Desserts with gelatin and sour cream. Delicious sour cream jelly with gelatin: the best recipes, cooking features and reviews.

The history of jelly dates back several centuries, although it is used in food in large quantities became only at the beginning of the 20th century. Previously, gelatin was obtained from digested residues. meat products. Only by the end of the 19th century, its production was put on a "big foot": they began to make delicious desserts, one of which was sour cream jelly. The popularity of the dish was facilitated by bright advertising with photos of famous actresses. Today different kinds of this sweetness are present on the most exquisite holiday tables.

Unusual and very similar to our favorite ice cream since childhood is a delicacy made with sour cream. Let's talk about how it can be prepared.

This recipe can be made based on simple and inexpensive ingredients. For jelly with sour cream, you need to take:

  • sour cream of any fat content,
  • gelatin (preferably quickly soluble),
  • sugar.

The quantity and ratio is not so important: each person who implements the recipe himself can choose the taste of the future sweetness by tasting it before putting it in the refrigerator. Gelatin should be taken at the rate of 20 grams per 400 grams of sour cream.

To make sour cream jelly, gelatin must be poured into a glass warm water. Put sugar in sour cream and mix thoroughly so that no grains remain. Then we combine both prepared mixtures and mix thoroughly. All food ingredients must be room temperature. Pour the mass into molds and put in the refrigerator to harden.

Optionally, you can add a little cocoa to the recipe to make chocolate jelly with sour cream.

In a simple recipe for making sour cream jelly, you can add berries or fruits. Strawberries are the best for this.

For half a liter of low-fat sour cream, you should take:

  • 0.2 kg fresh strawberries,
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 45 grams of gelatin.

Gelatin should be poured with water, and sour cream mixed with sugar, then combine both mixtures. Strawberries clean, wash and cut into pieces. Arrange strawberries and sour cream in alternating layers in a bowl.

This recipe is not difficult to prepare, but it can easily replace store-bought ice cream in summer heat. Its biggest advantage is exclusively natural ingredients.

Let's add cottage cheese

To prepare this recipe, you will need to take:

  • 0.25 kg of cottage cheese and sour cream;
  • 0.1 kg of sugar;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Gelatin should be poured with milk and left to swell for an hour. Then heat up and add vanilla. Mix sour cream thoroughly with the milk mixture.

Now let's get to the curd. It must be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of lumps. After that, homogeneous curd mass mix with sour cream. Divide contents into molds and refrigerate. Top with nuts or chocolate chips.

Features of the preparation of sour cream jelly

The recipe for this sour cream jelly is simple and accessible to any hostess. This dish in any situation looks festive and elegant, as seen in the photo. However, to prepare a really delicious dessert, follow these rules.

Cooked sour cream jelly likes its original delicate taste. Thanks to the original appearance Dessert will decorate any festive table. For girls who are watching their weight, it will be useful to know that this yummy does not have a high calorie content. You can use in cooking not only homemade, but also a store-bought low-fat version. Consider a few simple recipes this dessert.

Features of making sour cream jelly at home

To make the dessert not only tasty, but also attractive in appearance, you need to know some culinary secrets:

  1. The speed of whipping directly depends on the fat content of sour cream. And the smaller it is, the better. That is why you can safely buy a store-bought fermented milk product;
  2. In order for the ingredients to quickly combine in homogeneous mass, it is necessary to use products at room temperature, so take everything out of the refrigerator in advance;
  3. For whipping, it is best to use a mixer or blender. V last resort, a regular whisk will do;
  4. The gelatin used must first be soaked in liquid. You can take agar-agar, which greatly simplifies the cooking process.

How to make sour cream jelly with cocoa at home?

The combination of dark and white layer makes the dessert very eye-catching. The taste of cocoa makes the dessert very tasty. Many catering establishments offer similar treats.

For sour cream jelly, you should prepare such a set of products: 0.5 l sour cream, 1 s. a spoonful of coffee, 25 g of gelatin, 2 pinches of cocoa, 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, vanillin to taste and water.


  1. Gelatin pour 1 tbsp. warm water and leave it for half an hour. Separately brew coffee, leave it to brew for a while, and then strain;
  2. Divide the swollen gelatin into equal parts. Put vanilla in one part, and pour coffee into the second. Add cocoa and a little sugar to the coffee part. Mix everything, put on the stove and stir constantly so that the components are combined. It is important not to bring to a boil, as the gelling properties will be lost;
  3. Beat sour cream with the rest of the sugar and divide the resulting mass into equal parts. Add coffee to one and mix well. Put gelatin with vanilla in another part of the product;
  4. Take a glass form of a small volume and put there first a dark mass, and then a light one, or vice versa. Put everything in the cold for an hour, and then, dip the container in boiling water for a few seconds and turn the mold over onto a flat dish, removing the dessert. Garnish with mint leaves, berries and fruits.

Recipe for sour cream jelly at home with a berry layer

Cooking process sour cream dessert very light and anyone can handle it. The perfect dessert for children, because the composition does not include any harmful substances. Be sure to prepare such a delicious treat for your children.

For cooking, you should take such a set of products: 25 g gelatin, 800 g sour cream, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, cherry and strawberry jelly, strawberry syrup and citric acid.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Pour two types of jelly into different containers and pour boiling water over them. Mix well to break up lumps and dissolve grains;
  2. Put the prepared gelatin in a saucepan, pour 1 tbsp. water and put on a minimum fire. Stir to dissolve everything. Add granulated sugar, a pinch citric acid and mix everything well. Turn off the heat so that the mixture does not boil;
  3. Put sour cream to the cooled jelly mass and beat everything well with a blender or mixer. After that, divide everything into equal parts and pour syrup into one of them;
  4. Pour 1/3 prepared molds with sour cream and place in freezer for 10 min. After the time has elapsed, pour in either strawberry or cherry jelly and put it back in the freezer. It remains only to lay out the sour cream part with syrup, and refrigerate until completely solidified.

How to cook sour cream jelly with cottage cheese?

The dessert prepared according to this recipe is dense, and the dessert itself is hearty. It is important to have a blender or you will have to manually grind everything through a sieve to remove lumps and achieve uniformity.

For sour cream jelly, you should prepare such a list of products: 255 g of cottage cheese and sour cream, 100 g of granulated sugar, 30 g vanilla sugar, 200 ml of water and 20 g of gelatin.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Again, start cooking by soaking the gelatin in milk. Leave for an hour, and then put on a minimum fire, and, stirring constantly, dissolve everything;
  2. Add vanilla and regular sugar there, and then mix until smooth;
  3. It's time to put sour cream and use a blender to beat everything until smooth. Cottage cheese also chop or wipe through a sieve, and then put to the sour cream mass. Pour into molds and refrigerate until completely set.

How to make Broken Glass Sour Cream Cake?

According to this recipe, you can cook a delicious dessert that will decorate any festive table and both kids and adults will love it. It attracts everyone not only with its taste, but also with its original appearance.

For this recipe, you should prepare such products: 3 packs of jelly of different colors, a bag of vanilla sugar, 0.5 kg of sour cream 15%, a bag of gelatin, 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and 150 ml of milk.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. According to the instructions on the packages, dilute three types of prepared jelly. And pour it into different shallow containers. Put everything in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Then, hold the containers for a while over hot water and cut the jelly into cubes;
  2. Dissolve gelatin in 100 ml of water and leave to swell for a while. Put it on minimum heat and dissolve, but do not bring to a boil;
  3. Put vanilla and regular sugar in sour cream and mix everything well. Pour in the cooled gelatin and stir. To get rid of lumps, put everything on the stove, pour in the milk and heat well. Stir to achieve a uniform consistency. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise it will not harden;
  4. Put multi-colored jelly cubes in one wide or portioned container and pour everything on top with sour cream. Leave in the refrigerator until cold. If you used a large container, then it is worth lowering it into boiling water so that it is easier to turn it over onto a flat dish and get a cake.

How to make sour cream jelly with fruits?

According to this recipe, you can cook a really healthy dessert that adherents love. proper nutrition and, of course, children. You can use both fatty and low-calorie fermented milk product.

For this jelly recipe, you should take such products: 0.5 kg sour cream, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, banana, apple, pear, 90 g of prunes and walnuts, 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin and berries.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Gelatin pour 0.5 tbsp. cold water and leave for 25 min. Remove seeds from apples and pears and chop small cube. Chop the banana the same way. Rinse prunes and chop into strips;
  2. Beat sour cream with a blender, adding sour cream in portions to it. Peel and grind nuts in a mortar or coffee grinder;
  3. Put the swollen gelatin on a minimum fire and dissolve it. It is important not to boil. Pour the gelatin into the sour cream and mix everything well. Add fruits one at a time, stirring. At the end, put the nuts;
  4. Spread the prepared mass into molds, decorate with berries on top and refrigerate until completely solidified.

Now you know a few different recipes how to cook a delicious and healthy dessert at home. You can use these recipes as a base to experiment with your favorite ingredients.

Since childhood, we all love light and tasty desserts. home cooking. Therefore, it is unlikely that any of you will refuse jelly with sour cream. You will learn the recipe with gelatin by reading today's article.

It should be noted that this inexpensive delicacy is prepared from simple and affordable products, most of which are almost always stored in every kitchen. To create delicious healthy dessert it is desirable to use only high-quality and fresh ingredients. It is based on gelatin, sugar and sour cream. The latter should not be too acidic. As for its fat content, there are no special requirements here.

Instead of granulated sugar or powder, artificial or natural substitutes can be added to the diet with gelatin. To slightly diversify the taste of the finished dessert, you can additionally put coconut flakes, any chopped nuts, milk, cocoa, chocolate, berries or pieces of fruit into it. For a delightful fragrance experienced chefs zest, essences, syrups, cinnamon or vanillin are introduced into the composition of such a delicacy.

Classic variant

It should be noted that the traditional (gelatin recipe will be discussed later) is prepared with the addition of vanillin. It can be used as a separate delicacy, or can be used as a filler for various cakes and pastries. Before starting the process, be sure to make sure that your kitchen has everything necessary products. You should have at your disposal:

  • Four hundred grams of fresh sour cream.
  • Two tablespoons of gelatin
  • One hundred grams of powdered sugar.

To make a delicious and light sour cream jelly with gelatin, the above list of ingredients should be slightly expanded. Additionally, fifty milliliters of water and a bag of vanilla sugar are added to it. By the way, the last component can be replaced with a pure extract or essence.

Cooking technology

In one bowl, water is combined with gelatin and set aside for thirty minutes. After this time, the container filled with swollen mass is sent to water bath and try to melt all the small particles.

In a separate clean bowl, mix sour cream, vanilla and powdered sugar. All are well beaten with a conventional whisk until the smallest grains are completely dissolved. As a result, you should get a fairly liquid mass. At the next stage, gelatin is gradually poured into it, without ceasing to work with a whisk. The container with the resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator. Four hours later, a well-frozen sour cream jelly with gelatin, the recipe of which we are considering in today's publication, is decorated coconut flakes, fresh berries, slices of fruit or whipped cream and serve.

fruit variant

This recipe is slightly different from the traditional one. To prepare such a dessert, you will need a slightly different set of ingredients. Before you get started, make sure you have everything you need on hand. V this case Your kitchen should have:

  • Half a kilo of fat sour cream.
  • Twenty grams of gelatin.
  • One banana and one kiwi.
  • 250 grams of brown sugar.
  • Half an orange.
  • One hundred grams of strawberries.

If desired, a third of a teaspoon of vanilla extract can be added to sour cream jelly with fruit with gelatin.

Process description

First you need to do gelatin. It is poured with a third glass of warm water and left for about one hour. During this time, he will have time to swell well.

Sugar and vanillin extract are sent to a deep container filled with chilled sour cream. All thoroughly beat with a mixer until the grains are completely dissolved.

Pre-washed and peeled fruits are cut into small pieces. Strawberries, freed from stalks, are divided in half. Too much large berries cut into four pieces.

Dishes with swollen gelatin are placed on the stove, brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. The heated mass is gradually poured into sour cream and mixed well. After that, slices of banana, kiwi and strawberries are sent to the same container. Almost ready jelly from sour cream with gelatin is laid out in bowls, covered cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After two hours, dessert can be served at the table.

Nut variant

This recipe is interesting because it contains ground almonds. So that later you do not have to interrupt the cooking process and search for missing components, be sure to check in advance whether your kitchen cabinets have everything you need. Your arsenal should include:

  • Half a liter of sour cream.
  • 150 grams of sugar.
  • Half a cup of toasted almonds.
  • Gelatin bag.
  • Half a glass of milk.

First you need to deal with gelatin. It is poured with milk and briefly set aside. After the granules swell, the saucepan is sent to the stove and heated, not forgetting to stir constantly. You don't need to boil the gelatin. It is important that it is completely dissolved in milk.

Pour sugar into a bowl filled with sour cream and beat thoroughly with a mixer. At the end, gelatin is gradually poured into the resulting mass. After that, almonds, pre-crushed in a coffee grinder, are added to the dessert base and mixed well.

The resulting mixture is poured into bowls or molds and sent to the refrigerator. A few hours later, completely frozen sour cream jelly with gelatin and nuts is served at the table.

Dieting women are probably puzzling over what would be so delicious to eat without harming their waists. Our sour cream jelly recipes will be the perfect solution for all adherents diet food: they are incredibly tasty, but at the same time completely non-caloric. In addition, gelatin, which is the main component of this dessert, contains a lot useful substances and amino acids needed by our body.

By the way, nutritionists advise just such recipes to choose from the entire range of “sweets”. On the one hand, you seem to allow yourself a little indulgence in the diet, and on the other hand, this liberty will not result in extra centimeters.

Jelly's popularity secret

  • The glycine contained in its composition has a positive effect on the restoration of damaged tissues, joints and cartilage.
  • Substances present in gelatin are excellent remedy for the prevention of arthritis.
  • These same components provide beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
  • And finally, the preparation of this dish does not take much time and even the most inexperienced hostess succeeds perfectly.

Sour cream jelly, all the secrets of which we will master today, is classic version of this dessert, known to more than one generation of chefs. We will also tell you about some of the most interesting modern interpretations of the dish, which can be served instead of traditional cakes and high-calorie buns. Well, hostesses, put on aprons and go to the kitchen!

Jelly “Trio”


  • — 0.5 l + -
  • Edible gelatin - 15 g + -
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 150 g + -
  • Dry jelly mix- 1 package + -


Delicate, airy and with an intriguing taste, this treat will serve as the very “icing on the cake” that will raise your festive dinner to the level of art!

1. Pour sour cream into a deep container and add sugar. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly.

2. Pour gelatin granules with half a glass hot water and let stand for ten minutes so that they swell.

3. Dissolve a sachet of jelly with water according to the instructions on the package. You can take any gelatinous mass, but it would be preferable to choose fruit jelly with a sour taste - the combination of sour cream sweetness and fruity freshness is very successful!

4. Pour the gelatin mixture into the sour cream in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

5. Fill with the resulting white mass tall glasses or kremanki about one third and put in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes. Try to calculate the amount of the mixture so that after this stage you still have about half of the sour cream composition.

6. In the rest, mix cocoa and pour over the first (already frozen, of course) layer. Refrigerate again.

7. Well final stage: fill the containers as the third layer fruit jelly and let the mixture dry completely.

This dessert, in addition to excellent taste characteristics, also looks great, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by your relatives and guests!

Jelly “Blueberry Nights”


  • Blueberries frozen— 350 g + -
  • - 300 g + -
  • Gelatin - 3 tsp + -
  • quarter glass+ -
  • — 400 ml + -
  • quarter glass+ -


Light and unbanal, this dish, in addition to other advantages, contains great amount vitamins that will support the immune system during beriberi. This sour cream jelly recipe is certainly not a classic jelly option and is more like a mousse in consistency, but, nevertheless, it is always perceived with a bang!

1. Pour gelatin with cold water.

2. Mix the berries with sour cream and place in a blender bowl, where we bring the mass to a puree state.

3. Pour the cream into a saucepan, pour it into sugar there and bring to a boil over low heat.

4. We introduce swollen gelatin into the creamy mixture and mix well until it dissolves. Let the mixture cool down to at least room temperature.

5. Add the composition of cream and gelatin to the berry puree, mix all the components of the jelly thoroughly.

6. Pour everything into beautiful bowls and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Ready! Before serving, you can decorate the treat with mint leaves and a couple of blueberries - this will only add points to this already amazing dessert!

Jelly “Fruit Tango”


  • — 0.5 l + -
  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • Strawberries frozen- 150 g + -
  • Bananas - 2 fruits + -
The simplest and "lazy" cream - it's sour cream. It is prepared with almost one "stroke" of the mixer. Besides you just in preparation, the cream has two more positive qualities. Firstly, in the sour cream of which it consists, there are many different itamines and useful items. Secondly, this cream is low-calorie and dietary, unlike many other creams.

The standard version of such a cream consists of only two ingredients - sour cream and sugar or powdered sugar. Sometimes, when purchasing sour cream for a future cream, especially in bags, we find that it has insufficient density. We don’t have time or desire to wait for sour cream to “hang out”. Then we pick up gelatin and correct the situation. Gelatin, by the way, is also very useful, especially for our joints.

With cream of sour cream and gelatin, you can not only impregnate cake layers, but also make very beautiful and tasty ones out of it. desserts. These are the useful components I want to tell you about.

I will share with you not only traditional way making sour cream, but I will also tell you how you can diversify it.

Sour cream for cream preparation should have a fat content of at least 25%.

Basic recipe for Sour cream with gelatin

Replace sugar whenever possible powdered sugar. Then the cream will whip up faster and be more tender.
For its preparation it is necessary:

  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • gelatin - 5 g or 1 tsp;
  • milk or water - 100 g;
  • sugar - 100 g or 50 g of powder.

We will also need: mixer and utensils for whipping.
Cooking time: 30 minutes.
Servings: one.

The cream is ready. Ready cream is better use immediately before the gelatin begins to set.

Cream options

Taste basic recipe sour cream can be embellished with flavoring additives. They can be both natural and artificial. I offer you several such options.

Cream of sour cream with lemon

  • sour cream - 1 serving;
  • medium lemon - 1 pc.

My lemon. We are filming fine grater from it zest to white pulp. Squeeze two tablespoons of juice from half a lemon. Mix the juice and zest with the finished cream.

In the same way, an orange is used instead of a lemon.

Sour cream with strawberries or other berries

  • sour cream -1 portion;
  • strawberries - 100 g;
  • starch - 1 tsp

Strawberries or other berries grind through a strainer so that there are no seeds and peel. If you are using frozen berries, then you must first defrost them and allow excess liquid to drain.

Grind with starch. We put in ready cream. We mix everything well.

  • ready-made cream - 1 serving;
  • medium banana - 1 pc.

Soft ripe banana crush with a masher or fork in mashed potatoes.
Connecting banana puree and sour cream. We mix.

  • ready-made cream - 1 serving;
  • essence - 2-3 drops.

Pour into sour cream with gelatin 2-3 drops desired essence. Mix well.

Do not abuse the essence, otherwise the cream will taste bitter and have a bitter taste.

Cream of sour cream and condensed milk

  • sour cream - 1 serving;
  • condensed milk - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Everything is simple here.
Whisk condensed milk with ready-made sour cream-gelatin cream.

You may be interested in how else you can cook.

Chocolate cream with sour cream

  • ready-made cream - 1 serving;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.

Cocoa powder must first be sieved.
We add it to the cream. Mix into a homogeneous mass.

Instead of cocoa, you can add dry instant coffee.

Cream soufflé of sour cream with gelatin

For this you need to take 2-2.5 teaspoons gelatin.
And then do everything as described in the basic recipe.

Such a cream impregnates cakes much worse. It is more often used for filling the top of cakes or filling sand baskets.

Cream recipe video

You can learn more about the preparation of Sour cream from the video:

Now, knowing the basic basics of how to make, you will be able to prepare many delicacies for your family.