Lenten yeast-free dough. Lenten dough "Dumplings custard". How to cook lean dough.

In fasting, you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh pastries. They also say - "the hut is red with pies." Who doesn't know this saying? After all, guests also visit each other during fasting. So why not prepare lenten meals for their arrival. delicious pies?

Lean yeast dough for pies

From such a dough, pies can be baked in the oven and in a pan, frying them in vegetable oil.

In a large enameled bowl, put three cups of flour, a glass of warm water (you can replace soy milk), a bag of dry yeast, 3-4 large spoons of vegetable oil, salt - two or three pinches and two tablespoons of sugar. Knead elastic dough. If there is not enough flour, add more. The dough should come out well from your hands. Cover it with a clean cloth in a bowl.

Glutathione is also found in active dry yeast, which is why home bakers usually have softer doughs than professional bakers because active dry yeast is generally all that is available to home bakers. Dry milk solids may still have glutathione in it, so this may not be such an easy alternative.

Remember that yeast is killed over 140 degrees so you can't boil yeast to destroy glutathione. Particles - Anything that is added to the dough physically interferes with the development of gluten. This includes bran, fruits and spices. Precipitation during the baking process has the opposite effect.

Let's rise in the warmth, crush. Now you can start cutting the finished pies. If you decide to cook them in the oven, you should put the products on a sheet greased with vegetable oil and let them stand a little, become more magnificent before you put the baking sheet in the oven.

Lenten yeast-free dough for pies

Another variant lean test for pies - without yeast. Such a dough is prepared much faster than yeast. And you can fry pies from it literally immediately after kneading it.

Also, you need to pour two glasses of water into the bowl, add a teaspoon without top baking soda, two pinches of salt, a spoonful of sugar, three tablespoons of vegetable oil. You need enough flour to make the dough elastic. Kneaded? Now you can cut it into pieces, roll them out, dusting the dough with flour and pinch the edges, putting the filling inside. Then fry like ordinary pies in vegetable oil in a pan. Do not forget that first you put the pies in the oil with the seam down, and then, when the bottom of the pies is fried, you can turn them over and fry on the other side.

Since fermentation is much more dramatic during the baking process, the stretching and thinning of the gluten actually weakens it, which softens the product. Once the dough has formed to its final shape, it rests for a much shorter time than bulk fermentation. This is to allow the gluten, which has been stretched from all the kneading and shaping, to relax. When they are relaxed, they are more inclined to assume the form they are in. You can't see this in raw dough, but if you bake the dough immediately after shaping it, the dough will likely warp or stretch back into the shape it was in before you shaped it into its final shape.

A separate word about the filling

With what just do not cook in the oven or fried! Unsweetened can be prepared with mushrooms, potatoes, peas, cabbage, carrots, rice and green onions.

Sweet pies are prepared in fasting with berries, chopped fruits and sprinkled with sugar, jam, rhubarb, sorrel, fruit puree, with dried fruits, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, nuts twisted with sugar. This is how varied and tasty you can cook in the post.

Depending on the type of test depends on where it is located. Dough that relies on fat for texture - such as cake or puff pastry, - will rest against the refrigerator. Doughs using yeast for fermentation and flavoring will room temperature or warmer. Remember, although this rest period was not specifically for fermentation - it was earlier in the process - this time the purpose is strictly for rest or relaxation of the dough.

This method is for making pie crust, adding toppings, and baking. If you're looking for how to make and pre-bake a pie crust, check out how to make a pie. Always refrigerate fat and liquid before starting. This prevents bits of fat from getting into the flour.

Outside great post and if you decide to fast, you need to follow its rules by eating lean food, but at the same time, sometimes you really want something tasty, some kind of baking, so much so that you just can’t take it with you. What to do? First of all, do not bring yourself to the point where even in a dream you begin to dream of mouth-watering buns and pies. Even though most of our favorite sweets are banned in fasting, this does not mean at all that you need to give up baking altogether. Do not sacrifice yourself, fasting is a voluntary and conscious abstinence from the main habitual products, but in no way a hunger strike and not self-torture.

Pour in the chilled butter, or shorten into the dry mixture using cookies or by squeezing the fat into the mixture with your hands. You can also use a food processor: Flour with half cut until it becomes a texture cornmeal. Add remaining shortening or butter and pulse until it is about the size of small peas.

  • Mix flour, salt and sugar together in a large bowl.
  • Turn the mixture into a bowl.
Add chilled water one tablespoon at a time, mixing gently with a fork after each addition.

You should be able to gently press the dough into a ball. Handle the dough as little as possible; Overwork will make it tough. Drink the dough into balls, flatten them slightly and wrap them in plastic wrap. This allows the flour to absorb all the liquid, allows the body to relax and become more elastic, and keeps the fat in separate chunks, which will give the crust a lighter texture as it bakes. The dough should rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. . Generous dust clean, dry surface with flour; Remove and unwrap one of the dough disks from the refrigerator.

During the fasting period, you can cook and delicious bread, and magnificent pies and pies, and wonderful buns, cheesecakes, pies, pasties, dumplings ... One condition is that all this must be cooked on lean dough, which, as you know, does not contain eggs, milk and butter. But believe me, the dough, which can be mixed with water and soda or with yeast, makes excellent pastries. And tasty, and healthy, and no remorse.

Flatten the dough lightly with your hands and flour the dough thoroughly before rolling the dough with a rolling pin. If you're a beginner pie maker or prefer an easier cleanup, you can roll the dough out between sheets of waxed paper. Start rolling in the center of the dough and work outward. . Working quickly, roll the dough into a ¼ inch or thinner circle.

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When you roll it up, lift the edge or move the dough so it doesn't stick to the rack. The dough round should be two to four inches wider in diameter than your brownie.

  • Add flour as needed.
  • Use dry biscuits to sweep away excess flour.
Gently fold the dough in half and then into quarters.

There are several types of lean test. it unleavened dough, and puff, and yeast. cook lean dough not difficult at all, but some of its features need to be borne in mind. Due to the lack of baking, this dough rises faster, so you should not leave it unattended for a long time. Products from lean dough are baked much faster than rich ones, and they get stale very quickly, so you need to store them in a plastic bag, previously wrapped in a linen towel. It is not necessary to tie the package, it is advisable to leave it open.

If that seems too fragile to fold, try another baker's trick: roll the pie crust around the jump rope and spread it across the pie plate. Carefully lift it up and place it on the cardboard table so that the center point of the dough is in the center of the pan.

Unroll the dough, allowing the weight of the dough to dissolve into the bottom and sides of the pan. Without stretching the dough, press the cookies into the pan with your fingertips. Use kitchen shears or a trimming knife to cut the pastry to about a half-inch overhang. Save the snippets; you can use them to spread over thin areas of bark when you are chasing the edges.

Yeast dough

1 kg flour
2 stack water,
150 g vegetable oil,
2 tsp Sahara,
40 g yeast
salt - to taste.

Add salt, yeast and sugar to a bowl of warm water. Stir until the yeast is completely dissolved in the water. Add beaten yeast to flour and pour vegetable oil. Knead the dough and leave it for 1 hour in a warm place to rise. When it rises, punch it down and repeat this procedure again. The dough is ready. Form products from it and bake.

If you are making a one-crust pie, fold the pastry underneath on the flat edge of the pie plate. Turn the edges of the crust inside out, cover loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before baking. For a two-crust or trellis pie, chill the bottom crust while you roll the top crust.

  • Transfer the top bark to parchment or waxed paper tape.
  • Cover loosely with plastic and refrigerate while you prepare the filling.
Once the cake has loaded, fill the top crust on top.

Cut off the vents sharp knife for cutting, or use a fork to prick a decorative pattern into the top bark. Small cookie cutters are especially nice when baking apple pies: they need to be well ventilated so that the crust does not appear as a hard dome over the boiled fruit.

  • Trim it to leave a half-inch ledge.
  • Fold the dough underneath and fry to form a seal.
Lattice tops, decorative top crusts made with cut out shapes, braided edges and other artistic touches, expose the cake.

Yeast dough with vodka

4 stack flour,
1.5 stack. water,
2 tbsp vodka,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
100 g melted lean margarine
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
1 sachet of dry yeast.

Pour water and vodka into the sifted flour, then vegetable oil and melted margarine, add salt, sugar and yeast. Knead a thin dough and leave it warm. To prepare chebureks, the dough should stand in a warm place for 1 hour, and to prepare pizza, it will take 3 hours.

Use mini cookie cutters to make cutouts from additional test; clean the cutouts with water to help them stand up. When it comes to pies, practice makes perfect. Here are some tips and tricks for the perfect pie crust, from rolling to freezing to some creative edging! Are you ready to become a pro?

Flour: For a softer crust, choose a low-protein flour. Confectionery flour, with a protein content of about 8-10%, is part of the multi-purpose flour and cake flour. All-purpose flour is great for pie crust, while pie flour may not have enough protein to form a working, elastic dough.

Yeast custard dough

1 kg flour
3 stack. water,
1.5 stack. Sahara,
150 g vegetable oil,
100 g lean margarine
100 g regular yeast (or 1 sachet dry),
salt - to taste.

First, boil water with sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Cool to fresh milk temperature and add margarine and yeast. Gradually adding the sifted flour, knead a thin dough. It is advisable to knead the dough for at least 30-45 minutes. Then put the dough in the refrigerator for 3 hours. From this dough, you can bake buns without filling, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon, vanilla and cocoa, and buns with sweet and savory fillings. If the filling is supposed to be unsweetened, add less sugar to the dough.

Depending on your tastes and recipe, you can substitute wholemeal flour or wholemeal flour. wheat flour for part of the mixture. If you're a beginner bark maker, start with a simple all-purpose or dough-based dough. Fat: Crust flakes can be made from various fats: butter, lard, shortening, duck fat, vegetable oil, or nut oils.

Crusts made with all butter are very fragrant, although they tend not to be as flaky as crusts made with shortening or lard. Some butchers or farmers' market stands may sell fresh lace lard. Some of the best crust cakes are made using a combination of fats: half butter, for flavor, and half cut or lard, for flaking. Mince crisps use melted butter or butter for fat, resulting in more soft dough, which bakes into a thin textured crisp. Liquid: ice water, fruit juices, egg yolks, sour cream, milk or cream add a variety of flavors and textures to your pie crust.

Yeast cold dough for chebureks

1 kg flour
300 ml cold water,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 sachet dry yeast
a pinch of salt.

Add yeast, salt, sugar, water to the flour and knead the dough with a density, like dumplings. Ready dough covered, put in the refrigerator. You can start cooking chebureks after 2-3 hours, but it is better for the dough to stand in the refrigerator overnight. This dough can be kept in the refrigerator for several days (it will make it even better), so you can take some part and save the rest for later.

When adding liquid to the flour and fat mixture, it should be ice cold to keep the pieces of fat cool and separate. Humidity can affect dough performance, so you may need less liquid than the recipe calls for. If your dough gets too wet, you need to add more flour to roll out the crust, throwing out your ratio and resulting in a tough crust. A little acid-vinegar Or lemon juice- helps to soften the dough and prevents its oxidation. Always add a liquid tablespoon at a time, tossing up the flour mixture. . Salt: Remember to add a pinch of salt to improve the flavor of your crust.

Puff yeast dough

Ingredients: the same as in recipe #1.

Prepare the yeast dough, knead it well and leave it warm for 1-1.5 hours. When the dough has risen, punch it down once, then again. Roll out the resulting dough in a very thin layer, brush with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sugar and fold in the form of an envelope. Repeat these steps 4 times. Sprinkle the dough with flour. Puff pastry is ready for further use. Using molds, cut out buns of various shapes or cut the dough into bundles with a sharp knife and twist buns out of them in the form of rings or ropes.

For a sweet crust, add a tablespoon or two of sugar from confectionery. Other additions: Wheat germ, a pinch of spices, a dash of flavored liquor or cold brew-coffee are all good addition to the pie crusts. Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 40 minutes Cooking Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 1 hour Skill Level: Easy Rush Cost: Cheap as chips. Granulated sugar can make the dough sticky and harder to work with. . If you're looking for a healthier version of the traditional chicken pie, Joe Wicks chicken pie- this is exactly the dish you should be making - and it's so delicious!

Sweet yeast dough (monastery recipe)

900 g flour
2.5 stack. water,
⅓stack vegetable oil,
¼ pack fresh pressed yeast
½ stack Sahara,
1 tsp dry hop cones,
½ tsp salt.

First prepare the hop infusion. To do this, pour the hops with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then strain and add 1 tsp to the infusion. granulated sugar. Prepare the dough: dilute the yeast in half a glass of warm water, add 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. flour, mix well and let rise for 20-30 minutes. Pour the hop infusion into a deep bowl, add a glass of warm water, salt, the remaining sugar, the dough that came up and flour. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Gradually pour in vegetable oil and mix it into the dough. Dust a work surface with flour, place the dough on it and knead well. From ready dough form into a ball and let rise for 1.5 hours or until almost double in size. From this dough you can make many small pies with different fillings, large open pie with jam or roll. Before baking, let the products rest on a baking sheet until they have almost doubled in volume. After baking, brush warm pies with vegetable oil.

Joe Wicks says: If you love chicken pie, this recipe won't disappoint. Plus, it has cream and butter in it, so you know it's going to be incredibly delicious. Add the leeks and mushrooms and sauté for 2-3 minutes until they begin to soften. Turn the heat up to the max, add chicken pieces and fry for another 2 minutes - the chicken will not be cooked at this stage - then pour chicken bouillon and let her approach the simulator. Meanwhile, mix the corn chips with 2 tablespoons of water until smooth, then pour into the pan along with the cream. Return to a boil, stirring gently and cook until the sauce thickens. Set some aside to cool down a bit. Take a filo sheet and roughly crumple it in your hands - there is no right or wrong method! Lay the crumpled filo on top. chicken stuffing into the pie pie and repeat with the remaining phyllo leaves. Drink the dough with olive oil, then bake the cake for about 20 minutes, by which time the filo will have been cut and turned golden brown in places. Raise your cake with fresh lettuce or some vegetables. Pour the oil into a large skillet over medium heat. . Apple season is fast approaching and it seems that in some orchards the season is weeks ahead.

yeast dough for savory pastries(recipe from Richard Bertinet)

500 g wheat flour,
320 ml of water
20 g semolina,
50 g olive oil,
15 g fresh pressed yeast
1 tsp salt.

Mix flour with semolina and sift into a deep bowl. Use your fingertips to rub the yeast into the flour with semolina until fine crumbs form. Then add olive (vegetable oil), salt, and warm water. Knead the dough with a scraper, then turn it out onto a work surface and knead until smooth. Try not to add flour, excess flour will make the product dense and heavy. Soon the dough will be saturated with oxygen and stop sticking to your hands. Roll the finished dough into a ball and place in a warm place for 1 hour to rise.

Potato yeast dough
Products from it come out soft, tender. This dough is great for baking pies and pies with lean fillings.

2 stack wheat flour
100 g potatoes
20 g fresh yeast
1 tbsp Sahara,
a pinch of salt.

Pound the yeast with sugar and put in a warm place for 10 minutes. Mash boiled potatoes until cooked, be sure to save the broth. Add 150 ml of warm potato broth to the yeast, mashed potatoes, 2 tbsp. flour, mix and put in a warm place for 20 minutes. During this time, the dough should come up. Gradually stir in the flour and knead a soft dough. Cover it with a towel and leave it warm for 45 minutes. During this time, 2 times punch down the dough, which should increase in volume by 2 times.

unleavened dough

1 kg flour
250 ml of water
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt - to taste.

Sift the flour and pour warm water into it. Pour in salt and add oil. Knead the dough. Cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place for 15 minutes. Then roll out with a rolling pin, cover and leave for another 15 minutes. The dough is ready.

Custard yeast-free dough
The dough got its name thanks to not quite the usual way cooking.
This type of dough is perfectly molded, rolled and boiled. With it, you can cook not only wonderful lenten pies and pies, but also dumplings. The advantage of this type of dough is the variety of fillings in pies from a wide variety of fruits, since it is able to withstand even a wet filling, and after baking it becomes dense, but soft.

2 stack flour (with a slide),
1 stack boiling water,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp salt.

Pour the flour into a deep bowl. Pour vegetable oil into the center and add salt. Then slowly pour boiling water into the center of the hill, constantly stirring the flour with a spoon so that it brews evenly. Sprinkle a tablespoon of flour on the board, turn out the dough and knead it well with your hands. The dough before our eyes becomes supple and elastic, does not crumble, does not stick to the surface. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover it with a hot bowl and leave it alone for 1 hour, after which you can start cooking products from it.

Cold yeast-free dough

1 stack ice water,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt,
a pinch of sugar
a pinch of soda
flour - optional.

Pour a glass of cold water into a bowl, add oil, sugar, salt, soda. Gradually add flour and mix first with a spoon, and then with your hand until such a consistency that the dough does not stretch when trying to separate a small part, but immediately separates into a piece. Flour in the preparation of the dough every time goes away different amount, it depends, first of all, on the stickiness of the flour. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover with a warm bowl and leave for 30 minutes. Over time, the dough will become more elastic.

Lenten shortbread dough
This lean dough variation can be used for sweet or savory pastries, or as a base for savory pastries. open pies. If you add vanilla, orange or lemon peel, then an excellent cookie comes out of such a test. The finished cookies will need to be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

300 g wheat flour,
120 g vegetable margarine,
2 tbsp ice water.

Sift the flour twice, cut the margarine into cubes and add to the flour. Rub the margarine and flour with your hands until a homogeneous crumb is formed. Then add ice water and knead the dough. Put the finished dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then use as directed.

Fresh dough on mineral water

2.5 stack. wheat flour
250 ml carbonated mineral water,
2 tbsp refined vegetable oil
2 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

In the container where you will knead the dough, pour mineral water, add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly. Then sift the flour there and knead a thick dough so that it does not stick to your hands.

Pumpkin lean dough
This bright, amazing dough is great for lean steam pies or dumplings. The taste of pumpkin in the dough is practically not felt, although it acquires a slight sweetness. But this only adds a touch of piquancy to the finished dish.

400 g wheat flour,
300 g pumpkin puree,
½ tsp salt.

Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into pieces and bake in foil in the oven until soft. The main thing is that the pulp does not dry out, but remains juicy. Rub the prepared hot pumpkin pulp through a sieve until smooth puree (you can use a blender). In warm pumpkin puree add salt and sift flour. Knead the dough. The amount of flour can depend on both the quality of the flour and the juiciness of the pumpkin. The finished dough should be soft, plastic and not sticky to your hands. Put the finished dough immediately into plastic bag or wrap it in a towel so that it “rests” a little, and you yourself can start preparing the filling.

Swiss lean shortcrust pastry

2 stack wheat flour
125 ml cold water
125 ml refined sunflower oil,
½ tsp salt.

Sift the flour. In a blender bowl, combine ice water, vegetable oil and salt and beat this mass until a white fluffy foam forms. Pour in the flour and knead the dough. It turns out soft and elastic.

In fact, the usual lean dough is not so rustic as it seems at first glance. By choosing a recipe to your liking, from any type of lean dough you can cook dozens of delicious, nutritious, healthy meals, and how much original recipes you can think of, and you don't have to say.

Creative inspiration to you, successfully turned out dishes and bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina