepare lamb stew, take the pulp from the neck and shoulder blades.
By and large, stew recipes do not differ much from each other, the main difference is the cooking time. When preparing the stew, you first need to thoroughly wash the meat and cut it into large pieces, and finely cut the fat and lard into cubes. After that, put black peppercorns and bay leaves in pre-sterilized dry and clean jars with a capacity of 0.5 l or 0.7 l. Fill the jar evenly with meat and fat, shifting them in layers, while laying the pieces tightly enough. Fill the jars up to 3-4 cm to the top, fill the remaining space with pieces of bacon and salt, then pour boiling water and cover with glass lids. In this form, put the jars on a baking sheet, covered with a layer of coarse salt, and put in the oven at 200 degrees. At the moment when the stew begins to boil in jars, you should reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and leave in the oven for 3 hours. After this time, take out the jars and roll them up with sterile lids. Turn upside down and keep warm until cool.
The second method of cooking stew differs from the first one in that you actually fry, and then stew the meat in pre-melted fat and do it all not in the oven, but on the stove! First, finely chop the lard and melt it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, stirring occasionally. After the fat has melted, cut the meat into small pieces and fry it over medium heat for 60 minutes in this fat. It is imperative to ensure that the meat does not burn, you cannot add water, the meat must be fried and stewed exclusively in fat! After an hour, cover the pot, reduce the heat and cook the meat for 4 hours, stirring it every 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, bay leaves and black peppercorns. Arrange the finished stew in jars and roll up. It is very important in no case to add either onion or garlic to the stew - they reduce the shelf life of the finished stew!

Homemade chicken stew

Homemade chicken stew is a very tasty and convenient thing. And it's quick and easy to prepare. Chicken stew is prepared at home as follows. You will need these ingredients:

  • chicken meat (legs, breasts, fillets, whatever you like) - 2 kg
  • black peppercorns - 20 pieces
  • salt - 20 g;
  • bay leaf - 5 pieces

It will take you about 4-5 hours to cook chicken stew. First, we sterilize the jars of a convenient capacity for you (usually the stew is stored in jars of 0.5 l and 0.7 l) in the microwave for 10 minutes, after pouring a little water into each jar. Then we clean the chicken meat from the skin, bones and fat. Everything except the bones, we still need. We cut the meat into large pieces, salt it and put it in jars. At this time, finely chopped skin and fat are melted in a saucepan. Pour the meat in jars with the resulting mixture, add pepper, bay leaves and put on water bath or in the oven in the manner described above for 4 hours. After that, add boiling water to each jar and roll up. Everything! Now you know how to make homemade chicken stew!

Homemade pork stew

Homemade pork stew is just as easy to prepare as poultry stew. It just takes a little more time. To make pork stew, you will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 600 g (0.5 l of stew will turn out)
  • black peppercorns - 10 pieces
  • black pepper allspice - 10 pieces
  • bay leaf - 5 pieces
  • lard - about 100 g

First of all, you must rinse the meat well and clean it of films and fat. Subsequently, this fat will melt, and you will fill it with the finished meat. Cut the washed meat into small pieces and rub them with salt. Melt the existing lard in a frying pan or pot and fry the meat in it until cooked. After that, let the pork cool down and then lay it in jars, shifting with bay leaves and adding black and allspice peas. Top up the jars with the remaining melted fat, boiling water and roll up. It is best to store the finished stew in a cool room. Now you know how to cook stew at home. We wish you pleasant and tasty preparations!