What do they buy in reserve? Products and goods for the "strategic stock".

Matryoshka game: What products or goods do "In reserve" buy?

    Indeed, in reserve, people buy both products and things. They are afraid that they will not be able to do it later. In the game Matryoshka, you should give the following answers: sugar, matches and salt. Truly needed items. It's not bad to have a supply of them at home. Good luck on the next level of the game.

    Looking for answers to this question in the game Matryoshka did not have to think very long. The first answer that came up turned out to be the most popular - this is SALT and this answer scored 42%. In second place is SUGAR, and in third place are MATCHES.

    You can store only those products and goods that are not perishable, have a long shelf life. Among such stocks, you can usually find various bulk products, as well as items that are impossible to do without in everyday life. Most often, people buy in reserve such irreplaceable goods as salt, sugar and matches.

    In stock usually buy inexpensive goods or goods that may be rare, players have identified the following goods that can be bought in reserve:

    In the first place, SALT is difficult to replace and at a price it is cheap, so you can stock up on it.

    SUGAR - took second place among the products purchased in the store.

    MATCHES - they remained in the last third place.

    The correct answers to the interactive game Matryoshka to the question What products or goods are bought in reserve, such

    Sugar, really sugar is always needed and it is stored for a very long time.

    Salt is also an integral part of cooking and has a long shelf life.

    The last option is Matches.

    I still remember the time when people bought a bag of flour, a bag of cereals, a bag of sugar, and so on. Now, of course. funny, but then it was in the order of things. Then they also threw out bags of food. But here are the correct answers:

    1. SALT
    2. SUGAR
    3. MATCHES
  • Well, in reserve, you can buy any products. Well, in the game the answer was simple and obvious.

    To the question What products or goods do they buy in stock? need to answer matches, salt, sugar. these are the three most popular items commonly stocked.

    Game Matryoshka The correct answers to the question of what they buy in reserve will be as follows:

    the first option of the answer: they buy SO L.

    second answer: they buy S A X A R.

    third answer option: they buy S P I P K I.

    In case of an emergency, the population of the planet most often buys, as they say, in reserve such products as SUGAR, SALT and MATCHES. These three answers will be correct for the question in the Matryoshka game.

    In reserve, people buy cereals, pasta, canned food, even cigarettes and much more. But the most common products that most people buy are, of course, salt, sugar and matches.

    Answer: salt, sugar, matches.

    I think this answer will be known even to a child, and not only to an adult, because there is a saying such that you need to have in case of war and of course everyone always remembers these names. And they always buy these things in reserve, because they cannot go bad and are constantly needed in the way of life and nutrition, these are three components, and correct the answers will be:

    1. Salt, although its name is white death, but cooking is essentially impossible without it, without salt we will not be able to prepare preservation for the winter, no one likes unsalted dishes.

    2. Sugar is carbohydrates that are needed for the human brain.

    3. Matches are an indispensable attribute in order to light and kindle, if there is no light, for example.

Planning is the best tool for saving, so if you want to avoid unnecessary spending, plan your purchases and make lists. This post is for those who have decided to take the family or personal budget under tight control.

When we decide to reduce the cost of food and household chemicals, we often first of all think about buying in bulk. Two for the price of three - the benefit is obvious! However, this plan does not always work. But sometimes it still works! How to be? We decided to simplify the task a little and offer you a scheme that will help you understand what is worth and what is not worth buying in reserve. Let's divide your shopping list into three conditional groups: "should", "can" and "want".


This group includes all goods, without which it will not be possible to manage a household. These are the products from which you plan to cook in the coming days, these are household chemicals that you regularly use, these are other “consumables”. Everything that you do not need right now or in the coming days is not included in this group. That is, of course, you really need new coasters for hot to match the curtains, but they will not be in this group.

If something in the "need" group is on sale and/or has a long shelf life, buying in bulk is entirely justified. Napkins, toilet paper, pet food (in reasonable quantities), canned food, muesli, cereals and pasta - all this can be bought in reserve, provided that you have a place where it will be stored at right temperature and humidity. If you have bought a large amount of food that you plan to store frozen, be sure to immediately divide it into portions. Ten chicken breasts, spread out in ten bags, will stay fresh longer than a large frozen lump chicken meat, from which you will break off pieces from time to time or which you will have to defrost and freeze back several times for the same purpose. @photo

What not to buy large quantities even if you need it? Of course, these are products with a short shelf life, as well as less obvious goods that are needed now, but no longer needed tomorrow. liter bottle cat flea shampoo with a 50% discount is, of course, cool, but will Barsik agree to wash every day? What if it's eight bars for the price of four? No. We will talk about chocolates below. Don't buy big packs of something you've never tried, even if it's on sale at an incredibly good deal. Most often, by the way, manufacturers of products “with taste” sin with such actions. New vobla-flavored croutons, new pumpkin-flavored soup seasoning, new plantain-flavored ice cream – are you sure that if you buy three packs and get ten more as a gift, you can eat at least one?


Planning purchases for a "maybe" group is a lot more fun than serious "necessary" products. It includes everything that you love, but without which you, in principle, can live. This includes all spices, except perhaps the most basic - salt, pepper and bay leaf. This group includes many meat products: if there are no discounts on steaks today, it is quite possible to do without steaks. And if there is a discount, and a good one, you can take a few in reserve (and do not forget about portioned bags!).

Buying products from the “could” group is like hunting: you never know what will come across. Do not take more than you can eat, and allow yourself to step back from the list if you come across a really good offer. This is the only group of products on your list that you can improvise a little with!

By the way, medications, which should be at home "just in case", as well as cosmetical tools also belong to the group "could". Large packs of painkillers and antivirals are cheaper per dose, but this is only justified if the medicine is used in its entirety before its shelf life expires. If you don't suffer from chronic pain or colds, buy the smallest package and don't use it.

Creams in an unopened package lose their properties quite quickly, so a cunning plan to buy a jar that will last for six months is a bad plan. At sales of cosmetics, it is worth buying only what you are running out of. And if you remember how many times a year and for what reasons there are such sales, you will certainly find that there is not much time left until the next one!

Vitamins are also a great candidate for the "could" group, because you need to drink them in courses, they have a rather long shelf life, and therefore it is easy to calculate the exact amount that you need. If you and your family drink vitamins regularly, they are definitely worth buying in reserve.

"I want to"

And finally, the most pleasant part of the list. Everything without which you can easily live today, tomorrow and always, we put it in the “want” group. Of course, in austerity mode, it is more logical to exclude such things from the list altogether - but then life will become completely sad, and this is not at all what we are striving for. Therefore, we will pamper ourselves in an organized way. Try adding several products to this group in order to choose one or two directly in the store. For example, think ahead of time which of your favorite sweets are the least harmful and write them all down. At this stage, don't sacrifice quality for cheapness - a good dark chocolate bar will cost you more than a pack of margarine wafers, but we buy one for a whole week. When you're in the store, see if any of them are on sale. So you will come to the desired compromise - and save money, and do not deny yourself a dessert.

By the way, I have a little personal secret when it comes to buying something for tea - I buy "tasteless" cookies. Tasteless - this means unsweetened, without a pronounced taste, boring and not desiring eat a couple more. Biscuits are ideal for these requirements and, moreover, can be stored for a long time. This is how I kill two birds with one stone:

I always have cookies at home, which means I don’t need to buy something else for tea (sheep, that is, money, are intact)

I don’t eat more than three or four biscuits, because they don’t give me much pleasure, and the desire to “eat a cookie” is considered satisfied (the wolves in my face are full).

But the most important rule for products from the “want” group is never, for anything, at any discount, do not buy them in in large numbers or volume. If chocolate, then one. If a box of juice is also one, small. In the case of products from the “wanted” group, we save by reducing their quantity. Let them be a small but very welcome and worthwhile reward for your heroic efforts in the budget battle! Remember, the main prize awaits you ahead - a heavy wallet and thin waist. Summer is coming - on vacation you will need both!

Every housewife strives to have a strategic supply of food that can be stored for a long time and makes life much easier in times of crisis and during times of severe cold. It is important not only to know what products are bought in reserve but also how to store them properly.

TOP 10

Sugar in reserve

Many of us cannot imagine a cup of coffee or tea without a few spoons of sugar, and those with a sweet tooth will not refuse delicious and fragrant home baking, impossible without sugar, which can be stored for 7-8 years. It is best to purchase small packages (2-5 kg), which must be placed in a dry and ventilated area.

Pasta in reserve

You can store noodles, vermicelli and pasta for up to 3 years. The storage place must be dry and dark, the packaging must be airtight. Pasta from an open or damaged package must be placed in a glass or plastic container with an airtight lid. The condition of the pasta is negatively affected by temperature changes and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Flour in reserve

With the advent of bread machines in homes, many of us began to buy great amount flour, preferring to take 50 kg bags. If you do not bake muffins and bread, then the strategic supply of flour can be much less - 10-15 kg. Flour can be stored for 10-12 months. Optimum temperature storage 0 ° C, periodically all the flour must be sifted - this way you will avoid the appearance of flour worms and bugs.

Vegetable oil in reserve

This product is currently sold in plastic container, less often - in glass. It is glass containers that contribute to the long-term storage of oil, so if you purchased a product in plastic packaging and plan to store it for a long time, pour the oil into a glass bottle or jar and close the lid tightly.

Our grandmothers very often added to a container of oil a small amount of salt to avoid sedimentation. Today, there is no need for this procedure, since in most cases we use refined oil that does not form sediment. You can store the oil for no more than 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C in a dark place. Do not store the oil in the refrigerator - it may lose its taste and useful qualities.

Cereals in reserve

For storage of cereals, it is best to use plastic containers or glass jars. If you have the opportunity, store cereals in the refrigerator. The shelf life of most cereals is 4-8 months. Longest own taste qualities And beneficial features saves buckwheat - up to 16 months of storage. Long-term storage of cereals will not adversely affect their external condition, but the taste and useful properties will be lost.

Home preservation in reserve

Regardless of the storage conditions home preservation should not exceed 1 year. This is especially true for compotes made from cherries, apricots and plums with pits. Long-term storage of home preservation not only spoils the taste of products, but can be hazardous to health.

Industrial conservation in reserve

Manufacturers canned food storage conditions and shelf life are always indicated, however, this can also be significantly reduced if the can of canned food is damaged or deformed. Choosing in the store tin can with preservation, pay attention to the absence of dents and traces of corrosion. Buying canned vegetables glass jar make sure it is hermetically sealed.

Spices in reserve

Closed and open spices can be stored for up to 2 years. To preserve their aroma and flavor, it is best to use airtight containers and store away from light and moisture. Ideal Conditions- a dry, ventilated room, the temperature of which does not exceed 25°C. The familiar bay leaf will help prevent the appearance of insects - put 1-2 small pieces of the leaf in a container with spices.

Nuts in reserve

The refrigerator is the best way to store nuts. They can also be stored in the freezer. The belief that nuts in the shell can be stored for years can play a bad joke on you. Violation of the storage conditions of nuts leads to the fact that they lose all their useful properties. Out of the refrigerator, nuts can be stored for no more than 2 months.

Honey in reserve

Natural honey can be stored for years using a glass container with a tight lid. It is necessary to store the product at a temperature of 5-10°C; at a temperature above 10°C, it loses its qualities and acquires a bitter taste.

According to statistics, every second housewife has a "strategic stock" of products, made in case of a crisis or a seasonal price increase. What products are bought in reserve and how much they can be stored, we decided to tell in our article.

Types of food "stocks"

The habit of stocking up on food for the future did not appear out of nowhere. Back in the days of subsistence farming, there were no shops where you could hit the road for a liter of milk and a loaf of bread. Our ancestors at harvest time tried to make sufficient supplies of flour and vegetable oil to last until the next year's harvest. In the hallways and basements of our great-great-great-grandmothers, grain, cereals, salt, melted fat, pickled cucumbers and cabbage.

Today, despite the presence of supermarkets and markets nearby, housewives still buy stock products. However, they are guided by somewhat different considerations, and the list of “long-term storage” products has also undergone some changes.

Today, women are encouraged to make purchases for the future:

  • desire to save. Everyone knows that, for example, sugar rises in price before the canning season, so they try to stock up on it in winter. Potatoes rise in price with the onset of cold weather, which is why housewives try to purchase a couple of meshes of this root crop in the fall, after it has been harvested;
  • possible deficit. The crisis dictates its terms, and certain products may disappear from store shelves from time to time. The presence of their strategic stock at home will allow you to survive a crisis situation with minimal inconvenience;
  • psychological comfort. Our mothers and grandmothers who lived in Soviet times total shortages, used to stocking up on food and instilled this habit in us. Therefore, even in the case of a completely prosperous economic situation and the absence of prerequisites for the disappearance of any products, we still create a home food reserve.

As for the types of stocks, they can be conditionally divided into:

  • seasonal. These include dried and frozen fruits, preservation made during the period of vegetable harvest, potatoes, etc.;
  • "on the occasion of". Such purchases are made during discounts and sales - the desire to purchase products at a lower price encourages housewives to buy them for future use. However, you need to be careful: often the promotional price is set for goods with an expiring shelf life. Therefore, be sure to see what the shelf life is indicated on the package;
  • permanent. This is a kind of grocery "minimum" that every housewife should have on hand just in case. Its purchase is carried out according to plan, it is replenished gradually, as the products are used.

Now let's figure out which products are bought in reserve most often.

What products are purchased for the long term?

We think everyone understands that household supplies must be products long-term storage. Here are some of them:

Product Shelf life, year Conditions
Flour and cereals 1 In a dry and dark place. We do not recommend keeping them longer without using them - they lose their useful qualities.
Pasta 4 In sealed packaging.
Salt 10 Avoid moisture access.
Jam 5 In a dark and cool place.
Honey 3-5 In the dark at room temperature. At low temperatures, honey loses its beneficial properties - we wrote about this in the article "How to choose natural honey".
Stew 3 Low humidity and darkness.
Canned fish 3 Don't buy fish tomato sauce: over time, it turns fish carcasses into mush.
Condensed milk 1 If the composition contains Palm oil or any vegetable protein, the shelf life is reduced significantly.
Canned peas and beans 2-3 Exceeding this period threatens to turn legumes into an unpleasant puree.
Canned tomatoes and cucumbers 3 On the 4th year canned vegetables lose their taste.
Vegetable oil 1 Only refined, the rest can go bad.
Spices 2 Sealed container and temperature regime not higher than 25 °C.
nuts 1 Dry ventilated place. Exclude the possibility of access bugs.
Ground coffee 2 Sealed packaging.
leaf tea 1 Over time, tea loses its usefulness and taste.

Now knowing what products are bought in reserve, you can form your strategic stock. When calculating its volumes, proceed from the number of family members and their monthly consumption of the above provisions. For information on how to shop the right way, see the video:

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Our lives are getting more and more complicated every day. Prices are rising and wages are not keeping up. Therefore, it makes sense to create some in advance that can be stored for a long time. What products do they buy in reserve?

We have selected for you TOP 10 products, which right conditions storage, may not deteriorate for a long time, and also preserve their nutritional and taste qualities.

We bring to your attention a few tips, thanks to which your "strategic stock" will not turn into a warehouse of tasteless food.

Stocking up products professionally!

Sugar can be stored up to 8 years without fear that it will lose its taste. It is best stored in plastic sealed bags weighing no more than 5 kg. They, unlike industrial bags of 50 kg, can be easily moved. 5 kg bags run out quickly enough, they do not have the smell characteristic of long-term stored products, and dirt does not get in.

It is important that all bags are tightly closed, placed in a well-ventilated, dry area, and the temperature in it is neither cold nor hot. Do not store sugar in linen containers - they allow moisture to pass through, and do not put bags on the floor - it is better to keep sugar on the shelves.

Pasta can be bought in reserve. It is easy to store them: a dry and dark place is suitable for both open and closed packs. The drier the air in the storage area, the longer the pasta can be stored. If you've opened the package, it's best to put the pasta in an airtight plastic container or glass jar with a lid.

One way or another, both open and closed pack pasta can be stored without loss of taste up to 3 years. Suitable for storage and unheated storerooms. However, care must be taken to avoid temperature fluctuations. If you take pasta with additives, then they will have a shorter shelf life (about six months).

3. Flour

Flour also refers to products with a long shelf life, but by the end of it (no more than 12 months), it can change its taste. That's why
it is advisable to renew stocks every six months.

Dry rooms with zero temperature are good for storing flour. From time to time, the flour must be sifted to avoid the appearance of bugs. Therefore, it is better to store it in small bags up to 5 kg. The ideal bag material is linen. It is useful to soak linen bags in a strong saline solution and dry well, this prevents the appearance of insects.

In a dry pantry at normal temperature, unpeeled nuts can be stored for no more than one and a half months. But in the refrigerator they will lie without loss of quality and taste for about 6-8 months. If you put nuts in freezer, then they will not deteriorate even after a year.

Peeled nuts should be stored in the refrigerator - in a container or glass jar with a lid. So they will not lose their useful properties and taste from 2 months to six months, depending on the type of nuts. Glass storage containers must be clean and dry. It would be nice to pre-sterilize it, like jars for blanks, and dry it with paper towels.

5. Vegetable oil

In a dark cool place glass container vegetable oil can be stored for about 2 years. For any oils, it is important that there is no direct sunlight and a storage temperature of 5 to 20 degrees. Not worth keeping vegetable oils in a refrigerator. Already at minus seven, it begins to crystallize and lose its beneficial properties. The only oil that should be stored in the refrigerator is linseed oil.

It is not recommended to store the oil near heaters and batteries - this way it will quickly lose its taste and vitamin E. If you pour the oil into a glass bottle, put a pinch of salt on the bottom or put a few raw beans - this will slightly extend the shelf life.

6. Dry spices

Most spices can be stored for up to 2 years (both open and closed). After that, they will not deteriorate, but will lose their original taste and aroma. And so that the spices do not lose their qualities within the prescribed 2 years, they must be stored in airtight containers (for example, in special containers with lids) away from sunlight, heat and moisture - an ideally dry place at room temperature.

To understand if the spices have lost their properties, rub them between your fingers, smell and taste. Tasteless and non-aromatic are best thrown away. Do not put jars of multi-colored spices next to the stove and any other heating devices - they will lose their taste and aroma. If you've ever had insects in your spice cabinet, add pieces of bay leaf or pieces of dried hot pepper to jars of fresh spices.