Savoyardi cookies: a simple gourmet pastry recipe.

biscuit cookies savoiardi has been gaining popularity in recent years. You have probably tried it in a cafe or restaurant with a cup of coffee. Today we will learn together how to cook savoiardi at home: following step-by-step recipes, it is not difficult and very interesting to make it.

History of Savoiardi

The peculiarity of this cookie lies in its oval shape and sugar sprinkles. It has several other popular names: biscuit, Neapolitan, Savoyard, la coulier and "lady fingers".

Legend has it that Savoiardi was invented by the chief cook of the Duke of Savoy at the end of the 16th century. The invention of the original recipe was timed to coincide with the visit french king. The owner of the palace liked the delicacy so much that he was soon given the status of the official dessert of Savoy.

Savoiardi cookies - the official dessert of the Savoyard ducal cuisine

Of course, savoiardi can be bought in the store - now it is not uncommon. But how nice it is to cook it yourself, giving love and warmth to the dough. own hands! And as a dessert, you will be 100% sure, which cannot be said about the purchased product.

Made from light biscuit dough cookies absorb liquid well and soften, while maintaining their shape. Therefore, savoiardi is often used not only as a separate dessert, but also for the preparation of other sweet dishes - cakes, trifles and Russian charlotte.

Especially often, the popular tiramisu dessert is prepared from these cookies, soaking savoiardi with sweet syrup. The cookies should be slightly dry, so they will need to be kept in a warm oven for a while or left overnight, covered with a clean towel.

Savoiardi is an indispensable ingredient of the classic tiramisu

Ingredients and cooking secrets

Required ingredients for savoiardi:

  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • eggs.

Flour should be well sifted. Take only 1 variety - it is ideal for this dessert.

Flour, eggs and sugar are essential components of savoiardi

As with any biscuit, you need to separate the yolk from the protein and beat them separately from each other. Eggs must be room temperature.

Powdered sugar is used to sprinkle cookies. But granulated sugar is also suitable: its crystals will look beautiful on the surface of savoiardi.

A pleasant rich aroma will give the liver vanilla extract or vanillin. Some housewives add a little cinnamon, but classic recipe does not provide for this.

To give the cookies their original shape, you will need a pastry bag with a hole diameter of at least 1.5 cm. You will squeeze the mass onto a baking sheet with it. The bag should be held at a 45 degree angle. The length of each cookie is 7.5 cm, the distance between them is at least 2.5 cm.

Savoyardi is baked in the oven for no more than 15 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees or 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Be sure to line the baking sheet with parchment paper or parchment paper.

Note! Ready savoiardi can be packaged in a container lined with waxed paper and stored frozen for up to 2 weeks.

Step by step recipes

We will consider classic and original recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya. This wonderful TV presenter always adds some zest to the cooking process, and today we will unravel her secret.


Before you start cooking, turn on the oven so that it warms up to 190 degrees and prepare a pastry bag. By the way, to make it easier for you to later lay out the cookies on a baking sheet, draw the contours of the desired size on paper.

You will need the following products:

  • large egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 65 g (1/2 tea cup);
  • powdered sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla or its substitute - ½ teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar for sprinkling.
  1. Using a mixer, beat 2 egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar until the mixture thickens and becomes light yellow in color.

    Whisk the yolks, separated from the whites, with powdered sugar

  2. In another bowl, beat all egg whites until soft. Gradually add 3 tablespoons of sugar, beat until a strong glossy foam is formed.

    Beat egg whites with sugar until firm

  3. Add whites and yolks (including the remaining yolk) to the flour in three steps, while gently mixing the mass from the bottom up.

    Combine the protein and yolk with flour, mix thoroughly

  4. Fill a piping bag halfway with batter. Gently squeeze the cookies onto the baking sheet, remembering to leave the required distance between them.

    Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper using a pastry bag and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

  5. Sprinkle the cookies with powdered sugar, bake for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

Bake cookies until fully cooked

Remove the savoiardis from the baking paper while they are still warm. Otherwise, the cookies will stick and you won't be able to remove them from the parchment without crumbling them.

Biscuit cookies from Yulia Vysotskaya

This dessert is designed for 36 servings (pieces). You will need:

  • 50 g flour;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 30 g of powdered sugar.
  1. Beat all egg whites until soft. After that, add 30 g of sugar. Continue to work with the mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Beat egg whites thoroughly while adding sugar.

  2. Whisk 2 egg yolks with 30 grams of sugar in a separate bowl. The mass should turn out light and light, and the sugar should completely dissolve.

    Whisk the yolks with sugar

  3. Gently combine egg whites and yolks and mix with a spatula.

    Mix egg whites with yolks

  4. Sift 50 g of flour into a bowl with egg mass.

    Add the sifted flour to the egg mixture

  5. Stir the mass from the bottom up. The movements should be light so that air is retained inside the dough.

    Gently mix the dough

  6. Using a pastry bag, pipe the dough onto a baking sheet.

Tiramisu is exquisite, airy dessert, italian dish which is popular all over the world. Tiramisù is translated from Italian as "lift or pull me up." Obviously, the name is associated with the high calorie content of the dish, although some argue that the word tiramisu arose because of its ability to "bring the highest pleasure."

History of origin and description

In the old days of the Renaissance, tiramisu was considered an aphrodisiac, uplifting before a love date and arousing feelings. From sources it is known that for the first time this dessert was invented by Siena confectioners in honor of the arrival of the Tuscan ex-Duke Cosimo de Medici III, who was a famous lover of sweets.

Having tried original dish, the admiring ex-duke took the recipe to Florence, the center of the arts of that time. There the recipe became famous and from there it spread all over the world, many gourmets appreciated the taste of the masterpiece.

By palatability tiramisu can be compared with taste delicate cake, souffle and air pudding. There are many variations of the dish, but all require mascarpone cheese, savoiardi biscuits, eggs and coffee.


Let's figure out step by step how to cook classic version Italian tiramisu, an egg-free version of the cake, and a homemade almond dessert recipe.

Traditional with mascarpone cheese and savoiardi biscuits

Need: 4 eggs, 250 grams of cheese, sugar or powder, 1/4 cup coffee, 200 grams of savoiardi (the so-called "lady fingers"), half a bar of dark dark chocolate or cocoa powder, 4 tbsp. spoons of brandy (rum, cognac, brandy, chocolate liqueur).

Of the tools you will need mixer or whisk(preferably silicone), bowls, spatula.

  • So, first of all, make coffee, soluble is not suitable. Then beat the cheese with a whisk or mixer until softened.
  • Separate the egg whites from the yolks, then beat the yolks thoroughly to the consistency of airy white foam. It is recommended to add a little sugar or powder at the end of whipping.
  • Gently pour the yolks into the mascarpone cheese, while whisking continuously with a whisk or mixer. Separately beat the egg whites, the spreading of the cream depends on the density of the proteins. Then Carefully fold the egg whites into the whipped cheese mixture.. The consistency of the mass should resemble thick sour cream.
  • In a big bowl mix coffee and brandy(or other alcohol - cognac, liquor, rum) and dip savoiardi cookies in the same place. Coffee should be freshly brewed and strong, but cold. Put half of the cookies on the form, do it quickly, until the cookies get wet.
  • cookie layer Cover generously with cheese mass and smooth it with a spatula.. Lay the next layer of cookies on top of it and pour the rest of the cheese mass on it. Smooth out the layer with a spatula.
  • For beauty, the surface can be decorated with cones or stars. Ready meal put in the refrigerator for eight to nine hours.
  • Sprinkle with cocoa or dark grated chocolate. Cut the dish into pieces and put on a dessert plate, from cutlery dessert spoon. Serve recommended with coffee or tea.

In addition to the classic recipe, there are many other cooking options - without alcohol, without eggs, with raspberries, blueberries, condensed milk, almonds, and so on.

Dessert without eggs

Ingredients for tiramisu without eggs: 300 gr. savoiardi or "lady's sticks", 500 gr. mascarpone cheese, 100 gr. powdered sugar, 150 ml. cream 33% - nyh, 200 ml. coffee, 2 tablespoons of Amaretto liqueur, black grated chocolate and a little cocoa.

  • Cream (it is desirable to buy 33%) whip with a mixer or whisk.
  • Soften cheese and mix with powdered sugar. Add whipped cream to the mixture, then mix gently with a spatula so that the cream acquires a consistency of uniformity.
  • Add coffee to a bowl and pour in 2 tablespoons of Amaretto. Dip cookie sticks in coffee, then quickly lay them out in a convenient form.
  • Top with half of the prepared cream. Add next layer of sticks and add the rest of the cream.
  • Put in the refrigerator for several hours, you can until the morning. Garnish the finished tiramisu with cocoa or chocolate.

Italian food enchants with its spontaneity and wonderful combination of flavors. Learn how to cook to please the household with a great dinner.

Another charming Italian dessert recipe - cannoli - you will find in this.

If you can't buy mascarpone cheese, learn how to make it at home here:

But there is also interesting option almond tiramisu.


Cooking Ingredients: 300 gr. biscuit savoiardi, 85 gr. sugar, 150 ml. fresh milk, 250 ml. cream, the fat content of which is not less than 33%, 3 egg yolks, 3 tbsp. spoons of almond liquor, 250 gr. cheese, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond flakes.

  • Pour 25 gr. on a thick pan. sugar, melt over medium heat until brown. Then pour 2 tablespoons of ordinary boiling water and remove the pan from the stove.
  • Pour milk into sugar and mix, the resulting caramel should dissolve completely. Pour through a sieve into a bowl and wait for cooling.
  • Pour into the mixture 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond liqueur and mix.
  • Prepare the cream separately. To do this, prepare steam bath. Pour some water into the pan, put the container in it. Add the yolks, separated from the proteins, 60 gr. to the container. sugar, 2 tablespoons of liquor. Beat the mixture for about 7 minutes until an airy, thick mass forms.
  • Then rearrange the container in another pan, adding to it cold water and keep beating until the mixture cools down. Add the mascarpone and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  • Separately, beat the cream with a mixer and add them to the mass with the yolks. Each "lady's wand" quickly dip in caramel syrup and place on the bottom of the mold for cooking. When the bottom of the form is completely filled, lay out half the cream.
  • Repeat procedure: put another extra layer biscuit sticks and fill with cream. Decorate the dish with almond flakes, which are lightly fried in a pan. Put the cooked dish in the refrigerator for six to eight hours.

The appearance of biscuit cookies gave him a second name - ladies' fingers. The oval-shaped stripes, specific crust, lightness of cookies, which were once served exclusively at the table of royalty, are familiar to Tiramisu fans. The basis of the famous dessert conquers with a delicate taste and seduces with sweet melting on the tongue.

How to cook Savoiardi

Special confectionery skills for baking are not required. The finished delicacy owes its lightness to the porous structure, but the right thing helps to achieve this. biscuit dough. To prepare Savoiardi with a taste as close as possible to traditional version, it is necessary to follow some important recommendations and discover a couple of secrets.

The technology of preparation provides that the whites are beaten separately from the yolks with sugar until soft fluffy foam. The flour must be sifted, vanilla extract is added, everything is mixed, and then small strips are squeezed onto parchment paper using a pastry bag, which are sprinkled with powdered sugar. Before golden brown cookies are baked for about a quarter of an hour in a preheated oven, choosing a medium mode.

How to cook Savoyardi at home so that the taste or appearance of the finished cookies does not disappoint?

  • Make the dough thick, and for this, take two, not three yolks.
  • Carefully separate the proteins, which must be taken chilled, beat until a strong foam.
  • Add whipped proteins in parts, mix the last portion very carefully with other ingredients, then the finished cookie will retain its porous structure.
  • Grease parchment paper first butter and then sprinkle with flour. Take off ready-made pastries It will be easier.
  • Sprinkle the top of the biscuit dough strips with powdered sugar, and immediately place the baking sheet in the preheated oven.

Classic Savoiardi recipe at home

The composition of the famous Italian dessert Tiramisu involves an obligatory ingredient - cookies. Lady fingers. Find in the store tasty and at an affordable price biscuit pastries it doesn’t always work out, but there is an alternative - to master the Savoyardi recipe at home. The delicate taste of airy biscuits will be a good addition to tea drinking; it is not for nothing that five centuries ago this confectionery innovation was specially created on the occasion of the visit of the French king.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 65 g;
  • vanilla - 0.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. If you use the Savoiardi cookie recipe at home, you must first preheat the oven. Then prepare a pastry bag, parchment, on which you can immediately mark the contours of the future cookie in order to bake a treat desired shape and length.
  2. Separate the yolks, mix with two tablespoons of powdered sugar, beat until thick, until a lush, light mass forms.
  3. Beat egg whites separately, gradually adding 3 teaspoons of powdered sugar to make a glossy foam.
  4. Add the beaten yolks, whites, vanilla, the remaining yolk to the sifted flour in three approaches. Mix the dough with gentle movements, from the bottom up.
  5. Using a pastry bag or plastic bag, squeeze the dough onto the parchment, leaving a distance. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  6. The baking process will take about 15 minutes, and the cookies will be ready golden crust. Remove pastry from parchment immediately so that it does not stick or crumble.

Cookies Savoyardi - recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

original delicacy, bought in a store, does not always match the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bquality or corresponds to the declared price. If you master the recipe for Savoyardi cookies from Yulia Vysotskaya, then you won’t have to worry about the flavors of baking. Even without photos or videos step by step recommendations will help you learn the secret of making magnificent biscuit dough to bake the most delicate cookies Ladyfingers and serve pastries for coffee, add italian dessert, Russian charlotte, ice-cream cake.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. topped spoons;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the proteins, beat with a mixer or blender until fluffy, add a tablespoon of sugar with a top. Continue whisking until the crystals dissolve and the protein mass becomes shiny and thick.
  2. Take 2 yolks, add a tablespoon of sugar, beat the mixture until light and fluffy.
  3. Gently combine half of the portion of the protein mass with the yolks whipped with sugar. Sift in the resulting mass of flour, mix again lightly. Then add the rest of the protein mass to make an airy biscuit dough.
  4. On parchment, greased with butter, squeeze strips up to 12 cm long using a pastry bag or bag, sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.
  5. Bake for a quarter of an hour until the crust is browned.

Recipes with Savoiardi cookies

Delicate pastries in themselves can be a delicious sweet treat for tea or coffee. For the price, Ladyfingers will be cheaper than store-bought ones, but you will have to spend a little time on cooking. To make a dessert with biscuit cookies look like in the photo, you should not deviate from a step-by-step recipe or, succumbing to the desire to experiment, replace any ingredient with another. Strips of finished cookies can be the basis for light desserts with mascarpone or sour cream, very delicate taste Lady's fingers will give sponge cake no baking.

Tiramisu from Savoiardi cookies

The invigorating and unique taste of the famous Italian dessert is built on the contrast: the bitter taste of coffee and melting butter cream. Quality products are the key to success so that you can make a delicacy, as in beautiful photos. Attempts to replace creamy taste Mascarpone curd cream will lead to disappointment, like the suggestion that a dessert with Savoyardi cookies can turn out delicious without it. The laborious work of cooking will fully justify itself, and you can diversify the recipe with the help of vanilla, bitter almonds, Amaretto liqueur.


  • Savoiardi cookies - 30 pcs.;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • coffee - 200 ml;
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • liquor - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • powdered sugar - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind egg yolks until white with powdered sugar, add Mascarpone, mix until formed homogeneous mass.
  2. Beat the whites, then gradually combine with the resulting creamy yolk mass.
  3. Brew coffee, add rum, mixing strong alcohol in a flat and not very deep container, so that it is convenient to dip the cookies. Immerse Savoyardi in the mixture by half or a third, then lay out a layer of 10 pieces, pouring cream, repeat two more times. To even out the layers, knock on the sides with a spatula, put in the refrigerator for three hours or overnight.
  4. When serving dessert, sprinkle with cocoa, cut into portions.

Savoiardi cake without baking

A light, tasty sweet treat that will become a lifesaver when there is little time to cook. The advantage of the finished confectionery product called Savoyardi is the ability to freeze for the future, which saves time, because there is no need to bake cakes. If you have ready-made homemade cakes on hand or the price of a ready-made one makes it acceptable to buy, all that is required is to make a cream and wait for the Savoyardi cookie cake to soak. The output is 4 servings of delicious treats.


  • cookies - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • sour cream (15%) - 2 cups;
  • canned or fresh fruits- 150 g;
  • berries, nuts - to taste for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat sour cream with a mixer with powdered sugar to get a fluffy mass.
  2. Canned fruits throw it in a colander. it important condition, which should not be ignored, because you need to get rid of excess fluid.
  3. To form the shape of the cake, lay out the cookies with the bottom layer, pour sour cream, put fruits on top, alternate layers until the products run out.
  4. Place the no-bake cake in the refrigerator to soak. Garnish with fruit before serving.

How to replace Savoyardi cookies in Tiramisu

You can find a replacement for biscuit cookies, but this will affect the taste classic tiramisu. The oblong shape, delicate taste make the famous pastry similar to another delicacy - Ladyfingers cookies. What else can replace Savoyardi cookies for Tiramisu? A good alternative is baby cookies, for example, Hainu or Body, or will do tender biscuit, which you can buy in the store, but at a price it will turn out to be more expensive than baking a cake at home in the oven on your own.

The price of savoiardi biscuits

To enjoy the taste of the famous dessert, you can not do without the main component. Fans confectionery art There are two ways to get the must-have Tiramisu ingredient: buy Savoiardi from the supermarket or make your own. The finished cookies will differ in price, the name of the manufacturer and the volume affect this factor. Italian cost confectionery for a pack of 200 g, on average, it is 148 rubles, with a volume of 400 g - 240 rubles.

Any price of a sweet product cannot be compared with homemade cakes. Choosing this option for making a dessert, you can save money, stock up for future use or enjoy a treat over a mug. fragrant tea or coffee. Let on biscuit treat or the baking will take some time, but the cookies will turn out delicious, the composition of the homemade delicacy will not raise doubts, and the price will turn out to be a more advantageous option, because you will still have to look for a store where you can buy the necessary confectionery product.

Video: Savoyardi biscuit cookies

Tiramisu is a famous Italian dessert, a kind of "calling card" national cuisine, along with pasta or lasagna. Its name consists of three words: tira mi su. Literally, this translates as "lift me up", but figuratively this expression can be interpreted as "cheer me up." Indeed, thanks to the combination of coffee and chocolate, tiramisu has an awakening effect. BUT tender cheese mascarpone, which is part of the dessert, is surprisingly satiating. Italians, on the other hand, believe that this dish is similar to Viagra in terms of its effect on the body, so they invariably include it in the menu. romantic dinner. Anyone who has been to Italy and tried classic tiramisu will never forget its wonderful taste. But is it possible to cook this dessert in the usual Slavic cuisine? Skeptics say no. But we still dare.

Why is it hard to make your own tiramisu?

This Italian dessert is not fraught with any special secrets. It is very easy to prepare it. It's all about the products. Tiramisu classic consists of three main ingredients that are very difficult to find in our penates. Tenderness dessert gives cheese "Mascarpone". Mascherpa is what the Lombards call cottage cheese. But Mascarpone is a special cheese. It is made from the milk of buffalo brought to Lombardy. Therefore, the fat content of the curd is 55%. The next no less important component of tiramisu is Savoyardi. It's fragile and air cookies in the form of sticks. It was invented in Savoy - hence the name. The third "exotic" ingredient of tiramisu came from the south - the island of Sicily. Wine "Marsala" is made in the vicinity of the city of the same name. If you are in Sicily, buy for culinary products a superior or fine bottle.

Tiramisu: recipe with photo

In case you managed to get all necessary ingredients, we'll show you how to make an authentic Italian dessert. The only secret of tiramisu is this: eggs must be at room temperature, and mascarpone must be aged in freezer refrigerator. Everything else is ridiculously simple. We brew a cup of strong black coffee (natural, naturally, not instant). Cool it and pour in 3 tablespoons of Marsala. Six egg yolks grind with half a glass of powdered sugar until smooth, then add a package (450 g) of "Mascarpone". Whisk egg whites separately. It is permissible to pour another spoon or two of wine into the cheese-yolk mass. Add carefully so that the proteins do not settle. Knead. "Savoyardi" one by one with a lightning movement dip into coffee and spread in a square or rectangular shape. Alternate layers of cookies in tiramisu with Mascarpone. There should be a layer of cream on top. We put the dessert in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Then sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Tiramisu a la russe

Now let's look at what can replace exotic products. “Need is cunning for inventions” - this saying can be applied first of all when preparing overseas dishes. The tiramisu recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya includes "Mascarpone" (400 grams). But the culinary specialist suggests replacing Savoyardi with Ladyfingers biscuits. It also fits perfectly in shape. In any case, you can use 300 grams of any biscuit cookie. To taste the wine "Marsala" is closest to the liqueur "Amaretto". But its amount should be slightly reduced (up to two tablespoons). You can replace brandy or cognac liquor. We make the cream as it suggests for tiramisu home recipe from Italy. That is, we grind the yolks with powdered sugar, knead with mascarpone, add whipped proteins. But since biscuit biscuits differ in texture from savoiardi, you do not need to dip them in coffee. Having filled the bottom layer in the form, pour it lightly, and then cover it with cream on top.

What to replace "Mascarpone"

This is a burning issue for residents of small towns where there are no supermarkets with imported goods. Many chefs recommend using cream cheeses: "Buko" or "Philadelphia". But, firstly, you will not find them in an ordinary grocery store either, and secondly, the taste is very different from the delicate Mascarpone. Best substitute for buffalo curd homemade sour cream high quality, such that the spoon in the bank stood. Or you can mix cow cream with fat cottage cheese. Such a replacement will even benefit the figure, since tiramisu with Mascarpone turns out to be very high-calorie.

How to make dessert safe

We looked at the options for making this cake in cases where exotic ingredients simply could not be obtained. What about insuring yourself against salmonella? Because tiramisu uses raw eggs. You can, of course, advise mixing with "Mascarpone" the hatchery product of quail farms. Small, colorful testicles have a dense skin, and therefore - as nutritionists assure - are absolutely resistant to salmonella bacteria. But there are other situations as well. For example, allergies. Well, in that case, let's try to cook tiramisu without eggs. Mascarpone cheese is quite dense in texture. Beaten eggs are mixed in to fluff it up. Let's try to achieve this in a different way.

Tiramisu without eggs: recipe 1

Cream can be used as a fluff. They are of different fat content. The percentage is indicated on the package. Let's take the fattest - 33%. For an incomplete glass of cream, you will need a pound of Mascarpone. Because the milk product and so a little sweetish, the amount of powdered sugar is reduced to one hundred grams. We cool the cream strongly, but so that it does not exfoliate into ice and butter. Then gradually add the powdered sugar so that it does not gather into lumps in ice milk. Whip the cream to soft peaks. Add "Mascarpone" one tablespoon at a time, always kneading in one motion - from top to bottom. We do this until the Italian curd and whipped cream reach a homogeneous state. light cream. Well, then - according to the classic recipe. "Savoyardi" dip in coffee with "Marsala", lay out a layer, cover with cream. Repeat the action once or twice (depending on the shape). We put on impregnation in the refrigerator.

Tiramisu without eggs: recipe 2

The famous Italian dessert, as a rule, is served in the form of a cake, laying it out on plates with a flat spatula. But tiramisu is also found in portioned bowls. Hostesses resort to this type of dessert serving if the cream failed - the proportion or the desired temperature regime mascarpone and eggs. Dessert in bowls has the advantage that it does not need to be kept in the refrigerator for a long time. Liquid cream will soak the savoiardi very quickly. Here we suggest you make tiramisu with less "Mascarpone" - for a glass of 33% fat cream you need only 100 grams of cottage cheese. Beat as in the previous recipe. Mix in the mascarpone. Continue beating at medium speed of the mixer.

Tiramisu on boiled condensed milk

This is, of course, a big departure from the rules. But such tiramisu without eggs is madly in love with children for its rich caramel taste. If there is no ready-made “varenka”, you can cook it yourself from ordinary condensed milk. The jar must then be completely cooled. Beat a pound of "Mascarpone" lightly with a mixer. We are not zealous, because oil is very easily obtained from it. Just lightly fluff the curd, mix boiled condensed milk. You don't need to add sugar. You can drop a couple of drops of alcohol, but if you are thinking of serving dessert to children, it is better to use fruit syrups. Transfer the Savoyardi soaked in coffee with cream, sprinkle with cocoa after soaking.

How to cook Homemade classic cake tiramisu from Yulia Vysotskaya
How to cook tiramisu? We offer you the best classic tiramisu cake recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya at home, as she always likes to describe her dishes :), but it’s very difficult to disagree with her prefix, she honestly earned herself a good reputation, and it’s hard to argue with that. We make this dessert exactly according to the recipe of Yulia Vysotskaya and get 100% tasty result.
Dessert Tiramisu, which literally translated from Italian means lift me up, give me strength. In the book, Vysotskaya writes: "If a tiramisu cake can be cut with a knife, then this is not tiramisu! Tiramisu is served exclusively with a spoon. And tomorrow tiramisu is even tastier!"
We also recommend a quick strudel with apples from Yulia Vysotskaya.
Ingredients:(For 5 people)
Mascarpone 400 g
Biscuit cookies 300 g
Chicken egg 5 pcs.
Powdered sugar 0.5 tbsp.
Espresso coffee 250 ml
Cognac 2 tbsp
Cocoa powder 2 tsp
Step by step recipe Homemade classic tiramisu cake from Yulia Vysotskaya with photo
1. Separate the yolks from the proteins.
2. Beat the yolks with powdered sugar, after they increase in size, add cheese in "mascarpone" and mix.
3. Beat the whites into foam, then add what was prepared above, and mix gently.

4. Soak the biscuit pieces with a mixed mixture of cognac and brewed coffee.

5. We spread the first layer of biscuit in a bowl, then a layer of cheese with yolks and powder, then again a biscuit, and finish everything with a layer of cream.
6. Cut the tiramisu into pieces.
7. Put in the refrigerator for several hours.
8. Sprinkle with cocoa powder right before serving.

The classic recipe for making a tiramisu biscuit is very simple and does not require special products. To prepare it you will need:

6 egg yolks
- 6 egg whites
- 40 grams of powdered sugar
- 100 grams of granulated sugar
- 120 grams of flour

Using a mixer, beat the chilled proteins into a dense creamy foam, sugar and yolks previously beaten with powdered sugar are added to the whipped mass in a thin stream. When the mass acquires a dense consistency, flour is carefully introduced into it, without stopping whipping the dough.

A layer is laid out on a preheated and buttered baking sheet. parchment paper. On greased paper in strips, 6-8 cm wide, dough is laid out from a culinary syringe with very large gaps between the strips. The dough is sprinkled on top vanilla sugar mixed with powdered sugar.

The biscuit is placed in an oven preheated to 160 degrees and baked for 6-10 minutes. After the surface of the biscuit is covered with a golden crust, the oven is turned off and with the oven door ajar, the biscuit is aged for 10-15 minutes.

After this time, the resulting strips are removed from the baking sheet, cooled and you can cook tiramisu from them.